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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10070734 No.10070734 [Reply] [Original]

I want to know what you all do on a daily basis. Even if you don't do anything you think is interesting I still would like to see what different things the people on /jp/ do.
If there are any NEET that would like to talk then please speak up. I'm doing nothing with my life right now so as of now I fit into that category.

Just let it all out

>> No.10070740

I apologize for the small picture, it's just something I randomly selected.

>> No.10070752

I play league of legends and listen to 2hu music all day with 2-3 20-40 minute masturbation sessions inbetween and some shitposting here and there.

>> No.10070747

I do Khan Academy lessons. Eventually I'm going to be a famous scientist and solve difficult problems from my bedroom. Everyone will be impressed that someone without a degree did so much to improve the world, and I'll inspire a generation of NEET scientists who take over the world and colonize the Moon.

>> No.10070756

I look for work.

>> No.10070761

That is really ambitious of you, anon! You can prove to the world that just because you don't leave your home often doesn't mean you can't make a positive impact on the world.

>> No.10070766

Taking it easy I see. Think that will get boring after awhile?

>> No.10070765

I think of all the things I want to do (make music, do 3D modeling, etc) read documentation on them and then....never do it.

Other than that I just refresh /jp/ and sleep.

>> No.10070771

This is something I should be doing. I just don't know where to apply that won't make my anxiety sky rocket and then work will be unbearable.

>> No.10070783
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In order of time taken up

-i) browsing the web
-ii) daydreaming
-iii) watching anime
Use my free-time to learn

>> No.10070787

Sometimes I wish my parents would throw me out on the streets so I would have to get a job to survive or I'd just wither away in some park alone.

>> No.10070793

What kind of things to you learn in your free time?
I do all those others things, none of which are feeling enjoyable anymore

>> No.10070794

it's stayed consistently fun for the past 5 years, trying to keep it up as long as i can until i'm inevitably thrown out on the street and have to sleep on a train track because taking it easy isn't cheap or sustainable.

>> No.10070801

I'm studying sociology at my local university. I don't attend any classes at all though. I'm trying to learn glorious 日本語 as well. I also spend lots of time coming up with cool projects and stuff, of course I never actually do any of it but it keeps me stimulated.

I've been thinking of leaving my apartment more often but oddly enough since I started taking care of myself and got rid of most of my anxiety and depression issues I've become even less sociable. I think it's a result of spending years and years hating myself and now that I'm okay with who I am I just want to spend some time in my own company.

>> No.10070804

That hits close to home for me. It might be the wake up call I need. So just curious, what stops you from getting a job? Not judging.

>> No.10070808
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New Kanji every now and then
also I recently started trying to learn about programming

I still get enough joy from daydreaming and watching stuff, not so much from browsing anymore. It has gotten to the point where it's just a reflex without any rewarding feels

>> No.10070815

Dark souls
Think about fapping, don't bother
Think about talking to people, don't bother
Dark souls.
May be some coop with a guy I know
Shitty generic video game 2042156

That's yesterday.
More often than don't I do fap.

>> No.10070819

Well I start by waking up with a headache, I have headaches every day. Then I go wander around my house for a little while as both my parents are at work and I can finally come out of my room. I get a drink maybe. Then I go down to my room and turn on my computer and sit there until its time to go to sleep.

I've been doing that every day now for the last 6 years.

>> No.10070825

Why did you stop calling it Dark Souls and start calling it Shitty generic video game 2042156?

>> No.10070827

I don't have a driver's license and can't go outside due to really awful anxiety that makes me feel like everyone's silently staring and laughing at me everywhere I go. if I tried to get a job I'd just get really nervous during the first day and completely mess everything up, because I've always been clumsy and useless, making me feel even worse. then at that point I'd rather die than show my face in front of people who've seen me mess up, so there you go..

>> No.10070831
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I'm turning 21 soon and my life has not gone anywhere since I graduated high school in 2010. I feel like I have wasted so much time it makes me cringe at the thought of what I could have accomplished.

Basically my goal I am setting for myself is to find a job that pays a little above minimum wage so that 2 friends and myself can rent a apartment together, hopefully one with 3 rooms but that seems unlikely. One can dream...

>> No.10070835

Maybe he was talking about another game he didn't want to name.

>> No.10070840

I tend to play more than one game a day. Dark souls eats most of my time but I get bored from it sooner or later and I start playing something else.
I think I was trying to run Blops 2 yesterday or was it two days ago.
I don't really remember, days are kinda blury.

>> No.10070843

I thought he got angry at how boring playing it became.

>> No.10070844

After two years of accomplishing nothing as a NEET, my motivation is slowly making an appearance once again. I want to start trying to learn things again slowly and do something with instant results so I don't quit easily. I've decided to improve my handwriting.

I don't know how to do it, though. I want to have beautiful handwriting. Looking up stuff on the 'net now.

>> No.10070845

So instead of college and 'animal house' you'll be working and come back to 'homo house' where you guys all sleep in the same bed?

