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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 140 KB, 811x635, lute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1009258 No.1009258 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread on autosage.
Why does this game insist on giving me these fucked up instruments?

>> No.1009262

How do you get them to drop? Or are you making them yourself?

>> No.1009271

holy shit 35 pv?
fuck the performer skill i'd carry that shit around for that score

>> No.1009267

Instruments that decrease your performance skill. They must be some kind of instruments so awesome and bizarre you can't handle them well. Like bagpipes made for Cthulhu or something.

>> No.1009276

Both that and the fucked up throwing piano came from guests at the Party time! quests. And yes, its damn well going in my dungeon gear set. It's a shield, by the way.

>> No.1009278
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I swear to fucking god, if that was a wish...

>> No.1009287

okay i just started this, what should i be on the lookout for?

>> No.1009290
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Wait, what? The wiki never mentioned anything about being able to sell her.

>> No.1009292


Everything that moves. Mutations. Etherwind. Thieves. Difficult quests that if you fail, you become CRIMINAL SCUM. Acid. Fire. Ice. Cursed and doomed items. And tons of other shit, depending on your class.

>> No.1009293

okay, i'm confused, when i choose "wanna get some tail?", that does mean sex, right?

If so, why the fuck do i go insane?

>> No.1009294


You can. Not worth it, though.

>> No.1009296
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>> No.1009297


Prostitution. Your feeble mind can't take it. Especially if it's with someone of the same sex.

>> No.1009298
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I made loli cry.

>> No.1009299

What the FUCK!?

>> No.1009308

Ok, I've seen threads about this game being created everyday and I'm curious now. Is it worth downloading and what's so special about it?

>> No.1009314

This shit is just like Adom, fuck yeah, but this time around you can sell lolis and actually see them, too. Like not a letter L, but an actual loli. I always die, though, and get fed up. Then I play a bit of Baldur's Gate.

>> No.1009319

I need an ASCII mod if I'm going to enjoy this game. I need to be giving my 'l' engagement '['s so that we can make genes.

A 'c' is fine too.

>> No.1009331

No, everyone hates it. They're just making threads over and over and posting the thread full to the limit because it's just that terrible.

>> No.1009330

It's a roguelike RPG. You have a lot of freedom to do whatever you want, but it's also very difficult. You will die often if you don't plan things out, and even then you will still die a lot. This one got so popular because it was apparently made for /jp/. Loli pets, tsundre goddesses, alien chestbusters, etc.

>> No.1009336

Well yeah. If you're not into the grafical shit, you could always really go back to Adom and Nethack and the good old stuff. Now excuse me, got to go and woo me a certain half-elf druid Harper.

>> No.1009334

This is really bad. Just play NetHack.

Why the hell aren't you playing NetHack?!

>> No.1009335

I want this.

>> No.1009340

How do I get a pet from my god? I have over 15 faith.

>> No.1009341

Your character can have children with your "pets" regardless of gender or species.


You can teach pets different things to say at random intervals, for nutbladder bursting goodness. (Because if you have anything but all lolis...)


>> No.1009343

Nethack doesn't have intercourse with lolis.

>> No.1009345

I will play NetHack when you hack the source to replace succubi and incubi with loli and shota.

>> No.1009347

Sound AWESOME. Downloading as we speak.

>> No.1009350

Already played NetHack. Once you've ascended it's not really that hard anymore to do it again.

>> No.1009363

And chaste! Don't forget chaste!

>> No.1009360

Conducts! Different, more exotic classes! Don't stop until you've done an atheist, vegan, illiterate tourist!

>> No.1009389

my review?

experience when playing for the first time?
nethack wins out

replay value? elona comes out on top for miles.

fuck-aroundery value? nethack wizard mode is more convenient, however in elona, ultimately theres just more possibilities.

my advice? play net hack once or twice, then stick to elona.

>> No.1009394

I grew up on NetHack, so Elona really fucks me over because I like to make new characters frequently, and the first two or three hours of Elona get old your fifteenth time around.

>> No.1009402

You guys are missing one thing
THIS IS /jp/
go take that discussion to /v/

>> No.1009403

well, not really my problem if you have a short attention span.

even then, elona has gene files, so hard work isn't wasted upon a restart.

