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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 172 KB, 460x690, 09-24-12-32-01-01_04-thumb-460xauto-137209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10011068 No.10011068 [Reply] [Original]

Tokyo Street Style


post your ideal style pic you want to dress up and walk in japan street

>> No.10011086


>> No.10011096

japan style is too harcore for /fa/

>> No.10011102
File: 87 KB, 358x360, anime the cold hard truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japs want to be white so bad.

>> No.10011128

Stop self-projecting

>> No.10011157
File: 250 KB, 660x990, 07-28-12-28-01-01_02-thumb-660xauto-126059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10011185

I'm being baited but anime mixes many ethnicities and focuses on childlike features like small jaws, flat, and round faces which aren't common in caucasians

>> No.10011203
File: 164 KB, 460x690, 08-23-12-30-01-120823_003-thumb-460xauto-127904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we couple here

>> No.10011212

butthurt fucking weebs

>> No.10011216
File: 14 KB, 307x400, checkmate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most significant feature among anime characters is big eyes, which aren't common in gooks.

>> No.10011220
File: 200 KB, 843x851, 1349742432110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10011224
File: 34 KB, 578x585, 1214344909828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10011233

Whites' eyes only appear bigger because the lids fold more than Asian eyelids. Eyes are about the same size throughout humans.

>> No.10011247
File: 47 KB, 399x528, 1350917769861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, that desperation. You know exactly what I fucking mean you queer. Gooks have tiny slit eyes yet their anime characters don't. The most popular surgeries in Japan and Korea are to make their women look more white.

>> No.10011249
File: 129 KB, 800x600, 1351690999218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That has far more to do with the influence of disney on early animation.

>> No.10011253

I don't like the extra puffiness under the eye that is so popular in South Korea. It looks weird. She's still beautiful but that makes it have an artificial look to it or something. If it was toned down some to look more natural she would be perfect.

>> No.10011258

So you're saying that the Japs animation was influenced by Disney and their 100% white European characters models? Is this supposed to be a counter-argument?

>> No.10011260
File: 32 KB, 1024x576, mulan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disney somehow manages to make its Asian characters look Asian.

>> No.10011274

To the claim that the japanese are doing so because they desperately want to appear white? Yes.

It's not for that reason. Anime characters are more idealized depictions of humans.

>which just happen to appear white!

I don't have a retort for this.

>> No.10011268

Big eyes are considered cute among both whites and non-whites.

>> No.10011280

In other words, looking white is considered cute.

You're admitting an idealized depiction of a human looks white. You don't need a retort. You lose.

>> No.10011276

I am saying that because most cultures don't distinguish on the eyes between Asians and whites like the English speaking world does.

In Japan, the main thing they identify to distinguish whites from Japs is the size of the nose. Whites have big noses. Anime characters have small noses. Checkmate.

>> No.10011283

It's well documented that among all cultures, traits associated with white Europeans are considered the most attractive.

>I don't have a retort for this.


>> No.10011287

>In other words, looking white is considered cute.
>It's well documented that among all cultures, traits associated with white Europeans are considered the most attractive.
Whites may have eyes that appear larger, but the reason large eyes are appealing has nothing to do with white people. It's because children's eyes are larger, proportionally, to their heads, and humans have evolved to find children cute.

>> No.10011294

The eyes of Japanese children still look slanted like adults eyes.

Japanese people have larger noses than whites.

>> No.10011297

Actually scientists have said the mongoloid facial aesthetic is the one we are heading to. Look up neoteny and all that.

>> No.10011307

Anime eyes look nothing like real eyes anyway. They can be triangles or trapezoids pointing in any given direction.

>> No.10011308

Your mental gymnastics are adorable. Just face that facts that white Europeans are the closest to the universal idea of beauty, you fucking weeb.

>> No.10011312

No they don't. Asians have smaller noses than whites.

>> No.10011318

They might be, but it's certainly not why there's a preference for large eyes in anime.

>> No.10011313

I thought they were influenced by the eyes of white Disney characters? You just keep shifting around because you don't have a real argument.

>> No.10011327
File: 41 KB, 320x398, ken hirai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you say this guy looks white? He's 100% japanese but when I ask most people they say he has to be at least somewhat whtie.

>> No.10011330

Nope, obvious gook eyes.

>> No.10011331

I've only made three posts in this thread so far. My argument has not shifted.

>> No.10011336

Fictional characters are whatever race that their writers say they are.

>> No.10011339

Remember when /jp/ used to hate weaboos?

>> No.10011347
File: 495 KB, 900x1400, 1350690652676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks japanese to me

>> No.10011348

Remember when /jp/ wasn't filled with neoNazis from /pol/?

>> No.10011349

White noses are more thin while Japanese noses are wider. In anime noses of course have little discernible width.

>> No.10011354

So acknowledging that people from all races hold white European features as the ideal standard of beauty is being a nazi? Fuck off.

