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10060047 No.10060047[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you FUG /cgl/?

>> No.10060051

This thread gave me syphilis.

>> No.10060054
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>> No.10060057

Same exact shit on /cgl/ about /jp/

Hah, guess what they're saying about you?

>> No.10060058
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>> No.10060061
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no thank you

>> No.10060060

That's the worst thing to ever do

>> No.10060065
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This feels mandatory.

>> No.10060068
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I've traversed /cgl/. They all has teeth in their naughty areas. And I'm pretty sure they're satan incarnate.

>> No.10060066

I use both boards.
This is really difficult.

>> No.10060067

I dunno. Are they gay?

>> No.10060069

Oh, there was a thread about vaginas on /cgl/ earlier.
It's even better than that old thing.

>> No.10060070


>> No.10060071

Why were you looking at their naughty areas, anyways?
Actually, how did you get to doing that? Because I want to see this for myself.

>> No.10060072

Are all the males on /cgl/ flaming homosexual betas?

>> No.10060074

congrats man

>> No.10060077

The ones that visit are. Usually from /r9k/ trying to troll or get gfs. Trolling when they fail.

>> No.10060079
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I don't even want to get into it but it was scary. I found myself in a situation I didn't want to be in.

>> No.10060081
File: 317 KB, 1034x768, 1330744725286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls are fucking GAY dude

>> No.10060089

You poor dear.

They didn't get any of their period blood on you, right? That shit is toxic.

>> No.10060094

Probably not.

Nothing personal to /cgl/, but it just seems like a really bad idea. I imagine the feeling is mutual anyway.

>> No.10060101

Watching both threads at the moment. So far, the feeling is mutual.

What would you guys do if /cgl/ wanted you, though?

>> No.10060111


>> No.10060115

The question should be "would you fuck a fat aids ridden whore?"
The answer would be no.

I'm sorry I don't find women who are into Anime, Video games or Cosplay attractive, they also have severe mental issues.

>> No.10060116
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Reject them in the harshest way possible.
You think a proud, folkish, brave and most of all Aryan /jp/er would date a doughy mudblooded slut?
Dream on whore.

>> No.10060117

I don't love them and sex is only for married lovers.

>> No.10060118

Brothers and sisters often hate each other.

Yes I know what you just thought of you dirty little monkey.

>> No.10060122

No thanks.

Honestly the thought's a little scary.

>> No.10060125
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>> No.10060126
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I'd go Bundy on them /cgl/ honeys mmmmmm sweet nectar

>> No.10060135
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no, I was just frozen in horror. I didn't mean to offend her, but it seemed kind of misshapen.

>> No.10060138


Whose eyes are those eyes?

>> No.10060145

Would barricade the gates of /jp/ and make sure that never happens

>> No.10060142

If I wanted Gonorrhoea, I'd go out to some seedy club.
No thank you.

>> No.10060154

I'm glad to hear that you're okay.
Wait, you offended her? Oh, my.
Anon, she's probably hunting you down as we speak.

>> No.10060150
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/cgl/ seems to be tsundere and pretty cute to me. In that case, yes.

>period story
A true man loves his girl every day of the month.

>> No.10060151

Why do gaijin landwhales try to cosplay? Only Asians look good in cosplay, that's a fact.

Gaijin landwhales doing cosplay is like watching girls piss while standing up. It's just ugly and wrong.

And /cgl/ has even lower standards in cosplay and no shame, so a 500lb American bitch cosplaying as Konata would be acceptable.

Can't they just watch from the sidelines and appreciate the Asian masters? Gross.

>> No.10060157
File: 72 KB, 432x235, bitches ain't nothing but meat shields and concubines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why attempt to defend the castle when it has already fallen. The only honor left is in Gensokyo. We're waiting for you here, we're all waiting for you!

>> No.10060162

Noo... It's just that Americans are fat. Otherwise everyone are equal <3

>> No.10060164
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oh no. no that is definitely not what I want.

>> No.10060167

By you you mean promiscuous and trashy I take it.

I prefer women with class.

>> No.10060168
File: 321 KB, 1209x906, 1348952846182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I would fug anything. I would drink their menstrual blood with my coffee. I am desperate.

>> No.10060170

>a 500lb American bitch cosplaying as Konata would be acceptable.

In /cgl/? Hardly. Nothing there is acceptable.
Basically, it goes like this.

>Post asian cosplayer

>Post average healthy woman

>Post skinny girl

>Post Anorexic girl

>Post lolitas

>> No.10060171

It's okay your strong anon-kun is protecting you with his steel-hard muscles. In exchange for cuddling and soft petting. :3

>> No.10060185
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yeah, gentle hugs and cuddles are nice.

>> No.10060181

>I would drink their menstrual blood with my coffee.
Ewww. You were okay until you said that.

>> No.10060191

I'd fug /₢lg/ if ugly and disgusting was my fetish.

>> No.10060192

Fat white people shouldn't cosplay.
I've seen some of the "women" on /cgl/ and quite frankly it was so disgusting it made my dick shrivel up.
Please stop ruining my favourite anime characters.

>> No.10060193
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Typical /jp/ NEETs.

>> No.10060195

Many hikki know nothing about real coffee. We should have a coffee thread and cause conniptions amongst the /q/crew.

>> No.10060198

/cgl/ is basically female /jp/

It's full of mean bitches ;_;

>> No.10060200

Bro-con is not a thing, stop trying to force it.

