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File: 507 KB, 1087x611, あらあらmonobeno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10082590 No.10082590 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>10067427

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.10082598 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10082610

Playing Sasami route in Little Busters. It's very ですわ

>> No.10082616

Fucking laughed. But get out of JP.

I'm playing Shoin, and kind of half halfheartedly playing WA2IC. I'm in the middle of Konome's route in Itsusora, and that's on my backlog for thanksgiving break. For right now Shoin is addictive, I really like this author.

>> No.10082647

A couple chapters into Maou-hen in Muramasa. It's been taking a long time to get through since I got super busy just as it started to getting easy to read. All the characters are awesome.

And I really hope Ichijou and Kanae show up again. It was weird how they just suddenly disappeared. And I wouldn't mind seeing Sayo's tsurugi again either..

>> No.10082649
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Playing bitter smile.

>> No.10082706

Currently playing Kara no Shoujo on recommendation by someone here. Seems as though it will be an interesting story.

>> No.10082829

Whoa. Someone actually played Pedobeno? How was it?

>> No.10082897
File: 98 KB, 800x600, 7igiosgi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will agree with milfguy, yes mature charas makes more sense to me. Looking at games like IMZ or Muramasa, I've never found something like that in entire media plotwise, but what we could get if 95% of cast were kids? Your average chuuni with characters 15 y old acting and speaking like adults yet with good plot but It's completely mockery when autor is trying to impose to me his graphomania masturbation over immature character's personality because it's not interesting to me it's not objectively interesting at all yet - he's not having real problems and holistic world view at his age. That where guy takes a point, and why you jp acting like he's ill or something, at least his brains good and in the great health, long life milf addict.

>> No.10082921

'Sup milf autist. You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.10082923
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Sakurako was awesome

>> No.10082950

Speaking of milf, 女系家族Ⅲ looks pretty interesting and the art is hot.

>> No.10082983

Go to bed. Or at least use a trip we can filter you.

>> No.10083016
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You're acting like people there can't have same opinion so may Shuusuke talk to you one thing.

>> No.10083046

I must hav ebeen super dense, but I didn't realise that was a sex scene till halfway through.

>> No.10083054

>at least his brains good

>> No.10083129
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So what is the problem? No one is proposing a Muramasa remake that replaces everyone with prepubescent girls.

>> No.10083133

Chachamaru and Ichijou already qualify enough.

>> No.10083147
File: 351 KB, 800x600, 2slut4me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK should I play next, weebs? Princess Envangile, Monobeno, or CHUNING LOVER?

>> No.10083152

You do remember Kikokugai remake with lolis designs do you.

>> No.10083160

All three at the same time

>> No.10083175

Okay :(

>> No.10083183


Never read the original. What was changed?

>> No.10083188

Don't read Princess Evangile it's pretty boring. I'd personally go for monobeno but I haven't read chuning lover.

>> No.10083219
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>> No.10083222

For chuning, the gimmick runs out fast, I suppose what the trial covered, and the routes aren't particularly entertaining or good.

>> No.10083239 [SPOILER] 
File: 804 KB, 1111x1554, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No thank you.

M is far too Byronic/tsundere (your choice) to be raping anyone. And it's not like he'd even get the chance, given how most of the women he meets immediately throw themselves at him.

>> No.10083289
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>> No.10083325
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Sheesh, that sure was fast.

It looks like they're updating the countdown pictures every other day at 3 PM Japan time exactly, if the current pattern holds.

>> No.10083332

Where exactly?

>> No.10083337

Ah, nevermind, fuck, I missed the first three.

>> No.10083339
File: 235 KB, 640x1440, 476310_R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

『魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~』

>> No.10083355

I managed to see the third one in time; it's still on the board in the older VN thread (>>10071309). I sure hope someone got the other two, especially the first one.

>> No.10083361

I'll never understand why they don't upload the whole collection after the release.

>> No.10083366

Isn't this the dwarf country suffering from drought?
I guess Celica would be an antagonist this time around since IIRC Rewinia is their rival country.

>> No.10083379

might be cool, unless it turns out another Tears to Tiara, but I have faith in Eushully

>> No.10083388
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>> No.10083389

I still wish they would just voice the rest of male characters, their games feel so empty some times.

>> No.10083398

What's this vn and when is it released!?

>> No.10083403



>> No.10083410

They are SO raped.

>> No.10083425

Would be pretty cool if the different equipment would be reflected in the actual sprites, sort of like Kamidori.
I also wonder if the routes they're talking about will be "plot routes" or there'll be main and sub heroines.
Sounds pretty cool anyways. Customization and recruitable monsters are two of my favorite things in strategy games

>> No.10083426

This company is SO SUED when Type-Moon sees how they copy-pasted Rider into their game.

>> No.10083434

Type moon can sue people for ripping off shit?

>> No.10083506

You must be new to eroge, every popular mainstream character spawns at least a dozen clones/slightly altered but clearly similar designs
No one gives a shit

>> No.10084054
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Makes me sad, because I'll never see the Sharnoth ones now ;___;

>> No.10084099

Type moon invented huge men

>> No.10084213
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>> No.10084225

リセル is a rapeslut

>> No.10084237
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>> No.10084239
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>> No.10084241
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>> No.10084244

Damn, the new engine with 3D-battles looks awesome.

