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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, 23562050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10055043 No.10055043 [Reply] [Original]

Have you played Sega Saturn today, /jp/?

>> No.10055048

I guess I could download an emulator, although I wouldn't even know what to play.

Do you know I've never played a single game for any sega console ever in my life?

>> No.10055060

I was thinking about playing through the Saturn version of Symphony of the Night. I've played the PSX version so much that it'd make for a nice change.

>> No.10055061
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How? Sega was the fucking best when they were still making systems.

>> No.10055065

The things I would do to that squid.

>> No.10055072

Saturn has no good emulators. Satourne is shit and hasn't been updated for over five years.

Surely SuperH can't be that difficult to emulate. Isn't it RISC?

>> No.10055076
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It's pretty cool. New area and some new weapons.

SSF is a good emulator. I works great actually.

>> No.10055080


SSF is an amazing emulator, runs fullspeed on pretty much anything with a dualcore CPU.

>> No.10055082

I never played Sega Saturn in my entire life.

Hell, the only consoles I ever played on were PS 1 and 2, Gameboy & Gameboy Color, and this SNES knock-off that was popular here.

>> No.10055092
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Saturn is the console of choice for video game connoisseurs.

>> No.10055100
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Do you like Shenmue, Clammy?

>> No.10055101

I usually play it on MAME and not the Saturn, but Darius Gaiden and RayForce are some of my favorite STGs.

>> No.10055109
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Its been years since I've actually played it, so I can't really say for sure. I don't imagine that I would dislike it if I were to play it today though.

>> No.10055124

I wish I had a Saturn, or at least one of those Saturn-like USB pads.

>> No.10055128
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Just go by one. Saturns are generally cheap on ebay, and they're really easy to mod for back-ups if you don't want to actually collect the games or mess around with the swap trick.

>> No.10055150

I don't like it when they do videogames in anime.
Even though Lucky Star was the definition of Otaku pandering shit, I think they're the only ones who could get away with it by virtue of being, well, Otaku pandering shit. Every other SOL kind of anime with a videogames part feels like they're yelling "we put videogames in your anime, what more could you want, nerd?!" and it just feels forced and I don't like it.

>> No.10055168


I thought ika musume playing old video games was really cute, and added to the atmosphere of the house wonderfully.

I don't even know what you're on about with pandering shit. Nothing to do with that.

>> No.10055186


Whenever I see stuff like a Saturn in anime it just makes me think the author has some fond nostalgia for it. Or like in Ben-To which is parodying fighting game plots.

>> No.10055216

CPU emulation isn't difficult at all. Pretty much every major CPU architecture has a high quality open source emulator already available for it, and I'm sure SuperH is no exception.

The difficulty comes from the fact that the Saturn is a clusterfuck of CPUs (2 SH-2 main processors, a 68000 controlling the sound hardware, SH-1 microcontroller controlling the CD drive) and custom chips (2 video processors, custom video DSP, custom PCM/FM sound chip). Trying to synchronize the emulation of all of these chips isn't easy at all -- to do it truly accurately, even a SNES emulator (BSNES) is extremely taxing on modern, top-of-the-line machines.

The other problem arises from the fact that most of the Saturn emulators available have been in development for a long time. Up until relatively modern PC hardware was available, developers were basically forced to favor a hack-heavy design over an accurate one, or their emulators wouldn't be able to run at anything even close to a playable framerate on PCs of the time. SSF was able to even out a lot of bugs, but today, we'd be better off with an emulator that traded speed for accuracy (perhaps not at BSNES levels, though)

>> No.10055250

I should also point out that not only is it difficult to program an emulator for a multi-processor system, it's also very difficult to perform tests to even understand the system itself well enough to emulate it. You can only get so far testing each component in isolation; at some point, you need to know how various components sharing resources interact with each other, and that's where things get really fucking complicated.

>> No.10055251

You know a lot of people play video games these days, it isn't just a nerd hobby.

>> No.10055303

i have an erectoin,

>> No.10055353

Why? Lots of people play video games, especially on consoles. It isn't some nerd hobby.

A lot of kids would have gaming consoles.

>> No.10055358

Can't stand /a/ being shitty and came here? Just wondering

>> No.10055363

Actually, I had /a/ and /jp/ opened in separate tabs.

