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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 650 KB, 755x630, 1328569179051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10013988 No.10013988 [Reply] [Original]

What's on your mind NEETbros?

>> No.10013991
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You know, watching starcraft and listening to Kpop. Being a NEET is great because I can stay up and watch GSL

>> No.10013997

I'm worried about my older sister, she lives on her own but she's one of those girls who if ever she breaks up with a guy, becomes near-suicidal.

>> No.10014003


>> No.10014012

Going to the club later to fuck some bitches, see ya later weaboos

>> No.10014011

I'm not a NEET yet, but I'm failing out of fucking community college, so it's only a matter of time.

I honestly can't wait, having obligations is the worst.

>> No.10014014

I have been sick for 2 weeks now, so neeting is less fun

Fevers and such are not fun

>> No.10014016

If you're actually concerned then act before its to late, speaking from experience.

>> No.10014023


Then quit.

>> No.10014026

I need to get a job but I can't be bothered.
I haven't been outside of my room for more than 30 minutes in like 4 years.

>> No.10014037

I probably will if I don't end up failing by the end of the semester.

>> No.10014050

what happened?

>> No.10014092

I need to get a job so I can afford Christmas for my friends this year. The idea of going out and sitting through an interview and then having obligations to show up everyday freak me out.
I don't like when people rely on me and I'd like to be able to do just one project rather than come in everyday to sweep for 8 hours.

>> No.10014110
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x720, [FFF] Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun - 06 [EDFC453C].mkv_snapshot_04.42_[2012.11.07_14.56.40].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being so fucking cool deal with it bitches!!!

>> No.10014116

"A cold-hearted girl and super-troublemaker romance with a fresh new perspective."

Sounds pretty fucking gay if oyu ask me lol

>> No.10014118

You don't need to pass an interview to sling dope.

>> No.10014135
File: 303 KB, 900x1300, 58080a496b9a34cef05387cd23aa4f0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Transformers! More than meets the eye!
Autobots wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of the Decepticons!
Transformers! Robots in disguise!
Transformers! More than meets the eye!
The Transformers!

>> No.10014194

I'm starting to love being a NEET!

It's like I'm the main character form office space!

I get to watch my shows and play vidya all day long and sleep whenever I feel like it for as long as I want!

The only bad thing is I'm coming up on entire year of being a NEET soon and I desperately need money,meaning I'll need a job soon...

It sucks how you can only really appreciate things when they come to an end.

>> No.10014351
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I'm on speed, been masturbating for the last six hours straight, feeling great. This is the NEET life.

Anyone know the name of a harem eroge where you're playing an RPG and then the female characters from the RPG come out of the game and into reality and you need to fuck them so they can go home or something like that? I don't know, I remember playing it but I can't find it on my hard drive and I feel like masturbating to that.

>> No.10014458
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Wondering why the HELL am I posting in this thread, what I should do with myself, what music I should listen to. I want to get something for my friends for christmas. I cant think of anything good, Im the worst in every regard. Cant wait for Black Ops II.

>> No.10014493
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Put on some music, take off your shirt or all your clothes if it feels right, and start NEETdancing in front of the mirror.

That's what I do when I'm bored. It's pretty great. You get real pumped up and feel invincible after awhile. I think it's some shit from back when humans were all tribal, getting caught up in the drum dancing fever. Eventually I get so euphoric that I start sounding like the background to a DMX track, just dancing wildly in front of the mirror and yelling out, "YEAH, WHOA, WHOA, COME ON, COME ON, WOOF WOOF WOOF"

>> No.10014516

That sounds like fun. With clothes on that is.

>> No.10014548

I burnt the hell out of my penis last night, and today it looks better. I can wear pants now, but walking is still impossible.

I guess I'll grab some of that macaroni that I didn't eat for dinner.

>> No.10014562
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i would like to leave my room and heat up some left over pizza but my mom is out there and i don't want to see her.
im so hungry
i need to remember to bring snacks in here or something
living alone must be amazing ;_;

>> No.10014595

What is your choice of video games?

>> No.10014623
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>> No.10014634

The same thing that's on my mind every day.
>Should I kill myself or what
I'm too lazy to commit to it and just complain about it to /jp/ when I have the chance instead.

>> No.10014690
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I love you /jp/.

>> No.10014695

Living alone is a lot of work.

>> No.10014698 [DELETED] 

Please do not misuse the spoiler function.

>> No.10014701

love his
*whips out dick*

>> No.10014706 [SPOILER] 
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NHK @_@

>> No.10014713
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source please iqdb, google and saucenao failed.

>> No.10014715
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>> No.10014719


>> No.10014724
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>> No.10014727



shouldn't saucenao have caught that, though? since its part of the image and all

>> No.10014730
File: 308 KB, 612x700, 1350958829263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pat this
*whips out gorgeous cock*

>> No.10014774


>> No.10014777
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>> No.10014783
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>> No.10014788

my mind is empty ;_;

>> No.10014794
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You can fail community college?

>> No.10014804
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Literally just stop going and ignore them when they try to contact you.

>> No.10014808

Ignoring people is rude.

>> No.10014825

Same. I don't really have a reason to be going to school since I don't want to do anything. Keeps my parents thinking that I'm keeping busy for now but I fear I may have to join the army to escape soon.

>> No.10014845

Okay, pretend you're dead.

>> No.10014854

Thinking about how the Jews force multiculturalism on all developed nations except themselves to create tension among the races and eventually get all the non-Jewish races to kill each other on their behalf so they can't be blamed.

Also thinking about making some pasta.

>> No.10014864

Just become the dead.

>> No.10014868

This is not /pol/

>> No.10014872


I almost did, a decade ago. And then I shaped up and completed college all the way up to an M.A.

Didn't stop me from being a NEET for years in between, though. Not to mention that despite having an M.A., the best I can do is bottom-of-the-barrel work. Oh well, at least I might get on SSI within the next six months.

>> No.10014874

I tripped balls on dph yesterday, here's the trip report if anyone wants it.

>> No.10014876
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Join the Navy instead of the Army. Ships and submarines are cool, they don't have as high physical fitness standards, and you're less likely to be killed. Would you rather be a Stormtrooper, or one of those guys in the Star Destroyers?

>> No.10014887

I would but honestly, if I'm dumb enough to fail community college then I wouldn't be much use to any branch other than to be cannon fodder.

>> No.10014888


I've always wondered how many /jp/ers go to 420chan.

DPH is terrible. I've always wanted to try benzydamine, though.

>> No.10014895

A friend of mine once asked me in a serious manner "how do you make a grilled cheese and ham sandwhich".

He is now a marine.

>> No.10014900

I spent the last 20 minutes looking for an old english translation of "w.a.y.q". I couldn't find a proper translation for "quoting".

