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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 32 KB, 500x500, Smelly NEET girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10010587 No.10010587[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ - Smelly NEET Girls Who Never Leave Their Rooms!

>> No.10010595
File: 183 KB, 600x800, 5040b124bTrPKqm7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not smelly

>> No.10010617 [SPOILER] 
File: 672 KB, 761x1000, chocolatey bunny pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the correct term is "Smelly NEET pussy", OP.

>> No.10010621

Whenever I see a Title Written Like This, I read the upper case letters to see if it makes a word.

>> No.10010624

If I don't leave my room then how will I get food?

>> No.10010625

That's disgusting and unhygienic. I would slap her for wasting good chocolate.

>> No.10010675

no it isn't.

>> No.10010678
File: 116 KB, 480x640, 1349785134096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ while counting autism bux

>> No.10010688

Why is Tewi so lewd?

>> No.10010693

Imagine if a chubby NEET girl spent the whole time in her room naked, but her parents dragged her out of her house and everyone saw her naked!

>> No.10010706

Why are the chocolates in heir stockings worth more than the ones in her pantsu?

>> No.10010707


if I saw that display I would probably run home and take a shower to wash off the lewd thoughts.

>> No.10010714

Her stocking ones are 5千円 and the one in her panties is 10万円

>> No.10010712 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 600x600, 1314200070099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a girl!

Ask me anything!

>> No.10010741
File: 90 KB, 808x480, 1346669682651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you still here?

>> No.10010751

l like their posts, basically just goes into worthless threads and derails them.

>> No.10010752

Who the hell is that?

>> No.10010763

i've experienced something like that once when i was younger, only i was in a shirt and panties--a fire had started in the kitchen and they didn't want me to get hurt or anything.

i was outside for about five minutes while my parents went back in and extinguished it. it was night time, so i wasn't as embarrassed, but it was still pretty rattling.

i'm sorry for blogging.

>> No.10010773


Did your parents find it weird that you were wearing panties?

>> No.10010781

I was a girl, btw.

>> No.10010782

You're not sorry for blogging in the slightest.

>> No.10010788

That's cute! Too bad it wasn't day time, with a bunch of boys aound~

>> No.10010801

they bought them for me, so i wouldn't think they'd be. maybe that i wasn't wearing pants, if anything, but the fire was more important, i guess.

i really am, i've cut down on my shitposting a ton in the past year and everything, i barely end up posting once or twice a week.

>> No.10010812


>> No.10010818

Die cis scum!

>> No.10010829

Well I really hope so, I'm sorry then if you're actually serious about that. It seems like everyone is content with 2D/Random, and it makes me hopeful to see some individuals don't want that.

>> No.10010846
File: 463 KB, 1440x810, 9165-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to marry a cute NEET girl. no lewd

>> No.10010852

>ugly large feet
would not fugg

>> No.10010856

Even little spectator guy is in disbelief by the cuteness of that NEET girl

>> No.10010860
File: 773 KB, 2048x1536, neetfeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice feet sis

>> No.10010883

Jesus Christ /jp/ I just nearly burnt my dick off. I was pouring boiling water into the sink and about a liter of water bounced off a bowl and landed right on the head of my penis as well as the surrounding thighs. It happened in front of my family and I hid the pain fairly gracefully, so they think there's minimal damage to my thighs only.

As for the damage, there are the normal burning pains/red coloration on my thighs and a bit on my fingers. On my penis two blisters have appeared on the head. One is about halfway to the tip, and the other is on the ridge. Both are on the left side and they're both are fairly flat, yet the skin is seperated enough to tell they're blisters.

If this were anywhere else on my body I wouldn't care at all, but I am an incredibly avid masturbator. To me, this injury means I cannot masturbate normally until the blisters have become strong enough to not pop when I move the foreskin over the head. At first I will have to start off again very gently. I don't even know how long it will be until I can use my onaholes again. I don't know if getting an erection will cause the blisters to pop or not. Also, I cannot wear clothes on my lower body because any dry contact with the head causes it to hurt more than it does.

Should I be worried about nerve damage? I suppose the hurting is a good thing since that means the nerves aren't destroyed, but I just don't want my hobby to become less enjoyable. I wish I were making this up. I have that sinking feeling in my stomach and I've lost my appetite completely.

I would normally ask /adv/ since I need advice, but they'd just tell me to go to a doctor like they've done before. I have a feeling this has happened to someone here before.

>> No.10010898

Can't say that has ever happened to me

>> No.10010901

Scar tissue generally doesn't have the same amount of sensation as regular skin. So you'll probably have less sensation than before.

>> No.10010917

Does it still turn to scar tissue if it's under the blister through the entire healing process?

>> No.10010911

whoa whoa whoa.

Who the hell are you? a doctor?

>> No.10010925

You'd smell them and you know it

>> No.10010928
File: 59 KB, 316x246, caution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand, were you walking around naked in front of your family?
Or how did that water get on your penis?

>> No.10010944

I poured the water into the sink, it bounced off a bowl, came right back out and hit me right in the dick. The thin pajama pants I was wearing at the time offered very little protection.

>> No.10010945

Care to post any comments on the amount of new tripcode users we've picked up lately? You seem to be the most articulate so I figured I'd ask.

>> No.10010967

Say you need to go to the doctor because yur thigh hurts

>> No.10010995

Given that wtH dissappeared, !bar has been banned and sudo became an alcoholic that rarely posts, I welcome the amount of new tripusers popping up.
The question is how many will stay ultimately

>> No.10010999

I have no insurance, and that would just be embarrassing. For the time being I've had it lightly wrapped in a wet piece of t-shirt until the pain was less intense, then I put some Neosporin on it. Unsure how to proceed because there is no gauze. Should I just use another piece of t-shirt?

>> No.10011021

If my dick was burned to death by a blazing spray of boiling water no matter what I'd go to the fucking doctor.

Man. It's your dick. YOUR DICK MAN!!!



>> No.10011066

That would mean having to explain to my family, and then having to get them to pay for the visit, and then having someone touch my penis for the first time in my adult life. For now, I am not going to the doctor unless things get worse.

All I can do really do is lay in bed without pants.

>> No.10011078

Out with the old and in with the new, oh well I guess I understand.

>> No.10011078,1 [INTERNAL] 

I liked this thread. It's not as off topic as some others... guess it just got caught in the crossfire in a time where /jp/ is seeking improvement.

Hope you're dick burns heal well, Anonymous. and sorry /jp/ is kinda mean to girls, Anonymous, have a little more self confidence.

It's gettin' harder to relax on /jp/
