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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 230 KB, 558x622, 611dfea97e7a8b1210f1f6f6e306036f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10048250 No.10048250 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, they are just a couple of sacks of meat. Why the fuck do men go crazy about them? It makes no fucking sense. I am not a fucking child; I have no need for breast milk. Surely this has to be a mass dick waving contest or something, where very guy has t try to profess his love of tits more than everyone else or be called gay.

Well I'm going to break this cycle. I am no fag and I like tits perky and small, or if not that, then flat. Not a fucking pair of exploding masses of fat smashed together.

Anyone agree, or have some other insight to add?

>> No.10048257

Social cunstructs and attractive genetics

>> No.10048264

not fooling anyone Sakurako

>> No.10048265
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Dude, I think you might have the gay.

>> No.10048267

I don't mind the size.

I care much more about her face than her tits

>> No.10048270

idk why is dick attractive? its ugly

>> No.10048275

Like you said, it's proof you aren't a fag. Or it started that way at least, but then men started taking it seriously, and now they crash their cars because they are busy looking for `side boobs' while driving.

>> No.10048300

You jealous?

>> No.10048290

>Well I'm going to break this cycle.
I know lmao

>> No.10048291

Seeing big breasts is the easiest way for me to get an erection, I can't help it.

>> No.10048296

I think OP wants penis in his butthole.

>> No.10048297

You obviously don't know about how good it feels to have 'that' being rubbed between two big melons while she's both licking and saying lewd things to you.
How is a flat girl supposed to make me feel good?

>> No.10048299

Congratz on the marriage

>> No.10048310

This is why I like little girls.

With her vagina.

>> No.10048319

thank you very much

>> No.10048323

B cup is best cup.

>> No.10048325


>> No.10048326

Fuck off, freak.

>> No.10048328
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>> No.10048331


>> No.10048347
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disgusting paedophile

>> No.10048343
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>> No.10048350
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I wonder what paizuri feels like.

>> No.10048355
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>With her vagina.

>> No.10048356

Fuck you normalfags.

>> No.10048365



>> No.10048372
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>with her vagina

her what?

>> No.10048367

like bags of sand

>> No.10048381
File: 183 KB, 1036x1200, 1352345735217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they are soft and nice. There's probably some evolutionary psychology about it being an indicator of a healthy mate too.

But flat chests are just as good.

>> No.10048382

>liking vaginas
>calling others normalfags


>> No.10048385
File: 14 KB, 216x198, 049fc2da649aec76df8be45d43c0a148-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He meant her VAGOO

>> No.10048397


>> No.10048391

I feel like I've already read this. No need to bring it here, ``faggot''

>> No.10048394

Thats a man d00d. Just with a sex change.

>> No.10048410

That's not a woman.

>> No.10048404

post your bust size hobo girl

>> No.10048405

You can't tell me that you don't think the softness of a lolies special place is a miracle of the universe. (In theory. Gathering empirical evidence is quite hard, so I've had to rely on my imagination, but I assume that it's pretty accurate.)

>> No.10048406

I knew there was something off about those arms.

>> No.10048418
File: 26 KB, 285x281, 62748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's repulsive

>> No.10048415

I called the police.

>> No.10048422

You've never touched a little girl, or even touched another person, how do you know?

>> No.10048423

Actually, it's not even a sex change, it's just photoshop. You can see the reflection of the penis on the floor.

>> No.10048424

i work at the police. there's no evidence, so you'll be fined for false alarm.

>> No.10048434

LOL I work for the FBI faglord.

>> No.10048436

dude vaginas are gross, just gross I think you are sick, please seek help

>> No.10048444

I thought about it a lot, and had a few lewd dreams about Remi and Cirno. I also had a dream where I touched Chibiusa, where I picked her up and put her on a chair so I could talk to her at eye level (but that was several years ago). I know what I'm talking about.

Do you have anything to refute it with?

>> No.10048446

and you still have no evidence, so you don't have the right to act unless you want to be arrested for abusing power and stripped off your rank.

>> No.10048448

>likes vaginas

>> No.10048452


>> No.10048453

I have the post you made, and the amounts of loli porn and child porn on your computer.

>> No.10048460


>> No.10048465

I love it when /jp/ gangs up on one person.

>> No.10048464

Sure, the hairy, bleeding cunts of adult 3D's are nasty and vile, but delicious lolies vagina is beautiful, and 2D erases all imperfection.

>> No.10048484

A perfect simulation of real life sozializing
Only by excluding others can people feel as part of a community

>> No.10048477

i'm not that guy, i'm the police guy.

random post on the internet is not evidence, and trying to use it as one is a crime here. you need actual, factual, hard evidence, otherwise he'll be released.

even if you're a thief, murderer or such, without real evidence you're released and are free to go. shitposting on an imageboard for shitposting doesn't count and would get you laughed out of court.

>> No.10048481

No, vaginas are gross no matter what.

>> No.10048486

That's just a myth. Vaginas aren't really censored in Japan. They actually have mosaics on their genitals. It's a part of their racial genetics. It also makes reproduction much harder, which is why the birthrate is declining.

