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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 351 KB, 512x384, foxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8125164 No.8125164 [Reply] [Original]

is this hard to use?

>> No.8125177
File: 1.04 MB, 1500x1500, 21852751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magical Amber is your waifu. If you don't make use of her, she will be very disappointed.

In fact, she'll probably curse you.

>> No.8125185

Not if you autistic enough to grind so you're constantly overleveled and finally lvl 40 for the last boss

good times

>> No.8125215

You can get your shit slapped from time to time due to a lack of information, but once you get Aphotic Cave and the MP regen abilities it's not too bad.

>> No.8125238 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8125240
File: 59 KB, 500x450, 1321018996560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone here try the fluffytail.exe program that /a/ made?

>> No.8125245


No, what does it do? Also link.

>> No.8125249


Couldn't get it working even after setting the correct java associations and stuff.

>> No.8125259

Just started this and have been grindan the first few days.

When does she actually get some magic?

>> No.8125263

Spend SP points at the chapel once it's unlocked.

>> No.8125274

Has anyone gotten the Show Enemy Actions cheat to work on jpcsp?

>> No.8125272

On my first run with Caster. I'm getting my shit slapped to me very harshly by Arcueid. I want to save Rin's route for Archer ;_;

>> No.8125277
File: 77 KB, 624x443, 1320723138789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You select the opponents name from the drop down box, then feed it what little info you have on the enemies attack pattern that is exposed.

It will list the potential attack patterns based on the info. the more info you have, the more likely it will narrow down the exact attack sequence.

Here is a pic of "version 1" of the program, before it got named "fluffy tail.exe" in honor of Caster.

(I just used a notepad on my first playthrough. I heard there was a Japanese wiki or something that had all the attack patterns listed, but I didn't bother).

>> No.8125284

>-phobia enemies

All of my hate. Most enemies are easy enough to handle once you recognize their tendencies, but these assholes always give me fits.

>> No.8125285

can i have the link to fluffy tail.exe?

>> No.8125289

Which torrent are you all using for the game itself? I tried a few from /rs/ and from other sites, couldn't figure out how to run any of them with jpcsp for the life of me and eventually swept it under the rug.

Sage for being that fucking guy, sorry /jp/.

>> No.8125296


I lost the link and instruction page.. It was in several /a/ caster threads, and in the /jp/ fate/zero general thread right up until the DDOS hit. haven't seen it posted since then.

>> No.8125302
File: 181 KB, 512x384, 1320431836089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would normally wish this thread to end, but Magical Amber's love is maximum.

>> No.8125306

If you're going to use this why not simply use the cheat to reveal enemy actions instead?

>> No.8125309

Using the Japanese wiki is way more easier
http://www35.atwiki.jp/fate_extra/ then click the link in アリーナ section.

>> No.8125328


>If you're going to use this why not simply use the cheat to reveal enemy actions instead?

Fluffy tail.exe was for retail PSP players as well, not just pirates. And it apparently came out before the "show enemy action" cheat was finalized or at least widely available. The programfag in /a/ whipped it together in one evening, and the next day someone built a GUI for it... it is a very primitive stopgap program, and it is not for everyone.

Like I said, i did it the old fashioned way with a notepad and a lot of swearing. That isn't for everyone.

>> No.8125331
File: 133 KB, 850x850, 24543225654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't work on emulators.

>> No.8125338

A game that requires you to write shit down sounds pretty fucking retarded.

Why not just play sepukku instead?

>> No.8125348

It doesn't require it at all unless you have the memory of an elderly man.

>> No.8125357

A strange game... The only winning move is not to play.

>> No.8125375

Once you get 2nd shockwave strike and bestial heaven then there's no need to write down anything.

Just kill everything in the 2 stunned phases.

Caster truly is the best

>> No.8125396

Fucking casuals and/or newfags.
Jotting down attack strings reminds me of making maps for old NES games.

>> No.8125403

The calculator (and writing down strings) isn't 100% accurate in most cases. Most enemies have a preferred set of moves, but will change them up randomly. Playing as Caster gets my shit slapped regularly.

>> No.8125405

Except that the other servants can do the same thing with less mana and without you using your own mp.

>> No.8125408

or writing down passwords for the games that didn't have a save function

>> No.8125411

You eventually get some form of Master and/or Servant MP regen, right?

>> No.8125425
File: 66 KB, 400x400, 1310721356237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I playing this when I have The Witcher 2, Deus Ex HR and Skyrim sitting untouched on my desktop?

>> No.8125427

I can still find passwords to Metroid or Kid Icarus amongst my stuff. Shit makes me all nostalgic as fuck.

>> No.8125436

They're not that much better bro. Could be doing worse.

>> No.8125444

I'm not your bro, dude.

>> No.8125445
File: 41 KB, 938x794, willow_world_3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I remember making maps on grid paper for Willow on NES. The forest mazes were hell, but that had some of the most soothing music of the 8-bit era.

Sadly the 8-bit era game designers loved endless loop mazes which wrecked your carefully crafted maps. "north two squares, than east... oh fuck not the loop again!"

And then there was deadly towers.... FFFUUUUU.


No internet, no strategy guides... and even grid paper didn't work in this game due to loops.

>> No.8125478
File: 27 KB, 182x187, sad-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feeling when you started drawing map, but it so quickly reached edge of paper because you put entry point on map sub-optimally, and you needed either redraw everything
or join several sheets.

>> No.8127874

I really like this foxy girl she's kinda devoted but hard to use at the same tiem.

