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File: 429 KB, 801x801, 1352650033480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10078474 No.10078474 [Reply] [Original]


Happy Sunday!

>> No.10078478

sunday bloody sunday

>> No.10078499
File: 194 KB, 650x650, 27824163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunday is for sleeping in!

Good night /jp/.

>> No.10078504
File: 68 KB, 851x710, 1349508498803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah

>> No.10078532

Made french toast this morning.
Time for 14 hours of internet then sleep.

h-h-here i g-g-gooo

>> No.10078541

Weekend NEETs assemble!

>> No.10078552

I keep wasting my time on shitty internet videos instead of doing more worthwhile things such as watching anime and playing video games.
My life is getting out of hand, pls help /jp/.

>> No.10078555
File: 184 KB, 624x580, 1344370837106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a job you fucking loser.

>> No.10078556

How horrifying, why would you say things as scary as that to anyone ?
Please apologize.

>> No.10078568

Let's see... today I should:

Clean my room.


Get my resume from the HDD of my dead PC so I can look for a job again.

Go running.

I wonder if I'll achieve any of this or spend another day fapping, reading comics, and browsing the web.

>> No.10078570
File: 195 KB, 733x455, 1352637857790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else feel SEXUALLY AROUSED when you think of NEETs?

I want to fug a /jp/ NEET.

>> No.10078574 [DELETED] 
File: 1.23 MB, 2040x5000, uubh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10078578

>Happy Sunday!

time to go to bed and wake up at 5pm

>> No.10078591 [DELETED] 
File: 1.10 MB, 3392x4524, 887765t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10078595

Lewd as HELL man

>> No.10078599


If you look for a job you are not a neet... But if your looking for a job with the intention to fail are you a neet?

>> No.10078605

lol. i fall into that category since i'm up all night.

>> No.10078629

Let me tell you straight up. Do not put a space before a question mark.

>> No.10078634

The French do it. Are the French not cool anymore?

>> No.10078640

The French were never cool.

>> No.10078646

Sorry I'm french.

I agree

>> No.10078647

Je ne veux pas manger cet omelet du fromage.

>> No.10078649

Why do french people sound like frogs when they speak?

>> No.10078654

Really? I could have sworn ...

But I'm obviously no expert, so I'll take your word for it.
I'll be sure to make the appropriate entry in my Cool Journal.

>> No.10078657

*sort sa bite*

>> No.10078659 [DELETED] 

How about you clean THIS!

*whips out cock*

Apologize to THIS!

*whips out cock*

Look for THIS!

*whips out cock*

Put a space before THIS!

*whips out cock*

manger THIS fromage!

*whips out cock*

>> No.10078673

I've been putting off getting that resume(or, you know, writing a new one)for a couple weeks.

Technically I've been looking for a job for 2+ years now, you know.

I actually need to get one now, though.

>> No.10078676

I'm watching Jurassic Park right now.

This movie is pretty great, what's your favorite scene /jp/?

>> No.10078690

I liked the part where the raptors were in the building and the characters were fucked until t-rex-kun came and saved their ass.

>> No.10078693

The bit with the guy on the toilet and the T-Rex. At least, I think that's from Jurassic Park.

>> No.10078722

Wow, looks like we got a bunch of T-Rex fanboy shitposters on /jp/. Dilophosaurus was the best scene.

>> No.10078724
File: 115 KB, 900x808, 1352100295001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw other people pick up your gimmick so you don't have to do it any more.
kinda feels like I'm some chinese slave-master and I have like 400 small children all doing my work for me while I sit back and relax
pic unrelated but HELLa funny

>> No.10078730

Woah man, the raptors were my favourites, not the T-Rex. I remember when I was a kid I used to roleplay as a raptor and everything.

>> No.10078738 [DELETED] 

Try putting off THIS!

*whips out cock*

>> No.10078740 [DELETED] 

Why don't you sit back on THIS!

>> No.10078751
File: 55 KB, 577x576, man_with_a_very_big_cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10078762

How does it feel knowing you were believing a lie?

>> No.10078765

Feels like nothing changed.

>> No.10078769

Stop believing satanic lies and watching satanic films.

