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10067427 No.10067427 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>9996001

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.10067475


>> No.10067489

what game is this?

>> No.10067485

Half the projects being translated
A lot of things, inculding but not limited to Tsukihime, F/SN, SR, BR, G-Senjou, Wanko to Kurasou, Narcissu, Swan Song and KS

>> No.10067502
File: 432 KB, 1024x1132, Maguroman Calorie Free Drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The most obvious is where they do the CG - Yuuji in Fumio is reasonably buff, while the other person draw him as a thin pretty boy.
I myself didn't notice anything strange with the other characters, but Yuuji's change between CGs really bothered me to no end.

Saihate no IMA

>> No.10067503
File: 116 KB, 365x395, 1350683216554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sengoku Rance
Monster Girl Quest
My Girlfriend is the President

Entry level as fuck

>> No.10067507

Saihate no Ima
Quite a coincidence since I just finished it again today (first time was like 4 years ago).
I actually liked it even more than the first time, probably because my moon is much better than back then and because SnI really need to be read twice.

I think I have pretty much everything figured out, even Fueko's route. The only mystery left would be how Shouji died

>> No.10067537

Slowpoke but I am playing Princess Evangile but how longer must I wait for an ero scene? I'm at the part where the student council president is about to frame him

>> No.10067541
File: 247 KB, 1280x720, koiimar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm powering through it. Slowly, but surely. I've got other games that have been distracting me as of late so I haven't been able to finish a lot recently.

Then, again, I've also been waiting for some of this month's releases: Otome Canvas FD, Relay Broadcast, and Kurano-kunchi no Futago Jijou being my top priority.

>> No.10067543

Currently playing Hoshizora no Memoria: Eternal Heart. Only got one route left (Mare), but for some reason the voice won't play.

I think my moon has gotten better lately, maybe I'll try playing DCIII before the anime coming out next year.

>> No.10067547

I hope that thing on top isn't your definition of "reasonably buff"

>> No.10067548
File: 81 KB, 320x482, PEOPSSOFT001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something super shitty that no one cares about.

>> No.10067564
File: 508 KB, 546x408, くれよんちゅーりっぷ ~ちどりとこるりの誘惑授業~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows that translation of Crayon Tulip coming?

>> No.10067582

>The only mystery left would be how Shouji died
I always thought that the guy who Shinobu, Rei and Jean go to meet during 戦争編 is Shouji, who turned into a Freak just before they arrived. Shinobu is somehow able to communicate with him (though we never hear what the Freak says) and the reader is never told what happened after that. Assuming I remember that correct.

>> No.10067589

>even Fueko's route
Can you explain me that a bit, I really don't get it.

>> No.10067615

Probably as well as Naisho no Naisho's future translation will.

>> No.10067626
File: 95 KB, 802x601, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NG恋 Chapter 8

Fucking great. Great characters, great story, even the BGM is above average. Maybe I'm just underexposed (i.e. new as shit), but this whole VN feels just so damn solid, like watching a good show.

I've heard this called "slice of life," but that just makes me think of the other VNs that can't even tie their damn shoes without stuffing them with stupid filler, or giving their characters stupid gimmicks like heterochromia or "doesn't talk on thursdays." (I won't name the charage I tried to read on the side of this, but I did stop when my twitch started acting up).

Pic is a pretty good indication of my favorite character so far, and which route I plan to enter and by that I mean Sasaki

>> No.10067634

Why are translators so against these games
It's not like depraved shit hasn't been translated before

>> No.10067643

Damekoi really shines in its SoL. Really the only part I didn't particularly like was Toko's extra chapter.

>> No.10067644

You probably should set your bar lower when you play other eroge, since Damekoi pretty much masters the art of characters' interaction.
In other news, Himeo is fucking great.

>> No.10067649

Gasp! How'd you know about my most secret of secret projects?

>> No.10067655

>Why are translators so against these games
More like no one gives enough of a shit to translate them.

>> No.10067668

Well Fueko's route is where Romeo really tries to mislead the reader. Well basically the Fueko we know has a big sister who is also called Fueko in the game (and look the same except she doesn't wear glasses). That older Fueko is an USER and the younger Fueko due to her loneliness became "connected" to her sister and started getting her memories and feelings. The younger Fueko therefore became a bit crazy and began to think she was her sister.
The older Fueko eventually was sent to the institution and met/befriended Souta (who was sent there after surviving the wrath of Sayaka) who mentioned his enemy, Shinobu.
Loli Fueko still being fed the memories of her sister met Shinobu and befriended him to become a spy
Well years later Fueko grew up still thinking she was her sister and even created a little sister in her mind to fill the blank of her memories, that the shadow that is mentioned several times in her route. That sister is seen as a shadow by other people through Fueko projecting her appearance.
But by that time older Fueko ran away from the institution and became a Freak, it's also strongly hinted that she is the culprit of the beheading murders shown in Fueko and Youko's route. Souta himself started working for Chidori and was sent outside to train Shinobu since Souta is the perfect person to become his enemy. (the scene where Chidori summon him is actually shown in that route, the 2 of them working together is shown in the epilogue).
Continued in the second post

>> No.10067670

>Himeo is fucking great.
Threadly dose of Himeo love? Sign me up.

>> No.10067704

You think there would be at least one really pedo translator out there.

>> No.10067705


In the meantime a party of User is sent in the city to find Freak Fueko, they manage to find her in the city but she kills them all, Fueko who is still connected to her misunderstand her memories as her own and goes to the place of the massacre, that's why people thought she was the culprit..
Souta himself contacted younger Fueko and made a plan to have her betray him, which is what happen since she ends up shooting him. But of course Shinobu doesn't die when he is killed and regenerate on the spot, he then forgive Fueko, Fueko realizes for the first time that there is something terribly wrong with her so Shinobu cure her by "reinitializing" her, at the same time he decides to go back to the Facility so Chidori's plan worked (and Fueko's ending take place directly before the war)

Also there seem to be a lot of people who misunderstand but Fueko is/was a virgin and never fucked around. Her first sex scene actually takes place after the war, it's pretty obvious if you read it carefully. The second sex scene is just her being confused by the memories of her sister and Romeo playing with words.

>> No.10067716

Why would I translate something? Especially something like nai nai, it's just a loli game. It's a lot of work for porn and I don't get anything out of it.

>> No.10067717

I wasn't THAT far off then.

>> No.10067718

Too busy drowning in games. There is also the side effect that instead of prosecuting them, any company could simply have them stoned to death by posting their Real name and that they were translating a game about that.
Same way law enforcement coerces confessions out of people, even if innocent.

>> No.10067721

It's pretty clear that Shouji died, he didn't become a Freak. He was probably killed by a random Freak or Fueko's sister, anyways it's probably not something that is supposed to be known and it just shows that the narrator (Ima) heself doesn't know it.

>> No.10067732

Yet people have no problem scanlating sex romp loli comics. Is it the programming that's the problem?

>> No.10067736


>> No.10067751

Downlaoding the kimisora trial while trying to finish Ourai's.
Placing chapter 3 first to make it contrast heavily with chapter 1 was a good idea, god it's depressing and serious in comparison.

>> No.10067773

Scanlating isn't "a lot of work" most of the time.