This is what I've got so far:

"Hwā wesan þu quoteth?"

>> No.10014901

>DPH is terrible
No it isn't, it just requires fortitude. It's easily the scariest drug out there. I'm gonna be getting 100 tabs of 25c and a 100 spray bottle of fentanyl (50mics per spray) pretty soon. I also smoke/vape weed on a daily basis.

>> No.10014902

I took 300mg of it on 3 occasions and now feel like I have amnesia whenever I sleep / wake up. This is to say I have this every night without taking anything and it was not like this before. It takes me some time to recall everything. I'm not sure if this is positive or negative though.

>> No.10014903

Well then that means I'd probably be just fine in the army though I've never made a grilled cheese sandwich myself.

>> No.10014905

Only need a high school diploma to be a normal sailor.


>> No.10014906


I actually like the psychological effects of DPH, but hate the body load. The only reason why I don't do it anymore is because of the potential heart/brain/liver/kidney damage. It feels like your body is dissolving right when you do it.

>> No.10014910

In fact, they actually have a neat test to show which job you would be most suited for.


>> No.10014911


sieg heil, dude!

I hope no one from /jp/ goes on 420chan though, it's terrible. It's somewhere between gaia and reddit in terms of shittiness.

>> No.10014912

Still, I think I'd rather die from being shot than drowning. I haven't gone swimming since middle school so I'm probably bad at that too.

>> No.10014914

I never learned to swim.

>> No.10014919

I woke up 6 hours ago, but I fell really tired and lethargic.

Is this what they call "depression"?

>> No.10014922

I will, once the semester is over.

I did it for my last two jobs, one telemarketing gig literally right after finishing training, and the other was a house painting prep job that I stopped showing up for after three days.

I don't know how much more of my shit my mom is willing to put up with.

>> No.10014923

300mg is sleep aid tier. Trust me, you haven't done anything bad to your body. Even lightweights need 600+ to properly trip.

If you want to ditch the body load, take some dxm with it. Heart trouble is the main worry with dph, but that's mostly when you're on it. Anticholinergics shouldn't do much lasting damage to your brain if you don't overdo them, and I haven't heard anything about dph being bad for your liver. It's just the bad vibes that make you feel like you're dying.
Even with the heart stuff, I haven't had a bad experience; when I took that 1g dose, my heart stayed below 130bpm.

/weed/ and /psy/ are shit, but /del/, /dis/, and /opi/ are generally okay.

>> No.10014928
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But you could become a youkai like Murasa!

>> No.10014931

True. If I join the navy it will be only for the fancy uniforms.

>> No.10014934

>300mg is sleep aid tier. Trust me, you haven't done anything bad to your body. Even lightweights need 600+ to properly trip.
I know this, I felt a little weird and it was just to test the water.

I don't really consider it a bad thing but I definatley feel "different". only after sleeping though.
When I would lay down to sleep before it felt like I would just kind of lay down and wake up right away even though time had passed, but now it feels like I'm actually laying in bed for hours at a time and it's kind of strange.

oh gosh I didn't mean to blog about this

>> No.10014935

Murasa is a yuurei, you dipshit.

>> No.10014945

>but now it feels like I'm actually laying in bed for hours at a time and it's kind of strange.
Since I started using DPH, I have vivid, beautiful dreams every night. Perhaps the same thing is happening to you? You should try to remember your dreams.

>> No.10014951


DPH with DXM is AWESOME. Instead of being afraid of the ribbon-like shadow spiders that you hallucinate, you grab it and put it on your shoulder like a little buddy. And yeah, my heart is probably fine by now.

>> No.10014966

Playing Deus ex for the first time.
Its rather disappointing.

>> No.10014969

Woke up and thought it would be nice to check out /jp/
Turns out it's rather boring right now so I will just go and make a nice dinner or something

>> No.10014977

This was the thing driving me to do more, going from no dreams and only remember the rare nightmare to having MANY vivid SUPER PLEASANT dreams in one night was something else. I finally felt at peace with sleeping instead of fearing the waste of time that it is.

I only stopped because it seemed like I was distancing myself from reality, that is to say I felt as though I was losing consciousness or something like it. it feels like I'm only living in the present, not thinking ahead and not able to remember the past. it's kind of scary but at the same time not so bad.

I had something similar to depersonalization before without any drugs but I eventually overcame it, this feels like that but...more out there.

You'll have to excuse my English right now, I'm extremely tired right now and it's obviously effecting my ability to formulate my sentences.

>> No.10014986

oh a better way to describe it.

when I felt like I had depersonalization it was like I was on auto pilot and just watching myself. This feels like that except I only remember a time frame of like 20 hours instead of what I did 2 days ago. and I can't even predict what I will do.

I hope nobody minds me posting all this.

>> No.10014997

Such an epic /v meme bro, high five.

>> No.10015005

It's not a meme, nigger.

>> No.10015009

That's an original /jp/ meme.

>> No.10015006

>it seemed like I was distancing myself from reality
I was already completely depersonalized and derealized before I started, so that doesn't bother me. At some point you just have to choose between staying in your safe zone and going down the rabbit hole, I normally choose the latter.

>> No.10015010

250mg or so is the fap dose, next time you try a low dose like that, break out your onahole and read your favorite doujins.

>> No.10015018

you ignorant fuck

>> No.10015025


I have symptoms of this depersonalization thing all the time, but I don't take drugs. Maybe I'm just getting really dumb. I have trouble taking decisions too. When I go to the grocery store, it's a nightmare because I can't remember what I was going to buy and I take ages picking things out.

>> No.10015027

I might be getting on SSI soon. My dad got on it a few years ago, and while he was talking to the interviewer, he brought my name up and told them I had ADD. The interviewer said that people with ADD get on disability all the time, and that they should have me apply.

So I applied, and I've been interviewed, and I'm seeing the disability doctor in a week after a few months of waiting. Hopefully my severe social anxiety, extremely high blood pressure and obesity will help me out a bit. It should be pretty clear that I'm unemployable just by talking to me for 30 seconds.

>> No.10015028

You had to check it out, huh?

>> No.10015035

Don't do it too often, though; it can really fuck up your dick due to vasoconstriction and high blood pressure. There was a guy on erowid who developed ED from using dph as a fap aid.

>> No.10015050

>Maybe I'm just getting really dumb
Nothing of the sort, you're merely seeing through the lies that surround you. The western lifestyle is built around illusory principles, you are merely realizing that. Try doing what you want for a change; abandon any sense of duty or obligation and just do what you feel like doing.
>When I go to the grocery store, it's a nightmare because I can't remember what I was going to buy and I take ages picking things out.
That is more of a problem, try doing exercises to improve your memory.

>> No.10015049

I'll keep this in mind, thanks for your input. I'm not so happy when I'm normal which is why I see this as a neutral thing, I can't worry about the future if I can't even think about it.

