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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7425216 No.7425216 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /jp/.
Are Light Novels allowed here, or should I take them to /lit/?
I ask because they're Japanese (as far as I know. I've never heard of a "Light Novel," anywhere else), and since VN's are allowed here, and also on /v/ as they're considered video games by the mods there.

If not, I apologize and I'll take it to /lit/.

>> No.7425226

Light novels are welcome here. If someone says otherwise ignore them. They think probably think touhou, or visual novels should go to another board too.

>> No.7425231

/lit/ would probably be even worse than /jp/ to post about LNs on.

>> No.7425243

yes but no one reads them. well no one reads them anywhere else either so its not like there is any difference

>> No.7425253

Ah. Thanks much. Just wanted to make sure before I started posting, possibly shitting up the board with unrelated subjects.
Hm, so I'd still be at a loss. I've yet to find anywhere tolerable to even begin to discuss LN's.

>> No.7425265

Have you considered that's due to the fact LN's are the Japanese equivalent to Young Adult novels and irredeemably terrible

>> No.7425271

What makes a light novel a light novel?
just simple to read or something like that?

>> No.7425278

Ignore >>7425226 Light Novels belong to /a/ moot said so.

>> No.7425280

try wikipedia

>> No.7425304

You discuss shoot 'em ups about little girls and fairies in dresses shooting magic. You have no room to talk about what's irredeemably terrible by description and genre alone.

Just because it's intended for adults does not instantly mean it's good, and the reverse applies to Young Adult novels as well, thanks.

Are you sure? They're predominantly Japanese, and not anime.

>> No.7425306

I still await the day the rest of Kino no Tabi will be translated.

>> No.7425317


>> No.7425319

Personally, I'm still waiting for my newer chapters of Shinrei Tantei Yakumo.

>> No.7425320

Hey, OP, I've read that one too.
How much has been translated since the ice-dragon chapter?

>> No.7425326

List of Young Adult novels of any literary merit:

>> No.7425338

list any touhou games of gaming merit (ie, not just pattern memorization and muscle memory) and any VNs of literary merit.
Its a trick question because even if you do answer, you are wrong because OPINIONS

>> No.7425339

You are upset for absolutely no reason at all. Can't you just accept that something being classified as Young Adult doesn't necessarily mean it's shit?

Ah, so they are. I'll take my leave back to /a/ - Moe and Summer, then.

>> No.7425348

Read the post further. He also says visual novels are suppose to be on /a/ too. Do we you see visual novels on /a/? Yeah, but that doesn't mean they aren't /jp/ related too.

>> No.7425351

There are no VNs of literary merit

I'm sorry if you don't see why an adult reading a book targeted at junior high school students isn't worthy of all possible ridicule

>> No.7425353

Haven't read that far yet. I'm only on chapter...19, I believe. Right at the Deepeyes, Doomeyes, or whatever the Minotaur creature was.

>> No.7425358

>He also says visual novels are suppose to be on /a/ too
>Having the visual novel guys back would be a blessing. We need our core base.
>What the fuck? /a/'s "core base" needs to be ANIME, and MANGA.

>> No.7425362

>Are Light Novels allowed here, or should I take them to /lit/?
Technically they are, but most of the ones people discuss quickly turn into /a/ shit with people discussing the anime and not the novels.

No matter the case though the term "Light Novel" serves little purpose unless published in Japanese.

>> No.7425364

If you're concerned about ridicule, you're in the wrong place.

>> No.7425365

Work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.7425374

But you were very quick to call LN's shit because of those very reasons.

Hypocrisy is a bad trait.

>> No.7425392

Who says I think VNs aren't shit?

>> No.7425400

Oh okay, you're one of THOSE faggots. Shouldn't you be sagebombing threads on /lit/ about fantasy instead of posting in threads you dislike, but cause no harm?

>> No.7425403

I'm reading a Chinese (well, Taiwanese to be more specific) LN called 骇客禁区. It's shit.

Any interesting and hopefully easy to read LN in Japanese/Chinese?

>> No.7425434

You would be the type to like fantasy novels.

>> No.7425457

I hope you don't think touhou has any value as a game either. If you don't, then all is well. Otherwise, you're quite pitiful since 2hu games aren't even worthy of the name "game" in terms of quality.

He means core base as in people who aren't straight from gaia and aren't into entry level shit. Like k-on fans wouldn't be the core base for example.

>> No.7425462

As Opposed to Ayn Rand?