>> No.10067787

>it's also strongly hinted that she is the culprit of the beheading murders shown in Fueko and Youko's route
I thought that Masamichi was the culprit behind those. At least for killing all the Kadokura residents.
I meant to say that he probably turned into a Freak, then got killed. It's never really shown what they do with the guy and as far as I remember they were on their way to gather allies, probably meaning Shinobu's acquaintances as he's the one guiding Jean and Rei to the apartment block. The scene just cuts out after they finish talking, perhaps one of them put the guy out of his misery?

>> No.10067829

When they announce Shouji death in Fueko's route, it implies that they found a body or something which is why I don't think he became a Freak.
Also for the murders, older Fueko is responsible fort he murders before the war, Masamichi is responsible of the ones after the war, but yeah these aren't the same events and Masamichi's ones are the only ones that are qualified as beheading murders, Fueko's are called "連続猟奇殺人", sorry for the confusion.

>> No.10067881


There are several problems. The whole Rapelay incident is still fresh and the more moral questionable a game is, the higher the probability of getting a C&D claim. Even official translations are affected, see the whole MG & Midori nonsense regarding ef.

Also, translating VNs is a tiring endeavour and translators don't want to translate a game which only a few people will read. Can't even blame them for that. The only solution for that is learning Japanese, so you don't have to consume what they feed you.

>> No.10067900

Or just download the CG sets.

>> No.10067906

No translator uses their real name, and nobody cares about VNs except the niche otaku fanbase that plays them.

>> No.10067923


He could also read H-manga if he just want a quick fap.

>nobody cares about VNs


>> No.10067929

Let me rephrase, nobody cares about VNs that aren't available on Amazon. That was Rapelay's problem.

>> No.10067945

Rapelay was actually on amazon??

>> No.10067949


The companies do care, even if the game isn't sold on any big site. Dark Translations isn't gone for no reason.

>> No.10067950


>The game was intended for release just in Japan, but was on offer to British buyers through Amazon Marketplace, the section of the online store's website open to third-party sellers.

>> No.10067966

>No translator uses their real name
Several do, actually (Ixrec, Moogy, Makoto, maybe others).

But the main problem is that translating is a pain in the ass. Even if you enjoy it, if you're going to spend months translating something, most translators are going to pick a game that a lot of people will enjoy, not a throwaway nukige catering to a niche fetish.

If you want to read the obscure stuff, then you'd best be brushing up on your moon skills.

>> No.10067970

Ixrec and Moogy don't sound like real names.

>> No.10067985

Ixrec = Eric Hitchcock
Moogy = Colin Crouse
Makoto = Phil Long

>> No.10068018

Where did you get Phil Long from?

>> No.10068021

I know enough moon to get through about half the dialogue and then I go nuts trying to figure out each and every kanji

>> No.10068052


Why don't you use Rikaichan? It will boost your nip nong to new hights.

>> No.10068061

He's used his real name in interviews and panels before.

>> No.10068078

>You think there would be at least one really pedo translator out there.

No translator has ever said to himself "Oh man, this game makes my dick so hard I want to translate it." They'd just fap. Translators translate for e-peen (a niche fetish game ain't gonna get you much) and because they enjoy writing prose (a child molester simulator isn't going to have much in this department either.)

Source: I'm a translator.

>> No.10068090

What's wrong with, "I enjoyed this game. I think I'll translate it into English so other people can enjoy it too." Too pure?

>> No.10068086

Never heard of Makoto before. What games has he translated?

>> No.10068093


I think he translated all Nitro+ games.

>> No.10068104

Yes, also those people tend to get bored quickly after a few weeks.

>> No.10068113

Translating nukige/h-scenes in general is also a huge pain in the ass.

>> No.10068114

Saya, Kikokugai, Hanachirasu, parts of Demonbane. Works for JAST now, currently translating Django.

>> No.10068125

Did the vnts-thread fall off the board or what?

>> No.10068130

I think it was deleted.

>> No.10068146


Would you want to spend several months of your life translating a game which will be read by 20 people maximum? I don't think so. The only people who do that are those who are still in the midst of learning Japanese - and it shows.

>> No.10068170

I've known people who spend months making a quilted sweater only one person will enjoy, and they might not even enjoy it.

>> No.10068212


Apples and bananas. Knitting is a pretty monotonous work which requires little to no brain work. Translating is really exhausting. I don't think anyone genuinly enjoys the process itself.

>> No.10068231

Enjoying a game for the story and writing is not the same as enjoying a game for a fap. The former plays on your emotions and makes you think about the game and the characters even after you've finished playing. The latter is done as soon as you cum. Obviously, one leaves a deeper impression than the other.

There are also people who translate crappy VNs but they just happen to be not the VN that you want translated.

To put this all in the perspective of programming, translating big hits like MuvLuv and Fate stay night is the sexy type of work where you're solving interesting problems and creating shiny new features that make people go wow. Translating something like Nai Nai is like debugging corner cases that involve reworking entire frameworks that only a few people care about. Both involve a lot of work but one is a lot more stimulating to work on than the other.

>Translating is really exhausting. I don't think anyone genuinly enjoys the process itself.

I think this is correct. Getting the proper English words out from those shitty Moon hieroglyphs is a pain in the ass but I do enjoy seeing the end result of my work.

>> No.10068650
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, 20121027195914f62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri is a miracle of the universe.

I can already sense the drama seething from the trial.

>> No.10068659

My only hope is for it to not end like Midori no umi.
HOWEVER, if it's going to be shit, I kind of prefer the trainwreck that was.

>> No.10068720

>Knitting is a pretty monotonous work which requires little to no brain work. Translating is really exhausting.
It's rare to see this kind of honesty.

>> No.10068822

It is monotonous but it can be sort of soothing

>> No.10068834

I knit, It's quite relaxing and allows certain room for creativity.

>> No.10068867

Pedophilia/Linguistics/Knitting General.

>> No.10069043
File: 427 KB, 929x745, 0023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, let's rape the slut in the bibliothek and run away after realizing what you've done. Really, this guy must be the pinnacle of evolution.

>> No.10069965

That mostly depends on the route, I believe.
Childhood Friend girl, and the 3rd year girl should happen fairly quickly after the end of the common route which you're pretty much at.
1st Year girl is quite a bit longer that those two to get their.
Don't know about pink haired girl.

>> No.10070072

>You think there would be at least one really pedo translator out there.
I'm pretty fucking pedo, but I would rather translate good games with loli instead of shitty games with loli.

>> No.10070090

MLA. Do they have to keep jump-scaring me with the flashbacks? The first exposure to the event was already traumatizing as fuck.

>> No.10070099

There are plenty of good all-loli games. I heard Romanesque was nice.

>> No.10070319

I played Romanesque. It's really not that great.

>> No.10070334

That's disappointing. Was Watashi no Puni Puni any good?

>> No.10070452

> What are you playing
Ever17 and Tomoyo After
> What are you looking forward to
Rewrite, Little Busters EX
> What have you finished
F/SN, Tsukihime, Clannad, Little Busters, Kanon, Planetarian, Saya no Uta, Cross Channel, ef, Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.10070870

Isn't that just a nukige? Not really comparable to Romanesque.

>> No.10071128

Yes, by 1000000get autists.

>> No.10071133

Fuck no, Cabbit, not again. Fool me once, shame on you, etc.

>> No.10071163
File: 704 KB, 972x1200, 31105449_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, there are combination N'gah-Kthun/Kara no Shoujo 2 instore promotional events being held in December and one of them is being held right in a city I'll coincidentally be in on that day.

Innocent Grey and Liarsoft inexplicably teaming up is just about the best thing that's happened to me all year.