I had it way before any drug use on my part. It was brought on by stress and worrying. I was contemplating moving out despite not wanting to and it drove me a little insane thinkingo f how unhappy I would be, but staying here makes me just as upset so I was torn between the 2. I developed an ulcer from it and it was no good. I had to learn to just take it easy and care less about things right now. I'll ease into real life eventually I hope but I don't want to rush it.

I hope I made some kind of point there instead of a ramble. I think it was "if you're stressed about something you NEED to relax or it could get worse" not that depersonalization is that bad imo.

>I have trouble taking decisions too.
I still have this.

>> No.10015052
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I am going to play loliMMOs and take it easy. I did the same thing yesterday.

>> No.10015058

Listen to: >>10015050

In a nutshell, just take it easy and stop worrying so much.

>> No.10015054

People with ADD can get on SSI?

Shit man, with my ADHD, depression, and general anxiety disorder I should be a shoo-in.

>> No.10015057

>I'm not so happy when I'm normal which is why I see this as a neutral thing
Same here. At first it was a very scary experience, but I now know that I have seen things that very few others have. Doing drugs has dramatically changed my life, and for the better.

>> No.10015060

What's a good source of DPH? I've wanted to try tripping for a long time, but there are so many different brands and I feel like I'm going to buy the wrong one and cause liver damage because it's combined with acetaminophen or something stupid

all the benadryl I see sold is labelled cetirizine, not diphenhydramine

>> No.10015061

I am >>10015049
I like you because you're saying what I want to say but in a sensible way (I would but I've been up for a few days)

Doing what you want to do and not what others want/tell you to do is key here like >>10015050 said. You may be offsetting the balance of what you want and what others want of you or something like that.

>> No.10015070

Please don't do drugs.

>> No.10015072

Why not?
In my opinion they're ok so long as you have self control and don't harm others in anyway not just physical.

>> No.10015075
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Some dollar stores sell it, I go to Wal-Mart because it's closer. A bottle like this is $4. They carry both pills and capsules. I think the capsules are cuter so that's what I usually get.

>> No.10015087

so shovel 40 of those down my throat and ill have an interesting night?


>> No.10015090

Pretty much, it's kind of obnoxious but it beats the liquid form.

>> No.10015093
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... becoming addicted to drugs isn't going to help with your NEET

>> No.10015092

Exactly, just take it easy; it's the key to enjoying life.

Generic benadryl, the only active ingredient should be Diphenhydramine (hcl)
I got a 1000x50mg bottle from sda laboratories, but I doubt you'll need that much.
Before you do it, make sure to read about it; check the taimapedia article. Anxiety can be a problem on dph, so if you freak out, just take it easy.

No, read about the proper dosage. There are a number of conditions that it can aggrivate, read the taimapedia article/

>> No.10015096

Don't listen to these faggots. A benadryl high does not feel good. You'll spend the next few hours wishing you were dead.

>> No.10015099

Who's addicted to drugs?

>> No.10015105

Be careful, an interesting night could mean a trip to the hospital after suffering a stroke or heart attack.

>You'll spend the next few hours wishing you were dead.
Only if you succumb to the anxiety, if you take a proper deleriant dose, you won't have any trouble. The middle doses between fap and delve are usually the problem.

>> No.10015110

>help with
Oh I think it will. Nobody is dumb enough to get addicted though, I hope.

>> No.10015118

Even if you get addicted, the withdrawal symptoms are just like mild allergies. (runny nose, congestion, etc.)

>> No.10015114

Try to have a trip sitter with you. If not, well try not to harm yourself.

>> No.10015117

Yeah it will.

Being addicted to drugs makes you cool, being cool gets you friends, friends get you connections, connections get you a job, a job ends your NEET.

>> No.10015121

just cuz u can’t comrepehdnable the situational understand in to they of those that spoked to the point in understandable them and then comprehend what their said to them and until then dont spoke

>> No.10015122

if anyone is considering drug use please be careful, Research everything beforehand more than you would normally and always have someone at your side please.

>> No.10015123

>, R
Please don't do this.

>> No.10015131

Dysphoria can happen no matter what dose you take. Just so happens, the more you take, the higher chance you have of getting it. And to get high off of Benadryl, you need to take a lot of it.

>> No.10015127

That was an accident, I meant to use a period/full stop. I'm wearing gloves so it's a little hard to type.

>> No.10015128

Pure little girls don't do drugs.

>> No.10015145

>Research everything beforehand more than you would normally

>always have someone at your side please.
Especially with strong hallucinogens like DPH.

Hogwash, pure little girls love chocolate.

>Just so happens, the more you take, the higher chance you have of getting it.
Not really, it's when you take a high dose but not enough to trip. If you're tripping, you'll be too busy giving the 2 foot wide spider dancing on your wall directions to the supermarket.

>> No.10015155

alright that article made me buy some.
I think it will be interesting. I have yet to experience any real hallucinations besides mild delirium on ketamine, so if DPH does it for me I'll be pleased.

>> No.10015172

can anybody clear something up for me?
i'm really fat. i usually have to take more medicine to get the same effect. example being, i need 2-3 aleve instead of 1, 4-5 benadryl instead of 2-3 to get tired, 3 tylenol instead of 1-2, 3-4 motrin instead of 1-2.

will i need to take 2x more than the recommended trip dose? and if so, will it affect my kidneys in the same way it would if a normal sized person took that much medicine, or will it affect my kidneys only half as much?

>> No.10015174

>I have yet to experience any real hallucinations besides mild delirium on ketamine
If you have experience with ketamine then you shouldn't have much trouble with DPH, just don't do it if you have a high resting heart rate or blood pressure. The trouble normally comes from people who've never tried any "hard" drugs before. and then can't take the bad vibes on the comeup. It really helps to take some dxm with it, if possible. Get some cough gels without apap or any other weird shit in them, 150mgs or so should get rid of most of the bad vibes.

>> No.10015177

The most important thing to know about DPH is that it is NOT a "fun" drug. There's no euphoria or spiritual insight as there is with pretty much every other drug out there. The majority of people would find a DPH trip extremely unsettling and torturous. It's a trip to insanity and back, more horrible, interesting and strange than it is fun. It isn't an experience for anyone, but no one can stop you from doing it.

>> No.10015178

General rule is, if you are fat as a fatass, add 200mg to the standard recommended dose.

>> No.10015181

>i'm really fat

then slim down you lardass

>> No.10015184

i have been slimming down, you faggot. i've lost 35 lbs already. i can't make it all go away in a day.

>> No.10015191

If you're really fat, check your heart rate and blood pressure before you do dph. High heart rate/blood pressure + dph = cardiac arrest/stroke.

How is your cardiovascular fitness?

