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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46488904 No.46488904 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>46457939

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.46488911

Akabane Kyouko

>> No.46489006

Do you guys rate things you haven't fully cleared

>> No.46489012

if by rate you mean calling them shit on 4chan yeah

>> No.46489017

It's kinda like that one experiment with the cat in the box though, you can't know if it's good or bad until you finish it

>> No.46489041

If you've read 70-90% of the game and it's been horrible so far, there is no way the remaining will make up for it.

>> No.46489124

I don't rate anything.

>> No.46489146

I don't fully clear most than half of the things I read desu, I only read the routes I'm interested in and then drop it

>> No.46489208
File: 532 KB, 616x353, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks like generic trash
how bad is it

>> No.46489217

I have never fully cleared a single eroge unless its some low budget single heroine game.

>> No.46489221

generic trash

>> No.46489243

If I give something a third chance and I still hate it I'll rate it at that point.

>> No.46489311

No. I dont even rate things I finished. I sort my thoughts and afterwards dont post anything, cause I already sorted my thoughts and thats enough.

Had this issues when writing 論文s too. I would think about what to write, sort it out and then it would be a real drag to write it out, cause I felt like the work as already done.

>> No.46489320
File: 1.69 MB, 1920x1080, ♡.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow... Please tell me there's an FD in the works!

>> No.46489582
File: 368 KB, 1600x900, LgSpGiijmUphaQkThn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this really is the new schrodinger's cat, huh

>> No.46489593

at least the cat makes you think a bit
that doesn't at all

>> No.46489699

Read it until 「帰ろう、九條」and if you won't like it at that point then drop it.
That should be just 3 or 4 hours with decent reading pace.

>> No.46489872

If you like the aesthetics and heroines and have nothing else to read, you can read it. You would enjoy it a moderate amount. It's a chill VN. H scenes are also animated.

>> No.46489946

Chill? Are you for real? I think it has way too many chill bodies to be considered a chill vn.

>> No.46489973
File: 967 KB, 1280x720, 1554248263353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really really really like Emi

>> No.46490086

recommend me a good vn where you fuck your mother(blood related) but that actually has some plot and isnt just straight to fucking

>> No.46490097

Nekonade Distortion.
But younger sister is still the best.

>> No.46490102

no such thing

>> No.46490158

Mother incest is cringe, stick to EVNs for that.

>> No.46490302

>people wanting to fuck their sisters judging people for wanting to fuck their mothers

>> No.46490353

When in reality you're meant to fuck both.

>> No.46490364

try the anim games

>> No.46490377

sisters are (usually) not old and rotten

>> No.46490405

Cute. I'll pick up her game just for her.<div class="xa24desu"></div>

>> No.46490412

I love her, I'll be sad when I finish her game...

>> No.46490499

I rate VNs I haven't even read.

>> No.46490589


>> No.46490807
File: 990 KB, 1280x720, 1702154885267511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just want to fantasize about relationships with young girls in a realistic setting using material that blends childlike characteristics and eroticism, and not be reminded of morals or the gravity of the events going on.
Funny, because that's the biggest issue I had with Tsuushinbo. Felt like it wanted to have its cake and eat it too. It played with the idea of the relationship being illicit and wrong by having so many close calls with other adults almost finding out, and constantly reminding the reader that these are kids who think in kid ways, but it also had a protagonist who never fully realizes how much of a sicko he is and soppy romance that tries its best to justify the blatantly imbalanced relationship. I much prefer pedo protagonists who understand how predatory they are and take full advantage of it, or are at least morally messed up enough that even if they think they're in the right, the loli knows she's being abused and depressingly has to put up with it. When it tries to sugarcoat the relationship is when it makes me the most uncomfortable. But yeah if you personally don't like thinking about the morality of the content and just want to turn your brain off and enjoy an idealized loli romance, then Tsuushibo is probably the best thing ever. And the H-scenes with their ambient background noise are amazing regardless.

>> No.46490826

>loli thinks she's being abused and depressingly has to put up with it
this sounds horrible

>> No.46490841

that's the inherent problem with all loli romance, you can't do sweet and vanillla loli romance and romance where they actually act like kids.

shoujo ramune's alright

>> No.46491205

Am I crazy or does Unravel Trigger not save your settings between sessions?
Every single time I open it, read a few lines, and go the ost is drowning out the voices a bit I'll lower it 20% or so.

>> No.46491223


>> No.46491225

>can't do sweet and vanillla loli romance and romance where they actually act like kids.
>Felt like it wanted to have its cake and eat it too.
Why not? It's fantasy. It's meant to be idealized, right? You can allow yourself think about all the sweet parts of it without having to think about any of the negatives. As long as you can realize it's not real, how is that less "disturbing" than a guy abusing or manipulating a loli so much she gets depressed?

>> No.46491296
File: 367 KB, 1903x1377, openclose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open relationship is pure
>closed relationship is immoral

>> No.46491344
File: 984 KB, 1804x988, 12315151508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heroine loves the MC in the common route.
>She cries in every route where he ends up with someone else.
Am I supposed to feel bad?because it works
true route left

>> No.46491348

You really should read KoiChoko, in its original form.

>> No.46491353

Wow she's just like the Koichoco girl, surely everyone hates her, right?

>> No.46491357

It doesn't work as well for me when the common route and first half of each heroine route try their hardest to sell the heroines as semi-realistic children who are just barely starting to understand the world around them and are easily manipulated into sexual acts but the latter half swerves into fantasy territory where the girls are suddenly rational people who are able to make decisions about who they want to spend the rest of their lives with and have a happy and healthy lasting relationship with the same adult who groomed them. Again, if that kind of thing is your groove, I don't want to shame for it. It just gives me conflicting messages, if the characters were depicted as more idealized and goofy in an anime way from the start then I could swallow the vanilla romance better. I admit it's a personal problem, maybe a sign that I'm growing too old or cynical for most of this medium.

>> No.46491382

Does this have a recommended route order? EGS had the tag but no comments

>> No.46491455


>> No.46491470

You're talking about this cat? Her profile said she just likes mc because he's useful.
It's kino trope if she hides her love behind smug face.

>> No.46491578

Is Louis's route good?

>> No.46491585

Yeah, I see why you would have a problem with it now and I have learned something depressing about myself.
When they do this it just makes me think that girl is the best because she always loved you the most.

>> No.46491679
File: 856 KB, 1803x1014, 983434621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the blonde vamp.
This >>46491455, since the last twist in Reiri's route is something you learn early on in Cat's.
Wasn't Koichoco shit on here?