>> No.10071168
File: 107 KB, 800x600, 0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started best girl's route in Baldr Sky Dive2 after putting off doing the Reminiscences for about a week. Overally, I'm enjoying this a lot, but I had to decrease the difficulty from very hard at the end of Aki's route because I'm bad at this game.

>> No.10071248
File: 188 KB, 800x600, koukuudaww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's not Kuu...

>> No.10071309
File: 248 KB, 500x501, 201211151648197a5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid sneaky Liarsoft, putting your countdown fanart on your blog instead of the official site. Now I missed the first two. Dammit.


>> No.10071324

Why is Neon having a staring contest with the Crawling Chaos?

>> No.10071500
File: 21 KB, 336x357, IwillneverknowJapanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these glorious vns, and I can't play any. I wake up everyday to check for VN threads such as this, since I drop out of high school and stay locked in my room all day. I want to learn Japanese so bad but the kanji look hard to learn, I'm scared that I'm wasting all my days looking at all this wonderful vns and not learning Japanese so I can finally play them. I'm so fucking depressed just looking at this thread full of anons talking about their favorite vns and all. What should I do? what should I do... ;_;

why was I born for? fuck my life

>> No.10071511

Learning Japanese just to play VNs is hella gay. Don't do it.

>> No.10071519

Do you know Japanese, and if so, for what reason did you learn it?

>> No.10071528

Learning Japanese cured my depression. There's even a scientific explanation how learning a new language can affect your mental health, memory, etc. It's like a hobby to me that keeps my life on rails. You can never learn a language for the wrong purpose because there never is one.

>> No.10071532

I'm not him, but I learned Japanese just to play VNs. I regret nothing.

>> No.10071549

Learning Japanese so that you can read some of the shittiest stuff the world has to offer is mind-boggling. Not even going to lie, nigga.

>> No.10071575

This. I am still learning, and I'm not the point that I can read VNs yet, but learning Japanese has given my days a clear purpose, and its given me a goal that I can strive toward everyday. I feel much better, and seeing progress that I make is very nice.

>> No.10071577


>> No.10071581

>I want to learn Japanese so bad but the kanji look hard to learn,

Get the book "Remembering the Kanji" by James Heisig. He's a miracle worker.

>> No.10071685
File: 284 KB, 1280x720, I suck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last played: none

Currently playing: Eiyuu senki. I wish the game has added more multi-battle missions so I can grind them for +troop bonuses.
Taking Hawaii and adding Kamehameha to my harem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fAU2EU4f34

Looking forward to: ALICETALE delayed to 30th. FUCK!!

>> No.10071692

I'm very sorry about doing this but I've been unable to play eroge for a few month due to no pc.
Can you tell me a few titles you enjoyed the past two months or so? Any trials of promising game coming out in two weeks were released?
Thanks a lot if you decide to help me out.

>> No.10071690

I'm in the middle of Virtue's Last Reward, if that counts. The gameplay is really helping with my short as fuck attention span.

>> No.10071706
File: 1.26 MB, 2559x1440, tsujidou-san-no-junai-road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one playing Tsujidou-san?

>> No.10071712

http://vndb.org/v10465 softhouse chara's take on tower defense. decent time killer for an evening. Yes, I said an evening cause it was too god damned short.

sangoku 2 bonus disk was released last month but no crack released yet. I dont hold much hope for it though. the original game was pretty meh.

>> No.10071723

Hey anon how many H-scenes?

>> No.10071744

Not sure. I've seen only one H-scene so far and it was a LONG H-scene. Took at least 45 minutes to finish it.

>> No.10071798

Please don't tell me after they have sex the route end..

>> No.10071807



Is it common to have Vocaloid OPs?

>> No.10071844

No but I can see how that'd save money.

>> No.10071871

Does anyone else feel like a cheater when playing VN's? I mean, i finish a route, go to the next one and keep thinking that the previous girl will not be happy because im not with her. It depresses me.

>> No.10071883

I do. I always pick one girl and try to get into her route. Afterward I just grab a 100% save and fap to the rest.

>> No.10071891

How do you do when re-reading VNs, to get other routes and endings? I don't really feel like reading everything over again, but I don't want to miss a single line of new dialog either...

>> No.10071898

That's why the wonderful
>skip only read text

>> No.10071901

It's best to assume that their problems just got solved out of nowhere, or they found some other guy who coincidentally did the exact same thing the protagonist would do and they both fell into an everlastingly pure love. Alternatively, just think that at the end of the common route, the timeline splits into several different universes.

Games with confessions and H scenes in the goddamn common route, though, are a whole different matter. Fuck those.

Pretty much all VNs have had a Skip Read Text option since at least a decade ago, so just use that.

>> No.10071911

When I tried that it just got out of control and started skipping what seemed to me like everything, and I couldn't stop it at all, other than closing the VN. I couldn't even access the menu...

>> No.10071923
File: 360 KB, 1280x720, ev_030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there anyone who plays CHU→NING LOVER? it has godly art ,really great humor, interesting characters and the BGM is also above average but it seems no one even bother playing it.

>> No.10071939 [DELETED] 


>> No.10071940

I've watched clannad and after story, currently playing the VN. Hope the other routes are as awesome as afterstory.

Just finished Saya no uto. Good shit. Mind fuck too.

trying to get through school days.....

>> No.10071942

But that way i can't enjoy the whole story, If i only want to fap i play a nukige that has no story.

Problems being solved out of nowhere sounds nonsensical, they finding another guy makes ME feel cheated i know that this is hypocritical, but well..., i think the different universes option makes me feel better about it, i will try thinking that way next time.

>> No.10071948

The concept of an entire cast being 中二病 seems just mentally draining to me.

>> No.10071951
File: 1.99 MB, 369x271, 1352450810255.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sexual Content 1.5

>> No.10071960
File: 288 KB, 1277x724, 642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently playing it, very entertaining so far, especially the anime references and character settings. Didn't think I'd see toothbrushing getting mentioned in a VN.

>> No.10071962
File: 220 KB, 600x450, vote_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are waiting for the FD

>> No.10071964

i'm still wait...

>> No.10071968
File: 321 KB, 1271x722, 38894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i was just thinking the same thing,they made great humor with anime references and more than anything ruri-chan is cute.

>> No.10071973

It actually felt relatively light in the chuuni to me, at least once you get past the starting part. Could just be me getting used to it though.

>> No.10071996
File: 296 KB, 1281x722, 38895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prologue until opening have somewhat hard chuuni thing so it may be hard for you but after that as >>10071973 said it doesnt have that much of it.

>> No.10072051

holy shit - this facial expression is priceless! (I forgot the japanese term *shame* ahoge? I always mistake it with the term for silly hair..

>> No.10072048

Nope. I was talking about the very first H-scene that occurs during the intro. But it's like 8 hours into the game before you reach it. Just starting on main heroine's route and haven't seen anything else yet.

>> No.10072061


>> No.10072062

There's news of a fan disc?

>> No.10072100


>> No.10072129 [DELETED] 

well this is not an h-scene though,they just made a joke about that,and it was funny, at least for me.

>> No.10072135

do you know any h-games with ahegao scenes? I am currently learning japanese in order to read some VN, watch raw anime, but... well this is something I could read as well to "learn" right?.... right?

>> No.10072137 [DELETED] 

well this is not an h-scene though,they just made a joke about that.

