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46392532 No.46392532 [Reply] [Original]

Now featuring Animal Realm lore

>> No.46392819

Sumireko again?

>> No.46393022

Oh no, Gensokyo will be overwhelmed by the slop soon!

>> No.46393023


Miss me with that shit, dawg. I fuckign hate that piece of crap, she's like a cancerous crossoid that compromises the integrity of Gensokyo with her stupid z***merspeak and normiephone.

>> No.46393131

This was pretty funny, seeing Sumi give Rinosuke a pretty twisted view of AI is funny, although Gensokyo basically already as AI in the form of beings like Ran.
But one could also say, that AI is something naturally good at becoming a fantastical existence.
I like how we've been getting more Ran lately, she's nice.

>> No.46393482

Welp, ZUN basically confirmed that youkai hunters outside of the Reimari+sanny group don't exist anymore. Huge blow for anons that wanted to go into Gensokyo and make a name as youkai hunters

>> No.46394104

It seems like ZUN is showing AI on both a positive and negative light, but of course twitterfags will circlejerk because they think this is about them and "MUH ART BEING STOLEN BY AIIIII"

>> No.46394156

to be fair it is rinnosuke saying that and he doesn't even go outside
I think it might actually provide a more interesting storyline for anons who want to go and make a name for themselves as youkai hunters because now you're muscling in on reimu/marisa/sanae's territory

>> No.46394205

>although Gensokyo basically already as AI in the form of beings like Ran
I think this whole chapter is a tongue-in-cheek reference to Ran being an AI. As in, Sumi starts off training her AI to tap into another world, and ends up with her conversing with an AI from another world.
Also the Animal Realm is surprisingly civilized since it implies there's a whole office with computers and shit, Yachie apparently understanding the concept of a hacker attack, and the whole thing with handheld console from LE.

>> No.46394221

now that we know that there's a cannon animal realm internet the possibility of canon Hell imageboards gets closer and closer

>> No.46394281
File: 2.26 MB, 1920x1080, Beast Metropolis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget that it says that it's not their only building either. I really hope we get some manga chapters set in the Beast Metropolis eventually because it keeps sounding more and more like a Gensokyo version of a modern city and the way it looks really makes me want to see the street level

>> No.46394354

>shitposters from animal realm and hell
Man, the internet in Gensokyo must be one hell of a clusterfuck. And that's not counting the shitposters from the hungry ghost realm and the asura realm.

>> No.46394425

They're all /pol/ posters

>> No.46396980

I think Ran calling the attack much smarter or dumber is also a joke, the attack is a digital computer program, so in a sense it is both smarter and dumber.
As while it would fail some categories we use to determine intelligence, it trounces others.

>> No.46397037
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imagine getting shit talked by this thing

>> No.46397136

Now we know where they send polsci grads who've been bad.

>> No.46397148

Do the goons from the families have waifu discussion about their bosses? Do they write smut about them? So many possibilities....

>> No.46397160
File: 49 KB, 289x312, toutetsu-sama....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons, I sometimes do the boss's 'ke-he-he' laugh to myself so I can pretend she's around
that's not weird, right?

>> No.46397307

I really like ZUN's writing style, also I was expecting him to go on a plain rant against AI like in his interview but instead he portrayed it under a very alluring and fascinating (very dangerous) light

How does the timeline work again? Is Gensokyo's time faster or slower than the Outside World? Was it faster? Or did the retard really not sleep properly for 6 months straight?

>> No.46397322

Gensokyo's time is sazae time
Think: the simpsons, but instead of a comedy it's mostly SoL with action danmaku inbetween

>> No.46397326

I didn't sleep properly for seven months straight recently, it's definitely doable (and horribly bad for you) presumably she was waking up, going to school, coming home and working on the AI training until it was time to pass out, and then she'd have no dreams before waking up and doing it all over again. I can't imagine why it needed six months of work though

>> No.46397523

But I have a close family member who works on AI development in a fairly prominent company in my state, those chatbot thingies are very basic and while most of what he talks about goes over my head, almost all of his free time is taken up by various AI related projects.
Sumi is not only working on AI, but in a field a field of AI, Occult AI, in which she would essentially be the only thing close to an expert, so her taking 7 months of work to build the robo-Sumi is more believable to me, or rather, the retaliative ease on which it took her to make it might be the unbelievable part.