>> No.10084246
File: 120 KB, 256x256, gahk_twi_02d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monthry Heroins

>> No.10084254

is that baldr zero?
that's pretty nice, I guess it'll be the porshion/kruschtya equation/leo's mecha/I forgot what the three creatures were called in sonanyl of the situation

>> No.10084273

Other page where?
Makina is love

Damn 2013 looks good so far

>> No.10084291

『BALDR SKY ZERO』 3DになったACTシーン掲載とMUSASHI氏へのインタビューあり。


>> No.10084297

Why isn't it being developed by TEAM BALDRHEAD though?

>> No.10084307

Yuuji being John Woo style.
Rakuen looks better and better

>> No.10084312

Now I want a BS remake in this engine and 720p, and with art and other engine fixes like the recollection system.

>> No.10084374

A remake of Force would be more appropriate.
Gameplay-wise Zero look great but damn the story look stupid as hell

>> No.10084379


jo's lewdness is a great nightmare

>> No.10084385

Force I'd also like to add more... story/flesh out a bit more the routes and rewrite a couple of parts, particularly minori's route.

>> No.10084394

Everything from the opening*

>> No.10084392

In sona nyl, they were just critters, they weren't emant to have a categorical name.

Everything BUT the mecha was in the trial, shame.

>> No.10084395


there was no rape in the trial

>> No.10084406

I'd be happy enough about the game not turning out clunky and shit in general first. I've rarely seen 3d done well in eroge, just hope they won't break BS's fast seamless action (giga has probably more budget than most, but who knows)

>> No.10084473

Yeah, 3D and eroge company doesn't really mesh well.
It'd be nice if it isn't a gigamine but I bet it's going to turn out to be extremely clunky, buggy and requiring a beowulf cluster to run.

>> No.10084579 [SPOILER] 
File: 331 KB, 800x600, fuck youuuuuuuuuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Kasumi's route in Dies Irae. I didn't really expect that kind of a bad ending.

How long is Kei's route? Looking from the walkthrough it seems to branch quite late into Kasumi's route and I'm wondering if I should just finish that too before taking a break and reading something lighthearted for a change.

>> No.10084591

So, does anybody know of a good VN involving hot little boys?

>> No.10084594

『魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~』 エウシュリー 2013年春予定




>> No.10084626

About 3 times the length of Kasumi.
Marie's route is about the same length or a bit longer, Rea's route is the longest.

>> No.10084653

>About 3 times the length of Kasumi.
Woah. Guess I'll read something shorter for a change before returning to Dies Irae. Thanks.

>> No.10084700


Is that a good thing? The only passable Euschully plots I've seen were in Verita and Zero.

>> No.10084726

Kei's route is when you can say it gets actually good.
The additional chapters like werewolf have that kind of writing, only the routes can afford better CGs.

>> No.10084770

it'll probably be the same "plot" everyone jsut skims along between gameplay sessions

>> No.10084798

Oh damn information fro all three, best day of the week and best start to week. HEAVEN

>> No.10084812

They'll be suing Otomate as well then, as there's an otoge coming out next year set during medieval Britain featuring a protagonist who looks uncannily like SEIBAH.

>> No.10084833

I wish I didn't eat up half the shit otomate puts out. At least till they keep releasing for psp.

>> No.10084857

>Kei's route is when you can say it gets actually good.
Damn it Anon. I already enjoyed the first route plenty enough and now you're just luring me into wasting my entire week with this game.

By the way, when should I read the extra scenarios? Two of them seemed to unlock during Kasumi's route but I quit the first extra story after it started veering into possible spoilers.

>> No.10084868

If they got unlocked during the first route, then they should be harmless. The first of them can be read after you meet with Shirou in the common route quite well.
And yeah, just go marathon it, it's worth it.

>> No.10084877

Now taht I think of it, and checked the scenarios, keep the second one till after Keis' route.

>> No.10085092

I know your pain. Even though I usually don't enjoy them I end up playing every Otomate release. It's like some sort of addiction where I think "well, I've played all of them so far, I might as well play this one too".

>> No.10085133

since you seem experts, was Musketeer bad? Always thought about trying it because of the setting, but couldn't find any opinions on it

>> No.10085152

Baldr sky zero looks good there but since it's the Zero, can it add much story/interest? At the moment it feels closer to a fandisk with a souped-up engine.

That dark glass suit with gun can't really be a shot of Yuuji, can it?

Thanks to whoever posted the scans, 2013 momentum is building.

>> No.10085166

It's a new story in the same setting with both old and new characters. Fandisk would be too much.

>> No.10085168

I only played one of the routes because I only liked one of the characters, but I thought it was ok. I have pretty low standards for otome games but it wasn't particularly bad or good I thought. If one or more of the characters appeal to you you might as well play it.

>> No.10085181
File: 77 KB, 671x632, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

case in point, from gears of dragoon trial

>> No.10085282


Speaking of Verita. Is there any merit to going back and finishing the light and dark ends? I found the neutral route less than satisfying.

>> No.10085493

light and dark routes are both what-if scenarios. Light route isn't anything too special, but I'd say check the dark-route it has some nice moments, especially when you revisit certain place from Zero

>> No.10085808

>gears of dragoon
Oh man, all those designs.

>> No.10086324

This is the most generic JRPG I've ever seen. It's as if when they were making it, they said to themselves, "No, we can go one step further... we can make this even MORE generic."

>> No.10086356

>meikyuu no UROBOROS
When I think eroge developers can't try less, they outdo themselves at not trying.

>> No.10086357

Yeah, it was pretty bad.
Then again, so was Zero's beginning.

