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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.83 MB, 1274x714, Terrible advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46571168 No.46571168 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>46527327

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? Do you like witches?

>> No.46571392
File: 20 KB, 360x512, 145079186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you looking forward to?
Has anyone played this?

>> No.46571543
File: 374 KB, 728x408, q77wCYE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46571637

VNOTY 2023

>> No.46571686

yeah. it wasn't what i expected it to be coming from hajimete no kanojo, but it was good and i'm glad Waffle tried something different. i hope they continue making games in this direction.

>> No.46571721

Yeah, it's 2000+24 MTLge of the year

>> No.46571795

Yes, with a phone pointed at my screen.

>> No.46572581

Sauce? Those hips are delicious

>> No.46572665


>> No.46572720

Thank you, I was searching for "witch hat" and coming up empty. I didn't even know "pointed hat" was a tag.

>> No.46572743

All the witch hat wearing heroines are mine.

>> No.46573188
File: 333 KB, 1282x1007, 89457475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46573259

Phew… at least she didn’t use ですの

>> No.46573826

Art looks like shit so avoided it.

>> No.46573899
File: 42 KB, 256x384, rong xue tiny snow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you looking forward to?
Has anyone played this?

>> No.46573920 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46573926
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>> No.46573958

more like wrong xue

>> No.46573970

>This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.
Chinks leave.

>> No.46574461

I hate it when characters banter in the middle of H-scene
I ended up laughing and my boner is killed

>> No.46575804

I love it when characters banter in the middle of H-scene
I ended up laughing and my sinful lust is killed
(I'm a Christian)
(BTW why yes I have a PSVita and Switch and those are my main methods of playing VNs, why do you ask)

>> No.46575954

Japanese culture and language is 90% derived from China.

>> No.46575964

xianxiage when

>> No.46575971

Haven't been able to get into an eroge for years. I was reading gatenkei as the last thing and felt like I would end up fucking someone's wife if I kept reading. So I stopped reading in order not to install that firmware in my brain.

What game should I try going for if I want to install the firmware necessary to pick up a single girl and live a fulfilling, loving harmonious life together?

Or should I embrace the NTR魂?

>> No.46575991

First step is going back to where you came from, redditor.

>> No.46576154


>> No.46576202
File: 401 KB, 1427x1411, here's your 17 years old bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you recommend a game where the supposedly JK heroines do NOT look like 30 year old women who put their old school uniform on because they can't accept that they're long past their expiration date?

>> No.46576279

>t. 30 years old hikki

>> No.46576309

Oh god, I just saw a retard who finished KKK without reading Dies Irae. Can't believe it's fucking real. https://vndb.org/u191203/ulist?votes=1

>> No.46576343

>exploring the illusion of free will
So... he wrote a VN saying that he didn't write the VN? This is deeper than すば.

>> No.46576344

AKA the main userbase for VNs and 4chan/jp/? Fuck off, normalfag.

>> No.46576347


>> No.46576358
File: 172 KB, 1200x630, zGFK3WD5jxPiyV3yZHF0GBvd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46576360
File: 156 KB, 1240x698, 1dd92e1c07fe34f760bd4bc4c63e09971571535865b80e565372de946c25b497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks interesting but I haven't played "Otome" type games before. I hope it isn't げい?

>> No.46576372

Applied filter by japanese text to posts, looking good now.

>> No.46576376

>filter by japanese
Sugoi desu Reddito-kun!

>> No.46576385

So you're going to auto-hide lots of legitimate discussion to avoid seeing some posts by perceived boogeymen?

>> No.46576404

>So you're going to auto-hide lots of legitimate discussion to avoid seeing some posts
>perceived boogeymen

>> No.46576473
File: 82 KB, 1603x618, theendoftheworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jehewa 2 announcement

>> No.46576480


>> No.46576502

Cool, hope fight scenes going to be better than jeweha1.

>> No.46576513

I wrote this >>46576360 and didn't even intend it as a boogeyman post. I genuinely want to know and only trust you guys with these things.

>> No.46576536

So you're still willing to sacrifice posts mentioning a game/character/company/person/whatever's name, or quoting Japanese text, or making a non-shitpost commentary in Japanese because seeing some silly shitposts ON AN IMAGEBOARD mindbreaks you and you can't just ignore them? Hell, the OP post has Japanese in the subject text.

>> No.46576540


>> No.46576695

You sound pretty upset about it.

>> No.46576744
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pick up a single girl and live a fulfilling, loving harmonious life together?
lots of パコパコラブラブセックス

>> No.46576846
File: 61 KB, 348x464, GK9Em6XakAACB95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Toriko game that is a rehashed of Guilty old Wana crossdressing series

>> No.46576863

not very good taste. only read 2 of them but i'm confident with calling everything he rated 9.5 and above overrated due to their fans

>> No.46576871

>not very good taste
>9 Subarashiki Hibi ~Furenzoku Sonzai~

>> No.46576874

>7 Doki Doki Literature Club!

>> No.46576887

the only questionable ones there (9.5/over) are sakumoyu because writing and sakutoki because fucking disappointment

>> No.46576960

>finished 86
Is there a "VN minimum" amount of titles one has to read to be considered a VN player? Like on image boards in my country there is an anime minimum of 250 TV + 250 OVA if you want to be considered an anime fan.

>> No.46576978

150+ non-nukige

>> No.46577007

I think you could be confidently called a VN player if you have over 100 titles under your belt. I have many normie friends who watched more than 100 anime but it's not the same with this medium. I doubt even tourists would read more than 25 titles.

>> No.46577019
File: 446 KB, 1280x720, og_img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a full VN made from a r*nobe? It has Akabane Kyouko so I'm interested but will it be a full VN or suffer from its source material?

>> No.46577069

Her next two VNs are all ages? It's over...

>> No.46577084

Reminder that helpful innocent posts like these get filtered by schizophrenic retards in the JAPANESE VN THREAD for having JAPANESE TEXT.

>> No.46577128

>Is there a "VN minimum" amount of titles
>150+ non-nukige
>if you have over 100 titles under your belt
Does it count if you don't read all the routes in a VN?
>250 OVA
Are there even any worthwhile OVAs that are NOT H, from the 20th century, or part of a series that had TV entries?
Anyway, in my opinion if you don't know Japanese (or at least haven't started learning it) you aren't a real anime fan and are just a poser (the worst kind are the ones that start to make youtube videos about anime when they essentially consume watered down parodies).

>> No.46577168

the unreleased game has a website maybe try reading it

the jp he used is shitpost tier and adds nothing to the post, and he's responding to a literal retard as well. literally nothing of value is lost

>> No.46577175 [DELETED] 


>> No.46577185 [DELETED] 

>he's responding to a literal retard
So much true! Marriage for life is like so, outdated.

>> No.46577203 [DELETED] 

he could have asked for that without mentioning ntr and talking like a retard, i guess you didn't install the firmware necessary to realize that

>> No.46577207 [DELETED] 
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, アンラベル・トリガー_2024-04-05_04-38-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46577209


>> No.46577216

>the jp he used is shitpost tier and adds nothing to the post
Literally what posting standards are you expecting? Formal university professor essays?

>> No.46577226 [DELETED] 

That anon >>46577185 likes shitpost talking like a faggot

>> No.46577229

>+ 250 OVA
Ovas a dead jack...

>> No.46577240 [DELETED] 

just added "so true" and "so much true" to my filter list as well

>> No.46577293

>Formal university professor essays?
Too much words, just say S*BA next time www

>> No.46577327

asterisk symbol needs to go as well, oh well

>> No.46577348

Do you guys ever feel sad for VN writers who write nothing but nukige?

>> No.46577367

I used to, but now I don't anymore. Nowadays I think making a distinction between 'nukige' and 'normal' eroge is dumb.

>> No.46577372

Yeah, there was a guy whose name I don't remember who whenever he had a non-nukige project, something happened and it ended up failing

>> No.46577385

no, i'm not psychic and can't tell if someone is writing nukige because they're fulfilling their lifes dream or because that's the only job they can get

>> No.46577392


>> No.46577399

>the only job they can get
How hard is it to create a VN on your own? Does it cost a lot? If you have a good scenario I think it's possible.