>or spiritual insight
I disagree; the spiritual insight is simply the type that you'd get from listening to an album like Fas or Screech Owl.

>> No.10015205
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I should follow your suggestion, but I'd rather get the "full experience" including all the negative parts.

Just hoping I don't throw up and waste the whole dose. I've heard that there's a 100% certainty of vomiting, though. man it's been a while

>> No.10015209

so you quoted the article. What's you point? I just said I already read it

>> No.10015212

I find puking girls to be very cute for some reason.

>> No.10015213

This. It's like visiting your own personal Silent Hill.

>> No.10015221

I tried going outside and ended up with several cuts, scrapes, and bruises.

I'm not going outside for a while...

>> No.10015218

My point is that you're retarded.

>> No.10015226
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Has /jp/ ever been in a k-hole?

>> No.10015227 [SPOILER] 
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even 3dpd? Maybe you wouldn't say that if you've seen what I've seen.

>> No.10015229

That depends. What's a k-hole?

>> No.10015230
File: 75 KB, 1200x670, 9172579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who drug otaku here

>> No.10015233

I'd probably say yes, I like sickly girls regardless of dimensions. I just want to help them with anything they need.

>> No.10015237

>Just hoping I don't throw up and waste the whole dose. I've heard that there's a 100% certainty of vomiting, though. man it's been a while
Yeah, I usually puke after a few hours, but it's long enough that it gets absorbed. It's kind of like when you puke on ayahusaca, you feel great afterwards.

I have, ever tried pcp?

I like to think of myself as such.

>> No.10015240
File: 2.15 MB, 3035x2149, 1333182668053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super cute post, anonymous!

>> No.10015255


>I eventually went back on my computer and browsed some nonexistent websites

What does your mind feel like when this is happening? I can't imagine having such vivid hallucinations that I could use the computer and see websites that aren't actually there. Do you feel like you're dreaming the whole time? That weird dream state of mind where crazy shit seems normal.

>> No.10015268

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not!
I genuinely like to help people, it makes me happy.

>> No.10015271
File: 173 KB, 700x540, yakui!!!!!!1342122703755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to have LSD

>> No.10015272

>That weird dream state of mind where crazy shit seems normal.
Precisely. When you're on DPH you see crazy shit and it just makes sense.

>> No.10015275

I wasn't being sarcastic.

>> No.10015276
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Get in here drug bros

>> No.10015289
File: 173 KB, 448x448, YAKUI!!1339123717533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

original yakui here

>> No.10015292


Hedonist scum.

I only do acceptable drugs like niccotine and alcohol.

>> No.10015296

I think you're kind of cute too.

>> No.10015297


But that is just going to worsen your condition, Anon.

>> No.10015298
File: 33 KB, 641x480, sr11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else not feel any motivation unless they are drunk or high?

I don't smoke anymore but I drink all the time.
I'm not a neet, I go to school, but to do anything that isn't watching random pointless youtube videos I have to be inebriated.

Right not its 13:00 and I'm drunk, decided to download a new VN, scanlating a short story that I bought for a few hundred yen that doesn't exist online, and going farther in a video game.

I'f I wasn't drinking I'd just be asleep or watching the same internet video over and over or ever worse, refreshing 4chan.

>> No.10015300
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str8 up g weed is legal here now so we good

>> No.10015304

I feel this way with caffeine.

>> No.10015307
File: 15 KB, 204x418, yakui77d7e62a9bcb32928f4efbca308d3405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am on speed

>> No.10015308
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I'm all excited now. I hope this shit gets shipped promptly. I'll try to keep off of /jp/ because I wouldn't want to spam up these threads with nonsensical babblings.

I think I was almost in that situation, but not quite. The most enjoyable experiences I've had with drugs though, have been with ketamine. I'm surprised it doesn't seem all that popular compared with others. It's very affordable here, too.

>> No.10015311

>Does anyone else not feel any motivation unless they are drunk or high?

I get this, but when I`m too drunk my motivation diminishes again. Its very hard to get it right.

>> No.10015318

It just makes it worse for me; or rather, I feel motivated, but not to do anything useful and if I were to attempt to do anything useful I wouldn't be able to do it properly

>> No.10015320

LSD is known for feelings of well being and euphoria.

>> No.10015321

What do psychedelics feel like?

I want to take a drug that will improve my imagination so I can make imaginary friends.

>> No.10015325

>Been NEET for almost a week now
>No obligations, no pressure, feels amazing
>Already being nagged to hand out resumes and find a job
I kind of need the money, but in the past whenever I handed out resumes the staff always turn extremely rude and it turns me off ever wanting to work there or going to any other stores
Doesn't help nobody's ever looking for new employees, especially one who's never worked before.

>> No.10015327

When I first did DPH, I did 300/300 DPH DXM. Fun trip and all, but I had a bad DPH hangover the next day and had to tutor someone for cash.

I kept slurring my words,so I drank a cup of tea, and within 30 minutes I had very strong palpitations. I sat on the couch watching Seinfield, wondering if I was going to take a heart attack.

It put me in a weird mood for a few weeks, but I'd do it again if I had the means to get drugs.

>> No.10015342

When I try to go to sleep on more than 100mg of DPH I either lay in bed with a very weak heartbeat afraid my heart will stop in my sleep, or a song or specific thought gets stuck in my head and I can't go to sleep.

Does this happen to anyone else?

>> No.10015346

Yep, just ignore it.

>> No.10015349

sleep on this
*whips out dick*

>> No.10015351
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your dying dude go to the doctor IMMEDIATELY

>> No.10015353

you don't need money, you want money.

>> No.10015354

lots of colors and euphoria, try mushrooms.

It was probably the anxiety. The first time I did DPH I had a bad hangover, but I don't have hangovers anymore.

I usually just pass out without noticing. The palpitations usually go away if you ignore them, it's all in your head.

>> No.10015370
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If you want to know what DPH is like, listen to this album.

>> No.10015373
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Computational neuroscience currently. And Saya, Saya is always on my mind.

>> No.10015380

Tell us about it.

>> No.10015386

What a shitty photoshop.

>> No.10015399
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Do stimulants make anyone else act like a retard?

Every time I take speed my ego becomes gigantic and I feel like I'm the coolest person that ever existed. I usually end up doing stupid things like wandering outside and dancing in the middle of the street outside of my home while listening to music in my earphones. Sometimes I sing along to the music, even if it's rap music on my playlist.

Neighbors see me and at the time I don't give a shit and sometimes I even shout out to them while I'm dancing, but during the comedown and in the morning after I look back on what I did and I feel so embarrassed and retarded that I want to crawl under the covers and sleep forever.

>> No.10015401
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>> No.10015406

Stimulants won't make you act like a retard. It's because you were a retard all along without your inhibitions, anon.