>> No.46491756

Oh shit is that メタ発言!?
I'm gonna cum so hard

>> No.46491809
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>> No.46492093

A pretty clever way to expose the target audience of eroge there if you ever wondered why this thread is full of schizo shitposters before

>> No.46493594

what's her game

>> No.46494510


>> No.46494514


>> No.46494804

Works fine for me.
The main girl is the worst

>> No.46494873

for me it's
>heroine and mc's relationship is broken in the common route
>they only reconcile in her route
>she continues to despise him in other routes
ive only come across this once with Aki from Reminiscence and it still breaks my heart

>> No.46494876
File: 1.59 MB, 1280x720, Yumeko1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit thats what I'm looking for all the time. One of my most favorite heroine types.
Thanks anon.

>> No.46495227

>Nobody even bothered to make an entry for the ONE remake on EGS

>> No.46495319

Im pretty sure i remember seeing it at 期待されてるゲーム at the right last year
Maybe something happened and they deleted it

>> No.46495338

Devs might have requested it be removed. Has happened before.

>> No.46495560

I wasn't expecting them to totally remove IRODORI from the database. I think every review is saved at least.

>> No.46495792
File: 2.29 MB, 1920x1080, アンラベル・トリガー_2024-04-02_01-01-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did they mean by this

>> No.46495997
File: 320 KB, 1200x630, tomtom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Cabbage soon
Since Tom did a qrt, I guess he will be the writer

>> No.46496053
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x720, 1686099298721485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 years from now, we will still get Doraemon references.

>> No.46496090
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1080, はじめるセカイの理想論_-goodbye_world_index-_(ver1.01)_2024-03-26_06-14-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46496164

I got confused about what you meant but, apparently it's related to that big guy.

>> No.46496242

a doraemon movie has come out almost every year since 1980

>> No.46496384

>trap protagonist
>futanari heroine
give recommendations

>> No.46496543
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1080, アンラベル・トリガー_2024-04-02_03-21-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel robbed of these lines

>> No.46496734

You're the only one penising the girl either way, the only difference between the two routes is whether you tell other people you're a couple or keep it a secret.

>> No.46496977

best route

>> No.46497233
File: 53 KB, 595x841, unknown773065f9d85df3203d5d983842886c0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be in the minority on this, but I actually prefer loli heroines to be roughly the same age as the MC. So either both children or both adults.
A relationship between, say, a 10 year-old girl and a 13 year-old boy is still scandalous enough to be interesting, but not to the point where a pure, happy ending would feel contrived.
Both characters being adults removes a lot of potential for drama, but in exchange it adds in a huge amount of potential for comedy. (Whenever Setsu (picrel) gets upset at you, she yells 「おまわりさーん!」I think the first time she did that I nearly choked.)

I often find May-December romances lacking. I want to know what's driving the two of them to be so in love against all odds and against the world.
Sometimes the author has a convincing answer to that question, and it's fantastic. But I've found most authors give a token answer if they give one at all. That isn't the end of the world, especially in a comedy or a nukige, but it's a waste of potential.

>> No.46497285

>Sometimes the author has a convincing answer to that question, and it's fantastic

>> No.46497304

It works best when the mc is an actual awesome human being so even if you realize the girl was clearly deceived at least you can be sure that she is in good hands
Sadly self inserting syndrome keeps ruining everything with the majority of protagonists being irresponsible losers

>> No.46497331

you guys can't keep saying this stuff without posting examples

>> No.46497351

It's just poor execution or unwillingness to do a more serious story because nearly all loli VNs are nukige.

>> No.46497388

There is Hakkenden from the recent ones, even though it was borderline gerontophilia for Daikaku, their relationships still felt extremely sweet just because of how much of an awesome dude Shinbei was

>> No.46497473

Open relationship is only westoids thing. Try reading the image you posted dumb EOP scum.

>> No.46497487

Any VNs with platonic sex?

>> No.46497518

sex friend tag

>> No.46497525

If by that you mean helping someone to reach orgasm without any actual action after that then Geminism is probably the closest thing that can be

>> No.46497720
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>> No.46497836
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>> No.46497860

He probably mean anal.

>> No.46497889

all BLge since faggotry isn't romantic love

>> No.46497902

Anything with 寝取らせ; it's all about two men using a woman as a conduit to provide sexual gratification to each other.

>> No.46497993
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>> No.46498013
File: 1.79 MB, 1200x900, malie_unwrapped_02-04-2024 03-08-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46498016
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Ever backed up your list?

>> No.46498021

i use egs as backup

>> No.46498171

Seems its only Yuuhi that got a special scene. As expected of the main girl, still pretty neat.

>> No.46498216

Alright that counts.
Those needed some CGs

>> No.46498692

Depending on the date different characters get special scenes.

>> No.46498959
File: 378 KB, 886x1200, Godannar Sprout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anime 神魂合体ゴーダンナー!! is a fantastic anime (one of my all-time favorites) with an age gap romance focus. It handles it so well that even some people who are very anti age gap end up rooting for the couple by the end.

らする and すみやお both make great, richly emotional emotional H-manga; I highly recommend [groupie] (published in the first volume of "Little girl", C78) and the new 即堕ちロリババア anthology. (I am aware that the names do not inspire confidence, but I usually tear up when I read these.)

In terms of VNs; I'm sure most everyone here has read it already but I have to at least mention うたわれるもの.
A somewhat more obscure title I adore is 大海原と大海原; it was the first thing I read in Japanese that I truly fell in love with so it's quite dear to me. I'm planning on playing the remake soon, I've heard good things about it.

And if you're interested in this sort of stuff, you should check out this anime ED, it's so perfect:

>> No.46498993

Thanks, I'll check out the stuff I haven't seen.

>> No.46499354
File: 258 KB, 1920x1080, kmrb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good old soulful installation screen

>> No.46499493
File: 224 KB, 1920x1080, 2024_02_08_619__.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally a honest age-gap romance

>> No.46499818

what is this from, it looks familiar

>> No.46499946

Wanted to post funny bits but the VN is one of those where it only shows one previous sentence in the regular text box as you scroll up
I hate this kind of backlog function so fucking much

>> No.46499952
File: 2.11 MB, 1533x6020, 女王蜂の王房_めのう編女王蜂の王房_めのう編 (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just take like five screenshots and stitch them together
if it's not worth it, it wasn't that funny

>> No.46500060
File: 1.18 MB, 1024x576, 女王蜂の王房_めのう編_09224540651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God this game was so good

>> No.46500077
File: 81 KB, 1159x418, 女王蜂の王房_めのう編女王蜂の王房_めのう編 (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was definitely something, that's for sure.
I wish more otomege had the courage to go
>my way hotter bitch sister just stabbed me in the chest, let me suck your cocks in an alley so I can heal myself so I don't bleed to death
It went absolutely wild.
I never did read Kaguya's POV, she seemed like a much more interesting protagonist even if her boys seemed much worse.

