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10041745 No.10041745 [Reply] [Original]

KnS2 scheduled to release February 2013

Touko doesn't seem to be listed as an official character

>> No.10041752
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I want to say I'm relieved

>> No.10041761 [DELETED] 

I hope Ayumu is fuggable now

>> No.10041790


That also raises death flags though

>> No.10041846

This was one of the most painful VNs I've ever read. I don't know if I'll be able to handle another one.

>> No.10041956

I love Kara no Shoujo's art so much

>> No.10041983

What's with the cute girl with the bandages?

>> No.10041994 [DELETED] 
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It's paradise for someone like myself who loves straight black hair.

>> No.10042016

Painful as in terrible or painful as in the story was gut wrenching?

>> No.10042023

The latter.

>> No.10042060

>Toji again
hell yeah
>no ponytail
Fuck you.

>> No.10042075

It was terrible, I dropped it.

Why was MC such an idiot?
what's the point of mystery if MC can't think for shit?

>> No.10042089

...what? he can't read a guide in GameFAQs like you can little boy.

>> No.10042095


I thought the main character was a badass. Day one cop.

>> No.10042112

no, he's an idiot

and a shitty personality, too. All he does well is fucking teenage schoolgirls(but never truly out of his own initiative) and complaining how he hates his life and how he would rather fuck his dead wife

and also, he has stupid hair

>> No.10042116

he wasn't a cop

>> No.10042124

cop(ping) is colloquialism for buying

>> No.10042155

Chance of this getting translated this decade: 0.0000%

>> No.10042177

Man, I was too retarded to figure that game. I got all the endings except for the one where you have to play through it again because I couldn't bothered anymore. Still one of the higher end VNs.

All the fucking was pretty bad, didn't enjoy any of them, except for Tsuzuriko.

>> No.10042178


>All he does well is fucking teenage schoolgirls(but never truly out of his own initiative) and complaining how he hates his life and how he would rather fuck his dead wife

Can't deny that

>> No.10043332

i want to fug yukari

>> No.10046018

who doesn't

>> No.10046047

your fault for not buying the first one.

>> No.10046067

Touko deserves her rest. She's been through enough.

>> No.10046073

I'd buy it retroactively and buy this one too if it meant getting a sure translation. Since I alone won't change anything, I guess I'll be keeping my money.

>> No.10046107

eternal rest