I saw Ika and Clammy, didn't pay attention to the OP and thought I was still on /a/.

>> No.10055365

But only nerds watch the SoL anime that features the videogames.

>> No.10055372
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>> No.10055375

ho dafuq

>> No.10055459

Only a friend had a sega saturn. Everyone else has super nintendo. I remember we would only play vectorman

>> No.10055461 [DELETED] 

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.10055471

If only a mod was here to ban your reposting ass...

>> No.10055521
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>> No.10055560 [DELETED] 

>play games

>> No.10055614
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What are you implying?

>> No.10055642
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Nothing. It was a good game.

>> No.10055659
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More like greatest game ever made.

>> No.10055660
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I am surrounded by Azunyan's

>> No.10055676 [DELETED] 
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*whips out dick*

>> No.10055702
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I miss him.

>> No.10055736
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>> No.10055745

Will I be able to emulate Saturn games well with an AMD FX-6300, 8GB RAM, and HD 7870?

>> No.10055755 [DELETED] 

emulate this
*whips out dick*

>> No.10055818


I don't know man. You might need more RAM.

>> No.10055827

I was able to emulate Iron Storm on an Athlon xp 2700+ years and years ago. Any system built in the last 3-4 years should do it easily.

>> No.10055840
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>AMD FX-6300

>> No.10055864


I'm on a core duo @ 2.5ghz, 2gb of ram and an old nvidia business video card, and I was able to run a Dreamcast emulator without much trouble.

Granted, I fucking hate emulating 3d games because the controls feel fucked and weird.

>> No.10055926

I will probably break it out tonight, d00d. I recently imported the Japanese version of Tactics Ogre for it.

>> No.10055943

It's better than the Intel CPUs at the same price level.

>> No.10055977

I'll admit I'm waffling between it and going up to a i5-3550, though. Just not sure if I want to spend the extra money.

>> No.10056223

I own it and its pretty damn good. I love the original Japanese voice acting and the graphics look spot on. You can also play as Maria right from the start.

>> No.10056421

are you some kind of troll? Of course.

Download SSF and fire up some isos.

>> No.10056422

I played Die hard arcade for loads of hours back when i had the saturn

>> No.10056429

i just got kof 98 for ss with 8mb ram expansion but that thing doesnt work does anyone have any tips on how i might get it to work. i have other jp games i want to play and if i get it to work will they play will some shed light on this

>> No.10056448

I don't know how you you expect to get help providing such little information.

>> No.10056492
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As far as I'm aware, there are only 1mb and 4mb carts for the Saturn. Assuming you're using just a mb cart, then you're probably using a Japanese Saturn, correct? Only thing I can think of is having a fucked up cart slot, which can be a result of the shitty Saturn Gameshark with its thick as fuck PCB that wrecks the cart slot, but if you're using a Japanese Saturn then that obviously wouldn't be the case.

>> No.10056509
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Of course.

>> No.10056523
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I want one but I have no money right now.
I have lots of consoles but the only one I've hooked up recently is my N64.
Maybe I'll hook my Dreamcast back up one day.

>> No.10056582
File: 270 KB, 1280x720, [Zurako]_Ben-To_08v2_(BD_720p_AAC)_[6BF3B7DF].mkv_snapshot_04.16_[2012.11.04_21.38.53].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never had a Saturn, only the Genesis. Did I miss out?

>> No.10056589
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Saturn > Dreamcast = Genesis/Mega Drive > Master System

>> No.10056594

Kinda. Saturn in the west wasn't that great compared to Japan.

>> No.10056609

That is some nice alternative art, damn.

On another note, could someone please do a fan translation for Wachenröder? Thanks.

>> No.10056611

Are there any good STGs on the Saturn? Should I import my Saturn?

>> No.10056620
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>Are there any good STGs on the Saturn
You like STG yet you don't know about the Saturn's massive (and fucking great) shooter library? Where the fuck have you been?

>> No.10056698


>I love the original Japanese voice acting

What is a tripfag? A miserable little pile of no-taste. Your words are as empty as your soul. /jp/ ill needs opinions such as yours.

>> No.10056703



>> No.10056717
File: 521 KB, 1385x938, 21838269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the US got jack shit when it came to the Saturn as well. The Saturn is known for being THE console for shmups, fighting games, and arcade style stuff.


