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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 106 KB, 597x600, ChopChop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7423038 No.7423038 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Asians still use chopsticks?

I mean we've introduced the concept of the fork and spoon to them haven't we? Are those too expensive where they live or something or are they too proud to accept a Western innovation?

Maybe they should give back cars, computers, skyscrapers and pretty much every piece of military technology they now use in their armies, air forces and navies if they're going to be so high and mighty about their precious chopsticks.

Seriously, look at this poor girl. She probably wants to use proper silverware but can't because if she does her parents will disown her flat yellow ass.

>> No.7423041

Making yourself look stupid on its own doesn't count as trolling.

>> No.7423047

to troll you have to inflame your audience into rage and infighting with an intentionally enraging commentary.

All you've managed to do is make yourself look like an idiot. Bravo

in b4 limp-wristed "lol u mad"

>> No.7423048


Once you get the hang of it handling bite-sized food with chopsticks is actually a lot easier than with a fork.

(And no, I grew up using fork and spoon.)

>> No.7423060

This brings back memories of jp - Japan General. Good thing it was changed to Otaku Culture.

>> No.7423061

You are highly mistaken if you believe that we actually give a shit about Asian culture.

>> No.7423068

try this with /a/, you might have some luck

>> No.7423086

sorry, /jp/ is troll-proof

we've had a lot of practice

>> No.7423090
File: 301 KB, 800x535, wht girl with fork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do westerners still use forks?

I mean we've introduced the concept of the chopsticks to them haven't we? Are those too expensive where they live or something or are they too proud to accept an Eastern innovation?

Maybe they should give back cars, computers, skyscrapers and pretty much every piece of military technology they now use in their armies, air forces and navies if they're going to be so high and mighty about their precious forks.

Seriously, look at this poor girl. She probably wants to use proper eating utensils but can't because if she does her parents will disown her fat white ass.

>> No.7423093
File: 47 KB, 227x322, 1306292326597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why dont them nips act like us fucking weirdos

>> No.7423118

This thread needs more sage.

>> No.7423119
File: 116 KB, 800x600, 10-ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I once had a discussion about this with my friends (I: Vietnamese, they: British). One reason is that we've been using chopsticks for thousands of years, why change? The same for the West, you don't change to chopstick too, right? Of course we use forks sometimes, we don't deny it but not on regular basis.

Also we use spoons every day to eat soup and rice you idiot. Everyone use spoons from the dawn of time.

One more reason to use chopsticks is we like eating...er... soup-meal like noodles, phở, ramen, blah blah... and it has to be served in a bowl. What will you look like if you eat ramen with a fork? Even Mr.Bean would say it's stupid.

>> No.7423133

>troll proof
>have been banned more than enough times from all boards because successful trolling on this board

>> No.7423153

Because some food does not work well with forks, such as hibachi noodles.

Also, not all Asians use chops. In Thailand they primarily use forks and secretly laugh at the foreigners using chops, for trying to be Asian.

And if anime has taught me anything, modern Japanese don't know how to use them [chops] either. heheh

>> No.7423159

Why do Asians still use logographs?

I mean we've introduced the concept of the alphabet to them haven't we? Are those too modern where they live or something or are they too proud to accept a Western innovation?

Maybe they should give back cars, computers, skyscrapers and pretty much every piece of military technology they now use in their armies, air forces and navies if they're going to be so high and mighty about their precious moonrunes.

Seriously, look at this poor girl. She probably wants to read but can't because if she does her parents will disown her flat yellow ass.

>> No.7423163

If I had to guess I'd say "Tradition".

>> No.7423167

lol you fell for it.

>> No.7423170

But.. I use chopsticks...

>> No.7423177


>> No.7423185


I can't seem to clear the dirt on my monitor surrounding that "o".

>> No.7423195
File: 1.22 MB, 1600x1200, 3b09f36069325b3406ecb584e7b054bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satori ăn bằng đũa nhé các bạn

>> No.7423201

Who the hell?

>> No.7423208

Turn off the bloody Unikey. I always feel weird when someone use my language on 4chan. And your sentence lacks punctuation.

>> No.7423214

Touhou nào được yêu thích nhất ở forum Việt?

God I nearly forgot how to express myself in native tongue?

>> No.7423217

My god, stop it with the vietnamese circlejerk.

>> No.7423220
File: 222 KB, 880x1000, 1305957267041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Không bao giờ~

>> No.7423222

go back to }{otaku HQ

>> No.7423223

I'll take a Thai iced tea.