>> No.10070851

Play games, watch videos/streams, browse /jp/, fap, wish I was still NEET. I do more of the last one on certain days.

>> No.10070853

That is rough but I completely understand. I have bad social anxiety. I got a job at a grocery store 6 months ago as a cashier. I was surprised because I applied for bagger but ok. Then training came and within 4 hours I was a nervous mess. Felt so overwhelmed, plus all the strangers that were watching my every move the whole time. I just couldn't do it and quit that night. God damn I hate having this anxiety man. I am letting it ruin me...

>> No.10070860

>I want to know what you all do on a daily basis.
Touhou, Japanese, and programming.

>> No.10070862

One friend is actually gay, but that is besides the point. I mean I just don't want to live with parents or someone elses parents. It's the only way to be independant at my age or join the military.

>> No.10070878

I work 8+ hours a day standing behind a counter at the local retail pharmacy. I barely make $100K a year, though I went to school for 6 long years, and then some for specialized training. I've got so much miscellaneous bullshit memorized, and yet I don't even use 20% of this knowledge on a general basis. This effort:pay ratio is rubbish. I need more money. More money, more money. This is not enough.

>> No.10070880

Sleep, eat, work, Touhou.

>> No.10070881

Great that your motivation is coming back. Now you can start to improve the things that you want and hopefully you don't fall into the NEET hopelessness feeling

>> No.10070889
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I wake up around noon. I get on IRC and read all the conversations I missed, then go through all the pages on /jp/. Usually I get hungry at this point so I make some coffee. I then check all the websites I happen to be attracted to for that time being. It used to be krautchan and nationstates, then tohnochan and bunbunmaru. Those aren't my main sites but I still check them for things of interest. These days I also spend much time bullying milk on tumblr, skype, and twitter, alongside with checking for someone to make a thread so I can post in it.
Sometimes that doesn't kill enough time of day, so I play a little bit of runescape, or old games on ps1/2/3. When the sun goes down and time approaches midnight, I usually go for a nighttime drive and get something to eat to end the day. I take the less trafficked roads so I can speed and make skids on the asphalt while listening to music.
When I get back home I've recently been having boredom attacks. There is nothing at all to do, and it feels like I'm going to go insane. My heart starts to beat fast, I want to run around and smash things. After a while i calm down and browse the internet and /jp/, masturbate from 2:30-3:00am, and go to bed at 4am.

>> No.10070902

Thanks. The hopelessness feeling is sinking in more than ever -- I don't think I've ever been more depressed in my life, but I'm still struggling to do things to, hopefully, become a normal, productive member of society.

I found out I'm balding recently which made me very, very sad. Self-esteem is an evil thing.

>> No.10070909
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Thank you /jp/ for giving me some insight on what goes on in your life. It really makes me feel good at bad knowing there are many people out there like myself that don't have too much going on for them. I know some of you like your NEET life so that's great too.

Just want to stop being so dependent on others so much...

>> No.10070904

I slack in high school, play touhou and watch streams of it. May go drinking on fridays.

>> No.10070915

game, 2ch, 4chan, niconico

>> No.10070921

It's pointless. No matter what, you'll always be dependent on someone. Independence is a myth.

>> No.10070926

I do khan academy stuff and Japanese. Well, I'm being forced to go to college at the start of next year so I'm just watching anime non stop. Neeting it up for a year and a half.

>> No.10070931

On weekdays, I get up and go to class at Uni, where I am studying Japanese. Depending on the day, I'll then attend a random event on campus and/or anime club and/or martial arts. I lift weights three nights a week and swim two. Jog/ take the bus home, study/read/watch anime/ browse 4chan, sleep.

Weekends I work part time. Apart from that I'll explore the city, hang out with friends, do homework watch anime or whatevs.

>> No.10070932

F5 League

>> No.10070933

Oh god do I know the boredom attack feeling. It's like a sudden rush of anxiety for me knowing I am about to sit down and do the same shit I constantly do. I usually go for a walk to calm myself

>> No.10070936

please use one of the other boards to start a blog thread

>> No.10070938


Not that guy, but personally I just want to be able to support myself financially doing something I enjoy. The thought of spending 8 hours days making shit money and hating every second of it makes me want to kill myself. Been there, done that. Never again.

>> No.10070939

I know. I mean I just don't want to eat my parents food at this age and rely on others for stuff I should be able to get myself. Just makes me feel guilty is all.

>> No.10070948

Since you asked nicely.
But really, we're all here to just talk, and apparently NEET is /jp/ related.

>> No.10070949

wake up
pace around in circles till i cant move anymore

>> No.10070954

Every day im strugglin

>> No.10070962

I wake up near midnight. Spend most of my time refreshing /jp/ and a small number of subreddits that are relevant to my interests. If StarCraft is on - I watch some, but I don't go to /vg/. I browse niconico and youtube to expand my collection of vocaloid songs. I often go for long walks in a middle of the night while listening to audiobooks. I go the grocery store in the morning when it's nearly empty. I eat, then sleep during the day.

I am trying to muster up enough willpower to read visual novels and play some games, but I haven't been able to do this for months.