>> No.10086384

Finished パジャマさんこんにちわ. It ended up surpassing my expectations, although I'm not quite sure what those expectations were in the first place. It was a nice short read. I liked all of the heroines and the art, it reminded me of an early-2000s VN. I'm sure most people get angry at "it was all just a dream" plots, but I actually like that type of thing. And I felt like it fit well with this story in particular. My only complaint is that certain routes should have been locked. I really, really wish I had done the character routes before getting the happy/true end. Also, the character routes themselves were pretty mediocre in that the formula was get to know her -> discover her secret -> "save" her. But after the true end it didn't matter, of course. Then again I have a thing for girls with psychological problems, so I enjoyed their routes anyway.

>> No.10086394

>every popular mainstream character spawns at least a dozen clones

Some extremely popular characters don't seem to get clones though. Like Saber for example. Sure there are other blonde, blue eyed sword ladies, but they all lack something that Saber has. What it is I'm not sure.

>> No.10086403
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That's because Saber was a clone to begin with.

>> No.10086410

I just find her boring, I suppose the rest aren't nearly as depressing and annoying.

>> No.10086419

You're missing my point. Plus, I wouldn't mind seeing more Agriases in eroge.

>> No.10086422

well, probably because Saber originated from eroge to begin with. It's like, it's fine if you take it from mainstream, but blatantly copying from within the industry isn't as fine. There was that centaur girl who was basically a near-trace of saber lily anyways

>> No.10086463

There are at least two Saber inspired centaurs, iirc. One from that recent monster girl VN and another from that semi-popular monster girl manga which pops up on /a/.

>> No.10086631
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>> No.10086647

She is far too awesome to be a Saber clone.
More heroine should be that hotblooded.

>> No.10086787
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Aside from being blue, and having the kind of battle skirt thing going on, the outfit or character isn't really similar at all.

>> No.10086866

I wish Saber was that good.

>> No.10086867

Are there any "almost" NTR VN out there?

What I mean is you sit there reading expecting to get netorared any moment now but in the end it never happens

>> No.10087193
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Just ended her route, the only one I've played. I had to skip other route because her is the only one translated, and I have to unlock this one first. Anyway, it was a good game. If someone is into incest as much as me, you will enjoy it greatly.

Best girl and the best twincest game ever.

>> No.10087577

Playing White Album. I was really on the fence, I love Maruto but I hate melodrama, but this game kind of betrayed my concerns by having such excellent drama. The interactions really hit hard. I'll be looking forward to playing closing chapter when december rolls around

>> No.10087765

son are you trollan

>> No.10088120

Soukoku no Arterial
Almost every main heroine is emotionally attached (more or less) to some man other than the MC. I think these pairings were quite possible:
Akari x Kaito
Narumi x her brother
Sayane x Touchirou
Mirai x her (and MC's) father
Atori x Gonzou

>> No.10088219

So is Arisa pure waifu?

>> No.10088966

... Did we read the same VN? Though I did expect rape to happen at any moment which could be called NTR.

>> No.10089113


>> No.10089138

Could be worse. I just hope it's about the same length as the original. Also I want to see pilot girl again.

>> No.10089272


Just realized Yuuji will be behind bars at one point with those screenshots, guess that would be nearer to the end.

>> No.10089278

That's JB behind the bars.

>> No.10089275

Isn't he already in prison by the end of meikyuu?
Wish they voiced him for this game.

>> No.10089326


You are right, my eyes are doing me in, the all-nighter isn't good for health.

>> No.10089603

The new Candysoft game looks pretty good.

Looks like a more serious version of Lime-iro/Sakura Wars.

>> No.10089612

There is a trial out.
I'll try it

>> No.10089626

The bro character is voiced by Sugita

>> No.10089767

holy sheat votoms fap-fap-fap...

>> No.10089782

so, the Gahkthun trial choices
the second choice in chapter 3 was pretty straightforward in that picking the other two netted me a gameover, but I'm not sure if I picked the right one during the first.
Was the subepisode that was supposed to unlock the izumi thing at the end? Or was that the subepisode for chapter 1? What did you choose?
Anyways, looking pretty fucking good.

>> No.10090001


Is that mech I see? Will it get beyond 3 CGs? Brb downloading trial now - 1.3 gig...

>> No.10090116

Its page on getchu makes it look like a random comedy nukige:
Looks like a genre shift game.

The trial got pretty good reviews on EGS too:

>> No.10090527

>genre shift game.
Genre shift games never end up killing the girls I want them to.

>> No.10090585

Looking at the trial, I doubt it's going to be a genre shift game

>> No.10090722

Played GEARS of DRAGOON trial. I didn't like it.
The cast are pretty much cookie-cutter and the story is hackneyed and cliche.
But it might turn out better later on, the trial was pretty short.

The OP looks nothing like ラブコメ though.
But I haven't played the trial, I don't feel like downloading a 1gb+ trial.

>> No.10090789
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May be they won't get death flags as they are supports but who knows.

>> No.10090796

I have a feeling a similar question was asked recently, but is there any brand that is particularly known for producing comedy VNs? I've been in the mood for a pure romcom lately for once, but in the past every romance I've played has some form of drama in the character routes. I think I've heard Yuzusoft mentioned in this category?

>> No.10090848

Hooksoft's titles are focused on pure love, and generally have little or no drama.

>> No.10090862

I've played only a couple of their games, but there was drama in there too, even if it was somewhat light. I guess it depends on the degree of it you're willing to stomach

>> No.10090871

For Gears of Dragoon, I saw a playthrough of the trial in nico and it looked pretty bad.
The interface feels clunky and slow, and yeah everything about the characters feel really generic.
Pretty disappointing since I liked everything the company made so far

>> No.10090874

Thanks, I meant to play Strawberry Nauts back when it was first released, maybe I'll finally get around to it nearly a year later.

