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10095066 No.10095066 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever fantasize about your favorite touhou NTRing you?

I want to see Reimu fuck some other man while laughing about how small my penis is and how she loves black dick.

>> No.10095073

How beta do you have to be to enjoy NTR?

>> No.10095070

NTR is retarded.

>> No.10095078


Why do all the peasants these days like this shit?

>> No.10095084

Everyone enjoys NTR on a subconscious level. Deny it all you want, but you are living in denial.

>> No.10095090

your taste in touhous is shitty op

>> No.10095099
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I really have to wonder why anybody would want such a thing.

>> No.10095095

>and how she loves black dick.
you mean Sanae?

>> No.10095140
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Netori, yes, obviously. And whatever you call cheating in your insignificant other.

Netorare, no, I doubt it.

>> No.10095170
File: 1.28 MB, 1402x2016, 023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole "oh yeah he is fucking my girlfriend/lover/wife/childhood friend" would not sit well with most people, be it male or female.

Try to win her/him back? Yeah, I can see that. Watching her/him be taken away? No.

>> No.10095403

No, since I do not have the worst fetish ever.

>> No.10095526
File: 712 KB, 836x1200, 9264c388a74207ce6a0029a051b42787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to imagine me and a touhou are deeply in love. I always tell her how much I love her and how we'll always be together. How I want to raise a family with her and she's the love of my life. Once we get married and she's pregnant it feels like we're Adam and Eve and we're going to spend eternity together.

A week before we she gives birth we go to sleep holding hands and I kiss her while telling her how much I love her. When she wakes up I'm gone, I ditch her.

I leave her alone to raise the child as a single mother and always remember me and suffer as she sees our child's face while remembering the blissful days we spent together.

I find another touhou to trick into loving and repeat the process. I sometimes sneak and see how they're living. Sometimes the touhou mother ends her life after our child can take care of himself. Sometimes takes the life of our child and her own. Never do they recover and move on though.

>> No.10095659

He has shit taste in NTR too.

>laughing about how small my penis is and how she loves black dick.
This bullshit is like the mcdonald's of NTR. Every fucking NTR doujin does it when it's just as shitty and obvious as explaining the joke during the goddamn punchline. It amazes me how fucking bad people that focus on cuckold can be at cuckold. It makes me think that people who like this simply claim NTR for status just like the waifufags on /a/.

>> No.10095667

You NTR people truly are the worst.
Worse than Hitler.

>> No.10095668

Hitler was a saint your fucking faggot.

>> No.10095674

My NTR fantasy is for my waifu to be fucked by Hitler while he makes fun of my tiny Jew penis and I cry as I pass out from being gassed to death.

>> No.10095681
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Please don't bully the touhous

>> No.10095696

I'll bully your ass faggot

>> No.10095705 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 434 KB, 1200x1725, aoi_14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I share your fantasy, OP.

You're that guy from the Hibiki thread from yesterday, aren't you?

>> No.10095715

Fuck off with your spoilers.

>> No.10095731
File: 681 KB, 1093x1600, 401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy spends 400 pages making the main heroines fall in love with him, only to have them raped in a mass public orgy while a pro wrestler kicks his ass.

This, motherfucks, is what I live for.


>> No.10095750

I don't think about lewd things, that's more for normals.

>> No.10095770

Wasn't this animated? God damn it! You fucking spoiled it for me! I was hoping he at least fucks the wrestler's girl! Fuck you! I hope you die!

>> No.10095781


The animation is, unfortunately, very low quality when compared to the manga. Although it stays very true to it, I wish they would spend more than a month per episode.

I apologize for spoiling it for you.

>> No.10095793

>Wasn't this animated
No, it was made into a colored slideshow and then half buried in pixels.

>> No.10095945

A Touhou would never NTR you because no Touhou would be with you in the first place.

>> No.10096124
File: 81 KB, 960x540, 1352557351981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ouch, that hurt bro...

>> No.10096130

Haha, you rused him xD

>> No.10096540

oh my god that's horrible. She didn't even lose her virginity

>> No.10096569

I enjoy NTR, simply because it's some of the rare occurrences of the girl enjoying herself and being confident as opposed to a blabbering sobbing mess that keeps saying "no no not there if you do that" with tears in her eyes as in 95% of japanese-generated sexual content.

>> No.10098022


You're into assertive girls then?

That doesn't necessarily have to include NTR though.

>> No.10098053


>> No.10098100


Yeah but i have such a hard time getting my hands on them...

Trying to find yuri doujins where they're both confidant and just wanting to have fun is fastidious.

>> No.10100830


She wouldn't do that.

>> No.10100940
File: 701 KB, 708x1000, 005ec5f19a0c9b80f93af0c255648563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, my lowest fetish is to be completely humiliated and heartbroken by someone I'm madly in love with. I want to arrive at Satori's mansion with flowers and chocolate and find her being fucked by huge faceless men with gigantic cocks, she would star laughing at me and tell me I'm the most boring and lame man she has ever met, call me ugly, stupid and start telling the faceless men all the stuff I have talked to her about and how stupid and childish it was. I would just stay there crying unable to run because of my mental breakdown, after they finish fucking her the faceless men and Satori would start beating me and raping me.

>> No.10100950

I hope you all rot.

>> No.10101028
File: 94 KB, 640x472, Haters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10101033

Rinnosuke NTRing me...
Would not happen. Forget it.