>> No.10056844
File: 18 KB, 300x225, segata_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Segata said that if I don't play Sega Saturn atleast 25 hours per day he WILL destroy my house
sadly not. Altough I would really like a proper emulator for Soul Hackers.

>> No.10056848

shenmue was DC.

>> No.10056850



>> No.10056852

SSF won't work?

>> No.10056858

I still have to look into it and stuff.

>> No.10056865
File: 14 KB, 367x310, ssf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should give it a try.

>> No.10056880

i just played sonic 3 & knuckles on the mega drive

that ice cap music is epic as HELL

man i remember the trick where you'd put kid radd or some shit into this cartridge and you'd play that bonus level

>> No.10056997

Never even once. I've seen one before, but have not even turned on.

>> No.10057627

Really? I know it was never a popular console but I find that hard to believe. I just busted out my Japanese and American Saturns and I will be playing Vandal Hearts, Biohazard, Panzer Dragoon and Mortal Kombat 2 tonight.

>> No.10057642

D00d, I own Twinkle Star Sprites and Cotton 2. I should have brought them out of storage.

>> No.10057704 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057715 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057720 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057724 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057740 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057744 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057750 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057762 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057767 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057774 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057777 [DELETED] 

muh luck

>> No.10057780 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057781 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057782 [DELETED] 

Toasting in an epic bread

>> No.10057783 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057787 [DELETED] 
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>File: 1352944408522.gif-(71 KB, 35x33, 1341462138909.gif)

>> No.10057792 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057797 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057803 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057807 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057825 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057829 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057832 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057842 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10057934

Too many Japanese exclusives...
Sega was the FOR JAPANESE ONLY console, they deserved to fail.

>> No.10058175
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>> No.10059088

The president of Sega at the time didn't think Americans wanted JRPG's. Thats the reason.

>> No.10059389

Anyone else play with their Saturns tonight? Turned out very fun.

>> No.10059413

Not tonight, but I was playing Darius Gaiden yesterday.

>> No.10059418

But it has Norio fucking Wakamoto

>> No.10059459

Wow, I was actually thinking about playing that the other day. Guess it will be my weekend game.

>> No.10059551
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I am reading up on dezeamon and my god is it interesting... the KIDS! (ps1) one even has some touhou games and some of the dezeamon2 games for the saturn look really great.



>> No.10059863
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Bernie Stolar was an idiot. The sole reason the Saturn failed in the US. He prevented so many good games from getting released over here.

>> No.10059883

What the fuck was so good about Nights? I played it once and it sucked.

>> No.10059893

Growing up, the Saturn was somewhat of a thing of legend to me. I only ever saw one once in real life, and years later I'm still not even sure if that really happened, or if it was a dream. At one point I wasn't even sure if it really existed. I finally bought one a few months ago and it's great, and I should have gotten one sooner. I only wish I knew moon so I could play some of the untranslated RPGs.

>> No.10059924

The only SEGA system I own is the Dreamcast. In fact, the only SEGA systems I've ever played are the Dreamcast and my neighbors Genesis.

>> No.10059955

You have not lived a fulfilling life then.

>> No.10061188

I thought the new voice acting in the PSP version was pretty cool.

>> No.10062516

You mean the port that came with Dracula X? It was not well-received by me and others due to that voice acting and the fact it ran slow as HELL. I still think it's a solid port though.

>> No.10062535

Yeah, well the Saturn itself was a whole mess. Lets not forget Sega still thought the future was still 2D and when they saw the other consoles they freaked out and added all those extra processors.

I really wish we got the same awesome netplay shit that Japan got.

>> No.10062551 [DELETED] 





>> No.10062544

kinda sad how badly Sega got killed of.

>> No.10062549

It "sucked" to you because it is a game that requires memorization and skill. To appreciate it you have to play it more and put time into it.

>> No.10062560 [DELETED] 

Go away and don't shit up this thread, please.

>> No.10062583

I never thought it was a great game. At least it showed of the 3D controller well.

Well, everyone saw it coming in the industry. They had a good thing going with the Genesis and at one point were outselling the SNES head on. Then they got greedy and released the Sega CD and 32X.