>> No.46500119
File: 1.53 MB, 1024x576, 女王蜂の王房_輝夜編_10141034270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaguya-hen is by far the best part of the game, it's a massive improvement from the first half

>> No.46500471 [SPOILER] 
File: 758 KB, 1805x1013, untri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mili route done, and after too.
I'm under the impression that Kai's second ability was mostly here to create drama for that ending. It's an ending happier than Sousaku, at least. The final route is 50% a repeat of the other routes so it's kind of boring when it's about them, though I know it was to give closure to the first two routes' plot points.
Lot of flashbacks to give a justification to the bad guys. A few plotholes, lot of preaching, but not to the point of making the characters insufferable. Fights didn't drag, and I wish Takahama wrote more of them. OST was a step up from Sousaku too, and I wish she was uploaded somewhere. I unironically thought it would be another Yuzusoft-like, but there's not much romance in the true route, and overall it feels more like a plotge than a moege. Only 3 H scenes per character, like Sousaku.
I liked it more than Sousaku and Jehewa, even if it didn't have any crazy twists. I wasn't expecting more from it, so I guess it did the job at being ok and entertaining.

>> No.46500487

It didn't have any crazy twists? Did we not read the same game or what? It has more twists than any other eroge ever written.

>> No.46501788

>even if her boys seemed much worse.
Utsuro best boy. His drama cd is the best thing to come out of it.

>> No.46501876

Used Google reverse image search, seems to be https://vndb.org/v15909

>> No.46501907

Has anyone managed to download Hajiron 特典 from NET-RIDE? I'm getting a permissions error even using a VPN (and a private tab).
I know I could probably get it elsewhere, but it's the principle of the thing.

>> No.46502157
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, アンラベル・トリガー_2024-04-02_21-47-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish that was me

>> No.46502939

mega nz/folder/YLsn2QKK#XU3hxg0tBkp6Cu8WwJa7wA

>> No.46503183

Sorry, I know this is probably 100% the wrong thread, but would anyone happen to have Dungeon Travelers 2-2's JPN DLC and wouldn't mind uploading it? I honestly am not sure of where else to ask.

>> No.46503349

If it's not here then give up

>> No.46503556

didn't try downloading it, but the upload on AS is main game only?

>> No.46503564

All of the DLC is dumped it looks like. You need to search the serial.

>> No.46503602

nta but where do you find serial infos?

>> No.46503693

renascene for vita https://renascene.com/psv/info/card/1081

>> No.46503886

Also it's the first part of the Content ID on NPS so you can just copy it there.

>> No.46504646

It seems that you can't get updates from the site, so you will need to set up the NPS Client for those.

>> No.46504893

Thank you, kind anon.

I'd still like to get around that region lock, though. As I said, it's the principle of the thing, and if I don't learn to deal with it now it'll just come back to bite me later. What are they even filtering on? Do they seriously blacklist data center IPs, Netflix-style?

>> No.46505045

Sorry, I'm really fucking stupid and forgot to specify the PC version.
Yeah, it seems that way.

>> No.46505190

I had no idea a pc port came out last year.
6 years later and not including the dlc is fucking dumb.

>> No.46505200
File: 1.79 MB, 1200x900, malie_unwrapped_03-04-2024 01-08-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one correct choice

>> No.46505316

second choice

>> No.46505343


>> No.46505344


>> No.46505353

You can't truly claim to love her if your answer isn't 4

>> No.46505354
File: 1.96 MB, 1200x900, malie_unwrapped_03-04-2024 01-27-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46505361

むしろ全部 is the right answer but it's taking the easy way out

>> No.46505374

It's funny that in the guide the right answer is actually 3 and it's the only one that got a small plot bit in it (the rest were joke responses)

>> No.46505384

>the guide
You didn't beat the eroge

>> No.46505398

The right answer is 4 because that's my honest opinion (I don't care about boobs ((尻好き))

>> No.46505417

I guess my memory is going bad. I only remember that choice being all joke answers.

>> No.46505433

3rd mentioned that Ennis deceived Ryle to throw Nahato into the fight with Hebi which wasn't mentioned before

>> No.46505464

>I don't care about boobs ((尻好き)

>> No.46505468

Same, I fap to male butts

>> No.46505471

Yes, but I read it.
To me eroge are not games, but rather comfy romantic simulations that may have an interesting plot. If I want a "game" where I may fuck up, I'll just try to get a girlfriend and do shit in real life.

>> No.46505485

Ameribro don't announce your presence in this thread like that...

>> No.46505492

ナハト is "Nacht"

>> No.46505500

We know, fujoshit
Why don't stick to kinectic novel then? that's like playing a galge and not engaging with all the multiple choices that should represent the fun of it.

>> No.46505514

Because most VNs aren't kinetic? The fun is reading the story.

>> No.46505553

Anon, I do not see VNs as "games" to toy around with. To me they represent a perfect romantic life.
And like the other anon says most VNs are non-kinetic, and also the kinetic ones tend to be short/low-budget/non-romance-focused.

>> No.46505671

>should represent the fun of it
Too bad that we live in a reality where in 90% of the vns the only point of choices is to separate routes from each other and the majority of them don't even make any meaning or sense
If i want to >engaging with all the multiple choices i will go and play rpg, not a goddamn eroge lol

>> No.46505686

I wanted to know what the original tsui no sora is like but can't find any gameplay

>> No.46505694

check NND

>> No.46505702

>4chan considers link to nico video spam
What a faggots

>> No.46505729

Very thanks

>> No.46505870
File: 113 KB, 678x680, EcGG5uTUEAADoLG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more full length kinetic VNs

>> No.46505886

How's sinclient? Have had it sitting around for a while, might read it next

>> No.46505958

I want racer to do art for more games

>> No.46506508

>Utsuro best boy.
You people have weird taste.
>His drama cd is the best thing to come out of it.
Weren't they drama cds first and a vn later?

>> No.46507953

Japan resist another day

>> No.46507985

Grim, i get stuff from dlsite when i can't find it elsewhere.

>> No.46507989

fug, that's not good. i thought the current issue was only with MC

>> No.46508097

I guess not being able to buy eroge on amazon jp anymore is bc of banks too.

>> No.46508099

Hope someones rapes whoever is in charge of this anti-porn crusade within all these payment portals. Fucking yanks

>> No.46508101

Do HOOKSOFT games have a lot of ichaicha? Which one should I try first?

>> No.46508103

Holy shit i hate when they do this
The common route should be balanced otherwise most routes will feel off
This is the main problem I had with most ensemble works i read

>> No.46508109

you can still buy dlsite points or wathever they're called with visa and mastercard.

>> No.46508126

Western colonialism never ended

>> No.46508165

why do banks care so much about me buying eroge?

>> No.46508221

So are they going to remove the pointless word censorship now?