>> No.10072152
File: 286 KB, 1280x720, guishen_0418cg27nn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry i just deleted my post because of a mistake.i dont like that much nukige but most of it have ahegao so if you just try some random nukige im sure you will find what you want.well if you still want some suggest,Saimin yuugi have pretty good art and it was a good fap material for me.

>> No.10072191

wow anon, thats great. Also thank you for teaching me the word nukige. *silently writing down a new vocab card - just for me - just for the little place in my head where this is relevant information - somehow*

>> No.10072203

Did you get it from Share or something? There's no torrent out.

>> No.10072250 [DELETED] 

http://sukebei.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=185080 here is torrent.

>> No.10072256

http://sukebei.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=185086 or http://sukebei.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=185080 , both of them working.

>> No.10072335

W-what's happening here? Everyone is so nice....I thought all /jp/ anons are tsunderes...

>> No.10072338

No shitposting if it's ironic as le fuck mootles sticky sudo pig desu kun

>> No.10072392


You have stepped over into the twilight zone. Be careful, anon-kun.
...N-Not that I would care or anything..B-Baka!

>> No.10072457

I really liked the game until the common route ended.
I felt that the really only thing the game had going for it writing wise was its humor, but at least in the two routes I've somewhat played through most of the humor went away as soon as the routes proper began.
The abruptness of some of the H-scenes put me off a bit, but that's more due to personal taste than anything else.

>> No.10072713
File: 243 KB, 1366x768, 1351906682512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, Anon, look how beautiful she is!

>> No.10072723

I like how they do the coloring.

>> No.10072799

Went back to reading &, since I pretty much dropped it after my first route. Tsukasa's was slightly better, I suppose.
Heard only creepy bird brain and Urara were any good, so I hope Maki's doesn't get too long.

>> No.10072803

>When I tried that it just got out of control and started skipping

You're doing something wrong. Usually, holding down CTRL skips all text regardless of options selected while pressing the "Skip" button on screen only skips read text.

>> No.10072849

it depends on the game I guess, I remember quite a few having the ctrl influenced by the options too (pressing it with unread text just made it go to the next line like a regular click or scroll)

>> No.10073341
File: 588 KB, 1040x806, 5u6u61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long Live Adaism

>> No.10073363
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>> No.10073367
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>> No.10073371
File: 602 KB, 1040x806, 5u44s53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10073384


I did it. Come at me, bro.

>> No.10073398

I loved the part where he tells her he bought her for 30 solver coins
>I was bought
>wait, just for 30 silver coins!
>I'm not that cheap

>> No.10073547

>hungarian cuisine

i don't even

>> No.10073621
File: 540 KB, 1040x806, ret5hge5r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10073678

I think you missed a line or two between the screenshots

>> No.10073686


was just capping the art as it changed

>> No.10073713
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>> No.10073732
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>> No.10074031
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>> No.10074073
File: 568 KB, 1040x806, hrh5ws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10074087

Keziah is actually intriguing because she doesn't seem to have much of a role but she should considering she's a lovecraftian witch.

>> No.10074107
File: 553 KB, 1040x806, yh6r5r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10074407
File: 121 KB, 1024x582, katawa_shoujo_release-1024x582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katawa Shoujo

finished Hanako's and Emi's good ending

i need more emotionnal VN please /jp/ help me!

>> No.10074411

Where can you get the fan translated version of higurashi?
I heard that the manga gamer translation is poor.

>> No.10074416

The fan translation has only one arc, out of 8, and the fandisk. Just read the damn MG one, the translation is a lot better in kai.

>> No.10074580

New Thread.


>> No.10074598
File: 809 KB, 795x591, t01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was probably one of the more dull 'horror' scenes I've had the displeasure to come across. It's a sad state of affairs when a writer can't even make it cheesy enough to laugh at.

Trial is out already? Good lord, do I feel out of the loop.

Presuming a fair amount of you have read it already, what were your impressions?

>> No.10074660

i wish to irrumate neon scalar

>> No.10075343


>> No.10075542

Can anyone recommend me an eroge with a Gary Stu-ish protag?
Something like Yuuji from Grisaia or Keiichi from Sharin no Kuni.
Most shchara protag are like this too.

>> No.10075589

Akatsuki no Goei, Kaito is prototypical

>> No.10075693

It's Taishou Mebiusline, a BL title that's being released in December. Trial came out a few days back and it was fairly poor overall. I find it difficult to believe it was being produced on and off for the past few years.

>> No.10075712

Already played that. ;_;

>> No.10075864

That's a shame, I was slightly looking forward to it. Well, I'll probably end up playing it either way.

>> No.10075894
File: 410 KB, 1040x806, egr5se5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10075897
File: 523 KB, 1040x806, e4ga4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10075896
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>> No.10075904
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>> No.10075907
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>> No.10075996

Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku wo

>> No.10076174
File: 120 KB, 800x600, 0264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently playing through Yumekoi Tensei. I'm quite enjoying it; I'd say its one of the best genderbending eroge.

>> No.10076223

Anybody read a vn lately in Japanese with actual milf love interests with romance?

>> No.10076248

Go away MILF autist.

But in case you're serious, SekaiNG and parfait have divorced/widowed heroines.

>> No.10076256

Are the routes good/romantic just as much as the other routes ? could you post a pic of them?

>> No.10076267

She looks hot, is she a main romantic heroine? does this game have a lot of older women as love interests?

>> No.10076297

that's not really how liarsoft works. go back to bed, MILF man

>> No.10076342

What do you mean, shes not a love interest? who is in this game then? please tell me its not some 16 year old.

>> No.10076429

Really? I thought it's going to have a hetare protag like WA2/Parfait/SekaiNG.

>> No.10077114

The main character, as in the PoV, is a girl, should be about 18-19.

>> No.10077150
File: 408 KB, 1000x560, PIC1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I AM trying to extract the PS3 version of Suzumiya Haruhi no Tsuisou.
Extracting the PSP version with tenoritool was no problem, and since the PS3 game is build almost exactly the same way, it can extract the *.dat files there too, except for the main resource.dat, simply because it's too big. Fuck.

Any ideas?

>> No.10077315

Really. Wataru is alpha as fuck.

>> No.10077424

http://vndb.org/v11098 best VN!

>> No.10077460
File: 886 KB, 1024x768, mouasa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy do I know how that feels.

By the way, I uploaded the extracted trial folder for those that can't get the installer to work, but didn't realize 4chan doesn't allow linking to the site where I put it, so: pastebin.com/La9x4Rqr

>> No.10077468

>Long Live Adaism

shut up about that please. I will not tolerate using this game being used as fodder for your aspie rage about feminism.

>> No.10077478

Aspie rage about feminism is pretty common around here, pal.

>> No.10077489

steampunk series has unsurprisingly a somewhat large female following
it cannot be helped

>> No.10077495
File: 247 KB, 598x440, 31533743_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly what I said.

Please let some yuri doujinshi come out of this.

>> No.10077500

Considering the male lead basically calls lady Ada a deceitful bitch, it's not super feminist.

>> No.10077506
File: 384 KB, 617x722, 31293377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is that even a word?

> 助手と書いて嫁と読むんですよねマスター。

yeah pretty much

>> No.10077513

Maybe so. Doesn't change that I give not one fuck about it. Save the manboy rage for your greentext 2hu threads.

>> No.10077524

So is she supposed to be based on a real person/preexisting character or no?

My guess would be she's the Angie version of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ky%C5%8Dka_Izumi but no support for that as of yet.