It is a well known fact that SATAN created dinosaur bones under the earth in order to deceive the world and make people believe the lies of his followers (evolutionaries)

Dinosaurs didn't exist. They're fabrications created by the deceiver.

>> No.10078778

>It is a well known fact
Oh yeah? Where's your proof then, NERD?

>> No.10078781

Guys, this thread should be about Jurassic Park and NEETs, not whether dinosaurs were real or not. Calm down.

>> No.10078806

How were the sequels? I know I've seen them all but I can only remember Jurassic Park 1, so they must've been pretty forgettable.

>> No.10078823

The general consensus is that they're pretty bad. Personally I find the second film very watchable, with plenty of good scenes. The third film isn't even a Spielberg movie.

You might not like them, but it's not like they're on the same level as Robocop sequels. They're somewhere slightly below Back to The Future quality sequels.

>> No.10082632

sometimes i go onto other boards to see what it's userbase is like: /mu/ is full of very kind people!!


>> No.10082670

All those tripcunts... They are infinitely worse than anything we can muster. I am impressed.

>> No.10082677

Whoa. The turtles don't get eaten?

>> No.10082699

I can't decide if I should build a new PC/buy a new laptop. The only thing I have right now is a terrible netbook that runs really slow and it only has like a 120GB internal HDD. Problem is, sometimes I feel as if I only want something new because it will run faster and have a nicer, bigger screen. I don't do much only but listen to music and browse 4chan.

>> No.10082702

save your money, stick with the netbook

>> No.10082711


every scene with jeff Goldblum

>> No.10082716

If I wake up early enough I'm going to take the rail to the city and wander around and shoot a roll of HP5 I got. I'm really excited!

>> No.10082718

Why does my family treat me so bad? Is it because I'm NEET?

I clean the house, do their laundry and the dishes but in every argument its " Anon, you don't have a job so you're just a loser"

>> No.10082720

Why do people torture themselves with those toys? I'd rather browse with a 486 than some cramped miniature laptop.

>> No.10082725

>Why does my family treat me so bad? Is it because I'm NEET?
Naturally. My parents became actively hostile before I left. I don't talk to them anymore.

>> No.10082730
File: 913 KB, 1356x4946, falconguide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Build something cheap.

>> No.10082731

My mom bought for me a few years ago because it was the cheapest thing on sale at the time.

I don't have a lot of money so maybe I'll use what I have to buy a nice teapot or finally try tentacle grape soda instead.

>> No.10082733

the only motivation i had to get a job was being stuck with an old pentium machine, around 1GHz and something like 768MB of mismatched RAM. it only had 40GB space total. it can't even load youtube. despite being an awkward fucking mess at the job i found i afforded a new computer within a few months and almost kept the job for two years before i quit. this was almost six years ago when i was fresh out of high school. i've never been motivated to do a single damn thing for myself since. but now that i think about it, this computer is getting kind of old.

>> No.10082771

Sparky might be insane but he has realized that abandoned desktop computers are usually perfectly fine.

>> No.10082815
File: 54 KB, 430x438, poorfag-guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone posted this guide on /g/ a few days ago, for people who are poor. It tries to still get a good GPU so if you don't need that it will cost you even less.

>> No.10082827

That kind of underlines how desperate people are to get new shiny baubles. An actual `poorfag' doesn't buy computers, I say.

>> No.10082841

It's more like he someone wants to play games and this is all they can afford.

>> No.10082862

>wants to play games
What games?

>> No.10082892

I don't know exactly. I'm referring to the person who made the guide. Probably western PC games, which are normally somewhat demanding and require good GPUs, like his guide tries to accommodate.

>> No.10082906

Like Nethack?

>> No.10082924

the microphone isn't even plugged in, what the fuck is she doing?

>> No.10082926


>> No.10082930

working hard as a fake NEET.

>> No.10082937

so she's just listening to music then, or what? what is the point of that image, anyway?

>> No.10083025

What do you mean "what's the point"? Are you a real deal autist?

>> No.10088449

So it looks like my days of NEEThood may be coming to an end, /jp/. Does anybody know anything about the job corps? It's looking like my only option besides homelessness and poverty.

>> No.10088470

Worker spotted! Every day is for sleeping in, when you're NEET.

