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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 164 KB, 739x734, homuhomuripsone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10045582 No.10045582 [Reply] [Original]

Homura heard a quick, wet, high-pitched whistle, and was breathing hard-she had been waiting for this moment for the past few hours, hiding in Madoka's house under beds, behind curtains, or by clinging to the ceiling using a pair of powerful, large suction cups.She had taken Madoka to lunch and bought her all the fiberous, smelly, fart-inducing foods she could afford, before accompanying her girlfriend home. Instead of going home herself, she stopped time after going around the corner, and went into Madoka's house, hiding in the closet, resuming time and waiting.

But now, Homura stopped it again.She kneeled behind Madoka, tenderly lifting her skirt, and inhaled deeply-the smell of rotting brocolli, aged, molding beef, rotten eggs, and warm cheddar cheese filling her nostrils with bliss. "O-Oh Madoka..." She whispered to herself, sniffing harder, burying her little nose against Madoka's stained white panties, working between the crack to rub up against the putrid-smelling anus. She reached between her legs, rubbing at her gorged cunt, while smelling her beloved Madoka like a bitch in heat. It didn't take long for her to cum, squirting all over the inside of her panties and black pantyhose. She sighed with satisfaction, moving back to her hiding spot, awaiting the next dirty expulsion.

>> No.10045600

You owe me a new boner, asshole.

>> No.10045626

>Now there is nothing on /jp/ that can be considered a shitpost!

>> No.10045657
File: 42 KB, 600x875, madonkadonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Madoka, of course, had no knowledge of what was occuring. She sat down at her desk to do some homework, like the good girl that she is, humming to herself quietly. She put earphones in, and began listening to music, her head shifting from side to side with the music. Homura licked her lips, waiting for more, like a starving junkie, the scent of the previous fart still in her memory. She could remember just about every fart that Madoka had ever pushed past her anus-she made sure to savor each one tremendously, and commit the scent to memory. After all, each fart was different and unique, a compilation of a number of particles that may never exist again. Madoka's farts were as unique as she was, as unique as their love. Madoka sighed, lifting one leg a bit to prop her rump above the chair just slightly, and ripping a slow, hot fat-this one louder, more baritone, and the scent more pungent. Homura immediately stopped time, crawling on her hands and knees, laying her cheek against the chair and began inhaling, again frigging her wet, twitching cunt, sucking in the gas with long draws. It smelled similair-eggs, brocolli, cheese-but it had more-a hearty, dirty stench of spoiled shrimp and warm garbage. Incredible! She licked at madoka's panties, tugging her skirt up, almost trying to suck the fart from her butthole. Homura shivered, cumming all over herself again.

>> No.10045727
File: 870 KB, 1220x915, madokakittens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homura scurried back to the closet this time, forcing it closed. If she continued laying under the bed, it would take longer for her cunt juice-soaked clothing to dry. She was still excited-she pinched at her nipples and licked her lips as she watched Madoka though the crack in the closet door. She was shocked to see her lover do something, though-she sat up, putting one knee on the desk, and shifting her skirt up her backside. She pulled her earbuds from underneath her hair, and arched her back a bit more, grunting and then sighing as she pushed, a heavy, loud, trumpet-burst of a fart ripping out of her white panties. What was even more surprising was that Madoka giggled after-moving her hand to fan at her ass, spreading the delicious stink around the room. Homura had been so entranced by the display that she forgot to stop time-but quickly did so at that moment. She opened and closed the closet door, moving instead to the door of the bedroom, peering in as though just suddenely returning to her room. She began time again, pretending to look flabbergasted. "M-Madoka...what are you doing?" She asked softly.