>> No.10077552
File: 230 KB, 1832x1350, kajakra_243_hortobagyi_palacsinta_535411_83354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with chuuni Tesla here; that shit is DELICIOUS. It's like French and Russian food fucked and produced an offspring that was born in a torrent of wonderful tasty fresh cream.

>> No.10077630

How do I find games with fandiscs? There doesn't seem to be a tag for it

>> No.10077632
File: 378 KB, 580x820, 1106528621576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

searching "fandisc" and then clicking the links back to the parent games would seem to be a good start.

>> No.10077655

egs has one:

>> No.10078105

Trying to download Amatsukaze but damn the only full seed keeps not connecting.

>> No.10078706


Has anyone seen vm500's concept art for Ada? At least I'm assuming it was concept art for Ada.

Makes you wonder if she was only able to get Adaism off the ground because she's basically the living incarnation of lust.

Misogynists have always assumed that Feminism only took off because some woman somewhere gave a powerful man the best blowjob in history.

>> No.10078711

I am playing Kira Kira.
Fuck off, It's K-On without cute girls.

>> No.10078714


I happen to love Adaism. I may not be such a big fan of Feminism, but Adaism is like crack for me. I would join Feminism in a heartbeat if they changed the shit name they came up with for their movement to Adaism instead.

>> No.10078727

Adaism is named after Ada Lovelace, right? Who was she again?

>> No.10078757 [SPOILER] 
File: 655 KB, 1399x2000, usoya_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this probably? the artist seems to be a bit more hardcore than akira, the same artbook also contains a "bad end" for marie clarissa christie in which she gets raped by tentacles until she ahegaos

>> No.10078763

Gii looks a lot better with a more pronounced nose.

>> No.10078773

Is there sex like this in the actual vn?

>> No.10078777


Chie is better than the enitre cast of K-On.

>> No.10078784 [SPOILER] 
File: 127 KB, 650x488, guac_event06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what yor generic WAB sex looks like.
No dick, vagina, or anything that isn't tits.

>> No.10078795

You don't need to lie.

>> No.10078797

>"bad end" for marie clarissa christie in which she gets raped by tentacles until she ahegaos
over the fucking line.

>> No.10078800

The bodies of the women are pretty sexy at least.
Also the sex scenes are different with this company, even thought they are part of the same company, i think? I really wish this would get translated, looks like a 10/10 game. Anybody actually play it here? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCYqPZtf7z0

>> No.10078801

it makes more sense to name the movement after a particular person anyway, in terms of legitimacy

when it comes to feminism, some females are simply bitches and whores and they have no business being part of the movement, they just ride on the coat-tails of the movement and enjoy the benefits while not believing in it or bettering it at all

on the other hand, adaism isn't for all females, it is only for females who take control of their own lives with their superior intellect and insight, all the powerful figures in adaism have plenty of accomplishments to their name

i have no problem admitting inferiority to that kind of powerful and talented female

i do, however, have a problem with brainless bitches getting my job and subsequently being a complete failure at it simply because the office needed more tits and less phallus to meet some arbitrary quota overseen by the feminist overlords

>> No.10078811

>because the office needed more tits and less phallus to meet some arbitrary quota overseen by the feminist overlords
I hate this a lot, same with race 'equality'. Why should you not hire a more competent person just because he doesn't meet some random criteria he can't help?

>> No.10078817

I like how the loli captain doesn't look like the forced love interest but the sexy purple dressed does. Actually it just like everyone as a chance and its just fucking a fun free for all. how is the purple dressed women in this? whats she like? Is she mature and sexy like? Im surprised one body talk about this one a lot, it looks amazing.

>> No.10078831

This also feminism is just switching the gender power fucking around, its no fucking better then what we have now. plus its even worse because all the femanazis bitches will just take everything anyway from us men.plus they will start censoring shit everywhere because" women are being degraded" even if those women like it and want to do whatever porn they do. its funny how normal women even hate femanazis , most of them see the craziness,most anyway. If femanazis actually ever win into power, ill start a bloody revolution.

>> No.10078833

well the game isn't even out yet and we're off to a great start

>> No.10078843

how much you want to bet ixerc will be forced by shetta to translate it. to tell you the truth all the WAB vns he translated i thought were boring as fuck. Sure the steam punk setting is cool but everything else is a fucking bore. How could he even get through translating such boring shit. I couldn't even get through forest because of how much nonsense it was, also the one before that with the white haired chick mc was boring too. Are all WAB vns all so slow and boring?

>> No.10078852

Yes. Please don't force yourself to play them, it's bad for your health.

>> No.10078855
File: 126 KB, 500x273, 3D is bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they are right, 3D porn is inherently predatory. Long live 2D.

>> No.10078857

I do however remember seeing a newer vn they did that looked good , this one http://vndb.org/v4936 and this http://vndb.org/v528.. sadly i think they are all boring because of the female pov, do these have a male pov? is the older one less slow?

>> No.10078864

they will ban your fucking 2d porn first. look what the fems had to say about rapelay. they fucking attacked japan like crazy and wouldn't stop. over a fucking 2d game.

>> No.10078868

Nobody has tried reading this vn?

>> No.10078880

They could try, but since it's protected free speech, they will fail. At least in the US, anyway.

>> No.10078883


Your argument is sound actually, what's the difference between porn and prostitution? One get's recorded and distributed, that's it. Either legalize them both or outlaw them both.

>> No.10078905

It seemed like a bit of a clusterfuck, to be honest. The protagonist can see dead people and the military can also summon similar entities. It was all a bit too silly. Then again, I wasn't exactly keeping up with the information that was being released about it so maybe the supernatural slant was common knowledge.

Forest isn't even a WAB title.

Sona-Nyl has two female protagonists, so you probably wouldn't like that either.

What's the point in even wondering what people think of it? You'd probably find it 'slow and boring' anyway.

>> No.10078921
File: 124 KB, 800x600, ohboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have never read a single VN
>go to vndb read descriptions
>downloaded what sounded good

how did I do /jp/? Anything else I should pick up? What should I read 1st?

>> No.10078924

Who are you quoting? Why did you not capatilize the 'h' in 'how?' Why did you use the number 'one' in the word 'first?'

>> No.10078932

why would i find it slow and boring, it looks like it has a male pov and sexy characters.

>> No.10078929

Just roll a d10 and pick that one. I'll even do it for you. 3. Read Katawa Shoujo first.

>> No.10078940

What do you mean, 'how did I do'? You downloaded what you wanted to, only you'll know the answer to that. We're not /a/, we won't spoonfeed you what you should and should not read.

>> No.10078941 [DELETED] 

Read Katawa Shoujo 1st for the feels.

>> No.10078944

Why is everyone on /jp/ so mean :(

>> No.10078945 [SPOILER] 
File: 154 KB, 797x599, snap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yosuga no Sora.

>> No.10078947

Because you're a troll?

>> No.10078951

Go for Saya no Uta. You can finish it in a few hours. Enjoy your first visual novel.

>> No.10078952

But im not :( every thread seems to have 100 angry people saging all the time.

>> No.10078956

When did this get translated?!

>> No.10078957


>> No.10078961

I don't think he's a troll, just a newfriend from /a/.

>> No.10078966

Lurk more isn't just an epic meme you know.

>> No.10078971

/vg/ pls go. And take the milf-autist with you.

>> No.10078986

There are no download links and it isn't fully translated. The Sora route is 100%, but the other routes aren't completed.
One of the guys in the project was nice enough to distribute it through email.