Oh, and I masturbate to all kinds of things 0-3 times a day.

>> No.10070967

I watch anime and play monster hunter tri. Recently my dad has been bothering me about getting a drivers license so now I am taking one of those driving tests online which is taking up my game and anime time. I am also in an online class for community college but I haven't logged in on it for 2 weeks and tomorrow is the due date for every assignment which I didn't do any of.

>> No.10070975

You are asking for too much.

>> No.10070980

Wake up and eat.
Then look at /jp/.
Watch something and /jp// until lunch
Go outside
take long walk, look for bugs
come home tired, eat
fap, then /jp/, hang around until dinner
eat dinner
after that is games and /jp/ allll night

>> No.10070979

Talk about night owl. Don't you ever miss the nice sunny weather?
I understand the avoidance of people thing. I basically do the same, just later in the evening is when I do go to stores.
I have a favorite Thai restaurant I go to twice a week and I love it because they hardly have customers so it's calming.

>> No.10070983

But he isn't asking for the impossible.

>> No.10070989

Drink a lot of coffee
Browse /jp/
Watch tv
Cook a single meal
Sometimes play a video game

no lie or exaggeration, that's it.

>> No.10070997

I got bullied by the nurses again. B-but I was right on that diagnoses in the end. ;_;

>> No.10071000

I get to see some sun in the morning. I can't imagine eating out, going to the store is terrible enough.

>> No.10071018

I'm a computer programming teacher at a public high school. Due to the lack of students this year, I don't have much work and often play during my free time.

>> No.10071022

Right forgot you're awake so early. I normally just call ahead of time and go up there, chat for a few minutes trying to understand there thai accents then leave. Not so bad there. Do you have a friend who can go places with you to make going out not so horrible?

>> No.10071028


>> No.10071031

Do you look for certain types of bugs and just observe them?

>> No.10071035

I'm learning how to make homemade bombs and smokescreens, thanks to guides I picked up from Islamist groups and deepweb. Wish me luck.

>> No.10071041


No biggie, if shit doesn't work out I'll just mooch off my dad until he dies then mooch off my ex girlfriend. For some strange reason people tend to put up with my shit. I'm lucky I guess.

>> No.10071045

In no particular order:
-watch anime
-play vidya
-browse /jp/
-draw cute things
-walk around town
-read books

>> No.10071047
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Please don't hurt anyone, anon.

>> No.10071056

People put up with me mooching off of them too, friends, family, family of friends. I know it won't last much longer. Not that I want to leech.
Guess it's lucky that people are generous to us.

>> No.10071051

I'm typically occupied with school related responsibilities. Otherwise, just taking it easy.

>> No.10071055

You don't need to go to the deep web to learn how to make home made bombs, are you stupid?

>> No.10071063
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I used to visit a lot of 4chan boards regularly but I can only enjoy /jp/ now.

>> No.10071067

What relevance does intelligence have with going to the deepwebs, weeb? Perhaps it is you who is missing cranial matter.

>> No.10071066


Do you want to join my cell? We'll shake the very foundations of this corrupt system. The NEET revolution has begun.


Yeah it feels fucking awful but what can you do? I've tried being a normal responsible adult but it's just not in me, and that's okay. Now I just have to find some way to have a fulfilling life despite that.

>> No.10071070

I only go on /jp/ and /v/ now. /v/ mostly for the arguments, some for the video game talk.

>> No.10071075 [DELETED] 

Recently Ive Mostly been playing the same two video games all day, Wc3 and Css. In between that I beat off around twelve times a day and sometimes 2-3 times per session.I also browse /jp/ and listen to music constantly. I have plenty of other games Ive been meaning to play but I'm kinda stuck in a rut where I just cant get into them, mostly games by Atlus.
A few times a month I take a break and will go to an old friends house and try keep up appearances. Im also trying to get on SSI but I haven't started the process other than going to the hospital.

>> No.10071079

Recently Ive Mostly been playing the same two video games all day, Wc3 and Css. In between that I beat off around twelve times a day and sometimes 2-3 times per session.I also browse /jp/ and listen to music constantly. I have plenty of other games Ive been meaning to play but I'm kinda stuck in a rut where I just cant get into them, mostly games by Atlus.

A few times a month I take a break and will go to an old friends house and try keep up appearances. Im also trying to get on SSI but I haven't started the process other than going to the hospital.

>> No.10071083

No, I don't have friends. I am scared of all people in real life.

>> No.10071093

I'll be your friend.

>> No.10071099

No homo.

>> No.10071105


We're all friends here.

>> No.10071124

I'm a fairly new resident. A bunch of nurses don't trust my judgment one bit though I did very well in school and work hard researching cases before making a call. Today one doubted me openly in front of a patient even though I was dead on in the end. The doctors I've been with have all said I've done a good job but these nurses I'm working with seem to hate me off the bat even though I haven't said or done anything to them. Whenever the attendings are gone they bully me. Well as long as the patient's OK. That's the only thing that matters really. Night /jp/.