>> No.10060203

/jp/ is only mean to women, but not really, they are just tsun.

>> No.10060204
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what's a bro-con? is that like a sis-con who loves his sister more than friendly?

>> No.10060210

Except the average /jp/sie is thin, while the average /cgl/ poster is morbidly obese and has a fishy minge. Those cock-curdling bitches literally need to take a mop and bucket to their vaginas.

>> No.10060209

/cgl/ is not.

/jp/ is tsunderes.
/cgl/ is yanderes.

Do not mistake them for anything remotely good.

>> No.10060211

>Found myself in a situation I didn't want to be in

Yeah, no. You're the one that went there in the first place. They're horrible people, I won't argue that, but don't try to act the victim.

>> No.10060215

The low amount of sage on /jp/ in these last days makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.10060212

Please stop.
/jp/ does not embarass themselves or whore themselves in public. Cock sucker is a minority in /jp/.

>> No.10060225

>Cock sucker is a minority in /jp/.
I'd suggest that /jp/ truly only desires to fuck inanimate objects. I am okay with this, very very okay with this.

>/jp/ does not embarass themselves…in public.

only because we never leave the house.

We are talking to a refined lady, please behave yourself and use sage.

>> No.10060221

What I have to say is important! Also this is a shitposting thread, so don't complain.

>> No.10060233

/cgl/ is full of self-obsessed attention whores, not an attractive quality.
/jp/ is like the quiet kid who sits at the back of class and minds his own business, /cgl/ is the class clown.

>> No.10060235
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Angela's mine.

>> No.10060242

That would be the majority of /cgl/, yes.
There are some genuinely good girls there, but you have to sift through gallons of period blood to find them.

>> No.10060238
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>Cock sucker is a minority in /jp/.
I thought that was what half of /jp/ does in their spare time.

>> No.10060247

Why would any good girls hang out with that trash? I'm a hetero weightlifter and I never hang out at /fit/

>> No.10060250
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T-That Cunt-Wizard girl looks very kawaii. I would like to marry her.

>> No.10060254

I don't think it's so much hanging out as it is watching from afar as cgl goes on a rampage. I've seen them post from time to time when they really need help with something, though.

>> No.10060252

/v/ cockspam trap shit only started a year ago here

>> No.10060253
File: 63 KB, 425x608, 1335207327229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im here from /cgl/ to pay you a visit!

>> No.10060255

b- would anally rape

>> No.10060258

What, the fuck man. There are kittens. Don't fucking touch kittens. Why not use kids instead?

>> No.10060259
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>> No.10060260
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>> No.10060274
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>/cgl/ sluts actually look decent

>> No.10060276

Where's le milky face? Is she hated on /cgl/ too?

>> No.10060280

No, we love milk. No idea why she isn't on there, though.

>> No.10060283

If they would be nice and decent persons I would maybe be friends with them, but I don't see that happening
Fugging is lewd, please go to lewd boards to do lewd things

>> No.10060287

eww... Lobitah is the only cute one, and she's Mexican, lel.

>> No.10060288

Requesting Milky's face for future reference.
I'll explain later.

>> No.10060295

Is it just me or does anyone else feel honestly disgusted?

>> No.10060296

every time i see that girl posted someone mentions that she is mexican

>> No.10060294
File: 62 KB, 500x540, 1349124527302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young /cgl/.

>> No.10060298


The only thing that's funny about those pictures is some insecure virgin spent hours making them.

Posters on /cgl/ are still cleaner and more respectable.

>> No.10060301

It's just you. What the hell, they are beautiful.

>> No.10060303

>Posters on /cgl/ are still cleaner and more respectable.
oh you

>> No.10060309

>Posters on /cgl/ are still cleaner and more respectable.

Just because they're member of otaku culture generally, does not mean that they themselves are Otaku or Fujoshi.

>oh you

Bottle threads.

>> No.10060311

I wouldn't say disgusted but for some reason this picture makes me want to punch all of them in the face. Except maybe Annie because she seems like a hateful bitch, and I can respect that.

>> No.10060312

You know that they are polygamous whores.

>> No.10060315

Do they participate in orgies at cons too?

>> No.10060320
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>> No.10060317

No I don't, you are delusional.

>> No.10060322 [DELETED] 

>You can get rid of bottles. It's a bit more difficult for women to get rid of their vaginas, though.

>> No.10060326
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, 1336745483903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is full of alpha males. Your shitposting isn't welcome here. You're only getting pity replies. Because only beta males from /cgl/ need to worship vaginas. Alpha males like on /jp/ literally don't give a fuck about them and don't need them to be happy and successful at whatever they chose to do.

When you realize this, kill yourself.

>> No.10060336

/cgl/, the board on 4chan? Sounds iffy.

I mean, even assuming they're all legal, and that none of them have been promised in marriage by their parents to some Saudi psychopath who collects women, they're still 4chan users (a.k.a. "/b/tards") who'll maybe fuck up your day if you even have to sit on the subway with one around.

>> No.10060337

Dear /cgl/,

I don't have anything against you or your users, but please go away.


>> No.10060340
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>> No.10060343

Wha... what the fuck is this shit? Fuck it, when I am looking for a girlfriend I'll do it on gurochan, they are way more sane there.

>> No.10060350

Please refer to

>> No.10060370

>refer to
Why? It just proves my point, women are disgusting, and having to bend to their will is the mark of a beta.

pls go

>> No.10060381
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