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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 39 KB, 400x400, flan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9042922 No.9042922 [Reply] [Original]

General original content/drawthread for /jp/sies. You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects. Anything OC is welcomed; including drawings, writings, music, and programming.

Previous thread:

Where have all the OC thread been lately?

I can't draw but I figured I'd make the op post an OC.

>> No.9043016

I am working on the finishing polish of a video game.

It will be done soon™.
Though it's not /jp/-related...

>> No.9043023

>It will be done soon™.
I love this line, its never true and afraids of nothing.

Good luck dude.

>> No.9043021


The game is called "It will be done soon"?

>> No.9043029

No, the game is called BallBouncin'.

Because there is a ball, and it bounces. Ideally, many times.

>> No.9043051
File: 15 KB, 298x550, yamame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's picture is pretty cute.

I feel bad that I never draw anything for these threads, so I finally made something.

>> No.9043067

That sounds cute.

>> No.9043134

Other boards seem to be having problems with non-drawfags making drawthreads as well, sometimes even to the point where there isn't a single drawfriend in the drawthreads for the entirety of the 200 posts of shitposting and requests directed at noone.

>> No.9043136

Do people even put requests to /jp/ drawthreads?

I'll admit I don't browse them very often, but it's not something I usually see.

>> No.9043157
File: 28 KB, 432x602, my next touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my touhous.

She likes to party (as evidenced by the hat) and is very lewd, you can see her belly button/

>> No.9043158
File: 1.30 MB, 2543x3503, sisters196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still working on improving, this one isn't as good though.

>> No.9043170


That's just Sanae in casual clothes.

>> No.9043219
File: 52 KB, 938x800, rihanna mcsushidouchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see.

How about this one then?

>> No.9043252

That's just patchy after going to the UK and spending her summer at the beach.

>> No.9043247 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.85 MB, 1871x1729, aGTQB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoilered because it's a shitty pencil drawing. (kawaiis are hard to draw in profile...)

>> No.9043270

I like it, it is very cute, anon. I saved it in my folder for cute things! You should post more.

>> No.9043293

Oh, thank you. I might color it.

>> No.9043302

First three are ok but the last one is really weird.

>> No.9043309
File: 135 KB, 440x440, 1327178513315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made music for you again /jp/


>> No.9043320

Hm, what can I do to fix it? Is it the legs? They look a little weird to me.

>> No.9043329

Looks like the leg that is the most bent is behind the least bent one, and at the same length. Awkward.

>> No.9043352

Cool, listening to 2D now, its pretty relaxing.

>> No.9043365
File: 34 KB, 946x613, toramarashou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say what you want...

>> No.9043388
File: 342 KB, 499x828, loss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9043415
File: 25 KB, 300x600, 2hu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to draw a bit.

Here have some quick fan art of your 2hu.

I'm still learning and practicing, please don't hate too much ;_;

>> No.9043461
File: 58 KB, 569x423, thatfeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you tried.

>> No.9043469

I like what I'm seeing.

>> No.9043473 [DELETED] 

maginigger general

>> No.9043480 [DELETED] 

He didn't even post.

>> No.9043622

How exactly do you go about writing something like a scenario? I've never written before, and I want to just make a short VN or something, but I'm not even sure where to begin. Do people normally think up characters first and go from there, or what?

>> No.9043629
File: 408 KB, 961x660, sanjou3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9043632
File: 387 KB, 1455x660, nikutsuki2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9043650

Sick reposts from medicalwhiskey.com, Anon.

>> No.9043673

You think up the concept. The moral. The direction. The world. The feelings. What is known and what is not known. What will come and what has yet to come.

What I'm saying is, mull it over and then write it when you've gone over it a thousand times, and then write that world's worth out. If you need to do something during that time, refine characters you think of by writing long ass descriptions about them until they seem just as real as anyone else. What do they like to do? What do they like or dislike? Write anything.

>> No.9043720
File: 110 KB, 400x600, irisu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's me. I just post quietly lately.

>> No.9043775


Wow, this pretty much covers just about everything I was going to say. Awesome. Are we finally getting original writings in these threads? I'll be fucking happy if we do.

>> No.9043804

It depends. Most often I start with a main theme, though sometimes I'll start with an interesting idea for a protagonist, or sometimes even just a cool scene. Once I have a starting point I find it relatively easy to come up with plot, setting, characters, etc. that compliment the main idea.

Basically part of an idea will lodge itself in my mind and then I work on expanding it, then start writing and let it expand more. The more planning you do before you start writing the better, but I'm pretty bad about that.

>> No.9044152 [DELETED] 

he always does
always attention whoring

>> No.9044173 [DELETED] 

You're three times the attention whore he is, though.

maginigger defense force

>> No.9044177

Do you want to read some original writing? Or are you saying you want the threads to have it so you can post your own?

Because I write some crap every now and then Like Shining Arm. Which no one read.

>> No.9044181


Oh no no! I'd love to read original stories that folks have worked on here. I'm just disappointed in the lack of original writing in these threads. I'd love to post my own, but I haven't written lately.

>> No.9044192

Well, what would you suggest for posting stories? Is there a good site to upload them to and link on the thread? I don't really share my writing often, so they are all just sitting in wordpad documents, and I've never uploaded them anywhere.

>> No.9044194


There isn't really any non-shit communities that I know. I'd rather write and read it via wordpad/word than anything else, to be frank. It'd probably be best to upload it to mediafire or something.

>> No.9044205

Pastebin is good.

>> No.9044222

I'm writing a screenplay about a fujoshi NEET horn girl who runs in with the yakuza after being too successful at Pachinko. Is this /jp/ quality?

>> No.9044331


Sounds /jp/ enough.

>Horn girl

>> No.9044409
File: 107 KB, 293x355, flock43 - copia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Netch is totally my style and I loved it. Have this crappy drawing I did in flockdraw as a token.

