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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10078 No.10078 [Reply] [Original]

Since /mu/ hates all things j-pop, and /jp/ is sitting right here hungry for some new threads..


You knew it had to come. Lately, I've been listening to Hitomi Takahashi, and she's pretty good. Better than most of what I've heard. Before this, I was listening to Jinn. I downloaded a few songs from Ayumi Hamasaki since she's supposedly the "empress of J-pop", but I wasn't really wow'd by her stuff.

>> No.10190
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OR DIE !!!

>> No.10191
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best effing jap-rock band, EVAR!

>> No.10234
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Sound Horizon ftw

>> No.10257
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Morning Musume.

You know you love it.

>> No.10284
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>> No.10315
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>> No.10380
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>> No.10397
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From my last.fm profile:
Dir en grey
Maaya Sakamoto

>> No.10450
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Number Girl > *

>> No.10467
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try something new =P Acid Black Cherry is the shit. For a solo project, Yasu has been doing a great job so far.

Also, Alice Nine

>> No.10526
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although it will only sound good if you know what they're saying. If you heard this song you'd probably be like 'yea, that sounds good', but if you knew they were saying they want you to take off their school uniform and have sex then you'd like it even more.

>> No.10713
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Asian Kung-Fu Generation is my favourite Japanese band.

>> No.10734
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I enjoy Gackt. Yeah, he's had his... less than stellar... moments, but in general, his music is great.

>> No.11021
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>>Shit is so cash

>> No.11201
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If you can understand some Japanese, you should listen to AKB48.
Dear my Teacher
>>in this world there's nothing but men, women and gays.
>>Won't you teach me a lesson? I just want to have some secret private lessons. It'll just be us, I won't even tell my parents.

Seikfuku ga Jama wo Suru
>> I’ll cling to you and take you in
>>Toss aside my school uniform
>>I’ll do whatever you make me do
>>I want to know adult pleasures

how fucking cool is that for lyrics??

>> No.11259
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Listen to move. If you ever watched Initial D you would have heard some of their best songs. Also try Chemistry, they have a really nice voice.

>> No.11263
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I don't have the data right now, but selling less thank a thousand copies of an album is really really sad.
Heck モー娘。is selling bad, but bad means around 40k copies. Enjoy your underground akiba idol.
(I enjoy Aitakatta, and listened to it a few times, but it isn't a great deal)

Also, have some Sayumin.

>> No.11345
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Spitz, anyone?

>> No.12354
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I made it easy for you...
Maaya Sakamoto - 24
(this one is in english, and her voice is really good)
Maaya Sakamoto - Loop

Melon Kinenbi - Chance of Love

Hiroko Kasahara - ayashii
Hiroko has a REALLY beautiful voice, but sadly you'll have a really hard time finding some of her music.

>> No.12359
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>> No.12370
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>> No.12829
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How can I stop comparing them. Both are idol groups right? Why can't I compare 2 idol groups?

Ah, it's clear now, they're not artists, they are just happy with their underground performances, good then, good for them. Thing is Momusu sells more tickets than the AKB theater, and make concerts in a real stage, not some live house. How much is the capacity? Less than 2000 I guess. Have they ever stepped in Saitama Super Arena?

Alienate? It's the wotas who alienate the general population, not the girls themselves. And yes, it's a shame that the wotas scare people off. But well, at least Momusu has a stable fanbase (even though it's creepy and all that), whereas AKB does have those akiba otakus, not great difference barring the numbers and popularity. And the general japanese population doesn't even know what AKB is, at least people have heard of Morning Musume somewhere in their lifetimes.

As I said, enjoy your chikadol, their underground performances and their CD sales wreckages.

>> No.13162
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Kaela Kimura is fucking awesome!!!

>> No.13395
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>>Hey, that 24 song is pretty good.

Maaya Sakamoto has a couple of good songs that she does in English. She claims that she doesn't know a word of it, but she can make proper 'L' sounds.

MAAYA SAKAMOTO - Afternoon Repose

MAAYA SAKAMOTO (坂本真綾) - ダニエル (Danielle)

Maaya Sakamoto - Here

MAAYA SAKAMOTO (坂本真綾) - ベクトル (Vector)

>> No.10086


No such thing

>> No.10090

go!go!7188, /mu/ accepted rock

>> No.10095

I like Malice Mizer and Shiina Ringo

>> No.10099

Actually, Hikaru Utada is the empress of pop. Ayumi is like the fashion icon there.