>> No.10045746

suck my h0mu dude

>> No.10045745
File: 270 KB, 739x734, homulegs1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Madoka stared, horrified. She slowly brought her knee back down, sitting back in her chair. When her butt pressed against the chair, though, she unleashed another heavy, quick fart, the stink spreading quickly. She blushed violently, mouth open, searching her mind for an explanation. "I-I enjoy farting, Homura-chan! This wouldn't have happened if you didn't give me all those bean tacos for lunch!" She shouted, beginning to cry. Homura rushed to Madoka, hugging her tightly, sniffing at the air around her, doing her best not to groan at the stink. "M-Madoka...you know I will always love you...besides...I...did that on purpose...I like it when you do this...I love your gas..." She kissed Madoka's cheek, and Madoka giggled softly. "R-Really? You don't mind? Y-you actually like it?" Homura nodded, holding Madoka's cheeks, her thumb caressing her skin. "T-then...please...smell my farts, Homura-chan..." She whispered, closing her eyes and letting a hissing, warm beef crunch past her ass ring.

>> No.10045763

That's pure love

>> No.10045765
File: 559 KB, 832x800, madohomufull1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homura fell to her knees, rubbing her face into Madoka's ass, her chin pressed to the fabric cushion of the chair. Madoka bit her lip-finding her own crotch becoming moist, her pussy lips puffy and sensitive. She stood up, teasingly waving her ass, the room smelling of brocolli and beef after being dipped in spoiled milk and cheese and then surrounded by rotten eggs. She climbed up onto her desk, pushing her butt out, and pushed, blowing quick, smelly, loud farts out her butt. "Smell them, Homura! Tell me how much you love my farts, you dirty slut!" She mouthed. As soon as she felt that invading nose wiggle back into her crack, she reached behind, holding Homura's face in her ass. "Do you love it, Homura? Do you love your girlfriend's stinky, dirty farts? Tell me that you're a filthy, fart-sucking cunt-slut, Homura!" She command, pushing her ass out hard, not letting Homura move away as she ripped fart after fart. "I luff it!ith the beth! I wanf to drinf ur farth, madofa!pwefe!fafthmofeohgoth pleefee!" She said, muffled by Madoka's pillowy asscheeks.

>> No.10045777
File: 37 KB, 334x338, tp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damnit I just woke up now I have this incredible raging erection now.

>> No.10045788
File: 454 KB, 1000x750, homumadocutecute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Madoka grabbed Homura's hair, tugging her face out of her rump, turning around with a smirk. "Oh Homura-chan, I told you to tell me that you're fart-sucking cunt-slut, too! Hurry up and say it!" She ordered, breathing hard, climbing off the desk while still holding Homura's hair tightly. She pushed the chair over, and then let go of Homura's hair, pushing her roughly on the ground and straddling her chest. Homura looked up, her face red, drinking in her scent, sniffing incessantly. "I'm a-a f-fart-sucking cunt-slut, Madoka-sama!" She said, blushing harder. Madoka smiled, her own cheeks become red. She wiggled her hips, shifting, and then let another fart rip, biting her lip-it felt so good! "Good girl, Homura-chan! Good girl!" She purred, leaning down, scooting down her body, dragging her wet crotch down Homura's front. She began kissing her girlfriend lewdly, her tongue slipping into her mouth, freely farting and gasing up the room as she made out-she could actually smell her own farts on Homura!

>> No.10045797
File: 20 KB, 227x203, Chen building emotion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by the interval between posts, are you typing this out yourself?

If so keep going.

>> No.10045801
File: 477 KB, 1280x960, madohomukiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homura groaned, before whimpering softly into Madoka's mouth. Madoka pulled away slowly, licking her lips, sitting up again, standing and turning around. "Don't get up, Homura-chan. I have a present for you." She giggled, squatting over Homura's face. Homura responded by digging her hands roughly into her crotch, underneath her pantyhose and panties, touching her bare, hot cunt, inserting fingers into herself as she sniffed the air. "Y-yes, Madoka-sama" She whimpered. Madoka lowered herself, bending her knees while slipping her panties down her legs, exposing her little pinkish-brown butthole, coated with a layer of oily-looking filh. She pushed it right up against Homura's nose, and letting a slow, high-pitched fart squeeze free. Homura almost came at that second, the direct smell, the sound, and her own hand causing her to enter a personal heaven. The stench was incredible-up so close, so bare, the rotten egg smell was overpowering-Homura was almost gagging it stank so bad, but the brocolli and cheese stink combined caused her to vomit a little in her mouth, swallowing it again like a good bottom. "Say your a little fart-bitch, Homura. Say "I'm Madoka-Sama's dirty little fart-bitch!"