>> No.46508241

Banks don't like rape/loli/brainwash porn, and Amazon doesn't really care to check every single eroge to find those tags, it's much easier to just delist eroge from gaijins. At least you can still use a proxy, for now.

>> No.46508252

pick whichever that has an interesting gimmick for you

>> No.46508258

I like when they do that, there should be consequences for choosing heroines do it makes it more meaningful when you choose whoever you choose.
Looking how moege is evolving maybe one day we will get a romance story where the other heroines end up with someone else in the after stories and it doesn't end up becoming another kakyuusei, don't want one of them to end up moving on? Then choose her.

>> No.46508293

Qruppo was right, we are all going to hentai prison.

>> No.46508295

They don't want you giving more cultural power to Japan, which anything related to "anime" in the west does, so if they can make them change their values they win. Just look how credit card companies have no problem with onlyfans which is way way bigger and actually involve real people, meanwhile lines of inks from another country is a problem. Just think about it.

>> No.46508304 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.61 MB, 1600x900, 2022-02-13_00-58-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normalfags pretending they're working so they don't get fired

>> No.46508378

Japan is geopolitically part of the West.
If it was about cultural power they would attack China instead.
It's just compliance offices of Visa and Mastercard being prudishly paranoid about cartoon porn because otherwise some christoreligious crusaders will attack them, call them woke pedos, child molesters, drag them before congressional committees, and whatnot.

>> No.46508419

This is all because of AI shit.

>> No.46508426

that doesn't explain amazon jp

>> No.46508462

I don't know what are you smoking or if you are a chinese in denial but you are out of your mind if you think japan isn't leading the "cultural victory" right now, most zoomers absolutely idolize japan thanks to anime which is japan biggest cultural export right now, I should remind you the "thing, thing japan" is a meme nowadays because how much cultural power japan has over everyone else in this age, you could post a random chinese city and duplicate it and add a sakura tree and say is japan then put it side by side and zoomers would say they want to live there.

>> No.46508492

You guys actually use amazon?
I bought 2 old vns there and they both got seized as soon as they landed here.

>> No.46508501

>japanese porn viewed as "pedo AI"
>amazon jp doesn't want to deal with it so stops sending 18+ goods to foreign countries

>> No.46508507

How many of those zoomers outside of Japan could find dlsite on the interwebs?
It's much more about boomer politicians stumbling onto some cartoon porn on musk's and zuck's shitholes.

>> No.46508511

I honestly think some of those people still remember Rapelay being headline news even in random ass third world countries.

>> No.46508761

Still works. Set your default address to a Japanese one, enable Japanese VPN, access Amazon with a clean browser (private tab is enough) without logging in. You will get the 18+ prompt and be able to browse 18+ items. Put what you want in your cart, then log in. The items will have transferred to your logged-in cart. You can return to your normal browser at this point. On the checkout page, switch your address to your real one and check out as usual.

>> No.46508839

Good for them. And that's it, I just sent out an application for a JCB.

>> No.46508866
File: 279 KB, 1200x900, malie_unwrapped_03-04-2024 17-17-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any polyglots here

>> No.46508938


I haven't read it but apparently it's from that book. It could be just pseudo-Latin gibberish.

>> No.46509005

>muh consequences
Thats not the point faggot
Its a writing problem. They shouldnt focus so much on one girl and make you feel like shit if you dont choose her. If there is only one true heroine, either make a true route or a single heroine game but in the common all girl should be equal otherwise its a kusoge

>> No.46509023

recommend vn where outside heroine route she gets with another guy

>> No.46509069

Hello world

>> No.46509117

On the topic of this image, this is the same as people in the west freaking out over violent video games. One does not cause the other and there have been studies (on violent video games) to prove it. The only correlation is that violent people and pedophiles in our case, are drawn to violent games and loli content respectively. The best argument someone can make against people who like this kind of media despite not being a murderer or pedophile is that they’re degenerate, which might be true anyways.

>> No.46509126 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 739x415, 1694634636062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't the rest of the world adopt something like this instead of letting jews control what you can buy

>> No.46509134 [DELETED] 


>> No.46509202

The difference is that fetishes aren't static and they can "wake up" under the influence
Like i don't remember ever liking flat chest before i started watching loli anime, but now i can't look at tits without disgust anymore
Who knows maybe i would end up being completely normal if i never started watching anime
It's the same thing as when people start watching fucked up porn they start looking into more and more weird stuff progressively even if content like that could have been disgusting for them before

>> No.46509453

Why are you comparing normal women having small breasts with fetish porn?

>> No.46509560

What's wrong with having fetishes?

>> No.46509621

It's ok as long as you plan to be forever alone.

>> No.46509677

What does having some fictional fetish have to do with real life?

>> No.46509689

Anon, you are in the untranslated VN thread. You will be forever alone whether you like it or not.

>> No.46509705

The question you should be asking is why you happened to be here in the first place, everything else is rhetoric

>> No.46509722

Absolutely nothing if you are not mentally ill. People who are mentally ill will be mentally ill regardless if random fetish porn is banned or not, just look at history.

>> No.46509730

If you really think that your fetishes have no effect on your tastes in real life then you are really delusional if you want me to be honest

>> No.46509781

So true, my wife left me because I asked to see her cute feet.

>> No.46509786

I like guro and ryona. I’ve been in a vanilla, loving relationship with my high school sweetheart for the past decade. My fictional fetishes do not impact my wife at all and the idea of doing any of the things I see in nukige and doujin to an actual person disgusts me even if there was consent. It’s completely possible to have weird fetishes and for it to not impact your actual life if you’re not mentally ill. If you disagree I’m inclined to think either you’re mentally ill yourself and/or you’re some kind of morality fag who has trouble differentiating fiction from reality (the two are not mutually exclusive).

>> No.46509838

>I’ve been in a vanilla, loving relationship
Someone here already can't distinguish between the eroge and the real world I see.

>> No.46509880

Please, I exclusively read degenerate nukige and chuunige. Wholesome pure love stories are so cliche. We are not the same.

>> No.46509884
File: 1.69 MB, 1278x716, 1233757457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you an おっぱいソムリエ?

>> No.46509888
File: 29 KB, 749x380, GKPaRD7bAAAmylR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems that dlsite started using this third party site again.
dl-pay.net shows it was closed before.

>> No.46509915

kill yourself

>> No.46510033

That would make my wife sad so I won’t

>> No.46510112

I feel like finishing 10 rance games turned me into rape enabler. Been cracking rape jokes non-stop since finishing Rance X. I live in one of the least woke countries, so this is not a big problem IRL (my coworkers laugh at my rape jokes), but once I go to a normie website within english internet I get banned really fast with all my rape jokes and rape memes :(

>> No.46510150

>blowjob from a lady with a foot-long pointy forehead horn
this dude is courting death

>> No.46510220

I need to start rance but i dont care about gameplay...