>> No.10015413
File: 1.16 MB, 1400x1400, 1333322762258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this retard posts something completely retarded

Of course stimulants make you act like retard, you're basically manic the entire time your on them

>> No.10015415
File: 112 KB, 999x385, ozoi ^^1162228436652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey saya

>> No.10015422


Did you ever wonder why older people are always so embarrassed when they look back at the 70s and see pictures of themselves? The shiny white clothing, men in tights, the music, the way they were dancing. Those are things you only do when you're sniffing a lot of blow.

Egotripping is the most common effect of uppers. It's a lot of fun but it's really embarrassing.

>> No.10015419


>> No.10015420

Nah, most people can keep their shit together on meth; it does vary from person to person, however.

>> No.10015421

>implying mania and retardation are correlated
Maybe for you.

>> No.10015427
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Sure thing faggot lords

>mfw when people are this unintelligent around me

>> No.10015430

>Did you ever wonder why older people are always so embarrassed when they look back at the 70s and see pictures of themselves?
Yeah, I think about it every day. Get jailed.

>> No.10015439

The lack of privacy is really getting to me. Today I was asked to go buy some groceries, when I got home I found my parents and siblings going through my belongings, throwing away all the trash, cleaning up the shelves and the closet. They were checking my old stacks of paper for bank receipts, IDs, personal notes, and other important things while throwing away everything else. They opened up my mandarake boxes and found my "used toys". One of them brought two cables and his router, and set up a extension from mine to his computer to use my connection, because his is "just too slow", so now I have multiple cables going through my room and the hall. Since the cables were too short, he put his router on a stool in the center of my room. It looks like the minefield from that Owen Wilson movie, the one where he plays a pilot. The cable goes over my bed so I'm not sure how I'm supposed to sleep without accidentally pulling it or something, I'll guess I'll just have to put the mattress on the floor and sleep there.

I have a very difficult time letting go of things, and having a lot of my things thrown away without my consent makes me feel violated. Now I'm gonna have to go through all the garbage bags and check every little piece of paper to make sure they didn't throw away anything important. And that's not the worst part. They intentionally sent me to buy groceries just so they could get into my room. They didn't even have the decency to ask for permission.

>> No.10015440

Why are you calling us stupid because we can handle stims and you can't? Drugs will affect different people in different ways, I've seen people freak out on cannabis for fuck's sake.

>> No.10015443


>> No.10015445

It's so inconsiderate of you to post about nothing else but drugs. There's NEETs here who don't have any experience with drugs but still want to share their feelings. They can't or won't do so, though, because they feel overwhelmed and ostracized by all the drug talk. Please try to keep it down.

>> No.10015449

>They opened up my mandarake boxes and found my "used toys"

Suerly by "used toys" you don't mean onaholes? Because I think I would rather die if my family saw my onaholes.

>> No.10015450

I'm sorry, I never meant for this to happen.
I just wanted to share my own self for a moment.

>> No.10015451

move out

>> No.10015452

That sound like very inappropriate behavior on their part, you should inform them of that fact. Consider getting a lock for your door.

Bullshit, most of the drug talk already ended, anyways. Now it's just this autist:

>> No.10015453


Everyone has a different way of expressing it, but speed will always make you act a lot different. Mania + Massive ego + General stim tweakiness isn't really a recipe for the nicest people in the world.

Some people get stim'd and dance, other people just become argumentative assholes that pick fights with everyone, some people just talk everyone's ear off with hours of ranting, and the rest just obsessively clean shit for hours. High doses of stims are going to make you do something bizarre, mean, or annoying. It'll be different for each person, but it will definitely be something that's not very pleasant for everyone near you.

>> No.10015454
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>share their feelings

lol, drugs are a legit topic for NEETs if those neets cant deal with it then they can get fukt

>> No.10015457

It makes me want to try drugs. But I have no friends and I don't want to take a stroke all alone.

>> No.10015458

Holy christ didn't even link to any of your own threads, confirmed for ultraturbonerd

>> No.10015459

Where are you located?

>> No.10015462


Drugs are more interesting than hearing everyone cry about killing themselves or talking about how they wish they could get a job or a girlfriend.

Most of the NEET threads aren't very NEET when large portions of the discussion are based around people talking about how they aren't enjoying the NEET lifestyle and talking about ways to get out of it.

>> No.10015464


It's more like this.

>> No.10015469


Not that I'd trust a /jp/er not to make lewd with my body while I'm out of it.

>> No.10015471

Go post in the other NEET thread if you want a legitimate NEET thread. This one deserves to be shit up because OP used some /a/b/v/ character.

>> No.10015473

No, just a bunch of figurines... not a big deal. I'm angry because they threw away nearly all my papers, and opened up the windows. What if a little note or receipt was blown away while they were cleaning and landed on the street? Someone could pick it up and get all my personal info. I wasn't keeping those huge stacks of papers for no reason... I was planning to go through them eventually and throw most of them away, but now I'm stuck with this horrible suspicion that they might have thrown away something that was very important to me.

>> No.10015477

If you've never tried drugs before stay FAR away from dph, it is not for casual drug users.
Take it easy, go buy some cannabis and mushrooms/lsd off of silk road. Start with small amounts and then move up when you're comfortable. The important thing is to not bite off more than you can chew; if you get in over your head, it can be a very unpleasant experience.

Nah, it's more like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoMgx9INDwc

>> No.10015481

ur all fags

>> No.10015487

we can do DPH together if you wanna

>> No.10015497
File: 37 KB, 320x133, 1350075298715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long does it take to grow mushrooms?

I ordered some spores online and I've got these jars colonizing here. I think it has been about two months now and they're still not fully white. One of the jars appeared to be fully white and I pulled him out, but everything on the inside was still soil and it didn't seem like the mycelium penetrated past the surface.

>> No.10015506

Have you ever heard of "the thumb"?
It's supposed to be a drug so powerful, so intense, that a single drop will change your outlook on life and turn you into a completely different person. Assuming you come back from the trip of course. It could be useful for people who hate themselves, but on the other hand it won't necessarily turn them into the people they want to be.
I've tried asking in online forums and tor trading groups, but I can't find anyone who has ever tried it...

>> No.10015511

>I think it has been about two months now
WAAAAAAAAAY too long, it should take maybe 3-4 weeks for the first batch. Take some pictures and ask on shroomery. I recommend doing a monotub grow with spawn bags because it's easy and you get like 1lb+ yields.

>> No.10015553

Friends dragged me from my hole to go drinking with them. I found out afterwards than when I'm drunk I act like a complete asshole. I curse and scream and act like a lunatic.

Never drinking again thanks

>> No.10015559

I just got a nice projector but my room is a filthy mess and im too lazy to clean ti

>> No.10015585

why can't some evil billionaire develop a perfect easy quiet painless suicide pill? he would make tons of money of the swarms of us who would throw all the rest of our money at it

>> No.10015592

that exists though

>> No.10015593

I don't think that would be something an evil person would make.