>> No.1009409


That's like saying one can't talk about gradius when talking about touhou.

>> No.1009408
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get with the times

>> No.1009410

I never last long enough to make gene.

>> No.1009415
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The queen got unseen handed. Awesome.

>> No.1009426

Show us your cooking skill; can you make a meal fit for a king?

>> No.1009433


I wonder what the fuck happened to the King in my game. Is he supposed to disappear after you complete the quest in the 17th floor of Lesimas? Or did he get assassinated, and just never respawns?

>> No.1009453

does it tell you something special when it's her or do you have to go check for yourself?

>> No.1009464

You get a message about who died if you see it happen; otherwise you just have to check the entire town.

>> No.1009468

Sorry, gave her to the tsundere goddess, hoping to catch her reaction. It appears she only acts favorably towards high-level boss corpses. Sigh.

And I excel at making roasted little girl and bard.

Usual message, ran around Palmia.

>> No.1009539

I just got to the Sister's Mansion. What the fuck is the point of this place? To enslave them? The silver cats? That expensive ass lunch seems like it does nothing.

>> No.1009558

The Minotaur's Nest is a great place to level for people with high PV. Like 120+. Tons of physical only shit to kill and few things to fuck you over. Only the occasional curse by the magicians, and a Lich and Iron Maiden here and there.

>> No.1009598

I've fucked a whore ;_;

>> No.1009619

Does Elona lag for anyone else? In towns or on the world map I start getting slowdown after playing for a few minutes.

I don't think it's my computer because I can play more demanding games just fine - and by that I mean Baldur's gate and only then just barely, but my computer shouldn't by having this much trouble.

>> No.1009637

Does weight affect your instruments? It seems that way with a weightless grand piano.

>> No.1009643

Having sex and eating human corpses increases your insanity. You eat the lunches to return it back to 0.

>> No.1009654
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Should I use Ragnarok? Compared to the 4d4+2 katana I have it's a much better weapon.

>> No.1009653

>>Now excuse me, got to go and woo me a certain half-elf druid Harper.
>>I don't think it's my computer because I can play more demanding games just fine - and by that I mean Baldur's gate
In during BG/2 Hijack.

>> No.1009659

when does the little girl accept to give me her hand?

>> No.1009662

Give her enough engagement amulets/rings to where she is "Soul Mate".

>> No.1009673

You can use it, but hope you enjoy sudden firey burning death.

>> No.1009681



Never use any weapon that says "Will bring an end", unless you're just fucking around. You can and will die horribly.

>> No.1009683

Let's Ragnarok!

>> No.1009696

A fiery drake has appeared!
A fiery drake has appeared!
A fiery drake has appeared!
A fiery drake has appeared!
A fiery drake has appeared!
A fiery drake has appeared!
A fiery drake has appeared!
A fiery drake has appeared!
A fiery drake has appeared!
A fiery drake has appeared!
You are burnt! Your cloth seven league boots [2,0] have disintegrated!

>> No.1009699

Well that weight does mean something. Not like you can make something light with sacraficing something else.

>> No.1009700

How do you cure ether disease and remove doomed items? I'm weak and warping all over the place, not fun.

>> No.1009705

Should have used a scroll of inferior material or twenty and changed the boots into glass or obsidian.

>> No.1009708

What armor did she drop? looks like a Crystal Plate to me.

>> No.1009713

wait, INFERIOR material? I thought that just makes it worse, not better.

>> No.1009710

1. My shit was fucked up bad when an NPC used Ragnarok... In Derphy.
Causing me to fail my quest and drop to -30 Karma.
Derphy is now full of dragons, herpderp. Game over.
2. Ether Disease can be fixed with Potions of Cure Corruption.

>> No.1009729

It's the class of inferior material. raw-obsidian
You could get iron steel bronze glass coral raw actually I am thinking there is a really low chance to get platinum and other shit. Then again you could just use superior material.

>> No.1009744

No game completion kit made yet?
No wishlist priority?

Wiki is really lacking.