>> No.10088504

i bet most of you have a facebook

>> No.10088509

Jokes on you I have no friends.

>> No.10088515


I did when I was still normalfag scum but that was almost 2 years ago.

>> No.10088520

Hello NEET's , I've had an interesting day, let me give you a quick summery

Pretending to be girl on website.
Meet other girl, make friends, add to msn
Confess I'm a guy
She's a guy too, no surprise there
Ask if gay, is curious, same here
Likes anime, wants to snuggle
Am I finally gonna suck a cock?

>> No.10088522

Once a normalfag, always a normalfag. I don't like you.

>> No.10088527

That sounds like something out of BL manga.

>> No.10088538

what's this epic meme called? ironic gay?

>> No.10088560

No irony here buddy.
I've always been a little curious but only had one relationship, that was a girl and it didn't work out.
I would love to suck a cock, but more so I just want someone as gentle and insecure as myself to snuggle up with.
Especially as winters coming and these nights get colder alone.

>> No.10088573

>No irony here buddy.
yeah, sure. You wish you could be gay.

>> No.10088684

So disappointing. I slept straight through the morning and afternoon and I woke up at 5PM when it was dark outside, over 12 hours of sleeping son of a bitch. At least now I can watch the sun rise again. Better go get some water ready for tea.

>> No.10088788

If you are a cute trap then have at it

>> No.10088805

oh jesus christ
i've got no fuckin job man

>> No.10088809

Please stop talking about jobs and don't misuse spoiler tags.

>> No.10091391

Hey /jp/ I'm a college student and I want to drop out, but my parents hate me and won't allow me to stay all day inside my room without working or studying. I don't want to kill myself yet, I've still a lot of VN to play and anime to watch, is there any solution? My parents are not poor if that helps, they just dislike me.

>> No.10091403

Your parents aren't the only ones who dislike you, nerd.

>> No.10091406

Well then drop out and see what happens, what advice did you think you could possibly get from us on this. In other words get over yourself normal.

>> No.10091414

My sister is doing everything within her power to rip the NEET lifestyle away from me.

I will weather this storm and come out stronger.

>> No.10091419

I doubt your parents would throw you out, they'd have to be extremely heart less.
My parents don't like me either, but I don't really care.
Of course your parents are going to be disappointed if you just stay in your room wasting away and leaching of them.
You just have to deal with the realization that your parents dislike you immensely,

>> No.10091525


Will do, I was just going to do it anyways, I just wanted to know if some of you had done it before and how did it go.


Whoa, did you realize that all by yourself, spergking?

>> No.10091570

My parent is paying me $100 to paint her bedroom. I feel a bit bad because she's been waiting for me to do this since May. I started earlier and I'm taking a break now, and hoping to be done in a few hours. She's treating me pretty nicely today because of this; I was given a large Baja Blast earlier, and then when she was going to the store she asked if I wanted anything for dinner and offered to pick up my prescription. I've hopefully got a nice boneless ribeye coming back to me for dinner.

I'm really excited about the money. I don't know if I want to spend it on something for myself for Christmas, or wait to see what other money I get for Christmas and then buy something.

>> No.10093357

Have any of you considered becoming Jewish or pretending to be Jewish in order to reap the rewards? Will nepotism benefit someone without a job?

>> No.10093365

Blow it on as much liquor and benadryl as you can buy.

>> No.10093376

Once a goy, always a goy.

>> No.10093384
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, konhappy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I laughed pretty hard.

Nothing like liquor and benadryl, amirite?

>> No.10093395
File: 79 KB, 500x500, SWEETHOLIC_Kigurumi_pink_milkcow_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have Benadryl and I don't feel like spending it on booze or anything that'll be used only a few times.

One thing I definitely want to get is cute pajamas.

>> No.10093399

Earlier today I left the house to pick up some Subway because I couldn't get anybody to buy groceries for me. When I was walking back home, two black kids came around the corner and started walking the same pathway as myself.

Granted I was on the sidewalk across from them, I don't think I've ever been more scared in my life.

>> No.10093421
File: 215 KB, 1280x2103, chinacutecat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cute pajamas will eventually wear out, you know. Get a kigu other than cows. Maybe you could jerk off inside of them and let them dry? They look really roomy and fun to masturbate in.