>> No.46397555

That bit about the Outside humans falling into Gensokyo is pretty strange. It sounds like they get attacked by the more violent youkai because they can be a threat to Gensokyo's safety, rather than tasting good.

>> No.46397610

You have to keep in mind the passage about Youkai preying on humans for food most commonly cited is seventeen years old, comes from Akyuu, and is on the subject of The Road of Reconsideration, which naturally attracts crazies and suicidals, which are also noted to be the preferred type of human food.
While I think the statement here is supposed to be about Gensokyo in general.

>> No.46397661

Six months of work is nothing actually

>> No.46397922
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Someone please go remind ZUN this printwork is supposed to be Rinnosuke's, not s*mireko's. It's getting tiring to read this shit.

>> No.46398940

Good luck with that. I can't even convince him Suichouka is supposed to be about Suika instead of the stinky tanuki hag.

>> No.46399413

You think the bosses don't use it themselves?
Yachie samefags in the family generals spreading disinformation and arguing her superiority.
Saki is a tripfag shitposter who frequents fitness and lurks Miko threads.
Yuuma alternates between actual civilized discussion and posting pictures of food and her own content on fetish threads.

>> No.46399420

>and her own content on fetish threads
Let me guess, vore?

>> No.46399423

No, shaving

>> No.46399448

S-shaving? What does that even mean?

>> No.46399663

Based on this chapter, do you think Sumireko goons to AI chatbots?

>> No.46399678

>However, with regards to the humans who disappear into Gensokyo from the outside world, the rules are left unclear. As long as there are uncontrolled Outsider humans, there will be violent youkai who will do whatever they want to them


>> No.46399693

And then people wonder why canon threads are nothing but shitpost.
Because canon IS just one giant shitpost and attracts no one but shitposters.

>> No.46399717

That took you a long time to realize that ZUN is a troll and shitposter?

>> No.46399729

Anon, read closer
>Outsider humans, there will be violent youkai who will do whatever they want to them
It's rape
These youkai rape the outsider humans and kidnap them

>> No.46399734

No way, man. Rape is a crime.

>> No.46399739

Not a long time, but yes, though I'd prefer being blind to it like most fans. It was much more fun that way. Ignorance is bliss, truly.

>> No.46399802

Which Youkai specifically take part in these acts?

>> No.46400080

canon shitposts >>> headcanon cumposts

>> No.46400086

They both suck. Wankers are mindless and ZUN is a hack.

>> No.46400143

No. They are raped until the youkai get bored of them, than they are eaten.

>> No.46400153

>However, with regards to the humans who disappear into Gensokyo from the outside world, the rules are left unclear. As long as there are uncontrolled Outsider humans, there will be violent youkai who will do whatever they want to them
the whole reason it's worded like this is so it doesn't actually say what they do at all and people can continue to write whatever they want the 'violent youkai' to do

>> No.46400160

The males.

>> No.46400171

So that's where they've been, to busy with Outside Woman to care about anything else happening in Gensokyo

>> No.46400427

Shut up ZUN, get back to work on the next game, we're expecting yearly releases now that you're even more advanced in age.

>> No.46400662

I think you're a little mistaken on that front.

>> No.46400709

Saki is that one Mikoposter who pushes the threads to bump limit all on her own.

>> No.46400953

Yes, though dissapear doesn't leave a lot of options.

>> No.46400991

well 'disappear into Gensokyo' just refers to the usual spiriting away explanation of how humans from the outside end up in Gensokyo at all. The translation being used in the thread isn't what the wiki translation says either. The wiki says:
>Gensokyo's youkai are forbidden from attacking humans. Why? Because they know that if the humans die out, the youkai can't keep existing either. So they settle for 'scaring them practically to death', at worst. However, with regards to the humans who disappear into Gensokyo from the Outside World, the rules are left unclear. Some particularly violent youkai say that unmanaged Outsider humans ought to be fair game. Conversely, other youkai argue that because the Outside World keeps its humans under even stricter management than Gensokyo, laying a hand on them could lead to Gensokyo's discovery, putting its very existence in peril.
here it changes it from 'there will be violent youkai' to just 'there's already some youkai who are particularly violent and they're the ones arguing for it' which means it might just be some outspoken literal whos we've never seen

>> No.46401162

now what is left is differentiate between the canon violent hus and the canon moderate hus

>> No.46402291

Youkai politics and money.

>> No.46402579

Depends on what you consider violent.
The SDM would be one of the most dangerous factions for a outsider, but their needs are taken care of, so they won't act against you unless you antagonize them.