>> No.46510250

cheat engine

>> No.46510251

You will change your mind once you get used to it
Alicesoft gameplay is overflowing with soul you won't find anywhere else

>> No.46510286

H-scenes in old games are way too short

>> No.46510338

You are not supposed to fap to them the same way you are not supposed to fap to the paintings from the middle ages, they are there for the aesthetic pleasure

>> No.46510367

H-scenes in new games are way too long

>> No.46510377

Which brand has the perfect length h-scenes?

>> No.46510387

if moege had h-scenes length kept to black lilith's 対魔忍ユキカゼ levels that would be great for me

>> No.46510391

Still haven't seen better paced h scenes than Monobeno

>> No.46510407

2 cums is about the limit of my patience

>> No.46510453

>real world
Nice discussion.

>> No.46510454
File: 276 KB, 1516x884, fair game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perseus with 4-5 times in a row
not minori, that's for sure

>> No.46510458

Can anyone help me with 屋根裏の眠り姫, I keep trying to go for the abnormal route, but I fuck it up every time. This game is too hard how do I anal!?

>> No.46510484

Kinda lame, would have been better if it was just the thing happening.

>> No.46510489

Honestly, I can't get into Rance no matter how hard I try.
Am I supposed to actually like Rance himself, or is this a case of "Haha, I like him ironically"?

>> No.46510503

Bro, Rance is a man, liking men is gay. You are supposed to like the cute girls.

>> No.46510526

What's ironic about liking a funny guy?

>> No.46510534

Point is I don't find him funny.

>> No.46510548

Get a sense of humor then.

>> No.46510568

Rance isn't statical and his personality gradually changes depending on the game
Try Kichikuou and see if you change your mind as this is his best instance

>> No.46510576

Which stores sell that? I hope it's not too expensive.

>> No.46510592

Pretty cheap on dlsite

>> No.46510650

Why are archived or pirated drama CDs for eroge so obscure and hard to find? I just want to listen to the Silverio drama CDs.

>> No.46510678


>> No.46510725

>Credit roll is unskippable
>It shows CGs from other routes too
>It's paused when the window is inactive

>> No.46510731

just get up from your PC and let it roll, fat retard

>> No.46510748

>you get credit rolls after each ending variance
>there are 10 of them

>> No.46510787

Sometimes you can only skip credits with a double click or some shit

>> No.46510799

That's cool too but I was talking about the 7 drama CDs from Trinity...

>> No.46510812

Check them on the same channel

>> No.46510813

That guy's channel has a shitton of drama CDs from multiple light games

>> No.46510842

>It shows CGs from other routes too
If seeing random CGs beforehand "spoil" your experience then you have a w*stoid mindset and/or it was shit in the first place and over-relied on contrived novelty.
If anything, I get more excited for something when I see random bits beforehand.

>> No.46510843
File: 212 KB, 694x207, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>It's paused when the window is inactive
What are you reading? I can't remember the last one I've read that does that without also having an option to change it. If it really bothers you that much boot it in a VM and tab out of that while it runs

>> No.46510872

I'm not reading anything in particular. I just made up that scenario in my head because I thought it would be annoying if it actually happened.

>> No.46510885


>> No.46511019
File: 2 KB, 878x48, Terminal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I don't think that's right lol

>> No.46511410
File: 504 KB, 1200x900, malie_unwrapped_04-04-2024 00-26-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this is the first game i've seen so fat that would resemble Gothic so much in both setting and atmosphere
Masada definitely must have been inspired by it

>> No.46511536

Everytime i finish a route and turn up the volume and get out of my room to either make some food or do anything else while i hear the music

>> No.46511998

kill yourself faggot
you've been repeating the same shit for almost 5 months now

>> No.46512023

This. I got "spoiled" on most of my favorite vns. It doesn't matter in the long run.

>> No.46512035

So it was Mondblut all this time, who could have guessed

>> No.46512415
File: 73 KB, 640x360, Ako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a great joke character but this game probably had one of the worst heroines I have seen.
Imagine a girl unironically screaming NIPPON BANZAAAI, BANZAAAI, BANZAAAI!!! as she is cumming while having sex with you.

>> No.46512420

that's kino thoughever?

>> No.46512472

At the same time it has one of the best heroines.

>> No.46512477

god that sounds hot

>> No.46512956

>What are you looking forward to?
I want some nice 引きこもり heroine ge.

>> No.46513074

been reading koinaku as somebody told me it's similar to wa2 but holy shit it's boring as fuck. considering dropping it

>> No.46513321

I think this is lost media now. Hadler will be the only non japanese who read it.
The game is no longer for sale and it was only available digitally.

>> No.46513357

Tsubakiko is great, yeah

>> No.46513381

>Hadler will be the only non japanese who read it
Yeah? Want to suck she/her cock now? Fuck off with your retarded eceleb posting back into your shitcord subhuman pig

>> No.46513394

I already read this though

>> No.46513412

Hi hadler

>> No.46513477

What the fuck dude? I just wanted to say that the VN is lost media.
I would mention whatever the nick of the guy who did the review/score, Hadler just happened to be the one.

>> No.46513594

That hadler dude's VN list is fascinating. He's like every person here combined into one.

>> No.46513616

he used to post here back in the day

>> No.46513628

Couldn’t you just like, DM him asking for it?

>> No.46513631
File: 850 KB, 1920x1051, 1683488216089335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have any experience with JL on Windows 7? I'm a linux user, so I usually played games under wine before learning about this program. But this program doesn't work very well under wine in my experience. I tried installing a Windows 7 VM because I assumed it'd work better there, but I install it and find it works even worse in Windows 7. Does this usually work for people? Anybody seen something similar?

>> No.46513637
File: 558 KB, 800x783, 1687461411262087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't work or act anything like these screenshots.

>> No.46513639

Sorry, eroge is for WindowsCHADS only, try another medium.

>> No.46513646

It's broken under windows too though. Hell, it seems to work better under wine. I got no Windows 10/11 computer, so I can't really test it there.

>> No.46513674

Which is better between Akatsuki no Goei and Ryuusei World Actor?

>> No.46513678

You would need to pirate it, and to crack the DRM, you need access to the credentials of the account that bought it. He needs to either crack it himself or share his account with someone who can crack it. If he doesn't do that, it's lost media.

>> No.46513754

Modern software is usually very broken on Windows if you run it without DWM (composition) and graphics acceleration.
And a lot of developers have already ditched testing on Win7 so you should try on modern Win10.

>> No.46513803

Do you know if there's any alternative to JL? I really don't want to fight with Windows 10. The GitHub even says the program supports Windows 7 and later. I forgot how awful Windows is to use.

