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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 933 KB, 2560x1440, 26b5baa87d59624767ef5a3e7dc1aa64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10061869 No.10061869 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that it is such a horrendous thing for females in visual novels when a male walks in on them in underwear that they have to scream and beat the shit out of him? Yet, it's almost guaranteed that there will be an ocean or pool scene where they are perfectly fine wearing a bikini in front of everyone. That's fucking bullshit.

>> No.10061875

Its just a terrible cliche scene for the purpose of showing the female character in her underwear.

>> No.10061881

muh privacy

>> No.10061882

The word manga is not banned.

>> No.10061884

Because the male writers think it's interesting.

>> No.10061892
File: 34 KB, 300x450, 1301851894337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because panties and bras in japan are practically see-through. Swimsuits are opaque. Way to prove how much of a virgin nerd you are OP.

>> No.10061896


>male writers

Female writers too.

>> No.10061897

This is one of those discrepancies with real life for the sake of fun and escapism. Slight lewdness is seen by the girls as ecchi and played up for comic effect, but the beach and onsen scenes are fine because they don't know they're in a story and we're masturbating furiously.

I suppose there's some similarities with real life. People do walk around in bikinis but not their underwear. I suppose it depends on context, but in a game for people to fap to it's all the same shit at the end of the day.

>> No.10061900

says the nerd posting on 4chan's otaku culture board

>> No.10061907

In the last summer I went out for a walk in my boxers only, to test how much I care. Some people started at me but overall it was quite pleasant, it wasn't too hot at least.

I proudly take it easy.

Your statement "People do walk around in bikinis but not their underwear" is wrong.

>> No.10061912
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, 1298933923436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may be a nerd but at least I'm not a virgin nerd.

>> No.10061926

Sucking cocks in a gloryhole only makes you lose yohr mouth virginity homo

>> No.10061927

o-ok dude, take it easy...

>> No.10061928

Please no bully!

>> No.10061931

florida anon a shit

>> No.10061933
File: 37 KB, 500x320, 1293440581830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the homo. Pic related, it's the size of your anus in its normal state.

>> No.10061941

Well, isn't that something.

I retract my statement.

>> No.10061954

You people are dreadful. I pity anyone who calls this board home.

>> No.10061960

Because they expect to be seen in the swimsuit, but they aren't expecting to be seen in the middle of changing. It's an issue of mental preparation.

Also, contrary to you claim, it is not uncommon for many girls to act embarrassed and/or display increased levels of tsun when seen in a revealing swimsuit.

>> No.10061962

I know, right? Being walked in on is a serious privacy-threatening issue that makes over ten million people slightly embarrassed every year. I can't believe these jerks are trivializing it.

>> No.10061977

>Also, contrary to you claim, it is not uncommon for many girls to act embarrassed and/or display increased levels of tsun when seen in a revealing swimsuit.

Are you talking about real life or in our porn games and comics?

>> No.10061972

Just kidding, I love you guys! ♥

>> No.10061980

I pity anybody who calls 4chan home.

>> No.10061982

Make up your fucking mind already

>> No.10061983

Porn games, of course.
Does anyone even still care about real life?

>> No.10061990

>I pity anyone who calls this board home.
you have to be some kind of wizard if you can live on an internet image board

>> No.10061994

I remember once, I told her my sister she was fat, and trying to show me her belly she showed me also her tits, because she pulled her shirt up too much.

She didn't say nothing, and I only managed to close my eyes and scream "you blinded me!" and ran away. We never talked about that again.

>> No.10061996

A negromancer granted me immortality and in consequence trapped my soul on to this imageboard.

>> No.10062022

is she horrendously fat or is she chubbyhot?

>> No.10062041 [DELETED] 

What kind of inbred mongoloid would present her fats if she were called fat?

>> No.10062087

She's not fat, but that insult always work with women. It doesn't matter how thin a woman is. IT. ALWAYS. WORK.

>> No.10062097

I can and often do walk on my older sister naked and piss and shit and don't care about it.

Never understood the DON'T TOUCH MY PANTIES type shit.

>> No.10062114

I think I have seen my sister naked half a dozen times already because she is shameless around me. Me, being the prude in the family, must remind her to be modest.

Hell, I don't think anyone has seen me without clothes on for over a decade.

>> No.10062119

You should fug her.

>> No.10062120

As someone who only has a brother, what's it like being a heterosexual male and seeing a female strut around nude? Is it arousing? Is it uncomfortable? Do you feel anything or not feel anything because she's your sister?

Apologies for any false assumptions.

>> No.10062123
File: 758 KB, 323x311, 1350723246234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a sexually shameless incestuous onee-chan...