Plus Hikaru >>> Ayu, anyway.

>> No.10102

Some Maximum the Hormone is always nice.

>> No.10110


>No such thing


>> No.10114

The only good Japanese bands are Maximum the Hormone and JAM Project.

Other than that, each band has a good song or two but they still overall suck.

>> No.10118

Susumu Hirasawa, the guy who did music for Paranoia Agent, Paprika etc, is the only J-popper who is even remotely passable - if he even counts as one.

ZUN is kind of catchy too.

>> No.10120

Morning Musume

>> No.10126

Tokyo Jihen

>> No.10127



>> No.10131


Polysics lol

>> No.10138

Maximum the Hormone please

>> No.10139

Ayumi Hamasaki fucking sucks. Her only good songs are the eurobeat remix.

>> No.10145

I've been enjoying Moyashimon's OP single on repeat for a few hours now.

>> No.10153

Enon has a Japanese lady in it.

She is better at bass guitar than I will ever be. How she plays "Disposable Parts" live is beyond me, I wouldn't be able to do that rhythm while singing.

>> No.10170

Onmyouza and D

>> No.10176

But it's not a japanese band.
Like Deerhoof and Asobi Seksu are american.

>> No.10179

I think her only good song is "Because of You". That's all.

>> No.10185

Boris, Melt Banana for metalfags out there

>> No.10197

I enjoy UVERworld.

>> No.10205

Melt Banana is noise rock.

>> No.10208

Try Antique Cafe

>> No.10209

Opinions, opinions. Even JAM Project can have some stale songs, and I don't like MTH songs outside of the songs from Akagi and Deathnote. And it took me a while to like them too.

>> No.10211

KOTOKO for me. I'm a sucker for the essence of the pop in j-pop. Or maybe she just sings too many OP's in visual novels.

>> No.10201


except you forgot to mention that he did the berserk ost and FORCES

>> No.10213

FACT: Shiina Ringo crys all the time. Tokyo Jihen is great. The guitarist left because Ringo kept crying. Shiina Ringo is cute.

>> No.10222

But can they master baby?

>> No.10242


Fucking Rokippogoroshi, you heard of it?

>> No.10244

Nujabes is quite good both in and outside of his soundtrack work.

>> No.10246

The Pillows

>> No.10233

The Boredoms.

There are good Japanese bands that aren't "J-Rock".

Me too. Love that song.

>> No.10235



>> No.10252

J-pop/rock is crap as far as I know.

I'm currently digging jap bands like the boredoms, aoa, acid mothers temple and other stuff like that.

Also japanese traditional music is like the best thing ever.

>> No.10259


>> No.10266

>But can they master baby?

Sho-yan sure has, but only when he's sho-yan. when he's DJ OZMA, he's an ass of immense fail.

>> No.10269

Listen to Morning Musume. If that's not J-pop enough for you, I don't know what else could be.

>> No.10271


I watch momosu MV's with the volume down.

>> No.10273

Fuck yeah, Susumu! His old band, P-Model, did some good music too.

>> No.10276

Kana Uemura

gb2/mu/ fags

>> No.10288

Listen to some good MtH songs like ROLLING1000toON and Koi no Megalover for once. Also, everything in their Rokkinpo Goroshi album.

>> No.10297


>> No.10282

plastic tree, psycho le cemu, pierrot, AKFG

>> No.10321

I think her best stuff is Re-sublimity/Agony for Kannazuki no Miko. Nothing really topped that for her since.

>> No.10324

As for J-rock, I agree that is mostly shit, but there are a few good bands, if you haven't heard them I recomend you animetal, you'll love that shit, I personally like asian kung fu generation, but /a/ seems to hate it... then again, we aren't in /a/

>> No.10328

fuck yea

>> No.10340

Or Danjo.

Oh god, that is stuck in my head forever like a bad memory....

>> No.10345

BTW, no love for Puffy Ami Yumi?

>> No.10356

Fact: KOTOKO has an ED in a hentai anime

>> No.10349

Also Buiiki Kaesu!