The Saturn flopped because of it's shit loss, they literally announced at E3 "Surprise! The Saturn is available now instead of the proposed date we had given!". As a result retailers were unprepared, developers were unprepared and consumers were unprepared. Sega almost recovered with the Dreamcast but a year after it's launch the PS2 came out and it pretty much just took a knife to Segas throat overnight.

>> No.10062616

>they literally announced at E3 "Surprise!
yeah I heard about that.
Also sad how the DC just wasn't able to get with the times.
Who knows Sega might make a return some day.

>> No.10062721

Funny joke!

>> No.10063237

I wish I knew how to do this, it sounds extremely complicated

>> No.10063267

A simpler solution is to just buy a Saturn.

>> No.10063278
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>> No.10063294

I think he's saying he wishes he could program. He can always get an emulator.

>> No.10063306

That would involve wasting space. Plus they are pretty expensive even used.

>> No.10063312

You don't have to know how to do all of that shit to run an emulator. Just get SSF.

>> No.10063328

I spent many an hour playing Dragon Force and Shining Force III

>> No.10063331

What's a good price to look for on ebay for Saturns?

>> No.10063332

You can buy a Saturn for like $15-20.

>> No.10063349
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>> No.10063367

People charge more on Amazon. Use eBay. I just checked there and the prices are much better.

>> No.10063441

Yes, that's what I meant. I wish I was a good and motivated programmer with also a extense technical knowledge about hardware and emulation.

>> No.10063574


Seriously, man?

>> No.10063585

What's wrong with Amazon? They are trustworthy even refund your money if the guy doesn't send it out to you.

>> No.10063582

Don't get interested in programming unless you have to.

>> No.10063595

They're not a reliable place to price used items. Also most people put very little description of the items, especially the people who sell things in mass from different warehouses. You can't really know what you're getting sometimes. This can be a problem on eBay, too, but at least there people can put up pictures and such. I'm referring to Amazon Marketplace, of course. Buying things from Amazon itself is normally great.

>> No.10063611

Reasons not to buy from Amazon

If you want to order a book (or something else), don't buy it from Amazon. If it's a book, order it directly from the publisher or through a local book store. And if you want to send a URL as a reference to a book, make sure it's not an Amazon page.

Here are the reasons — plenty of them.

Amazon publishes ebooks designed to attack your freedom (PDF or html).

Amazon wiped a user's Kindle and deleted her account, then offered her kafkaesque "explanations".

Amazon's on-line music "sales" have some of the same problems as the ebooks: users are required to identify themselves and sign a contract that denies them the freedoms they would have with a CD.

Amazon's shipping in the US is done in a sweatshop More info, including paramedics standing by for workers who pass out from the heat.

Amazon cut off service to Wikileaks, claiming that whistleblowing violates its terms of service. It had no need to go to court to prove this, because if you rent a server from Amazon, you have no rights.

Amazon squeezes small publishers. For instance, Amazon cut off Swindle sales for an independent book distributor in order to press for bigger discounts. (The article ends by promoting ebooks for another platform, the Shnook from Barnes and Noble. While that company is not as nasty to small publishers, its ebooks do violate your freedom in most of the same ways.)

>> No.10063613

Amazon charges publishers for 20% sales tax in the UK even though the tax it pays is 3%.

Amazon doesn't just compete with independent book stores, it arrogantly seeks to destroy them. Independent book stores urge people not to buy from Amazon.

Amazon appears to treat self-published authors well, but it can unilaterally cut the price of their books. And when it does, the authors are the ones who lose.

Amazon censored an ebook that exposed how ebook bestseller lists can be manipulated (and therefore are meaningless).

Amazon was a member of ALEC. ALEC is the right-wing lobbying group that promotes voter-suppression laws and "shoot first" laws, as well as attacks against wages and working conditions in the US. Amazon quit ALEC after public pressure in May 2012, but I am sure it still seeks the same nasty policies that ALEC advocated and is waiting for a new tool to achieve them.

Amazon's tax avoidance means it sucks money out of your country's economy.

In addition, the ease of using the site leads some people to spend more than they want to spend. While this can happen in a physical store, you don't spend all day there.

>> No.10063658

Does liking the Saturn and the Wonderswan (color) make me hipster? It's been bothering me.