>> No.46577410

If the scenario is genuinely something that will sell the companies will just take you up on it lmao

>> No.46577419

it has to be hrpg to sell nowadays

>> No.46577422

writing is one thing but if you want to make a whole game you also have to do coding and art. you aren't going to get anywhere by being a lone retard with an idea

>> No.46577436

You want あなた faggot www

>> No.46577441

i made a regex that match any attempt to evade filters with symbols, it's pretty nice

>> No.46577442


>> No.46577455

I would use お前 if my post was scornful or meant to be disrespectful in some way, but I would generally post あんた

>> No.46577464

I just remembered this shit, why nobody here has talked about it? https://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/game.php?game=35845

>> No.46577490

Because no one outside of Japan who's not a VPNigger uses EGS

>> No.46577496


>> No.46577514

>filters everyone
why are you here lil bro?

>> No.46577521

I hope it's a 3D program in Unity?

>> No.46577526 [DELETED] 

Imagine not requesting that they allow your ip sigh

>> No.46577533 [DELETED] 

I'm not begging anybody to allow my ip

>> No.46577544

It kind of is for strangers (so, Anon) or people socially higher. It's more nuanced than that, I know, but that's the rough outline.

>> No.46577552 [DELETED] 

Wooow you've so badass bro

>> No.46577553

For me お前 is fine because we are all friends here. I would use it for my bros/comrades.

>> No.46577558 [DELETED] 

I have a dynamic IP which I semi-regularly reset, and I don't want to go cry on Xitter to the site's owner every time I do it.

>> No.46577567 [DELETED] 

I have paranoia and trust issues so I wouldn't consider Anon to be a friend/bro/comrade.

>> No.46577585
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x720, 1708473801472283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was some posting about it when it came out, but it was a complete disappointment to me at least. I can't even bring myself to finish the sub chara routes because ASa decided to make the male characters unvoiced in their routes which ruined a big part of what made them great in the first place.
They're also like 30 minutes long.

>> No.46577592 [DELETED] 

Not Anon in general but anyone genuine in this thread? Yeah. We might not know each other's names but still, even in war people fighting together might not know them and use handles. It's a connection that's something more than just normal named "friendship".

>> No.46577612

>ASa decided to make the male characters unvoiced in their routes
lol they really wanted to allow self-insertion even in that scenario? Hilarious

>> No.46577615 [DELETED] 

>We might not know each other's names
You don't. I do. VNDB mod itt. Every time you retards post some link to vndb we can see who and when visited said link. So yes, I compiled a list consisted of known fourchanners.

>> No.46577625

iirc if you want a shortge unvoiced and sold in a store, it's 10k$, which how much scaji created tsui no sora with.

>> No.46577634

This is the most expensive part? Interesting what is the cost of different seiyuu.

>> No.46577638

>This is the most expensive part?
Isn't that pretty obvious?

>> No.46577641

Seems very overpriced, even considering that it's scaji.

>> No.46577646

You climb the ladder by making and selling doujinge and then saving the earned money to publish an actualge.

>> No.46577647 [DELETED] 

You are not special with your mental issues so stop being a whiny, weak retard who thinks the world revolves around them. I consider people here more like "friends" because they provide the conversations/topics I want and have helped me when I asked.

>> No.46577655 [DELETED] 

i made a regex that hides any posts with words that end on "ge"

>> No.46577656 [DELETED] 

This is the place I can trust with anything related to otaku media. How is that not my comrades?

>> No.46577673 [DELETED] 

yowai kokoro desuwa.

>> No.46577682 [DELETED] 

i will also filter "wa" because it promotes social inequality

>> No.46577684 [DELETED] 

hidoi desuno!

>> No.46577707 [DELETED] 

Is this like in dies irae where characters impose their own view onto reality?

>> No.46577718 [DELETED] 

that's awfully strange, maybe you should change your filter range

>> No.46577721 [DELETED] 


>> No.46577732 [DELETED] 

i love you faggots, thanks for making me laugh so much over the years. all in all i appreciate you fucking retards greatly

>> No.46577757 [DELETED] 

This thread has become a shitposting central in the last couple of months, way worse than last year
Imagine if sakutoki released this month, 80% of the thread would be shitposting about subahibi and whatever making the entire thing impossible to discuss.

>> No.46577801 [DELETED] 

Nah, thanks to the last retard who decided to make the troll thread our meidos are pretty active, it's just a matter of knowing how to report

>> No.46577810 [DELETED] 

>impossible to discuss.
yeah... rehashed subjectivity is so interesting to discuss right?

>> No.46577830 [DELETED] 

>announcing filters
Now it's my mission to make everything filtered.

>> No.46577844

I don't even remember if there were actually sakutoki discussions here....
Like, I remember we were all extremely excited a few days before and several even said they would take a break from the thread to read and avoid spoilers, but....

>> No.46577846

Piromizu is being wasted making JK stuff, reminds me of tsunako and date a live, they should make something like yubisaki connection/making lovers so the design actually belong to an adult woman instead of teenagers

>> No.46577847
File: 228 KB, 372x366, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sakura no uta i'm really looking forward to. tsui no sora remake too, i enjoyed subahibi a lot so looking forward to reading more works by sca-di

>> No.46577859

sadly I can't enter a state of hibernation and wait till scadi's new work teaches me how to live... what do?

>> No.46577869 [DELETED] 

I was joking, but it is indeed harder for me to get close with others, especially when they're anonymous strangers on the internet, even if we had some good interactions and I can recognize some of you.

>> No.46577882 [DELETED] 

>I can recognize some of you
I change my posting style to become unrecognisable, or adapt to other posting styles on purpose.

>> No.46577887

I don't know I feel like that style works quite a bit with JKs because of that extremely eroi vibe

>> No.46577926 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 1366x768, my filter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My filter is looking good.

>> No.46577932 [DELETED] 


>> No.46577938 [DELETED] 

"Kawaii" culture is exclusive to Japan.
"Sexiness"/eroi is a western psyop.

>> No.46577945 [DELETED] 

I am crying right now this is so profound

>> No.46577951

I liked Makoto's route and Chapter 1 but the rest of the game was scaji doubling down on the worst aspects of his writing. Definitely a downgrade from sakuuta. I'm pretty biased though because for the life of me I cannot understand why scaji is so popular. What do people see in him that they dont get out of other eroge?

>> No.46577975 [DELETED] 

>What do people see in him

>> No.46577985

Objectively speaking, I think sakutoki has good h scenes. Leaving aside the references and all that shit, in general what I like is the vibe that their works usually have, but in sakutoki it just wasn't there

>> No.46577993
File: 35 KB, 594x301, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do people see in him that they dont get out of other eroge?
Masturbation using supermarket chicken.

>> No.46578004

>What do people see in him that they dont get out of other eroge?
Teaching on how to live one's life. It's really helpful and has helped many people on Xitter to change their identity.

>> No.46578008

>sakutoki has good h scenes
I complement my post by adding this scene which is some of the hottest shit I've read in a long time https://exhentai.org/s/5d6358ea3a/2475312-647

>> No.46578015

I agree, Misuzu was hot. Gives me some hope for sakuoto at least.

>> No.46578033

My biggest hope is that scadi will stop being a fucking pussy and give kana and suzuna a route

>> No.46578058

So what's the meaning of Sakuuta when compared to his previous work? I heard he changed his views like Wittgenstein.

>> No.46578068 [DELETED] 

In the modern world, what we need to keep the eroge industry alive is a more inclusive society who does not discriminate based on philosophical preference. To truly appreciate Scadi, you need to understand the background behind the current state of the scene when it was released. As you might or might know, the eroge scene has been on a slow decline since around 2000's with the number of kamige's decreasing per year past 2000. The old giants supporting the industry were slowly leaving the scene one by one. While the number of scenario games was slowly decreasing, the number of nukiges was actually increasing. This is where we start in Subahibi as well with the whole concept of a philosophical story. Now comes, Scadi, with a love letter to the eroge creators and eroge fans to keep supporting the industry. That the scenario-based eroge industry offers something wonderful that no other medium can copy, so we should not let the industry die. The name of that love letter is Subahibi and later on Sakuuta. After the release of Subahibi, we start seeing signs of revitalization of the industry with a lot of creators putting more effort into releasing their games. After 14 years now, we can definitely feel the effects of Sca-ji on the industry as the number of kamige's getting released is getting close to what it was in its peak. It's still far from a complete revival though as we need more new blood in the scene.