>> No.1009746


The wiki finally has something useful:


See all those ones that say inferior? The scroll picks one of them and makes it that. There's also a chance you'll get a normal material. Good for making your doomed crap raw so you can OH NOMNOMNOM

>> No.1009748

>>Now excuse me, got to go and woo me a certain hot drow cleric.

>> No.1009755

Obsidian Superior

... Oh shit. The inferior scrolls really just do a random roll that could end up as anything, but inferior as a higher percentage.
Deeds of inheritance also seem to have a 4 or 5 item limit, but it mostly will be either 1-2.

>> No.1009772

what he said, this cursed mantle was delicious

also, which one is the tsun-tsun goddess?

>> No.1009773

Does anybody know what I can use a token of friendship for?

>> No.1009775

Tsun Tsun Goddess is Jure of Healing.

>> No.1009774

Jure of Healing.

>> No.1009812

would be nice if it actually showed an example for an armor and weapon to see what'd look the best

>> No.1009819

You know what is fucking awesome? Pickpocketing the lighter armors off of bosses to lower their PV and DV.

>> No.1009820

how does gene files work

>> No.1009829


Makes a heir between you and the loli/whatever you fucked. They get slight stat bonuses, depending on what you were both proficient in, and they can inherit anything you had on you at the time you made the gene. So if you accumulate a ridiculous amount of armor or weapons that would be good for another class, make a gene, then have that new character save up enough to get a deed of heirship. Suddenly, 78 a PV armor on a level 2 fighter.

>> No.1009843


I went so fucking far, just to get slaughtered by the boss. I was all ready to laugh "Danger level 23? Ha! Level 14 is more than enough." Then this had to happen. Fucking cheating bastard, you're not supposed to be able to take off a quarter of my life per swing when I have 109 PV.

>> No.1009845
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Oh no, run, Vernis is about to be invaded by... 7 nurses!

>> No.1009849

Have you killed the attacking version? I didn't get to hit it even once.

>> No.1009850

what quest is that?

>> No.1009856
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Fucking cheating bastard, he hits me for around 16-30 HP each time (he only hits around 50% of the time), so I think I'm safe at 65 HP without a potion or to run and heal. But no, he must have rolled max on his axe and my protection rolls must have sucked.

>> No.1009857

Holy shit, the Kobolt Effect exists at higher levels too?

>> No.1009858

Did that already and I agree, she's superior. Playing a good character this time around, so I can't have her around, lest I scare my good fellow Keldorn out of my party.

>> No.1009860


>I had 65 HP
>-40 HP

WHAT? He hit you for 105 damage when you had 109 PV? Jesus fuck.

>> No.1009863

Oh yeah? I'm gonna try the Minotaur dungeon later, so we'll see that.

>> No.1009865
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Yea, actually half the nurses in those quests actually attacked. They have some insane DV/PV but nothing a couple bottles of weakness can't fix.

Panic quest. Basically, you get teleported to a replica of the town with no NPCs and you have a bunch of monsters to hunt down. They'll all be monsters of that level and type. Pretty insane when you have lvl 50 fire drakes or chaos clouds I'd imagine. Obviously, I didn't take the quests involving monsters over lvl 30.

Oh and you need a hell lot of fame before they show up.

And ugh, if you ever get the "Hatred dominates your soul" ether disease, I HIGHLY recommend you don't cure it. Added like 20 damage for me so I was fucking everything over. But, eventually I got another ether disease (poison hands) and I had to cure it which got rid of my +20 damage/-40 DV disease too. And now I deal crap for damage. Oh well...

>> No.1009866

IIRC, he has a 1d70 weapon. And over 100 strength at least since the non-unique minotaur kings start off with 92 strength. You really should've tossed some beers and potions of weakness at him before you meleed him...

>> No.1009878


The thing is... I did. That was after I threw a potion of weakness at him. And some poison. I was thinking I had the fight won as long as I kept healing and the other Minotaur King by him occupied with my loli. But no, he had to roll like 70 on his axe...

>> No.1009897


Considering the -40 overkill, even if he did roll a 70, all he needed was a 31 roll there with your protection rolls. Maybe the potion you threw wore off or something?

