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10087214 No.10087214[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How often does /jp/ take a shower/bath?
I haven't taken either in like 3-4 days, it's too cold.

>> No.10087226

3 times a day

>> No.10087227

I just got out of the shower 15 minutes ago.

>> No.10087236

usually every other day at the least. But same as you at the moment OP

i feel stinky

>> No.10087239

once or twice a day. feels good man.

>> No.10087247

Haven't taken a shower in over a month.
I don't go outside and I live alone.
Also it's very cold here, so I don't sweat.

>> No.10087248


im sur someone will call me out on this one

>> No.10087250

whenever I feel dirty

>> No.10087264

-2 times a day
-every time I fap

>> No.10087270

Every morning

>> No.10087278

Most mornings, as soon as I get out of bed. Sometimes I skip a day if I can't be bothered.

>> No.10087284

Every day because I don't like wearing dirty clothes and wearing clean clothes but not showering seems pointless.
I do it mainly for personal comfort more than anything else.

>> No.10087307

Every morning. I used to do it the night before but I found my hair harder to manage the next day.

>> No.10087309
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I take a bath every night

>> No.10087322

Isn't that really time consuming?
Baths takes so long compared to showering.

>> No.10087332

I like to relax in there so it's not a problem.

>> No.10087424

I didn't take a shower in 2 months because I had no hot water and no money to fix it. My dad lend me some money to fix it and I finally took a shower last week.

>> No.10087434

I prefer baths. It's time-consuming, yes.. but showers feel like I am being assaulted.

It's not like I don't have the time.

>> No.10087435

Erry day, nigga.

>> No.10087444

When I don't really have to go anywhere, I usually don't shower for several days. But sometimes I feel disgusting when I lay in bed and then go take a shower regardless.

Showering feels good. Even just having water run through your body'll make you feel better. Make sure you shower from time to time, anon!

>> No.10087475

I hate the feeling of grease on my face or in my hair when I rub my eyes or rub my hand through my hair. I also hate wearing clean clothes when I haven't showered. I also hate when you accidentally get a whiff of yourself when you smell bad. I guess I just hate every possible repercussion and sign of being unclean.

>> No.10087472

5-6 times per day.

clean, shower... not clean enough, clean more, now I need a shower again...


>> No.10087488

May I ask, what type of bathtub do you have? The combination built-in shower/tub, or a freestanding clawfoot bathtub?

>> No.10087508

Last time I took a shower was Tuesday the 13th

>> No.10087510

Wait, no it was Wednesday the 14th.

>> No.10087546

It was the 15th.

>> No.10087547

I only take one when I need to go outside which is very rare

>> No.10087554

Depends, largely on the weather.
It's going to be 37C today, so I'm sure I'll have at least one shower.
In winter, sometimes only a couple of times a week.
Usually if I have to go out to a shop, I shower when I come home.

>> No.10087556

Every day.
I don't feel comfortable sleeping next to my daki if I don't shower.

>> No.10087558

Every morning to warm up/Wash the gross sleep feeling away, but those are short showers. I take long showers every other day to wash my hair, if I wash it too much it gets all gross and loses it's cute curls.

>> No.10087560

Once a week.

>> No.10087566

Depends on how dirty I feel. Sometimes every two days, sometimes every two weeks.

>> No.10087591

Whenever I have to go outside, however I will shower at least once per five days regardless.

The mould in my shower started to sprout actual mushrooms about a month ago.
I took that as a prompt to clean it and now I am more inclined to have a shower because it is clean.

>> No.10087672

Once every 3 days or so. I only have to go out to see my therapist so that I can keep getting my meds which is once a week so I shower before that and then my next one is when I feel my hair getting greasy.

>> No.10087679

Only showers, twice a day. Occasionally 3 times.

>> No.10087685

Twice a week, or every 3 days.

>> No.10087689

Been 2 weeks since I last showered.

>> No.10087701

every day

i like to smell nice

>> No.10087706

Usually just wash my hair everyday so I look like I had a shower

Shower fully 1-2 times a week

>> No.10087714


I have been growing my hair out for 2.5 years now.
I'm thinking of shaving it off, with a razor because I don't have proper clippers.
Have any of you done this? Does being bald feel as cool as I imagine?

>> No.10087725

I dunno I have a "trendy" hair cut as my mom called it when she cut it and not whatever yours looks like.
Don't shave your head unless you are a nigger or losing your hair

>> No.10087734


Why not? It's the only possible haircut I could give myself.

>> No.10087742

If no one will care then sure I guess that's ok. It wont look good though.

>> No.10087738

I had long hair for about six years, then one night I cut it about as short as I could with scissors.
Felt awesome. But as for actually being bald, no idea.

>> No.10087752

Some people look good with no hair. I know I don't. Too bad I'm going bald. It's going to be a major blow to my already abysmal self-esteem. I used to just shrug it off and assume that I'd be dead by that point anyway, but after a near-death experience, my views on the world changed.

>> No.10087757

>Does being bald feel as cool as I imagine?

>> No.10087770


I suppose I will never know until I try it out.
I'll think some more about it. But, I mean, I could always wear a hat if it looks awful. I already wear a hat outside now to keep my hair back.


Oh. That sucks. I would have thought it would feel quite nice not to have any hair, streamlined and smooth and such.

>> No.10087795

Don't listen to >>10087757. Try it out for yourself first. You have nothing to lose except for a potential few months of embarrassment. But hey, at least you'll know for sure, whether the results are positive or disastrous.
