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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46107519 No.46107519 [Reply] [Original]


Previous Threads:
>>46099236 #3780
>>46092996 #3779
>>46087907 #3778

>> No.46107584



>> No.46107600

yosh a new kani thread starts

>> No.46107603

good op

>> No.46107615

kek, looks like my collage gonna get at least 2x bigger in size

>> No.46107626

>cope. imagine not becoming fluent in japanese after 2 years, lmao. feels good having 130 iq
floodsisters i dont feel so good......

>> No.46107641

>overstimated time to fluency
>understimated my iq
but yeah, new target is 5 years instead of 2, so 2 more years until i stream muramasa

>> No.46107651

lets goooooo

>> No.46107682


>> No.46107689

no, that's not me. i think i only posted in 1 thread and my username was WaniCunnyChad

>> No.46107700

so what have you been doing these 2 years? don't tell me you dropped japanese and came back as a resolutionfag

>> No.46107706

what's this ai slop

>> No.46107709

>see you in 2 years
but that was 3 years ago, wtf you tricked us

>> No.46107743

god i want to die

>> No.46107755

not really dropped. basically i tryharded the first year and half with wanikani and bunpro.

then i decided to 100% wanikani and bunpro for whatever reason instead of reading (so it's 6 more months since you've learned your last kanji/grammar/whatever),

and the third year i did nothing for 6 months and during the other 6 i read a vinny, 2 old games and a shitty manga, but that's it. mostly focused on westernslop and subbed anime

so in retrospect, as i've said before, i think 1 year of both wanikani and bunpro is a good investment (especially for grammar, haven't looked up grammar since finishing bunpro) but yeah, the other 1.5 years weren't productive as they could

>> No.46107767


>> No.46107768

yeah bros this is why you don't do w*nik*ni or b*npro

>> No.46107773

so nice of him to report back

>> No.46107780

ok so he's a russian that moved to italy... dame

>> No.46107783

yeah well, at least i didn't drop japanese complete, so i guess i btfo'd that guy, haha

>> No.46107789

>then i decided to 100% wanikani and bunpro for whatever reason instead of reading
it's the same reason why you spend hours on spreadsheets, and the reason is that you're ngmi

>> No.46107790
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>haven't looked up grammar since finishing bunpro

>> No.46107793

time for rolling
>even: hanahira
>odd: art practice
>trips: write a short story

>> No.46107802

ironic comfy from ankifags. i saved so much time with wk and bunpro, and now i don't have to bother with texthooks. totally worth it
not on bunpro

>> No.46107803


>> No.46107805

so be it

>> No.46107813

bro there is literally no japanese media that uses only kanji from wk, you just skipping em?

>> No.46107819

no, i look them up on jisho...

>> No.46107826

dame he could have been the next qm

>> No.46107834

texthooking makes that faster that's why we use it

>> No.46107835

also in hindsight yeah, wanikani is pretty garbage, at least when it comes for vocab selection. doing something like core6k or whatever is probably better.

but i'll still keep shilling bunpro (at least for n5-n3 grammar), tae kim was a fucking mess

>> No.46107839
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dont sass me, bro
if i only wanted a random number i have the tools already

>> No.46107840

wow so he really hasn't changed in 3 years

when asked why people don't just watch the stuff they wanna watch:
>because i don't want to waste my life on garbage, and at the same time i don't want to miss my 100% comprehension of actually good anime

already referring to things he intends to watch as "garbage" (or throwaway(
>i'll definitely give it another try in 3 months or so, but for now i would like something more pleb friendly, that's why i suggested pokemon or some sol garbage

still stuck on the idea that you should play good games or watch good anime in english first
>that's why i watch them sub eng for now. the really good ones are those where your first "experience" with them is special, and i don't want to waste that when i only understand 10% of the whole thing

>> No.46107841

yeah this is a cure dolly thread

>> No.46107844

acquiring vocabs is faster if you look them up manually. if i keep this pace i'll be able to read s;g next year easy

>> No.46107854
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>but i'll still keep shilling bunpro (at least for n5-n3 grammar)

wow so you really did get stuck here kek >>37135680

>> No.46107875
File: 13 KB, 384x114, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes? i was correct now, i am still correct. comfy

i finished it for autistm. a lot of stuff in n2/n1 was actually useful

>> No.46107887

i can't believe djt has become a place for shilling bunpro and reddit has become an immersion forum.

>> No.46107889

how are you correct? none of your predictions came true about japanese being easy, or being able to watch raws in a year, or coming back in 2 years to show off

>> No.46107899

>japanese being easy,
japanese is easy, it just takes a lot of time to get good, i've said exactly the same thing before and it's still true
>being able to watch raws in a year
i can watch raws tho
>coming back in 2 years to show off
ok i might have fucked this one up a little

>> No.46107909

>i can watch raws tho
>and the third year
>mostly focused on westernslop and subbed anime

>> No.46107912

hes honest and thats a good trait many of the lowlifes here dont have

>> No.46107920


>> No.46107921

i watch raw pokemon anime for a full year, i'm good enough to understand at least 80% of it

>> No.46107933

true true
additionally his iq is 135 which is not that high but still above the thread average
i stand with floodbro

>> No.46107971

what are they saying in this pokemon clip? https://voca.ro/1bV4UKIZqwwD

>> No.46107980
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>> No.46107992

you know that raw anime has also visuals? i think you forgot them

>> No.46107996

super cringe how now in djt 135s feel insecure about "only" being in the top percentile lol

>> No.46108007

>kantan mante yada yaday
>monku ga aru nara jibun wo tsukuru yo
>ara datte riori ha otoko no shigoto deshou
if this was better mixed or at least had audio, i'm pretty sure i reach 80% threshold

>> No.46108015

>at least had audio

>> No.46108016

being the 1 out of 100 isnt that special

>> No.46108018

ok so by 80% it's actually 0% even when you use 6 minutes to listen over and over to a 10 second clip

>> No.46108019

he's not honest, his cp per day (copes per day) is off the charts

>> No.46108021

this is from 情熱大陸 or whatever its called not pokemon

>> No.46108023

youd know

>> No.46108026

how's that's 0? should be at least 50%

anyway, keep coping

>> No.46108030

it's 0 because you have no fucking idea what the exchange was about. i don't care that you could hear the word "ara"

>> No.46108037

stop feeding the anklebiters wtf they are abusing your autism

>> No.46108042

they are cooking radishes or something. maybe post a video instead of being a disingenuous seether

>> No.46108051


>> No.46108056

uhm, i don't have tiktok

>> No.46108065

>if this was better mixed or at least had video
>after watch a lot of rawslop i actually understand vinnies better if i close my eyes and listen to what people say

>> No.46108072

yup, all true again. what's your point? btw gonna go to sleep soon, so i won't be able to give you any more (You)s

>> No.46108078

put your trip back on

>> No.46108090

i'm not a tripcuck, i just did it once to btfo that guy

>> No.46108101

knew you were a hololive watcher

>> No.46108104

? i hate vtumors

>> No.46108106

Will learning japanese increase my chances of having sex with japanese woman

>> No.46108114
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can u little shits pipe down

>> No.46108118

my depression nest looks like this

>> No.46108123
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I'm just starting and I won't be able to use immersion for about a month and a half for logistical reasons (won't have access to PC/TV.)
I'm trying to use these six weeks to learn with just my phone.
What I've been doing for a couple of days is learning the jlpt n5 vocabulary by copying the English meaning, the kana and the kanji of there is one. I feel that this is a shitty way of going about it.