>> No.10090911

Try Apricot.
Maple Colors 2 is hilarious.
The first game is pretty good too but the minigames will kill you.

>> No.10091126

Oh man I remember Maple Colors H, that was hilarious. That was a long time ago though...

>> No.10091298

Google is not giving me anything. Is this the new Joukei Kazoku?

>> No.10091308

On the final part of axanael the game keeps locking up, are the any other patches besides the 1.10 patch? even with that applied it still locks up .

>> No.10091311

( ͡° ͜ʖ͡°)


( ͡° ͜ʖ͡°)

>> No.10091323

Slowpoke here playing Chaos;head

>> No.10091427

Asking about haruuru again, you can do the routes in any order you want, right? I'd prefer to leave the better ones for later on.

>> No.10091439
File: 216 KB, 1039x611, nitroisgoodaprogramming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so now if I go slow enough I get this but it just stays like this forever

>> No.10091438
File: 7 KB, 235x152, wah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me what this is/how to fix it? It happens on trying to run the game after applying the no dvd patch.

>> No.10091459

The game is already running. Kill it from the process manager, then try running it again.

>> No.10091470

Ah thanks a lot

>> No.10091530

The last scene of chapter 1 reminded a ton of Utena's student council sessions, just lacked fabulous elevators.

>> No.10091587
File: 242 KB, 1280x720, I suck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last played: Seishori Club 2
I'm sure I can buy girls into a harem like the protag. Unfortunately that's possible only in Africa and I dont feel comfortable around niggers let alone touching one.

Currently playing: Eiyuu Senki.
Battles of attrition arent fun at all: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Vzw9e-k7PE

Looking forward to: sleep.

>> No.10091609

Yeah the Utena influences are pretty evident in all her games. Ascending stairs, theatrical flair, repetition, symbolic fights

>> No.10091684

It's pretty much straight road.

>> No.10091736

But chapter 1 particularly, Walther has an ego to match Saionji and he'll return in an even more butthurt way.

>> No.10092204
File: 384 KB, 1040x806, e45h51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else find this little anachronism in the Gahkthun web trial? Most nippons probably wouldn't get the Full House and Uncle Joey reference.


"He's a Joey."

It starts playing as background murmur/chatter in the scene from my screenshot.

Anyway, it was really disconcerting to hear people conversing in American English while trying to immerse myself in a steampunk story that takes place in 1908 France.

>> No.10092214

I didn't hear it, and I wouldn't have got the reference anyway.
There's bound to be americans in it though, or at least people who were taught american english instead of british.

>> No.10092237

"oh you got caught huh?"
"you can see the beautiful hair"
"yes he does"
"showing off"
"i don't show off"
"yeah you do"
"he's so cute"
"where do i show off? my hair?"
"no i know who he's like, you know like that guy, like joey, from the western show 'Full House'"
"he's a joey"
"Full House, Full House"
"no, i'm not that bad"

>> No.10092262

That counts as SE, right? I could barely hear it over the music.

>> No.10092269
File: 173 KB, 326x338, fuuko's ending is apparently a lot less emotional when you're laughing like an idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could barely make out a word of that background chatter. (Not a native speaker and bad at hearing spoken language in general.) Sometimes I'm glad I'm bad at that; it seems people had a similar immersion-breaking problem in Clannad when the total Engrish song 'Ana' plays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKplzJRAuGo

>> No.10092282

I just tune out english songs in eroge and enjoy the pretty sounds.

>> No.10092314

most of the protagonists aren't even french, and Tesla himself came from the states anyways

>> No.10092390

How long is the Maou route in Muramasa compared with the other two?

>> No.10092406


>> No.10092418

Twice the length maybe

>> No.10092437


Interesting. Because the Revenge route hardly felt like a route at all. Near the end of the Hero route, every time I thought the route was coming to an end it just kept going and going... but with the Revenge route it felt like nothing really happened. When it ended I thought to myself, "That's it?" I'm assuming the Maou route is where the meat of the game is?

>> No.10092446

Revenge route has the problem that it climaxes halfway through and then just keeps going.
Kanae being Kanae is nice and all but yes, the meat of the game is in the maou route.

>> No.10092470

Revenge and Hero routes are about Kanae and Ichijou's personal problems/worldviews and Kageaki's task is just kind of there on the background. Maou is where he lives up to his (adoptive) family name and faces full life consequences, it goes without saying that it's going to have the most content.

>> No.10092508

I always thought of the revenge route as completely dissecting every element of Hanachirasu's core theme myself.

Though I think Kageaki was a much less passive entity in Ichijou's route. The entire thing was about defining what is right and wrong, the contrast between Muramasa and Masamune seemed to shine much more than Ichijou and Kageaki too, who simply mostly adopted their respective Tsurugi's founding principles.

>> No.10092584

>Though I think Kageaki was a much less passive entity in Ichijou's route. The entire thing was about defining what is right and wrong, the contrast between Muramasa and Masamune seemed to shine much more than Ichijou and Kageaki too, who simply mostly adopted their respective Tsurugi's founding principles.
Agreed, but by taking "murder committed for the sake of justice is still murder" as a stance he is merely acting as foil to Ichijou's/Masamune's naivete instead of forwarding his own agenda. Lucky him, since his problem solves herself halfway through the route, leaving him free to go get himself killed.

>> No.10092598

I just took them as Kageaki becoming too involved with Ichijou and not wanting her to commit foolish mistakes she will inevitably regret later on more than simply acting as a foil.
Kanae gives a better excuse for Kageaki's deviation of his plan, however.