>> No.10375

Mizuki Nana in her Great Activity album, man the first song sounded like A-

ABINGDON BOYS SCHOOL! How could I fucking forget!?

>> No.10398

Buikikaesu was quite good IMO but why did they go and re-release some of their old songs like Louisiana Bob and Koi no Megalover in it?

>> No.10405

i hate j pop

>> No.10412

They suck

As for the OP I suggest Tommy Heavenly6.

>> No.10462

thought I'd post this for anyone interesting in acquisition of Japanese music: http://mullemeck.serveftp.org/jps_beta/?page=browse
They have quite a bit of rock on top of a ridiculous amount of pop.

>> No.10481

World's End Girlfriend is awesome post rock.

>> No.10501

Fuck yeah, Tommy Heavenly6!

I tend to like Tommy February6 more because I'm a bit of 80's musicfag.

>> No.10542

>>No such thing as GOOD J-POP/ROCK
>>i hate j pop

if you feel that way then GTFO, we don't care about your opinion. Go back to /b/.

to quite moot "Don't care for them? Fuck off and let others enjoy the new additions."

>> No.10543

Enjoy your cheap Momusu imitation chikadol

>> No.10550

Too bad people dont't tend to seed very long there, couple of month old torrents can be dead already.

>> No.10555

February is better than Heavenly.

>> No.10567

They're good about reseed requests. If you comment on the torrent it will usually get a seed or re-up in a couple of days.

>> No.10576


Enjoy your ignorance.

I'd explain how AKB48 isn't a momusu imitation group, but I wouldn't waste my time on some butt hurt wota

>> No.10562

We need a /jp/radio

>> No.10589

I will be saving this topic for future listening.

>> No.10592

Capsule is the happiest music ever: http://youtube.com/watch?v=WShoEHQ5UUU

>> No.10579

I like capsule's new stuff.

>> No.10630

OP here

Unfortunately, I can't listen to all these recommendations at once, so I'll have to start from the top (oldest) to the bottom (newest.)


was the first to post so I'm giving them a listen. First song from them, pretty good, I say.

>> No.10664

I like Heavenly better for some reason.

A February is fine too

>> No.10675

I don't have a pic, but Angel'in Heavy Syrup is an awesome band. 4 women who can actually play their instruments well. Who knew?

>> No.10676

I hope moot destroys tripfags next

>> No.10683

>Don't care for them? Fuck off and let others enjoy the new additions.
sorry, but that's not the way 4chan deals with things it doesn't like.

if someone is stupid enough to enjoy crappy streamlined mainstream shit made for the sole purpose of selling records to gullible sheep, then it's my good right to tell them what i think about it - you're wasting your money on shit instead of supporting good artists who need it a lot more. and in most cases, out of pure ignorance and weeaboo faggotry; liking specific interprets simply because they're japanese or because the music was made in japan.

/mu/ had good merzbow threads, and nobody seems to bother about him, ever wondered why? because he's an interesting artist who delivers some good shit - unlike 90% of the japanese plastic mainstream pop faggots posted in this thread.

>> No.10699

Well, Heavenly6 has a J-rock sound, while February6 has the 80's synth pop sound going on. It depends on where your tastes lie.

>> No.10709

I hope moot destroys YOU next.

>> No.10720

This is why /mu/ is considered on the shittest boards in 4chan, too full of pretentious fags who think their taste in music is superior then it's not.

>> No.10727

Suga Shikao
Sukima Switch
Tokyo Jihen
Natural High

>> No.10755


>wasting your money


>> No.10757


>> No.10765

Err, Merzbow is very well known to anyone who likes Noise. Not very many people like noise, that's kinda why he's not discussed outside of /mu/ and in /mu/ is discussed jokingly.
If you haven't noticed, a good half of the posts here are not pop/visual shit.

>> No.10768

His Malice Mizer stuff is good. But when he went to a more J-Pop route... yeah. But the latest songs are much better because it has a rockier sound now.

>> No.10776

you can Dir En Grey but thats more metal

>> No.10786

the pillows are agood choice, though they'll get touchy if you sa anything about their music in FLCL being your favorite.

L'arc is kind of hit and miss, but generally quite listenable. Hyde is also more awesome than you.

Yoshiki makes the manliest songs ever. Makka na Chikai, King Gainer Over, LISTEN TO MY SONG!'s songs...