>> No.46513810

Akagoei has Kaito and RWA doesn't so Akagoei wins by defauls.

>> No.46513838

idk why you would use another program when yomi does everything you need it to

>> No.46513854

And yomichan is great, but you have to use it in a browser. This program goes on top of your game and is designed to be like that. It makes it so a 1/3 or something of your screen doesn't have to be taken up by a web browser. It's fine if you have a second monitor, but I want to play VNs on my laptop, and the space taken up by the web browser is very noticeable there.

>> No.46513870
File: 322 KB, 1670x922, 暁の護衛.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had more fun with Akatsuki

>> No.46513987

I just started Memories off IF and the fucking ending roll are unskipable and there's forced playing order. Fuck you.

>> No.46514056

this fucking guy was hilarious

>> No.46514093
File: 2.63 MB, 1812x989, 1682276049369481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it good? I only manage to test the game because I'm not in the mood for dramamoege.

>> No.46514582

The writer of the game is still active on Twitter. You can DM him and ask for a pirated copy.

>> No.46514633

Install windows in dualboot maybe idk

>> No.46514662

Literally just ask this guy to reupload and remove the drm

>> No.46514769

I was thinking that as well. Yumeko is amazing and Tsubakiko is also good.

>> No.46514786

fucking hate anime-sharing
the niggers there upload on the worst fucking bane-of-my-existence hosts
what is so hard about putting them on pixeldrain or mega or workupload ffs

>> No.46514814

are you literally retarded? they're all using those hosts because they make money off them and they're usually harder to get takedowns on compared to everything you mentioned and it's always been like this

>> No.46514851

i know it has always been like this and i've always hated it
fucking leeches what's so hard about reuploading anyway
storage is so fucking cheap nowadays you can have heaps of terabytes for cheap

>> No.46514877

That guy literally uploaded on mega and it is down now though?
Unironically if he uploaded it on fucking rapidgator premium it could stay there for decades and in worst case scenario you could buy the premium to dl it instead of it being lost now

>> No.46514888

How is Schwarzesmarken in comparison to Muv Luv? What genres does it focus on in comparison?

>> No.46514939

bro idk where you live but in my shithole 2tb is like 75$
it's far from being cheap, especially when the target audience of torrents is pirates who are mostly poor fags in the first place

>> No.46514949

what's wrong with you? most of the smaller uploaders will reupload if you just ask, and the biggest ones do seed

>> No.46514968

you might have a point
all of those niggers love to use niggergator
might be worth the sub

doesnt make them any less of a bunch of niggers tho

>> No.46515030

Rapidgator premium is there mostly for preservation purposes since it's the only one that basically never gets down
But they are still required to always provide free alternatives and reupload them whenever they are down which is still miles better than any other actual niggers like hsuki who are premium gating stuff completely

>> No.46515032

if storage is so cheap and you know better than them then why dont u make ur own public archive with blackjack and hookers

>> No.46515123

Fucking poorfag complaining here when a debrider is 2$ a month

>> No.46515228

Ironic how you call them that when you're a leeching monkey yourself. What do the welfare nogs in America do for their food? Wait in line.

>> No.46515328
File: 272 KB, 1920x1600, jumbo_bk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who here expected Faylan as the new Madosoft OP?

>> No.46515356
File: 24 KB, 256x300, 79542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only managed to clear Noel's good and best ending (which the game itself labeled as a lighter route) so far but i think it's decent?. It's been years since I last played dramage tho so I might be biased. Honestly I started playing for the Glasses girl but kinda bummed out that she only have route on fandisk.

>> No.46515441

Give me some summer untranslated eroge recs, fras.

>> No.46515524

Natsuyume nagisa
Get some summer christmas mood

>> No.46515562

This poster wasn't alive twenty years ago

>> No.46515569


>> No.46515621


>> No.46515652


>> No.46515657
File: 219 KB, 1152x2048, 1682780891755146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sofmap Sendai no longer stocks eroge

>> No.46515717

Schwarzesmarken is way more political than the original Muv Luv. If you've played some of the entries in between like Total Eclipse, it's expected since the franchise was shifting in that direction. Anyways, overall I liked it quite a lot. The cold war setting was used fairly well, and you can see how it affects the characters deeply. It doesn't reach the highs of alternative, but I would say it's more cohesive and well-paced. I can imagine Lise's route pissing people off though.

>> No.46515783

Thanks. The cold war setting is very intriguing to me. The main thing I liked about Muv Luv was the emotional journey rather than the politics / mecha stuff, can I expect Schwarzesmarken to be satisfying on that front as well? If so I'll buy and play it. Also I haven't played anything other than the original trilogy.

>> No.46515840
File: 71 KB, 488x619, setsunohi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in luck, I backed up a copy long time ago, here it is (host is pixel drain):

>> No.46515865

why are they doing this? are they doing this to appease tourists?

>> No.46515891
File: 6 KB, 529x257, explorer_04-04-2024 16-37-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, now just need some pro hacker to remove the drm
The usual script corrupts the exe for whatever reason

>> No.46515928

In terms of dramatic character moments and emotional stuff, there's definitely some stuff in there. Now I would say it doesn't exactly match the original's strength on that front, but then again the original had basically 2 slow burning VNs of build up to back it up.

>> No.46515935

I'm sold. I appreciate your answer very much.

>> No.46515944

american express is gone now too

>> No.46515963

japan is healing

>> No.46515977

So what's the best course of action for purchasing digital downloads now? I still want to support developers. Applying for a JCB?

>> No.46515980

Try renaming the folders and the exe with normal characters

>> No.46515983

Not really. There are probably more people in Japan using American Express cards than JCB ones, not even speaking about Visa and MC.
This will hurt DLSite.

>> No.46515996

it wont work because its not softdenchi

>> No.46516018

Move to japan filthy gaijin scum

>> No.46516038

You don't live there either, dude

>> No.46516048

I've always pirate eroge and never bought anything, so I don't have to live there.

>> No.46516053

Not everything is about money, jewish anon
So yes, although temporary, this will heal japan a little by keeping otaku media, japanese.

>> No.46516068


>> No.46516069
File: 53 KB, 649x513, jdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's already over

>> No.46516077

DMM with a VPN? They still accept Visa/Mastercard, if it's about eroge

>> No.46516096

The guy on as said that according to their website it uses softdenchi

>> No.46516099

cant wait for the influx or nigger ntr doujin

>> No.46516100

Money is everything for companies, you really think they'll choose content over giving in to the credit card companies?

>> No.46516136

Maybe try asking on f95, some people over there offered to crack drm for games.
Or make a new post on a-s.

>> No.46516353

Did you forget that fanza dropped mastercard and blocked foreign IPs?
Also their DLsite's shachou isn't exactly your average one.