>> No.10045802

>Say "I'm Madoka-Sama's dirty little fart-bitch!"
It's getting stinky in here

>> No.10045811
File: 529 KB, 1200x876, homuhomumadmadoLOVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I-I'm Madoka-sama's dirty little fart-bitch! I'm a filthy, smelly cunt who likes to smell her girlfriend's farts!" She moaned, cumming a bit against her invading fingers, her clitoris sliding against her palm. Madoka smiled, sitting her full weight on Homura's face. "Good girl. You're such a good girlfriend, Homura. Someday when you're my wife, we'll do this every day. Do you like that, my little fart-sucking cunt?" She asked, tugging Homura's lower garments down, slapping her hands out of the way, and using her own to massage and pleasure the girl. Homura let out a high-pitched squeel of excitement and pleasure, frigging her hips up against Madoka's. Madoka continued farting, tilting her ass just a bit to let up so Homura wouldn't puke all over herself-Even Madoka was gagging a bit now-the room stank so bad at this point, but it was making her own cunt so wet and sensitive. She pulled her hands from Homura's wet crotch, licking her fingers and wiping a bit of the juice on her face-especially under her nose so she could smell her cunt-before burying her face in Homura's crotch, a full-on 69 forming. She farted freely as she tongued and sucked her girlfriend's shaved, slippery pussy, digging her hands into her own cunt now, not letting Homura taste anything but her tangy, taco-scented gas bombs.

>> No.10045817

Thank you for this contribution.

>> No.10045822
File: 78 KB, 512x477, madokahomurarelax1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homura had cum about six times by then, actually throwing up on herself a few times, but swallowing it back down. Madoka was busy sucking and lapping at Homura's vaginal fluids, slurping at them loudly as she ripped fart after fart, both of them growing exhausted from their rough sexual interlude. Madoka had come three times by then, each time she squirted all over Homura's neck and the floor, and the pressure on her intestines when she came caused her farts to squeeze out loud and slow. They were like that for at least an hour, until both was a quivering, stinky mess. Madoka sat up, panting, moving to lay against Homura, cuddling, hugging her waist and kissing her, smelling the puke and farts on her lover. "I love you, Homura-chan...I-I'm sorry if I lost control...I couldn't help it...you turned me on so much...a-and..." She smiled, giggling. "I had to get a little revenge on you for watching me and sneaking around my house. I'm your girlfriend-you should've told me you liked me farts so much-you could've smelled them anytime. You know I'd do anything for you." Homura's eyes became wet, before tears rolled down her cheeks as he hugged back, nuzzling her cheeks. "O-Oh Madoka...I love you so much...that was amazing...Please...let me be your fart-sucking bitch forever..." She sighed, almost sobbing with overflowing love. Madoka stroked her hair." Baka, you'll always be my fart-sucking bitch..." She assured her.

The End.

>> No.10045824

This was true art OP.
Thank you for sharing this with us geniuses.

>> No.10045826
File: 139 KB, 640x421, sionblast1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only the best for /jp/.

However, I excommunicated you the other day

>> No.10045832


>> No.10045828

This is an excellent example of a genuine misunderstood genius.

Very beautiful and erotic thread.

I shall save these posts along with the touhou anus thread I saved as well.

>> No.10045841
File: 323 KB, 848x477, bonborhozukiblast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


However, you have passed the holy test. I received divine inspiration to write this scripture, as the Goddess of All-Farts needed to test how much you truly loved the gas. I humbly reinstate you as a Knight of the Farts.