The first game showed us how enforcing truth for people is the same as creating a living hell for others. The sequel, Sakuuta, shows us the point of view of the objectivists, the antagonists in the first game, and how they ended up in their positions. It shows different people’s view on philosophy through different characters, and how that caused discrimination and conflict among them. That conflict could easily have been avoided through tolerance of the other person’s views. Similar to its prequel, Sakuuta is a story of tolerance of the minority, and tolerance on other people’s personal truths. People just need to be allowed to search for their own truth that they can understand without fearing for their safety. That is all that is needed to give the minority a place to belong to.

>> No.46578076
File: 110 KB, 1262x843, scadi enjoyment chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakutoki > sakuuta
If you think otherwise you're just delusional and don't appreciate art nor actually understand it.
Only weak part of sakutoki is ch2 which feels like sakuuta worst parts, bad SoL and bad shimoneta.

>> No.46578079 [DELETED] 

Seems like i was right considered what the thread turned into, hopefully one day they will leave so we can use the period of grace between their leave and their return to actually discuss eroge once again.

>> No.46578084

The meaning was... THAT THERE IS NO MEANING!

>> No.46578088

I wouldn't be too bummed if she didn't get a route. She's good as a side character, but never really saw her as a heroine. Honestly the only student character that I want to see h-scenes of is Sakurako. The fact that Rin barely gets screen time in Toki was my main source of grief. One of my worries coming into Toki was that she would get sidelined because Scaji did not agree with her, which was the impression I got at the end of sakuuta. So sakutoki really disappointed me there

>> No.46578093

What will Toki teach me? Hibi taught me to live happily no matter what, Uta taught me that life imitates art and I should imitate SCADI's characters.

>> No.46578100

>Scaji did not agree with her
How? This got me interested in reading it.

>> No.46578111 [DELETED] 

This was a good read. Thank you, anon.

>> No.46578114

> learning from eroge
You're doing it wrong buddy.
You're supposed to have fun when reading eroge.

>> No.46578121

why do we have a guy samefagging his own conversation in here again, what happened

>> No.46578122
File: 476 KB, 514x676, tLyav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look that shit bro
I mean, I seem to remember that scadi said on several occasions that there would be no route with any of the students, but come ooooon, you can't make peak girls and leave them without a route

>> No.46578126

In Sakuuta, Rin is meant to act as a foil to Naoya. Rin believes that art has objective beauty in and of itself, but Naoya believes it's subjective and it's people that give it meaning. Obviously you can tell which one scaji agrees with, which is why Naoya's belief is what the game ends on.

>> No.46578128

What else am I supposed to learn from?

>> No.46578134 [DELETED] 

All posts in this thread are by me and no one can prove otherwise because the IP counter was removed.

>> No.46578135

spammer bro doesn't know japanese and can only talk about subahibi

>> No.46578141

No routes for sakutoki. It's fair game for sakuoto, the routes have already been written by Nijima anyway.

>> No.46578143

This is nothing compared to https://www.makura-soft.com/staffpage/img/20230825/nei01.jpg

>> No.46578145 [DELETED] 

>Naoya's belief is what the game ends on
I can already taste the cringe. What's his problem, why does he keep making art when he thinks it has no meaning? Subjective meaning is self-refuting and the same as saying it has no meaning. I'm angry because I can see the potential in him creating a truly great work but being held back by this pseudo intellectual idiocy.

>> No.46578146 [DELETED] 

Western literature and Netflix shows.

>> No.46578158

Yeah, let's hope it turns out well
That shit about niijima being pulled out at the last minute was too much meme

>> No.46578167 [DELETED] 

>Rin believes that art has objective beauty in and of itself
Any games with an actual philosopher/artist protagonist that's of this view? Kinda tired of subjectivity in these types of games.

>> No.46578171

Why Nei is so fucking hot https://imgur.com/a/sHbiswW

>> No.46578173 [DELETED] 

Nei is hot but whenever I think of her I just remember the end of Misuzu route where Naoya and Misuzu brainwash her into their philosophy lmao. Am I the only one that found that part weird?

>> No.46578174

Non-ero ge.
Eroge are designed with masturbation addiction in mind.
Allagege are designed with making a deep story in mind. For example Umineko, etc.

>> No.46578175 [DELETED] 


>> No.46578207 [DELETED] 

Please don't diminish my questions by labels.

>> No.46578214 [DELETED] 

>t. the actual spammerbro projecting

>> No.46578215

Explain your reasoning with the final part of uta and depending on your answer I will consider you a human being or not

>> No.46578219
File: 399 KB, 465x552, oyUbhWlEPGRpnmj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46578221 [DELETED] 

Nice try bro, but I have been actively participating in toki discussion

>> No.46578225 [DELETED] 

>questions about it aren't discussion but off-topic spam is

>> No.46578237 [DELETED] 

That faggot has been repeating the same shit for months retard kun

>> No.46578244 [DELETED] 

Please answer it. It's on-topic to Sakuuta and Sakutoki.

>> No.46578251 [DELETED] 

>more inclusive society
I believe this is what Scadi taught us with Yuki. If you want to be like her, then be her.

>> No.46578255 [DELETED] 

>retarded, faggoty req request
>obsession with a dead faggot's blogpost from years ago
go home

>> No.46578266 [DELETED] 

I don't talk to EOPs, sorry. This is the last post you will receive from me

>> No.46578267 [DELETED] 

It's real. I want a game like that.
What? I don't care about that. Also unironically don't make fun of him even if he was wrong. It's sad that SCA-JI's work contributed to such a thing.

>> No.46578272 [DELETED] 

>I don't talk to EOPs
But please. I can almost understand the text when I look away from the phone.

>> No.46578278 [DELETED] 

Not the protagonist but MUSICUS. This character comes only in the last route if I'm recalling correctly.

>> No.46578285 [DELETED] 

In Sakuuta, what did Scaji mean when he said that art has no meaning?

>> No.46578291 [DELETED] 

>no meaning
My life is literally changing right now from this depth.

>> No.46578305 [DELETED] 

Which character are you talking about? I think Hanai had something close to that belief maybe with a more pessimistic bent, but the game sort of ends up refuting him.

>> No.46578350 [DELETED] 

The record producer kid. Art needs to make sense, after all.

>> No.46578369

that is a lot of samefagging, wow

>> No.46578389

Dang I forgot about that guy. It's been a while since I read Musicus. I really liked that one side character that had to quit school because he had a kid.

>> No.46578400 [SPOILER] 
File: 400 KB, 1920x1080, hanai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>record producer kid
First I thought he would be annoying then I liked him. It's nice to see an industry guy that didn't sell out like the Asia Empire tiktokker.
I think Hanai was just lamenting that he thought too much about it, trying to justify his music instead of just creating what he was meant to. He got crushed between the extremes of pure objectivity and pure subjectivity.

>> No.46578406

>nearly 60 deleted

>> No.46578410

i love our meidos so much it's unreal

>> No.46578412

Thank you.

>> No.46578441
File: 162 KB, 1280x720, 00234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one side character that had to quit school because he had a kid
I liked him too, dude was a real bro you could rely on. The other characters from the first route were nice as well.

>> No.46578446

Meido just nukes reply chains.

>> No.46578494

This shit is so good. I'm seriously considering reread it but now the switch version to appreciate how many changes were made

>> No.46578511
File: 1.25 MB, 1800x2000, senshinkan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46578532

Yeah thats why I find Hanai relatable. It's why I have a hard time with the Sakuuta/toki "just feel it" philosophy. Scaji seems to be of the belief that the only thing important is whether or not you are personally moved by it, which I think, is also where Musicus ends up, but I want there to be something more. Otherwise I'm unsure whether or not I like it or if I'm convincing myself to like it, which was Hanai's problem.

>> No.46578549
File: 82 KB, 894x671, 61Gkb02dnbL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I listen to it and the Dr. Flower albums all the time. Hope they make more.
Bought a switch recently too and will reread Musicus when I finish Kira Kira. I launched it briefly and the interface already looks much better than the PC version.

>> No.46578573

I would like to ask people here how good Kira Kira and his latest work are. Please let me know if they are worth reading. Thanks.

>> No.46578590

I don't think it's where Musicus ends up because they find the meaning in being able to transmit the joy they feel from music to others. It's connected to the real world even though it has your individual mark. It's not just an individual exercise in creating the perfect piece in abstraction (Kei in Sumi route/Hanai) or creating a piece purely to manipulate emotions while not feeling it yourself (sellout music industry).

