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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 536 KB, 1920x1080, Moot after the 4chan pass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10053931 No.10053931[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Please consider supporting 4chan by unblocking ads or purchasing a 4chan Pass.

>> No.10053937

more like jewoot, amirite

>> No.10053935

Support this
*rips off his own dick*

>> No.10053950

inb4 Moot posts ITT and bans this board

>> No.10053961

roflmao pwnd

>> No.10054008
File: 75 KB, 359x398, serves_him_right_he_trusted_a_jewt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10054004

i don't block ads.

>> No.10054019

block this
*whips out dick*

>> No.10054283

Please don't bully god. He gave life to this website and he loves all of you, except for the niggers.

>> No.10054293

can moot be the shinto god of 4chan?

>> No.10054319

Why does everyone hate Jews so much lately?

>> No.10054351

``Lately''? You must be kidding (or new).

>> No.10054380


>> No.10054382


Please stop trying to force your epic ``meme''.

>> No.10054384
File: 25 KB, 350x262, its_a_conspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting a lot more Error: You seem to have mistyped the CAPTCHA ever since Moot made 4chan pass...

>> No.10054388
File: 19 KB, 298x52, 146124615241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Me too. I bet this is all part of Moot's jew plan!

>> No.10054453

It's happening!

>> No.10054493
File: 340 KB, 499x583, jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh G-d! At last I truly see.

>> No.10054618

Except hating Jews isn't a meme. Even many Jews hate Jews and being Jewish.

>> No.10054660


Jews and Zionists... huge difference. No reason to hate jewish people, they are not necessarily the problem. Their Behavior is more a symptom of being lead by a insane cult at the forefront

>> No.10054669

Reminder that moot was too stubborn to accept anonymous donations for nothing in return because he "cared more about contribution than money."

Still waiting on my cut of the Pass profits for all I've contributed.

>> No.10054693

So am I, but I'm not sure if it's just paranoia.

>> No.10054702

And so am I.
It's funny because I've checked my captcha twice before submitting post.

>> No.10054725

google changed the way captcha works, now you sometimes need to enter both words. I alway write both the words and I don't gert errors

>> No.10054758

It's krautchan and /pol/ spilling over into other boards.
A truly horrible group of people.

No, fuck you. No one would ever randomly bring up Jews in every board. JEWS threads on /vip/ and calling moot a Jew has indeed always been here, but it's never been this bad. I see this stupid shit on every board.

This is not fucking Otaku culture.

And if you are having problems with the captcha, it's on Google's end, not moot's.

>> No.10054770

sure is a JDIF&4chan human bot ITT

how much do they pay you for this fagget?

>> No.10054771

I seriously think Google makes reCAPTCHA more difficult for certain people. Not necessarily false positives, but longer words. Most common Tor exit nodes get super hard CAPTCHAs. That is, two control words, complete gibberish, each a dozen letter long.
Maybe they up the difficulty for spammers, but I'm starting to think they give you harder challenges the fewer Google products you use. When I used Google Chrome and had a Google Account with all their Web applications, reCAPTCHA was easy and I could even get away with a Hamming distance of about 3 ("wizard" would take "reward").
Now I use none of those things and they're definitely a lot harder. I can meticulously check each word for no ambiguity, and I get a lot of false errors. Maybe it's because they use the scanned word as a control word now, and Google thinks "calcium" is actually "NIGGER".

>> No.10054779

>And if you are having problems with the captcha, it's on Google's end, not moot's.

moot implemented it. Also, reCAPTCHA generates a verification code which is checked on 4chan's servers (they display the error message, after all). It would be trivial to have that fail n% of the time.

>> No.10054781

Fuck off to /pol/ with that shit.
Not everyone you disagree with is "JIDF."


>> No.10054783
File: 14 KB, 442x332, superior_user.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How angry does this make you?

>> No.10054788

Don't worry about him. He's a JIDF member trying to make gentiles look paranoid.

>> No.10054791

I am so flipping cross right now you have no idea.

>> No.10054795

Oy vey, it's a second shoah, isn't it, Moshe?

>> No.10054805

/jp/ is lebensraum for white christian heterosexual males.

Please discontinue browsing if you are

a) not white
b) unbeliever
c) practice sodomy
d) not male

Thank you.

>> No.10054810


fuk u cis scum

>> No.10054815
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1350504170020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen, brother.

>> No.10054836

I agree.

>> No.10054860

I see the ads AND that message, time to invest in a pass.

>> No.10054868

For $20 you could buy a dwarf to fill out CAPTCHAs for you.

>> No.10054991
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 1336568362477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For $20 I could get my dick sucked twice on ASDA carpark from an eastern European skank.

>> No.10055032

So basically you are either forced to help Google with their scanning project for free or fail the captcha a couple of times before being able to post?

I'm telling you, it's not going to stop here. Google is going to take over the world.

>> No.10055041

Imagine how much money moot has made from the pass, seriously. He probably doesn't need the JList ads anymore.