>> No.46516530

I need recommendations for visual novels in two categories.

First, the heroine hate the MC in the beginning, but gradually fall in love with him.

Second, the heroine hates the MC in the beginning, but falls in love after being raped by him. No Rance.

Btw, are there vndb tags for this?

>> No.46516547

good taste

>> No.46516556

for the second one most games made by bishop or black lilith will work

>> No.46516564

for the first one

>> No.46516596

Koisora Mikoto route if you count physical abuse by imouto as hate
Riaimo kinda similar pattern

>> No.46516601

nta but I'm saving this one for when I need some vampire kino, since it's like the one game that's not Dracu Riot

>> No.46516652


>> No.46516947

>black lilith
are you sure that isn't the MC getting cucked after the bad guys rape the heroines?

>> No.46516988

you're right i meant regular lilith.

>> No.46517039 [DELETED] 

And you faggots been repeating the same shit (spoilers le bad) for decades now.
JL will make you lazy and won't teach you Japanese, and even if you have a big monitor or multiple monitors, Alt-tabbing to a browser/dictionary software is king because that requires a slight time investment, so it requires you to try to recall the words for 0.5 seconds instead of just hovering over every word like a monkey.
The schizos will say to drop text hooking altogether and use radical search, but that doesn't sound very convincing.
I'd rather download a VN over 20 Rapidgator links than have them be locked away forever on selfish r*ddit spyware clubs (pr*vate tr*ckers).
Not everyone lives in some zeroth-world high-paying utopia where you can afford to consistently buy 1万円 eroge.
Moving to Japan itself is an even worse 害人 behavior you retard. Though I guess the average person on this thread would be 99999 times less bad than the average """person""" mentioned here >>46516069

>> No.46517081 [DELETED] 

kill yourself

>> No.46517122 [DELETED] 

>mass replyer
I can tell you like men.

>> No.46517184 [DELETED] 

Yes, I read chuunige.

>> No.46517189 [DELETED] 

You're back already, buddy?
Fuck off and kill yourself

>> No.46517235 [DELETED] 

So you want people to pollute the thread with a million fragmented posts that may not be too on-topic by themselves?

>> No.46517274 [DELETED] 

>tor and vpns blocked
>honeypot BTC instead of XMR for donations
It's an anti-VN honeypot to collect more information about what needs to be banned and pressured.

>> No.46517318

So what is the easiest way to buy smth from dlsite now?

>> No.46517338

Could you really do that? I mean, would it work?

>> No.46517363

https://dl-pay.com/ for now

>> No.46517367 [DELETED] 

Same sis. Us chuunisisters always have the best taste in men. ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ

>> No.46517383

Is 1k yen min? You can't get 500?

>> No.46517403

Yeah just those 3 options

>> No.46517424

Why not? If I was a writer I would be happy that someone wants to read my old forgotten work.

>> No.46517435

Does it accept prepaid cards?

>> No.46517440

Too bad you need xitter premium to send someone a message

>> No.46517448

Why does that website still exist? I think it might be a way to subvert Japanese authors by slowly infecting them with 害人 ideals.

>> No.46517469

Can they see that I am a gaijin if I pay with a foreign card? I don't want to contribute to the perception of gaijin being interested in their ge.

>> No.46517542

Random sites on Yandex
>I said BUY!!!!
Pray to the kamigami to be reincarnated as a nipponjin (or go as a kusogaijin tourist in your current life but make sure to dye your hair black and basically try to not stand out as a kusogaijin as much as possible) and buy from physical stores.

>> No.46517563

stfu you unwashed peasant. You practically live off us buyfags.

>> No.46517576 [DELETED] 

So cute and valid! What chuunige are we reading?

>> No.46517586

I wish to support. Why can't we send money directly to the authors?

>> No.46517644 [DELETED] 

Like oh my God, sis.... Have you ever read this chuunige called 装甲悪鬼村正?? Kageaki is my husband! (*^3^)/~
I love 正田崇-SAMA's works too... Bey-chan and Shirou-chan are both my husbandos!!! Chuunige always has the most handsome and coolest men! (≧▽≦)

>> No.46517669

Is わ the coolest and most soulful speech pattern?

>> No.46517672

Probably not. It's a third party company but linked on dlsite so it's not some sketchy shit.

>> No.46517677

it was a nice chill few weeks here, hopefully next ban will be permanent

>> No.46517685

i like the way the 拳王 from hokuto no ken uses it

>> No.46517772 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.36 MB, 1920x1080, アンラベル・トリガー_2024-04-05_01-40-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh so that's how the scene in the OP is going to go, and I already figured out half of it

>> No.46517889 [DELETED] 

I didn't read those games. I found the writers' and characters' views on women... Disturbing... to say the least.

>> No.46518130 [DELETED] 

Um, no... because just like ですの, it.... uh...... emphasizes social... inequality........? (Source: >>46385581)

>> No.46518143

why did you type kenoh in kanji but not hokuto no ken nerd

>> No.46518148 [DELETED] 

Uhhhhh cister? Like who gives a friggin SHIT??????????? I went in for the hot guys only...(─.─||)

>> No.46518165


>> No.46518176

I tried dragging the .exe file to DenchiUnwrap, but nothing happens.

>> No.46518190

because kenou feels like a 2-syllable word with n starting teh 2nd syllable rather than the proper n sound used in the word, whereas hokuto no ken still feels right in romaji phonetically

>> No.46518227

That's what apostrophes are for in romanization. First time seeing this?

>> No.46518272
File: 2.72 MB, 1920x1080, アンラベル・トリガー_2024-04-05_02-59-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only in like, horiuchi kenyuu's name

>> No.46518301


>> No.46518320

segoi totemu desu kenoh nano desu ne

>> No.46518330 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.09 MB, 1920x1080, アンラベル・トリガー_2024-04-05_03-14-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay now that's based

>> No.46518447

why does the rat keep following you?

>> No.46518573
File: 3.17 MB, 1920x1080, アンラベル・トリガー_2024-04-05_03-56-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are writers capable of writing a princess without this trope?

>> No.46518952

What's the best way to read Air? I tried the Standard edition but it doesn't have voices, then you have the switch version which have cropped cgs and is censored but with voices.

>> No.46518963

You don't need voices.

>> No.46519046

when i last checked a few years ago they had just pulled out of most foreign markets and the only way to get a card with them was to live in jp

>> No.46519211

Yeah, from the way it looks like, only other Asian countries including SEA and jeetlands can apply for one. Everywhere else is SOL.

>> No.46519239
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1080, アンラベル・トリガー_2024-04-05_05-52-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do they have Christmas?