>> No.8127955
File: 39 KB, 480x272, ULUS10576-Shot-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what should i choose?

>> No.8127982

[x] Fluffy tail

>> No.8128002

some of you losers really need cheats to beat such an easy game? how sad

>> No.8128017
File: 341 KB, 1456x900, fecw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she so perfect?

>> No.8128031

An RPS-based battle system might sound simple and accessible in theory, but considering how miserable we actually are at adapting the principles of the game, it's a bad choice for a primary mode of combat.

The enemies and bosses of Fate/Extra are artificial intelligences, not human competitors. Their inputs are truly random, and as everybody knows from challenging the computer in any digital board game, beating the AI is exceedingly difficult. The developers could have, and should have, implemented additional rules to tip the odds in our favor.

>> No.8128048


Guessing the wrong attack sequence on random nameless enemy in the arena can instantly result in a game over for caster, undoing an hour of grinding on the basis of luck alone.

Enemy pattern:

You chose:

>Game over. All progress lost.

If you use the pattern prediction software or the wiki charts on Archer or Saber, by all means burn in hell. But for Caster it is there as an option for people who don't like the unforgiving trial and error combat system.

>> No.8128055

>that feel when Loli Caster`s noble phantasm

>> No.8128056

That's why you throw a heal in the middle of the pattern.

>> No.8128073

>Go arena
>spend 20 heal itens on Caster

that`s why i love her so much

>> No.8128079

If you don't know the enemy's attack patterns, just spam your skills for most of their attacks.
Assume they can do 300-600ish damage, and heal on the part when you would go below that.
Use the shockwave formal wear when you get it. 2 free turns makes a big difference. Might want to think about using the formal wear in battle that stuns the enemy so you can have 3 free turns if you don't get the third turn revealed, but that doesn't always work, probably better to save your MP.
Don't waste your MP with heal spells unless you're in a Servant battle. You can always heal with the crappy cheap items outside of battle.
Grind a lot.
Most enemies have a pretty obvious pattern, like using 2 attacks, then 2 different attacks, then 2 attacks the same as the first 2. Until you can figure that out, spam skills.
Oh, and make use of the stun on your spells if you're playing caster. Although it's not certain they'll get stunned (especially if they're defending), it's normally pretty safe to attack or whatever after you've cast a spell on the one part you know about.
Later on in the game you can buy items that heal the master's MP by 50, stock up on those and get the staff in the 5th week that heals servant MP by 50-60 for a master's 30MP and the rest of the game is easy for Caster.

>> No.8128092

>You can always heal with the crappy cheap items outside of battle.

>> No.8128101

They may seem expensive at first, but after a few weeks you have so much money you don't know what to do with it. Especially if you're on a second playthrough, I'm only half way through mine and I have 300k and about 40 of the items that heal 500HP.

>> No.8128116
File: 150 KB, 480x272, 1320526305768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was sad to see how she brushed off your answer if you praise her fluffy ears at that scene...

>"Ehh... umm.. " and she just brushes it off.

Just a few days earlier she said "KYAH! More praise please! Or you could just rub my ears!"

>> No.8128129
File: 1.34 MB, 1170x669, caster paws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted these paws in-game.

>> No.8128133
File: 282 KB, 1000x1107, 22908849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not playing as FeMc

>> No.8128160
File: 516 KB, 1600x1288, 1321031736161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did anyone ever find the rest of this manga where the MC gets to play with the fluffy tail?

The only caster doujin I have is "Fox Extra".

>> No.8128164
File: 209 KB, 976x628, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does male MC look so angry all the time?

Also, separated a birth.

>> No.8128165
File: 461 KB, 640x512, 22846012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want those Archers to me

>> No.8128262
File: 77 KB, 480x271, multiples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovely multiples of 5, my autism is satisfied

I can just spend the 3 skill points

>> No.8128307
File: 183 KB, 512x384, 21770381_p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8128315

i preffer lesbians

>> No.8128328
File: 16 KB, 448x336, Kuzuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does male MC look so angry all the time?

Obviously because his Father in real life Kuzuki.

>> No.8128329
File: 207 KB, 512x384, 21770381_p11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8128338

does this mean servants can have children?

>> No.8128342
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>> No.8128349
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>> No.8128354



Hell that wouldn't even make any sense.

>> No.8128357



>> No.8128363
File: 219 KB, 512x384, 21770381_p18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8128366

what are the events required to get Caster max matrix level?

>> No.8128368

Emu-bros should get r2390 64bit, faster and finally has good sound support.

>> No.8128371
File: 222 KB, 512x384, 21770381_p19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8128374


>> No.8128378

the combat system in this game is painful and I hate it.

>> No.8128386

nobody cares

>> No.8128389

My own vulpine waifu... I must have

>> No.8128397

So much tits and thigh highs. How am I supposed to resist this to begin with..?

>> No.8128409

I find the battle system really entertaining if not unique, fighting animation are awesome too no matter how many times you watch it.
Regarding difficulty in battle all you need is to grind the character and equip the necessary formal wear wether in battle or not also spam skills helps alot when not sure of the patterns.

>> No.8128417

FemMc doesn't have homolust with Archer, so no.

>> No.8128437
File: 138 KB, 976x628, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got UBW.
I wiped the floor with this guy. doing 2200 damage per attack. And that Emiya music!
Rho Aius'd his No Second Strike and finished him off in the same turn.

>> No.8128448

UBW is ridiculous when you can just fill every slot with Kaladbog.