>> No.46578593

Yeah, musicus on pc was pretty shit
I really have to read kira kira at some point, although the general consensus among my acquaintances is that it is definitely one of setoguchi's lowest points. Like, it's not "bad", but it has a very different atmosphere than his other titles

>> No.46578618

I wish he had drawn Higoromo, Shizuno, and Nobu in full too, but still cool to see the gang again.

>> No.46578631
File: 162 KB, 399x299, da9ae4ac-s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of setoguchi's lowest points
And before I forget, yes, this is taking into consideration pic related in carnival

>> No.46578692

What I dislike about this is that it implies that works that have no audience dont have any meaning, which I disagree with

>> No.46578725
File: 3.40 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his latest work
I loved Hira Hira Hihiru. It's quite short too so definitely give it a read if it looks interesting to you.

>> No.46578734

haven't read either ge but how is it possible for a work to have no audience? the creator counts and art doesn't just will itself into existence

>> No.46578756

I love asa so much, I enjoyed immensely all the scenes in which she was present

>> No.46578801

Something not very popular or well-liked, or something you just do out of your free time as a hobby. And even if you do have an audience, there are some things where the intention of the work is massively distorted and misinterpreted. By audience I did mean people outside of the creator, which is the main thing these ge focus on. Sakutoki even has this massive shounen art tournament. There is a magic painting that makes people orgasm immediately when they see it. Obviously that's an exaggeration, but a lot of the meaning of the art is from whether the audience 感動 to it.

>> No.46578839

Somehow I feel that this is easier to achieve through doujin titles where there is no need for self-limitation by higher orders
Like, yeah, I can be moved by commercial games, but there's something more relatable in an imperfect, low-budget product like those games tend to be

>> No.46578852 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.16 MB, 1920x1080, 一番大事な患者.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I just want her to be happy. This scene and chapter was so good.

>> No.46578856

fair enough, i'm not entirely sure i agree but there's no point in me trying to debate it if i'm lacking all the context

>> No.46578904

>Something not very popular or well-liked, or something you just do out of your free time as a hobby.
I don't think it says those things don't have meaning, look at Kachou Fuugetsu itself which was not that popular in the grand scheme of things. Or the paintings of Yako's dad that had an audience consisting only of his family but inspired her so much. Or the Night Schoolers which was just a hobby band. The only negative unpopular thing was Kei's self-centred music in the bad route.

>> No.46578968

What I like most about her as a character is that at a certain point everyone recognizes her strength. Like, she had to face the disease from a very young age, but she still did everything she could to get through it. At that moment I started to reflect on my life, and on the many times that I complicate my existence for such minimal things, but then there are people like her fighting and trying to enjoy life with all their will. Yeah, yeah, this may fall a bit into inspirational porn, but in a sense setoguchi really succeeded (in my opinion), in making it clear that despite the complexities they are living, they are still normal people with their own dreams and dilemmas
I really like the approach setoguchi has taken since musicus with his stories. I just can't imagine what he will surprise us with after hirahira and bst

>> No.46579055
File: 315 KB, 1030x819, 'dokes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not apropos of anything but i would like to let you all know that my girlfriend, Kaname Madoka, is very cute

>> No.46579118

That's your first route, isn't it? It's really making me want to read it to see how much you're enjoying it

>> No.46579187
File: 175 KB, 324x327, dex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, while the other girls are pretty and all i don't think i'll be doing them for a long while, hinata is really fucking adorable and it would feel bad jumping ship right after
that said i decided to forgo everyone's good advice (including my own) and am continuing to forge ahead with no guide
it makes little victories seem really nice, like having stuff on hand when she got sick or her getting hype over my cool shoes. but i'm also probably missing out on a ton of stuff too

goddamn dex builds getting all the fun

>> No.46579199

>I just can't imagine what he will surprise us with after hirahira and bst
I hope he doesn't go on hiatus anytime soon.

>> No.46579267

lmao tfw I've scoffed all my life at dex buildfags and here they are winning
It's probably best the first time, you can always replay it if you want to get all the events. It's a bit like doukyuusei with that easy mode, it's best to play it in classic mode first to really enjoy the experience and that feeling of conquest
Let's hope so. checking now, he's actually been quite active recently. Also, reading hirahira really made me wish he could work with so much budget on future projects. That game was really enjoyable in every possible way

>> No.46579293
File: 651 KB, 955x540, 1711948970698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Untranslated VN general will be there

Hira Hira Hihiru was incredible. I don't mind short/medium lengths games as long as we get them consistently like the Black Sheep Town/HHHihiru streak.

>> No.46579315 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.55 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You put my thoughts into words. I loved the different reactions/experiences people had to the illness and how it was possible for people to bond over it more closely, so much humanity in all of the interactions caused by it.

>> No.46579386

Cute! is ほむら there too?

>> No.46579412

she's lurking off in the distance wearing a bitterly jealous expression, as always

>> No.46579423 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.12 MB, 1920x1080, HiraHiraHihiru_gW8zOy7z10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With this discussion you made me look for my hirahira screenshots on my HDDs, because I didn't remember which one they were on (877 screenshots by the way)
I had forgotten to mention it, but I think it is necessary to highlight the enormous importance that souichi had as an emotional support for asa. In that moment pic related for example, is precisely the turning point in which you can notice the enormous love he feels for her. Asa is an extremely strong girl, yes, but her strength comes precisely from the huge love and support she received right at that moment when she was about to break. Hirahira is soooo different from something I would have expected from that kind of setting initially. It's bad? not at all. It's the best possible outcome, because despite witnessing a lot of extremely heartbreaking and depressing stories, you can still feel that there is humanity and hope throughout

>> No.46579635

Why would you?

>> No.46580435

Not a VN
Also i still haven't read the new tsukihime because apparently is not complete and nasu will most likely thake another 10 years to finish it

>> No.46580498

The stories of FGO Arcade and Samurai Remnant concluded through collaborative events. The Mahoyo event will 100% have canon content as well. The scenario is being written by Nasu afterall.

>> No.46580537

>ニ instead of ンイ
Learn how to use IMEs wwww

>> No.46580550

Still not puting any effort for your gacha garbage buddy

>> No.46580782
File: 33 KB, 645x236, as_thum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont forget to play the montly+birthday appends

>> No.46580831

Total count is a bad metric. You can download 50 mini VNs from novelgame.jp and finish them all in a weekend.
As long as a person reads well (both in the sense that they read quality titles, and that they read them with care) I think they can have insightful opinions about the medium even without having finished many VNs.
If I was to write a basic checklist for a "real VN reader", it would look something like this:
>Can read in Japanese with no outside help (comfortably or with effort)
>Reads a mixture of classics and lesser-known titles
>Avoids inferior versions (censored re-releases, sloppy remakes, translations, etc.)
>Doesn't skim or skip unread text
>By default, reads all routes
>Has fallen in love with a heroine
As long as all of that applies to you, I think you deserve to call yourself a VN reader no matter your clear count.

>> No.46580843

>Doesn't skim or skip unread text

>> No.46580870

This pic is now illegal on dlsite
How things change...

>> No.46580873

>By default, reads all routes
no can do, chief
every time i have done this i regret it

>> No.46580883

>>Avoids inferior versions (censored re-releases, sloppy remakes, translations, etc.)
Zoomerbros dont look!

>> No.46580887

>>By default, reads all routes
Newbs idea of a verteran desu. After a couple of novels you should be getting better at anticipating what you will and won't like. Sure you'll sometimes miss out on pleasant surprises but most of the time you'll just end up souring the routes you did like

>> No.46580893

I fail this test because I still haven't found the one I love

>> No.46580898

It took me many years to find one I could say I truly love. You'll get there one day.

>> No.46580922

isn't this the one where the dev said he's never experienced love, but is an expert at being rejected?

>> No.46581222

I hate the one eye fully covered with hair design so much
It looks so fucking retarded

>> No.46581233

Yeah, they should have both eyes covered instead.

>> No.46581248
File: 667 KB, 2560x1600, 7938496341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a camping eroge.

>> No.46581251

A lot of you have your third eye covered

>> No.46581260

I fucking love it.

>> No.46581327
File: 559 KB, 1022x738, あおぞらストライプ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no eyes is the best

>> No.46581332

I remember there was a girl with one of these designs and near the very end of the game the twist was that she literally got her eye stabbed and she grew her hair out on purpose to hide it. I thought that was pretty cool.