>> No.9044538
File: 584 KB, 2200x1400, nanayashiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally finished it

The best thing I've made this far

>> No.9044564

This is some good shit.

Keep em coming, drawfriends.

>> No.9044659
File: 735 KB, 2200x1400, knife fight redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this helps.

>> No.9044684


It's perfect.

>> No.9044699

Gay Jesus x Anon

Because fuck you, that's why.

>> No.9044701
File: 75 KB, 480x640, Alchemist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sketch

>> No.9044819 [DELETED] 
File: 372 KB, 1022x795, anime copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not very good at anime and don't really draw it but I like draw threads and never see any on other boards. Hopefully it's not too bad I kind of rushed it.

>> No.9044832

You have drawthreads on /a/ and /vg/.

>> No.9044836


I only lurk here and occasionally /r9k/ I hardly socialize as it is!

>> No.9044848

Also don't forget /i/ and /ic/

>> No.9044856

I really like that style. Tell me how do you make it looks so liquid.

>> No.9044857
File: 210 KB, 850x850, guuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a shitty mimic and I should feel bad. I'll get my own artstyle one day though, you'll see. I just have to learn everything to do with anatomy and using shapes to build drawings.

As for the picture, I don't know why I made it say ぐー

>> No.9044960 [DELETED] 


well I use a smooth brush that has opacity pressure for my tablet. my brush was an oval that was slanted. no size pressure settings I like the solid lines you can get. I can't really tell you much else because I often think my art looks very dry!

>> No.9044971

are all here use tablet?because I draw with mouse, though it tooks more time because of the zoom in/zoom out

>> No.9045043

I bought a Wacom Bamboo Pen and Touch last December. I never went back to draw with mouse ever again.

>> No.9045052
File: 163 KB, 500x707, weedd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raet my pictur plz i draw w/ da mouse 2!

>> No.9045076

I love it. And I want more.

>> No.9045129


I've been meaning to draw people but never had much of a subject so I guess if you have any sort of suggestions you could let me know (yes I know practicing anatomy and drawing anime isn't the same thing but I need to stop opening video games!)

>> No.9045154

Draw Reimu and Cirno in a passionate embrace.

>> No.9045158

With clothes on, by the way. Wouldn't want no lewd stuff here.

>> No.9045178

I like it.

>> No.9045196
File: 462 KB, 750x1061, babaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We india now!

>> No.9045208
File: 204 KB, 525x645, 1322536307701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, thank you

Actually, this isn't the first time someone fix my draw
I will try to work more on anatomy

>> No.9045322

1 minute crash course on how to practice drawing humans.

First, find an image of a skeleton and draw it as detailed as possible on a large sheet of paper, like A3. Take your time. Preferably repeat the same for a muscle image. This should teach you to be aware of the basic components.

Then grind http://www.posemaniacs.com/thirtysecond for the rest of the summer. The purpose is to learn to be instinctive with both drawing and anatomy. And it's frustrating.

On the side, read a bit about the subject. There's not a whole lot to learn except the common/expected ratios of different body parts.

>> No.9045448


>> No.9045539

Cheap 80$ bamboo from 3 years ago.

Don't use a mouse unless you're a poorfag or a masochist.

>> No.9045583

good work, dude

>> No.9045660

>>9045583 Im a poorfag and the main thing for me is the result.9044701 < painted this sketch in 30 mins so it isnt that long for a mouse.
What you guys use SAI or Photoshop?(Gimp is shit)

>> No.9045708

somehow I can't install any photoshop in my computer without getting the same error

>> No.9045788



SAI hasn't been updated in years and it was never good.

>> No.9045799

I used GIMP, 2.8 is a huge improvement. I don't know about SAI, it seems only weeaboos use it.

>> No.9045808

>>9045788 SAI have all the brushes you need, though photoshop has more options, but Im steel happy with SAI

>> No.9045824

>it seems only weeaboos use it
I'd love to know a) where on earth you are basing this on b) why it's a bad thing even if it somehow were true.

>> No.9045868
File: 250 KB, 1024x768, lettypresidente.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your rum and make a mojito.

>> No.9045891


I've only seen Deviantartists and teenagers on /a/ recommend Sai. It's just a glorified MSpaint.

GIMP is free and it's a better tool.

>> No.9045913

Get a load off this nerd.

>> No.9045927
File: 482 KB, 447x459, effect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/, How I do these things?
I've seen a lot of artist using something like this

>> No.9045939

>It's just a glorified MSpaint.
The same could be said of all drawing software.

>GIMP is free and it's a better tool.
For image editing it is, painting not so much.

Don't get me wrong, I don't really care either way, I prefer Photoshop. Just got somewhat annoyed by you making accusations when the only points are completely unrelated to the actual software. Makes me feel like you haven't even tried it.

It's just some random overlaid texture. Probably a high-res photograph of paper.

>> No.9045946


Photoshop, white brush texture of your choice, change the layer filter setting (on the layer tab) until you get something you like. I'd make an example but I am very tired.

>> No.9045978


>painting not so much.

There's a wealth of documentation on GIMP most users don't bother reading. I understand some people might prefer the alternative especially if they're on an older machine or have a blind predilection for anything Japanese.

>> No.9046001

>>9045891 GIMP uses pixel graphic , SAI and photoshop uses vector graphic.vector > pixel.(google it).So gimp sucks dick.

>> No.9046137
File: 321 KB, 638x750, tohoraku2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use SAI because my computer is shitty and can't make even a straight line in PS. I've used both though, and SAI is better/more convenient for lineart in my opinion. PS wins out at everything else. That's what many do, anyway. Lines in SAI, color/touchup in PS.

>> No.9046152

Im really digging that Reimu.

>> No.9046352
File: 74 KB, 450x340, wut is dis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000 hours in deviant muro

>> No.9046448


Funny, because I've only seen people who can't draw for shit recommend GIMP to anyone.