Also, why not get some nice Pajamas AND some booze? Then you can make lots of fun drunken memories in Pajamas with your /jp/ friends!

>> No.10093473

>32 GB flash drive

Jesus Christ.

>> No.10093495

I was forced out of my tru-NEET lifestyle today :( three days a week at a gas station to pay rent since being thrown out of my parent's house.

>> No.10093531
File: 137 KB, 1600x900, bakeshinobu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You was never truNEET, nigga. TruNEET is NEET til the end.

I've never been a NEET in my entire life. Shit sucks. You guys get to have so much fun.

>> No.10093534

OMG me 2 :( we r just like brothers

>> No.10093536
File: 71 KB, 500x500, SWEETHOLIC_Kigurumi_Koala_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had my eye on the blue koala ones for a while. I think they'll last long enough for them to be worth the purchase. Masturbating in them might be possible, who knows. It'll be exciting to try!

>> No.10093552

Where can I get ten, right now?

>> No.10093581
File: 872 KB, 640x1080, agirigettinghappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to wear one and snuggle with you in your Koala pajamas, OP. We could masturbate each other and drink tea and eat cake while staying up late. We would giggle and roll around on your bed when your mom pounded on the door and told us to be quiet.

>> No.10093612
File: 82 KB, 500x500, SWEETHOLIC_Kigurumi_pink_mouse_010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The website name is in the file name, Sweetholic. Check the pajamas from the dropdown menu, they pushed off a bunch when they added socks and slippers to the front page.

I don't think that'd be so bad if you wore the pajamas too.

>> No.10093646

That picture is too cute for me!

>> No.10093672
File: 927 KB, 1280x720, agiriwinks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think it would be WONDERFUL. We could rub our pee-pees together through our pajamas and make out-our mouths would taste like cake.

>> No.10093702

Can I join in? D:

>> No.10093712
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, hayatemaid1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm okay with it if you bring some cute Pajamas. I want to be the cat, though!

>> No.10093725

I'll make the cake, what kind?

>> No.10093734

Pink bear for me! o.o

>> No.10093848
File: 37 KB, 468x572, azunynanyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I-I like lemon cake!

>> No.10093897

....I-I like lemon and s-strawberry, nii-san...

>> No.10093899

what does a stinky NEET pussy smell like?

>> No.10093925

Speaking of lemon and strawberry cake, a couple months ago I got a cupcake that was strawberry cake topped with lemon frosting. The lady said it was a strawberry lemonade cupcake. It was pretty good.

I wish I could have chatted with the cupcake lady about cupcakes, but I think she didn't like me very much.

>> No.10093948

ur mom

>> No.10093964

Those things are delicious!

>> No.10093980

Like a swamp filled with dead marine life or at least that's what mine smells like.

>> No.10093995

how do you sustain yourself by only working three days a week?

>> No.10093996

I have no family and have to work minimum wage to live. How do I join you before I visit gensokyo?

>> No.10093997

Everytime NEET pussy is mentioned I'm reminded of Anzu's. She's always wearing those shorts and they look like they're pretty tight, so I imagine hers to be really damp and soft from the sweat, and a bit slick just because she's about that age. It arouses me to no end to think about bending her over, pulling her pants down, and seeing those small lips so swollen, red, and glistening with her wetness. Imagine how good it would feel to just stick it in her and give it to her good. Imagine how good it would feel for her if she's so visibly aroused.

>> No.10094012

They're probably too crunchy.

>> No.10094015
File: 468 KB, 1000x1000, 133738478210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have trouble with getting angrier and angrier with random people on the internet for no reason?
Lately I have been jumping on the neck on everyone who says something even remotely silly, and it's gotten me in a lot of arguments.
Sometimes I end up losing the pointless discussion and end up closing the thread so I don't see how everyone makes fun of me, it's very depressing.

>> No.10094033

>Do you guys have trouble with getting angrier and angrier with random people on the internet for no reason?

>> No.10094041

If nobody uses greentext, reaction images, obnoxious memes, or misuses spoilers, or begins sentences with "but", then I generally won't and don't say anything rude to anyone.