>> No.10092990

I don't get it am I doing the the wrong order or something? I though this game was a one way road

>> No.10093091 [DELETED] 

I just finished Shoin. That game was really fucked up, but I loved it. The way that it used its interactive nature to force the player into the role of the patient was outstanding. I'd easily recommend this game, just the perfect length.

I have a few questions coming out of it though, if someone could clear these up for me.

Who was Hinata exactly? Was it just past tense Yukari getting closure on her own deal? This made the most sense to me, but I didn't want to commit to that without confirmation.

The reason I'm unsure is because Yukari mentions in the H-Scene where you confess to her that "she had hurt someone important to her with one of her pictures" and that just like the player that "in her past she had also lost (this important person)". Was she just referring to her past self in the form of Hinata?

Just some confirmation will do.

>> No.10093114
File: 362 KB, 646x528, 書淫、或いは失われた夢の物語。 ...1.55(Hack) [ nbook ]_2012-11-20_17-07-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Shoin. That game was really fucked up, but I loved it. The way that it used its interactive nature to force the player into the role of the patient was outstanding. I'd easily recommend this game, just the perfect length.

I have a few questions coming out of it though, if someone could clear these up for me. Who was Hinata exactly? Was it just past tense Yukari getting closure on her own deal? This made the most sense to me, but I didn't want to commit to that without confirmation.
The reason I'm unsure is because Yukari mentions in the H-Scene where you confess to her that "she had hurt someone important to her with one of her pictures" and that just like the player that "in her past she had also lost (this important person)". Was she just referring to her past self in the form of Hinata?

Just some confirmation will do.

>> No.10093163
File: 450 KB, 1024x768, ベニヲ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venio reminds me of Ryougi Shiki. I hope she has some nice H scenes?

>> No.10093538

OH MY GOD WHAT, how can this game have EVERYTHING I like?

you guys I may need to propose to Hikari Sakurai

>> No.10094123


>> No.10094278


>> No.10094291

Can't wait, it can't come soon enough

>> No.10094319

I'm currently reading 野外学習 and I found it's quite amusing/unsettling to see the protagonist referred to exclusively as a 3rd person, when you're seeing everything from his perspective and all the narration has that children's story quality to it.


You could probably replace 巧 with プンプン and it wouldn't seem out of place.

Other than that, no male voices piss me off as usual.

>> No.10094386

B-b-but the best twincest game it's Koikishi.

>> No.10094427

The art in that game was too lewd for me.
I felt as if I were going to break my dick off.

>> No.10094483
File: 161 KB, 1296x778, yuujustwantstotalk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuu is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.10094484

Those soldier dolls are tinier than I thought.

>> No.10094712


So I got recommended this years back and downloaded it, but never played it. I only just now looked at the tags, as I'm installing it.

This could either be awesome or completely terrible.

>> No.10094732

Makes me wonder how we will stick it in. This is Eushully so its almost sure to happen

>> No.10094736

>rape with blackmail
>high amounts of rape

>> No.10094789

Tiny 人形 even better than just dolls.
褒め言葉なの? それとも、けなし言葉?

>> No.10094952 [SPOILER] 
File: 262 KB, 378x440, Screen shot 2012-11-20 at 9.15.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muramasa II, why do you let your daughter dress like a slut?

If there is a god, there's got to be a threesome h-scene with these two in the fandisk.

>> No.10095320
File: 150 KB, 816x638, shota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10095461
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>> No.10095595
File: 161 KB, 424x600, 1351908353531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First part of Eustia patched, 1 month and counting until Golden Dawn, surprise double Steampunk FV patches, AND the Kara no Shoujo 2 trial just came out.

I am having a very, very good day.

Maybe you already noticed, but this fanart is by the Suika whatshisname, the artist for raiL-soft's last game (not Astelight, the one before that). I hope this might translate into doujinshi eventually; he did a Sharnoth book way back when that I quite like.

>> No.10095600

W-what are we gonna do in the abandoned gym?

>> No.10095608

>AND the Kara no Shoujo 2 trial just came out.
Awesome news.

>> No.10095609

That reminds me of the old Xuse designs.

>> No.10095652

Rape. Rape is what we're gonna do.

>> No.10095657

But who? Who is raping who? Will you rape him? Will I rape you? There are too many questions and too few answers. We have to get to the bottom of this. In practice.

>> No.10095660

If there's a character with a sprite in that game, you can rape them.

>> No.10095725

E-even the boy?!

>> No.10095829
File: 203 KB, 1611x920, shot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I go with the trial for Kara no Shoujo 2: Crimson Butterfly.

Maybe the Fatal Frame comparison will turn out to be more apt than I thought.

>> No.10095977

It actually felt the opposite way for me. Maybe because there were few key scenes in Hero route, maybe because Revenge route felt even longer thanks to all the mini-games.

>> No.10096328

Brown elves are for brutal gangraping.

>> No.10096384

So, I know WA2 is a really long game, but for the individual routes or sections of the game, how is that time distributed? I want to play Kazusa true on Christmas eve and finish it Christmas day, and I'm a really slow reader/have other things to do so I want to know what I'm committing to ahead of time.

>> No.10096408

Maybe we won't get to stick it in.
They're dolls. Do they even have the functionality?

>> No.10096434

The reason they develop fast is to allow quicker raping after you impregnate your last elf slave. The reason they don't live long is to ensure that they die while their bodies are still firm and attractive. In their racial obsession with trying to forge themselves into war machines, they forgot that they are first and foremost women, and therefore exist to be fucked.

Now waiting for the Fatalpulse H-doujin with this exact reasoning.