>> No.46402854

>Some particularly violent youkai say that unmanaged Outsider humans ought to be fair game.
this sound like a being who is a born Gensokyan or went Heavily "Native". someone who doesnt really know what the outside world are capable.
>other youkai argue that because the Outside World keeps its humans under even stricter management than Gensokyo, laying a hand on them could lead to Gensokyo's discovery, putting its very existence in peril
This sound like a youkai who knows the capabilities of the outside world and know the sheer amount of "Fuck you" they can bring to bear, which makes me think this is the position of the sages and the various head of the households. (those who actually came from the outside, like remi, mamizou, etc)
incidentally, the anons who want to role-play as one the Abrahamic Faith have to watch out because he will stick out like a sore thumb if the only aproved Exterminators are Reimu/Marisa/Sanae

>> No.46402961

>only approved exterminators
that's changed in the translation on the wiki. It said that yesterday, but the same passage was retranslated to the bit about settling for scaring them practically to death

>> No.46403298
File: 159 KB, 1153x445, re_translated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta, but a Picture of the relivant passage for anyone wondering.

>> No.46403500

what Translator is that? also:
>"unmanaged" Outsiders.
the Feral and terrorist outsider is a reality!!!

>> No.46403525

Guess those Outsiders that have not gone native is what they mean.
Which does put Sumi into a weird position, because she has not gone full Gensokyo yet.

>> No.46403566

it's not a translator, it's just the wiki's version history showing the difference between the old translation and the new translation. there's even a TL note.
>(TL review (fixing sentence structure/subject/etc in some places, more casual speech where I thought it was appropriate, fixing some hiragana transcription typos)

>> No.46403625

The left side was translated by user Sukimas, while the revision was done by user Gilde.
Also yeah, I thought the wording of unmanaged outsiders was funny, given as us the outsiders call the Youkai who prey on human feral.
The idea of youkai arguing on 4Gen about "unmanaged" humans is funny.

>> No.46403705

Am I right to say that translators have been using the word "attack" too much?
It seems this word has been at the center of a lot of contradictions in lore, and I wonder if it's because of the English translations. Sometimes a character says its okay to attack a human, other times that say it is not.
Should translators have used verbs that have less violent connotations in these translations instead? Like scare or prank?

>> No.46403754

Fair. Though considering everything we've been told and seen I doubt they are just literal whos. At the very least Yukari is 100% one of them. Also most likely Rumia, Mystia, Chen, Remilia, Yamame, Nitori, Kisume, Murasa, and probably some other youkai I can't be bothered to remember.

>> No.46403777

Rumia is mentioned to attack people, in the same breath as it's talked about how she's so weak that pretty much anyone can rwbuff her attacks, and it's unclear for the Kappa as they are ass alls for dietary reasons, but with the seal situation they realized they can just quarry salt so it's ??? If they still eat humans.

>> No.46403794

Rumia is ineffectual and I doubt she could catch even a outsider. Kappa though...

Honestly, the whole salt thing is so retarded it's easier to assume Nitori was just lying through her teeth. We literally have a salt merchant in FS.

>> No.46403807

I dunno, I think Yukari isn't quite in the conversation because she's the one bringing in 'managed outsiders'
kisume's one of the weirdest ones here because she's known to never really leave the caves apart from that time she threw human bones at someone from a well in the village (and no one could figure out where the bones came from) which means either people from the outside world are getting spirited away to the underground or she's had those bones around for a very long time

>> No.46404078

They should use molest instead.

>> No.46404304

CoLA is still being made?

>> No.46404660

Attack is general enough in definition to work, but yes it does have that problem. Assault also has the same problem, so harass is probably better.
Prank sounds too light hearted personally.

>> No.46404772
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Thanks for clearing that up I was confused at the lack of 退治 which is what they usually use for yook extermination.
Maybe? 乱暴 is usually assault or act violently afaik, could be translated as attack tho.
In the translation an extra "attack" is added to
>As soon as you have a clear opponent to attack, getting excited about it is the way of beasts."
Funnily 乱暴 has rape as a definition but in nip pages that definition isn't always there so dunno.
BlackTewi.png or something, it might go from yooks doing yukkuri abuse tier things from them trying to get you to play danmaku with them despite being a man

Also lmao at the Yachie & Ran pic

>> No.46404788
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"Call her a NEET, Ran."
"Yachie, she'll think that's a compliment."