>> No.9046494



great taste mah boi

>> No.9046610

GIMP a shit, if you're an artist, you'd be shooting yourself in the foot.
SAI or PS all the way, only delusional freetards think GIMP is good for art.

MyPaint is an alternative cross platform tool, much better than GIMP for art.

GIMP however is good for image editing, which is what its made for.

>> No.9046614

People who know how to use it should know not to tell people who have no idea what they're doing to try it.

>> No.9046690
File: 1.80 MB, 3664x2748, 100_0638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I've finally finished making everything you need to simulate your own lovecraftian invasion of Gensokyo, for better or for worse.

Part 1 - http://www.mediafire.com/?64rc0dmf3cwakd4
Part 2 - http://www.mediafire.com/?fbkhjc4h48uq9qc
Part 3 - http://www.mediafire.com/?185dve2dfvb5jqa

Board, mythos cards, encounter cards, investigators, ancient ones, and allies. Still requires components from Arkham Horror to play (namely the tokens, gate encounters, and items). More detailed instructions are with the download.

>> No.9046691


Delicious Reimu childbearing hips of heart and soul. My dick.

>> No.9046721

This is awesome, I plan to try this out with some /tg/ers I know, if I can convince them.

I'll let you know how it goes.

>> No.9046720

Draw more Reimu please.

>> No.9046753

You are a blessing to the few /jp/ers that play board games.

Please, feel free to Touhouize any other board game.

>> No.9046805


Something sad for a change eh? I like that kind of pictures as well as the cute ones.

>> No.9046912

>>9044177 here,
Someone want to read an intro to something I just wrote? I have an idea of where it is going to go, but if the style sucks or if I just can't hook anyone, there isn't a point in writing more.


>> No.9046915


Awesome. Sure, I'll give it a look see in a bit. Looking for a critique or something too?

>> No.9046930

Yes please. And on this intro too if you don't mind!


I haven't written anything in a while, and most of my stuff is short and/or unfinished. I want to change that and eventually complete a VN, no matter how shitty it is, that is pretty much my life's dream. I guess the writing is the least important part of a free VN, though, and there are hundreds of idea guys like me for every artist or musician. Still, I want to do it someday..

>> No.9046935

>I guess the writing is the least important part of a free VN
What? The writing is about the only thing that matters in a VN.

>> No.9046944

Not really

>> No.9046951

See, I agree, writing is the most important thing in the long run. But when picking a VN, art style is a big draw. I think a free VN has to look flashy for people to have interest in it. A VN for sale has the advantage of having writers, artists and voice actors that people have heard of. Why would you play a free VN unless it drew you in somehow?

>> No.9046980


Well, I just finished reading the earlier one and I have to say, it certainly wasn't too bad.

I think at times you tried to be a tad bit too wordy and sometimes your analogies seemed very forced because of it. It isn't necessarily consistent, but it just seemed that way at certain points when an analogy or comparison came up. I wouldn't want to tell you to quit it, I'm very similar in my writing and can be overly wordy myself. But I think you outta aim to make it seem more natural and fitting, rather than seeming like you tried to find bigger and more intelligent words when you could have used something just as good.

I think the pacing seems a bit too quick, to be honest. For someone he didn't know at all, MC sure jumped at the chance to invite her in and let her stay the night in his place. I mean, if it's supposed to be rape or something, it'd be understandable, but the situation seemed to move too quickly and awkwardly to have any standing. You could probably use a bit more work dialogue-wise too, it seems sort of stiff and boring.

This is all my opinion though. No need to take it seriously unless you really think anything I said is worthwhile. I'm no writing genius or expert, just another guy who writes a lot.


>Writing is the least important

I wouldn't say that. It's the most important thing, to say the least in my opinion. It is a Visual Novel after all. Graphics are important too, but that is not what one should aim for if they're creating a VN. Look at Umineko and Higurashi and similar shit like that for example.

>> No.9046998

Can I play this board game by myself?

>> No.9047056


i've wondered when drawing her, is it out of place to draw her happy or smiling? most examples i've seen she seems to be rather expressionless . . .

>> No.9047134

Thank you. Yeah, you pointed out something I notice on re-read as well. I sorta just space out and wake up when writing, and then have to re-read in order to understand what I've written.

As for the dialog, yeah, it is awkward. I think it is because I just don't have experience talking to other people. And it is supposed to seem strange for him to invite her in so suddenly, but that isn't really clear in what I've written thus far, so I'm glad that you pointed it out. It isn't going for rape, but a sort of "destiny" kind of thing, where they both just accept it pretty quickly, and then I'm hoping to do some stuff about how he doesn't know if he should treat her as a daughter or a woman. I don't know how well that is going to work though.

Thanks for reading. No one has read my stuff since high school, so its nice to have feedback even if I'm a bit afraid of it.

>> No.9047138

You just have to control more than one character by yourself.

>> No.9047262
File: 840 KB, 900x900, eat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9047272

How I play this anyway?
Like Magic?

>> No.9047469

It's a board game called Arkham Horror.

You can't really play it without the board game itself. It's gameplay consists of adjusting stats, traversing the board, trying to dodge and kill demons, ect, ect.

>> No.9047499

Er, wait, he said all you need are the components. My bad.

I haven't downloaded and looked at everything yet, but if it's not in there, you could probably find the rulebook online somewhere, and just find some substitute components for everything and try playing it.

>> No.9047507

uhhhnn, I think I got it

>> No.9047521

You really do need the original Arkham Horror to play.

Basically what I made replaces Arkham with Gensokyo, but the other shit is still necessary (other world encounter cards, items, and the 1204041 different markers arkham horror comes with).

>> No.9047534
File: 3 KB, 138x114, pen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I create my own brushes for SAI? I like using this one in MS Paint but it seems that no other program has it

>> No.9047541

SAI has that. It's called the Binary tool. Just make the diameter of it really small.

>> No.9047588

Could it be that I'm using a very old version? Because I don't see any options to edit the diameter.