You may kiss the Papal-ring-may it's anus shape compel you to forever serve our Flatulent Mistress, the Goddess of All-farts.

>> No.10045846

>and letting a hissing, warm beef crunch past her ass ring.

madoka a fart

>> No.10045859
File: 2.15 MB, 1680x882, 1330479743000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me you're the one who wrote the following

I know, I know I've let it out,
I've been a toot to myself
I thought that I could
rip one for no one else

But now through all the gas and bloat
Its time for me to respect
the farts you love
mean more than anything.

So with methane in my butt
I feel the best thing I could do
is fart it all
and blow forever
whats done is done, it feels so rad
what once wasn't smelly now is bad
I'll never use beano again
my world is stinking

I wish that I could turn back time
'cause now the gas is all mine
can't live without the farts from those you love.
I know we can't forget the past
you can't forget beans and rice
because of that it's killing my insides

It all returns to gas, it all comes
rumbling out, rumbling out,
rumbling out,
it all returns to gas, I just keep
letting it rip, letting it rip,
letting it rip,
in my fart of farts,
I know that I could never huff again
I've farted everything
everything, everything
that matters to me
Matters in my bowels

>> No.10045869
File: 345 KB, 850x900, sabercriesandfarts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did write that, yes.

>> No.10045880

You are my favorite poster. I've had this saved and it makes me smile on the darkest of days.

>> No.10045895
File: 337 KB, 600x800, thiscontractsstinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm glad to hear that, anon. I hope it continues to bring you joy when you are sad in the future.

>> No.10045925
File: 1.00 MB, 1433x2023, Yuugi gas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh so you are the fart picture making anon are you not?

Did not know you also wrote fart fiction as well.

>> No.10045937

why is /jp/ so horrible?

>> No.10045942
File: 949 KB, 1270x960, yuruyurifarting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wrote the kyouko/sayaka fart spam as well. I like to bring farts into other mediums aside from the olfactory-it is an avante garde art project, as I am a misunderstood genius.

>> No.10045950

Out of all the threads that are off-topic this one is probably the best, you have to credit the amount of effort thats put into this. This is the type of thing I'd rather see over meaningless spam, this has some serious passion

>> No.10046054

Have you posted any of this on /u/ yet?

>> No.10046366

Now this is shitposting

your effort is pretty admirable OP

>> No.10046383
File: 34 KB, 256x204, 1345508573824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you decide to post this on every shitpost thread, you will never finish

>> No.10046416

Having a goal is fun sometimes

>> No.10046628
File: 68 KB, 402x511, madokachen1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's a good idea, but /jp/ is special and the home of fart threads. Only /jp/ can properly appreciate my fartistry.

>> No.10046650

They've had these threads on /d/ forever.

>> No.10046671
File: 214 KB, 500x700, happinessisawarmfart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/d/ threads are not artistic, or as pointed out by fartist, they are not at all kawaii and often contain numerous pieces of western art and unironic stories of sniffing 3DPD farts.

/jp/ fart threads are an artistic, kawaii celebration of 2D fartistry for misunderstood geniuses.

>> No.10046677

Oh so its just elitism.

>> No.10046697
File: 327 KB, 646x960, Kotomi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do you post touhou game discussions on /jp/ when you could post them on /v/?

>> No.10046703

I just lurk, thought I'd tell you about /d/.

>> No.10047063
File: 123 KB, 488x640, nyaruko1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10047137
File: 314 KB, 1024x576, victoriqueembarassed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so much easier to take it easy on /jp/ today!

>> No.10049114


>> No.10049362

I feel tempted to masturbate to your story, but the pictures with the creepy yellow gas just creep me out.

Keep this thread alive for tomorrow, and I will see again.

>> No.10050282

I dont see how it is creepy. I just find it erotic.