>> No.8128472

I'm pretty damn sure that is what they want us to do. They're telling us how awesome is EMIYA even when he's just a copy residing in a super computer.

>> No.8128581
File: 105 KB, 717x507, 510822ddb28d4e92c16606a6de4d62a4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Agility is completely useless, right?
I honestly see no merit to it.

>> No.8128756

That looks like will end in 3p

>> No.8128763 [DELETED] 

It normalizes your damage range which is the only really useful part for Saber. It also determines whose skill goes first when both people use a skill on the same turn. But seeing as you don't use skills much on Saber it's not a huge deal. You just get a little bit for Saber but just focus on Attack and Defense mostly

>> No.8128841


Its not completely useless but it is the most useless stat over all.

Luck serves you better in this game than Agility ever will.

>> No.8128899

Why does she seem so unhappy that you adore her tail?

>> No.8128916

She is probably panicking due to how sensitive it is.

>> No.8128928

The love flag broke, so I was assuming that grabbing her tail was the incorrect choice, especially given how pissed off she looks.

>> No.8128932

That only happened after he didn't stop when she started complaining.

>> No.8128941
File: 1.08 MB, 280x158, tail grab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fluffy tails are at least as sensitive as nipples are, sometimes moreso.

>> No.8128944

Man, this is one of those gifs I always find myself watching over and over.

>> No.8129089

Furry shit.

>> No.8129112

You are furry shit. She's just boring.

>> No.8129341

>How am I supposed to resist this to begin with..?
You aren't.

>> No.8129350

That's a bullshit cliche they keep using. Right?

>> No.8129369

No Saber love? Caster was hnnnngh as fuck, but I absolutely loved Saber.

>> No.8129371


>> No.8129386

I played the game 4 times and finally killed Shiki with all 3 servants, and then I found out I didn't like any of the servants. Alice gets on my nerves the most, with Fagwain being a close second.

>> No.8129419
File: 278 KB, 792x1161, 1317777888311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


About tails being sensitive to the point where a foxgirl starts making adult noises when her tail is rubbed?

It is one of the absolute truths in the anime world.

>> No.8129462

That's not Amber you tremendous faggot. Tamamo has no need to copy Kohaku's hijinks and her charms are her own.

>> No.8129494
File: 335 KB, 1000x1000, d397807601e26f30962c981d59d2be22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red Saber is awesome, as is her voice. She's better than original Saber in every way.

Caster's gonna have her work cut out for her in NG+.

>> No.8129510

Caster is so adorable that the enemies go easy on her.

>> No.8129511
File: 340 KB, 1024x1448, ディーン@修羅場中 - キャスター.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Caster's gonna have her work cut out for her in NG+.

And she shall exceed expectations.

Hell, as much as I adore Saber I just can't bring myself to call her my WIFE...

Partially because Caster plans to CASTERate you because she is a deity who doesn't support harems

>> No.8129567

I'd rather have someone that loves me for who I am, even if she is a hedonist and pretentious asshole rather than an concubine more devoted to the concept of waifu-ism rather than her love for me.

>> No.8129587
File: 442 KB, 1287x965, fate extra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I was disappointed with this game was that both "Fate/The Fact" and the artbook completely neglect caster. Caster doesn't even appear on the regular edition packaging either (front or back).

Lots of Saber and Rin pics, with the odd Rani pic, but not a single caster pic anywhere. I felt a bit cheated.

>> No.8129601


Hopefully she gets promoted a bit more with CCC.

I'm under the impression that she's pretty well loved in both hemispheres.

>> No.8129609


>an concubine more devoted to the concept of waifu-ism rather than her love for me.

Oh look,another baka that doesn't deserve his fluffy tail.

Considering who she is,you should be thanking Elder God Demonbane that your lowly Mongrel self was capable of even making her love you.

>> No.8129621


>Fate the Fact

Scans where?

>> No.8129623
File: 38 KB, 600x400, geckos1319921369..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know /a/ are retards, but Caster swept through there with more impact than I have seen from a /v/ product in a long time.

Amiami stopped taking preorders on Caster due to lack of availability, so maybe the extra month delay on her figure means they are extending the production run to meet higher than expected demand.

You don't see many figure threads in /a/, but that caster figure has /a/ drooling. All the "ordered like the fist of an angry god" bravado is there, so hopefully people are actually putting their money where their mouth is and supporting it.

>> No.8129635


haha.. I did promise to scan it a few weeks ago, didn't I?

I got sidetracked on BF3 and Otomedius (and Extra, of course). I figured someone had scanned it and shared with you by now.

>> No.8129718

> I figured someone had scanned it and shared with you by now.

If somebody has,i'd love to see it. Still only have a few short goddamn paragraphs in the Type Moon wiki to go off of when it comes to F/E's shit.

>> No.8130883
File: 164 KB, 1179x601, soft fluffy ears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her voice is pure sex. It is like a Homu voice that transitions to lucchini when she gets excited or frisky.

Chiwa Saitō was a good choice.

>> No.8131116

i play this while waiting to get summoned in dark souls. caster is love.

>> No.8131145

Caster is Homu?!

>> No.8131170
File: 152 KB, 500x707, 7833_bce1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of course...

>> No.8131226

Could I have the fluffytail.exe?
The one posted in the thread is a .jar...

>> No.8131230

Jesus christ, why do you keep calling her Magical Amber.

Shut up, she's not!

>> No.8131233

Patty from ToV is the best.