>> No.10015598

Earlier today I woke up starving, I hadn't ate in a decent mean in a couple days. I decided to go out and treat myself to a decent meal for once, I decided to go to Burger King.

Upon arrival I saw that they had some new items, I decided I was feeling daring today so I tried a some of them.

I ordered a meal, it was a Wisconsin White Cheddar Whopper Sandwich, a combo, with their new Sweet Potato Curly Fries and to drink I got a Gingerbread cookie shake. As you can see this is all new to the menu at BK.

Let me tell you, when I first bit into the white cheedar whopper I was stunned. It was so juicy , I don't think I've ever had a burger from a fast food place as juicy as this. The beef was very tender and the bacon was cut thick, unlike most fast food places who slice their bacon thin.

The cheddar was the best part. It was melted onto it to perfection, just the way the taste of the cheese complimented the bacon and the beef.. it was simply amazing.

The gingerbread shake really reminded me of the holidays, and home. It actually tasted like real ginger, something your mom would make on the holidays. The curly fries were very well done too, seasoned very well but the seasoning didn't overpower the taste of the sweet potato.

This meal was jamming, and it was one of the few few fast food meals I would rate 5/5

>> No.10015612

Great review. Keep us updated on your future BK/fast food purchases!

>> No.10015617

Consult the handbook.

There's plenty of ways, like the exit bag or the nice little bitter drink.

>> No.10015625
File: 333 KB, 600x600, 1346166608971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people actually eat and enjoy this shit?

>> No.10015629

>I'm wearing gloves

Did you put that in to draw attention to your post? I guess your ploy worked.

Or did you just kill someone and are using their computer?

>> No.10015630
File: 1.04 MB, 2048x1361, 1351313638019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shot to the brain is painless.

>> No.10015633

It's probably the same anon who claims he likes to post about wearing socks when its chilly, now experimenting with a novel approach on a different set of limbs.

>> No.10015635

What did it feel like? Your ketamine experience, I mean.

It's when you eat too much Special-K and pass out with your head in the milk bowl.

>> No.10015637

Surprised that other have opinions different than yours?

it's 30 degrees and I can either afford to browse /jp/ or turn the heat on.

I am wearing socks with my loafers at the moment, I'm sorry I don't mean to draw attention he drew attention to me first here >>10015123

>> No.10015641

i bet youd enjoy eating this
*wips out dick*

>> No.10015642

Just overdose on Fentanyl.

Read about it on Erowid.

>> No.10015643


look at dem titties, boys
im feelin frisky
oh my
hu hu hu

>> No.10015647

If there ever was someone that is just a walking pair of tits it would be her.

>> No.10015651

What you having for dinner today NEET bro's?

My mum works in a kitchen and brings me home whatever is left over, pretty cool, haven't payed for a meal in months.

>> No.10015653

Start a war, beat them up. Seriously, that's fucking unacceptable.

>> No.10015656

I cannot stand her face, her voice, the way she acts, or basically anything about her.

>> No.10015658

Where do you hide your onaholes, dude?

>> No.10015661


My mom left me money to order some pizza with. Except, my brother took the money off my desk and now I have nothing to eat.

Probably gonna go ape shit on him when he gets home

>> No.10015663

What type of kitchen?

>> No.10015664

Wow, what a dick.
Is he younger or older?

>> No.10015670


Younger. He's in that stage where he thinks he's a badass because he smokes weed and drinks with his underaged friends.

>> No.10015671

I don't even have Burger King in my country. Or any other fast food other than McD, for that matter. You're making me jealous, nurd.

>> No.10015672

>I've seen people freak out on cannabis for fuck's sake.

that must have been me.

>/jaypey/ - 420 kultur

>> No.10015673
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Thursday is pizza night

>> No.10015683

>it's 30 degrees and I can either afford to browse /jp/ or turn the heat on.

Because standing up and jumping or doing sittups just makes your money fly out of your pockets, right?

>draw attention he drew attention
Please don't do this.

>> No.10015693

I went to the grocery store and bought some chicken, then I'll make the only "meal" I can, which is chicken bits caked with spices and stewed in juice served with rice. I like it, though.

>> No.10015697

I exercise enough. I'd rather wear gloves since I actually enjoy wearing them.

That second bit was another mistake on my part, I'm very tired and I'm not checking my posts. I'm also writing them quite fast. Stop paying attention to me please.

>> No.10015698

That sux, that's an awkward age.

The kind that cooks food

>> No.10015700

I don't think I'd be able to properly convey how it felt, but essentially I was sitting in the passenger seat of a non-moving vehicle, but it was as if I was being driven through a city at night, with streetlamps passing by, during a snowstorm (it wasn't snowing). At the same time I had no idea where I was or what I was doing (but I thought I was in a city). I only knew what I did moments after I'd already done it. Did a few more lines after that and then vomited what tasted like sugary water

the drip was awful but I do miss ket ( no drug connections now)

>> No.10015704

cold kebab from last night. the "salad" resembled something scraped off the inside of a sewage pipe so I avoided it.

>> No.10015722

>Because standing up and jumping or doing sittups just makes your money fly out of your pockets, right?
20 situps for every ten minutes of shitposting has actually been my daily routine since 2008.

>> No.10015753

NEETs on /jp/ don't really have the connections needed in order to get Fentanyl, nor any of the really fun opiates.

>> No.10015759

How to collect autism bux?

>> No.10015774
File: 92 KB, 650x650, even the dead couldn't know peace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a plenty of math and arts homework to do (if I don't get this shit done I won't be able to graduate) but I'm just really itching to play Crusader Kings 2 or read Dies Irae so I'm truly torn between obligation and entertainment.

As such I've spent the entire day browsing /jp/ and /v/ while fapping once in a while.

My own therapist suggested I should apply for some (I didn't know I could get money for my depression beforehand). Had a nice 4way talk with her, another shrink and a social worker, they wrote some papers and now I'm getting 450€ a month, plus a yearly bonus of 100€ to cover some of my living costs. I only get it as long as I can show official proof that I'm studying or otherwise "going forward in my life".

>> No.10015779

You had a 4 way talk about how depressed you are? With a female present?

Christ, I think I'd rather die.

>> No.10015784 [DELETED] 

Due to my autismbux, I have just enough to pay for a one bedroom apartment and living expenses.

Living with my parents is beginning to get agonizing, I'm well into adulthood, and I'm humiliated and treated like a child every day. Plus my parents are aging, nothing is changing, and I feel out of place. I have a younger brother at home that just graduated college, and he is insufferable most of the time - Despite the fact I can kind of talk to him on a normal level a few times a week. Life is starting to seem like one never ending day, and years just keep sailing past. All that said, I somewhat enjoy my idleness.

