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File: 88 KB, 796x510, eiyuusenki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8779017 No.8779017 [Reply] [Original]

I'm shocked there isn't a thread for this. Has anyone gotten it to work with AGTH yet?

>> No.8779028

how much do you want to bet this will be aordocs next project.

>> No.8779033

I'd be okay with that.

>> No.8779040

The fuck, this is out?

>> No.8779106

Any word on game length, routes, how much H etc..

>> No.8779154


>> No.8779533

v1.00 /HBN-8*4@4AD257
v1.01 /HBN-8*4@4AD807

From Hongfire

>> No.8779563

Finally. I've been waiting for this day since the last thread a few weeks ago when someone said it would be out the 30th. I've been on /jp/ all day waiting for this thread.

>> No.8779590

By the way, I'm getting 403s on the game's site. Any info on this?

>> No.8779608

Oh man I hope there's someone picking this one up for an English translation. Want to read it badly. I'm sure it won't disappoint. A game with such a premise couldn't possibly disappoint.

>> No.8779627

Finally it's out . Still waiting for my copy.

>> No.8779637

Also, the gameplay kinda looks super close to Sengoku Rance's. ie addictive as hell.

>> No.8779639

Just like Daiteikoku couldn't disappoint.
Also, are you retarded? This is the same fucking premise as Koihime, Sengoku Hime, Shikigami, and a dozen other super shitty games.

>> No.8779653

First time I hear about a game with Napoleon Bonaparte, Marco Polo, King Arthur, William Kidd, and Da Vinci in the same timeline, a little girls. Maybe you can link me to a similar game, as you seem to be such a nice and wise guy.

>> No.8779661

First time I hear about a game with Napoleon Bonaparte, Marco Polo, King Arthur, William Kidd, and Da Vinci in the same timeline, as little girls. Maybe you can link me to a similar game, as you seem to be such a nice and wise guy.

>> No.8779724
File: 577 KB, 1296x778, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr, it's almost exactly like sengoku rance

you gain gold each day based on the provinces you own and you can spend it either recruiting troops or recovering their health for each of your troop leaders.

you have a certain amount of actions each day and you can use them for both combat and non-combative events. in the pic you can easily see how remarkably similar the two games are alike.

i haven't been playing long but from what i can tell there are a few differences. the gameplay has been enhanced with new mechanics, such as being able to move your units around and how some can only attack in a vertical/horizontal line, etc. it's also more user friendly such as being able to clearly tell which type of units deal more damage to other types of units (ex. gunman are strong against footman).

>> No.8779725

Not sure if you're completely retarded or trolling.

Since you're on /jp/, probably the former.

>> No.8779736

Aqua Gheen Tunger Horse?

>> No.8779796

Why do you make useless posts like these? You are the fucking piece of shit here, dude. You are the mongoloid retard with a decaying brain who has no clue about what he's talking about. Don't get it wrong.

>> No.8779804

I'm probably going to play this forever.

>> No.8779865

How is the mc?

>> No.8779892
File: 1.13 MB, 998x601, MC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Rance#2. Don't know if he's such an asshole, though. I guess he's not a white knight MC, it would be a bit too cliche, but I can be wrong.

>> No.8779962

>It's the same premise as a dozen other gender bending history games.
>Nuh uh. This one has SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT CHARACTERS. That's pretty fucking unique.
>You're an idiot.

It's like I'm back in a Daiteikoku thread on release.

>> No.8780032

I didn't use any caps in my posts, monkey, seems like you're buttleaking tears of pain.

Also, if you really can't make the difference between a game with Japanese characters from the Sengoku era, and a game with historical celebrities from all countries and from all epochs, then I guess you're just an uncultured subhuman.

Bump, because this thread doesn't deserve to sink because of such a retarded argument.

>> No.8780068

Only played for like 5 minutes, but so far I like it. The MC seems similar to Rance in that he is a badass, he isn't an asshole though. He just single handedly saved Himeko from an enemy army while wounded

>> No.8780072

Then I guess he's more like Rouga.

>> No.8780081


Get this shit out of /jp/. It's an eroge, do you faggots have any clue how common the premises are in eroge. No one is playing this for a creative and unique story, they are playing it for good gameplay and to fap.

>> No.8780088

Does anyone know how the routes work? I can't imagine every girl having a route so who are the "main girls" who get teir own route?

>> No.8780245

Try reading the thread before you step up on the soap box to announce your stupidity to all.

>> No.8780287

Can't get worse than the guy who thinks that all the games with "historical characters" are the same.

>> No.8780302

...Still haven't read the thread then.

Keep on truckin', broham.

