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44899505 No.44899505 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>44781845

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)
DMM/Fanza (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)

>> No.44899511
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>> No.44899656

I feel like the lack of resources in Twinkle is going on for longer than usual in a new game.

>> No.44899737

ding dong ding dong
paya paya pappa
hm hm
ding dong paya paya
sa sassa sa
hm hm hm

please make it stop

>> No.44899788

In my opinion.
You have way more than you ever need.
Constantly running out if you actually max skills. However,
You get jackshit for the high rarity books so you can't even max out skills in the first place.
You basically get like none at all which would be a problem if not for
>Weapon LB orbs
These being one of the rarest resources in the game so you barely have any equipment to max in the first place.
>Limit Break materials
Plentiful unless you ignore towers.

It feels like they spitballed the initial numbers without actually playtesting them and realizing there are severe imbalances. Rather the same could be said of the combat system.

>> No.44899817

>These being one of the rarest resources in the game so you barely have any equipment to max in the first place.
They're rare for sure, but I also barely have anything to use them on. I rarely get the rare eqp drops and I've used them on a few accessories but I still have 3~mlb worth of orbs left.

>> No.44899862

So if it's called Tinkle Star Knights who's got the best piss scene

>> No.44900122
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>they spitballed the initial numbers without actually playtesting them
you're spitting nonsense. of course they calculated it

>> No.44900171

There are three characters that piss themselves in their ero scene but Luriel's is the only one where it actually shows in the CG.

>> No.44900226

>Luriel's is the only one where it actually shows in the CG
Summer Matoi

>> No.44900763
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The definitely did, but they placed the cost way too high. Also this is what's in the pack. On top of it taking 3 months to upgrade one extra skill over free players, you also need to buy gold passes. My gold right now is just about exactly enough to use up all my books.

>> No.44904169

Got rider Tutan on day 3. She seems like maybe a sidegrade to NY Okita or maybe worse. Shame I couldn't get a rider for either other faction since I'm still using Cleopatra and NY Jeanne.

>> No.44904659
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I'm guessing this 2-star (and summer Matoi) that I can't seem to get after hundreds of pulls are past event characters? Is there a way to get them or am I cursed to never see that >>44900226 tinkle scene ever?

>> No.44904847

They are free event characters and are not in the summon pool. They will very likely introduce old events like every other game later on. Pretty sure this game has a viewer, go watch the scenes there.

>> No.44907030

3rd day, no SSRs in sight

>> No.44907485
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>five spooks later

Fucking hell.

>> No.44907682

I've finally realized how sinister the jewel board is in JewPri
>They finally give Selenite a board, as if she isn't already broken enough
>Can see the node for her dress (with scene) and upgrades for her skills
These nodes need a unique token that can only be rolled from a separate gacha, where you only get 10 tickets/rolls if you get a dupe of the Jewel
>Token is 3% rate
>Maxing someone out to 5-star princess is 10 dupes (after the headache of reaching princess)
I just got Selenite to 5-star and only have 2 of the tokens. The outfit costs 3, subskills are 3 and 4, and her special skill costs TEN.
So even if I only want her dress, I have to continue rolling dupes of her that are practically only useful as fodder now.

>> No.44908046

Did no one archive the gemini seed or fortress girl viewers?

>> No.44908147
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Fragments are a much bigger problem imo, especially after high tiers got removed from the shop. Tokens are also a fucking pain, but I feel like you'll find yourself lacking in fragments more than tokens.
If my quick mafs is correct then on average you should get ~6 of every coloured high tier fragment per token pulled. Now imagine going below average in total and getting completely cucked by a single colour.
I've done around 600 fragment gacha rolls and haven't even had 50 of the high red fragments yet. The only big thing I've been able to unlock is Zincite's outfit.
Also if Zincite's anything to go off of 4* nodes start costing 3 high tier fragments of a certain colour and the central ones start costing 15 so for any jewel with their skill/outfit hidden in 4/5* territory it's even more of a cunt.

>> No.44908329

check that chink forum

>> No.44908349

The only other one I've worked on is Anandrite, but it pissed me off to no end that it would tell me more of her board unlocked after giving her another star, only for nothing new to appear.
Turns out I have to burn mats on one of the center nodes I was hesitant to bother with, and I don't know if it's a specific one or if any of the first five will work. The game isn't clear on this at all.