>> No.9047728

It's bugging me. You could be writing this in a really good film noir style. I can tell from your first paragraph. But it's just lacking something. Basically, I'm saying the opposite of >>9046980. Go full on wordy, make it part of the story.

>> No.9047750

That Reimu is easily one of the best things you've drawn so far.

>> No.9047755

Because of the white powder she's rendered rather emotionless to anything that doesn't trigger her PTSD.

I really wouldn't worry much about how you portray her. If you need a reason for drawing her with that darling smile, I'd attribute the happy mood to the fact that Utaro is always in each image.

>> No.9048267

You need to play the game to understand. But don't worry much about how you are 'supposed' to draw her. Be it depressed, expressionless or happy (because it's a huge contrast to her usual self) it all fits her somehow.

I really recommend playing the game for more ideas of what to draw and how to do it, I'm sure it will help you. Drawing something with the other characters on it would be nice.

>> No.9049385

The song I promised to the drunken anon. Its pretty random and..bad, but eitherway! I did it.

>> No.9049516

if anyone has a character request i'll take it.

>> No.9049530


>> No.9049612
File: 80 KB, 500x500, cheetahmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddammit anon, goddammit.

will take another character request.

>> No.9049620


>> No.9049634

That's great!
Okay, erm, what about a girl, with no face, but make her look pretty with brown hair!

>> No.9049762

Fossil Maiden and her mistletoe?

>> No.9049804
File: 278 KB, 1000x1000, kasen01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks for the request, sorry it took so long.

hope you like it.

>> No.9049812

A Minogame is fine too.

Wow, that's really nice.

>> No.9049824

there's no faceless girl...
He was first, it's only fair though!

>> No.9049920

Were you the one that made that vocaroo?

>> No.9049923

It's pretty good, I think it's amazing you drew it so quick. Thank you.
If you take more requests please draw Yuuka in her PC-98 pajamas.

>> No.9050009
File: 466 KB, 638x877, mukyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amazing drawings guys... i'll post something bad to make up for it!
here, have some shit!

anyone wanna draw or do music for my VN? nyoro~n...

>> No.9050018

I wish I could draw as well as you Witch!
Please respond to my emails.

>> No.9050073

This one is really cute even if you drew it as a joke. I love your other picture too, but I have a thing for cute black and white chibis like this.

If you take more requests later, I'd like a chibi like this, it hardly matters who it is. Maybe Hanyuu or Marisa or Mystia or something.

>> No.9050117

pls respond

>> No.9050184
File: 43 KB, 185x185, sip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brilliant drawing. Now go back to work.
It'd be nice if the drawings were made by you since it adds a certain charm, but if it's too much the usual chara creator does the job, too.

/jp/ manor is everybody's dream. Please be careful with it.
I have a bad feeling about you. Stop stalking our Onee-sama.

>> No.9050928

Aww shit, you're doing requests in these threads again? Looks like I have more of a reason to stalk these threads now. Nice work.

>> No.9051141

These threads need more coding, writing and composing stuff.

>> No.9051168

The problem with those is that they all take much longer to do than just drawing pictures.

>> No.9051170

I am still working on >>9043016

It is sort of done but I might want to add a new feature to make it more interesting, though I'm not really sure how to code it.

>> No.9051203


I'm writing a short story for that Nocturne's shit, so I can submit it. When I'm finished with it, I'd love for you guys here to take a look at it. If you'd like, that is.

>> No.9051209

I like it

>> No.9051303

I would love to draw for your VN, witch 2. Sadly, I'm not that good and have focus/laziness problems.

>> No.9051313

That "epic" comment still makes me not want to write for them. I don't want to be associated with that, fabricated or not.

>> No.9051323

And also longer to enjoy. People can scroll past a picture and enjoy it. Writing takes longer.

That said, thinking of writing some more.

>> No.9052079
File: 102 KB, 230x212, 1314555258434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is thread 72 we should draw Chihaya.

>> No.9052091

i'll draw her if you tell me what's the relation with her and 72

>> No.9052095

72cm bust

>> No.9052109

well alright then, check back later for something ``nice"

>> No.9052114

It's `` and '', not `` and ".

Have you read your American Standard Code for Information Interchange today?

>> No.9052123

i don't need to answer that, I HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT

>> No.9052135
File: 168 KB, 374x2157, ohchihaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9054349


>> No.9054731
File: 211 KB, 1000x1000, 0174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9054784

Thank you!
She's gorgeous!

>> No.9054825

Now do the same with the other idols. That swimsuit thing makes their breasts look bigger since they are in swimsuits and more pandering than most outfits.

>> No.9055469


>> No.9055486
File: 26 KB, 421x573, binary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Download it again if you don't have this tool, never heard of SAI without the binary tool.

>> No.9055524

People recommending Sai are trolls or can't draw for shit.

Just get GIMP

>> No.9055525

What should I draw /jp/?

>> No.9055538

Actually, it depends on what you like to draw. I'd like to see a sample picture so I can tell you what I'd like to see from you!

>> No.9055555

Kagura lifting Deadliar

>> No.9055562

>I'd like to see a sample picture so I can tell you what I'd like to see from you!

Why so formal? Are you going to purchase from me or something? Now I feel like the pressure to put forward a good product.

>> No.9055614

Perhaps he's the public relations manner for a big enterprise.

Like REtrans.

>> No.9055629

Nah, I'm just saying, if you like drawing spaceships, I can't tell you to draw a little girl. If you like little girls and I tell you to draw Gaogaigar, you'd probably have some trouble. Y'know?

>> No.9055639

has anyone read mastering manga by mark crilley? he even has a section on fighting the mangas

>> No.9055677

>mark crilley
Sounds like an authority on Japanese comics indeed.

>> No.9055683

his wife is japanese so kind off

>> No.9055700
File: 8 KB, 600x600, haruka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this. What should I draw now?