>> No.8780351
File: 1.14 MB, 1000x599, zipang-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not >>8780081. Stop going on a personal war against anyone who disagrees with you. Nobody gives a shit. You're just being an eyesore.

I'm guessing King Arthur has her route, because all the knights of the round table are present in the game. I also guess that you can romance at least one of the girls from Zipang, the faction of the MC. Don't know which one, though. But that's just me taking a wild guess.

>> No.8780382

>A premise like this can't possibly be disappointing.
>Most games with similar premises are bad.
>Not ones with this exact set of characters.
>You're an idiot.
>So you're just here to troll Eiyuu Senki because you think every single historical game is bad? Fuck off.

I have a personal vendetta against stupidity. You're contributing to the problem.

>> No.8780407

Stop misusing the quote function. You know which board uses it as its trademark; your vendetta will be welcome there. It is not welcome here. Reply to this post if you want to continue arguing >>8780032. I give up arguing with you, have fun.

>> No.8780455

U r rru /jp/ troll pride, amirite

>> No.8780631
File: 555 KB, 1280x720, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So out of all of the people commenting on this thread, how many have actually played it?

I'm around 70 turns and 4 H-scenes in and liking it. The fact that this is the same person that wrote Material Brave is starting to show, though, and I find myself skipping past some parts out of sheer disinterest.

The Americas are hilarious, though. Being able to buy the USA out made my day.

>> No.8780646

>Buying out America

How accurate, are all the girls sluts too?

>> No.8780652

Just starting out, still on the 3rd turn. How does the route work?

>> No.8780654

I'm playing it, turn 17. I love the combat, it's slightly more in depth than Rance since position matters and you need some extra bit of strategy. How are the H scenes?

>> No.8780689

any torrent links out yet?

>> No.8780706



Do their tits jiggle in game like the bios on the website? I looked for ages to find a way to DL those.

>> No.8780719

cool for some reason i was only finding the trailer the on there for a while

>> No.8780972

Can I make it through the game with minimal Moonspeak knowledge ?

Also how long would you estimate the game length ?

>> No.8781310

is this all vanilla shit or does it have some NTR / Guro like Segoku?

im getting pretty fucking sick of vanilla.

>> No.8782057

India -> Ceylon -> Indonesia -> Pacific Islands -> Hawaii -> San Francisco. Alternatively, if you're fucking insane, you can probably go through Siberia.


It's the Littlewitch artist. He wouldn't draw that.

Don't even try. The UI and game messages require a lot of kanji or at least stroke order knowhow to look things up.

>> No.8782180

Is the turn limit penalty like in sengoku?
Also, by route I meant the heroine's

>> No.8782185 [DELETED] 

I have no idea if there's a turn penalty or whatever. If the game told me, I probably skipped it.

>> No.8782194

I have no idea if there's a turn penalty or whatever. If the game told me, I probably skipped it.

As for routes, I'm finding that it's really hard to get all of the relationship points for a given heroine because you have to use them in battle enough and/or satisfy some mysterious conquer conditions to trigger something.

>> No.8782203

Any links to the game?

>> No.8782244

Why do I have the feeling that the game itself won't be of much use to you.

>> No.8782300

And the point of that post?
Did you just want to be an asshole?

>> No.8782577

How is that so different from Daiteikoku?
If girls and historical figures are all you go on, then this is practically exactly like Daiteikoku, only an era further into the past.

>> No.8783550

>Don't even try. The UI and game messages require a lot of kanji or at least stroke order knowhow to look things up.

What is AGTH, I've only been studying moon for a year and a half and I understand everything perfectly with it.

>> No.8783659

ITH/AGTH + Translation Aggregator is a good combo

>> No.8783893

If only sengoky hime 3 had this game's gameplay...

>> No.8784083

i played a little this morning, it seems fun and i really like strategic games like this

i conquered the first zone with minamoto and benkei and then i stopped playing when yamato takeru left the party

>> No.8785008

I'm a bit of a newb when it comes to playing an untranslated game like this. Where/how do I save??

>> No.8785054

Click on the rightmost icon in the menu on the bottom right. One of the options in the context menu should be the katakana for "save".

>> No.8785611

i played 100 turns + just for a hcg with nobunaga
i finally get it and it's a vibrator scene

fuck this shit

>> No.8785616

>vibrator scene

Do people even fap to this

>> No.8785830

how many people can you bang in this game anyways

>> No.8785882

i don't know, but there are 49 scenes total

before you bang someone you have to do lots of events related to that character thought

turn 110+ and i have only 5 h scenes with different characters (and only 2 are fucks, the others are masturbation/handjob/vibrator)