>> No.10094054

You're at a transitional period every NEET/Hiki goes through. Soon you'll begin to feel completely ostracized from everyone on the internet and everyone will annoy you as well.. It will become more and more difficult for you to make friends and acquaintances online until the only social interaction you have is random babble on 4chan with people you don't know which usually turns hostile and ends up in an argument.

>> No.10094059


See, this is what I'm talking about.
I do this all the time, the OPgets angry about it, then a horrible discussion follows.

>> No.10094076
File: 61 KB, 600x600, 1307820823886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see my internet self as abstract from who I actually am, instead just being a part of the board in progress; since the harsh criticism is part of the dialectic cynicism that drives imageboard culture, and not personal, it just pushes me to improve my post quality, really.

You shouldn't be too hard on your (internet) self

>> No.10094078

Hi again.

>> No.10094089

Some of them will even continue to spam the board to claim their revenge.

>> No.10094133

That's shitposting no matter how you look at it. If you don't like a thread or post, report it if it's breaking rules, and don't reply to it. Shitposting in an attempt to deter shitposting isn't going to work and only further degrades the board.

>> No.10094202

Anyone doing anything for Thanksgiving?

>> No.10094221

Is that why we should let the board fill up with completely inane crap? This board is still on the same domain as /a/ and /v/. Do you know what kind of people post on /a/ and /v/ and how much traffic difference there is?

>> No.10094245
File: 416 KB, 1500x2258, 1330845288059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awkward forced dinner with my immediate family, my mom's boyfriend, and his mother.

I hope no one asks me about my hobbies or aspirations, because I'll have to lie through my teeth to stay in good standing, otherwise. I'll even have to lie about things I'm thankful for, given cultural sensitivity for elders.

>> No.10094257

>I'm not a fan, but the kids like it!

>> No.10094271

I'll be spending it at a high class hotel restaurant pretending to be interested in my grandfather's veterinary career and pretending to be thankful for things.
Oh, and to throw a pile of shit on top of the fact that I hate children, all 14 of my cousins twelve and under will be there.

>> No.10094285


I'm sorry; are you at least of drinking age to numb the ordeal?

>> No.10094312

Filling it up with more crap isn't helping. Do you think that redirecting people to boards you feel are more appropriate for their inane posts is going to convince them to leave?

>> No.10094310

Sadly no...
Oh, and I forgot to mention I can't stand fancy places. They make my skin crawl.

>> No.10094330

A dinner like how they're shown in the movies? People actually do that?

I think things would be a lot better if you liked children.

As for me, it'll be no different from other family gatherings. I'll sit in the front room, people will gather in the TV room/patio, kids will be running around playing, and family will come and go. At Thanksgiving we just have a lot more food. I was asked to make the pumpkin pie and the biscuits this year and I'm really excited!

>> No.10094388

>Do you think that redirecting people to boards you feel are more appropriate for their inane posts is going to convince them to leave?
Of course. I, for one, know that being obnoxious drives people away. Those who really have nothing better to do will stay and suffer through it. You can try to outlast me if you think you're so smart.

>> No.10094485

>being obnoxious drives people away
It certainly does, but I don't think it's affecting the people you want it to.

>> No.10094528

Have you ever tried to use a folding fan with your left hand and write with your write hand at the same time?
It's actually pretty hard.

>> No.10094582

>It certainly does, but I don't think it's affecting the people you want it to.
I adjust accordingly. No one is desperate enough to tolerate nothing but mockery all the time. This is supposed to be a relaxing place, especially for someone who needs to relax after a day of school or work. Why would they come here otherwise? To roleplay NEETs? If that's the case, it's time to talk shit about roleplaying faggots.

>> No.10094599

R-r-roleplaying is justice!

>> No.10094605
File: 266 KB, 688x688, 1342004538895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's Wednesday today?

>> No.10094642

How noble of you. You're the hero that /jp/ deserves. Do you really think there are dedicated shitposters? If there are they would revel in the responses you allowed them, no matter how "mocking" they were. The people posting off topic posts or ironic shitposting that transcends irony are /jp/ natives. They make a shitty topic about whc 3hu u wd eat jello with, then they go and post something of value in another thread. As much value as can be had on a site like this anyway. You're not constantly mocking them, you're just responding to shitposting.