>> No.1009910
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>> No.1009919

I only see five, where are the other --- OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD

>> No.1009936

the 5 in the truck are there to distract you from the shitload sneaking up from behind.

>> No.1009957
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Here is the culprit. Notice the last bonus. No matter how high your PV is, if he crits on you with that on top of a good roll, kiss your ass goodbye.

>> No.1009976

critics ignore PV?

>> No.1009978

Thatd be an awesome weapon if it werent for that -35 hit.

>> No.1009996
File: 7 KB, 649x29, 1216150989671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ...

I know I probably should have saved such a good kit, but fuck it, I want my broken PV now.

>> No.1009999

Everyone loves Shena's ass

>> No.1010017

Does the town government thing work yet?

>> No.1010060

Should I kill/rape Lomias and Larneirre?

Whats up with the home design? Do I lose potential items when placing tiles over walls and such?

>> No.1010102

I just noticed how fucking awesome grenades are. Fuck you Shuriken.

>> No.1010120

Ive gone to almost every trainer, but noone has the pickpocket skill, where should I go? or do I have to wait for them to reset or something?

>> No.1010122

Theres nothing on the wiki about the panty weapons or shena's panty? for shame.

>> No.1010131

Thief Guild.

>> No.1010128

either wish for it "skill Pickpocket" without the quotes or you'll need to be in the thieves' guild

>> No.1010152


Grenades and guns are broken. Surprise, surprise.

>> No.1010156

Kindly explain this image.
Where the fuck do I get 20 potions of cure corruption like that?

>> No.1010182

Now if there were exploding shuriken, a la Kirby's Bomb/Cutter power on Kirby 64...those were freaking awesome. Stabs like a ninja star, then BOOM.

>> No.1010202

How can I get rid of a cursed item?
Also, why do I keep getting "Suddenly, you disappear" messages and keep appearing at some random places on the map? It's not because of that item, at least there's nothing about this in the description of that helm I'm wearing at the moment.

>> No.1010223

Cursed items give you the warping disease.

To get rid of cursed items:
1. Use scroll of inferior material and eat it when it becomes raw or candy.
2. Use scroll of uncurse.
3. Use holy water (drop a bottle of water on top of an altar to make).

>> No.1010224

Either scrolls of uncurse/vanish curse, or scroll of inferior material it to "raw" and eat it.

Teleportitis is one of the effects of cursed equipment. It will go away once you remove the cursed status from the item.

>> No.1010226
File: 140 KB, 806x625, redundancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dungeon crawl more. You'll be surprised how many monsters decide to drop them.

Cursed and Doom items causes you to teleport, even if it is not in the item description. Doom is just cursed item's teleport on steroids. Oh, and doomed items suck away at your life too.

Just buy some scrolls of uncurse and hope you can get the curse off in one or two scrolls.

>> No.1010247

I just noticed something on the parties quests...
old men and kids are the easiest to make happy however only old men give you +points for the quest itself... you gotta beware of anything like farmer or mercenary as they tend to like much less your songs.
I think I managed a few of the 50 or less points quests with less than 8 performance

>> No.1010282
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Why the hell are my attributes this low?
Makes me feel I'm doing it wrong.

>> No.1010284


Avoid punks and wizards, the bastards will stone you if they don't like it.

>> No.1010304


>239 PV

Well, you're doing that right.

>> No.1010319

Working on skills = raises stats.

>> No.1010331

Dont focus on fighting, do other stuff that would use the other stats, an easy way to check what you should do for each stat is look at your skills, the little signs next to those skills should be the same as the signs next to your stats, so do stuff that would increase those skills and it should eventauly increase the stats associated with them.

>> No.1010344


You seem extremely combat oriented. That's only half of the game. My warrior can take off his armor and cast spells, then put on some glass armor and go pickpocket and lockpick. Best of every world made possible by the tons of points you get on level up with a Yerles.

>> No.1010348


You seem extremely combat oriented. That's only half of the game. My warrior can take off his armor and cast spells, then put on some glass armor and go pickpocket and lockpick, and finally whip out a Piano and play a sweet melody. Best of every world made possible by the tons of points you get on level up with a Yerles.