>> No.7423224

viet is such an ugly language. I get my hair cut by viet women and when they talk I wish they would just cut my ears off.

>> No.7423225

Why do Westerners still use guns?

I mean we´ve introduced the concept of gunpowder and fireworks to them haven´t we?
Are they too poor and stupid to realize that guns are the cancer of the world?

Maybe they should give nothing because they´ve invented nothing worthwhile besides the nuke if they´re going to be so high and mighty about their precious guns.

>> No.7423226


Same here. I tend to randomly insert English words/figures of speech when I try to speak my native language.

(I'm not Vietnamese though.)

>> No.7423230

Depends, what forum?
But most of them are secondary fags obsessed with SDM anyway. There are some people that "study" Touhou quite seriously but they never talk. Fucking hermits.
Unless you stick a chainsaw to your earholes, mate. Cutting earlobes isn't doing much work.
Also I'm fine with most language but Thai, wtf are they saying?

>> No.7423237

Asia have had cultery since more or less before recorded history.
It wasn't given to them by "westerners".

Besides, it was generally the poor who used chopsticks as opposed to more expensive utensils, in that regard it really is no different than how people all over used to eat with their hands.

>> No.7423240
File: 206 KB, 600x800, 4763e5c2aec87d26285eb89c15a2b02a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuugi is actually Vietnamese, pic is proof.

>> No.7423254
File: 616 KB, 800x1130, 4b21096c22f3df1cb187110bd5dbe01a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then how she doesn't know Kogasa?

>> No.7423257

I'm sure even the Emperor of China used chopsticks in his meals.

>> No.7423260

Secondary fags.
Why should we discuss Vietnamese in a chopsticks thread? Last time I was in Haiphong everyone was blowing each other' heads with shotguns.

>> No.7423261

And what you said is close to the conclusion that I came to after some whimsical browsings.

Never did realize it was popular among Viet community though, until I saw a banner of Youmu and Yuyuko on ani4free.

>> No.7423263

actually, we're all Persona user~

>> No.7423264

Occasionally quite possibly. But the emperors had expensive utensils of all kinds and shapes, and they used them.
But it really isn't saying much anyway, most of all western royalty have eaten with their hands as well on occasions even though they as well have had expensive utensils and cultery.

But chopsticks still aren't bad.

>> No.7423267

Take this shit back to >>/v/

>> No.7423268

ani4free is so-so, at least they have decent work.
VNS is amazing on the wiki stuffs (They literally copied the whole touhou wikia and translated it, can't say it's good or bad, but still amazing) but the members are retarded, except a few obviously, shouldn't generalise lololol.
Is there any other forum in Vietnam that has a Touhou board? Or should I wait until that lazy sucker Formless God be able to draw some doujin?

>> No.7423270

Just a quick question, did any Vietfag in here make a KnK thread recently? I got a ban message for shitposting with KnK after resetting my router.

>> No.7423273

You did, I think.

>> No.7423276

Whoa, I never knew my country is that dangerous. Maybe my life was too sheltered or the government just covered everything up.

>> No.7423277

I something wonder what an english culture board would look like on 2ch or futaba. Then I realize I'd rather not know.

>> No.7423278
File: 36 KB, 380x386, 箸の使い方イラスト.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe they should give back cars, computers, skyscrapers and pretty much every piece of military technology they now use in their armies, air forces and navies if they're going to be so high and mighty about their precious forks
>implying Asians have invented any of those things
could've said paper or gunpowder or something.

Also, chopsticks are great for eating chips, coated nuts and other such "fingerfoods" because this way your hands aren't full of salt and shit each time you eat one fucking chip. And of course some of the bite-sized Asian dishes like Sushi are best eaten with chops.
They're inappropriate for everyday use at every meal though, since that will mess up your wrists.

>> No.7423282

Lol'd at her flat yellow ass

>> No.7423283
File: 88 KB, 1920x1080, 1306006100650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I got it a few days after reading that particular thread about killing a mosquito in the dark. And since it's mosquito season over here, I suspect that it was a fellow countryman's doing.

Picture related.

>> No.7423284 [SPOILER] 
File: 13 KB, 300x61, slut raped and die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7423285


>> No.7423287

VNS is also useful for downloading, especially old stuffs that are hard to find, and everything is in MF. That's also the reason why I still come to the forum anymore.