>> No.9055733


Only truJapanese can make superior manga just like my katana XD

Fuck off

>> No.9055743

There are fantastic pieces of manga-style artwork on DeviantART. But if you're looking for some anime fan art or whatever, which would you use: Pixiv or DeviantART?

And this is discounting the fact that a gaijin hasn't grown up with this stuff. Guy probably discovered all this Jap shite in his teens.

>> No.9055801
File: 31 KB, 512x512, please respond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9055804

Draw me.

>> No.9055831

What program /jp/ game devs are using? I pirated game maker and it seems easy enough for me. Anyone knows if People still uses Ig maker? Looks like the rpgmaker Devs don't give a shit about that product anymore

>> No.9055833
File: 30 KB, 512x512, everyone looks like nonowa to me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9055869

Anyway to control the angle of the brush in Paint Tool SAI?

Should I be using a different program? I just want it to stand still, but it keeps rotating to follow my movements and I don't like that.

>> No.9055875 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 500x1200, people_03 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this anime enough? Turns out trying to draw 2hus is hard when you don't really care for animus, sorry guy who wanted the Reimu and cirno thing, I tried!

>> No.9055881

2hu is not anime

>> No.9055882
File: 25 KB, 568x648, jpharuka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll practice more, onii-chan, I promise.

>> No.9055917

No, it isn't "anime enough".

>> No.9055929

those choose fucking suck

>> No.9055930
File: 14 KB, 300x212, 1337460908897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has the anatomy of an 80's low budget anime girl

>> No.9055936

Not to be rude but...why come here to draw if you don't like anime/manga style?

These threads are related to what /jp/ likes (ie anime and games) and to get away from the drawing threads of other boards.

I really think you would prefer /ic/ (though if you do go there try to get your anatomy down better) more.

>> No.9055943

Hey now partner, I'm not that guy but I don't agree with your statement at all. I don't agree with his notion that things have to be ``anime'' around here either.

/jp/ can art however he likes.

>> No.9055956

If it's not "anime" stylized, then it should be at least /jp/ related. One thing or the other, preferably both. Completely irrelevant drawings should go somewhere else.

>> No.9055962 [DELETED] 


This is the only place I know of with other neets, I tired /r9k/ but it's all whiny teenagers who want to get laid. I guess I'll just leave.

>> No.9055966

well yes and no, fuck off somewhere else with that crappy style

>> No.9055976

Uh, I think you are replying to the wrong person. I'm talking against the drawing here.

>> No.9055985

i ment to quote that guy

>> No.9055986 [DELETED] 

I half-agree with that statement. I like it when /jp/ regulars post original stuff. If it's someone who comes in from another board(and makes it apparent) and posts their original work, it feels a little like whoring. That said, actual /jp/-related content from either kind of drawfag is probably best.

>> No.9055992

I half-agree with that statement. I like it when /jp/ regulars post original stuff. If it's someone who comes in from another board(and makes it apparent) and posts their original work, it feels a little like whoring. That said, actual /jp/-related content from either kind of drawfag is probably best.

>> No.9055993

I didn't want you to leave /jp/ I thought you would be happier on /ic/.

>> No.9055999

Nobody's happy on /ic/. Ever. That's a gloomy fucking board, and considering this is /jp/, that's saying a lot.

>> No.9056027

You know guys, it's pretty much explicit on 4chan that the best way of contributing to the board is to creating original content. I just think the theme must be /jp/-related (like a light novel or a cute character), but I wouldn't have problem if the guy wants our help. It's not like this thread will become /ic/ central. Let the others have their fun. If they want more constructive criticism, they can go to /ic/. If they just want to share what they created with us, I see no problem whatsoever.

>> No.9056039

If you play a game, that have several characters would you prefer playing as a man who meets cute girls. Or a cute girl who meets other cute girls?

And what sex would you prefer if you have the chance to rape those sluts you find in your adventures?

>> No.9056048

Long time not seeing a drawthread. It seems the amount of not-so-suck drawfags posting in here has increased. I'm impressed.

>> No.9056049

I would like to be a futanari.

>> No.9056053

that's good or bad

>> No.9056060

It's a "I think you need to upgrade your style" type of message.

>> No.9056061

Bonus points if she spontaneously and unexpectedly becomes a futanari when her yuri love burns brightly enough.

>> No.9056066

What about a trap? Would that be fine? Or there's a reason you would like to be a futa?

>> No.9056077

Maybe it's personal, but I enjoy a million times more the female body while fapping but at the same time, I like hardcore penis on vagina... so Futa on Female is what I enjoy the most.

>> No.9056127

Oh I see, it's just that I think its easier to write.a Male Mc since I know how the male brain works.

Also survey. How much misoginy is too much in a game? One of my ideas is having a fallen wizard as MC, raped in his thirties by a cockhungry slut.

>> No.9056150

make it interesting, he was raped by a man and he make himself to think it was a cockhungry slut ... such a tweest

>> No.9056157

>What program /jp/ game devs are using?
MonoDevelop for C#, Sublime Text for JavaScript.

>I pirated game maker

>> No.9056170

I like that. Im taking notes

>> No.9056185

I've done games in Processing, C++, and C#/XNA.
Currently working with C#/XNA. Considering making a shmup in C next.

>> No.9056203
File: 82 KB, 400x246, 1329771369550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it late enough for something "nice" of Chihaya yet?
All i've seen is some nonowa so far.

>> No.9056227

I'll give it a shot anon... don't expect something great.

>> No.9056234

I keep hearing about using xna and C#. I already Have Vs2008. Is that enough? Or I need the latest vs? I haven't program in c# in years.

Oh, I did a un squadron clone in c++ for my 486 in 2001. It was super shitty and incomplete but my best programming experience so far.

>> No.9056243

I'm actually unsure, since I have 2010 and didn't try using C# until I upgraded to it from 2008.
Could prolly give it a shot, though.

>> No.9056256


Needs 2010 as far as I'm aware.