>> No.46405195
File: 139 KB, 850x661, __yakumo_ran_kicchou_yachie_kurokoma_saki_and_toutetsu_yuuma_touhou_drawn_by_kasugai_de_tteiu__sample-daf57c153d02e8b80f527115c5804899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, Yuuka losing everytime.
Her trauma expression is so cute!

>> No.46405454

God look how flat Yachie is

>> No.46405481

So apparently there is a division between youkai who want to promote the persecution of outsiders and those who argue to leave them alone?

>> No.46405545

It boils down to if eating a Outsider could lead to the discovery of Gensokyo, and then the predictable retaliation by the Outside World for the murder.
Nothing about actually caring about the Outsider's wellbeing. This argument was illustrated in Sumi's debut, with the 2hus just agreeing to scare her in the end, since doing harm to her could lead to bad shit going down in the future.

>> No.46405572

But they wouldn't just let an outsider roam free in youkai territory, would they?
They would either eat him or scare him till he get forced inside the village.

>> No.46405580

I think in more specific terms it's whether or not the outsider slipped into gensokyo accidentally or if they were forgotten by the outside world. If they were forgotten, then there's no harm if they go missing, but if there's potentially someone who could search for them, the youkai would send the outsider to reimu as soon as possible so they could be sent back
although since they're apparently doing fine just scaring villagers half to death, it does mean that they don't need to eat an outsider unless the mood just strikes them

>> No.46405581

I wouldn't say it's persecution, more that they be allowed to prey on them as they have historically since the village humans are off limits. The other side of the coin is that outsiders have value to them in the form of knowledge and should be left alone because of the potential danger that attacking them would risk. I'm not too sure if I buy the whole threat thing since outsiders are regularly spirited away or just wander in without consequence, with those surviving either settling in Gensokyo or being let out via the Hakurei Shrine. Personally I think it's just ZUN just trying to explain why Sumi is safe.
Something to note is that the restrictions on village humans are a bit iffy, sometimes it's all natural Gensoyko humans and other times it's only those living in the village subject to restrictions and protections. Like the group of monks who struck it out on their own and got Tengu'd. There might also be some looser rulings about human exterminators. The secret history society has/had people who are strong enough to face against the average youkai, but go missing after delving into youkai dense areas.

>> No.46405629

Akyuu's always said that the rules apply to those living in the village, which is why Kosuzu couldn't understand why it was okay for Reimu to have youkai acquaintances but she couldn't. Presumably the rules about safety from youkai apply like this too, so if a villager gets found deep in the mountains or something (and I guess if the youkai actually know they're a villager) they might just take them back.
also this all assumes that breaking the rules immediately gets you punished, but it's possible that you could break the rules and eat a villager and no one would find out if they were already deep in the mountains

>> No.46405711

That's a good point. Who's to say there isn't little shits pushing the rules and seeing what they can get away with? If a human goes missing in the mountains there's quite a bit of ambiguity. They could've fallen and met their end, got wounded by a regular animal, any other myriad of accidents, or just a plain youkai; or, they could've been eaten by a youkai but they were dead from some other cause before a youkai had found them. At some point you're considering whether it's worth it to chase after the possibility of a manhunter, or accept that they knew the risks when they went into the mountains and move on.
Even today, there's no small number of people going missing or being found dead in the mountains in Japan, the number of accidents is in the low thousands every year with missing persons and deaths being in the hundreds. And that's just mountain hikers and climbers, not including the many more who go missing from other causes. And to be honest I don't think Gensokyo goes through THAT many people.

>> No.46405744
File: 51 KB, 710x1080, Reimu Sumireko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Personally I think it's just ZUN just trying to explain why Sumi is safe.
He already gave one in Alternative Facts, where Reimu is usually with her, though it doesn't seem to come up anywhere else.

>> No.46405757

I'm going to fucking fight clarste

>> No.46405811

>this is the first case we've ever had of a visitor whose physical body remains outside.
There's the bit about her doppelganger being in Gensokyo all the time which she shares memories with, but wasn't there also a thing about her physically swapping places with objects which is how she could bring outside objects into Gensokyo?

>> No.46405974

Tr00nste is a queen, a winner and a Chad that has coined classics like "Reimers" and "BWUH??!"

>> No.46406090

I'm pretty sure the monks were targeted due to Tengu racism, maybe moving somewhere else would be fine, but the mountain belongs to the Tengu.

