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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10039743 No.10039743 [Reply] [Original]

List of the most common insults used by various boards.

(list is no particular order some boards left out due to lack of information)

/v/ - Pleb (recently beaten "casual" in popularity.)
/vg/ - Casual
/jp/ - 3DPD
/a/ - Slut
/r9k/ - Normalfag (recently beaten "whore" in popularity)
/cgl/ - Virgin
/fit/ - Fat
/tv/ - Pleb
/x/ - Kid
/pol/ - Amerifat
/trv/ - Amerifat
/ck/ - Amerifat
/fa/ - Pleb.

>> No.10039750

>/cgl/ - Virgin
Wait, what? How is this supposed to be an insult? Are they all proud of being whores or something?

>> No.10039756

They find inexperience a disgusting trait.

>> No.10039761 [DELETED] 

Looks like /v/ has finally reached the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.10039759

So by this, /jp/ and /cgl/ (why?) are the best boards since these are oldest among that list of "4chan" insults".

>> No.10039768

That's why I hate 3DPD.

>> No.10039765


>> No.10039770

>/jp/ - 3DPD
wrong again, turbonerd

>> No.10039775 [DELETED] 

>/jp/ - 3DPD

in ur draems nerd!

>> No.10039779

If I were to call you sweetheart at /c/, please consider it as an insult.

>> No.10039785


Uh, no. The most common insult here is probably "normal".

>> No.10039795 [DELETED] 

lol look at that asspie

>> No.10039797 [DELETED] 

It's autist

>> No.10039810

Get a load of this clueless buttranger

>> No.10039815


>> No.10039821

I think /jp/ insults are more along the lines of
Weeaboo (and variations)
Normal (and variations)
Nerd (and variations)

>> No.10039828

/jp/ should be either secondary, English only peasant, autist, retard, or retard actually.

>> No.10039844

I second this. Autist is definitively /jp/'s ``insult'' of choice, if you want to call it that.

>> No.10039853 [DELETED] 

I bet the truth must be pretty insulting for an autist like yourself.

>> No.10039860

How is "normalfag" an insult on /r9k/ when most of them ARE normalfags? Same goes for /fit/ and "fat". I don't get it.

>> No.10039872

They probably have a different definition for it, like some people do here.

>> No.10039939

/jp/ never uses 3DPD OP you autistic nerd

>> No.10039941

Autist is /v/'s main insult. Along with constant use of "master race" for whatever they like.

>> No.10039956

Half the shitposts here have "nerd" in them, how is that possible that it's not the most common insult ?

>> No.10040042

Turbonerd is my favorite insult.

>> No.10040089

3DPD is an /a/ me-me

>> No.10040104

it's not an insult nerd

>> No.10040099 [DELETED] 

/r9k/ are weird. They can be a shut-in involuntarily and want a job, be a virgin involuntarily and want to get laid, have no friends involuntarily and want to socialize, yet the people who go ahead and do these things are the disgusting normalfags.

Obviously to us, they're normalfags, no matter how unemployed or sexually inexperienced they are.

>> No.10040107

/jp/ - nerd

>> No.10040131 [DELETED] 


>> No.10040138

What about sperglord

>> No.10040179

>/jp/ - 3DPD
This is so wrong!
It's either: nerd, weeaboo(and all its misspellings), or autist. There are friggen idol threads on the front page of /jp/ almost 24/7.

Wait, 3DPD isn't even a fucking insult. "You fucked my mom? Fuck you, you're real."

>> No.10040187
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/a/ seems to be upset with you're choice of insults.

Here is an updated list based on the consensus of the boards questioned.


/v/ - Consolefag, Le, Shitposter, Weaboo, Jrpg, Casual
/vg/ - Casual
/vp/ - Faggot, Nostalgiafag, Aspie, Hoennbabby
/jp/ - Turbonerd, Niwaka, Sperglord, 3DPD, Nerd, Normal
/a/ - Autist, /v/ermin, Slut
/r9k/ - Normalfag, Beta
/b/ - Niggers
/cgl/ - Virgin, Landwhale
/fit/ - DYEL, Manlet, Landwhale, Gyno
/tv/ - Pleb
/x/ - Disinfo Agent, Skeleton
/k/ - Kid, Noguns, Mall ninja
/mu/ - Pleb
/pol/ - Amerifat, JIDF, Libtard, Concervitard, Jew, Nigger, Americlap, Cis Male.
/trv/ - Amerifat
/ck/ - Amerifat
/int/ - Amerifat
/co/ - Tumblr
/fa/ - Pleb, Autist
/sp/ - Beta, Nerd, Virgin
/lit/ - Pleb
/sci/ - Retard
/tg/ - Neckbeard
/g/ - Macfag, Gentoo

>> No.10040202

some1 deleted the thread from /a :(

>> No.10040223

Don't worry! /jp/s janitor recently ran away, so this thread will remain up until moot finds a replacement :)

>> No.10040228

Why would niwaka be a /jp/ insult,
That term is based on anime fandom
I have never seen any /jp/er use niwaka befor

>> No.10040229

Stop posting.

>> No.10040240

>Mall ninja
Please explain.

>> No.10040250

The insults are based off of results from other boards, not just /jp/

>/a/ thinks you all say Niwaka

>> No.10040256

The only insult /jp/ uses is secondary

>> No.10040276

You should learn some critical thinking skills.

>> No.10040268
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On /cgl/ if you don't support rampant promiscuous sex and encourage anyone who posts about it then it's called "slut-shaming" and it's a form of "discrimination"

>> No.10040273

Who are you quoting you sperglord? Die already.

>> No.10040307

Hi /v/!

>> No.10040358

Who the fuck uses this?

>> No.10040471

Niwaka used to be/is an insult on /a/ to mock komeji. No one uses it on /jp/.