>> No.7423293

Ridiculous. Those lame asses torrent'd from other source and upload on MF, set a password and act like they owned the stuffs. I've never downloaded anything from them. Only goods there are some actual girls, of course when they start opening their mouths, you'd like to stuff your penis right in so they won't go Sasuke-sama, Sesshoumaru-sama all day.

>> No.7423300

I occasionally come there after exhausting all options or torrents being too slow. I kind of admire their diligence to reupload everything to MF, despite the dishonest act of not quoting sources.

>> No.7423308
File: 10 KB, 400x330, georgian_alphabet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seconded, everything about it is ugly.
Even the writing system. Why not at least come up with a pretty alphabet instead of using Latin with a bunch of ugly diacritic marks? Thai for example is an ugly language too, but at least the writing is kinda interesting to look at.

>> No.7423318

Really? I thought the Vietnamese writing system is nearly perfect. It records the sounds and successfully got everything. Every kind of pronunciation can be written in Vietnamese and learnt right away. They also have no problem reading romaji even when they never knew Japanese.

>> No.7423322

Writing system is to communicate, not be looked at. I personally love every language that uses alphabet. Because I know exactly what the fuck is going on.

>> No.7423325

Vietnamese uses alphabet...
and they have no problem reading/pronouncing either japanese or english

>> No.7423331

Depends on VNmese of which region.

I myself think that VNmese is the best language among east-asia/sinosphere languages after Japanese. Chinese and Korean are so f*king hard to learn, Korean is even brain-f*king hard, it's too complicated and I hate the sound of it, make me so irritated everything I hear.

>> No.7423333

>Vietnamese uses alphabet...
and they have no problem reading/pronouncing either japanese or english

Right, they use the alphabet but they learn kanji and kana in school am I rite? You just went full retard.

>> No.7423336

They can't read Japanese. They can read romaji perfectly but hiragana, katakana and kanji are completely out of question.

>> No.7423338

This thread is the most persumptuos ignorant thing I have seen on /jp/ . Please go learn how to respect othe cultures somewhere else

>> No.7423342

There is no "best language" Mr.Git. If there is everyone would just learn it all together.
Japanese is good because they just 3 writing systems but their speaking isn't outstanding.
How many nation in the world can twist their tongue daily with the ~ and ? stress? I can only think of Vietnamese and Thai.

>> No.7423344

He said "to pronounce" not "to read" you retards.

>> No.7423346

nah... It's not like you can know any languages without learning it. Kanji is not even alphabet anw
My friend is Vietnamese and he can read/speak Japanese perfectly fine after 1 year studying at Jp.

>> No.7423350

Americans know English without learning, your point is invalid.

>> No.7423352

Those stresses don't require you to twist the tongue, you only need to control your breath and mouth/lips. And because Vietnamese has 6 stresses so they can pronounce other languages very good.

Thai is so ugly I don't even think it's a human language.

(I'm not a Vietnamese, just happen to learn it)

>> No.7423353

The average American doesn't know English at all.

>> No.7423355

Why should you learn Vietnamese? There is no point unless you wanna to marry a stupid VN girl who can't even say "Hello" properly.
Everything in Vietnam is worse than what it was 10 years ago. Don't even tell me to get near its recent music.

>> No.7423356

LOLZZZZ You made my day my friend :))

>> No.7423360

Get out of /int/

>> No.7423362

One of the reasons that I use 4chan is because I can assume that everyone is male. I feel really uncomfortable when I know that there are females around.

>> No.7423370

Your point of saying "recent Vietnamese music" has nothing to do with ones want to learn Vietnamese or not, though I do agree that "recent Vietnamese music" is the worst shit I've ever heard, I love their old music very much (from VN War time till "recently"), their words has so many and deep meanings it's so hard to understand a song completely after hearing just 1-2 times.

Also, you said everything now is worst than 10 years ago made me sick, don't just use the word "everything" that easily.

>> No.7423371

I've heard vietnamese people butcher English plenty of times, what you're saying is complete bullshit.
I doubt that since Japanese is an isolate language that has no real ties to any other languages, except maybe Korean, but even that's a stretch. Being vietnamese doesn't make you inherently better at Japanese, that's just nonsense.

>> No.7423373


Southern Vietnamese has funny way of speaking English but if they learn English since small or from a good school, it's very good.

No one said that, it's just being Vietnamese you can pronounce Romanji easily.

>> No.7423375

>Southern Vietnamese has funny way of speaking English but if they learn English since small or from a good school, it's very good.

edit : Southern Vietnamese has funny way of speaking

>> No.7423376

Yeah sorry, the girls now is much better on bed.
Vietnamese old songs are covered from Chinese and Japanese and English a lot. War songs? How many were Russian? (inb4 Trịnh Công Sơn)

>> No.7423379

>71 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.