>> No.10096442

>They're dolls.
This didn't stop any main character before.
They'll probably grow normal size for the scenes or it'll be some spiritual fucking where they're both the same size.

>> No.10096466

I just want one game where you get to make sweet sweet love to your brown elf waifu and daughteru at the same time. Is this so hard to do, Japan?

>> No.10096509

Are there any non-nukige with a gyaru/kogyaru heroine? I really can't think of any. Hell, even in nukige they're relatively rare.

>> No.10096522

If you forgive the tan, Ai from oretsuba

>> No.10096539
File: 338 KB, 1280x720, sameface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks kinda sameface to me.

>> No.10096568

She doesn't have a route.

>> No.10096571

That's what R is for, you silly.

>> No.10096572

She does in R.

>> No.10096581

wait for one of the 12323 majikoi milking fandisks to have a story about that brown girl

>> No.10096586

Nah, they said they wouldn't.

>> No.10096593

Why must you crush my hopes and dreams?

>> No.10097043

started reading KnS2 trial. Really pretty as expected, though it seems it's still as sadistic as always.

>> No.10097145

is it me or the trial is really a bit buggy? When I try to investigate it starts to freeze a while.

Btw my pc is pretty new and powerful enough to play games and shit..

>> No.10097163

I just ivestigated the first scene, it worked well, froze for half a second when it started, but not the engine, just the mouse, which is probably normal.

>> No.10097179

yep the mouse freezes which is annoying. But I feel like it's still a bit laggy.

>> No.10097191

Probably on your end, works fine in my laptop.

>> No.10097197


>> No.10097205

It's not weird if japanese VNs work better on older shit, seriously.

>> No.10097233

Why are Japanese programmers so bad? I've been thinking about this question for a while now but I can't think of anything in particular.

>> No.10097250

I'd say they can't afford to hire decent programmers and they just roll with the cheapest shit ever.

>> No.10097252

There's some sort of extended trial for Witch's Garden out, longer than the previous one and saves can be carried over to the full game. I'm not exactly desperate for the game but I guess I'll start playing it now since I have nothing else this month.

>> No.10097268

Can we fuck Yukari in this game already? She literally wants the brother's dick so bad.

>> No.10097282

You forget the part where incest fucked the lives of the people from the previous game so hard, including Toko it's basically telling you

>> No.10097302

But this part 2 has many siblings and they look like they wanna fuck.

I want my incest, man.

>> No.10097328

it looks like the writers for this aren't the same as Campanella, maybe this time I won't fall asleep playing, might check it out

>> No.10097319

And they'll probably have go o through the same shit they did in part 1. Cartagra did have some nice incest, but Nana is Nana.
Don't misunderstand me, I'd love a Yukari scene where she rants about mating habits of bugs.

>> No.10097348

hmm, well I hope this one too will be an enjoyable game like the last one. Looking forward to it.

>> No.10097355

MC now speaks with a sexy voice, so there's that.

>> No.10097423

All InnocentGrey games have incest? Caucasus had too?

>> No.10097558

In Gahkthun, Izumi says: いまの警戒の間

What would be a good translation for 警戒の間?

>> No.10097614

Difference between muramasa limited/regular editions?

>> No.10097846

One came with extra shit, the other didn't. Makes no difference for you.

>> No.10098383

Finished the trial for KnS2, shame it wasn't longer.
Great art, seriously really good, particularly in more detailed shots. Music was really atmospheric and I felt writing has gotten better too, particularly its use of multiple perspectives instead of having the detective being the one seeing everything. Reiji doing police work, Yukari institute and random characters doing their random things. I hope they don't drop it for the main game, I enjoy this narrative a lot.
Hyped for this. It also has Notsuki Mahiru, who rarely goes outside a liar soft game. If it's the result of their combo, I love it.

>> No.10098399

Security (guards, etc) of the gate.

>> No.10098996

>Venio reminds me of Ryougi Shiki

So she calls herself "ore" and constantly as a stick up her ass?

>> No.10099402 [SPOILER] 
File: 553 KB, 800x600, subahibi18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, they even moved jesu freude to insects for this.

Will the bullying continue until July 12?

>> No.10099781


>> No.10100110

Finished Luna route in 月に寄りそう乙女の作法, I don't feel like going into other heroine routes because Luna route is the only route in my heart, should I screw that and do other routes as well or am I not missing anything of importance?

On another note, the contrast between the two artists is terrible at times.

>> No.10100290

Sorry to draw attention back to this, but if someone could answer I'd appreciate it.

>> No.10100926

IC, the highschool part is like 10% of the whole thing
The second part has 4 routes and is overall pretty long.
Third part has 3 routes, each route is about as long as one in the second part
The whole thing is 4mb so it should take you a while especially if you are slow, better start now

>> No.10101002

Well you might get your wish, there's CG up for a past Chizuru sex scene. Of course, that means we might also get to see her creepy brother trying to rape her and her cutting his fingers off.

>> No.10101012

I liked Ursule's route, it pins you against Luna, which is entertaining.

>> No.10101064

There may have been yuri incest.

>> No.10101102

Moege is the best kind of VN.

>> No.10101196
File: 134 KB, 533x400, c752769table1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10101208
File: 731 KB, 800x600, little_busters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After having checked out the anime, I decided to finally try out Little Busters!

Especially the OP song always gave me the chills for some reason, and it made me curious. I'm currently one week before their match and I enjoyed it a lot so far.

>> No.10101209

The guy looks like he hates tits.

>> No.10101299

God damn it's already on AS

>> No.10101473

what's the name of this?