>> No.1010356

Well I put all my platinum on tactics and two hand already so that's the right way?

>> No.1010374

How do I get rid of aliens in my loli?

>> No.1010377

feed her poison etc.

>> No.1010385

I cant pickpocket stuff from my loli.........

>> No.1010398

Toss her a potion of poison or dye.

>> No.1010400

why would you want to?

>> No.1010423


Both of the treasure machines just respawned. Both of them as fucking metalwork, clocking in at around 35.0s. Well, it'll be one hell of a long time before I can get the strength to steal another one.

>> No.1010425

He probably filled her with engagement stuff and can't get it back?

>> No.1010437



The blue one went metalwork on me after like the third time, but I thought it was rare or something and just a temporary cock-block. But you got the red one too?

>> No.1010439

Fuck. I've got a delivery quest to a guard. The guard has a cursed item, apparently, and is now teleporting around the city.

>> No.1010446


That's nothing. The person I was delivering a book to in Noyel got unseen-handed when I was literally within 3 feet of them.

>> No.1010444

What is a fucking Special type?
Also, what can I forge with Black Crystal? Crystal shit?

>> No.1010456

I've had this problem with several guards in palmia, one of the worst places for it to happen. I finally got a quest where someone wanted an item from one of the teleporting guards so I traded some of my stuff for his cursed and doomed items to stop it.

>> No.1010457


>> No.1010462

Does the Truce Ground EVER repair? I burnt down all the altars, and now I want to change gods

>> No.1010485

>>1010462 I burnt down all the bridges, and now I want to cross the river.

>> No.1010482

Can't metal be destroyed by something? Was it fire or acid, I don't recall. Either way, you should be able to melt them down and wait for them to respawn.

>> No.1010494

Grinding for pp is getting old; would well grinding for skill wishes get me the full suite faster?

>> No.1010502

use potion of hero, maybe you'll have enough strength... just maybe though

>> No.1010528
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Kamikaze yeek chain explosion.

>> No.1010544

Are you this fag?

>> No.1010582

Love potions are found very often in magic shops, and can drop in loot like any other potion. I think that pets work differently for sex, you need to marry them first.

>> No.1010575

OK. How do I get my loli drunk and have sex with her? I handed her a beer, she got drunk.... but there's no option for 'wanna have a good time' in the talk menu.

If I'm misunderstanding here, where can I find a love potion so I can just drug her?

>> No.1010595

Marrying a pet and then choosing to "make a gene" is having sex with them.

>> No.1010600

haha awesome

>> No.1010610


>> No.1010618

How can I get my loli to let go of engagment items without lowering her feelings towards me, I cant pickpocket from her....

>> No.1010644
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>> No.1010649

I've never seen a love potion, either in stores or as a drop. And I'm trying to have sex with her so I can marry her. Her impress is at 100, which is too low for me to boost with my engagement items. Trying to marry so I can start an heir.

>> No.1010694

Do I need to be higher level to successfully encourage adventurers to join me or is it impress #?

>> No.1010702


>> No.1010703


you need to hire them and then raise their impress value

>> No.1010925

Where can I buy a scroll of uncurse? I searched everywhere in Veris, but no one's selling it. I traveled to Palmia and still no luck so far.

>> No.1010944

Is there any good weapon to wish for after I make all the other good wishes?

>> No.1010962

Just unlucky I suppose. Or you could make a holy water and use that.

I managed to buy a scroll of Summon ally (looks like my investing paid off), and it spawned a Quickling. Don't know if that's awesome or not. She only had a 3 in life (i know that's not her exact hp, but it's still a bad sign), but has huge evasion and magic resist.

Maybe she'll prove useful.

>> No.1010970

i been playing for a while... and noticed that only my con stats has been enhanced since the starting stats... i only been traveling from town to town doing delivery quests... so i dont how the hell i got the con... also what i need to do to raise, str and chr?

>> No.1010971

Gene mix that shit. Quicklings have a speed of >1000.

>> No.1010976

What makes you a master thief? I keep trying to steal, but the bastards always notice me through 3 sets of walls.