>> No.46581399

Don't worry princess. They're all mad because they can't live up to your standards. You're perfect just the way you are.

>> No.46581401

kanzume shoujo has a fun camping arc
you're probably getting a lot more than you bargained for with that one, however

>> No.46581460

That's what I meant by "by default".
You start VNs intending to read all of the routes. As you progress you may decide against it. But your goal is to experience the whole story, and you will unless you have good reason not to.
Essentially, you aren't a person who always reads just one route, considers themselves to have "finished" the VN, and never reads more.

There's no shame in that. In my book you're miles ahead of anyone who just pretends be in love with a heroine to fit in.
That being said, I don't think one can truly understand the full beauty of visual novels without falling for a heroine.
Meeting her, the magical unforgettable moments that make her dear to you, realizing that you're truly in love with her, confessing your feelings through your avatar, hearing her tell you she loves you too in her own voice, the whirlwind of romance, the final bittersweet farewell as you reach the end of her route, and rereading it over and over again just to be with her once more... it's the most wonderful experience you can have with a VN. Nothing compares.
I wish you the best of luck. Love lies in the last place you look; I'm sure your heroine is just around the corner, heart fluttering to finally meet you.

>> No.46581511

So what was the last true Kamige? (Don't mention Sc*-ji or w*ffle crap)

>> No.46581546

MUSICUS or Tsukihime remake probably

>> No.46581561

>Tsukihime remake
maybe if it didn't add garbage and kept in the h-scenes it would be

>> No.46581571
File: 80 KB, 1691x361, 1703360613009123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46581584

yup, gonna be shitaboku for me

>> No.46581617

Is that genuinely good or is that just your perversion speaking?

>> No.46581635

>Tenshi souzou not included

>> No.46581650

it's my contrarian genes speaking in the form of a joke
it's pretty fun and pretty funny but it drags out the single plot point it has longer than it should

>> No.46581659

the shitaboku pegging h-scene was really good, the VA for the MC did an excellent job especially for a newbie and I hope she gets more work in the future

>> No.46581693

for me it was the nee-san taking him to pound town after story scene

>> No.46581713

By kamige I meant ntr chuunige of course, and I don't see any on this list

>> No.46581807

... shit, i dropped shitaboku before I got to that, now i want to reinstall

>> No.46581817

for me it's nie no hakoniwa

>> No.46581856
File: 565 KB, 1919x1030, JL under Windows 7 VM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In an earlier thread an anon was saying JL wasn't working for him under a Windows 7 VM. Hey anon, in case you are still around here: I installed a Windows 7 VM recently so I had the chance to try out JL under a Windows 7 VM and it worked properly. See the attached image. So I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with your setup.

>> No.46581921
File: 1.99 MB, 1282x749, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which route should I play first? Is there an order to play?
also name my mc(me)

>> No.46582091

>Nothing compares.
No heroine could ever compare to shouting the chuuni spells together with your bro

>> No.46582116


>> No.46582125

>black bra
>somehow the slut is the blonde

>> No.46582466

Guess I'm reading Jeweha then.
Any reading order or anything I should know?

>> No.46582536
File: 464 KB, 1920x1080, コイバナ恋愛_ミニファンディスク_アフターフェスティバル_Ver1.00コイバナ恋愛AF_ (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read it. It's fine and Mitsuo carries it on his back like he did the main game.
The main problem is that it's just so short - the after stories for all the non-main heroines are just a couple h-scenes, the 'routes' for the bro characters and their girls are also very short and mostly just h-scenes. The only thing there with substance is the jirai-kei's after and while it has good stuff it still does everything way too fast for what it's trying to accomplish.
Basically I know they said right in the title it's a mini-FD, and all my problems come down to it being very much mini. Make it twice as long and it would've been great.

>> No.46582547

>reading order
It's basically a linear game and you unlock detached extra scenes instead of actual routes

>> No.46582606

Does anyone have these?

>> No.46582652


>> No.46582734

thank you, are you a 2DJgame member? the only link i found was there but it's an invite only chink site

>> No.46584019

フロイト since it's a mommyge.
there's no route order pick the one you like the most, try every heroine and stick with your favorite.

>> No.46584552

>last true Kamige?
What will be the next true Kamige? Anything on the radar?

>> No.46584583


>> No.46584585

I want to be a good お兄ちゃん like him.

>> No.46585357
File: 789 KB, 1280x720, muv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.46585459
File: 612 KB, 1920x1080, ss_eed78fd02584761f58c9557d0c6edbf2326f6807.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed their dynamic with Tenma. Other VNs with bros like him?

>> No.46585473

you can self-insert into either character? now that's top tier replayability.

>> No.46585535

hahahaha, lol

>> No.46585736

>load game
>backlog is gone

>> No.46585766


>> No.46585819

>not remembering the backlog for all the routes

>> No.46585885

you know they're literally not even developing that game anymore, right? I guess someone not deeply invested into the clusterfuck of that company wouldn't know

>> No.46585933

Just because they're not developing it now doesn't mean they won't start tomorrow.

>> No.46585943
File: 326 KB, 2048x1536, umineko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46585945

I just hope they will finish TDA. I have no hope for MLA2.

>> No.46585978

Maybe in 2010.

>> No.46585991

37% in 2 hours.

>> No.46586090

How well does Henpri work as a standalone?

>> No.46586119

Personally, I strongly recommend that you at least read nukitashi1

>> No.46586172 [DELETED] 

>read nukitashi
Very much this. I found it so inspiring to my new lifestyle after the トランジション.

>> No.46586174

>not keeping a journal of all the lines as they're said

>> No.46586268 [DELETED] 

In the modern world, what we need to keep the eroge industry alive is a more inclusive society who does not discriminate based on sexual preference. To truly appreciate Nukitashi, you need to understand the background behind the current state of the scene when it was released. As you might or might know, the eroge scene has been on a slow decline since around 2010's with the number of kamige's decreasing per year past 2010. The old giants supporting the industry were slowly leaving the scene one by one. While the number of scenario games was slowly decreasing, the number of nukiges was actually increasing. This is where we start in Nukitashi as well with the whole concept of a Nukige-like island. Now comes, Qruppo, with a love letter to the eroge creators and eroge fans to keep supporting the industry. That the scenario-based eroge industry offers something wonderful that no other medium can copy, so we should not let the industry die. The name of that love letter is Nukitashi and later on Hentai Prison. After the release of Nukitashi, we start seeing signs of revitalization of the industry with a lot of creators putting more effort into releasing their games. After five years now, we can definitely feel the effects of Qruppo on the industry as the number of kamige's getting released is getting close to what it was in its peak. It's still far from a complete revival though as we need more new blood in the scene.

The first game showed us how creating a paradise for people is the same as creating a living hell for others. The sequel, Nukitashi 2, shows us the point of view of the SS members, the antagonists in the first game, and how they ended up in their positions. It shows different people’s view on sex through different characters, and how that caused discrimination and conflict among them. That conflict could easily have been avoided through tolerance of the other person’s views. Similar to its prequel, Nukitashi 2 is a story of tolerance of the minority, and tolerance on other people’s sexual fetish. People just need to be allowed to search for someone else who can understand them without fearing for their safety. That is all that is needed to give the minority a place to belong to.

>> No.46586427

It truly would be a shame if they never properly finish that one.

>> No.46586482 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.59 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing RuiTomo these days. But mostly Dragon's Dogma 2.

>> No.46586587

Will never happen either
They just did a kickstarter to port kiminozo and they said it will take all their resources not dedicated to their shitty gacha just to do so
It's not even the remake they've been hyping up for years, just a shitty all age port of the same 20 years old game

>> No.46586805

I'm waiting for Kimagure Temptation 2

>> No.46586905


>> No.46586991
File: 295 KB, 1920x1080, anemoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it go anon, Kouki gave them the full script for TDA4 3 or 4 years ago, and iirc he said not too long ago that the production hasn't even started.

>> No.46587003

the imouto has no romance, kusoge

>> No.46587593

actually they have said they can only work on one game at a time, so it's impossible for development to start for at least another 6 months.

>> No.46587899 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 1122x1496, temp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46587941 [DELETED] 

Visual novels?

>> No.46587988 [DELETED] 

I assume the person plays them and lurks here?

>> No.46588103
File: 1.14 MB, 2150x2665, 1691331333900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i in for

>> No.46588109

racism bad

>> No.46588115

You have to go back.