>> No.8131257
File: 478 KB, 650x777, 9722f1369a7736647d6c62f0f48f9327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't beat Lancer (Vlad Tepes).
I just fucking can't. I'm using Caster, and I retried about 9 times already. I've googled that shit too and it didn't help. Is there any way to make my fight easier?

>> No.8131265


Grind 10 levels, then try again.

>> No.8131272

I'm level 24, just like I'm supposed to be...
And I just want to remember this game as a fun experience, not a chore.

>> No.8131310

You allocated your points wrong then. Grind mroe or use cheats.

>> No.8131339

There's an emulator for this?

>> No.8131436


While I don't have a link, I can confirm that it plays well on a decent PC (dozens of people here and on /v/ emulated it).

I bought my copy of fate/extra, but I assume it can be found at the usual pirate sites.

>> No.8131443

What emulator are you using?

>> No.8131466

>I bought my copy of fate/extra and play it on an actual PSP

You do know what an emulator is, right?

>> No.8131471

Uh, what?

>> No.8131676

So where does one get a decrypted version of this game?

>> No.8132991

The game seems to be running at 1 FPS for some reason. After I load the file it just stays at a black screen, what's up with that?

>> No.8133039

Anyone wanna tell me how to cheat at this game on the emulator? I found the following codes with google but I don't know which one I should use, or how.

_C0 View all in battle (see enemy action, but hard to keep the left d)
_L 0x20053A3C 0x00000000

_C0 View all in battle
_L 0x80F7B778 0x00060001
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000

>> No.8133350

>not buying the game

Don't want CCC translated very much, huh?

>> No.8133425


I'm happy I bought it... The artbook/CD case is kind of nice (for saber fans, at least). It seemed like good value for the $29 or $39 or whatever the game costs.

>> No.8133431

>More Sakura
>Even more & shittier Saber design whoring
No thank you.

>> No.8133516


Thanks to this game getting localized and having enough cred on the Internet, CCC will probably get a translation official or not. It'll just take a few extra...YEARS as opposed to a YEAR.


>Even more & shittier Saber design whoring

>shittier Saber design whoring

You mean superior. Also you forgot about Archer and Caster too as they're also getting some new swag. Also it isn't the exact same Sakura so don't judge on appearence. She'll be your waifu Anon,I guarantee it.

>> No.8133568

>Belts and Zippers
Oh wow.

>> No.8133603
File: 39 KB, 395x500, TVG-PSP-2361_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn straight

Go back to your shitty Midieval tin cans. We tacticool now.

>> No.8133613

Could your taste be any shittier?

>> No.8133661


Now you just sound frustrated. Do you have enough mad in stock, Gabuttpain?

>> No.8133810

Well I just finished Fate/Extra with Saber, liked it a fucking lot.

>> No.8133899

So... what exactly carries over in NG+?

I think I remember hearing about people unexpectedly losing some of their formal wear...

>> No.8133995


In NG+ You get to keep your Formal Wear and Money. The only formal wear you lose is the Scarlet one that heals to full and gets rid of Status effects in NG+.

But that barely hinders you since like you get to keep shit like MP Heal that'll allow you to skill spam everything to death,Regen and if you've defeated the secret boss,the Item she gives as well.

>> No.8133998 [DELETED] 


How do you access the secret boss?

>> No.8134001

May be newfagging but, does Fate/Extra require the analog stick?

>> No.8134008


Nope. It isn't even enabled as an alternative to the gamepad.

>> No.8134009


>> No.8134015

You also lose the Unique Servant formal wears, I'm pretty sure.
Unless I loaded the wrong file before I beat the game with Caster.

>> No.8134020

I didn't keep the one from Archer either.

>> No.8134021


>You also lose the Unique Servant formal wears, I'm pretty sure.

>Unique Servant formal wears

Aside from the Scarlet one,I never got those. They have unique ones? The hell do you get that?

>> No.8134026

Depends on the servant.
Archer is kill 300 enemies or something. Boosts MP by 150.
Caster's is take 300,000 damage. Boost MP by 200. But takes forever to get normally, and took like 3 hours with CWCheat and letting Lu Bu wail on Caster.
No clue what Saber's is.

>> No.8134046


Oh they're those things the Servants give you for doing shit. I thought they were just Key Items you could never use. Never bothered with Archer either so I can see now how I missed getting even one.

>> No.8134056

I wish you guys would stop posting the names of the servants.

>> No.8134087


>browsing 4chan when you don't want to be spoiled

You must be new here.

>> No.8134108

Rin or Rani. Which did you favour more, /jp/?

>> No.8134114
File: 316 KB, 1000x900, JADF - 遠坂凛.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All the identities of the Servants in this game aren't exactly very well hidden so its not something to get your panties in a knot about.

Hell I think theres only two Servants in the game who's true identity isn't utterly piss easy to figure out once you're given a hint. That being Rider and Rani's Berserker.


Ass window-chan

>> No.8134124

Berserker just requires you to have played a Dynasty Warriors game.

>> No.8134169


True probably...I mean who else wears those silly fucking Ribbon things? Guy might as well be a Touhou

>> No.8134209
File: 2.91 MB, 1366x2054, 1305514248983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i rather like his little headpiece

>> No.8134276

Kohaku = Mr. Chin = Magical Amber = Tamamo no Mae.

Make Kohaku a deity and you get Tamamo no Mae. Kohaku just wants to have a purpose in life and be a good wife for Shiki, and get over the horrible trauma.