>> No.1010990

The healing, shield and medium/heavy armor skills all contribute to constitution. You're probably passively using those skills if you're a warrior (healing at least, if not shield and medium/heavy armor).

>> No.1010986

how can i retrieve a pet when i told it to stay at town?

>> No.1010998

put them to sleep, get them drunk, or teleport them away with rods of teleport before you try to steal. Because everything speaks in this game, even horses.

Go to the pub and talk with the bartender. Yes, you'll have to pay the fee. It's no big deal though, 100 gp if you told it to wait at town.

>> No.1011010

Go to the bar keep as if you're reviving them. You'll only need to pay 100.

Not a bad idea. Just had a public performer knock it's health to near death levels with just one stone. I'll probably play around with it more but I have a feeling it's low health isn't gonna cut it.

>> No.1011012


>> No.1011036

so I killed a faggot adventurer for his statue and card, now whenever I saw the faggot in any town, the faggot would come and try to kill me. any idea how to stop him? this is plain stupid, I was ATTACKED by him and if I kill him I still have -2 karma as well.

also anyone know who got the Lulwy in Lumiest?

>> No.1011053
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yeah i summoned a mino king, and is slaying every npc on derphy

>> No.1011064

i have to pets now, but i can't do any more escort quests due to this

how do i decide which pet's the better one? is there a way to view its stats?

>> No.1011078

I keep fucking dying even in level 1 dungeons, theres at least one thing that will kill you. Its giving me morrowinditis.

Is this just how you're supposed to play the game?

>> No.1011087


the early game is the hardest part

>> No.1011081

Informer NPC in town. Costs 10k gold but it doesn't autosave after you do it so you can cheese it if you want (alt+F4 after you do it and reload your game).

Or if you modify your pets using the gene machine you'll be able to see them afterwards.

>> No.1011082


>minotaur king

>> No.1011085

Talk to the informer in any town (he's near the trainers and wizard, the person who identifies items). Select the investigate allies option. Pay 10k.

>> No.1011098

Hypnotism feat. Of course!

>> No.1011099

Yea, it can be rough. Especially if you're playing a Wizard or one of the other softer classes.

Don't know if you have yet, but do some delivery and escort quests at first for some gold, then buy some basic equipment. Those small DV/PV points will help out against the lower level stuff.

And watch out for those Kobolts...

>> No.1011106
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It's a roguelike. That should explain everything. You should really use the [l]ook option and see if enemies are weaker/stronger than you before you charge in (to your death). Or at least get better gear if you're goign to charge in without looking.

My minotaur king is female too. Your point? Still using the default gear she came with too since I'm still working on getting gear for my other pets.

>> No.1011105

Well that's shitty. The damn thing does damage.

If I wanted to do damage, I'd just kill the bastards.

>> No.1011129

So, from what I'm seeing, Pickpocket isn't really that great until you're so powerful that you can basically rape anything in sight that will tip people off, and then you use it to pillage everything around you?

>> No.1011180


no, you mostly need to learn how to steal.

>> No.1011192


There's an entry in the wiki. Check the very last one here:


Basically, you just made a lifelong foe. They will continue to level and get new equipment, and any time you are in the same town or dungeon, he'll seek you out and try to bring the pain. Nothing that you can do but run or fight him for the new equipment and kill exp and take the karma hit.

>> No.1011267

I wouldn't know since I haven't attacked any poor and hapless NPC adventurers yet (only hired them and made them run into a 666 dungeon so I could laugh at their death and then run for my life), but you could always try incognito or a disguise kit...

>> No.1011282

Enlighten me, oh wise and powerful internet tough guy.

>> No.1011311


why don't you call him a mary sue while you're at it

>> No.1011315

Like I said, use rods of teleport. They don't teleport YOU, they teleport other things AWAY. Don't like those guards? TELEPORT THEM AWAY. Fucking bard keep screaming for the guards? TELEPORT HIM AWAY. Stupid horse learns how to speak just to rat on you? TELEPORT THAT SHIT AWAY.

Steal when there's no one else around you. Also, learn what to steal and what not to steal. You need more str to steal heavy stuff so take the light stuff if your str is low.