>> No.46588123

is there a vn that say racism good?

>> No.46588172

>phone pic
Why do zoomers always do this retarded shit? Don't they know how to take a screenshot?

>> No.46588173

Muv Luv and Black Sheep Town

>> No.46588178

This is bait right?

>> No.46588180

A bland chuunige who should have been a moege.

>> No.46588287

>he doesn't use kuroba on his phone for the auto captcha

>> No.46588289


>> No.46588316

>>he doesn't use kuroba on his phone for the auto captcha
Who said this? Who are you quoting?

>> No.46588319

Bumped them up on my backlog, thanks anon.

>> No.46588323

I was next to that anon when he was giving me a blowjob and I said that.

>> No.46588574

Sis camp is great.
made me try camping irl.

>> No.46588688
File: 503 KB, 616x512, Screenshot 2024-04-14 010244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beta faggot looking mc
immersion ruined
why cant we have buff black men in eroge

>> No.46588700

good morning american sir

>> No.46588708
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x720, 1707168555149591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46588728

>looks like this but is actually a sigma
any games with an mc like that?

>> No.46588738
File: 120 KB, 1143x840, 1683403824566505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what chinks did to crack this? i'm scared

>> No.46588848

better to find another version and see if it has the same results just in case
or run in a VM

>> No.46588891
File: 591 KB, 958x657, 1346345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is exactly what i wanted, being a test subject/property of a witch, man i love eroge.

>> No.46589174

I wish we had Solid Snake protagonists with fat asses tbhfam

>> No.46589341

there is plenty of ntr eroge for homosexuals like yourself

>> No.46589370

0 romance with no heroine routes.

>> No.46589992

can into JOP
which version of stein's gate do i play

>> No.46590001


>> No.46590039


>> No.46590251

Just randomly found this rp thread and it got me interested in BLAZBLUE
I have never seen anyone bringing it up when it comes to chuuni, has anyone played it?

>> No.46590266

it's an all-ages fighting game so i never bothered trying it out

>> No.46590284

i NEED muscular tomboy wolf heroine
is there ANY VN that caters to this fetish

>> No.46590512
File: 1.35 MB, 1208x1544, BlazBlue_Alternative_Dark_War_Rachel_Alucard_Full_Body_Art_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has Tohsaka Rin as a loli tsundere vampire (pic related). I like these vids they make with the game's sprites and animation.
The OST is full of bangers too

>> No.46590662

The animations look sick

>> No.46590890

I'm getting omega filtered trying to install this eroge with noregion patch and nodvdpatch. Please write instructions on how to install it in a way that is easy for retards to understand.
pixeldrain com/u/wLLinZCB

>> No.46590939

bless you, anon

>> No.46591436
File: 544 KB, 2315x3274, makoto nanayad60d8c2012bce8efd956d8d3241e4b57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played Continuum Shift.
The main visual novel part bored me to tears; I didn't get very far.
The fighting game part is robustly unwelcoming to newcomers. I bought the game in 2016 as one of my first fighting games. I finally beat it for the first time last year.
Every mode of the game is unreasonably difficult and unintuitive. If you don't already have a lot of fighting game experience, don't expect to be able to clear the tutorial.
Challenge aside, it's just mediocre overall. It looks cheap and feels cheap. There are lots of original and creative ideas, but nothing that adds up to a game I'd want to spend time with.
The best part of the game IMO is the episodic comedy/slice of life side visual novel. I found it to be well written and rather enjoyed it. You can't just read that part though, you have to do other stuff to unlock it.
The characters and character designs are also beyond reproach. I really like Makoto, she's super duper cute.

If you're interested, I'd recommend checking out the Guilty Gear series instead, which is by the same company and also has a significant visual novel mode, but better written and attached to an easier, less obtuse, more fun fighting game.

>> No.46591584
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works on my win11 machine. Here were my steps:
>extract [120330][Triangle] ヴァンパイアクルセイダーズ(起動不可 iso+mds).rar to a folder
I assume you know how to extract rar files
>mount TRI_VCR.ISO
I assume you know how to mount ISO files
>copy the game files to a folder

>keep the disc mounted, don't unmount it
>open vampirecrusaders_noregion 免日文区域补丁.rar
>go into vampirecrusaders_noregion folder
>copy VCR-Setup.exe-No-Region-v1.EXE to the installation files folder, the directory with Setup.exe
>run VCR-Setup.exe-No-Region-v1.EXE
>click OK on the popup window

>run Setup.exe
>*optional* click right below "install/change" button to change installation folder
>click "install/change"
>click Yes on the popup window
>wait for it to install
>click OK on the popup window
>close the installation window
I assume you can read Japanese

>open vampirecrusaders_noregion 免日文区域补丁.rar again
>go into vampirecrusaders_noregion folder
>copy VCR.exe-Noregionv1.EXE to the folder where you installed the game
>run VCR.exe-Noregionv1.EXE
>click OK on the popup window

Honestly you can probably do the previous steps on your own, but you did ask to instruct you like a retard.
Anyways, from here, the provided patches didn't work for me. I assume this was also where you hit the snag.
The Alpharom signup should've run though, so I took the crack from other games
pixeldrain com/u/XPivQJN2
Your Defender might tell you it's unsafe. It's a crack and you're a pirate, you should be familiar with this message by now.

Now this was where something weird happened. I did manage to get the game running with new crack. But when I tried reinstalling the game to verify and note down the steps, the game ran fine without me applying the patch. So, I'm writing this part from memory.
>extract the two files in Cracker.rar to your game installation folder
>run Cracker.exe
>drag and drop EXECLE.EXE onto the new window
>click Yes on the popup window
>click Ok on the next popup window

You should be able to start the game now by running EXECLE.EXE, with the disc mounted. Can't run it unmounted.
Also unskippable disclaimer kek. And a window restart message after uninstalling the game. Had to write this post twice.

>> No.46591841

ABbros? How are we going to cope?

>> No.46592140

Do you guys use jp boards to read discussions about vns? Without posting as a gaijin of course, to remain respectful.

>> No.46592291

Thanks for helping me anon, It worked. You are a hero! I don't even know how you came up with the idea of getting this crack. Is it because of the engine? Anyway, thanks for helping me again. This is probably the hardest eroge to install I've found so far.

>> No.46592331

Also, the NODVD alsignup_110722 patch was supposed to make the game run without having the ISO open. It's sad that it didn't work, but having the disc open is just a small price to pay.

>> No.46592343

Worst GIGA game?

>> No.46592806

urban fantasy is cool
jap version of high fantasy is utter trash

>> No.46593136

The game is great, it's the best anime fighting game in the market, it's difficult, with ton of universal mechanics while all the characters also have their own gimmicks, still a very much alive game thanks to rollback, they hired a lot of well known VA and some actually worked on eroge too, it's all-ages and the story is akin to trying to explain a fever dream.
Not sure if it's worth for the story alone, unless you really like Ragna the mc.
Oh yeah the music is also amazing, i downloaded like half of the tracks because it was that good.


>> No.46593573

I haven't read it because was waiting for the fandisc, but oh well, I guess I'll have to lower my expectations.
I haven't read anything by asapro yet, I wonder if it would be good to start with this one

>> No.46593688

Does asairo ever get fucking interesting?

>> No.46593773

No contest.

>> No.46593828

Why is there almost no fantasy vn where you actually go on a adventure around the world a la lord of the ring instead of staying in the same city for the entire game?
I know it would take more resources and it's probably harder to do a route system with but still, with how popular isekai slops are you'd think there would be more attempts at the genre

>> No.46593873

Isn't that just called a video game? VNs rely on getting you familiar to the characters so constantly changing the setting goes against that.

>> No.46593903

aren't ikusa like that or are you permanently in the same location all the time?

>> No.46593926

How hard is Monkeys!? I’m deciding between reading it or Satsukoi when I finish Nanatsurio drops before I read Hatsuyuki Sakura

>> No.46593940

Should be extremely easy because of the voiced protag.

>> No.46593953

No that's called a standard fantasy story like there are hundreds of in normal books
But yeah in vns I mostly only saw that in eroge/game hybrids like rance, still I don't think keeping the same main cast of characters going on adventures would be hard to achieve at all outside of making it a bit harder to reuse background cgs

>> No.46593998

somehow deserves the lost media status

>> No.46594092


>> No.46594136


Thanks. I was unsure if monkeys might be too hard at this stage with it being a comedy focused game. I’ll do it over Satsukoi then.