By April I'll have access to tons of anime and shit, but I'm stuck with YouTube and chrome until then.

What's the best use of my time until I can use the usagispoon thing full time?

>> No.46108150


>> No.46108152

>A partnership between EliteSingles and Babbel (the world’s top-grossing language learning app1) the survey questioned over 6,000 singles from 11 countries. It revealed an interesting fact: all around the world, speaking different languages can boost your chances in love. In fact, three-quarters (75%) of those surveyed say they think it is attractive when someone speaks more than one language

>> No.46108160
File: 709 KB, 1920x1080, 即死チートが最強すぎて、異世界のやつらがまるで相手にならないんですが。 E06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46108168

i am the main character

>> No.46108169

lil bro deadass just said "use immersion" :sob:

>> No.46108183

you can do all of usagi spoon on your phone.
you can get anki on your phone, you can watch anime on your phone, you can watch dolly's youtube videos on your phone, etc.

>> No.46108184

the main character is usually a cuck so that checks out

>> No.46108186

>Study by paid language app shills
>Self reporting basic question in survey
Retarded bullshit.
If you're posting here, there's an even chance that knowing Japanese will allow you to talk yourself out of getting laid...

>> No.46108189

I use カニゲー to immerse

>> No.46108199
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this is the average female jap
do you rike it?

>> No.46108203

some cuties in there

>> No.46108207
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>> No.46108226

me on the right

>> No.46108228

now post their pre-wall photos

>> No.46108230

I can't watch anime on my phone during this time
I didn't want to make it a blog post. Just trust me please, I won't have access to it until March.
>Cure Dolly
I find it hard to follow her lessons past the first few without vocabulary for context. This is why I was looking into the jlpt n5 list.
I was planning to make physical flash cards for personal reasons I didn't want to get into, but just call me old fashioned. I get the SRS algorithms thing and I'm sure it's great. I'm just wondering if there's a better beginner vocab list than the jlpt n5.

Ideally I'd like shit I can listen to because I can't look at my phone much but I can listen all day.
This is a temporary problem and by March I'll be fine. I just want some vocabulary and I'm really annoyed by this list, but it's something.

>> No.46108240

>Some cuties in there
Can you ask the ugly hags to move so we can see them?

>> No.46108242
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>> No.46108243

did anyone else's 4chanx updater sort of break recently? it's wonky right now for me

>> No.46108273

bl art

>> No.46108276

>I can't look at my phone much but I can listen all day.
ehh, idk. maybe try pimsleur or something

>> No.46108277

you would know

>> No.46108278

yoshi, time to whitenoise

>> No.46108283


busseson 仏世尊
chōgojōbu 調御丈夫
mujōshi 無上士
myōgyōsoku 明行足
nyorai 如来
ōgu 応供
sekenge 世間解
shōhenchi 正偏知
tenninshi 天人師
zenzei 善逝

>> No.46108289
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>> No.46108300

Yeah, that's what you guys said last time. The only file I can find is zipped and has like 50+languages. That's why I haven't bothered pirating it yet. If I don't find a better idea I'll try it this weekend, but the reviews say it's "mostly business" shit.

>> No.46108303


annyeonghi gyeseyo
ahn-nyong-hee ga-se-yo
jal jayo

>> No.46108316
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>> No.46108341


>> No.46108356

asmr bro, listen to asmr all the time. asmr is where 90% of my gains come from

>> No.46108370

penis gainz

>> No.46108381

Thanks, I'll try it when I can get to a PC. IDK if I can do it on my phone. I don't pirate or torrent,I got someone who does all that for me.

>> No.46108393


>> No.46108394

i wish i had a torrent butler

>> No.46108398

Forgive my ignorance, but I don't understand what that means in a language learning context.

>> No.46108402

just ignore him. he's suggesting you listen to raw japanese audio when you don't know any japanese

>> No.46108433

data hoarding wifu actually. It's not as awesome as it sounds. On the upside I can have her pirate nearly anything. On the downside, she's obsessively and constantly collecting and organizing shit. It's a borderline mental disorder, so I use her sparingly.
I got almost all of one piece ready to go, but for incredibly retarded reasons I'm not going into, I have no access to my computers or TV until probably March.

>> No.46108443

bro you shouldn't have had your torrent wife get you pizza

>> No.46108446

sounds even better than i thought

>> No.46108462

jap bitches moaning, making lewd sounds and talking about sex
check japaneseasmr.com

>> No.46108467

be honest, you're a woman and your bf pirates stuff for you

>> No.46108469
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But I make my own pizza.
>Cheese pizza
Not my taste.

>> No.46108478

i only listen to christian asmr

>> No.46108480
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spotted a djter in the wild

>> No.46108492
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would you say that hovering is the tracing of language learning?

>> No.46108495


>> No.46108498

your colon is tracing my foot

>> No.46108505

Think about it. Her being female is how she gets invited to private groups. I work and buy the equipment.
Thank you but no thanks. I hope others reading the thread can find enjoyment from this information.
(I'm practicing being disingenuously polite)

>> No.46108504

nah that would be checking tranylations

>> No.46108510

id say its the adhd of mental illnesses

>> No.46108514

no that would be deepl

>Her being female is how she gets invited to private groups
ya thats not how that works lol. just ask jamal, he's a founding member of jps

>> No.46108515

Even Da Vinci traced.

>> No.46108529

da vinci was a charlatan
he got a job as a chief military engineer by lying his ass off

>> No.46108539

yeah bro everyones a scammer matto redeemed

>> No.46108544


>> No.46108547

god it feels good being the only one who knows how to learn japanese correctly

>> No.46108556

i was around on whatever jps was before it relaunched or officially launched i guess
ppl knew i was old but i guess that makes it official huh
the me being a zoomer fanfic is officially dead rip i guess

>> No.46108563

I mean, okay. Sure.
I sent her that link and she's skeptical of a Slovenian website.

>> No.46108573

more like slovenlyia

>> No.46108578

well tell your retarded girlfriend that pimsleur japanese is even on the most normie private trackers

>> No.46108611

jps is not that old though is it, 2010 or so?
plus that doesnt say much about age, i was 16 years old when i got into what.cd

>> No.46108612

Seeing as neither of us speak a second language and I only just decided to learn Japanese we had never heard of this. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. This is the sort of info I come here for.

>> No.46108615

Holy crap, that music makes the first line almost impossible to hear, but I think she's saying "特別料理って普通のフルーツサンドじゃない"
The rest is easy though
>guy: 調理は簡単、栄養は満点。旅の料理はこれが一番なんだよ
>guy 2 (ash?): 文句があるなら自分が作れよ
>girl (misty?): あら、だって料理は男の仕事でしょ

>> No.46108622

wow good job you watched the video

>> No.46108629

hm so >>46108030 is a full of shit dekinai?

>> No.46108638

Naw, literal wife.
Yeah she found the whole thing already last time I asked, but it was 59GB and I didn't want to bother with it. Years ago I had her DL Rosetta Stone and it sucked and she bitched about it. I was trying to avoid a repeat of that incident.
You got to understand that women aren't rational.
All women are retarded.