>> No.10101491

4chan now has google searching for pictures included by default, you can easily get title from there

>> No.10101778

You're at the point right before it all goes downhill. The common route is one of the best VNs have to offer, but the character routes are mostly horrible.

>> No.10102004

My dick is waiting.

>> No.10102012

waaaaaaay too lewd tits on the third woman.

>> No.10102130

Got it. Thanks.

>> No.10102240
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 1217679245704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokei Kazoku 3 is out on Share
Time to wait for torrent

>> No.10102271
File: 112 KB, 850x493, guac_chara16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am becoming less and less sure of what to expect from this game all the time.

>> No.10102284


>walking down the hallway
>oh, sakurai-san, we'd like to get some bestiality fans with the next game, please make it possible, we're depending on you

>> No.10102292

I guess I'll get the fd of Otomekoi

>> No.10102297
File: 147 KB, 400x400, img7_liliicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in line, son.

I guess it isn't really surprising that she tends to like the same series that other WAB readers do. Certain kinds of series tend to attract the same kind of people, after all. At this stage it wouldn't surprise me if she were to suddenly gush about サンホラ over twitter one of these days.

>> No.10102349

Hell yeah, 女系家族 is out on nyaa.

>> No.10102362
File: 436 KB, 1488x2203, 1287834670351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nor me. Her work and SH have that gothic fairytale feel in common more often than not; they're really just the breadth of a few ascots away.

(p.s. I'll duel you for her hand, COME AT ME BRO)

>> No.10102365

He... was in the opening. Lobo is a cool name, even if non-descriptive.

>> No.10102377

Since this month doesn't have anything that interest me, I'm going through my backlog.
Next is Ripple, the first eroge of Maruto.
Looks like it's basically the precursor of everything he would write later with one heroine/route in particular being the proto Rikako/Kanako/Kazusa/Asami.
I guess this will be interesting to see

>> No.10102397

The name Lobo is attached to mythical wolves quite often, so no surprise there. Whether there's any connection or that's just someone's cute name for a pet I guess we have to wait and see.

> Special abilities: same abilities that all dogs are born with.

I smiled.

>> No.10102418

>is attached to mythical wolves quite often
Only because it means wolf in a different languages. It's like calling a moon deity Luna.

>> No.10102461

Lobo literally means wolf you ignoramus.

>> No.10102490

This is a formerly-known-as-WAB series game, so you're an ignoramus if you don't assume that every character has fictional, mythological or historical basis of some kind.

>> No.10102509

Nice save.

>> No.10102534

This is pretty much true, but Refrain is fucking great.

>> No.10102544

Mind listing all the mythical wolves you know that are called Lobo?

>> No.10102616


So is there anything to this game other to to fap?

>> No.10102638

not that guy, but:

> Known as the “King of the Currumpaw,” Lobo seemingly had a mythical ability to cheat death, eluding the traps that ranchers had set for him throughout the countryside.

>> No.10102654

Who get's the inheritance monies, scheming bitches&whores, probably a couple of fucked up bad ends and a lot of rape. I'm there for the high quality fap-material.

>> No.10102683

You can fap to scheming bitches & whores?

>> No.10102721

What kind of question is that. I fap to the depiction of sex.

>> No.10102752

Are the other routes in Fortissimo EXS worth going through?
Some of the comments in previous threads make it seem like they're not really worth the time.

>> No.10102962


you can fap to anything so long as you end the sentence with the descriptor: being broken through gangrape

so, can you fap to scheming bitches & whores being broken through gangrape?

>> No.10103051


The extra which unlocks after you ctrl-skip the uninteresting endings tells you the canon ending where they can release a sequel on.

At your own risk, spoiler alert - not a single one of the three main heroines is the canon route/couple <insert troll face> but the major events are from your bubbly girl Sakura route..

>> No.10103637
File: 139 KB, 1024x768, jumpc_mlg0203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Cartagra. I was kinda bored in the beginning, but the last couple of routes, atsune and Takako, have been quite good, particularly Takako's ending it's not quite on the level of Toko2 going insane, but still quite well done.
I can finally advance almost linearly with the story once for all, I want some Kazuna.

>> No.10103672

Waiting for the new x change, I hope it's about by tomorrow. Also C+C, haven't read it since forever and I want to check if it bothered to include any new content.

>> No.10104503
File: 140 KB, 850x493, guac_chara20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta love eroge maker's boner with Satie, I hope he gets a track inspired by one of his pieces.

>> No.10105208

And that's M's voice actor playing Satie, thereby inspiring a whole new generation of fujoshi to Satie-boners.

>> No.10105301
File: 27 KB, 250x300, c752769chara5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking dick

藍川珪 does an amazing deeper voice

>> No.10105344

Where did you find Cartagra? I've been looking everywhere for it after finishing Kara no Shoujo.

>> No.10105383

I want Debussy and Poulenc too.

>> No.10105524

I'd also be interested in knowing where you got it.

>> No.10105534

Look for it, if you can't find it I'll upload it when I wake up tomorrow. Got it in Paranoia.

>> No.10105746
File: 395 KB, 800x600, goei3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit, Mai. You're giving me a boner. Stop it.

>> No.10106029
File: 251 KB, 500x500, 20121121150728e81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fanartists seem to like Jo a lot. My money would've been on Emilie. Wonder how the first popularity poll will turn out?

>> No.10106081

Currently tempted to play 魔王と踊れ code:arcana but I haven't touched the prequels and all of them seem to have different protagonists, if anyone has played the previous ones before, is the series worth playing through?