>> No.46594655

>What will be the next true Kamige? Anything on the radar?

>> No.46594878
File: 129 KB, 567x627, AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get the girl
>living the happy life
>interest falls off a fucking cliff
i wish i knew what part of my brain was causing this so i could surgically extract it with a knife

>> No.46594912

It's too expensive to create many different locations and it won't even manage to achieve the feeling of adventure anyway due to the limits of vn format
It's way simpler to just make an rpg at this point which is exactly what most people end up doing

>> No.46594926

in a way i can understand it, i mean, the interesting thing about eroge is the whole process that leads to getting close to the girl
that's precisely why i don't like deredere heroines that much

>> No.46594937

It's not really your fault, most vns fail to convey how you still have to fight after you get the girl.

>> No.46594952

I usually drop moege after I get the girl and then back to read plotge.

>> No.46594966

i wish they didn't make it so easy
sure i understand why, but still.

>> No.46594985

Celenaria is like that, and Seventh Bridge, but first one is bad while second one is unfinished.

>> No.46595026

that's why moege with avoidable ntr are the best

>> No.46595079

is that even a thing that exists?
asked anon, transparently requesting to be spoonfed

>> No.46595107


>> No.46595119

games like tokimeki, kakyuusei and doukyuusei are a good challenge. it really feels satisfying when you finally manage to get the girl you're into

>> No.46595122

based Orgel

>> No.46595125
File: 179 KB, 1027x816, bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait just a damned minute is this the game pic related is referencing

>> No.46595174


>> No.46595189

i'm a genius. neat.

>> No.46595250

We don't deserve Favorite

>> No.46595270

the "uninteresting" part is the most fun part

>> No.46595277

It feels good that my best girl isn't there

>> No.46595357

Evolution is telling you to impregnate the next female

>> No.46595375

only have this problem with moege not with nukige

>> No.46595405

>hoshimemo got 2 reps
It really was their break-out hit, huh?

>> No.46595406


>> No.46595439
File: 424 KB, 2441x3500, 1694342885400202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame otaku barely acknowledge the most ecchi heroine

>> No.46596656

>hey, that voice sounds familiar but i can't quite place i-
>oh shit it's aoyama yukari
i haven't run into her in a dog's age, damn. she hasn't changed a bit. i wonder if i can tolerate her voice now after all these years

>> No.46596700

update: the answer is no.

>> No.46596725
File: 592 KB, 1200x900, malie_unwrapped_14-04-2024 22-07-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see that Masada was getting it from the start

>> No.46597002

I know that feeling, I can't tell you how many games I dropped shortly after the confession.

>> No.46597331

it's oddly and irritatingly hard to find (pirated) untranslated vn. I wanted to play steins gate, but couldn't find a way to play it in japanese. I turned to rance, but the last 5 copies I downloaded were all in english with no (easy and apparent) way to config language. Clearly I'm missing something critical to operate in this community. Do anons have anything to teach me?

>> No.46597384


>> No.46597431


>> No.46597470


>> No.46597490

Buy it.

>> No.46597508

Top "kek", as they say, my friend!

>> No.46597528

Bro you must be baiting, there is literally a pinned torrent with every single alicesoft game and all the possible versions in the haniho thread...

>> No.46597546

You’re not supposed to post the full URL.

>> No.46597556

Stop being poor you fucking fag

>> No.46597560

Of course, if it's anywhere, it's gotta be over there. I remember looking for steins gate over at nyaa a while ago, and I think I actually found it back then but ended up giving up because I recall there being 0(zero) peers. And this time I dismissed the site subconsciously. Thanks anon for the help.
Sirs I am well aware you don't like retards like me, I'll get out of your elite thread now.
>haniho thread
First time I heard of that, I'm rarely in this board.

>> No.46597570


>> No.46597573

No I shared those boys love websites but they genuinely have a lot of content I couldn't find anywhere else. I'm hetero and I only appreciate boys love in fiction when it's done well, but I appreciate gays for making such a website.

>> No.46597580

Do they have Togainu to chi w10 version?

>> No.46597711 [DELETED] 

Yeah bro. This is how non-4chan t*oons find us from reverse searching. Don't these retards know that we should protect our sacred grounds?

>> No.46597721

Is there one for otome?

>> No.46597889 [DELETED] 

but animebytes.tv is so accepting of different lifestyles? I think it’s fine if more new friends beg for an account to promote visual novels in the west.

>> No.46597899 [DELETED] 

>sacred grounds
Very much agreed. How will we survive when we don’t take content hostage and force people to beg on IRC?

>> No.46597993

My favorite part of moege is the after stories when they are living together and working.

>> No.46598039

Do you have this thing where you respect the characters and get angry when people talk badly about them?

>> No.46598076
File: 487 KB, 1200x900, malie_unwrapped_15-04-2024 01-22-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is what i can call a fucking quality koi no kokuhaku

>> No.46598089 [DELETED] 

If you're so incapable that you can't even pass an interview that filters out 90% of normalfaggots and pajeets, then forget about AB, you don't even belong on /jp/. If it were easy to gain access, the tracker and content would likely be garbage, just like everywhere else. I wasn't on AB 12 months ago and didn't even know it existed but it was very easy to get there. If you're only interested in consuming the newest flavor of the month like a good goy boring normalfag and don't care about soundtracks, drama CDs, artbooks, old eroge and contributing with seeds/uploads, then there's no point in joining here, fuck off.

>> No.46598129 [DELETED] 


>> No.46598157

I am REPULSED by homosexuality and poo dicks but I can admit the act of fucking another man's asshole can produce good VNs. I do think people ought to try at least one.

>> No.46598186 [DELETED] 

>didn't even know it existed
>pass an interview

>> No.46598190 [DELETED] 

You don’t fit in, bro. Try lurking more.

>> No.46598192

Name one

>> No.46598198 [DELETED] 

People who can't even join a private tracker and beg for an easy invite, instead of putting in the effort to grind on /ptg/ like everyone else did, and cry about the tracker all day, deserve to be on Reddit more.

>> No.46598217 [DELETED] 

I don't really care about any of that, election tourists who use /pol/ lingo on other boards should all go back to where they came from.

>> No.46598219 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares about you taking content hostage or begging “mods” to read and rate your life story, my redditbro.

>> No.46598221

Real man play bl for the music
They got some really fucking quality rock or jazz compositions

>> No.46598224 [DELETED] 

Why are ABdittors so rampant in defending their garbage site? Even if the use it, why is it such a part of their identity?

>> No.46598230 [DELETED] 

You don’t fit in. Lurk more.

>> No.46598592

I love NTR so much bros. Wish we had more 不意打ち NTR

>> No.46598645

this, imagine if the next yuzusoft suddenly had NTR

>> No.46598679

Buckets man, buckets. Shit, I'd be happy to see some 寝取らせ too

>> No.46598817
File: 324 KB, 1013x721, brush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46598858

Very late but damn I wish this is a real thing
Eroge is lacking piss scenes nowadays

>> No.46598915

the things they could do with their texting thing

>> No.46598929

I hate pissing scenes.

>> No.46599048

Fact: All the best VNs are on the PS2

>> No.46599093

oretsuba isn't so you're wrong

>> No.46599098


>> No.46599106

Modern VNs are not on it though

>> No.46599109

which ones

>> No.46599213
File: 1.91 MB, 1200x900, malie_unwrapped_15-04-2024 04-12-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you supposed to read those after ril ending or after asto? Do they spoil something?

>> No.46599246

You can't call yourself a true erogamer unless your shelves look like this at very least

>> No.46599259

but im poor

>> No.46599271

i learned my lesson with figures long ago, it's digital only for me

>> No.46599275

Books and plamo take up way too much of my space. And unlike those two eroge doesn't really need to be physical

>> No.46599317

All those collection yet his favorite is Majikoi...

>> No.46599322

this guy gives every eroge 70+ except for 60 nukitashi lol

>> No.46599367

>エロゲにエロは必要ないと言いたいわけではない 俺もエロゲにエロは必要だと思うよ
Ok he has lost all of my respect there
No wonder the biggest buyfags are always the biggest schizos over there

>> No.46599378

id rather not import stuff that could get me arrested in my country.