>> No.10078989 [DELETED] 

I want /jp/ to leave

>> No.10078995
File: 98 KB, 800x600, 1332942183438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been on /jp/ much longer then you. newbie, just because you know Japanese doesn't mean you higher in the /jp/ rank. I found this in my 9 year old and growing pic folder randomly. what vn is it?

>> No.10079011


>> No.10079119

I sent an e-mail to the translator for a patch request a second ago, I want to mainly play Sora route anyway so I don't care. God bless it.

>> No.10079275

I'm playing Shoin right now. I really liked Wasuremono to Otoshimono so I wanted to play Fukazawa's other titles. Sure enough, I'm impressed, after this I'm going to play Second Novel.

>> No.10079406

I liked second novel a lot, one of the best original VNs in the psp for sure.

>> No.10079896
File: 1.33 MB, 1277x716, table manners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never knew learning table manners could be hilarious and lewd. Kirihara is the best teacher.

>> No.10080219

with every game each steampunk game has a more interestingencyclopedia, loving it

>> No.10080475 [DELETED] 

世界でいちばnNGな恋, Mitoko route finished.

I stopped Himeo's route when the omake screen told me that I had 3P with mitoko to look forward to. Too NG for me.

But damn, what a great route to a memorable game. I'll replay this someday for Asami, but not until that trauma BGM (watch?v=u5vAYGzDOFg) fades from my head. It doesn't help that it actually loops well, unlike the rest of the BGM in this game that reminds you every two minutes you're a gaijin babby who reads at the pace of a dyslexic Mexican

I was planning to read Oretsuba next, but I have a question: is it still worth reading if I've been spoiled? I'm assuming its a spoiler that the four protagonists are the same person, but then again, I haven't touched it, so maybe that's the first damn line of the game.

>> No.10080480
File: 101 KB, 800x602, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

世界でいちばnNGな恋, Mitoko route finished.

I stopped Himeo's route when the omake screen told me that I had a 3P with mitoko to look forward to. Too NG for me.

But damn, what a great route to a memorable game. I'll replay this someday for Asami, but not until that trauma BGM (watch?v=u5vAYGzDOFg) fades from my head. It doesn't help that it actually loops well, unlike the rest of the BGM in this game that reminds you every two minutes you're a gaijin babby who reads at the pace of a dyslexic Mexican

I was planning to read Oretsuba next, but I have a question: is it still worth reading if I've been spoiled? I'm assuming its a spoiler that the four protagonists are the same person, but then again, I haven't touched it, so maybe that's the first damn line of the game.

>> No.10080482

>Too NG for me.
Doesn't happen directly in her route, you should have played it.

>> No.10080485 [DELETED] 

who quot

>> No.10080490

Finished & after procastinating so much.
Urara's route was actually quite good, made up for the first couple of weaker ones, I suppose being longer and sticking to one plot helps. Also Urara and Ko had good chemistry, so nice to see a girl like her being the main heroine.
The route had a good execution overall and bits like the scene at the ending and calling it over the sky was really nice, so was the new versino of the opening including all the characters and animations, made it feel like it was everyone's adventure.

>> No.10080508

I haven't played it but I've been told that spoiler is revealed/obvious as fuck early/midway through the game and doesn't impact a lot

>> No.10080520

It's revealed during the common route, then again, that's about more than ten hours in.

>> No.10080525 [DELETED] 

who quotes

>> No.10080540
File: 99 KB, 445x640, Haruka.ni.Aogi.Uruwashi.no.481268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Haruka ni aogi? Mainly in the romance department, I want something that makes me blush and feel embarrassed.

>> No.10080541

Asami is probably the greatest and the one I enjoyed the most. Two people working together to resolve their problems and reconcile in an adult manner isn't what you typically see in eroge. I always consider Asami's route the true route in the game, plus the fact the she is ridiculously cute in her route, different from her usual mature demeanor, which makes a nice gap moe.

I didn't like Mitoko or her route as much as Asami and Himeo strangely enough.

>> No.10080548


Haven't played it yet. Try this review and see.

>> No.10080691

The "twist" isn't actually a twist, it's obvious pretty early on and the game assumes you realize it starting with the third chapter.
So go ahead and read it, it's amazing.

The romance in Tonoko and Shino's routes was really well done.
But it's a really solid charage all around, definitely recommended.

>> No.10080733

Maybe it actually makes sense in the right context, but it was just a shock and seemed completely out of character.

And whenever I saw her sprite after that, I was like "Ah, this person's going to have a 3P with Mitoko..."

Thanks for the information. I might try to read something lighter first, like another suggested. Maybe a nice charage...

She really steals the show. I even ended up posting a picture of her, even though I didn't do her route.

If she only had appeared sooner and stronger, she probably would have been fiercer competition, at least for me.

>> No.10080974

Is Asami his old wife? why wouldn't you do the best route in the game, If only i could read it i would do her route. im sure its amazing.

>> No.10080994

I mean how many vns have a 30 year old protag and a route where you can get back with your wife, and from what you guys are saying its the true true and not some joke. why is this not translated...

>> No.10081013

the divorced wife doesn't appear in the beginning? wouldn't you see her first? how long does it take to see her in the story? what happens when you see her and she see you with all these young girls? does she get mad or give up on you right away? since your saying she steals the show she actually inst pushed back for the other younger girls? instead shes actually used more? how long is her route, the longest?

>> No.10081042

What do you do when you're absolutely bored with a VN? Do you drop it and move on to one that might be more interesting? I've been playing 恋と選挙とチョコレート lately, and it's just so cliche and average that I can't find anything enjoyable about it. Does it get better towards the middle of the game, or should I give up?

>> No.10081098
File: 85 KB, 500x569, iPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continued from >>10071685
Last played: Some nukige that sucked so bad I dont even remember their names.

Currently playing: Eiyuu Senki. You are beautiful no matter what you wear, Yoshitsune-chan.
In this episode: derping around doing nothing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwiTEm9ARM4

>> No.10081108

30 year old protagonist. You're not married but you DO get to fuck a loli who pretends to be your wife.

>> No.10081180

fuck loli, thats not the same.
the special part is that you can actually get in a relationship with somebody over 19. thats why i want this game to be translated so badly. unless there are a lot of other games with older women, or is this vn special because of that?

>> No.10081218

Go to bed MILF autist

>> No.10081332
File: 454 KB, 823x1050, 1338188173770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, have a sexy milf.

>> No.10081344

Game was pretty outstanding in all regards all around. The character design was really novel, and the protagonist is great. Kind of a downside, it's written by two different authors, and the difference in quality shows, but the game is divided between them in the very first decision in the game, so it's not disruptive.

>> No.10081487

>unless there are a lot of other games with older women
There are, though most of them are nukige. Jesus, just learn Japanese; if you just direct all the time and energy you currently spend on making posts about milfs toward learning Japanese you'd have it mastered in no time.

>> No.10081518


>> No.10081565

Leave it on your computer indefinitely as you move on to something else, and then eventually delete it a year later after you haven't touched it again.

>> No.10081589

why are they all nukige and not serious stories? is there some bullshit reason behind it? why cant these types of women be in "moege" or whatever you can vns with not completely sex and rape on the mind. moege has sex but i mean why cant there be like lets say more vns like kanon but with older women? what dont they make more of them? or why has nukige been the only place for older women when it should be the complete opposite if you think about it. mature milfs or just older women would have more story and personality then a romance teen liife. dont you find it weird at all? that moege is dominated by teenage main heroines, where older characters usually would be better, and instead the older main heroines are subjected to porn games?