>> No.9056269

Ah, sorry, I think it's this one.


>> No.9056409
File: 63 KB, 984x1156, jpchihaya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9056439

Thank you.

>> No.9056958
File: 148 KB, 1018x827, youmudodge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just practising, I may or may not bother to finish this

>> No.9056983

It's good you're trying to put life and movement into your pictures.
Keep working on that anatomy, though.

>> No.9057192
File: 130 KB, 639x661, sakuyasketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you refer to the legs and feet. Yeah, seems I fucked up there while I was redrawing the dress.

>> No.9057499

You are most welcome.

>> No.9057508

For the record, I
Drew this

>> No.9057620

why does she have hairy armpits?

>> No.9057700

do you have a problem with hairy armpits? do you...

>> No.9057713

Yeah in fact I do. What are you gonna do about it you sick depraved nerd?

>> No.9057776 [DELETED] 

I decided to play a song on the google doodle today and record it.
I don't know what I just played but it sounds as though this is an already existing song that I just pulled from some corner of my memory

>> No.9057784

I decided to play a song on the google doodle today and record it.
I don't know what I just played but it sounds as though this is an already existing song that I just pulled from some corner of my memory

>> No.9057798 [SPOILER] 
File: 250 KB, 1015x900, okuu selfcest sketch drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Okuu screwing herself...

>> No.9057808

Fucking amazing.

>> No.9057843


I already had a boner. This didn't help it go away. I hope you color this man.

>> No.9057852

That is pretty goddamn delicious. There is not enough of this material on the internet.

>> No.9057867

tits way too big 7/10

>> No.9057882


>Tits way too big.


>> No.9058314
File: 148 KB, 1312x1490, vanilla h test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help, why does her left eye + eyebrow look unaligned? I think her jaw looks way too big as well... drew this from reference, but I think the original had similar problems

>> No.9058493
File: 654 KB, 960x1224, jphelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that good but I think I can help you in this one.

Sometimes you feel there is something wrong in your drawing and you can't tell what is it, or worse sometimes you just DON'T notice it... for that use the mirror tool (press "h" in SAI), to see what problems your brain decides to ignore.

>> No.9059572

S pls go

>> No.9060298

who's s

>> No.9060407
File: 36 KB, 800x600, jpdrawthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started drawing last week, and I basically went from making stick figures to drawing this so I'm very pleased with myself.

Any constructive criticism? What is the best way for me to improve? I can only draw these simple portraits, anatomy is still too hard for me (I'm currently practicing it, though)

>> No.9060428
File: 117 KB, 294x341, 1321431345131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You suck. Just give up, son.

>> No.9060434

Not bad, I was way worse

>> No.9060436

Get rid of chicken scratching for starters. If you can't produce even a single half decent flowing line, then a complicated drawing entirely composed of them is far out of your reach.

>> No.9060463

Not terrible, but it seems that right now the most important thing is for you to just get the hang of drawing in general. Practice technique. Stop scratching and try to draw longer lines.

>> No.9060547

Draw real people from references. You will not improve significantly from relying on your own intuition.

http://www.scribd.com/doc/2433698/BRIDGMANS-Complete-Guide-to-Drawing-from-Life? is a good reference for tips.

>> No.9060645
File: 32 KB, 417x500, dejimatan2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I request a better drawing of this girl.

>> No.9060652
File: 68 KB, 720x544, dejimatan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have another.

>> No.9060656


Using Marc Crilley there, anon?

>> No.9060684


Yeah. Its pretty easy to learn from him, I guess. I find his art a bit generic though, so I hope I'll eventually learn to draw my own style.


I'll try, but I'm pretty much a disaster at drawing anything bigger than a centimeter.

>> No.9060696

The thing about Crilley is that he is actually good at drawing, though I have to agree his art is kind of "general" at times. If Dark Horse had given him free reign with his abilities, his comics would look a LOT better. I wouldn't stop learning from the guy if you it or anything though, it's certainly worth it.

>> No.9060706

You won't develop your own style of expression from studying an already very simplified style.

You need to study real people and draw what you see. You can go on to abstract from this later. It will do wonders for your observational skills anyway, so you'll become better at emulating other artists.

>> No.9060717

...otherwise your artwork will end up looking formulaic like most stuff on Deviant Art.

>> No.9060728

What makes the typical DA art bad is that people are not good enough to actually understand and follow the said formulas.

>> No.9060741

I'm kind of tired drawing not so cute girls in front of white backgrounds.
No matter how many times I tr y to draw some sort of scenery, it looks completely flat and strange. It might be because I'm trying to draw complicated backgrounds.
What would be best for someone starting out?

>> No.9060742


I've never read any of his comics, nor know much about his work besides his instructional videos. I practically learned of his existence about two days ago.


I started out with a simple anatomy book drawing puppets into various poses (I skimmed over the content and the writer basically made the Loomis books even more digestible). The problem is pretty much that after a few drawings I get kind of bored.

I found that I had more fun imitating simple pixiv artist works, and now Mark Crilley.

>> No.9060747

Drawing shouldn't be about formulae though. Maybe it's okay if you don't mind your art looking like every other anime artist.

>> No.9060767

squares and circles, cubes and spheres

>> No.9060780

Every newfag drawfag be quiet and start here:

>> No.9061059
File: 121 KB, 779x874, 1331260779747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to draw shapes

Wow it's fucking nothing.

>> No.9061084

Beginners can't even draw basic shapes properly freehand.
Have you tried to draw a five pointed star without crossing the lines?

>> No.9061472
File: 194 KB, 940x1590, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to draw from real life is very difficult. I can't properly appreciate distances between objects, so I can't retain the distance between the eyes. legs, arms, etc.

>> No.9062027


Keep trying it Spear-kun.

>> No.9062054

More music later tonight
A shit thread just inspired me somehow

>> No.9062329

It's okay, it really is difficult. People throw the "draw from life" bunt around like crazy, but much of the time they're not artists and have no idea how hard it really is. Drawing classes have vocational instruction for a reason; figuring it out yourself is hell.