>> No.46599412

This is a bad answer because I mostly forgot about these, but I think you can just read them as they unlock.

>> No.46599415

>living in a shithole country
Skill issue

>> No.46599420

I wonder if that time I imported Saya no Uta was technically illegal. Didn't really think about it when I bought it. But yeah sadly I wouldn't take the risk on a lolige or anything of that nature.

>> No.46599423

Yeah, and im sure your country is Heaven on Earth.

>> No.46599427

So this is the power of the true eroge schizo, I kneel.

>> No.46599458

majikoi is legitimately good

>> No.46599475

I knew a friend who brought back 3 Palette games on his trip. Loli is way too risky but even with regular moege id rather not want to explain to a judge that every character wearing a school uniform is over the age of 18 as is stated in the opening card. Just not worth it.

>> No.46599519

he should have went to jail but for other reasons

>> No.46599717
File: 1.70 MB, 1600x900, フタマタ恋愛_Ver1.00フタマタ恋愛 (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I haven't read anything by asapro yet, I wonder if it would be good to start with this one
Koibana or Futakoi are both decent starting points, but honestly I think you should just pick the one that the heroines appeal to you the most, they're pretty similar.

>> No.46599781

is there any way to buy VNs without getting arrested?

>> No.46599791

live in japan

>> No.46599800

Depends where you live.
Canada or Australia? Don't risk it.
That sounds like shitposting but I'm not fucking joking, do NOT risk it.

>> No.46599811

pay someone to buy and make a iso for you

>> No.46599840
File: 47 KB, 600x800, kuroinu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the editions with COOL box

>> No.46599928

buy digital, even communist countries like canuckstan or kangarooland can't police what you buy online through foreign sites

>> No.46600155

What's the best approach to the ef series? https://vndb.org/v88
The first and latter tales are 18+ but fairy tale of the two seems to have it excised but have more cgs.
Do I need a detranslation patch of the English version for everything in one piece?

>> No.46600370

i think scaji is seething because of that subahibi tweet that was trending lol

>> No.46600382

>saying nuh-uh you're wrong about subahibi and don't understand the message but refusing to explain why you're wrong or what the real message is
sca-ji truly is one of us, he's exactly like every person in this thread I've ever discussed subahibi with

>> No.46600408

truly one of the greatest thinkers of our time

>> No.46600419

i'm fine with this, i find it super cringe when writers explain their games outside of the work itself. i just found it funny how this tweet pissed him off so much, when it was obviously just meant as a joke.


lol looks like he posted an apology after. fuck that, he should've doubled down.

>> No.46600425

>i'm fine with this, i find it super cringe when writers explain their games outside of the work itself.
things were better when authors were mysterious people you knew nothing about outside of their works

>> No.46600468

yeah like why the fuck is scaji getting pissed over random joke tweets? it just makes me think he's not confident in his work.

>> No.46600479

KEK what an insecure faggot
No wonder his work breeds trannies

>> No.46600495

Dont be negative about subahibi guys it hurts the eroge business

>> No.46600505

>somebody makes ONE tweet gently poking fun at subahibi
>"This is killing eroge"
Jesus christ my man if somebody on twitter making fun of an industry is enough to kill the industry then that it doesn't deserve to live.

>> No.46600522

Funniest posts I've seen since Bamboo's mad blog during the release of Bokuten
These people are just as bad as the anons in this thread who can't ignore baits
Like creator like fanbase I guess

>> No.46600528

I've been drinking a lot of milk while reading oppai maid for immersion sake, but i think i pavloved myself into getting horny everytime i drink milk now.

>> No.46600530

You only drink milk when MC's sucks on tits and drinks milk.

>> No.46600551

Can i read Kuroinu 2 only for the witch?
or is it a waste?

>> No.46600828

What was even the original tweet? Really pitiful behavior. Proves he's a fraud who would be nothing without his fanbase who would eat his cum tissues if he sent it alongside physical releases.

>> No.46600844

>What was even the original tweet?
anon for fuck's sake you can't look three posts up?

>> No.46600872

No I mean the tweet that criticized SubaHibi. This is important. I need to know what frustrated this guy. Thanks.

>> No.46600897

Oh never mind. I just saw it. Sorry. I was retarded.

>> No.46601320

which tweet?

>> No.46601348

can you summarize what it was about? looks like the guy locked his acc

>> No.46601388

The person had to lock his account because the insecure faggot's tantrum drove his tranny fanbase to bully him
Poor guy

>> No.46601422 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 316x603, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had actually saved a screenshot to send it to a friend. Lol the guy's personality is the same as his narcissistic tranny fanbase.

>> No.46601441

>translated from japanese by google

>> No.46601457

That's more eroge than my local Mandarake

>> No.46601487

Cool. Provide your own screenshot now, pedantic retard.

>> No.46601488

eh this sounds more like otaku bashing in general rather than subahibi in particular and the guy has over 6k followers so he brought it up for himself, can't feel any sympathy for this kind of pretentious attentionwhores
still was really retarded for scaji to take the bait since everyone is going to blame him now for causing "drama"

>> No.46601491

why are you so angry mtlboy?

>> No.46601493

Hey, some writers delete their entire online presence and go missing for months over this stuff.

>> No.46601506

I take a screenshot to send it to a friend and you fuss even over that. Illiterate. Literally nothing to contribute to anything.

>> No.46601521

??? relax mtlboy
inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale

>> No.46601525

Would be nice if this thread also learned from scaji and stopped taking every bait seriously

>> No.46601540

I wonder if this is an example similar to that known as the horseshoe theory...
scadi and his fans and haters are all equally insecure

>> No.46601560

dedicating your life to loving or hating some particular thing is the first sign of mental immaturity

>> No.46601574

yeah, I just want good stories and cute girls in my eroges, I don't care about anything else

>> No.46601660


>> No.46601703
File: 23 KB, 256x300, 122589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool thanks for clarifying that anon
i think i'll go with futakoi because pic

>> No.46601748
File: 1.57 MB, 1280x720, piggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't go wrong with anything asapro

>> No.46602062

ive seen worse otaku bashing memes come from yuzusoft fan accounts, this was pretty tame. say what you will about yuzusoft fans but at least they know how to take a joke.

>> No.46602137

well it also depends on the way you present it too
the fact that he instantly went crying into the pillow and locked the account when he got criticism says a lot about his sense of humor

>> No.46602173

I'll read her game.....one day.

>> No.46602243

i've been wanting to read some asapro since i saw an anon here complaining about a girl who started playing with a condom and waving it around like a helicopter. anon was pissed. me? funniest shit i've ever read

>> No.46602381
File: 398 KB, 1280x720, i like big butts and i cannot lie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah there's a lot of stuff like that, there's always a few points in every game i can look back and remember for being fun

>> No.46602682

NICE! that's what i want
rl with work and all that shit has me tired and stressed af so i need something funny

>> No.46603168
File: 925 KB, 2560x1811, otome sekai no arukikata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>josou in the context of being a rebel in a hyperfeminist world
>gorgeous art by my favorite artist, mignon
Otome Sekai no Arukikata, definitely.

>> No.46603403

Do you guys play console ports? I mean, most VNs are made for PC however it does seems that during the golden era of VNs most of the popular ones got very nice ports (especially on PS2), so i wonder which is the truest "version"

>> No.46603468

>read vn
>then console port additional content
It's what I did, some exceptions like ayakashibito that I just went with the port which anons recommended and thank god they did.

>> No.46603478

What's so much better about the ayakashibito port?

>> No.46603491

After actually doing both, the absolute lack of sex scenes IS a plus, absolute worst timing for random sex scenes I've ever seen.
Also Hounan's route in the port is great, but that's additional content.

>> No.46603571

I'm a devout Christian so I do appreciate console ports removing lustful content. I mostly read VNs on my PS Vita and Nintendo Switch, which even have the added benefit of portability.

>> No.46603621

yuri with muscular tomboy heroine?
bonus points if dark skin

>> No.46603712

>yuri but with a heroine more masculine than the average male
What's even the point? Read a straight or bara VN.

>> No.46603903


>> No.46604340

Does anyone actually like this shit besides mentally ill westoids? No one in Japan wants this.

>> No.46605895
File: 269 KB, 1600x900, フタマタ恋愛_Ver1.00フタマタ恋愛 (33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good choice, she's a great girl even if her route has problems.

>> No.46605986

I liked her and the frog the most.
