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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10050810 No.10050810 [Reply] [Original]

I was your NSJ.

Earlier today I quit, something I had been thinking for around 2 months now. The MISUNDERSTOOD GENUISES name change was the final straw. It was provoked by moot. When I went to him, all he said was that I should leave the board for the day and let you get spammed to death. He doesn't care about this place, and it's frustrating to be the only one trying to do something with no tools at your disposal.

I did my best every day to keep this board in a sort of decent level, but I'm just tired now. Too exhausting for no reward in any way, and absolutely no encouragement from the staff.

I can tell you this because they removed my authentication, I won't be going back to being a janitor. This thread is both burning a bridge and saying goodbye to you, the anonymous I cared for so much. I always came crawling back whenever I saw you getting spammed or raided, it was practically a reflex action by now. I will just be a regular anonymous reporting the spam from now on.

So long everyone, I have no regrets. Good luck until I get replaced, and remember that the whole point of this board is taking it easy. Let the janitors carry the burden of dealing with the shit.

>> No.10050817

Epic parody.

I like the neo-/jp/ updates :)

>> No.10050819
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>> No.10050828

Mod Whore n.

1. An IRC skank who likes to get banged

>> No.10050829

please upvote so everyone can see

>> No.10050839

>Now there is nothing on /jp/ that

 can be considered a shitpost.

>> No.10050834

You kid, but AoC was being stupid there.

> It was provoked by moot. When I went to him, all he said was that I should leave the board for the day and let you get spammed to death.
And just what was moot supposed to do, AoC? Ban half of 4chan and make /jp/ a permanent target, or let them lose interest and forget? Dumbass.

>> No.10050837

I wonder what happened really to janitor
Did he just give up? Was the constant verbal abuse too much for him?

>> No.10050850
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>> No.10050854


Thank you for trying at least.

Although, to be honest, I think /jp/ was destined to be this way.

>> No.10050855

I personally have always loved the meidos of /jp/, they were always humorous and kind.

>> No.10050865
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I'm aware of that now. I was pretty irrational at the time anyway, it's not like I made the best decision ever.

It's been almost 2 years by the way. Funny how time goes by.

>> No.10050871

To be honest I wouldn't have the patience to clean this place up either. There's hordes of shit posters and MODS R FAGZ posts. I could see how it would grate on him.

>> No.10050876
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I wish your tumor had killed you.

>> No.10050887

Face it, those golden days when /jp/ was the elite board full of programmers, translation projects, and Touhou (non-shitposting kind) are long gone.
We used to make /a/ look like the angsty children they were, fighting among themselves. We all sagebombed any shitpost on our glorious board and were true substantial posters.
But those days are gone, because those old posters moved on. Even if you get rid of the shit on this board, you won't bring back the posters. So goodbye.

>> No.10050889

Why is everyone so mean towards the janitors & mods?

What we have here is a community-driven board! Bullying the ones responsible for keeping it tidy certainly wont help them, us nor the board itself.

Pay your respects to janitors, realize what they do for you! Dont be an ungrateful bully, because without them; we would be swimming in our own feces!