>> No.8134299

This really had me going

>> No.8134311

The awesome battle theme as well

>> No.8134558


Ehh... None of the battle music in F/E really did it for me. Lots of it feels more suited to Elevator music in my opinionsave for Saviour's because thats obviously RAVE-tier http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_IJlNOkZlc But yeah,I hope they take the battle tracks in a different direction with CCC. Everything outside of that is fine but goddommot the battle tracks just don't sit well with me.

>> No.8134579

You just have shitty tastes

>> No.8134583


God dammit Anon I was trying to have an intelligent discussion....Well you leave me no choice but to reply with:


>> No.8134590

i liked this one. it also plays during the ryogi battle so it's a bonus.

>> No.8134648

Forgot to ask, why is Rin blonde at the end?

>> No.8134658


That's her hair color. She made her avatar's hair black because that's what the real Rin (her ancestor) looked like.

>> No.8135630

>Well I just finished Fate/Extra with Saber, liked it a fucking lot.

did you get to fuck her on teh clinic?

>> No.8135646

What JPCSP settings will get me the best FPS on an ATI card?

>> No.8135680

Its funny how most of the servants reveal their identities by dropping fuck huge hints everywhere.

Either the servants or the masters do it.

Meanwhile none of your opponents seem concerned at all about finding information on your servant.

Also how the fuck is Shinji a genius hacker at 8 years old.

>> No.8135693

I'd also like to know. For now, I just clicked basically every box that didn't disable something.

>> No.8135731

FPS shouldn't be a problem if you get a real graphics card.

>> No.8135794

Considering how badly the servants want to fuck, why doesnt the MC say yes? Its like playing as Shirou....

>> No.8135809

I instantly regretted my purchase of my ATI card. But, alas, I was young and inexperienced in the ways of PC building, and chose to trust a family friend in the PC repair industry, rather than my high-school locker buddy.

>> No.8135830

ATI cards are great. They are a lot cheaper than nvidia cards but their performance is still decent.

>> No.8135848

They weren't great when I was trying to run various Linux distros a few years back. Heck, the newer cards still suck at doing that.

>> No.8135849

they are decent as long as it's directx based, but when it comes to opengl support, they lag behind nvidia a whole lot.

jpcsp is wholly opengl based.

>> No.8135858

Yeah, I got mine for the x10 support, and it worked fantastically on my Windows disk, but when it came to Linux, it was akin to looking at Etch-A-Sketch art. Luckily, my card's old enough now that there are drivers for it, but when it was new...

>> No.8135863


Because he's not a horrible failure like Shirou who needs to mana transfer to keep his servant from dying. Also, F/E is all ages.

>> No.8135870

There are programs that still use opengl? I remember like a decade back i had to download updates for opengl...but now? its all directx...

>> No.8135948

jpcsp is cross platform. directx is windows only.

can java do directx?

>> No.8136188 [DELETED] 

There's still been no link to fluffy tail or its predecessor.

>> No.8136202

JNI. That being said, Java's 3D API may or may not use DirectX internally for hardware acceleration.

>> No.8136483
File: 349 KB, 700x566, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>why doesnt the MC say yes?

Best to just assume that at some point he does.

I mean, if the week with Rin and Rani's fight where the MC has nothing to do is any indication... There's probably a TON of unaccounted time between the MC and their Servant. But then again of course,that week is just weird as hell in the image we're given of things. Since if there are other weeks like that, it implies that the MC didn't give a rats ass about getting some early info/hints in on potential future opponents.Which is baka

>> No.8136586
File: 364 KB, 1920x1080, 1319699260792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blackmore figures out Saber's identity. I guess he's the only one who was taking things seriously.

>> No.8136612

Admiral Saber is the most enthusiastic of the servants you can choose from in regards to giving away who she is.

Magical Amber only drops hints to you, and Archer doesn't give two fucks about his identity, unless it's to be tsun tsun toward you over it.

>> No.8136976

I followed jpcsp's configuration advice from the previous thread and the game runs at 20fps when Issei appears for the first time.
Here is the CPU and graphics card, which I suppose are the most important for a Java emulator:
C2D@2.9GHz OC
550GT OC by default

>> No.8136989

You get lower FPS with all those moronic students in the background. The emulator can't handle it all. When you actually get inside the school and the main game, arena, etc., I pull consistent 30+ FPS, which is how fast the PSP renders it all, with a 250 GTS and an i7 2.8 ghz processor.

>> No.8136987
File: 9 KB, 360x400, 17557522_p0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Choose Caster
>Are you my master?
>Stop joking around,Master!

>Choose Archer
>Are you my master?
>LOL k goodbye then
>Game over

Archer confirmed for shitty servant

>> No.8137258

none, get Geforce gpu.

>> No.8137340
File: 108 KB, 800x600, IMG_1277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I thought everybody had a PSP at least.
Its really simple to put CFW on.

Is there any significant difference in dialogue between if you're male and female? This is important is it could potentially double how much time I put into this game.

>> No.8137354

The denseness of the MC seems really fitting on a male, but I'd hope the female MC has some differences.

>> No.8137360

"But I'm a girl!"

>> No.8137365

Female MC seems to be pretty dense, and everybody still gives me that "I want to fuck" attitude, except the males.

I figure its just laziness, and theres no difference at all except a pronoun filter. Come to think of it theres really nothing referring to the MC's gender that i've noticed except for the bathrooms.

>> No.8137768

Im playing as female and noticed that some characters still refer me to as "his" and using male pronouns. But thats probably a shitty translation error.