>> No.10063662


>> No.10063675

Not in my eyes. Once you've been everywhere, as far as video games go, nothing is really obscure or hipster anymore.

>> No.10063766
File: 54 KB, 417x517, pillowsenpai12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best weeaboo games released in 'murrika/NA for the Saturn?

I feel like I should own at least one Sega console. I love a lot of their games as a third party developer (Yakuza series and VC, for example).

>> No.10063783

Panzer Dragoon Saga

>> No.10063800

Why would I play that rubbish when I have awesome modern games like SC2 and Diablo 3 to play

>> No.10063822
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Why should I give a shit? They have great prices, shipping and customer service. Every big corporation is supported by a big base of slave labor and sweatshops, and asshole policies about their digital content. What kind of dipshit buys ebooks or music?

>> No.10063845

Liking the Virtual Boy.

>> No.10063848

We are talking about buying retro consoles, this has nothing to do with buying a DVD or the latest Call of Duty.

Check Craigslist for people selling Saturns and other consoles around your area. You would be surprised at how many great deals are out there.

>> No.10063860

I own a Virtual Boy and still play it from time to time. Red Alarm is pretty fun.

>> No.10063861

People on craigslist are assholes.

>> No.10063915

If you use Craigslist you're probably going to get attacked by a serial killer or something.

>> No.10063972
File: 36 KB, 313x223, Get the fuck out of jp!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what you get for not running the game as an .iso on your hacked PSP dickwad.

>> No.10064008

>They have great prices
Have you even tried comparing?

>> No.10064020

On the other hand you might also find a fat guy who will give you a free saturn if you stomp on his son's model trains or something.

>> No.10064030

I've compare Amazon, TigerDirect, and Best Buy whenever I want to buy something electronic.

>> No.10064048

I own my original PS1 copy and the Saturn version. Why would I play an inferior version of SOTN on a small screen?

>> No.10064067

Everybody here only sells Xbox 360's and Kindles over Craigslist. There's also that one jackass who keeps putting up the same ad for an $80 Gamecube.

>> No.10064094

If you're buying computer components you should use pcpartpicker and slickdeals. Pcpartpicker will look at all of the larger electronics stores and tell you which has the cheapest price, and people post lots of promotional deals on slickdeals, so you can get lucky sometimes.

>> No.10064098

Why do you hate freedom?

>> No.10064105

Look around for independent game stores or places that buy/sell electronics in your area. I got mine from a place that sells games from Atari to the current gen, cost like 30 bucks. You can probably find one in your area if you don't live in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.10064137

Reasons to buy from Amazon:
* It's cheap
* It's convenient
* You don't care about any of this

I welcome your ``seduced by convenience'' rhetoric.

>> No.10064136
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Because it's for communists.

No, but really, you're a hipster faggot. Especially all that bullshit about independent bookstores. No one cares

>> No.10064142

If I decided to stop buying from immoral businesses, who make decision that are bad for consumers, or who mistreat their employees, there would be no businesses I could purchase from.

>> No.10064147

That's why I'm a crazy hermit. What's holding you back?

>> No.10064149


>> No.10064224


Who the fuck needs to go somewhere? Furthermore, only fat nerds play videogames in public.

>> No.10064469

Okay, but still who the hell plays something like SOTN on the go?

>> No.10064500

I get motion sick if I try to read while on a moving vehicle, but video games don't bother me.

>> No.10064915

people who travel allot

>> No.10065050

Pretty good answer. Something as masterful as SOTN deserves to be played the way it originally was though.

>> No.10065185


Only fags travel a lot.

>> No.10065423

I-i bought a sealed copy of House Of Dead today for $60. Here I go.

>> No.10065478

I got a modded saturn this year and I'm having trouble finding a game I can invest a lot of time into. I just play it in short bursts for about half an hour at a time.

>> No.10065486

Just download SOTN. Your Saturn has a working battery, right?

>> No.10065492
File: 19 KB, 320x240, T-16804G_22,,Sega-Saturn-Screenshot-22-Dezaemon-2-JPN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In SSF, I am having the "disk unsuitable for system" error in most games that i downloaded. I run japanese region settings and bios trying to load japanese isos.I tried it in every other region-bios combination too and still no worky. How big is the chance that the cue or iso files themself need a fix or am I plainly doing it wrong?

