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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1013 KB, 2313x2361, visual_lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10021435 No.10021435[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are you comfy today, /jp/?

I would like to be comfy under my blankets all day with my laptop, but I am having trouble finding a comfortable position.

>> No.10021440

The cold weather is biting at my old joints and bones, probably not going to be comfortable for a few months.

>> No.10021444

Such horrible hands and feet.

I want to be awake and not comfy, but I am sick and can't stay awake for more than a few hours a day.

>> No.10021448

My feet are really cold

>> No.10021459
File: 208 KB, 1387x1476, kogal_dejiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wash my hands a little too often, so in the winter, they get extremely raw.
Applying lotion, hopefully that will help.

>> No.10021512
File: 990 KB, 2385x3000, 56114d7deefc413682ba5fc0f47d22f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, ABe must have been a little rusty when he drew that.

>> No.10021526

It's been around 90°F for the last week here.
I will never be comfy.

>> No.10021536

It's friday, motherfucker! Time to get real comfy.

>> No.10021583

No I've had this stomach ulcer since may. Pretty sure I can feel it bleeding inside me right now. Not even games can take my mind away from the pain. Don't have health insurance so I don't want to go to the doctor.

>> No.10021591


who is that boy?

>> No.10021597


>> No.10022238

Fridey night comfy.

>> No.10023526


I don't understand how people can use their laptops in bed for more than a few minutes at a time. My neck always hurts and I get way overheated being in bed.

I wish I could just float off to a dream world in bed... but it never works out that way. I can never seem to forget that I know that I am in bed with a laptop, not in a spaceship soaring through space in warm comfy stasis headed towards a paradise world impossibly far away from Earth.

Y'know, just sayin.

>> No.10023556

it's dangerous, laptop batteries can melt if you use them on a bed or worse even, on your 38 degree hot body.

>> No.10023560 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 960x720, 1352151570352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10023603

>I don't understand how people can use their laptops in bed for more than a few minutes at a time. My neck always hurts and I get way overheated being in bed.
Trackpoint. Yeah, that little knob on certain laptops. It's the answer. You lie on your back and just nudge away. If I had to deal with touchpads I wouldn't compute on the bed either.

>> No.10023655

How can you evade that

>> No.10025237
File: 2.01 MB, 2000x1377, 1338331006552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very comfy, I just came down from a hydrocodone high. It was nice and fuzzy, I spent it listening to sadcore/slowcore and shoegaze, watching an episode of a tv show, and looking at pretty pictures on the internet.

Also nice choice in image, OP. Lain is my favorite anime, and ABe Yoshitoshi is one of my favorite contemporary Japanese artists.

>> No.10025296


You shouldn't abuse hydrocodone or oxycodone, they can cause deafness.
Heroin or morphine would be better from a recreational perspective barring overdose.

>> No.10025302


Oh, and if you have tinnitus of unknown etiology that is obviously a sign to stop immediately.

>> No.10025321

Hydrocodone is easier to get my hands on, and I'm pretty familiar with it because I've used it quite a bit in the past. Though, given an opportunity for morphine, I'd jump on it.

And what is this about causing deafness? I've never experienced that in all the times I've used it. The only side effect I've gotten from it was short-term memory loss, but that's only during the 1st day or so following the comedown, then everything goes back to normal.

>> No.10025332


It was simply a warning, you can search for more information if necessary.
That said, if you have been doing it for years and haven't noticed anything it probably won't happen to you.

>> No.10025337


Regarding "never experienc[ing] that in all the times", it is not a temporary deafness. What you would be looking out for is a decline in hearing levels with time.

>> No.10025358

I just looked it up, and most of the patients that had hearing loss from it were taking significant amounts of it daily. I will only take it once a week at most. I do that because I would have to wait for my opioid tolerance to go down a little bit before taking it again anyway, or else I won't get much of a high out of it.
And tonight was the first time I've popped any hydrocodone in 3 months, so I think I'll be okay.

Also, I don't plan on taking heroin anytime soon because I'm too broke to afford it and it's pretty addictive as is. I think I'll just stick with opiates like codeine, morphine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone because it's what I'm more familiar with.

>> No.10025362


Cool. Like I said: just a warning; very unlikely to happen to you.

>> No.10025374

I know. Thank you for the heads-up though.
It's better to be responsible and promote harm reduction than to be careless or radical in consumption/lack of consumption.

>> No.10025397

It started raining earlier this evening so I put on pants, socks, and a longsleeve shirt. I'm also drinking some tea. The smell of the mixture of rain and tea are making my room smell great.

I am very comfortably but something sweet to snack on would make me more comfortable.

>> No.10026728
File: 149 KB, 1000x633, 024344b4424355c619f26d651dec409b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lying in bed, lifting your knees up, and resting your laptop such that the keyboard is pointing almost straight up, with the monitor tilted almost parallel to the keyboard, is actually pretty comfortable, both for browsing and typing.

>> No.10026886

I do this too, also having your keyboard tilted slightly, and having the display at 90 degrees is good too.