>> No.10094650

>Do you really think there are dedicated shitposters?
You almost get it. You're the one who rambles about shitposting. I'm the one who rambles about /a/ and /v/ faggots.
>They make a shitty topic about whc 3hu u wd eat jello with
I know. I make them.

>> No.10094687

>I know. I make them.
Oh, so then you want >>>/b/? Seriously, what are you even after? If shitposting isn't a sign of "crossboarders" then what is? Shit you don't like? You complain about greentext, reaction images, meme usage, spoilers and starting sentences with "but" (seriously?), and then insist that /jp/ is supposed to be a realaxing place while spamming board redirections? Is it just that anything that doesn't fit into your view of what /jp/ is supposed to be is a sign of crossboarding? I'm sure it'll be a very relaxing place when you're the only one left, not that that'll ever happen.

>> No.10094724

>spoilers and starting sentences with "but" (seriously?)
N-not me.
>If shitposting isn't a sign of "crossboarders" then what is?
Obvious and severe lack of knowledge regarding All Things Otaku, especially when combined with subhum/a/n mannerisms.

>> No.10094721

You sound like crossboard scum yourself, get the fuck off /jp/ normal.

>> No.10094766

>/jp/ is supposed to be a realaxing place while spamming board redirections?
Board redirections are relaxing unless you're the target.

>> No.10094803

I'm glad you can tell. You're wrong though.

>subhum/a/n mannerisms
Considering the number of times I've watched sarcasm fly over people's heads on the internet, I find it difficult to believe that it would be that easy to tell the difference between someone genuinely being oblivious and someone doing it "ironically".

I'm sorry I accused you of being the "but" guy. I've seen him a lot over the last few days, so I assumed.

I fail to see how. If you're not on the giving or receiving end, they're just more shit, and if you are giving them they're only going to be relaxing if you are deluding yourself into thinking it's going to do anything.

>> No.10094871

>deluding yourself into thinking it's going to do anything.
The receiving person is going to read it and start wondering what it means.

>> No.10095026

I'm not going to my family's Thanksgiving, partly because it's too far to drive and partly because I won't be welcome as I am 29 and I've only had a job once for 4 months and they don't seem to think too highly of that.

>> No.10095131
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, mariagonnasip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I get less angry these days-/jp/ is actually the cutest board on 4chan, and I browse here the most, typically.

Sometimes I get into arguments on /pol/, /v/, or /a/ that I know I have a very slim or impossible chance of winning, as practice for real life confrontations.

>> No.10095243


You still think starting a sentence with "but" is grammatically incorrect? Maybe in victorian english, that hasn't been true for over 50 years in public schools. In fact it's commonplace and often the only way to continue certain sentences.

>> No.10095256

Avoiding this board is good for your mental health, everyone here is a self-sabotaging, bitter, reclusive, and defeatist with plenty of learned helplessness mixed in. Stay away from the internet entirely, go learn how to play cards or something. I opened a business, it barely makes any money, but it's fun to manage.

>> No.10095274

What're you talking about?

Sure, I see a lot of self-pity and narcissism in NEET threads. But I think that's more an internet thing rather than a /jp/ thing. I think internet posting is something that narcissists typically gravitate to anyway.

In NEET threads, though, I frequently see shitposting (which you can't argue with because then you become part of the problem, I'm skirting the line just by mentioning it here), self-improvement (like learning Japanese, cooking, and the motivation to do such things).

Even in this thread, I see plenty of joking around, which is all in good fun.

Perhaps you should lighten up and see things as they really are, anon!

>> No.10095291

>Avoiding this board is good for your mental health, everyone here is a self-sabotaging, bitter, reclusive, and defeatist with plenty of learned helplessness mixed in.
no way /b/roski, it's funnier to poke it with a stick

>> No.10095295


Why are small business owners such bitter, obnoxious pricks that like to tell everyone they have a small business?

>> No.10095315

>I think internet posting is something that narcissists typically gravitate to anyway.
>Perhaps you should lighten up and see things as they really are, anon!
Typical NEET thead post

>> No.10095520

You guys, I can't take it easy with all this arguing. Can't we be friends?