>> No.10048491


>> No.10048492
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bigger tits have more milk to feed your children, and are naturally a good sign of fertility. large racks are attractive for the same reason you get the urge to fap even when you don't necessarily want to; instincts tell you to reproduce.

this is obviously not true for everyone, as personal preference shaped by your experiences play a big role.

i embrace my heritage and fap to boobs

>> No.10048493

No. They can be pretty.

>> No.10048504

No, they are caves of fungi and rotting flesh.

>> No.10048511

Only after puberty. And even the, there is 2D which is a much better experience.

>> No.10048515
File: 256 KB, 1920x1080, do you hate boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10048517

Just get out of here pedoshitter

>> No.10048518

There's no reason to be aroused by anything, you just are.

>> No.10048521

No, you don't know anything.

>> No.10048524

Please be a shitposter who is shitposting. Please do not be serious.

>> No.10048529

>thinks we like pedoshits on /jp/

>> No.10048537

I do. I studied in the Ancient Greek way of sitting naked and thinking about it for long periods of time. Loli vaginas are nice. Flat chests are nice. 2D makes it even better.

>> No.10048538

Let it go. /jp/ is dead.

>> No.10048539

>hey /b/ros am i doing good? xddd is he getting trolled already?

>> No.10048558
File: 78 KB, 800x674, fuso witchizu laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking large boobs
>not snuggling with your large-breasted lesbian girlfriend

>> No.10048569

how does it feel to be a fucking faggot?

>> No.10048570

wh u qt

>> No.10048577
File: 49 KB, 1012x720, ika's face darkens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get thee hence

>> No.10048571

This is just trite postulated to explain the attraction to breasts in society.
If you look at cultures where the breasts aren't expected to be hidden, you'll find no attraction to the breasts.
Attraction to breasts is cultural, and something forced on you by the media.

>> No.10048587

>Loli vaginas are nice
How would you know? If you did the slightest bit of research you'd learn that girls before sexual development have vaginas that are far too small for either of you to enjoy the experience.

2D is a fantasy.

>> No.10048592

Being attracted to asses is cultural too then?

>> No.10048611

I don't know of any societies which bare their buttocks freely, so it's hard to say.
Culture certainly is a major factor in it though, just look at what a certain section of society known for being obsessed with buttocks will do- http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/15818910

>> No.10048623
File: 740 KB, 777x1249, IFLH0737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's just because bare 3D breasts are ugly. only partly-revealed boobs are much more arousing, regardless of size.

>> No.10048647

You've never seen one? There are a lot of cinematic movies and artistic pictures, none of them pornographic, which show just those parts of young girls.

I'm sure they even sell such books at Barnes and Noble.

>> No.10048685

Eh, I'm sure there are but that doesn't make a difference. Like I said if you're interested look up the facts instead of just pictures.

The fact is, and I might catch some heat for this but, their bodies genuinely aren't ready for sex. You'd more than likely just end up harming her.

Stick to 2D my friend.

>> No.10048701

Perhaps not ready for sex with a man. How about with someone her own age?

>> No.10048740

I suppose but there'd be pretty much no point because before puberty neither party could orgasm.

>> No.10048748

>How would you know? If you did the slightest bit of research you'd learn that girls before sexual development have vaginas that are far too small for either of you to enjoy the experience.

>2D is a fantasy.
I wouldn't fuck them anyway. Their lack of utility doesn't change how pretty they are.

>> No.10048756
File: 334 KB, 752x1062, Sena102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are soft and made for cuddling.

>> No.10048760
File: 33 KB, 300x300, Sengoku_Rance_-_Shibata_Katsuie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well good, little girls are like a flower after all.

>> No.10048763

Are you joking? Children can have orgasms. I even remember having orgasms but nothing coming out.

>> No.10048773

>The fact is, and I might catch some heat for this but, their bodies genuinely aren't ready for sex. You'd more than likely just end up harming her.
I should have cited your posts in >>10048748.

>Stick to 2D my friend.
Of course.

False. Sexual pleasure is evident at very young ages (as in, infants). I'm not going to be like Freud and say that it's what makes them want to fuck their mothers\fathers, but it is well documented.

>> No.10048775

I realized my mistake after I posted that. Apologies I forgot that paper I read about girls masturbating in the womb.

>> No.10048789

>true breast lover
i truly am this, i can prove it if you look at my bookmarks

>> No.10048794

Is it just me, or has their been a great increase in Oppai Touhou material of the last few years, and a slight decrease in loli material.

It bothers me greatly.

>> No.10048791

They're very lickable.

>> No.10048798

What about that unhappy medium of average and flat where they're floppy, small, and misshapen?

Only a true breast lover could also be attracted to those.

>> No.10048807
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>> No.10048825

I had orgasms long before I was able to produce fluid at the time.
Outside from my own personal experience, I believe this is well documented.

I do remember seeing a medical story about a young girl who got passed through several different doctors thinking she was having variously seizures or "painful episodes" before she reached a doctor who immediately recognised her "symptoms" as being table masturbation.

There's also been studies of adult/child sexual encounters in species where the behaviour is initiated by the child, I remember the figure being 1/3 of all such encounters being initiated by the child in some species (Child was defined here as being young enough that they could not reproduce, I believe)

>> No.10048844

if they are young it's hot
if they are old it's not

>> No.10049321

Stop stealing my world4ch shitposts!

>> No.10049602

le /prog/ repost face