>> No.46108639

2009 yea but it was a thing before then
its i guess been jps 2.0 for 15 years tho lmao
but who cares anymore music is all on streaming now id say its only useful for video now

>> No.46108645

i thought you went to bed, comrade

>> No.46108649

>I work and buy the equipment.
nigga how much equipment do you need to join a pt just a home server and a few hard drives that's a few hundred bucks

>> No.46108652

Nope, I just listened to the audio.
I'm guessing you're arguing with flood guy? Or are you flood guy?

>> No.46108653

ok well jap pimsleur is on RED and MaM and Nyaa

>> No.46108662

>I only just decided to learn Japanese

btw you wont ever learn japanese cuz ur 25+

>> No.46108664

god i want to die

>> No.46108672

i do, i like collecting stuff and autistically organizing my files
i legit cried when my 2tb drive full of music that i had spent almost 10 years downloading from what, slsk and various blogs died...

>> No.46108674
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>> No.46108679

time to get a nas

>> No.46108685

can't imagine not owning my music and being able to do anything i want with at any time

>> No.46108694

lol you come up with this cope whenever someone completes your challenges >>46077094 quite pathetic

>> No.46108696

you make a back up? why?

>> No.46108704


>> No.46108705

no i'm not him but honestly if it takes you more than 1 minutes to reply to a 20 second clip it doesn't count because you listened to it 50 times or whispered it or had your nip boyfriend transcribe it

>> No.46108707

cuz we live in a 浮世

>> No.46108712

It definitely took me more than a minute, but lmao if you think that first line doesn't justify it.

>> No.46108724

Lol, okay.
I took a semester in community college in the 90's, and I learned more in one week with YouTube and that site where you type the kana.
So it is. She was searching "pinsleur" that's why she didn't see it. I need to speak more clearly it seems. That it she was too lazy to check more than one site.
>A few hundred bucks
For this hobby not counting furniture, and the PCs. There's other shit. Point is I work and do retarded shit with my spare time and she does literally everything else. I don't fuck with the computers so if anything is fucked in not responsible.
Like I said, women are irrational and retarded.

>> No.46108732
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>> No.46108733


>> No.46108740

you dont even need that im legend on ab and i seed from a laptop

>> No.46108741

Do you really think that this is what happens here? People are just waiting for you to post something so they can respond instantly?

>> No.46108742

hidden rules just make you look like a dishonorable sleazy dirtball
a challenge should specify a time limit if one is expected

>> No.46108752
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>I took a semester in community college in the 90's, and I learned more in one week with YouTube and that site where you type the kana.

>> No.46108756

you think japanese kids are rewinding pokemon over and over to hear what they say? cope

>> No.46108758

nahh aint no way this dusty ahh nibba is older than jamal

>> No.46108759

>She was searching "pinsleur" that's why she didn't see it. I need to speak more clearly it seems.
yeah rotary phones are terrible for this sorta thing, best to use new tech like morse code

>> No.46108763

Anon, you gave a transcription challenge with music that's literally blasting over their voices and I'm JSL. What do you expect?

>> No.46108764

lil bro its an edit the music playing in the clip is not even from pokemon

>> No.46108766

>2tb hard drive died
>A few hundred
I forgot about the oversees back up server she has in Holland or something. It's pretty cheap, but she has most of everything backed up.
Sorry for your loss>>46108672
, but I hope you have learned redundancy.

>> No.46108779

>hehe bet u cant do this challenge
*someone does it*
>g-good job cheating!
man analtrashs crossed a line hes just washed up loser scum now

>> No.46108790

all this whining because some loser wouldn't recognize your japanese skillz.

do a stream bro, all of djt will know your power, you wont have to mald over transcription challenges

>> No.46108791
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>> No.46108797

The phone I grew up with was so old it didn't have an area code on the dial. It still was using the two letter exchange format (xx1-2345). My father's business computer had a tape backup that filled a large closet. I sometimes miss those old orange monochrome monitors.

I got the pimsleur Japanese 1-5 now. Thank you.

>> No.46108798

lolicon is rotoscoping kids via the brain

>> No.46108805

Is this some /djt/ convention that you don't link the post you're referring to?

>> No.46108815

yh youre meant to tell from the context

>> No.46108819

Sadly this looks a lot like the instructor from that class...

>> No.46108820

Wait, I'm really excited for this game. Are they streaming it?

>> No.46108824

But I get no (you)s!
Muh dopamines!!

>> No.46108825

lol good luck oldbro, i'm rooting for you.
btw if you wanna make physical flashcards then maybe just get the usagi spoon decks and turn them physical. should be better than jlpt ordering

>> No.46108830

still laughing at the self own in >>46108030

>> No.46108835


>> No.46108840

i feel so bad
i was pruning one of my plants and i accidentally snapped a healthy branch

>> No.46108844

its winter, you dont prune until spring

>> No.46108847

90s community college guy is older than me

>> No.46108849

jamal you need to find a data hoarder waifu on one of your private trackers

>> No.46108855

prune isnt really the right word i was just plucking off the dead leaves cause theyre indoor plants that shed leaves

>> No.46108861

Very cool. Didn't realize a demo was out. I was sold when I heard the music for it.

>> No.46108866

my bad, i just googled it and apparently winter pruning is good

>> No.46108868

Thank you! I didn't think of that.
Here somewhere, right?

>> No.46108869

why is silent hill the short message so fucking pozzed? i was watching my fox wife play it and it makes me fear for the future of japan

>> No.46108871

these guys literally make a mental lists of who is who. bro you're not even real to me. i don't care how old you are or if you went to college or not. you still never be more than a nameless bitch to me

>> No.46108874

yeah it would be core 2.3k for vocab, and rrtk for kanji recognition

>> No.46108876

you have to keep up with the djt ecelebs you just have to ok how are you supposed to learn to understand anime if you don't know which words jamal fucked up in his live stream 5 years ago and who is on the side of justice (anki) and who is a barbarian

>> No.46108882
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bros. idk if you guys have played world of warcraft, but you know in vanilla when you get to the barrens and you just start pumping xp and youre fricking running around killing kolkar and levelling like crazy? that s how japanese feels rn.

>> No.46108887

the posts of some shitters just smell so bad that youre 余儀なくされ made aware of who it is behind them

>> No.46108890

Thanks again!
Gotta go. Much appreciated!

>> No.46108903
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>> No.46108958

im the elite mob that runs up to u and oneshots u by saying heh is that so? maybe try rewriting ur post in japanese then

>> No.46108964

nah you arent an elite mob. you're like the level 60 alliance player that walks past you in ratchet that could one shot you but they usually dont cause the guards will aggro onto them.

