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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10093755 No.10093755 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think that allowing visual novel discussion on /vg/ has pretty much killed /jp/'s visual novel discussion?

>> No.10093764

No one wants to discuss visual novels with you people anymore

>> No.10093763

Visual novels are for babies.

>> No.10093768

No, that just means the /v/ types will stay away.

Now when will they make /ag/ for the "woop woop chuuni pillow-senpai" types who think they are allowed on /jp/?

>> No.10093774

I only discuss VNs on Futaba because /jp/ is full of retards who play translations or rely on machine translators.

>> No.10093776

No because one is discussing VNs with otaku the other is discussing VNs with weeaboos and "KS IS BEST VN" type of faggots.

>> No.10093782

Who the fuck even reads those things?
Fucking nerds, that's who. /jp/ is full of the coolest people around, and cool people don't read.

>> No.10093783

They do belong in /jp/ as long as light novels belong here. I think /a/ is more likely to read and discuss LNs than /jp/ is, why is it even /jp/ related?

>> No.10093786
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/jp/ is a long-running joke for NEETs to engage in, buster.

>> No.10093789

No, untranslated VNs still go here and I rarely ever play translated eroge.

>> No.10093806

People still unironically come to /jp/ for on-topic discussion?

>> No.10093803
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>> No.10093821

dark flameu master better fuck that bitch well soon else im not watching it anymore m8

>> No.10093827

Please die.

>> No.10093851

I went to /vg/ the other day to check out the vn general. While I was looking I saw the Katawa Shoujo thread. "Katawa Shoujo general #780". How the FUCK do you make seven hundred eighty threads about one visual novel? One single visual novel, and it's not like it gets updated ever like VH or anything, but these motherfuckers have talked about it for 780 threads.

I passed out and never found the vn general, I don't really want to anymore.

>> No.10093847

Please have /jp/ posters be autobanned if they post on /a/ or /v/. And any other boards while you're at it.

>> No.10093863

/vn/ - Visual Novels
/ln/ - Light Novels
/wb/ - Weeaboo
/ota/ - Otaku Culture
/jp/ - Japan/General/Ironic Shitposting

>> No.10093865

Lel, did newfag-kun actually buy into the "durp /jp/ hates subhuman /a/ and /v/ posters" joke? There's a reason that's always coupled with a picture of a literally obese guy. Anime manga and video games are all interconnected to otaku culture, so pretty much everyone here posts on those boards. That's sort of y'know, the joke.

>> No.10093868

Maybe we could add comment voting in too.

>> No.10093878

It's right here


>> No.10093893

>bat wings
>cat tail
>plastic triangles taped to her head
>not creative
>Blowjob sounds like someone eating cereal.
>Over this past month i have put 520 hours + into visual novels alone
>wanting children over women you can sink your hands in
>went to gamestop to order my vn but in all my spaghetti forgot it was localized and made a fool of myself in front of the solid 7/10 nerdy clerk
>burst into treats

>> No.10093918

I guess this proves /vg/ is just /v/ people. I don't know why some claim otherwise.

>> No.10093926

You don't need any proof beyond CRIPPLAN VNAN WAHAHAN WHATS HER DISABILITYAN general #999: TRIPS EDITION

>> No.10094324

At first I hated that /vg/ was stealing VN threads on the basis of /jp/ IS MEAN TO US WE DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT VNS THERE but then I realized it keeps the retarded flavor of the month anime VN readers out of /jp/.

All's good in the hood.

>> No.10094327

I miss the Yume Miru Kitsuri threads, though.

>> No.10094331


>> No.10094340

Drug in Japanese.

>> No.10094354
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Visual novels are an inane format anyway. They fail to captivate as both literature and video games. I'm glad there's a few more slots open on /jp/ for funny and creative threads rather than powerlevel/plothole wanking.

>> No.10094359

>funny and creative threads

>> No.10094360

It improved them because only retards from /a/ and /v/ would go there.

>> No.10094373

They stole our jrpg generals that's for sure.

>> No.10094375

Yeah, now that all those pesky VN threads are out of the way we're free to shitpost and blog.

>> No.10094385


Real /jp/ers are still here discussing their stuff, all the people from /a/ and /v/ have migrated to /vg/

>> No.10094401

You actually believe this.

>> No.10094443

/jp/ is a community, whether you little girls agree or not. With community comes richer discussion, and a more common understanding between the users. Our boards invisible rules and ideals allow for a unique, and in my opinion, more homely discussion.

>> No.10094511

Front page right now:
VN General
Do you brush your teeth twice every day?
Help me... I've been raped. I'm dying.
Did the Holocaust happenen?
If /jp/ were a country would you live there?
Learning Japanese
Sanae a slut lolxd
Adachi is the killer.
Eternal Sonata
Whats your best record for days not showering?
That faggot that's been retooling songs to fit /jp/
Touhou pictures
How to be a school janitor.
I'm from /a/, how do I go to school /jp/?
Draw a Touhou.

Sure is funny and creative otaku culture.