>> No.46406157

I found two different translations for that whole monk, Tengu thing. One just says the birds scared the monks off, while another says the Tengu abducted the entire temple.
Anyone know which is closer to the Japanese?

>> No.46406259

ZUN really should've been a writer instead of a manga writer

>> No.46406300

>Red-eyed Yachie no longer canon
I'm mad

>> No.46407064

Full Touhou LN when?

>> No.46408121

>But they wouldn't just let an outsider roam free in youkai territory, would they?
What counts as Youkai territory? Basically just Youkai mountain, and we don't know how the Tengu react to outsiders. They might drop them off at the human village, might murder them.

>The other side of the coin is that outsiders have value to them in the form of knowledge
Going by PMISS a lot of outsiders that are killed are interrogated for info beforehand.

Gensokyo pretty much is a Isekai already.

>> No.46412413

>Gensokyo pretty much is a Isekai already.
I's argue that the Touhou setting as a whole is actually hidden/urban fantasy like Percey Jackson, Dresen Files, Twilight, or any dozen of american series.
The key difference being it takes place from the perspective of the fantastical world instead of the mundane one, there are even mook level threats for low level outside world magic users to fight in the form of straggler youkai and urban legends.

>> No.46416089

Percy jackson in gensokyo wen

>> No.46416173

>hidden/urban fantasy
Isn't Gensokyo a rural fantasy? They seem closer to Narnia, Alice in Wonderland, and The Wizard of Oz than those you mentioned.

>> No.46416185

Was planning on posting but I can never take 2hu lore discussion threads seriously anymore, guess I've become old.

>> No.46416221

If ZUN himself is not serious about the story, then you shouldn't. Guy prefers the music and the gameplay above anything else.

>> No.46416234

I've never read any of those so I don't have a point of reference.

Do whatever you feel like, jaded 20 year old.

>> No.46416268

NTA but they always devolve into spergouts around grimshitters with their edgy teen emo fanon and someone having a seperate meltdown over someone making Yukari's tits 5% too big. I don't blame him.

>> No.46416270

lore implications and all this shit does nothing for me but hearing random facts about different areas (like apparently even in the animal realm they refuse to work much overtime which is why ran's the only one in the office later in this chapter) have me chomping at the bit

>> No.46416417

Just ignore anyone who refers even remotely to anything Zounose or romantic relationship between the characters out of hand, and you're golden.

>> No.46416502

Perfectly understandable. It was actually quite similar for me, but I've gradually shifted my interest to nonfiction and philosophy so I think that appeal has slowly vanished in my case.

>> No.46417007

Fake fan, her laugh is ku-ku-ku.
And I'm proud to laugh like her in private

>> No.46417503

I say that though.

>> No.46417544
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Sharp teeth Yachie is canon!

>> No.46417709

>and the gameplay
not anymore

>> No.46417811


>> No.46423049

Um, Grimsokyosisters... I thought Sumireko was le heckin'... dead? ZUN isn't making fun of us, r-right?

>> No.46423080

Sumireko and Mamizou are ZUN's main waifus.

>> No.46425731

Gensokyo doesn't really work as Urban Fantasy, though I get the comparison.

I guess. Are those typically viewed as regular fantasy?

>> No.46425738

Wouldn't work, he would solo Gensokyo.

>> No.46426157
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Nooo, Yuuma has suffered enough, she doesn't deserve bullying.

>> No.46426172
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Don't worry she can join the club.

>> No.46426254

Poor Joon, at least Heca can hang out with her other bodies and probably underlings, and Yuuma has the chupacabra and all her spirit gang.

>> No.46426292

Joon deserves it.

>> No.46426555

the flow of time is convoluted in gensokyo

>> No.46426629
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The very fabric wavers

>> No.46436052

I didn't really get the AI interview of UDoaLG either, but I don't think ZUN dislikes AI and modernity as some people like to say, sure he's an old man so he's going to complain about it be he's a self admitted tech addict, and I think he takes issue more with tech bros or the tech bro mindset.

>> No.46436080

I think he likes the possibilities. He likes the idea of what AI can be used for, and doesn't like the reality of what it's actually being used for. Sumireko in this chapter uses AI in a way that causes problems in Gensokyo while Ran (who IS an AI) is used to perform debugging and virus detection for the animal realm's computers, which is the more benign use of AI.