Also if you choose the wrong option while talking to caster she complains about "men being too pushy" when you are female. Uh?

>> No.8137923

I can't stop fapping to Caster's voice. Is this normal?

>> No.8138118

not really. Sometimes enemy masters/servants would drop hints about your servant's identity. The most obvious one would be when Gawain called Saber "Whore of Babylon". So yes, they are concerned up to a certain point.

>> No.8138346

Assassin keeps buffing himself at the start of every sequence.

Is there a way to remove that buff? Because he gets no buff icon, so im not sure if thats removable.

>> No.8138665

I tried going further than that and it's hitting +55, thanks!

>> No.8139218
File: 120 KB, 799x700, 2011-11-23_150302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just downloaded it, I'm stuck on the EBOOT.BIN step. There is no EBOOT.OLD in the iso I downloaded from bitgamer. Any ideas?

>> No.8139310

then it probably means the iso wasn't patched with prometheus, so it'll work in jpcsp without the need for that step.

>> No.8139311


>Sometimes enemy masters/servants would drop hints about your servant's identity.

Other times they were completely clueless, like when Archer and Caster first met. He was like "your ears are HUGE what the hell are you?"

>> No.8139490

You want Archer to act like a clingy bitch? Why should he stick around if you don't want his as a Servant?

>> No.8140123
File: 146 KB, 550x750, 15908885_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone translate this?


>> No.8140129
File: 269 KB, 550x750, 15908885_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8140136
File: 213 KB, 550x750, 15908885_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8140149

Just in case you do get a translated script, I'll be ready to edit it in.
Working on redrawing the bit on page 2 now.

>> No.8140241 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 550x750, caster02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8140239 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 550x750, caster01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting warmly now

>> No.8140252

>Choose Archer
>Are you my master?
>LOL k goodbye then
>Game over
Did you think he'd give you a Genji Gauntlet?

>> No.8140257

My servant is called Caster, and she has fox ears

Her ears are so cute.
I like to rub her head.
1. Welcome back, Master.
Will you pet my ears again?
2. Hey
3. He's a... pedophile...
4. Master, do you like little children more than me?
No, this is a misunderstanding!
1. That can't be true. I saw the way you looked at Alice with lust in your eyes!
No, like I said, this is a misunderstanding.
(arrow pointing caption) Speechless
2. Even if I am a pedophile, your fluffy ears are the only ones for me.
3. Really?
4. Well, in that case I suppose I have no problem with it.
(caption above Caster): Master is a pedophile
(caption above brotag): That was close

>> No.8140283

Thank you, I'll get to work right away

>> No.8140296

I think you missed something on the first page.

>> No.8140309

Oh, sorry, I only translated the top part for some reason. The bottom part is (from right to left)

I love my master!
(sound effect) pat pat

>> No.8140336

My PC is old as hell but it was top of the line when I bought it and it can really turn chicken shit into chicken salad
Windows XP
2.8 GHZ single core
Nvidia GeForce 7300 LE

However, it's punched well above its weight class at times (can run Skyrim on Low with a bit of tweaking, for example).

So basically, I ask, how well can my shit PC run an emulated Fate-Extra?

>> No.8140340

Probably, but your framerate won't be very good. (Or I don't think it will, though I've never bothered with PSP emulation myself so I'm not exactly sure how intensive it is.)

>> No.8140372 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 550x750, caster01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go. Thanks for the translation >>8140257

>> No.8140378 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 550x750, caster03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8140375 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 550x750, caster02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8140388

Thank you dude
Are you a member of any scanlator team, or something?

>> No.8140402


>> No.8140431

He made that up.

>> No.8140445

That conversation actually looks pretty legit for Male Protagonist and Magical Amber...

She's okay with you liking little girls, as long as she's your number 1 vulpine waifu. You can't like little girls as much as Admiral Saber does, though.

>> No.8140457

Pretty sure this translation is fake.

>> No.8140462


>> No.8140471

I think you're right.
Waiting warmly for a corrected script. Haven't deleted the psd files so it shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.8140475

I almost prefer that version.

>> No.8140558
File: 413 KB, 639x362, battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were can I play this game?

>> No.8140602


You can "play" it here:


>> No.8140618

If you couldn't tell he was just making shit up in place of goshujinsama then... well...

>> No.8140625

Characters: Male protagonist, Extra Caster (her japanese nickname is kyasko), Rani, Alice, Alice
Caster as main + Popular protagonist
If that's ok for you, please read.

I am Caster, a good fox wife。I am very much in love with my dear Master.


Could it be that Master likes little girls?
What's wrong, Caster?! (It's a misunderstanding!)

I mean, why would Master speak with THOSE girls while having someone like me?
Calm down, Caster.
(THOSE girls)

You'll always be the first for me, Caster.

So I'm the legal wife and those are your lovers?
(Well I'm happy for first place, but...)
Why did it turn into that?

Last line is typical tsukkomi shit, if you want to find some other less literal, funnier punchline be my guest

>> No.8140632

oh and the blurbs are "I love Master!" "cute..." and sfx for petting

>> No.8140635

If you can't even get the simplest word on the first page right, don't bother.

>> No.8140639


Hmph. Fine.

>> No.8140643

I just overlooked them, who pissed in your cereal this morning?

>> No.8140652
File: 62 KB, 500x500, 1315001771307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, help me there
Caster's personality is air-head or yandere like?
im confused

>> No.8140656

That game doesn't exist.
It's a screenshot from an OAV.