Would it be worth it to live alone with the extra effort it entails?

>> No.10015788

Due to my autismbux, I have just enough to pay for a one bedroom apartment and living expenses.

Living with my parents is beginning to get agonizing, I'm well into adulthood, and I'm humiliated and treated like a child every day. Plus my parents are aging, nothing is changing, and I feel out of place. I have a younger brother at home that just graduated college, and he is insufferable most of the time - Despite the fact I can kind of talk to him on a normal level a few times a week. Life is starting to seem like one never ending day, and years just keep sailing past. All that said, I somewhat enjoy my idleness.

Would it be worth it to live alone with the extra effort it entails?

>> No.10015791

Classwork doesn't sound very NEET to me.

>> No.10015802


>> No.10015803

What kind of "proof" do you present?

>> No.10015807

>/a/ Anime & Manga

>> No.10015823

Yes, that's right.

>> No.10015871

Last night I bought a comfy Korean styled hoodie in my size, and for half the cost

After making the order I found out the company is a China based wholesale scam + spammer with a bunch of domains disguised as legitimate stores

The package might still arrive, but if it doesn't, hopefully paypal can refund me. I hate wasting money.

>> No.10015875

What makes a hoody Korean styled?

>> No.10015881

Well, I *was* a NEET and a hikki two years after dropping out of high school. After one year of leeching my mother gave me an ultimatum "work towards something or get out". Perhaps I'm more of a NEET rehabilee.

And I don't actually need to take classes except on special occasions since I got the permission to attend some "adult high school" where many of the courses can be taken independently (i.e. I'm given assignments, return them and take the exam).

I request a simple form from my school which essentially says "Anon has attended school during time xx.xx-xx.xx, taken these courses, performed this well" and take it to local welfare office for review every few months. And I have to fill out a few more forms regarding my therapy twice a year, but it's not a big load considering the benefits I get from them.

>> No.10015883
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>> No.10015890

/jp/, what is best in life?

>> No.10015897
File: 143 KB, 296x250, 21175894_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me lol

>> No.10015902

Do you have the body type to pull it off? I read somewhere that those only fit skinny Asian people. White people skinny and Asian skinny are different.

>> No.10015915
File: 45 KB, 700x632, 1349788868819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>korean styled

mfw koreans actually believe this

>> No.10015917

I took the measurements, and I can fit into XL asian, which is the equivalent to a medium size.

>> No.10015927 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 453x460, 1352168357235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the Navy compare to the Air Force? Which one could I NEET it up the most in?

I want to go in as an officer with my useless BS.

>> No.10015928

Funny thing is if you write "Korean styled" on your website you can get a lot of extra money from Japan, China, South Asian and the west coast kids who want to be like hallyu stars and don't know the value of clothes.

>> No.10015931

Goddamn, not that's a size difference. I thought it would only be a size different or so. Those fuckers must be concentration camp levels of skinny over there.

>> No.10015934

Everyone here knows how to get on silk road.

>> No.10015938

The Navy sounds nice until you realize you'll be sleeping in a sardine box and spend most of the day scrubbing decks.

>> No.10015944

It has to do with both east asia being very looks conscious and the fantasy sizing in America due to the number of obese people being catered to (It costs more for a petite person to buy clothes)

>> No.10015946

Honestly, I'm not sure if it's Korean exactly. that's what I assumed from the item name. I didn't base the purchase off of nationality. I was looking for a collared type hoodie I saw somewhere.

>> No.10015966

That doesn't sound too bad. I'd much rather be scrubbing a deck than doing to school.

>> No.10015962

You say fantasy sizing. Does this mean that we are all a size or two bigger in any other country?

>> No.10015974

Depends on the store because they all size differently (I hear old navy is the worst though) but Americans always complain when they go abroad about clothes "their size" not fitting when all that's really happened is that they have been told the truth.,

>> No.10015982 [DELETED] 

I'd rather be scrubbing decks than getting shot down in a Black Hawk. I'm pretty sure the Navy can't get into the Middle East.

>> No.10015986 [DELETED] 

I should mention that I'm assuming we stay away from Iran since Obongo was elected, by the way.

>> No.10015998

chairforce mate.

>> No.10016002

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

>> No.10016041

I don’t know about some of you but living with my family is starting to become really annoying. I get about 6-8 hours of silence since everyone is at work/school, but when they get back it’s like they brought home a circus. They aren’t mean to me or anything—well sometimes, I just can’t take the excessive noise when they get home. I also feel restricted since I really don’t have a room to myself.

>> No.10016056
File: 459 KB, 1030x820, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I like making myself in Dance x Mixer.

>> No.10016073

my parents live on a floor below and I can't hear them even if I leave my room

have you considered moving out to the basement or garage or workshop or some the part of your household were you wouldn't be able to hear them?

>> No.10016080

the only noise is my dad's TV, no idea why but he cranks it up SO LOUD. I usually drown it out with music but when I try to sleep and he has already fallen asleep with the TV on really loud.. I can't sleep like that

If I try to turn it off he wakes up and turns it back on

>> No.10016084

Are you Mexican?

>> No.10016087

Shitskin detected!

>> No.10016092

muslim sandnigger

>> No.10016109
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I was just thinking how awesome it would be to be in middle school again

hell, to be in school generally
to slack off all the time
to not do homework until the last day
to ignore tests and then after all-nighter pass just so-so

and also
to actually have friends, not disgusting normal-sans

that sort of thinking

rika somewhat related

>> No.10016116


I live in an apartment but I'm moving sometime this month so maybe I'll get my own room away from the living room.

>> No.10016127
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Middle school was definitely the worst time of my life

>> No.10016129

What the HELLa

>> No.10016133

I broke some nerd's nose in middle school

>> No.10016135

have you considered renting a room and living on your own? even some shared households are better then what you described-and trust me, living with strangers gives you hell more privacy then living with your family. and if it's just not that expensive either-you could easily pay the "rents" working online few hours a week.

>> No.10016141

You had to know that was coming when you chose to make yourself look like Dora the illegal explorer.

>> No.10016142

I only miss high school because I used to be better looking then. I only look like a shell of my former glorious self now.

>> No.10016144

you mean, "high school", riiiiight?

that's when social life wanna-be-successful nofunallowed normal awakens in everyone

>> No.10016148

But are you Mexican?

>> No.10016160

Take care of your skin, get plastic surgery and diet!(You can remove surgery if you want)

>> No.10016167

It's weird though. I rarely had acne in high school but almost as soon as I was out I got hit with the acne train and hit hard. Took almost 2 years but I think I'm recovering now.

