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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10003943 No.10003943[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10003943,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10003943,2 [INTERNAL] 

Please don't laugh at the suffering of others.

>> No.10003943,3 [INTERNAL] 

Whattafuck man

>> No.10003943,4 [INTERNAL] 

Is that picture of janitor when he was young boi?

>> No.10003943,5 [INTERNAL] 

Nah it was a picture of Robert Brown-kun from last year.

>> No.10003943,6 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10003943,7 [INTERNAL] 

Sometimes multiple people share the same name, particularly if both their forename and surname are common!

>> No.10003943,8 [INTERNAL] 

His name was Robert Brown.

He posted his bullies' videos of him being a pussy little FAS-mutilated peepee-peeved shrimpy turbolord.

>> No.10003943,9 [INTERNAL] 

I knew a Robert Brown when I was in middle school, except he was black and really funny.

>> No.10003943,10 [INTERNAL] 

He's a US Army SAW gunner in ZUN!bar's squad now. These punks are going receive a massive ownage when he finishes his tour.

>> No.10003943,11 [INTERNAL] 

Why would you keep posting if you look like that and everyone knows it? Aren't you embarrassed and ashamed?

>> No.10003943,12 [INTERNAL] 

Shame is a foreign emotion to all attention whores.

>> No.10003943,13 [INTERNAL] 


Did he leave or something?

>> No.10003943,14 [INTERNAL] 

No, he even made posts on /ghost/ earlier today: >>10453123,1

>> No.10003943,15 [INTERNAL] 

>earlier today
>on /ghost/

You mean every day.

On every fucking chansite.

>> No.10003943,16 [INTERNAL] 

He's not the only one. Seriously, I'm fucking sick of seeing ticks, TheShadowFog, grey, &c. posting on every single image and text board so they can say, "I was here! I know about this site! Also, I run my own! Am I Shii yet?"

I guess those are at least elitist enough to think 4chan is beneath them and not post here (at least, pseudonymously). Not sure whether that makes Archduke better or worse.

>> No.10003943,17 [INTERNAL] 

That's not him. He just pretends to be Tokiko because it pisses off nerds.

That said, the actual Tokiko is indeed still making shitty posts every day.

>> No.10003943,18 [INTERNAL] 

Hey man. I only post on like three other communities. And it's certainly much less often than every day.

>> No.10003943,19 [INTERNAL] 

Don't reply to my posts or threads.

>> No.10003943,20 [INTERNAL] 