I should work through story mode to help with drops
>Chapter 30/36
but fuck these 3-parters. I unlocked a bunch of attack for Selenite but what good does that do me when I can't take her and watermelon to three consecutive fights with a watermelon enemy in each?

>> No.44908489

>have excess of some books
>not enough other books to use them if I even have skills to level that use them
>fucking broke because dailies are like that $2/h job with tips but they get stolen before you can get it

>> No.44908746

which? bin link in OP is dead

>> No.44909040
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The nodes that have arrows on them are expansion nodes and some expansions require multiple expansion nodes unlocked.

>but fuck these 3-parters
Don't worry it gets much worse.
Chapter 33 introduces 6 parters at stage 40, luckily every 4th has stayed as a 4 parter though.

>when I can't take her and watermelon to three consecutive fights
Phantom Amethys should've already become your god jewel.
Agnitite deals stupid damage, if she stays alive.
Himekawa should've started cheating on Selenite with Alexandrite who should also have her weapon to at least lvl20.
Watermelon and Fluorite still make a good team as long as Fluorite stops DROPPING THE FUCKING STUN or TELEPORTING THE LAST FUCKING ENEMY AWAY.
Selenite kinda falls out of favour for a bit but does make a comeback by Chapter 33.

Garnet dies before she reaches her target when there are 200 lvls of difference and she's SSR+ so start investing your Arena coins into her now.
Jeremejevite and Andesine start getting used quite a bit.
I've found Anatasis to work quite well but haven't seen many others using her. I'll switch her in when I'm almost getting a win with a team and typically get it in a few trys with her.

>> No.44909181
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I just remembered since they released a new version of her, but they kept her mask on for all 3 versions before

>> No.44909518
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Not even close

>> No.44909751

What's the ideal progression for gear in Eden Ritten? I saw some scrolls that allow you to upgrade a weapon to another rarity it seems? Are those worth doing as a noob or better left for later?
I don't know what to do with equipment currency too so I just have them stockpiling for now.

>> No.44910136

Gear progression in Eden Ritter isn't really big, you just pick one weapon series that fit the character roles and stick with it.
Heaven for support characters that want to spam their special as fast as possible, but don't rely on it for damage, Prison for characters with normal attack as their main damage source, Dragon for special spammers. They recently added Karma but that series have very specific condition to trigger their skills so they aren't really useful for a lot of characters.
The rest is about picking the gems with good stats to slot your weapons and that shit is just full on RNG fuckfest, not something newbies should bother with aside from using a good gem set for the bonus, mostly ATK, SPD for weapons, and MOV for accessories.
Haven't bothered with the new weapon crafting myself so I can't say anything about it.

>> No.44910383

I hope this isn't limited, or that they have more limiteds than perms. Grenze seems to have a lot of lims from what I've seen.
Alright, thanks anon. That's good to know. I guess it all mostly boils down to having the good/OP units.

>> No.44910415
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she stopped growing

>> No.44911816

They broke something again, kek.
Also, are the weapon elements supposed to match the user character or is it to go against whatever you're fighting? I mean ideally I should be using correct element characters and weapons, but I'm only relying on purple Lucifer for everything for now.

>> No.44911858

Tenkei Paradox 1.5 anni stream is live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wls9e4UaZ28

>Phantom Amethys should've already become your god jewel.
She has, was already a favorite but noticed her shadow still attacks when everyone is stunned, among other things.
My main headache with any random battle is there's still only a few ways to lock down an enemy Watermelon. I know she's not really the worst thing to encounter
Purposely did not exchange for her, even though she's the only other jewel that can get her special out quickly like Watermelon.

>> No.44911900
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ahh cyclops, you and your bountiful boobs

>> No.44912429

tenpara rance collab

>> No.44912567

tenpara stream was so hilarious. I laughed so much

>> No.44912989
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After the 3 angel awakenings or whatever with Sandra, Yurania, and Rosette, they showed off these four. I missed release timing however.
Also they're adding what looks like all the limited girls from the first year into the common pool. Only other thing that stood out was adding a new way to stat bloat weapons.

No details on Rance collab, just that it's coming up. November is designated collab month so probably around then.