>> No.10016174

How long does it take before you can get on autismbux, /jp/? I mean if you actually go for a real diagnosis instead of 5150ing yourself and bullshitting them into thinking you're crazy. I'm nearing the end of my rope and I don't think I can afford to be in limbo for >6 months while they try to decide if there's really anything wrong with me. Will it matter if I/my family tell them my symptoms have been around for years? Or do they only count time I've been making regular shrink visits?

>> No.10016178

take vitamin D pills dude your skin will feel like a baby's ass crack

>> No.10016186

I feel that way all the time. Even high school would be fine with me. School was really entertaining.

Not too sure about friends, though. Sure, normals are a no go, but I think I wouldn't be able to be friends with more interesting people either. Being emotionally close to people is just too aggravating for me. I think I might be missing out, but I can't change how I feel about it. It's just the way I am.

>> No.10016231

I want /pol/ to go. the election is over already.

>> No.10016251

>Being emotionally close to people is just too aggravating for me.
why aggravating

>> No.10016257

Why isn't Chinatsu wearing any pants?

>> No.10016264

i want to get autismbux but im too afraid of my parents refusing to take me to the psych if i actually attempted suicide or even faked the attempt, because they would probably drag me to their church instead for GOD HEALING

>> No.10016267
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Funny enough, HS is that age where you can make friends for life that share your interests, no matter how strange they are. It's only after people leave HS and go to college that they mentally decide they have to become "serious" and abandon all interesting hobbies in favor of normal, socially approved ones like chasing girls, facebook, reddit, etc.

>> No.10016291

I wouldn't know, but maybe there's a help line you can call or something.

>> No.10016299
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not were I live

besides, I changed high school twice

both times there were only normals and drinking normals and some hardworking normals too

there was one normal whore who once saw bleach

and everyone was dead serious and shit
and I also broke down and became srsbsns bitter fuck
it was only after high school that I got better

middle school on the other was fun fun lulz fun bin-on-head and video-games-after-school

>> No.10016294

I don't know why. It just makes me feel uneasy and I feel really worn out if I can't get away.

>> No.10016300

I miss knowing people that could get me pot.

>> No.10016320


I don't understand. What's the point?

Being a NEET is no different. You can slack off, not do work, ignore tests since you don't have any tests, and friends are unpleasant.

>> No.10016326

the point is the difference between choosing to ignore something that is and not having it in the first place

>> No.10016335

No, I'm mixed. Why do you want to know if I'm Mexican?

>> No.10016355

Because the picture made me wonder if you were.

>> No.10016364

But you are still choosing to ignore it.

You could be like the normal, kosher population and become a debt slave in order to attend college, or you could choose to ignore it, and be a happy NEET who posts on /jp/.

>> No.10016398
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I have more choices then just these two, thank you very much

>> No.10016427



>> No.10016527

Maybe he wanted to be a delinquent and lose his virginity in high/middle school this time around.

>> No.10016696

I need to buy a new lighter again. At the moment I am having to use one lighter to create a spark, and hold another lighter against that lighter, so the spark ignites the gas from the other lighter. It's very awkward

I swear the flints never used to wear out this often in disposable lighters. They must have changed over to using lower quality or smaller flints.

>> No.10016701


>> No.10016780


Does /jp/ approve of marijuana? Its the only way I can feel good about being a NEET.

>> No.10016876

any NEETS still going strong during no fap November? I know some already dropped out

>> No.10016890

I am not a fan of recreational drugs in general as it is a slippery slope especially if you like most NEETs have mental health problems like depression and anxiety. Even weed I can't help but worry about everyone's poor NEET lungs.

>> No.10016932

Dropping out already? I've been going for two weeks now. Some people really have no willpower.

>> No.10017033

It's not really about willpower so much as it is "why am I wasting my willpower on this?"

>> No.10017244

>as it is a slippery slop
>I can't help but worry about everyone's poor NEET lungs.
What, you mean the lower risk of cancer, and better general lung health due to regular use of a bronchiodilator?

>> No.10017583

Smells delicious, Ozoi

>> No.10017612

I am not sure inhaling heat is ever good for your lungs compared to not smoking at all.

>> No.10018089

Smoking cannabis lowers your risk for head, neck, and lung cancers, and it promotes general lung health. Vaporizing or consuming edibles is even better for you. There's a reason why no one's ever gotten lung cancer or emphysema from smoking cannabis.

>> No.10018283

just drop out until you get your shit together.
I did this >>10014804 and it makes things very annoying for when you want to go back in the future

>> No.10018407

You're also inhaling burnt plant matter. Good job!

>> No.10018473

studies have shown reasonable daily usage does no harm, please do some research

but guys please stop arguing about drugs in a /jp/ neet thread

>> No.10019122


>> No.10019630


>> No.10020429

Which is bad because it has no negative effect on your health?
You can consume cannabis without inhaling burnt plant matter.

Even heavy daily usage is harmless, especially if you aren't smoking.

>> No.10020471

I didn't want to leave room for argument, and I'm not sure it's 100% harmless even if the harm is negligible.
>but guys please stop arguing about drugs in a /jp/ neet thread

>> No.10020518

>I'm not sure it's 100% harmless
To be clear, I am referring specifically to heavy daily usage.

>> No.10021759

At a job interview today and was asked what my hobbies were. I spouted some general "tv, video games, music" nonsense that they didn't seem sold on.

What should I say in that situation?

>> No.10021811

"Nothing special. Does it really matter?".

>> No.10021847

I haven't gotten a haircut in almost a year, and I don't plan on leaving my house any time soon. Since you guys probably have long hair too, what do you do to keep the hair out of your eyes?

>> No.10021857

ponytail holders.

>> No.10021862

I don't have long hair because I cut it myself. I've asked my family if it looks okay and they said it does, even my aunt who is a coiffeuse. I'm pretty sure they weren't bullshitting me and it really doesn't look bad. It's easy and fun. You should try it too.

>> No.10021891

How do you do that? I don't want really short hair, can you buy razors that cut your hair to about 2 inches? I don't want to try it with scissors.

>> No.10022029

I did it all with regular scissors but also bought a razor, just in case. The maximum length it cuts is 25mm (about 1 inch), though, and I don't think they are any that cut longer than that.

>> No.10022133

So how long is your hair / beard anyway /jp/?

>> No.10022233

I don't have anything to measure it with but, ass length and and maybe two or three inches, respectively.

>> No.10022248
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Are you dollroom guy?

>> No.10022414
File: 57 KB, 439x480, 1351057385673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanksgiving is in 2 weeks and I really hate family outings. Uncles and aunts always ask what I have been doing but I can't really explain staying home watching anime/video game streams and playing video game to them..How do NEETs generally answer questions like these...on my 4th year being a NEET

>> No.10022547

My parents just tell them I work online so they stopped asking me about it.

>> No.10023303

bump from last page