>> No.1011337

How do I raise an NPC's impress value?

Not my pets or anything, but like shopkeepers.

>> No.1011380
File: 510 KB, 1280x960, 1216170797185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So giving my loli a dagger that "brings an end" was a really stupid idea.

Oh well, if I nuke Vernis it's not like anything of value would be lost.

Also, extra race machine god, plus miracle laser gun= rape, even if they get close enough to hit me my extra health can take it.

I feel like picture related.

>> No.1011522

i picked up a "thick spellbook" but it seems to be the same as the little sister's diary...are there any rare summons from the item or does it always result in a little sister?

>> No.1011545
File: 239 KB, 797x597, 1216172144243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for being a slowpoke here, but goddamn that was unexpected

>> No.1011621

the "thick spellbook" is just an unidentified spellbook. Go ID it.

>> No.1011634

why cant I have a snail sprite as a snail? same for golem, goblin, etc.. Lame :/

>> No.1011669

I'm getting real tired of going into dungeons and running into rooms with over 9000 breath casting mobs.

>> No.1011710


You need AoE attacks, the Swarm ability, a really fast pet/to be really fast, or a high resistance to that type of breath. If you have one or more of those, it's less of a pain.

>> No.1011725

I know. Hell, I'd actually prefer that my character use a regular facing-forward-only sprite like everyone else; I don't like looking out of place.

>> No.1011737

Is there a trick to getting wishes from wells? I can't tell you how many I've dried up, but still haven't gotten one.

>> No.1011755


Actually, rods of teleport can teleport you. Just use it on yourself (numpad 5).

>> No.1011772

Yea, but it's random teleport which can be rather useless unless you're stuck in the middle of a mob.

>> No.1011805

It's pretty useful when you're still weak and you're facing those cargo bandits.

>> No.1011807


you're right...it just wouldn't let me ID items without having unidentified *equipment* in my inventory. I hate that.

>> No.1011813
File: 140 KB, 805x625, 1216174619286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking christ, while shops CAN make money, my loli is so fucking retarded, she keeps trading the items on sale for other items... WHICH HAPPENS TO BE CURSED MOST OF THE TIME.

Of course, the convenient thing is that I can just take it out and put it out for sale right there. But still, it's fucking annoying.

>> No.1011824
File: 133 KB, 805x625, 1216174699848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1011835
File: 122 KB, 806x625, 1216174797958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck could she trade for this shit?

>> No.1011836

Where do I get cure corruption potions? I accidenly dumped all of mine into a well.

>> No.1011847

Casino is the easiest way; five wins in a row.

>> No.1011855

Gambling. Dungeons. Doing the main quest until the letter part. Buying it from store.

>> No.1011863

Thanks man.

>> No.1011921

What level dungeons to be specific?

>> No.1011944

Any. It's really just random, they drop off of mobs like any other loot. I've found some from lvl 6 dungeons before while I was trying to get small medals.

>> No.1011950
File: 142 KB, 806x624, mutation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That... was... interesting...

NPC drank a potion of mutation and turned into a centipede... lol...

>> No.1011991

Hey fag, how did you boost your total Str? I already have lots of mutations to help me, but this must be the work of Opathos, I'm an Opathos's Warrior, too, but I can't get that fucking high, man, what did you do, working hard for the God's bonuses?

>> No.1012002


work on skills that use str, they raise str potential and thus raise str growth

>> No.1012049

Actually, I worship Kurimori. And... I haven't even sacrificed much to him. Praying to him doesn't even give me a holy veil buff... lol...

>> No.1012163

skills like what?

>> No.1012263


weight lifting, tactics, two hand, long sword, axe, martial arts, basically most of the melee weapon skills.

Next to every attribute is a symbol, and next to every skill you have is the attribute's symbol that it uses.

>> No.1012267

Try weightlifting

>> No.1012342

should i take the little girl or the infantry guy?

>> No.1012438
File: 170 KB, 811x631, 558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i ride my loli my melee hit goes down to -558%, wtf

Otherwise it's 89%

>> No.1013210

What's the best way to level up? Where? Doing what?