>> No.10081667

I dislike it too, I want more mature characters in my games. Not necessarily milfs though. Stuff like Swan Song, NG, Innocent Grey, some of Parfait, Kaoru in Ayakashibito, among others, and often older games catered to that. I wish the trend continued though.

But what can you do? Purity, non virgin sluts, etc. Mature characters in popular, serious games haven't exactly gotten poor reception, it's just not as safe since it doesn't fit the template.

>> No.10081690

>why are they all nukige and not serious stories?
Because it's a niche fetish. Just like you won't find bondage or scat or NTR in moege. If you want niche stuff like that your best bet is nukige.

>> No.10081756

Why the fuck is wanting romance with women over 20 in stories a "niche" , that makes no sense. how did this become a niche in japan anyway? what started the older women hate/who started it? in the 80s it didn't seem like that at all or at least older women were more around as heroines , so it happened around the early 90s sometime?

>> No.10081774

Why do they like annoying teenagers with "teenage" problems so much. Shouldn't older people be buying vns more, i thought you had to be 18 and up to even play them? shouldn't they be over shallow and obnoxious problems?

>> No.10081820

Well, I agree that the protag should be 25-30. I still want cute little girls as the heroine, though, you never outgrow pedophilia, after all.

>> No.10081836

Because life for a Japanese person effectively ends once they leave highschool. When they've finished, their consciousness is absorbed into the great Yamato Overmind in order to better take orders, ignore critical thinking, and to kill off their individuality in order to produce a more efficient work unit. However this comes with a high suicide rate, in order to curb this the Yamato Overmind constantly produces works in the media about a time when the work unit was free.

The ones who escape this process become Hikkis or truNEET.

The more you know!

>> No.10081840
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Maybe you should find some other hobby? It doesn't seem like this one is going to treat you to what you'd like.

>> No.10081868

your the problem then. you ruin games with your "lolis only" crap. and make mature women forced to go on the side lines and appear as joke characters with one sex scene to think that makes us happy.
No, because it bullshit and must be stopped. vns would be amazing if they stopped with the teenager shit and im waiting for japan to change. Why should i give up because the type of women i like aren't getting what they deserve.

>> No.10081888

VNs already are amazing
You're just upset that there isn't any delicious cake for you to jerk your gherkin too now shush.

>> No.10081894

Because whining about it here isn't going to change the market for VNs. If it makes any difference at all (which is absurdly unlikely), it's only going to make even fewer people buy the kinds of VNs you want because they're fed up with your autismic rambling.

>> No.10081900

>your the problem then. you ruin games with your "lolis only" crap. and make mature women forced to go on the side lines and appear as joke characters with one sex scene to think that makes us happy.

Most VN heroines are late teenagers, actually. Lolis are just as uncommon as MILFs.

>> No.10081904
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Because as an individual person, and someone that isn't Japanese at that, you aren't going to change anything. It would serve you better to just find something else to enjoy, rather than impotently bitching about how things aren't the way you like them.

>> No.10081917

Even if he is a complete cunt, he makes a valid point. Japan and it''s products seem to have disregarded story and depth for cute girls and lolis these days.

And that's not a bad thing in small portions, but when it takes over the industry it becomes rather annoying.

>> No.10081921

Better yet. Acquire talent and make your own serious business romancin' the older ladies VN.
I'd read it. Change starts with you, motherfucker.

>> No.10081926
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Kiyoka was pretty awesome in あなたの事を好きと言わせて, though I wasn't a fan of the fake relationship into real feelings plot

>> No.10081931

Every media market has that sort of thing. It's that sort of thing that ultimately keeps the market alive so the good things can be made. Expecting or everything to be masterpieces devalues the point of having masterpieces in the first place. When Masterpiece becomes the norm, what's left?

>> No.10081939

VNs never had particularly great story. If you want an engrossing read, you are looking in the wrong place.

>> No.10081941

So you're saying there has to be shitty things I don't like in order to get things I do like?

>> No.10081944


>> No.10081950


>> No.10081961

So I'm kind of new to VNs.

My first one was Katawa Shoujo, but I just finished Saya no Uta two nights ago, and will start Kara no Shoujo tomorrow.

What are some other VNs that are good for a beginner?

>> No.10081977

Milf autist-kun has a point though.
There's no reason why everyone have to be set in highschool. It stifles creativity.
At very least there should be one set in University.

Most of the VN I liked most, like Parfait/Chocolat/Baldr Sky/Baldr Force/WA2, have older heroines.

>> No.10081979

>>>/vg/ should be able to help you better. They have a nice chart in the pastebin that deals with these kinds of stuffs.

>> No.10081986

What he wants isn't story or depth, it's for a market that's already focused on characters that don't cater to his highly specific (and equally disgusting) fetish to buy what he likes because he says so. If he were interested in story he wouldn't spend so much time whining about VN readers not sharing his horrible taste.

>> No.10081983


No but seriously, Clannad, Sharin no Kuni, Swan Song

>> No.10081991

I'm kind of rooting for Daitoshokan for this reason

>> No.10081998
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>> No.10082001

I never understood why people think there are VNs that are "good" or "bad" for beginners. They're just stories. Are there books or movies that are "good for beginners"?

Anyway, based on your choices, I assume you need translated stuff, in which case, you'd be more at home in /vg/.

>> No.10082006

Well, as long as they go with extremes. We can have 60 year olds and 6 year olds as heroines. Then everyone would be happy.

>> No.10082013

Some VNs are impossible to beat without a walk-through.

>> No.10082026

Tetris is impossible to beat.
Is it a good game for beginners or a bad one?

>> No.10082057

I'd kill for some more heroines that at least act their age. Most of the high school girls act like children that still need whippings as their form of punishment.
I'm also kind of laughing that people consider that acting with the (low) maturity of the average college aged kid to be a 'disgusting niche fetish'.

>> No.10082063
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You're not aiming to meet a definite conclusion to a plot in Tetris.

>> No.10082070

If someone asks for a movie recommendation and they haven't watched many movies, are you going to recommend a decent movie from a specific genre that you happened to like or a classic movie that most people will enjoy? Likewise for books, and for every form of entertainment, VNs not excluded, there are some widely appreciated ``classics'' that are generally recommended to people who aren't very familiar with the medium. Most people have been watching movies and reading books since they were kids, so they've naturally been exposed to the classics without really having to ask for recommendations, but that's not the case for VNs.

>> No.10082116

No mature characters just plain would make because stories instead of fucking teenage girls.
this i don't actually want you guys to not have none of your shitty high school romance with there high school shitty problems. I just think it completely taking over how every vn show be is completely retarded. It made it so every fucking mature women over the age of 20 is a side character with one sex scene like its a joke, when it should be the complete opposite. the mature older women is going have more real problems and a better character to add to the story. instead of having some cheesy fake romance with a high school girl thats gonna end in a week after the vns ended, you could actually marry that older women over REAL hardships and years of time. not fucking 2-3weeks years of knowing a girl like how it is in these vns. thats why when you get a vn with older characters, the vns tend to have much better fucking writing and plot/romance.

>> No.10082131

but this is what i dont get, the Japanese eat up the shallow high school problems and dont want anything deeper, depending on how old they are already (18-20 something or older) you would of think they would just feel like it could be much better or deeper.