If you can, try to look up -videos- with step by step instruction. Even the most mundane example would give you more information in a few minutes than an artist your level would gather from staring at a photo for 5 hours.

>> No.9062474

Requesting a sexy pic of Reimu with big boobs.

>> No.9062751


How about you guys try something interesting for once?

>> No.9062890
File: 189 KB, 1170x505, OkuuPor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly OC but I think this would be the most appropriate thread for me. I'm trying to color this, but I'm making a huge shot in the dark here as I've never colored anything before. Does anyone know of some good manga coloring tutorials? I'm using Photoshop right now but I can use SAI or GIMP as well.

The only thing I know how to really do well is use the pen tool to make paths to get relatively accurate selections. Other than that the only idea I had for coloring was to use the layer blend options for the brush, like Multiply. I could easily get in the base colors in like this, but I'd be completely clueless on how to do the shadows and hilights.

>> No.9062898

O shit sorry mr stick up his ass.

>> No.9062903


eye am making a 16 bit dos game www

>> No.9062957

Please stop posting.

>> No.9064277

You could also try a book like "Keys to Drawing" or another beginner book (I think "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" is also often recommended, thought you'll want do ignore the pseudo psychology bits) .
I find it kind of hard to sit down and practice from a book everyday, but I think it's very good practice.

>> No.9064379
File: 194 KB, 1170x505, okuushadows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to use my instinct and common sense. If the source of light is upper right corner, as it seems to be here, you just see which parts get obscured and draw the shadow in bottom left.

It's not exactly a science. With simple pictures like this, you can do it pretty much however the hell you want.

>> No.9064385

That shadow on her cheek conflicts with all the other ones. Besides that it seems fine.

>> No.9064387

So it does. I spent like all of four minutes drawing that just to make a generic example, I didn't really pay much attention.

>> No.9064514
File: 193 KB, 1500x1000, screwyouuc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How I feel about /ic/

>> No.9064738

It's not that bad

>> No.9064853
File: 162 KB, 1155x755, best graces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely awful and not even /jp/-related but I don't give a fuck.

>> No.9064861

It's easy.

>> No.9065109

>It's okay, it really is difficult. People throw the "draw from life" bunt around like crazy, but much of the time they're not artists and have no idea how hard it really is.

You don't have to be an artist to do this. You're really exaggerating the difficulty involved, even kids in middle school do it in art class. Maybe it's hard for people at first because they're stuck in the wrong mindset about it, for which I can only recommend looking at Drawing on the right side of the brain a little (sorry for bringing it up a millionth time). You only need to skim the first 50 pages or so to understand why people get stuck at the same level of drawing ability they had when they were 10 years old.

>Drawing classes have vocational instruction for a reason; figuring it out yourself is hell.

Uhh, they just put something in front of the class and tell people to draw it, maybe giving a few tips, like the the drawing instructor/author gives in the book above. They don't tell people "first you draw this line, then the next line like so...".

>If you can, try to look up -videos- with step by step instruction. Even the most mundane example would give you more information in a few minutes than an artist your level would gather from staring at a photo for 5 hours.

The whole point of learning to draw in the beginning is to increase your OBSERVATIONAL skills to the point where you can accurately transcribe anything in your field of view to paper. Following step by step instruction won't help for this. You're thinking about this entirely in the wrong way. You're not trying to acquire information at this point. Later on you can study people, plants, animals, machinery, materials, etc. in depth but in the beginning you need to condition your mind to gauge your surroundings better. If you can't do this, then you won't even be able to follow step by step instructions accurately anyway.

>> No.9065111

The fact that you're having trouble with this shows that it's very worthwhile to perservere with it. If you can't copy from accurately from reality, you're not going to be able to imagine things accurately. Every decent anime artist can do this no problem. 2D is just a stylistic abstraction of 3D.

First pic isn't bad for a first attempt, keep it up! A good tip is to put your picture next to a photo, to see where you went wrong, and try to figure out why.

>> No.9065127

>I can't properly appreciate distances between objects, so I can't retain the distance between the eyes. legs, arms, etc.
You're thinking about it too much. You're not supposed to draw a 3D object, just its shape. You're looking at a cat when you should be looking at a bunch of curves and lines.

Later, when you know how to copy, you can start looking at the cat again.

>> No.9065228

I don't think I'm exaggerating it. What I'm getting at is that he is basically doing what >>9065127 says, and he would keep doing it if he wasn't told any better in this thread. I'm not saying he needs to have his hand held the entire way, but just from looking at his lines you can tell he's not breaking the 'cat' down into basic shapes or anything along those lines. Watching someone draw a cat would show him this almost instantly, because it seems to me that he can't discern this on his own. A drawing class obviously doesn't tell you to draw line by line, but even a few tips prevent you from going in the wrong direction.

>> No.9065240

love it

>> No.9065248

>They don't tell people "first you draw this line, then the next line like so...".
Because that's bad advice
There's no way of drawing something other than drawing it

>> No.9065403

Fair enough. It's true that once you draw a simplified mannequin the rest just falls into place.

>> No.9065656

I should add that I wouldn't worry about what your lines look like in the beginning.

Of course you won't be able to draw confident long strokes if don't know what you're doing properly yet.

>> No.9065726


What happened to this guy?

>> No.9065974


Nothing, I write slow as shit. Nocturne's deadline isn't until like the 14th or some shit anyway. I still have time.

>> No.9065999

You really going to stay with a magazine that advertises on reddit?

>> No.9066009

>implying a magazine that advertises on 4chan isn't even worse
oh the irony

>> No.9066005


I could care less, to be frank. I don't like Reddit, but I also don't give two fucks what they think anyway. I just want to write something for fun, and then sort of feel accomplished if I get in there. That's all.