>> No.7423385

>Vietnamese old songs are covered from Chinese and Japanese and English a lot.
lol, i laughed hard.

>> No.7423386

Úm xi la bùm ba là bum ...

>> No.7423388

>Vietnamese old songs are covered from Chinese and Japanese and English a lot.

No they weren't, just a few, and even fewer song in Russian. And if you interested in it, you should look for Thuy Nga's Paris By Night (just ignore the shitty propagandas from the dead old South Vietnam's government), they have a lot of good old Vietnamese songs.

PS : Trinh Cong Son's songs were even covered into Japanese if I remember right.

>> No.7423392
File: 515 KB, 819x1204, f3e94a7c5a1a72ec812c7356ea1c7752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for japanese boobs in vietnamese thread

>> No.7423393



>> No.7423406

Áo em trắng quá nhìn không ra

>> No.7423421
File: 351 KB, 1112x1417, 19bdd42e7dac7f18d506691ba13b535a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vấn thế gian, tình thị hà vật?
Trực giao sinh tử tương hứa.
Thiên Nam địa Bắc song phi khách.
Lão sí kỷ hồi hàn thử,
Hoan lạc thú, ly biệt khổ,
Tựu trung cánh hữu si nhi nữ...

>> No.7423430
File: 802 KB, 779x1100, 969339c9aed8010ddedb4e91cf621b8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bữa trước, riêng hai dưới nắng đào,
Nhìn tôi cô muốn hỏi "vì sao?"
Khi tôi đến kiếm trên môi đẹp
Một thoáng cười yêu thỏa khát khao.

- Vì sao giáp mặt buổi đầu tiên,
Tôi đã đày thân giữa xứ phiền,
Không thể vô tình qua trước cửa,
Biết rằng gặp gỡ đã vô duyên?

>> No.7423434
File: 274 KB, 643x900, 1e6216c66c778c545de4c14c7c025664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this?

>> No.7423435
File: 12 KB, 400x221, tumblr_lem1qjlfRE1qdirmwo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We accept everything but poetry here, get out.

>> No.7423436


青山横北郭, 白水绕东城。

此地一为别, 孤蓬万里征。

浮云游子意, 落日故人情。

挥手自兹去, 萧萧班马鸣。

>> No.7423439

Is that supposed to be ironic shitposting?

>> No.7423443

Which one of you is Genius_Ranza and which is Forte? Either way get the fuck back to /h/

>> No.7423444

I don't understand what are you saying here?

>> No.7423446

Lý Mạc Sầu as Yukari, I can imagine that.

>> No.7423451
File: 473 KB, 800x1019, a5a099ed7111dfe6d59484a3b2903d82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not cool mate.
I hope you never get gapped and go to Gensokyo no matter how hard you wish.

>> No.7423454

my beautiful charlie

>> No.7423455


Pfft. 李莫愁 is in her own class.

>> No.7423459
File: 187 KB, 1300x2100, 108352cfef02a3900bb0bb285c09bd70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lower class than 八意永琳

>> No.7423466

Was watching a bid and saw some people eating a cake using chopsticks


>> No.7423474


>> No.7423476

>flat yellow ass.

I found this vaguely humorous.

>> No.7423491
File: 5 KB, 96x159, th_CopyofHongMeilingTeamNine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forever in Chinese's shadow
enjoy being a vassal faggot
i'm Vietnamese too[/spoiler

>> No.7423549

Vassal ? You really didn't learn history well right ? Vietnam kicked China's ass so many times it still hurt until now. China was/is/and will be a bully of Asia forever as long as it exists.

>> No.7423556

Yeah... enjoy being a country when the slumbering beast that is the chinese spirit wakes up. The entire world will quake.

>> No.7423562

Chinese spirit died quite a long time ago.

>> No.7423564

For your sake pray that it did. Pray for all of us.

>> No.7423575

lol history
didn't you know that Nguyen Minh Triet sell the right to mining bauxit to Chinese for 300 mil USD??
and VN gorvement keep mouth shut about Hoang Sa and Truong Sa invaded by those chinks?

>> No.7423577

I'm busy looking for a job so I can marry Yukari. No time to care about the government's business.

>> No.7423583

>Chinese spirit died quite a long time ago.

>> No.7423593

You dumb. They work really well.

Fork like devices predate the existence of chopsticks.