>> No.46108973

wtf dont dox community college bro like that

>> No.46108981

i did play alliance except one time

>> No.46108993

did you play a hunter or a mage? if i had to guess id say mage but you def feel like a ranged dps player and i feel like you wouldnt play warlock
i mained UD priest

>> No.46109011

i played human rogue first i was p much the asshole nerd in hillsbrad 24/7 then i rolled a gnome mage and i did play hunter in tbc
i played lock for the wow classic launch and did mc one time got a bunch of good loot and then never played again cuz the nostalgia goggles wore off real fast lmao

>> No.46109021

dno why you would dicksuck a tripfag in the thread when you could do it in their pisscord

>> No.46109026

true lets talk about japanese
more specifically how long uve been "learning" it and how much of this u understand


>> No.46109031

ok now do this one https://streamable.com/ph0s8q

>> No.46109035

hardcore makes it fun again. i levelled a hc warrrior to 60 and that was worth it

>> No.46109049

no but i played runescape and japanese feels like cutting willows in lumbridge trying to save up for a rune scimmy

>> No.46109053

i saw a interview for a recent period japanese show and the actors said they had to put in considerable time learning to speak period japanese because people dont speak that way today and i thought of these clips lol

>> No.46109068

i dont see the point of hc mmo shit i would never
stuff like d2 and poe yeah ok i played those but a whole ass mmo like wow? gross
grats tho

>> No.46109077

>lets talk about japanese
theres nothing to discuss a person can just learn japanese on their own
djt have always been pointless only useful things to come from it have been a few computer tools

>> No.46109082

damn they shoulda just hired ciaran

>> No.46109089

he could prolly be the white dude in that clip

>> No.46109193
File: 387 KB, 816x767, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46109202

tf is this?
its a 砂時計 its 便利 for measuring time
dame the westoid can speak our language
milord im a christian missionary i beg you for your permission to cook
yoooo hes 日本語上手 let bro cook
yup its 平家物語 time

>> No.46109206

you were projecting every time you posted this?

>> No.46109235

>milord im a christian missionary i beg you for your permission to cook

>> No.46109550

how do you avoid from thinking about murdering your sister? (the thoughts impede me from learning Japanese)

>> No.46109566

get her pregnant and then you will not want to orphan your children

>> No.46109573

bro wtf is wrong with you
just stab her with the d instead

>> No.46109576

why does everyone tell me to get my sister pregnant

>> No.46109583

she has a boyfriend (not me) you sickos

>> No.46109585

ok ill do it for you then *unzips*

>> No.46109599

You’re gonna kill his sister?! You’re sick, anon.

>> No.46109606

ok but you gotta take her with you and pay for her expenses

>> No.46109651

i saw it on psn store bet never downloaded it
is it ダメ?

>> No.46109652


>> No.46109664
File: 107 KB, 279x418, Screenshot_20240207-161202~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vinnies for this feel?

>> No.46109675

steins gate

>> No.46109684

Haven't played it but I believe Konami is outsourcing most of these new Silent Hull games to western studios and it's pretty lame
The Bloober Team SH2 remake looks really bad but honestly 1 > 2 anyways

>> No.46109752

i refuse to care about any franchise
anything used long enough will rot and smell
so you must preserve and seal away what you love like an egyptian mummy
or toss it immediately the moment it is complete

>> No.46109767

the colonization of Japan

>> No.46109778

i expect good stuff from f
it has a real nip atmosphere and lots of footshots
thank you japan

>> No.46109798

i mean some franchises have had like all pretty good stuff. off the top of my head the zelda games or like the john wick movies or somethng

>> No.46109817

ryukino will save silent hill
its a shame so many people think he sucks cuz of the umineko ending

>> No.46109825

yeah baby lick up my brown emulsions

>> No.46109916

they kill themselves from being cyber bullied because they're gay

>> No.46109940

i was blown away he sounds great

>> No.46110010

this common?

>> No.46110055

Am I being challenged by the Queeran the ultimate dekinai? Wow, I'm so honored to accept this "challenge."
I bet Queeran has a thicker accent than the missionary lmao

>> No.46110067

took too long doesn't count

>> No.46110102

lmfao sorry, next time I'll do it in under a minute.

>> No.46110104
File: 31 KB, 385x385, 1522579267175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna have to stay up till midnight doing them ree

>> No.46110144

lil bro sat there for hours pausing and rewinding a 2 minute jidaigeki clip that ciaran could transcribe in 30 seconds lmao

>> No.46110149

This, but it took me 9 minutes

>> No.46110194


>> No.46110204
File: 20 KB, 680x702, 1674057456682157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46110218


>> No.46110224


>> No.46110228
File: 88 KB, 640x400, AEX1bP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46110248



>> No.46110250


>> No.46110253


>> No.46110260


>> No.46110278

stinky neet girl sex

>> No.46110279

i hate shit thats kana only

>> No.46110281

Why? It’s easier to read

>> No.46110283

>kana only
>easier to read
come back when you pass the intermediate test (n1)

>> No.46110291


>> No.46110300

Yup, it’s actually easier. Sorry, anon.

>> No.46110309

dont make me post the all-kana cinderella story i bought from a japanese dollar store

>> No.46110317

just wait till lil blud realizes people talk in kana irl

>> No.46110316

Post it. It’s probably piss-easy to read

>> No.46110321
File: 216 KB, 868x1228, djt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.46110327

written kana doesnt have pitch accent lil bro

>> No.46110328


>> No.46110331

Is this what DJTers consider “hard”? lmao

>> No.46110333

kana becomes harder to read fluently when you exclusively read high-level vinnies but not like lil bro would know

>> No.46110340

when can you tell the difference between こするつける and なすりつける when you're looking at the kanji only variants

>> No.46110342

can you repeat that in kanji?

>> No.46110355
File: 325 KB, 781x1023, 1707973253321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yosh dropping a post in the dekinai thread while I go off to do my reps

>> No.46110358

aaaaaand nofap streak broken

>> No.46110360

link to pic?

>> No.46110365

>I’m so good at Japanese I can’t read a children’s story in kana

>> No.46110370

this but unironically

>> No.46110373

artificially making reading harder doesn't make you cooler a japanese bro

>> No.46110375

>kana becomes harder to read fluently when you exclusively read high-level vinnies


>> No.46110379

do you read じょう as 状, 錠, 嬢, or 定?

>> No.46110388

lol, gonna have to memorize this if someone ever asks me "say something in japanese!"

>> No.46110389

kana only is easier for children's stories because they're not using any hard vocab. it's pure cancer if you're reading something more advanced tho

>> No.46110395

japanese needs pitch accent markers on kana so we can ditch kanji

>> No.46110398

when i can read the kanji, its nice having a little separation between the grammarisms and the meat on the bones. its like a verbal condom

>> No.46110403

condom on my bone
lolis with no meat on theirs

>> No.46110405

well then smartypants
try this on for size



>> No.46110415

i think that just means you're bad at reading japanese

>> No.46110420

You'll be the coolest 南蛮人, that's for sure.

>> No.46110436

>wahhhhhhh you have to read this poem from the late 900s or else reading kana is hard
kek stfu

>> No.46110437

yeah that must be why kana only is exclusively used in children's books

>> No.46110443

you've clearly never played any video game released before the 1990s

>> No.46110449

That was due to limitations in cartridge size and screen resolutions. Why don't they do it now? retard

>> No.46110456

oh surely you just remembered it from playing the card game in nihon elementary school and didnt just google it when you failed to read it
since thats the case, how did it feel getting stomped by the girls in a 99% female-dominated game?
did it make your peepee hard?

>> No.46110466

dame you're projecting hard, lil bro

>> No.46110471

uh, because kanji is how the language is meant to be written, and we have the power to gloss the words as needed?