>> No.10062131

It's extremely uncomfortable since she's my sister and I'm not supposed to think about such things.

>> No.10062136

If it's a female that you want to bone, it's very arousing.

if it's just your sister, it's just "oh she must have got out the shower and now is going to put on clothes."

It's so insanely no sexual or eventful that you don't even process it as some situation you should feel any different than you normally do in.

>> No.10062156

I see. That's strange.

You should take photographs. Not for us, but for the benefit of the internet. Sell them or something. I can't help but think you're both missing out with how neutral you are.

>> No.10062165

>It's so insanely no sexual
Speak for yourself. You have no idea how much I want to fuck my sister.

>> No.10062158

But my sister is fat. I wouldn't subject /jp/ to that.

>> No.10062169

He was speaking for himself.

You should fuck your sister, Anon.

>> No.10062174
File: 771 KB, 1600x1200, 1347954900228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was /jp/'s sister I'd constantly try to tease and seduce you and see how you'd react.

>> No.10062175

Since we're derailing the thread with controversial lewdness:

Why is incest illegal? It's not like sex is just for procreation any more, and contraceptives work. Homosexuality and adultery are legal, so why not incest?

>> No.10062180

I have nothing against incest anon, it's just for most people myself included we feel nothing for our sister.

My cousin, I could probably fuck.

If you want to bone her, bone her.

>> No.10062181

I would be a gentleman and refuse your advances but secretly want to take things further and hate myself for it.

>> No.10062184

Relics of american puritanism. Rarely enforced and there's no good reason to keep them but no one will challenge it.

>> No.10062198

I would also have sex with my cousins.

>> No.10062200

It's illegal so they can punish people who have bastard children with birth defects.

>> No.10062232

I don't get what's wrong with cousin sex, even for first cousins. There's a lot of controversy here in England because Pakistanis all marry their cousins and 96% of the country is Pakistani, so the remaining 4% are cross with them.

>> No.10062251

It's mostly a social thing. Historically, many different groups of people have married cousins, or had no restrictions about marrying cousins.

>> No.10062318

So, can we talk more about incest?

>> No.10062321

As >>10062200 said, it's not a very good idea at genetic level, and daddy government as always had to create laws to stop people from being stupid.

Your country want healthy hard working citizens who pay taxes, you know?

>> No.10062323


They're not pantsu, so it's not embarrassing.

>> No.10062332

1. Let everyone have sex with whoever or whatever they want.
2. Cull the freaks.

All in favor, say "aye".

>> No.10062333

Girls wear panties all day so their panties might be wet or a little dirty. That's why they scream and beat the shit out of him.

>> No.10062336

I think the point being made here wasn't that it's healthy for your offspring, but just that doing it period with safe sex should be fine.

>> No.10062340


>> No.10062350


This happens in real life too. If you walk in on a girl dressing she will yell, or scream or get mad. But will be fine in a swimsuit.

>> No.10062348

Freak detected.

Enjoying your third arm and single-digit IQ?

>> No.10062355

Why would that even matter if that was the case, maybe you've forgotten which board you've decided to drop by.

>> No.10062404
File: 138 KB, 499x564, 1350183674943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister thinks of me more like a younger sister to her than her brother. I really wish I were a girl.

>> No.10062420

I agree with you, op.

I would probably jump a little and scream because I were startled, but I wouldn't beat them up for it. It was an accident. Even if it were on purpose, I'd probably just cry for awhile, tell a friend about it for comfort and get over it and hope I wouldn't have to deal with them anymore.

>> No.10062422 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m8nl3wwM0G1rbs9h9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I were a girl only because it would make it amazingly easy to get sex with all the sexy little boys.

>> No.10062453 [DELETED] 

To /tv/ with you.

>> No.10062450 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your gay homosexual desires.

>> No.10062488 [DELETED] 

So if you were turned into a little girl and then sent back in time, would you do yourself?

>> No.10062517 [DELETED] 

Leave. Now.
No, because I was pretty ugly. I would want to touch my hot little penis, though.

>> No.10062534 [DELETED] 

That's a pity. I was adorable until middle school.

>> No.10062536 [DELETED] 

Perhaps you and your lust for 3D boys and tumblr filenames are what doesn't belong.

>> No.10062548 [DELETED] 

Who gives a shit about the source of my pictures? I just get them wherever I find them.

>> No.10062557 [DELETED] 

You leave, homo. You think /jp/ is all about liking cute boys don't you? You're fucking wrong. You probably samefag in all the gay threads about how you want to suck cocks then when somebody ironically agrees with you out of pity you get a rush of homosexual pleasure and somehow believe the entire /jp/ userbase is gay like you. Get the fuck out.