>> No.9066044

Did they really post there? Might have been the troll

>> No.9066057


Thank you for showing me this. But how exactly do you draw in the shadows? Do you make selections and just fill them in? Or some other method?

>> No.9066059

Pen tool and Wacom Bamboo.

>> No.9066065

Sorry, meant the brush tool. Pen was the vector thing.

Goddamn flood detected. If anything, you should be allowed to post faster if you sage.

>> No.9066067

>I could care less
Looks like you won't be getting in.
It was set up as a /jp/ project.

Reddit themselves say they got in.

>> No.9066075


How would you know I wouldn't get in? Because I don't care where they advertise? That's nice, I guess.

>> No.9066079

He meant your poor grammar.

>> No.9066081

Your tastes are not reddit's tastes.

>> No.9066082


Wait, so you did or didn't use the pen tool? I'm confused.

>> No.9066086

It's "couldn't care less", moron. You would know that if you were a competent writer in any way, shape, or form.

>> No.9066088

No, I didn't use the pen tool. Using vectors to draw is crazy.

>> No.9066100


Really? That's supposed to be a legitimate reason? Or was that supposed to make me laugh? Please, you're expecting perfection for one reason or another, that's the type of shit editors fix up you dipshits. Errors are made all the time, don't try to play any bullshit like that with me.

>> No.9066105

>Reddit themselves say they got in.
That's it.
Nocturnes has no place here anymore. I will join the sperglords the next time they dare to post it on /jp/.

>> No.9066109

>that's the type of shit editors fix up
A hilarious attitude. Warmly waiting to see how competent Noctures's editors are.

>Errors are made all the time
The real problem here was that you didn't even seem to know it was an error.

>> No.9066116

Have you seen the job nocturnes editors have done with the past two issues? You didn't even recognize it as a problem, which suggests you expect them to babysit you on your shitty writing.

>> No.9066122


That's how I was going to do it, because I don't really know of any other way to get accurate shapes. But you drew everything using just the brush tool with a tablet? How do you get such accurate shapes without running over the edge lines of her hair? Sorry if my questions sound dumb but I've never used a tablet to do anything before, although I do have one.

>> No.9066123


Your point? Do you notice each and every error you make every day of your life? If you do, I should mark you down as some sort of miracle child of the world, because no one else in the world does. Just because someone had to point out a single error to me says nothing about my quality as a writer, because it happens all the fucking time, for every writer, for every person. Keep trying.

>> No.9066125

The post's pretty recent, thought. The account of the guy that posted that he got in is three hours old, I think. Probably a fake. I hope.

Reacting to criticism like this isn't a good attitude for a writer.

>> No.9066130

>How do you get such accurate shapes without running over the edge lines of her hair?
Eraser, zoom and a steady hand. There's no magic to it. If you take a careful look at the picture, you can see there are mistakes all over the place.

>> No.9066136

you can also flip it, which helps noticing errors you oversaw.

>> No.9066141

Just post your work in the OC thread.
There is no point to go with Nocturnes after this

>> No.9066150

What the hell is that?

>> No.9066153


Is that supposed to be an excerpt...? Jesus Christ.

>> No.9066163

>"If I couldn't touch you we both would have went insane"
The shit that editors fix up, yep.

>> No.9066166

Light novels, they said.

>> No.9066171


You...may just be right.

>> No.9066173

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.9066186


I sort of gave them the benefit of the doubt and hoped they'd merely up the quality the second issue. Color me surprised to see it may have gotten worse instead.

>> No.9066193

It did get worse. Less stories, and they were even worse than before.

>> No.9066195

I guess I'm really bad at spotting errors, the writing just seemed a little awkward to me. Are there some really bad errors in it?
I disliked the "setting" more than anything. At least I'm not an editor or writer.

>> No.9066203

It's awkward, dense, and errors like what was pointed out in >>9066163

Like you said though, you're not an editor or a writer. Don't get caught with second hand embarrassment.

>> No.9066209


What the fuck are they doing there? Are they even trying to make this magazine good? Or is it that they're just getting bad writers? At least the art is okay.

>> No.9066225

I see, thank you.

>> No.9066765
File: 335 KB, 1151x1625, happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me here again /jp/

which one match more with her face?

>> No.9066790

The light source coming from below makes more sense and is more dramatic.

>> No.9066866

>Help me here again /jp/

>> No.9067173

The arm and hand are incredibly tiny.
At least make it the right length.

>> No.9067201


nice pic >>9066765 that mags?

>> No.9067206


>> No.9067207

>anime is an excuse to have retarded anatomy
I wasn't even talking about anatomy, I was talking about basic proportions, which to some extent most anime artists can do.

>dat mags
As much as I hate magister, you must be blind to think that's his work, even magister has some knowledge of proportions/anatomy.

>> No.9067392
File: 59 KB, 1056x918, 105 - Marisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hvae some marisa

>> No.9067460

New thread when?

>> No.9068601
File: 72 KB, 800x800, haosin rg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

action fantasy VN

a /jp/ original

fucking love autosage

>> No.9068665


>> No.9069036
File: 536 KB, 2500x1800, reminuemokou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this a few days ago for a friend. I know it's not OC, I just want /jp/'s opinion.

>> No.9069147


You draw your eyes WAY too far apart. Try to aim for the space between the eyes to be the size of the larger eye on the face. Otherwise, your drawing is pretty cute.

>> No.9070394

the one in the right has a very adorable face, though

I think it's acceptable just work in your symmetry (press "h" in Sai to verify it) and your anatomy in general (dat hand).

Also, if you reduce that image in photoshop you probably will get a better looking drawing.

>> No.9071032

Don't listen to the haters, looks adorable ^^

>> No.9071142

Get the fuck out.

>> No.9071169

>implying constructive criticism is hating.
what are you doing, son? that's not hating, that's help.

this is hating/being a "hater" >>9060428

>> No.9071263

Why should I??
No difference between >>9060428 and what you guys posted