>> No.46110473

acquired 仏頂面

>> No.46110494

u need people to write は\し or はし\ just to know which one they're talking about? lmao

>> No.46110497

starting to forget english words. the transformation has begun

>> No.46110504

never trust to learn japanese from a person who speaks in non-broken english

>> No.46110507

true true

>> No.46110513

seems like you're qualified to teach

>> No.46110515

i wouldnt trust anyone who doesnt actually use japanese
looking at all you "oh yeah i totally know japanese i just dont feel like it" motherfuckers

>> No.46110519

like damn
id add you to the block list the second that 4chanx can read ips

>> No.46110520

Current thread: #3781

Previous threads:
>>46099236 #3780
>>46092996 #3779
>>46087907 #3778
>>46080547 #3777
>>46073939 #3776
>>46069056 #3775
>>46064373 #3774
>>46058032 #3773
>>46052662 #3772
>>46046983 #3771
>>46040044 #3770
>>46033495 #3769

>> No.46110524

>using 4chanx

>> No.46110529

What is it?

>> No.46110533

bet yall dont even know how to type in japanese
bet yall would crumble into a pile of dust the second someone points vocaroo at you
backsliding pointless fuckers

>> No.46110544

ゲイ? ba-dum tsh

>> No.46110555

i wish i could stream anime stuff with djt friends but my pc ccant handle streaming

>> No.46110558

just point your phone at the screen

>> No.46110565

but then what will i use to read the japanese?

>> No.46110572
File: 64 KB, 767x1000, 51mI7YLEwDL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46110576

what makes you think i wanna watch anything with you fags

>> No.46110579

who said youre coming?
he said djt friends, bud
you have to be a friend first

>> No.46110582

maybe i'll do it tomorrows in the mid day if it can work. will do k-on if it does work.

>> No.46110583

i wish i were in the secret society of djt members
then i'd be able to talk to khatzumoto without having to pay him

>> No.46110610

that's it, i'm tired of learning japanese. i quit

>> No.46110615

see you tomorrow

>> No.46110646

you were right about vtubers /djt/ wish i had listened before i got crippled

>> No.46110651



>> No.46110658

what about them? is learning from them bad?

>> No.46110659

No, no it is not your 出番, Imouto. It will never be your 出番. You don't know what he's talking about and you add nothing to these threads.

>> No.46110681

misread 豆乳 as 巨乳
it's over

>> No.46110682

no his japanese got too good to fast so now he needs to find a new hobby

>> No.46110686

i recommend quitting immediately

>> No.46110695




>> No.46110696
File: 1.36 MB, 1092x749, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46110699

based localizers terrorizing eops

>> No.46110719

>yikes, is that a reference to fair skin as an aspect of beauty?
>hehe, let's just make that say *clear* skin

>> No.46110734



>> No.46110787

Pretty sure you're confusing Japan for Psychopass.

>> No.46110811

many such cases

>> No.46110814

Does the game have any new features?

>> No.46110815

what the FUCK is japan

>> No.46110825

could you be more specific?

>> No.46110827
File: 9 KB, 180x240, 1707980029341.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46110828

yes https://www.gameshub.com/news/news/persona-3-reload-beach-scene-transphobia-2636263/

>> No.46110831

someon just said youre confusing japan for psychopass. i know psychopass. i love kogami. so what the fucks japan

>> No.46110843


>> No.46110846

i dont get this stuff. im a tranny and think japan does tranny characters better than the west. why do westerners want to project their own understanding of gender onto a different cultural mindset.

>> No.46110854

>why do westerners want to project their own understanding of
that's not what happened, they just removed it entirely

>> No.46110856

post striped thigh high socks

>> No.46110860

you're thinking of femboys (those are actually cute)

>> No.46110861

thats what im talking about though. i mean the censorship. its sad.
i hate to break it to you but i dress like a normal person, if a little masculine.

>> No.46110870

;~; rude

>> No.46110882

why not lean into natural boyish cuteness instead of forcing something you're not

>> No.46110890

i mean i do. people just think im a girl in person and its become too awkward and self indulgent to assert myself as a man all the time.

>> No.46110892

pics or it didnt happen

>> No.46110901

it didnt happen then. i dont wanna attention whore here any more than i already have.

>> No.46110906

are you good at japanese

>> No.46110908

working on it hard, but nah. past n5 level working towards n4 level.

>> No.46110920

wtf i thought girls were supposed to be good at learning new languages

>> No.46110921


>> No.46110923


>> No.46110933

thank you for being very kind. wagmi

>> No.46110949

girls are only good at learning new penises

>> No.46110958
File: 623 KB, 1600x2260, 019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46110961

i look like that

>> No.46111015

feels good when everything just clicks

>> No.46111017

already on my favorites
love this art

>> No.46111019
File: 2.95 MB, 2039x2894, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46111052

you couldn't do it in unlimited rewinds

>> No.46111054

おとまりせっくす 家族旅行 兄妹の秘密
Anyone have this but as an epub? I have the book only as pictures of the text unfortunately

>> No.46111068

You're sick in the head, and you should stop telling people you're a woman.

>> No.46111100
File: 237 KB, 1598x2048, 20230629_093143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yay. did my cards even though it was inconvenient today.
>You're sick in the head,
>and you should stop telling people you're a woman.
i dont say that or think that really. i just made some personal changes for personal reasons. lets not derail the thread more. im going to bed regardless.

>> No.46111107

Nah, you're living a life of sin. I can feel your insanity and unwellness through my monitor (which is on). Seriously, be a man and stop giving into your fetish.
Also, this is the DJT. Derailing the thread is like a national pastime.

>> No.46111127
File: 1.01 MB, 220x195, catjam-cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46111128
File: 98 KB, 700x808, a2KBmQ1_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46111149
File: 964 KB, 2048x1536, 1587448828240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think its as dire as you make it out to be. im pretty happy. hope you are too. goodnight anon.
never realized moe is an anagram of emo before now. oyasuminasai

>> No.46111165

Thinking about starting studies in a profession that will give me high chance of obtaining a work visa in japan.
What about you anon, is it just for tourism? just consuming otaku medias? Or do you want to work a few years there to see if that's the kind of life you like?

>> No.46111174
File: 175 KB, 480x480, 1648912275410.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying out kiwi browser on android because firefox turned out to suck and chrome doesnt support 拡張s
most of us are just here for the porn and anime

>> No.46111177


>> No.46111179

>do you want to work a few years
why would i want to work?

>> No.46111183

I don't think it's dire, just disturbing. Regardless, goodnight.

>> No.46111190

>living in japan

>> No.46111199

because NEETing makes you miserable? I've been a NEET for four years now. I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.46111206

speak for yourself

>> No.46111212

I've been neeting most of a life but everytime I had a job I was even more miserable

>> No.46111228

work is work. there's no fun in it. we should all enjoy the free time we have, if able

>> No.46111243

Same... I think it's some sort of powerful anxiety/stress for most of us.
But lately, I was thinking that I should give a shot at studying. If it's for something I like, maybe I'll survive the stress. Afterall we all have only one shot at life.
If I fail, I'll probably return to my parent's NEETing and do part time jobs here and there.