Little bit too much screaming but the results of the adventure were good.
>Hanpen wins (after bad end)
>Prize is his tail as a weapon
I think we still got the 3000gems and two tickets but the reactions and comments were funny.

>> No.44913337

ideally the weapons should match characters elements for the bonus stat, otherwise it doesn't matter much since they won't change character damage elements.

>> No.44913444

I was reminded why I was trying to tolerate Angelic Link: They always give someone an extra lewd Halloween outfit.
But their rates are a complete farce so not like I had a chance.

>> No.44913585

But does she slip it

>> No.44913978
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>there's still only a few ways to lock down an enemy Watermelon
Off the top of my head.

When you only need her not to nuke you in the first few seconds:
Drei, Garnet, Agnitite, Dragon Agate, Tempest Stone (+Malachite with Furniture skill), Phenakite (sometimes)
Prolonged handling of her:
Fluorite, Noin, Andesine (requires a bit of luck), Flos Ferri (from what I've seen), Zwei (more of a last resort at this point).
Wavellite, Ria

You might need to mix and match but in my experience it's mostly the start that matters.
An LR or higher Garnet does seem to have the potential to just deal with her completely.
If you end up with a 1v1 involving Andesine just let it play out, she can quite often pull out a win.

>Purposely did not exchange for her
wat. why?

>she's the only other jewel that can get her special out quickly
Let me introduce you to Twin Blades + Phantom Amethys. Agnitite can also get hers out kinda fast when she feels like it.

>> No.44914815
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Hit 74k in the Girls Creation prereg today. It happened sooner than I thought it would. Dunno why they bothered implementing this prereg grind considering the gem rewards from it are so low.

So what are everyone's hopes and expectations for the actual game? Personally I hope that Gogh isn't bottom tier so I can actually get some use out of her cute self.

>> No.44915691

prereg took over 20 minutes to load a gacha pull screen so I gave up on this trash game.

>> No.44916130

I think you need a better computer anon

>> No.44916312
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imagine finally getting an SSR and getting new stuff

>> No.44916338
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only game that I've had a problem with. everything else that isn't aigis loads in maybe 30 seconds. no other prereg had a banner like this at the top either.

>> No.44916514

>wat. why?
1: Cats Eye had a paizuri scene
2: I hated her existence in the original

>Tempest Stone
>With Malachite
I haven't done anything with Malachite. I'll keep that pair in mind. Everyone else you mention I've worked on or missing dupes to continue toward reaching Princess.

Also forgot to mention
>Nodes with arrows are expansion nodes
All of them have arrows...
>Go unlock the one that's the most useful since I'm short fragments for the attack node the wiki points out
I blew a bunch of attack crystals on Selenite and why would Anandrite need attack anyway?
>Nothing happens
I don't know how they could make this system anymore archaic with how limited the resources are for it.

I'm expecting some h-scenes.
I also really don't like the gacha pull sequence. Three different segments to skip and they're all long for no reason.

I'm unironically looking more forward to yaman's maid game with one maid, even though that's not likely to have a very long shelf life. And I can't imagine what sort of awfulness they'll put behind ranking rewards in a puzzle game. But looks like they already hit 150k prereg too. It was only at 50k when I first saw a few days ago.

>> No.44917113

>imagine defending dmm games which are notorious for below subpar optimization

>> No.44917310

I know getting the welfare to 5* isn't terribly worth it but even with the maximum event drop bonus you still have to burn quite a few refreshes throughout the event to do it. Kinda dumb, especially since this time around there's 3 60% characters.

>> No.44917442

What does that have to do with it needing at most 10~20 seconds to load? DMM games are programmed like shit but not more than 3 minutes shit.

>> No.44917522
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my crackpot theory is that they're gonna give a premium pass to all souls that had a NTR or similar scene
I will consider it confirmed if Merlin gets one

>> No.44918389
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>lowest rarity character has the best scenes
What did they mean by this? Waffle should scrap the animations and go for longer scenes.

>> No.44919089

Aren't the lower rarities pretty much just lifted from the games?
A lot of the animations aren't great, but I really liked Kaguya's.

>> No.44919725

Outside of the prostitute yeah. Someone at Waffle must really like her though, she has 1 event with 4 scenes and 8 cum shots.