Round Table is ronery elevator music. Oh god ;_;

>> No.10787

>>10727 Here

Can anyone recommend some similar artist with a mellow sound. Anything that Jazz/Soul/Funk/Rock.

>> No.10789

Mucc, studs, im done with suggestions

>> No.10804

Yeah. Both are pretty good.

I also suggest The Brilliant Green

>> No.10812

Rie Fu is good for the mellow sound you're looking for.

>> No.10813

Soil & "Pimp" sessions

>> No.10840


Eh, depends. I like some of his rockier sounding stuff, but when he went that route, it started to sound a lot more generic. He has a certain pattern he likes to follow, and it's really quite obvious sometimes.

I mean, I do like Returner -Yami no Shuen- BUT there's no denying it sounds very much like Mind Forest.

I like Diabolos, but find it a bit samey. IMO Mars and Crescent are his best, but I'm looking forward to the coming year's album.

>> No.10845

What of their's is good? I only know the Gundam 00 song.

>> No.10862

this thread neds more Ghost

>> No.10865


Thanks. I already like Rie Fu's stuff and I'll check out that other artist.

>> No.10880

Needs more Acidman. They're absolutely amazing.

>> No.10929

I liked Enemy. It had a mellow sound to it

>> No.10962

No one listens to Base Ball Bear? Shit is so cash.


>> No.10967

im just going to post everything i listen to, in alphabetical order.
Bennie K
Bonnie Pink
Crazy Ken Band
Crystal Kay
Dragon Ash
Ken Hirai

>> No.10991

I don't know much about Japanese music, but I have enjoyed:

The Pillows
Tokyo Jihen

>> No.11007

If you like Yukari Fresh, you might want to check out Serani Poji. Pretty neat stuff.

>> No.11119

>>if someone is stupid enough to enjoy crappy streamlined mainstream shit made for the sole purpose of selling records to gullible sheep,

take your bitching back to /mu/ where your post only makes sense when applied to american music.

>> No.11121

ACO. Lots and lots of ACO. God, I love her stuff. She's technically trip-hop, but she does a whole range of different styles. Absolutely amazing girl.

>> No.11114

Sorry, Ive been seeing that "shit is so cash" jpg being posted too much lately

>> No.11130


Wait, I forgot Swinging Popsicle, o god what is wrong with me?

>> No.11168

Holy crap, another Swinging Popsicle fan? I was into them back when Fennec! came out. You sound like you'd enjoy some Something ELse.

>> No.11232

Mr.Children's pretty good. They're the Radiohead of Japan.

>> No.11254


>> No.11292

Why hasn't anyone said Galneryus?

In b4 "because it sucks".

>> No.11367

advantage lucy is decent pop

>> No.11423


I heard their new album and bits and pieces of Transits with other miscellaneous songs along the way. Sadly their stuff is hard to find or unseeded on jpop suki

>> No.11510

lol truth

>> No.11599

Viper GTS?

>> No.11703

o_O dont listen to these ppl.

dir en grey
malice mizer
rentrer en soi
dazzle vision
aural vampire
duel jewel
the gazzette
high and mighty color

>> No.11971

Asian Kung-Fu Generation
Beat Crusaders
Base Ball Bear
The Pillows
High and Mighty Color
Tokyo Incidents
Guitar Vader

>> No.11979

>/mu/ hates all things j-pop

/mu/ hates music.

>> No.11987


Hello gaiafag cancer.

>> No.12000

Indeed. Ive been goin through this list on youtube to see if any of it was good. Its all emo shit.

>> No.12028

was a good list though

>> No.12049

Namie Amuro. Her stuff tends to sound more Western pop than J-pop. Kinda like J-Lo during the 90s.

>> No.12056

Ikimono Gakari
The Brilliant Green

>> No.12058

Hahaha. Saved!

This is like that Gundam SEED Destiny/Coyote Ragtime Show/Inuyasha/Trinity Blood pasta that always winds up in recommendation threads.

>> No.12111

Hello there gaiafag

>> No.12112

I like Ali Project, but that's just me.