>> No.46111244

nta but its much easier for me to appreciate my time off when i work
as a neet i could barely get the energy to play vidya

>> No.46111246




>> No.46111248

that's very odd lol

>> No.46111252

i think its pretty dumb to expect japan to be any different for you

>> No.46111255

there are many true stereotypes about neets which makes them disgusting riffraffs
everyone should look down on them and belittle them for being leeching valueless trash

>> No.46111259

same. never felt more miserable than during my time as a wageoid.

>> No.46111261

its just extremely boring after a while

>> No.46111266

yosh, excel time

>> No.46111269

lets goooo

>> No.46111270

don't you have any hobbies or things you like learning about? i find there's too much to do in the day.

>> No.46111273

Indeed, I'm not delusional about it, It will be similar to Western normie life a lot of way. But there's something about surviving in another faraway country without being sheltered by my parents that could be formative to my development, even if I fail.

>> No.46111275

for me it was the other way around, after work i would mostly sleep or waste time on youtube and i could only get myself to play vidya or do fun stuff if i knew i had a whole day ahead to do it

>> No.46111278

>that could be formative to my development
spoken like a true delusional neet

>> No.46111279

he could find his neet wife in japan

>> No.46111280

same same

>> No.46111318

Living on my own and studying/working on my own won't be formative to my development? (whether I'm in Japan or Europe)
I'll prove you wrong!!!!

>> No.46111325

I would only wife her if she's willing to lose some weight and have two kids.

>> No.46111339

would only wife her if she was 15 years older and fatter

>> No.46111340

what's your username?

>> No.46111349

it definitely won't. you'll end up wasting money trying to hack it there and find that you're making less money, living under worse conditions, and generally lonely.
and should you find comfort in that lifestyle, then i'll call you chris mccandless and label you crazy.

>> No.46111352

the world is doomed unless we make 4 generations living in a household normal again

>> No.46111374

i could convert her to building gundam and painting minis

>> No.46111383

not sure who sold families the lie that children need to leave their parents, unmarried, and live in debt on their own

>> No.46111384

everybody deserves a vr pod. yes, even used up roasties and incels

>> No.46111393

dunno how ppl get into debt

>> No.46111396
File: 91 KB, 1074x557, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46111401

they live beyond their means. not hard to understand bro

>> No.46111409
File: 885 KB, 1247x1758, 115785605_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46111410


>> No.46111411

Then I'll find someone else to live with so I can cut out the expenses!

>> No.46111419

American boomers who lived through the biggest economic boom ever and they expect everyone to do the same

>> No.46111421

genius, anon, genius!

>> No.46111423

find a シェアハウス with other foreigners so you'll never have to use japanese

>> No.46111430

man, what i wouldn't give to have another one of those

>> No.46111432

dear god is it NTR?
I'm getting dopamine rush only by seeing the faceless people around MC's sister(?)

>> No.46111433

yh i mean but u only need a roof and food in order to survive. whats else u need so bad that u get into debt

>> No.46111435

same same

>> No.46111437


>> No.46111442

a nicer roof
tastier food

>> No.46111449








>> No.46111452

would need a massive war first

>> No.46111454

too bad the next war will end in everyones death

>> No.46111460

it might have to be with japan. i know, i know, it's a shame given our interests, but let's look at the facts. the last time we went to war with them, we got rich.

>> No.46111484

>just go to war with yourself

>> No.46111498

is this why matt was fighting japan

>> No.46111501

Is there any smart way to connect Calibre to Anki so that I can add vocabulary automatically to my mining deck like with rikai-chan?

>> No.46111509


>> No.46111521

no, you'll have to use something like the texthooker html to copy the text over to your browser. also, use yomitan. it's better

>> No.46111529

han unification was a mistake

>> No.46111530
File: 1.37 MB, 1734x1604, 2023-07-18 19_42_23-8 _ Chapter 5 - Damedol to Sekai ni Hitori Dake no Fan - MangaDex — Mozilla Fire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use something like the texthooker
I see. Thanks!
>also, use yomitan
I'm actually using yomitan, I always confuse the names.

>> No.46111533

very nice

>> No.46111534

just use ッツ reader

>> No.46111541
File: 170 KB, 848x1200, GGToL4absAExQy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46111545

>also, use yomitan. it's better
isn't that tmw spyware?

>> No.46111548

oh neat, didn't know about this. I actually quite like Calibre because I've been using it a lot for non-japanese e-books too. I'll have to see how well I can adjust it to my preferences.

>> No.46111549
File: 8 KB, 276x155, IMG_1158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46111553

wish there was a mobile optimised version of 4chan x
the 4chan apps suck

>> No.46111557

yeah basically

>> No.46111600

just use kiwi browser

>> No.46111609

bunko why did you say >>/jp/thread/45526384#p45538797

>> No.46111612

i do but using 4chan x with it is a worse experience than just using the normal mobile 4chan site

>> No.46111613

it's just yomichan with a rainbiw lgbt icon

>> No.46111616

means what it means but jamal would probably agree he just plays himself up for the lols

>> No.46111626

Jamal really is just Nuke but with a basic knowledge of Japanese

>> No.46111674

djt...dead...who killed it? that’s just it...no one

>> No.46111684


>> No.46111691

is nuke "n5 in 2025" gonna make it?

>> No.46111693
File: 54 KB, 184x176, 1598490522814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jamal still shits on nuke and honestly a big percentage of people here if not a majority
nuke has a cute wife tho

>> No.46111711

i did

>floods your thread with throwaway posts

>> No.46111740

Throwaway posts are great for the thread. They’re similar to throwaway VNs

>> No.46111765


>> No.46111771

whats worse about it

>> No.46111786

css is clearly not good for mobile
sure you could probably fix it with custom css but i cant be bothered

>> No.46111870

+1 to this because you can also use it to browse your local book collection on your phone from your browser without having to transfer all your files. really useful

>> No.46111888
File: 190 KB, 720x1280, 115570320_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46111905
File: 1.85 MB, 848x480, 1707892355405.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual 3d women are better and you can touch them

>> No.46111911
File: 703 KB, 2726x4096, GGNQcHcbEAAgNSG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you learning japanese?

>> No.46111926


>> No.46111957

>BREAKING: Japan's economy enters recession
oh dear

>> No.46111997

why aren't you learning chinese?

>> No.46112015

they don't produce good ntrge

>> No.46112021
File: 1.96 MB, 1280x720, 1665929083402.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japan > korea > china

>> No.46112063

would rather learn thai or vietnamese or indog

>> No.46112083


>> No.46112154


>> No.46112174


>> No.46112181

omawarisan kono hito desu

>> No.46112184

seeing women handle grenades is so stressful

>> No.46112196

it looks like she throws the grenade like 2 meters but throwing it with those sleeves made me clench up

>> No.46112211

waiting for your nekopara stream

>> No.46112222

waiting for you to finish that 4 hour long game you started like a week ago

>> No.46112232
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>> No.46112244

concession accepted

>> No.46112247

waiting is wasting for people like me

>> No.46112255

based reference

>> No.46112261

if you kill your enemey they win

>> No.46112276
File: 1.50 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you make it if your nihongo sensei doesn't play with dolls?