>> No.10011355

Japanese are honorary whites, therefore they are white and thus cannot self hate themselves

>> No.10011366
File: 8 KB, 165x267, GERhitler2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a lot of German in me and my nose is fairly wide.

>> No.10011356


>> No.10011365

Remember when /jp/ wasn't full of shitty trolls?

Neither do I.

>> No.10011368
File: 26 KB, 570x382, kojima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true, this is official.

Let it stand however that argentina and finland are still not white.

>> No.10011369

They're resorting to such insults because they have no legitimate response.

>> No.10011372

japan is so epic ^.^

>> No.10011375
File: 80 KB, 1203x904, Ai-Takahashi-x333-hello-project-15520637-1203-904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese are wider

>> No.10011376

But not as epic as your fantastic quality post.

>> No.10011383

That's not wide. That's a cute little nose.

>> No.10011384

Also Japanese noses are rather flat. Flat and wide. In anime the nose is thin and pointed. Who would have guessed?

>> No.10011385
File: 65 KB, 3000x392, 1351914158817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then clearly anime is trying harder to emulate japanese.

Try harder stormfaggot.

>> No.10011394

The nose isn't even drawn there, because a wide nose would not look good. You're not helping your case.

>> No.10011397

ITT - spergs attempt to figure out whether a wide nose or a pointy nose best approximates no nose

>> No.10011398

It's a cartoon.

>> No.10011399

I'll take that as your words of concession.

>> No.10011407

Animu have flat nose bridges like niggers and japs, dude.

>> No.10011415

I'm saying cartoons and anime don't have race.

>> No.10011410

We don't even like Japan that much they said..

>> No.10011412
File: 39 KB, 225x350, 69813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this you mean?

>> No.10011413

It seems like people just don't want to admit whites are possibly an ideal for anything.

>> No.10011414

He didn't post that, I did, and it was a wide joke.


>> No.10011416
File: 20 KB, 272x256, backpedaling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just leave before I embarrass you further.

>> No.10011422

It seems like stormfags don't want to let go of their white supremacistic beliefs.

>> No.10011417

we all suddenly realize the eyes are bigger in anime because well ... fucking every other physical feature is exaggerated in some way

>> No.10011419
File: 47 KB, 500x283, 2248112763_eea1de2d41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out that flat, unpointed nose

>> No.10011430

Your side has produced nothing but nonsense in this thread and has failed to counter any argument put forward. Stop acting like a petulant child.

>> No.10011432

"Supremacistic" is not a word.

>> No.10011443

weebs aren't very good at spelling

>> No.10011437
File: 993 KB, 5000x2814, 1341440066972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks 100% jap to me

>> No.10011439
File: 159 KB, 500x500, 1337367721619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep telling your self that while you go back to /pol/.

>> No.10011441

80s anime womens had pointy noses. It seems sometime in the 90s, noses were deemed unattractive so now they're a single line or not visible at all.

Frankly, I'm glad. All extrusions on the human body are gross. Noses, ears, fingers, external genitalia...we should be flat, not pointy-outy.

>> No.10011442

Japanese obviously know what is going on. I'm not surprised fucking weebs won't admit it.

>> No.10011445

Still no argument. What a surprise!

>> No.10011446

Thanks for proving my point, glad we are on the same page.

>> No.10011448


No, fuck you, no-white scum (japs are fine though - no weeaboo).

What do people say when whites listen to rap and dress like niggers? They are trying to be like niggers.

Deal with it.

>> No.10011449

see >>10011419

>> No.10011454
File: 1.29 MB, 5000x3125, 1346791844987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are these images so fucking huge?

>> No.10011455

Right back at ya!

>> No.10011456

You're in the wrong thread, guys. The shitposting general is somewhere else.

>> No.10011457

Is this what they call admitting defeat in an ironic way?

>> No.10011462

We've already presented our points and rebutted yours throughout the thread, and now you have turned to calling names and accusation of racism. Come on step it up.

>> No.10011463

I know, I posted that as a general response (but not a direct reply) to that whole discussion.

There are exceptions, but I'm saying there has been a general trend in de-nosing anime characters. Same for ears, actually. Hair has always covered ears, but now you're more likely to go an entire series without seeing a character's ears.

I can't wait until we have earless, noseless robots.

>> No.10011466



>> No.10011467

They look like vectors. Maybe /w/ made them?

Add SVG support, moot.

>> No.10011469

Is this what they call a blind otaku? Compare that faint nose bridge to a Nordic woman, it is not ad tall as theirs.

>> No.10011471

The two posts of Haruhi and Horo were by ME, and were meant as sarcasm. Their noses are clearly pointed and do not look Japanese at all.

>> No.10011472

I posted half of those. I was being fucking ironic, cuntweed. They don't look Japanese at all.

>> No.10011475

#double told

>> No.10011480

Nice try guys. You can't fool me with your anonymous posts.

>> No.10011483

Go to bed, Dad.