>> No.46519379
File: 479 KB, 640x480, CG0652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are supposed to actually like him but it's supposed to take a while.
He wears his flaws on his sleeve and keeps his most noble qualities a closely guarded secret.
He's a huge fuck-up who can't seem to keep his life straight for more than a few months in a row. But that just makes it even more satisfying when he overcomes it all and saves the day.
He's not a good person. But he's a true hero, in spite of himself.

>> No.46519654
File: 68 KB, 256x348, 28669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw https://djtguide neocities org/reading%20list linked somewhere and clicked on it out of curiousity, and I noticed that it says that きっと、澄みわたる朝色よりも、 has a "huge amount of nigger jokes"... what the fuck is that supposed to mean? Does this VN literally have jokes about 黒ん坊 or what?

>> No.46519707

there's a reason why rance was the most beloved character and they literally had to change a poll in a popular magazine to exclude males so they could finally dethrone rance and bring the focus back to only females

>> No.46519746

Are they poking fun at Hiyokosoft? kek

>> No.46519749

Pretty sure it is meant to be a euphemism for kanji puns here

>> No.46519751

It probably means "jokes djt tards don't understand"

>> No.46519951
File: 582 KB, 1280x720, rawr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how you make mochi?
also 20 days left

>> No.46519966

Cute tippy.
has there been a master up post yet?

>> No.46519971

one tweet says april 11th for master up

>> No.46520041

Well, it's not the usual wrapped exe. The script is a bit too strict, but there's no second exe signature in there, I checked.

>> No.46520051

Is this worth playing just for her?

>> No.46520118

The furball is fuckable, right?

>> No.46520122

Only by the bear.

>> No.46520237
File: 226 KB, 1600x1062, 1698032372687272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this thread is worthless. Glad I found your post. The best way to play AIR is the standard version but with voices from the console version patched in:

You won't have voices for lewd scenes of course but every other line should be voiced. The Depositfiles links are still active so download from there.

You can also get Kanon Standard Edition with voices patched in here:

>> No.46520266

Why complicate it though

>> No.46520953

The same reason fantasy worlds have the same 7 day week 365 day year as Earth, because it's easier that way.
If it makes you feel better, imagine there was a cute big tiddy animar Jesus with like goat ears.

>> No.46520970

I don't know why, but I have issues with certain types of fantasy worlds, at some point it just feels really lazy and dumb, for example silverio. I can't point out exact reason, but setting just feels half-assed.

>> No.46521015

What are some VNs like Paradise Lost where there is a focus on religion / mythology / esotericism / divinity etc?

>> No.46521124

Everything from masada

>> No.46521156

dunno, i liked silverio's world

>> No.46521450

Buddy, I posted about it maybe 4 or 5 years ago. It's not my issue this guy >>46518952 is a newfag and missed my post back then.

>> No.46521456

Silverio's world isn't the most in-depth, but it does what it needs to and it's perfectly fine.

>> No.46522078

I wouldn't ever touch a game that was altered from the original. This is like downloading a decensor patch.

>> No.46522086

Do you have autism?
Decensoring obviously makes game worse, while voice patch improves overall experience.

>> No.46522135

>Do you have autism
No, I hang out on a cambodian wrestling forum arguing about drawings having sex in a language I learned entirely to jack off because I'm a completely normal person with normal hobbies.

>> No.46522206

Sounds like you really hate yourself

>> No.46522273

No actually I'm quite happy with it I just have autism.

>> No.46522668

which vpn are you using?

>> No.46523760
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, アンラベル・トリガー_2024-04-05_21-05-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are writers capable of NOT using this expression?

>> No.46523767

don't ever play a drinking game where you take a shot every time you read 苦笑 in an eroge, you will die

>> No.46523825

>> No.46523859
File: 2.45 MB, 1920x1080, アンラベル・トリガー_2024-04-05_20-48-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46523891

oppai sommelier...

>> No.46523916

It works, thanks anon

>> No.46523926
File: 298 KB, 640x480, Screenshot 2022-10-30 00.18.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46524258 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x1080, アンラベル・トリガー_2024-04-05_22-10-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46524321
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, 1264976424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46524651


>> No.46524660

what game

>> No.46525206
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, 13745272452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she doesn't have a proper route in this one, only a drama cd.
she does have a route in Mamaxholic.

>> No.46525950

I read it in her voice.

>> No.46526158
File: 883 KB, 1806x1013, 5435345728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is the poster girl, so I would say yes if you don't mind doing 2 routes beforehand

>> No.46526174

She's the worst girl.

>> No.46526286

Could you just ctrl skip to her route?

>> No.46526322

ctrl is laggy and slow on unity games so you'll just waste an hour of your time

>> No.46526340


>> No.46526392


>> No.46526481


>> No.46526492

Any other core topes besides this and the Neko?

>> No.46526913
File: 139 KB, 878x601, 1684384904380930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time loop twist that's made obvious to the player but not to the protagonist and co. until true route
Trapped in a virtual reality twist
Meta twist with the player themselves as a "character"
Mind control or brainwashing twist, especially if it's used to retroactively redeem a heroine or villain
Character interrupting a confession, apology, plot revelation or anything else that'd remove 20 hours of padding
Moe-plotge where over 90% of the game is completely drama free and shit only hits the fan at the very last minute
Erik Satie
Medium-aware comedy
Retarded best friend character whose entire characterization is that he's retarded
ラッキースケベ scenes
Gaijin heroine accent
Harem-like common route without actual harem route
マグロ女 H-scenes
Incest drama in a game where no one actually gives a fuck about incest taboo
Planned marriage drama
チンピラ or fat 社長 characters who solely exist to make the protagonist look heroic
Protagonist and co. beating said rapey villains through non-violent means
Isekai or sci-fi racism drama for similarly making the protagonist look heroic
Isekai or sci-fi equivalent of high school
Fantasy game protagonist who doesn't fight but is just a mana / semen bank
Trap protagonist being the girliest girl joke played a thousand times
Plank protagonists who are so inoffensively bland and unrelatable that you'd think the game's target audience was normies instead of otaku

>> No.46527047

>たくさん as 沢山
>あなた not as 貴方
**stoid engine for realistic 3D games does not suit simple 2D slideshows! Who could tell (definitely not the retarded companies)!

>> No.46527048
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked this up as I wanted an RPG to play and it has pet_play with the blonde hime. But I got to the first H-scene and apparently someone at ninetail went "yeah just move the picture left and right a few pixels, that's like sex and increases immersion right? its all these virgins deserve anyways"
If this is how it's actually supposed to look and not just a technical bug I'm pissed off at how bad it is. There seems to be no option to turn this "animation" off. Their lucky I am already a few hours in and think hime is cute otherwise I would drop it

>> No.46527063

So, no glasses in the H scenes? (´・ω・`)

Not another one...

>> No.46527263

need new

>> No.46527337

total kistune love edition >>46527327