>> No.46112277

i have no enemies

*dies of cringe*

>> No.46112291

i don't understand playing with dolls or "action figures"

>> No.46112299

finishing a vn doesnt mean you understood it

>> No.46112303


>> No.46112309

never finished a vn

>> No.46112321

i used to emulate little fighters 2 with all the lego characters i had, fun times

>> No.46112331

Of course not, it's for children.

>> No.46112335

>ywn be able to read anything without a hook code
how do we cope?

>> No.46112337

dunno never hooked and finished many vinnies

>> No.46112338

adding it to my excel spreadsheet

>> No.46112340

and then i woke up

>> No.46112379
File: 216 KB, 1332x2048, 10巻.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its quiet quitting thursday today and i read 3 volumes of manga at work

>> No.46112415

do all cute jks kiss other jks in secret?

>> No.46112424

>phone charged above 80%
dekinai vibes emanating from this day bros

>> No.46112458

yeah but not only in japan

>> No.46112466

3 hours of edging to asmr for listening practice done! time for anki

>> No.46112484
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djt selfie time

>> No.46112485

yoshi, time to read some kamige in english

>> No.46112593
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>> No.46112603

yoshi and vinny be earing good

>> No.46112732

mined earing

>> No.46112734
File: 95 KB, 789x845, Bo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46112846

fish guts female

>> No.46112984

any ani rec that arnt 90mph for my wrinkle free brain

>> No.46112997


>> No.46113016


>> No.46113055

just play some SoL at 80% speed or smth

>> No.46113090

乙 fish guts
女 female

>> No.46113131

acquired gintama wo miru toki ha heya wo akarukushite terebi kara hanaretemitekudasai

>> No.46113148

I'm gonna make it. Ur all losers.
This is a competition and I will win.

>> No.46113150

Having some difficulty with conjugation/keigo.
What is the difference between, for example 美味しいでした and 美味しかったです?
When should I use [present tense] でした/ました and when should I use [past tense] です/ます?
Also, when is it appropriate to add の to this conjugation?

>> No.46113151

already made it and you talking bout finna lmfao

>> No.46113167

>What is the difference between, for example 美味しいでした and 美味しかったです?
same thing
> [present tense] でした/ました
both are past tense
>Also, when is it appropriate to add の to this conjugation?
after you've read all mareni, don't even think about outputting before that

>> No.46113176


>> No.46113210
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marriage immersion

>> No.46113243
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i'll be here

>> No.46113290

non non?

>> No.46113308

dunno how to tell you this but you might be severely retarded

>> No.46113314

picked up

>> No.46113316

the rtk

>> No.46113330

乙 fish guts
女 female
乙女 maiden

>> No.46113341

as i said, severly retarded

>> No.46113345

i prefer blissfully retarded

>> No.46113346
File: 3.28 MB, 3024x2043, 8p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like fish guts

>> No.46113353

>乙 fish guts
where did you get that idea

>> No.46113359

do your reps bro

>> No.46113363
File: 388 KB, 479x783, 1704772118977090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its because the character looks like a fish hook : D

>> No.46113367

wyd bro im stuck in anki

>> No.46113368

it doesn't mean fish guts lol

>> No.46113372

i've been reading

>> No.46113378

it also looks like a "2" which is a better mnemonic
but fish guts is cute

>> No.46113404


>> No.46113405

why the guts part tho

>> No.46113412

some shit rtk made up to help you remember it iirc. I remember seeing it

>> No.46113417

Fish guts is from Remembering the Kanji I think maybe idk if I recall correctly

>> No.46113427


>> No.46113443

rtk is book series right?

>> No.46113445

smth like that ya

>> No.46113458

if you change しい to しゅう does it become more polite then? and then you say shit like 大変おいしゅうでござる

>> No.46113461
File: 2 KB, 160x160, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i might've thought of it as a 2 in the past but now it's nothing more than pic related or the same stroke it other kanji like 飛, 乾, 丸 etc.

>> No.46113478

if you are a high caste woman

>> No.46113488

(お)おいしゅうございます is correct

>> No.46113505


I have no idea what I'm doing

>> No.46113506

mama mia

>> No.46113509

output hours

>> No.46113516

i wonder what its like for someone who doesnt know english but knows a little bit cracking open some 18th century lit

>> No.46113620

yosh, just finished core10k. time to start bunpro then maybe in a year it'll be time to start reading my first chapter of yotsuba

>> No.46113626

just finished a baconator. time to start on the fries then maybe in an hour it'll be time to read eroge in bed

>> No.46113631

based, yotsuba isn't easy

>> No.46113633
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>> No.46113641

probably feels like mario here >>46113633

>> No.46113644

yoshis the fuckin man dude

>> No.46113651
File: 3.51 MB, 1818x1254, schizoid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is more likely to learn Japanese?
A 30 year old working man or a 30 year old NEET?

>> No.46113659

whichever one of them has the most enjoyment being around and using japanese

>> No.46113666

it's a trick question. the actual answer is none of those

>> No.46113674

right because thats not a relevant criteria

>> No.46113680
File: 3.45 MB, 1822x1620, image-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46113682

The NEET has more free time but the working man is more motivated

>> No.46113686

schizoid-chan is so cute

>> No.46113688

i would read this as otome

>> No.46113692

乙 is just a z so i would read it as woman z

>> No.46113694


>> No.46113697

is it wrong to get hard @ this?


>> No.46113704

hes right

>> No.46113707

how will jamal ever recover from this blunder, kashira

>> No.46113709
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>> No.46113710

and you were wrong >>46105945

>> No.46113711

i will never understand why kotowari means denial and okotowari means announcement

>> No.46113714

sorry i forgot which chuckle fuck was who on 4chan lol

>> No.46113715

wtf they changed 薄い to "no interest"

>> No.46113722

wait didnt bunko score worse on n1 than quizler?

>> No.46113726

yeah the :> face is a dead giveaway they botched that one

>> No.46113730 [DELETED] 

jamal constantly posted about how pretty he used to be and then threw away all his allies just to simp for og and not even bag her
he has never proven any japanese ability that isnt relatively basic but instead he offered an illusion of skill by mystifying basic concepts, refusing to elaborate on things he took issue with but natives disagreed with him about, putting on an "ironic" voice when pronouncing japanese and generally not writing much japanese at all

>> No.46113737

also "everyone dies alone" is a pretty weird way to interpret 最後は独り right?

>> No.46113739

>why yes im a dekinai simp who failed

>> No.46113744

nah nothing wrong there


>> No.46113745

i would read this as お終いにジャマルからブチュキスをもらった

>> No.46113748

lil j moment

>> No.46113753

lol@ the ankle biters

nah come on that's not what it means

>> No.46113761


>> No.46113764
File: 66 KB, 923x751, 1436413659294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and og sama before we duel in bed

>> No.46113768
File: 2.23 MB, 1808x814, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how hard is this to read? I assume it's written for 10 year olds to understand.
I play a lot of master duel so I figure my goal should be to turn it into immersion.

