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10059260 No.10059260 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Byakuren so beautiful?

>> No.10059275

She used forbidden magic to restore her youth. Is that a satisfactory answer?

>> No.10059280

worst hag

>> No.10059281

Her dress empathizes her tits.
Also this >>10059275

>> No.10059283

Best answer decided by votes.

>> No.10059286


It's not like it harmed anyone. Plus that doesn't answer why she's so beautiful. A more appropriate answer is that she is perfect

>> No.10059296
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Why is her brother equally handsome?

>> No.10059301
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Why are her fanwork more classy than other Touhous?

>> No.10059328
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Because she's the most beloved. Everyone will praise her name. Oooooohh Byakuren.

>> No.10059339

Her design fucking rules

>> No.10059348

So, besides being a cold hearted backstabbing manipulative bitch who isn't afraid of using people to her own advantage and being as a wolf in a sheep's clothing, how is her personality like?
How was her relationship to her brother anyway, I know they were based off real life monks but there's so little info about them.

>> No.10059356

She drowned her entire crew and betrayed the human race by aligning with the youkai for immortality. I have no idea why people even compare her to Jesus, she's kind of a bitch.

>> No.10059377

Jesus betrayed all his disciples to the Pharisee secret police and Romans. He spent the next 200 years tolerating mass martyrdom, rather than presciently intervening during his return after the stone to tell people that "no the Father wants you here on earth."

Dick move Jesus. Dick move Byakuren.

Face it: pureland Buddhists and pureland post-Pharisee Jewish prophets are both full of shit.

>> No.10060087

So Buddhism = Judaism. Jews are fighting Holy War against Muslims, which is Jihad, ergo Jews are Muslims, which means Byakuren is a Muslim. How do you feel now, knowing your saint is a disgusting Islamic prophet?

>> No.10060104

Your reasoning is deliberately wonky.

Also, Byakuren is dirty dumb pure land scum.

>> No.10060127

Anon, if you want movement or religion to spread faster, you make martyrs out of them. Nothing intrigues people know than "why was he killed?" "He was/said such and such". And the thing spreads like gangrene.

This is perhaps one of the reasons secular movements never become fully stablished. They have no saints of their own.

>> No.10060187
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>no saints of their own.

So does that mean that the next "team" are going to be Communists? Because there's a full haigiography of martyrs.

>> No.10060714
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>> No.10061999


Look at all that samefagging.

I thought we already talked about this to death. Remember this thread? http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/9948992/#9972441

And the hundreds of other threads that came before? Seriously, fuck off with your fanon.

>> No.10063238
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Byakuren is perhaps the best touhou antagonist ever, simply because she is a possibility of what Reimu and Marisa may become from their friendship with youkai.

>> No.10063247

She that fights youkai becomes youkai.
