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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 7 KB, 238x130, japanletters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10032052 No.10032052[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was thinking of getting a tattoo, and a friend sent me this idea. What do you think?

>> No.10032057

/jp/ is not your personal translation service.
Get out, never return.

>> No.10032060

I didnt ask for a translation, just for an opinion. I think this looks cool, thats it.

>> No.10032061

>getting a tattoo


>> No.10032063
File: 35 KB, 500x500, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it op, you're friend wants you to get a tatoo that says "pussy". Use this instead, it says "The baddest dude".

>> No.10032066

It doesn't. Kanji for tattoo is deader than disco. The only thing you'll achieve with that is message the world how much of a douchebag you are without you having to open your mouth.

So go ahead and get it, do the world a service.

>> No.10032101
File: 53 KB, 500x500, sex god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will also give you this one, which says "God of sex".

>> No.10032110

This looks cool, I'll probably get this one!

>> No.10032142

Very stylish, I'd get this one if I ever want to get a tattoo.
Not bad at all!

>> No.10032145
File: 95 KB, 586x680, 1341144001034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not fooling anyone, OP.
Everyone on /jp/ are part of the raw reading elite.

>> No.10032161
File: 142 KB, 800x590, rolly_suzushii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10032172

how did you remove the upper line from 死人?

>> No.10032175

Meh, I'll only start my japanese lessons the next sprin.

>> No.10032177

I'm confused whether or not some people in this thread legitimately can't read japanese or are just shitposting.

>> No.10032180

That's not 死人, it's 外人.

Why wait?

>> No.10032194

I meant spring. *

>> No.10032198


I'm sure everyone knew that.

>> No.10032212

I know what you meant. What I'm asking is why you're bothering to wait. If you start now, by spring, you'll have conquered the 常用漢字, put a nice dent in Japanese grammar, and just generally make decent progress toward understanding Japanese. Much more than you will by sitting around waiting for the right time.

Don't let life control you, get started now.

>> No.10032225

Meh, It's a little harder for me to learn, I forgot things pretty quickly. I want a teacher to get me started, and tell me the basis and such. I'll start at CSRJ Bucharest.

>> No.10032233

Teachers don't do too much to help you learn a language imo. They mainly help your listening comprehension since your teacher will be speaking Japanese fluently (hopefully). Your class will probably follow the same curriculum as the book which you can just download online and study yourself.

>> No.10032239

>since your teacher will be speaking Japanese fluently (hopefully)
yeah , native japanese

I also want to become a legit translator, and , maybe gain some nice money and stay home in the next years.

>> No.10032250

Learning Japanese is no different for anybody. The only things required are time and effort. I won't bog down the thread with methods as that will only start a shitstorm, however, I'll link you to two websites ripe with methods and motivation:


You'll find Japanese is very possible to learn on your own, and can even be pretty fun.

>> No.10032266
File: 157 KB, 1134x850, 80775857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get one of these.

>> No.10032291

Listen to this guy >>10032212

Trust me, you'll regret it later if you dont.

>> No.10032307

what the hell is wrong with that guy's ass on the lower right

>> No.10032343

Hm, I've found some months ago a torrent on a private tracker called "Japanese learning pack", it had about 18GB and had voice lessons and such. Are these any good?

>> No.10032348

That's his armpit I think.

>> No.10032356

getting a tattoo of some kanji is really fucking lame, getting a tattoo at all is mostly 100% lame, especially for some guy that browses /jp/. it's the unfitting illusion of thinking you look cool but actually don't, like wearing a fedora.

>> No.10032359


1. Realkana for hiragana and katakana
2. Read kanjidamage's howto on basic information as to how compounds and kanji work together
3. Read tae kim's grammar guide to get an basic understanding as to how the grammar works
4. Do kanjidamage reps accompanied with core2k vocab reps every day. Also include kunyomi memorization in your learning of the kanji to further increase your vocab.
Skip onyomi reading.

Should be able to read Japanese quite easily after a year, with text hookers, as long as you put down a few hours of work every day.

I recommend doing translation work, as that's what I did when I gained a reasonable amount of skill to do so.

Get a raw copy of an easy LN like Kino no Tabi, and have a translated source beside you to look at after every sentence you translate, and look at the differences in translation and why.
When you see kanji that you don't know use, Kanjidamage's easy radical system to look them up, as you should be familiar with most of the by now. And put the sentences through a text hooker.

>> No.10032364 [DELETED] 

Tattoos are for gutter trash who will never amount to anything.

Oh wait I'm on /jp/.

>> No.10032367

Thanks normal-san. What would I be doing without your expert opinion.

>> No.10032371

get this one

>> No.10032372 [DELETED] 

Tattoos are the epitome of normalcy, scum. Everyone with tattoos should be banned from /jp/.

>> No.10032384

It was less about tattoos and more about what you wrote.

>> No.10032388

tattoos are abnormal

>> No.10032393


>> No.10032396

Get this one:

White pig go home

>> No.10032416

Pure little girls don't get tatoos.

>> No.10032426

tattoos are not normal

who honestly thinks paying to get ink forcefully embedded in your flesh to be normal?

op don't care for these people, their opinions are stupid

>> No.10032429

tattoos are not normal but tattoos are stupid

>> No.10032440

tattoos are for normal people trying to be abnormal

>> No.10032448

Tatoos are for hipsters which are normalfags.

>> No.10032454

get a tattoo that says DQN

>> No.10032460

im sure half the things you like are stupid to other people

jp has disgusting opinions about everything

>> No.10032467

>im sure half the things you like are stupid to other people
I'm sure I give a shit about the opinions of others. No wait, I don't.

>> No.10032484

it doesn't mean sex god, it means 'powerful' in general not necessarily sex related. get this one op it's also easy for a non-asain tattooist to do

>> No.10032485

You're the one getting a Japanese tattoo you weeaboo freak.

>> No.10032488

Will do. I wanted to get a teacher in the first place because a friend of mine said it would be better. (he's also a translator)

>> No.10032497

no one cares. people will say what they think, like you just did about tattoos being stupid

this is anonymous you clown, im not op

>> No.10032501

I care.

>> No.10032505

the FUCK odes it mean?

>> No.10032525

>jp has disgusting opinions about everything
have fun being "special" then

>> No.10032526

>im sure half the things you like are stupid to other people

except we dont get a tattoo and act like a disgusting idiot about it

>> No.10032529

i meant if someone wants to get a tattoo i doubt they will care what jp has to say about it

you are generalising everyone who gets tattoos

>> No.10032534

this guy obviously has some lame kanji of some kind tattooed on his obese acne covered body & is now feeling remorse against it

i mean who else gets this butthurt over someone elses opinion of a tattoo