>> No.10082133

>the mature older women is going have more real problems and a better character to add to the story.
>you could actually marry that older women over REAL hardships and years of time
This is in no way true. Maybe your perception of which hardships are ``real'' and which hardships are ``cheesy'' and ``fake'' is warped by your fetish—please don't assume people who aren't diseased think the same way you do.

>> No.10082183

That's still set in 'highschool'.
But still, it's a nice start. Hopefully other eroge companies follow suit.

>> No.10082187

older people are gonna have real world problems,stresses,etc,etc. they are free from a fucking building and can venture out into other places, thus increasing the plot and different ages of characters around them with different personalities. Also older people tend to develop their own self, while high school kids are nothing but shallow shells. this is why even characters in steins gate are just more likable, even when they are just maybe 4-6years older then the age of high schoolers. you have to face it that this high school shit that bringing vns down is a cruse. its just limiting what stories and characters could be made and what settings there could be. Like just a office setting of sales men, or a police department, or this and that. there are a million of settings that could be done with different types of main characters. with 10x better romance and plot then any fucking high school story could be about. high school is fucking retarded from a story setting if you think about it. its the same thing every time, the same areas with the same types of dum ass kids.

>> No.10082218

Not really. Instead of "I hope I get a good score on my test," you get "I hope I get a good performance review."

>> No.10082224

There's nothing wrong with having characters that aren't in high school, and I agree that it often is more interesting, but that doesn't mean they should include ``mature older women'' for people with mental disorders any more often than they do already (which ideally would be not at all where sex is involved).

>> No.10082249

Someday we will learn to ignore posts made by English-only folks... yeah, someday...

>> No.10082271

I think you're generalizing a bit too much here. That applies to moege often, but when fantasy elements are added, such as in Ayakashibito, you can get out of the limitations. Ayakashibito is a particularly good example I think, the characters in that were likeable and unique, but it was still Chuuni as fuck. A good half of that game was set in high school too. Or then what about Haruka ni Aogi? Still high school, granted a more interesting high school, but the characters made that game good.

I don't disagree that it's limiting, nor do I disagree that it's taking up the market. I however strongly disagree that a game with a high school setting can't have outstanding characters or a great story. It's just less likely too, but saying that is kind of mistaken, it's less likely because that setting happens all the time, the proportionality is entirely off.

>> No.10082276

even moving away from high school to settings with college students like steins gate,remember 11, proved to just be 10x better then any high school eroge could bring. I really dont get why Japanese hate college, couldn't they have more to do with the characters in dorms? do they hate college also or something? why do they have too not settle on shit they didnt like in real life anyway? actually dont they fucking do that already with high school? its not like you fucking see the bad side of what high school really was. when you read these vns your not just reading about a kid sitting in a chair doing math ever day and thats it. they cant just do that, take out the bad parts of life after high school, if they hate it so much? Is it weird that i just dont understand the love they have with high school? how could they like fucking going to school and doing mental work all day in a building? why would they all just want to make 1 million stories just about that?
yeah same goes for you people with your lolis and 16 year old girls. mature women would actually make more sense then having sex with a loli. at least you can actually form some sort of deep relationship with a mature women then a little girl who doesn't know shit. plus im not just talking about mature women (29-40) , im talking about just older women would be better (20-30). your post didn't even make sense. they shouldn't include mature women any more then they should lolis or women below 20. its just that you people with you high school girls win and i lose.

>> No.10082293

Sorry, like, half of what you're saying is really valid and part of me wants to agree with you, but the other half is entirely subjective and/or dependent on the talents of the writers.

>> No.10082316

Im not saying there cant be good high school stories or that i wont just read a vn about it if its actually good and not just about "high school problems" and something more. nbut when you only get one fucking genre over and over again, while the characters and settings that could be good are in low budget nukige. thats were i get pissed. well im done there is nothing you people can say that will prove me wrong anyway. because im right and sadly i will die and on my grave it will say, " Japanese fucking go to college or work already and fucking grow up" and also" I want fucking sexy milfs in my moege". I guess i just have to deal with it and maybe some of the rare vns with mature characters and romance will be translated instead of shitty nukige like boob wars and shitty boring moege. all the translators should be focusing on translating the actual good shit, not boring moege and boring slow yuri. its a fucking waste of time.

>> No.10082321

>mature women would actually make more sense then having sex with a loli.
Again, your thinking is warped by your disease, and you're falsely limiting the selection of non-repulsive girls to lolis here. What ``makes more sense'' here is what people want to buy, and unsurprisingly it's not eroge where you have sex with unattractive women.

>its just that you people with you high school girls win and i lose.
Yes, because that's what most people without mental disorders enjoy seeing in eroge. You really should find another hobby.

>> No.10082333

A setting is not a genre. Nothing precludes interesting characters in overdone settings, nor do less common settings guarantee more interesting characters.

>nothing you people can say that will prove me wrong anyway. because im right
You're crazy and deluded. Moreover, you refuse to move on when you seem so unhappy with things as they are.

>> No.10082351
File: 103 KB, 362x699, Natsume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nothing against you liking lolis, it just that you talking shit about my already degraded mature women made be want to get back at you. look, this is true beauty, something your lolis could never have.

>> No.10082365

Please seek help.

>> No.10082368

High school girls != lolis.

>> No.10082374
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I like both, and I'm working on a EVN with lolis and milfs, but I won't tell you about it. You seem like a meanie.

>> No.10082386
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yes, a setting is very important, if you just have high school vns, you will keep getting high schoolers with the same problems that have been overdone. All the older characters will have to be side characters and sadly nothing more. thats the problem. in a older characters setting you can have more character types of many different ages and even race with more advanced settings.

>> No.10082403

Can you take up a trip?

>> No.10082410

I can't believe there are still so many dumb fucks left who still reply to milf-autist's posts. Just fucking look at his posts radiating retardation and decide to NOT help him turn this thread into a /vg/ cesspool, how hard can that be?

>> No.10082426

Any news about new Eushully's game?

>> No.10082467

This thread is moving too fast for my taste.

Anyway Suigetsu 2 seems like it's ready to be out in the near future. How was the original Suigetsu? I think it was on Asceai's chart so maybe it's worth taking a look at?

>> No.10082468
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What? let me tell you ive been here far longer then you ever been. I know all of /jp/s history and even stuck with it and tired to protect it during the dark ages of 2010 to 2011, where it was so bad you guys couldn't even HAVE these threads with cock spam all over. sadly /jp/ has changed so much that i haven't. I still remember when /jp/ was a bunch of hard asses and didnt take no shit from anybody who didn't act like a elite. those days are long gone though.

>> No.10082503

Currybutt, is that you?

>> No.10082505

>This thread is moving too fast for my taste.
It's all milf-autist vomiting in this thread.
Decided to give もののけ淫妖譚 a try. Looks kind of like a cute vanilla nukige but the scenes feel like semi-rape.

>> No.10082571
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Boy, I sure do love knowing Japanese so I can play all these eroge with mature women!

Actually I'm not particularly into milfs, I'm only playing this one for the netorare.

>> No.10082592

bump limit hit over 30 posts ago

new thread: >>10082590

>> No.10082729


MILF are not otaku culture. Janitors and mods agreed, don't bother them about it.

>> No.10082886


"Fucking grow up already" and moege don't mix.

And could you clarify what you mean with "Milf"? All this bitching about school settings makes it seem like the word you are looking for is "adult".
Games involving adults do exist you know.