>> No.10011486

Look at the pictures. It's fucking obvious.

>> No.10011488



>> No.10011498

How can you tell what size the nose is with only a dot?
The artists are obviously not trying to distinguish their characters by race.

>> No.10011495

Everyone in this thread is white.

>> No.10011499

That get.

Sieg heil dude archive this shit moot

>> No.10011507

I guess anti-whites would be a more appropriate term.

>> No.10011510

If you won't accept the other three, the Horo picture is clear beyond a doubt.

>> No.10011511

The führer would be proud.

Üntermensch detected.

>> No.10011521
File: 16 KB, 223x289, 1347234061316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First the argument is that anime characters are asian. Then it was that they were asian but influenced by the white characters in Disney films. Now you weebs are claiming that they have no race at all.

>> No.10011523

Spice and Wolf is about Medieval Europe, though.

>> No.10011525

Could it be that there are indeed, different people with different arguments?

>> No.10011536

Only the wrong who need correcting.

>> No.10011540
File: 19 KB, 329x337, reiayanamiwaving1cl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10011548

The ethnicity of ”Animé” characters depends on the character.

>> No.10011550

Yet as each gets easily debunked you flock like sheep to your new argumentative shepherd. Us pure-blooded Aryan have stuck to the same tactics and have utterly destroyed all opposition.

>> No.10011569

We're talking about the depiction of ethnicity in anime, not the ethnicity themselves.

>> No.10011570

Which are?

>> No.10011576

Is this the "I'll just ignore the assthrashing I've taken in this thread and try to start over" card?

>> No.10011585

You must be doing the "I have nothing so I'll just make fun of the opposition until he gives up."

>> No.10011593

It's a cartoon, hence ”animé” (or, to be more correct, アニメ), a Japanese import of the American English ”animation.” Furthermore, the style of art varies dramatically within animé. Most importantly, though, it is roughly equivalent to the American Cartoon, in that it is a greatly exaggerated and warped presentation of real human attributes in the most part.

>> No.10011599

Holy shit. This coming from the side that was just throwing around accusations of racism and nazism. Please.

>> No.10011605

We've already shown that animation is capable of showing ethnicity correctly (>>10011260). Please show that you've read the thread before posting again, as I'm not going to rehash the arguments for you when they're already here.

>> No.10011609

Y'all need to study otolaryngology some more.
>In China and some other locations in East Asia, Westerners (Caucasians) are often designated as having "big" or "high" noses, due to the differences in shape and proportion between noses typical of Caucasians and those typical of Chinese.[10]

>> No.10011622

So, everyone thinks that every member of every other race has a big nose?

>> No.10011626

Japs tend to say that anime characters are modeled after their models and generally good looking Japs and they provide good pictures. The thing is most Asians that are considered beautiful have western features either naturally or have gotten plastic surgery for it. Bigger/wider eyes, small noses and not nigger wide noses. So it's funny to see it. Anime characters are modeled after the western view of beauty.

>> No.10011635

Is that even talking about anime? For how anime depicts noses see >>10011102 >>10011220

>> No.10011638


>> No.10011643

It's obviously not talking about anime at all.

>> No.10011651

It's saying that Japs think whites have big noses. They don't see a lot of whites, so there's nothing to change their opinion. In their minds, Japs have small noses and whites have big noses.

>> No.10011663

[] not told
[x] told

>> No.10011673

Why don't non-whites just quit?

>> No.10011679

Whites are hopeless. Caucasians should be exterminated for all of the sins that they have committed on humanity.

>> No.10014232

Why is /jp/ so racist?

>> No.10014260
File: 84 KB, 630x420, 630x420x10-26-12-15-01-121026_001-thumb-630xauto-148289.jpg.pagespeed.ic.VTnj3OUslg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10014321

the cartoon depictions are so goofy but the jap himself is pretty handsome, what's going on?

>> No.10014881


Anime characters, particularly the males, are also drawn with very long limbs. Does that mean that anime protagonists are black now?


>> No.10014892


> The thing is most Asians that are considered beautiful have western features

If Japanese people are born with them naturally then they're not western features. That's not how genetics nor geography works, dipshit.

>> No.10014929

Why are some Japanese white and others brown?

>> No.10015183

Maybe they have mixed blood. Why do you think Maria Ozawa is so popular? Because she's half white. To his point, though, large eyes and paler skin are considered beautiful, and those are traditionally Western features.

>> No.10015923


False. Both whites and asians have thin lips. Is that also a western feature? Similarly some whites are born looking soulless and vulnerably pale, some are born with smaller noses, etc. Same applies to east asians.

Those aren't "western" or "white" features. Additionally the west has a lot of ethnic female beauty icons like Meagon Good, Lauren London, Garbielle Union, Aaliyah, and etc.

These women don't even fit your stereotype of what you think "western features" are as they aren't white, and yet they're wildly popular and wanted.

This is how you're not only fundamentally wrong, but even wrong in other ways on top of your false premise.