>> No.8140660

Play the game and figure it out.

>> No.8140661
File: 687 KB, 1500x843, 22958192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8140670

>Caster's personality is air-head or yandere like?
I get the impression that Caster may not be as loopy as she lets on.

>> No.8140681
File: 213 KB, 550x750, caster02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8140679
File: 138 KB, 550x750, caster01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to >>8140625 for the translation.

>> No.8140685
File: 169 KB, 550x750, caster03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to admit I kinda liked the alternative punchline better, but the setup was weaker.
Still enjoyable nonetheless.

>> No.8140759
File: 993 KB, 2393x3486, 1320164303151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fox wife or vulpine concubine, its all good to me.

Although I have to wonder....
The the color of her tails indicate her body hair color, yes this doesn't match the hair on her head. I guess Caster dyes her hair pink....

>> No.8140764

damn, I wanted pink pubic hair.
Maybe she's tri-color?

>> No.8140770

That's not how animal girls work in Japan. The hair on the head can be human-like... or the color of bubble gum, it's all academic.

>> No.8140785

>it's all academic.

>> No.8140789
File: 81 KB, 425x600, 1205104718147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So wait...if someone photoshops Horo having pink hair....

>> No.8140921

No, pondering the idea of make-believe vulpine waifus having weird and mismatched hair colors, and whether this is proper or not, is a useless pursuit in the face of the inanity of it all.

>> No.8140967
File: 58 KB, 484x276, fate_extra_ccc_01_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You get another Lancer slut

>> No.8140972 [DELETED] 
File: 298 KB, 500x876, 19718907_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being Lancer is suffering

>> No.8141181

In week 6 when Lancer attacks you as you walk into the arena, why does the attack fail?

>> No.8141216

They should explain it to you. In the other route you fight a berserker so the reason is obvious.

>> No.8141826

Its not explained.

>> No.8141867

So i just finished the caster/rani route.

You get deleted by the grail and caster returns to the grail. Thats it? Seriously?

>> No.8142052


>Thats it? Seriously?


Dissapointed? I know I was. Fucking universe needs more depth and a better conclusion. There's so many unanswered questions Like who exactly created the shitty Moon Cell Nasu should be shot for letting the game just go through.

CCC had better not dissapoint


It is explained you faggot. Pay attention. Its a trap thats set to go off when you're entering the arena and because you entered it in a fuck hurry,it ended up missing and not killing you.

>> No.8142070

i thought it was to scare you

>> No.8142091
File: 498 KB, 600x610, 12904106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't approve of lolis? Yiff in hell Caster.

>> No.8142090

can a female MC fall in love with Magical Amber? (Or the other way around)

>> No.8142222

Rani only says that its a celtic rune...theres absolutely no mention of it being a trap or why it missed.

>> No.8142239

20 fps in the school on week 1...any ideas on how to improve it? I have the most updated drivers...

>> No.8142244
File: 153 KB, 743x1010, 1318695020539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe you fags will play a shitty rock-paper-scissors game just because it's Type-Moon.

I'll be sure to bring this up the next time you guys insult CoD and WoW kiddies.

>> No.8142252

Because WOW's "2 people stand there and press hotkeys 1-0 on their keyboard" is so much better amirite?

>> No.8142256


>> No.8142258

It's fun. I'd play more games like this.

>> No.8142261

It's hotkeys 1-3
you've never played WoW

>> No.8142262

It's not as simple as that.

I can't even reach keys 7-0 with my left hand!

>> No.8142267

Sometimes you also have to log in to the forums and cry about how you can't dodge a slow and easily avoidable aoe attack of a boss so it would get nerfed.

>> No.8142281


Where are these shorts from anyway?

>> No.8142290
File: 377 KB, 1584x1014, WoWScrnShot_112411_074317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use every key on the first bar regularly and most of the second bar, and each of them has a shift-modified key so each bar is technically two bars.

You've clearly never played a spec besides arcane mage before.

>> No.8142297

What the fuck

>> No.8142302

I've never touched arcane as it was only a useless side tree when I played during BC. Combat rogue, fire mage, and resto shaman.

>> No.8142303

It'll be around 20k in MoP once the item lvl squish is put in.

>> No.8142307

>>8142290 Nightelf rogue

Fuck off, kiddo.

>> No.8142313

You're just jealous of my legendary daggers next patch.

I was originally a gnome for Southshore PvP.

>> No.8142312

>Doesn't own a Razer Naga

>> No.8142328

Razer naga is worthless.
I had
r -fireball
t - living bomb
v - fire blast
c - ice nova
3 - dragons breath
2 - blast nova
1 - decurse
4 - sheep
middlemouse - blink
S-3 - blizzard
s-4 - flamestrike
s-f - spellsteal
s-t - counterspell
f - scorch
g - mana shield
1 - pyroblast
s-5 -evocate
x - arcane explosion
s-g - mirror image

Haven't played in over a year and still remember some of my keys.
You have enough keys everywhere if you use shift modifiers.

>> No.8142370
File: 94 KB, 800x600, 1311728257136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shift+ 1-5
ctrl + 1-5
alt + 1-5
shift+ctrl+ 1-5

being a holy priest is suffering, even in the era of arcane mages and two-button rotations with fights where you spend the entire time standing still as ranged.

>> No.8142389

Oh wow, moron.
The game is good, at least is something new.

>> No.8142398

Really? Rock-paper-scissors is new?