>> No.10095599

I finally quit playing MMOs after 10 years. I burned the final bridge with MoP and now I'm done with them and completely alone.

I guess I should finally get around to learning Python. I've been meaning to do it since I started high school. I hope I can land a job before the student loan money I horded is gone.

>> No.10095601

No. I've decided not to like these threads.

>> No.10095605

fuck this fuck this fuck this

y’know i think i’m over hospital and a FUCKING FNFIC can throw me right back there

its like, shit this is so pathetic. so IN CASE your dumb fucking drunk ass forgets we have ~Aradia~ full to the brim with clots. remember that? so tight in your chest cutting off your breathing cutting off your blood. the pain was unbearable. do you remember the needle in your thigh and you thinking ‘hey i guess this is a 10/10 on the fucking pain scale.’ remember the scan, pumping you full of nuclear dye making your tongue metallic and hot with that fucking awful painting of the greek island lying on your back for hours and suffocating suffocating suffocating on your own blood.

then eri. blood too hard no baby now you’re bloods so thin. slip slip slip hope you dont fucking bleed out don’t move baby you’re going to die you’re going to fucking hemorrhage out and make a mess, make a mess in the lonely hospital with you and the night nurse everyone else is on holiday baby. who gets sick on a holiday you bleeding sack of shit.

dont live like you want to die dont live liike you want ot die dont live like you want to die wake up wake up wake up wake UP WAKE UP WAKE UP YOU FUCKIN PATHETIC PIECE OF SHIT

>> No.10095612

I'm very sorry to hear that.

>> No.10096451

I'm Jewish and I can guarantee you there are no special rewards or anything. There is no fund NEET Jews can live from.

>> No.10097789

Some falsNEET from /a/ tried representing you on /fit/ today, /jp/. I was disappointed. Luckily, the faker will be dead by the end of the night.

However, on that note, I will bid my fellow truNEET cousins here on /jp/, farewell. See you faglords in another dimension.

>> No.10097839

I rent an 8' x 8' storage closet and use my neighbor's wireless.

>> No.10097864

You're 2D? Congratulations.

>> No.10097897

lolno. It's 7' feet tall.

>> No.10098616
File: 43 KB, 410x700, 1184776161199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost time for one of my yearly doses of holiday anxiety. Hooray.

>> No.10099251

Man, I remember when I first became NEET. One of the few times I left the house to take my mother to go food shopping (she's partially disabled; I drive), I was so desperate to crawl back into my room and hide. The anxiety was awful.

>> No.10099721

Oops. I failed my admissions test for medical school.

Looks like another 21 months as a NEET.

>> No.10099974

Does it still count as NEET if you don't want to be here? Similarly, must you leave the category NEET if you are forced into an entry level job unwillingly?

>> No.10100042
File: 375 KB, 1024x768, reimu am steuer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today it'll be my second attempt at getting my driver's license.

Wish me luck!

>> No.10100078

You're so cute.

>> No.10100082

Good luck!

>> No.10100082,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10100082,2 [INTERNAL] 

Is anyone else playing the lottery? My mom said she would buy my tickets, so I picked 3 sets of numbers and one quick pick.

>> No.10100082,3 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know how to play

>> No.10100082,4 [INTERNAL] 

You can either pick five numbers between 1-59, and then one number between 1-39. The other option is to let the numbers be randomly generated.

>> No.10100082,5 [INTERNAL] 

I'm only 18. You have to be 21 to purchase lottery tickets here.

>> No.10100082,6 [INTERNAL] 

I don't pay the idiot tax.

You would have to play every week for 10,000 years just to have a decent chance of winning the Power Ball.

>> No.10100082,7 [INTERNAL] 

Sudo vs Zun!bar

Who would win?

>> No.10100082,8 [INTERNAL] 

>/s4s/ will be dropped in a few days.

>> No.10100082,9 [INTERNAL] 

So why is /neet/ raiding /ota/ with vaginas again?

>> No.10100082,10 [INTERNAL] 

That must have been a pathetic raid. Considering the fact that we barely lost any threads. /pol/kun is only one person and he was able to delete half the threads on /ota/.