>> No.10062563 [DELETED] 

>le asking for le pics rate me bros we like pics ^_^ XDDDDD

>> No.10062566 [DELETED] 

No, I'm not showing you a picture of me in elementary school. Even if I wanted to, my scanner is broken right now, so I wouldn't be able to upload it.

>> No.10062567 [DELETED] 

No, that's all wrong. I don't participate in these threads because they involve lusting after men and big cocks, both which disgust me. I don't even consider myself gay.

>> No.10062571 [DELETED] 

>mfw i have no face
Le kill yourself back to /soc/.

>> No.10062572 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 529x671, 1341550151728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who gives a shit about the source of my pictures? I just get them wherever I find them.

>> No.10062580 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 540x543, 1340514441224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when I know that feel
That feel man...

>> No.10062581 [DELETED] 



>> No.10062592 [DELETED] 

I can't even tell if you're being ironic.

>> No.10062602 [DELETED] 
File: 1.89 MB, 236x224, 1327944253507.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this Guy...

>> No.10062610

Thread just got humdizzled up the brainizzle.

>> No.10062614

You will never be 2d.

>> No.10062615
File: 38 KB, 427x516, 1352840820532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10062638

Don't boxers have a slit between your legs to make it easy to pop your penis out though? Unlike underwear it's just a hole and not tightly folded, so if I walk around in my boxer my penis often pokes out and starts bouncing as I walk. How did you prevent that?

Or is that the real reason people were staring?

>> No.10062639

Cute image dude.

>> No.10062647

nice meme dude.

>> No.10062657

Depends on the girl, but yeah it's for real.
When I was about 13 my sister was in a room with my aunt trying to get her bra fixed, I was bored and started looking at them.
The bra broke and I ended up looking to my sister's boobs, and getting a slap on the face in a matter of a fucking second, seriously those reflexes weren't human.
I can't imagine the reaction if I wasn't her brother.

>> No.10062660

It's only if you wear boxers for more than 1 day and they're loose. I made sure the pair I got are straight clean from the washing machine, so they were quite tight.
For example, now I have boxers that I was wearing for a good week and what you say it's true, it isn't like that with the one that were just cleaned. Unless you buy the ones that are too big for you.

>> No.10063263

What chapter does she make this face? Please

>> No.10066392

It always shocks me when people refer to cousins as incest, as to me it doesn't count as all. Especially when the bible-thumpers that are so vehemently anti-incest believe that we are all cousins descended from Adam and Eve.

>> No.10066512
File: 251 KB, 1024x727, 31b32dd67062bf23157063f7a245933a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who understands that reaction? I also get embarrassed when seen in my underwear, while I'm fine with being seen in swim briefs or swimming trunks. I think it's just a matter of context combined with what you're used to, just like how it feels weird walking around naked in my room (even if locked), but I don't think twice about being naked in the shower.

>> No.10066516

Regarding incest and contraceptives: It's not that easy. A very significant amount of sex takes place in a relationship, and sex in a relationship has a very good chance of leading to wanting a baby. Considering it's a natural urge, social acceptance of incest would inevitably lead to inbreeding.

>> No.10066522

Stop with this inbreeding shit. There's only 1% higher chance that the baby will have some problems than in a normal relationship. Scientific fact.

>> No.10066542

1% is a very significant number when it comes to health issues. It means that for every 100 people born, 1 has issues while it'd otherwise be no problem. Over 4 million people are born in the US every year. If 1% of the kids were born from incest, and 1% of those had issues, that would still be 400 people born with issues per year while it could've been avoided.

>> No.10066875

It's one percent HIGHER. If normally it's 1:10000 now it's 1:9900
You can also test yourself and your sister/brother/incestuous partner for possibility of inbreeding.

>> No.10067247

Yes. One percent higher. That means 1 out of 100 people more. If 4 out of 100 people already had issues, that would then become 5 out of 100, or using large numbers like the US population (314,774,000), going from 12.6 million to 15.7 million (an increase of 3.1 million).

'1% of people extra' is a whole lot when you're talking about 7 billion creatures that keep reproducing and reproducing.

>> No.10067851

your hand doesn't count, nerd

>> No.10067921

more like relics of abrahamic religious puritanism. that shit's all over europe too, and i bet muslims and jews get that as well.

>> No.10067941

No, because birth defects occur one generation down.

>> No.10068149

when my sister was about 14 she went through a phase where she talked to me in a cute-sy voice and was real flirty, I told her right quick to STOP that shit and she did it less often, but I had to do it a few more times before she finally stopped for good

real life sisters are nothing like 妹s..

>> No.10068440

This is what it's like for eroge characters when you don't pick their route.