Look, champ, novels and books aren't just for philosophy, learning, and theories.

>> No.7425478

Rand makes RR Martin look like Joyce

What a fucking awful comparison

>> No.7425605
File: 506 KB, 836x1200, Sword_Art_Online_Vol_06_-103v2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vol. 1,3,and 4 are fully translated. Vol. 2 still has 6 chapters to be translated.

>> No.7425614

Volumes 3 and 4 completed before 2?


>> No.7425629

Oh snap I was too busy shitposting to notice this thread.
Anyways I'm reading all of Kamisama no Memochou in preparation for the anime. Just finished the second volume but it didn't have as much impact as the first. First volume was awesome.
Kino no Tabi's not so great. If you're over sixteen you've probably read all of the stories before in some form or another. I like it for the art though.
I'm also awaiting my shipment of the new Haruhishit books, though I don't remember anything of what happened in the last ones, it's been four years lol

>> No.7425641

They might not have had the raws or maybe the translator bailed. There is a translator that is retired so it could have been him.

>> No.7425683

So far I've read the first two books of Bungaku Shoujo, first book of Zero no Maria, and the first Shakugan no Shana. I also read some of Kino's Journey, but I just couldn't get into it enough to read all of it. I have a long list of light novels to try reading, but I've been too broke to buy any more (have them downloaded, but much prefer reading novels in their physical form).

>> No.7425689

volume 2 takes place during the volume 1 somewhere in the middle of it. volume 3 is the continuation of volume 1 progressing the story forward.

>> No.7425717

Considering that light novels have basically become pitches for anime, it would make sense for them to be discussed in /a/.

>> No.7425718

Thanks for clearing that up. By the way, where did you get that information? Is it on the BT forums?

>> No.7425738

reading them and on a forum i found with details about sword art online. i think there is information on bt forums too.

>> No.7425770

>Considering that visual novels have basically become pitches for anime, it would make sense for them to be discussed in /a/.

i can easily find as many visual novel based anime as light novels. i guess you're better off heading to /a/ yourself. you'll find lots of idiots who can't use their brain. you'll fit right in.

>> No.7425789

ooh, buuuuuurrrrn

>> No.7426117

Is there untranslated version of Sword Art Online? I can't find it at baka-tsuki.

>> No.7426229


check the 5th page for the download links.

>> No.7426244

Light novels are a tossup, likely because moot is only vaguely aware that they even exist.

/a/ will talk about them but is only aware of about three at any one time barring recent anime adaptations, /jp/ will talk about them if they're unpopular enough (because popular ones are babby's first LN and you should gb2/a/), /lit/ probably should talk about them but is too pretentious - they have *pictures*.

SAO is babby's first LN, you should gb2/a/.

>> No.7426633


Yeah yeah Fate/Zero is babby's first LN too. Whatever.

>> No.7426915

During the split moot really said that light novels go in /a/, after being explicitly asked. Not that it really matters.

>> No.7427106

>Simple solution:
>/a/ - Anime, Manga, Visual Novels, and Light Novels
>/jp/ - Everything else

quote from moot. are you that stupid, or are you just being disingenuous? i hope you don't honestly believe that, otherwise you're very stupid and obviously not interested in the truth of the matter. during the split he said visual novels belong in /a/ too, pal. i guess those should go to /a/ too? spend an extra 10 seconds reading before you spend that time making stupid posts in the future. he obviously meant they're allowed on /a/ also. he mostly made /jp/ as the board for the rejects to shitpost on. whatever was posted here basically was okay. That's why he says "EVERYTHING WELCOME". the only reason why he doesn't want anime & manga posted here is because he doesn't want the /a/ community to merge with the cesspool called /jp/.

>> No.7427110

/jp/ exist so those who trashtalk big 3 series like bleach and pal can have a place on their own.

>> No.7427114
File: 13 KB, 268x319, Edd wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check out light novel on wikipedia
>light novel list

>Devil may cry

>> No.7427115

that's what you'd like to believe but it was mostly for the odd topics which he didn't like on /a/. like hotglue, 2hu, and other deviant japanese culture.

talking shit about the big 3 doesn't prove anything. they use to be regularly spammed on /a/ for a good couple years, but captcha and moderation shut down most of that.

>> No.7427155

I read few of them some time ago.
Now I just stick with animu/mango/eroge.
Writing is the same shit in all of them, but at least others have visuals/voices/animation/porn.