>> No.10065493

I need to buy an external DVD burner for my Saturn and PSX games. My internal DVD burner won't burn them slowly enough regardless of firmware settings.

>> No.10065521

Did you try Google? I looked and there are lots of places with people asking about that problem.

>> No.10065530
File: 7 KB, 711x73, pirate-scum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I thought this was funny. On one of the forums I looked at this was part of the first reply.

>> No.10065671

I miss the Sega Saturn, I am going to play it throughout the weekend.

>> No.10065850

Kind of find that hard to believe, you don't need to slow it too much.

>> No.10065862

Why do they care? It's not like companies could make money from second-hand goods that haven't been in production for more than a decade.

>> No.10067942

is this tripfag actually !bar, or not?

>> No.10067954

It's probably someone stealing his gimmick to boost their popularity, similar to the new Nameless Book-Reading Youkai and Tokiko.

Point is: who cares? If they break rules--and they do--report them.

>> No.10067962

Do you think when someone gets banned they actually leave?

>> No.10067997

Depends how limited their IP range is.

>> No.10068054

There are other ways to get around it if you really want to.

>> No.10070097 [DELETED] 

No, and you would have no way of proving it either way. Stop trying to start drama, I am not breaking any rules here despite what crazy anon here >>10067954 thinks.

I own one too and its not so bad,

>> No.10070110

I just got done reading a bunch of old interviews with him and he really was aloof at the time. Apparently after they saw the success of Final Fantasy VII and a few other games they tried to change their approach but by then it was too late.

>> No.10070125

I really want to buy one but for some reason every single one I find is super expensive.

>> No.10070201

That's exactly what !bar would say!

>> No.10070446

Anyone know how the port of Guardian Heroes turned out? I want to play it right now without breaking out the game.

>> No.10073117

That's why when I played it, I just rented it from Blockbuster.

>> No.10073113

It's not worth it. There are very few games, about three worth trying.

>> No.10073129

Yeah the only decent games are Wario Land, Teleroboxer, and Red Alarm. 3D Tetris and Vertical Force might be worth looking at. I've also heard Jack Bros. is good.

>> No.10077872

I did.

>> No.10077910

VB was the biggest POS ever. I picked up one with 9 games for a mere $10, then sold it on ebay 2 weeks later for about $70+s&h. Still laugh at that one.

>> No.10077990

You're 100% wrong.

Genny >> Dreamcast = Saturn >>>>>>> Master Shitstem

>> No.10079182
File: 42 KB, 960x669, musha_aleste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sega CD was fine, considering the situation it was released in. NEC/Hudson had released the PC-Engine CD, which was making Nintendo and Sega look kind of bad. If I'm not mistaken, the PC-Engine CD was actually the #2 console in Japan for a while, above the Mega Drive.

The 32X was a horrible idea, though.
Sad as it is to say, failures like the 32X and the Saturn's design were the symptoms of Sega's slow death, not the cause of it. In a competently managed company, there would be no 32X, the Saturn would have been a derivative of one of Sega's cutting-edge 3D arcade hardware designs, and there would have been a

Anecdotally, I remember the Dreamcast being fairly well received when it came out here in America. It's strange how American and Japanese fans seem to like different consoles; Americans seem to like the Genesis and Dreamcast best, Japanese like the Saturn the best, the Brazilians love their Master System, and there doesn't seem to be too much crossover outside of that.

Also I watched Ika Musume just because of the Genesis in the OP

>> No.10079815

I just started playing the Saturn version of Symphony of the Night and was wondering how you're supposed to bring up the map screen. There's no select button obviously and none of the others seem to do it.

>> No.10079885

did you read the manual?
Maybe it's a button combination.

>> No.10080230

I loved the Sega CD, I have nothing against it.

>> No.10080285

It was L from the start menu. Dunno why I didn't try that to start with.

>> No.10080439
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>> No.10082234

I should clarify more and say that I am in the minority that feels that the Sega CD is highly overlooked. There are a lot of fantastic games that nobody has heard of.

Hell, I didn't know they released Secret Of Monkey Island on it until the late 90s.

>> No.10082234,1 [INTERNAL] 

Get a load of this kike.

>> No.10082234,2 [INTERNAL] 