>> No.46113770

pretty ez

>> No.46113771


>> No.46113777

最後 would strike me as the 最後 of ur life so yeah i think the tls fine and hits in english fine

>> No.46113784

strike this
*unzips pants*

>> No.46113791
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>> No.46113793

papi cucko losing it

>> No.46113805

dame db had a lof of border line H content in it

>> No.46113807


>> No.46113810

to me it just sounds literally the same as "in the end, everyone is alone" in the sense of "in conclusion, everyone is alone"

>> No.46113811

are there any good sites that upload raws as they release?
i want to read hoshino-kun shitagatte as it releases. it's releasing on bikkomi if it matters

>> No.46113820

bro he's a self admitted dekinai who trolls to waste the time of others

>> No.46113825

stfu analcream

>> No.46113827

her manko was perfect

>> No.46113828

analcream is 蛇丸一筋 he would never try and dizz jamal

>> No.46113829

feel free to consult a native then
in the end *snorts* thats why communities like these are bad news
even people who know what they are talking about will get disputed by people who dont and theres no established referee

>> No.46113835

snuzzle this muzzle

>> No.46113842

jamal tries his best to put on a lolcow show for us, how nice of him

>> No.46113843

>in the end *snorts* thats why communities like these are bad news
i was just about to post this https://tatoeba.org/en/sentences/show/137498
i suppose i could ask a native. in the end, do i really even know what "in the end" means?

>> No.46113845

>the working man is more motivated
yeah, he will find the motivation to drop japanese

>> No.46113851

Perhaps motivated is the wrong word. He is a working man, so he knows how to get shit done in his life. Routines, health, mental, etc. Accomplishing tasks feels natural to him. Being able to have discipline, or focus on something difficult for a long time. Whereas the NEET has unlimited free time but is such a failure of a human that he can't even get a job

>> No.46113854


>> No.46113873

yeah but were talking about "人間, どうせ最後は独り"
all u have to do is paste that to some japanese person then ask これ, "人間は1人で死ぬもの" の意味もありますか and see what they say

>> No.46113884

Everyone has a discipline袋 for the day and the working man's may be empty by the time he comes home, while the NEET's has no danger of being emptied by other tasks.

>> No.46113885

what is your opinion on the 3d remakes of ffvii?

>> No.46113888

>間, ど
>れ, "人
rofl google translate ocr kun pls learn your n5 japanese before trying your luck at other levels

>> No.46113895

starting 三体. this better be as kino in jp as it was in en

>> No.46113899

no i would never ask it that way, i don't want to put an idea in their head before they even speak. i feel like you seeing the english translation first already has that same sort of bias effect. though it is probably a technically correct interpretation, i don't think it's what they mean. for example, lots of people die surrounded by loved ones. i think they are saying something more about the nature of humans.

anyway, what's a good place to ask a native about this?

learn how to use your ime

>> No.46113904
File: 873 KB, 1500x1004, __hydaelyn_final_fantasy_and_1_more_drawn_by_byuub__88613e33e0950c53f16fd6e2a63b042b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im just gonna cough up the money and play final fantasy 14 for the japanese

>> No.46113910

learn how to control ur homolust analcream ur embarrassing

>> No.46113915

>cough up the money
ff14 and its first two expansions are free to play

>> No.46113919

dunno theres a whole internet out there finding some japparinos is up to u

>> No.46113924
File: 794 KB, 1920x1080, Demon Slave S01E07 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (ADN)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46113929

>the NEET's has no danger of being emptied by other tasks.
What do you think NEETs do all day?

>> No.46113930

poor jamel cant type baby japanese without having to copy words from a dictionary lmfao

>> No.46113931

it's actually free all the way up to the end of stormblood now

>> No.46113935
File: 3.15 MB, 2098x3147, 1708014445537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yru learning Jap

>> No.46113941

> >>46113761

>> No.46113942

what does this mean? it has zero hits on google

>> No.46113943

Things they don't have to force themselves to do

>> No.46113944


>> No.46113948

There was once a man, defender of translations,
Harbinger of praise, harbinger of love,
Till he stumbled,
To women's toils and moils,
With fervor aplenty, a quirk a many,
Eccentricity afoul, ebonics all the running,
Erstwhile smiles, now becoming frowns,
He wept a weeper and wept some more,
Lamenting all the more,
That the works he indulged, the hours he spent,
His entertainment his life, his very own soul,
Were serviced by women,
Ribs and little more,
In disgrace and disgust, in tarnish and destruction.

I regret spending my days as an EOP, pouring faith into translators and editors alike by the name 'Christine' and 'Stacy Abegail' or 'Lilly lover'.
Why are these retarded women even here?
Never again.

>> No.46113951

doomscroll youtube

>> No.46113953

oh no youve outted yourself as low iq!! lmao

>> No.46113962

i'm trying my best to learn japanese

>> No.46113964

papi cucko is 繊細 dont bully him too hard

>> No.46113966

meme name for big j
a suffix indication devotion

>> No.46113975

oh, jyamaru, i couldn't get orochimaru out of my head

>> No.46113977
File: 791 KB, 1920x1080, Demon Slave S01E07 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (ADN)-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46113979

I hate that nigger..

>> No.46113981


>> No.46113985

my fav anime is madoka

>> No.46113988

read the manga the anime is shit

>> No.46113990


>> No.46113994


>> No.46114000

youtube makes you feel doom?

>> No.46114006
File: 853 KB, 1920x1080, Demon Slave S01E07 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (ADN)-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46114011

woh -neo

>> No.46114020
File: 360 KB, 750x370, 1708015216260053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if jamal is black he's morpheus

>> No.46114023
File: 572 KB, 1733x2594, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's embarrassing that you still don't know these names and i'm tired of pretending it's not

>> No.46114026

dont need to know them

>> No.46114029

onions blanco

>> No.46114031

why the fuck would you ever talk about them?
its like discussing the name of the little tail on lowercase "a" or the cross bit on "t"

>> No.46114032

wtf 4chan is censoring spanish!

>> No.46114034

such a faggy twitter loser post format
fuck your radicals cunt

>> No.46114035

ay mi dios....

>> No.46114040

nah they are more significant than that

>> No.46114045

well for one, their names tell you what they mean

>> No.46114048
File: 784 KB, 1117x869, 1708015577113344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what were they focusing on before...?

>> No.46114050


>> No.46114052

its over

>> No.46114055
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>> No.46114057

waifus. now they'll focus on lootboxes.

>> No.46114059

fleecing people willing to buy their slop mostly

>> No.46114065

3.5 sd nerdling won
2.5 sd chud lost

>> No.46114083

havent played a single bandai namco game so i cant say

>> No.46114108
File: 932 KB, 960x540, [New-raws] Dungeon Meshi - 07 [1080p] [AMZN]-[10.47.188-10.52.110].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46114849
File: 62 KB, 518x452, 1683861715233988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to do my cards.

>> No.46115333

neeting is miserable if your neeting conditions are miserable
.t neet with a bro who's been having a blast raiding in wow for nearly a decade and playing every vidya on earth while i sit here doing virtually nothing meaningful for myself

>> No.46116361
File: 72 KB, 1080x1092, 1646562793771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no seeders

>> No.46116509 [DELETED] 


>> No.46116773

1) Dolly is terrible. All the content is copied from Jay Rubin's book "Making sense of Japanese" but presented poorly.
The book is 1000 times better.
2) The content is useless for beginners anyway.

>> No.46116784

Just use the time to learn the kana. Read through a grammar guide repeatedly (japanese the manga way is the best for beginners, it's on archive) and start doing anki on your phone. A core deck will be fine to start with.

>> No.46119170