>> No.10106105

I don't know about the other guy, but everything I could find either had no seeders or was down. Sorry man.

>> No.10106119

Woah what the fuck? I thought Akagoei is just a vamp up version of Noble Works?

>> No.10106256

The protag has the darkest and most horrible backstory I have ever read.

>> No.10106282
File: 195 KB, 500x406, allthoseVNs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these glorious VNs around me and I can't play any because I don't know Japanese.... I want to kill myself;_;

>> No.10106295
File: 43 KB, 256x361, Hoshizora-no-Memoria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started playing Hoshizora no Memoria the other day.

I LOVE the quality of the character art in this VN, really impressed, the colors really look vibrant. But a little but butthurt because i'm disgusting and have an incest fetish and apparently the little sister route is one you have to unlock by playing some other route first.

How is this VN overall? Opinions on best route?

>> No.10106300

I haven't played the other ones, but there's a somewhat detailed summary of the first two on Code Arcana's site, and the third one seems to take place 40-50 years after the second one.
Only played it for 2 or 3 hours, but I've found the game play fairly fun if a little basic so far. The VN portion production values seem a little low though, what with none of the male characters apparently being voiced at all.

>> No.10106303

How's the story?

>> No.10106328

A lot of the character routes have to be unlocked IIRC.

I liked it a lot, one of the better moege I've played. All the routes are decent, though I didn't particularly care for Kosame personally.

>> No.10106357

Have read two routes so far, the routes are paired. So for every unlockable route you need to complete the character that is given already. I enjoyed it, still getting around to finishing it.

>> No.10106360 [SPOILER] 
File: 190 KB, 1600x1200, BestGirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed it for the most part but there were a couple characters that were incredibly annoying. Chinami's route is unlocked when you complete Isuzu's route, but I didn't enjoy it very much. Pic related is best girl though.

>> No.10106397

Playing it now. The game play feels quite dull after a while and so far it's just dungeons after dungeons with little to no exploration on your own. The controls and interface are rather poorly thought-out and implemented, which killed the game flow imo. I don't think there's a suspend function during battles, which is a bit odd.

Story-wise it's not bad, but quite bland and generic. You can pretty much predict what's going to happen next, as well as the personalities of the characters as soon as you see them.

>> No.10106400


>> No.10107984

Is the Makai Tenshi Djibril series NTR?

The premise seems like NTR.

>> No.10107994
File: 1.53 MB, 1402x2016, 026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Main heroine gets raped (and somewhat enjoys it) by pretty much all kinds of abominations, so kinda.

But she loves the MC, so maybe not. Then again, MC fucks most if not all the girls too, so I guess it is okay.

>> No.10108015

It's more like game over rape. You pick bad choices and watch the heroines get raped.
Studio ego/Debunosu's Kagura series is similar.

>> No.10108070

So the true ending is happy?

>> No.10108094

Yes. But there might be unavoidable rape here and there, I don't really remember.

>> No.10108422 [DELETED] 
File: 1.60 MB, 1034x800, J.Q.V 人類救済部 ~With love from isotope~_2012-11-23_10-39-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uploaded. You can get that here: http://www.mediafire.com/?k44iyrcdinmw4

However, mediafire has recently changed their policy to not allow multipart files, so let me know which ones you can't download and I'll upload them elsewhere.

On that note, I also uploaded the official JQV OST a few weeks ago, that can be found:
This OST is non inclusive of all the songs used in the game (Unfortunately this included my favorite songs, the ones that play when Shimaji confronts Maria at the field, and when the other alphabet child, presumably Daisy makes her appearance. , so if you want the others then rip them from the game. At a point I might upload those myself.

>> No.10108450
File: 1.60 MB, 1034x800, J.Q.V 人類救済部 ~With love from isotope~_2012-11-23_10-39-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uploaded. You can get that here: http://www.mediafire.com/?k44iyrcdinmw4

However, mediafire has recently changed their policy to not allow multipart files, so let me know which ones you can't download and I'll upload them elsewhere.

On that note, I also uploaded the official JQV OST a few weeks ago, that can be found:
This OST is non inclusive of all the songs used in the game (Unfortunately this included my favorite songs, the ones that play when Shimaji confronts Natalia at the field, and when the other alphabet child, presumably Daisy makes her appearance.) , so if you want the others then rip them from the game. At a point I might upload those myself.

>> No.10108879

Can you upload Ave Maria too? I would order it but I live in a shit country that make it really hard to get anything without the proper connection, believe me I tried.
I'm seriously ready to pay you to get it.

>> No.10108915

look at him

>> No.10108938

they're your half sisters and your daddy's second wife, it's only of course that they're capable of making your dick go to heavens.

>> No.10108968

Does anyone have a link for the crack of Caucasus or can upload it?

>> No.10108984

But if you knew Japanese, you'd want to kill yourself because you can't decide what to read.

>> No.10109010

you just become slightly more picky after your initial "i can read all of the things" rush

>> No.10109078

Enjoy your murder fest.

Bump limit btw. Can some anon make a new thread?
I already started the last three ones and haven't been reading anything new lately.

>> No.10109090

New thread

>> No.10109102
File: 1.97 MB, 1600x1200, ev_reika04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's one off the backlog I've been adding onto for years. Every single ending feels really rushed though. Characters were left out left and right. It's as if they ax'd production or something.

>> No.10109108

>Enjoy your murder fest.
Will do, thanks.

>> No.10112677

What does the 18+ versions of Little busters add to the game? Just about to start it and wondering what the differences are since I was sure this was a non hentai vn, so even with lots of gore it shouldn't hit 18+ rating without sex.