I've seen more innovative gameplay in doujin porn games. You're clearly the moron here.

>> No.8142402

>I can't believe you fags will play a shitty rock-paper-scissors game just because it's Type-Moon.

its more than that, I like teh cute poses they made and caster's voice reaction everytime she got hurt.

>I'll be sure to bring this up the next time you guys insult CoD and WoW kiddies.
I only play ragnarok :3

>> No.8142410
File: 188 KB, 512x384, 21770381_big_p9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy knows what's up.

>> No.8142425

Clearly you haven't even played it.

>> No.8142466

So uh how do i improve the framerate? I get below 20 in school.

>> No.8142485

You improve it by waiting for a more optimized version of the emulator

Should take a year or three, if you're lucky

>> No.8142495

you don't, psp emulation still sucks

>> No.8142503

My computer can handle wii and ps2 emulation but it can't handle psp emulation cause it's a piece of shit made in java.

>> No.8142506

Why isnt it optimized now? The PSP was released...like 5 years ago or something.

>> No.8142520


Because the Firmware and encryption makes anything PSP related a complete bitch.

>> No.8142779

You seriously think WoW's combat is that much better than Fate//Extra? WoW's combat system is the low point of the game, the only thing worse is the quests. It was great 6+ years ago though. The RPS combat is just turn based but it requires some memorization and strategy if you don't use the wiki. Far more indepth than any original FF 10 or lower.
Fate//Extra's combat is better than Skyrim for sure, and it is quite sad because the combat system isn't even close to good. It is a bit fun for the first playthrough though if you choose anyone but Caster.

>> No.8142843

Spoiler: It's written in Java.

>> No.8143119

RPS combat would be fine if there was some kind of a way to predict what the opponent does next.

RPS combat when the opponent is a cold unfeeling machine who picks everything at random? That gets old fast.

>> No.8143133
File: 724 KB, 818x1157, 1319757139214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tamamo is almost disturbing in how blatantly she's been engineered as the perfect waifu. It's as if they took Belldandy and gave her a functioning libido and a sense of humor.

>> No.8143135

Except they have fixed strings they pull from and the dialogue for servant battles gives insight as to which movelist they will be pulling from.

>> No.8143161
File: 749 KB, 1366x955, 邪恶 - [中國語注意] 花嫁装Saber~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Roughly the same could be said for Nero.

It's almost disturbing how she's been engineered as the as the perfect Seiba. It's as if they took Arturia and gave her a functioning intellect and a sense of charm.

>> No.8143186


Exactly... Much of the game is spent researching the oponent in the story/adventure part of the game. That translates into unlocking info on the enemy attack patterns.

It is weird when you think about it... "I found out his true name is lu bu, so I have a feeling he will be using "break" as his third move today". It is an oversimplified way of rewarding players who do their homework by giving them a combat advantage.

>> No.8143197


>It is weird when you think about it... "I found out his true name is lu bu, so I have a feeling he will be using "break" as his third move today".


That IS pretty odd since if the way the MC fights is any indication,they should be following their Master's Orders and not adhering to what they personally think they should do...

So in THAT case you should be learning more about the Master than the Servant really.

>> No.8143200


Exhibitionism isn't charming.

why the fuck does she have a cowbell around her neck

>> No.8143205


Its a lock Anon. Its function is probably to help her preserve her Chasity for the Honey Moon.

>> No.8143226
File: 178 KB, 930x1280, 2c924c24608e13d96217f2ed159fb980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It is weird when you think about it... "I found out his true name is lu bu, so I have a feeling he will be using "break" as his third move today".

you are genius mastah!

>> No.8143303

I know I'm really late but sorry about some of the bugs (strange patterns appearing). I'll fix them soon, if you guys want.

>> No.8143307
File: 162 KB, 1920x1080, 1319857336334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More like a Newtype....Caster I can see time itself!Through this ass window


>Honey Moon
>Moon Cell

...God dammit Nasu

>> No.8145032

Uh except servant battle dialog isnt translated.

>> No.8145041

Think of it as the difference between dissimilar system sounds.

>> No.8145173

I'm using jpcsp. Is there a way to make text and speech occur at the same time? Having to wait for moonspeak to finish till the text appears is agonising.

>> No.8145238

I'm assuming there is, but I haven't figured out how and gave up playing Extra for a while. Better things to do.

>> No.8145415

Just use w to skip the voice and make the text appear instantly.

>> No.8145647
File: 187 KB, 962x549, D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so cold towards me, /a/?


>> No.8145656

I don't know, how about you go ask /a/.

>> No.8146987

not yet, it's apparently a bug in the emulator. sometimes the text will be appearing along with the voice, but most of the time it'll freeze until it's done.

>> No.8147001
File: 132 KB, 480x272, gotta fuck 'em all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because you're as stupid as Shirou is.

Rin treated me with both respect and dignity. Picture related.

>> No.8147051
File: 33 KB, 480x272, snap010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she such a loyal, adorable and pure maiden?

>> No.8147063
File: 27 KB, 480x272, snap021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never summon a loli Caster ;_;

>> No.8147133


Why would I want to summon a loli Caster?

>> No.8147172

Because lolis are hot.

>> No.8147331

caster works better with tits though.

>> No.8147544

Is there much of a difference between male/female in this game or does it just come down to personal preference?

>> No.8149288

There are a few lines that change, but in general the difference isn't that big. The servants are by far the biggest choice followed by the routes.

>> No.8149288,1 [INTERNAL] 

from it grave