>> No.12123

but but theres a disclaimer that says "dont listen to these ppl" so theyre recommendations on what not to listen to

>> No.12198

Some random good songs that just popped up in my mind:

Ai Otsuka - Planetarium
Ai Otsuka - Sakuranbo
AKB48 - Bingo!
Horie Yui - Sakura
Kawada Mami - Hishoku no Sora
Morning Musume - Mikan
OLIVIA inspi' REIRA (TRAPNEST) - Starless Night
Remioromen - Konayuki
Suara - Kimi Ga Tame

>> No.12249

Not really "jpop" in the technical sense, but any of Yasutaka Nakata's projects including capsule which was already mentioned, coltemonikha, EeL, copter416882, etc. Loads of stuff from this guy.
His later/recent stuff has been all kinds of akiba-kei though, like Perfume. I happen to hate all sorts of idol groups with a passion, but I like them for some reason.

>> No.12260


BAGDAD CAFE THE trench town
the band apart
Boom Boom Satellites
Dry & Heavy
Husking Bee

>> No.12277

stop trying to compare MM to AKB48. That's like comparing apples to oranges.

>>selling less thank a thousand copies of an album is really really sad
THEY ARE NOT IN THE BUSINESS OF MAKING MUSIC ALBUMS! They do stage performances and make way more in ticket sells. Their shows are sold out every night, not something I'd consider 'really sad'.

Not to mention the fact the the group doesn't alienate their fans like MM does and that MM's fanbase is full of wotas.

>> No.12293

I'm giving the bands that come up the most a try first, so Tokyo Jihen it is!

>> No.12436


Yura Yura Teikoku
Michelle Gun Elephant
Buffalo Daughter
Shonen Knife
The Blue Hearts & The High Lows

There's an awful lot of novelty & copyist crap.
And yeah, Ayumi Hamasaki is great,
but the only things worth listening to
are the techno remixes.

>> No.12474

Air is awesome but not Japanese, unless you're talking about a different Air than the one I know.

If you like electronic music sort of like Air, Cornelius is worth checking out.

>> No.12489

>And yeah, Ayumi Hamasaki is great,
but the only things worth listening to
are the techno remixes.

I'd recommend watching some of her live concert dvd's. They rock!

>> No.12476

Fuck ... I forgot about Mo'some Tonebender!

>> No.12497

>And yeah, Ayumi Hamasaki is great,
>but the only things worth listening to
>are the techno remixes.

I'd recommend watching some of her live concert dvd's. They rock!

>> No.12512

Yeah, there is a Japanese Air ...
and I think they, or rather he, was around
BEFORE the French band.

>> No.12535

Cornelius is awesome when he's good,
but kind of patchy I think.

>> No.12552

Am I the only one who likes AAA? Their songs are really catchy.

Also I enjoy Miyavi, UVERworld, HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR, YUI, FLOW, HALCALI, KINYA, Nightmare, Orange Range, Yui Makino and...I cant name the rest D:

>> No.12574

momoi haruko

>> No.12570

Ooo, The Brilliant Green!

Tommy February is best Japanese woman evar!

>> No.12583

Love Halcali too ... at least their first few singles.
FUCK! Can they dance!

>> No.12586

Hey, that 24 song is pretty good. Very.. easy-going.

Post more artists/bands with youtube links for the lazy people like me.

>> No.12659

Why can't /mu/ be this civil?

>> No.12668

have you seen their musical tastes?

>> No.12688

Now youre talking my language
Most of this shit sounds good

>> No.12771

Seconded. I love Advantage Lucy. I also recommend Do As Infinity and Asobi Seksu.

>> No.12772

Yura Yura Teikoku "Sumetai gift"


>> No.12794

aya matsuura, rurutia

>> No.12821

Listen to this anon.

>> No.12870

Supercar "Lucky"


>> No.12937


Kinyori Renai - http://youtube.com/watch?v=B_vO9Bf6MRU

Ukifune - http://youtube.com/watch?v=PFQUYYVUnlk

Jet Ninjin - http://youtube.com/watch?v=RJvM1B_mfDg

Kami-sama no Hima Tsubushi - http://youtube.com/watch?v=dgkJg2XHPqg

>> No.12989

Envy "Scene"


>> No.13191

aya hirano n_n

>> No.13420

best thread in /a/... err i mean /jp/...

>> No.13479

I can't believe no one has mentiones Kojima Mayumi.



>> No.13479,1 [INTERNAL] 

yama fail same
yama fail same
yama fail same