>> No.44919732
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just scrolled down to read the news that overhealing is now a thing, thats nice.

>> No.44920513

>2 stars on 55
I hate wave floors.

>> No.44920889
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>oh f60 is knockback immune?
>just forced tele bro

>> No.44921645

>first day of box gacha overlaps with last day of the event
thanks, I hate it

>> No.44921957
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Thank God there's a God

>> No.44921986
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she's no longer alone

>> No.44923208

>twinkle event doesn't drop tickets for box gacha
>10 stamina refills and 12000 tickets as compensation
>10 stamina refills doesn't get me close enough to finish the boss missions that give gems
nice scam

>> No.44923400

box event again? damn, i waited with stamina drinks because usually they overlapped story events with boss events and tickets dropped everywhere...

>> No.44923830
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>really wanted to get mone
>two fire stone exchanges gave me ixilion and dupe mahamut
>think its time to use normal tickets and pickrel is first 10pull
ill take that as an absolute win. guaranteed 3* ticket for collecting 50 girls gave me yet another ana though, so nezemine still eludes me from the original batch.

>> No.44923922
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>release 3 mains a week
>still get prereg dupes
thanks for the generosity, shit game

>> No.44924079

Did the event bonus percentage apply to boss tickets in the past in Twinkle? I could have sworn event missions would give two piles of boss tickets; one for the base amount and another for the bonus percentage. Also getting fewer level ups might be why I'm so far behind on boss missions.

>> No.44924118

i dont remember if there were bonus tickets, but im certain that during the very first event i had too many boss tickets and now i dont have enough.

>> No.44924193

never, you only get bonus for exchange shop currency. you probably forgot to do daily stamina refill in this event

>> No.44924651

My Arthur is still 3*.
I got my first Cu Chulainn yesterday.

>> No.44925121

Guess I'm just misremembering then. I save up the refills until the end and use them when we have two events overlapping like the box or lvl 50 boss event.

>> No.44925166

Nice boobs!

>> No.44926768

>bonus box tickets
is this new or did i fuck myself in previous box events?

also i just noticed that deneb has additional hell level now, i wonder if hes going to be a sponge like that special event boss.

>> No.44926780

This 65th floor in twinkle is a pain in the ass. Fire floor was brutal with only Ana/Mahamut and water was much easier with Sasha/Ripple but still a pain since Sasha won two rumbles.

>> No.44926849

i found it pretty easy with ana, mahamut and almotahel. almotahel didnt really do much because shes single target, but ana with mahamut didnt have problems killing stuff in aoe.

>> No.44927185
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Ok, that's enough twinkle for today. No damage taken but didn't kill fast enough I guess.
I kept getting rumbles on one of them and then comboed down.

>> No.44927214

i was doing that just now and ended up turbo charging double sashas with venus and two supports to feed them ex. this was pretty fun, but you really need to invest in aoe damage.

>> No.44927332

found water is easy using venti's ex1 which give taunt+shield+pull

>> No.44927570
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New twinkle girl is cute but it is a bit hard to roll knowing the Crusaders characters are coming, I want at least Ria(and Nanaka where? Free unit?) and of course I cant roll too hard in general until Apollo.

>> No.44927598
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Can Mist Train anon explain this bullshit? Only one of my girls has accuracy above this number and nobody has fortune/luck this high, so I only do damage on turn one, get the boss to 50% or so, then it slowly pummels my team.
>This is only floor 10/30
I'm aware I'm supposed to send girls on missions nonstop for infinite HP to base stats, but still seems like I'm missing some aspect of raising girls, as I don't have all the random materials they want for all this random shit scattered everywhere.

>> No.44927605

Water was the worst one for me. Barely any AoE, barely any CD reduction and everyone was really slow too. Lightning would've been just as bad if Liria wasn't one shotting everything.

>> No.44927631

I don't remember this fight at all, I think you can just kill it with S-skills though by charging them up in the first two waves.

>> No.44927658
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Nice SSR distribution KMS.

>> No.44927711

fire element looked just like this until very recently. lightning is probably going to get a bunch of new girls next.

>> No.44927835

fire was ana (60%) for like 2 months

>> No.44927883

wasnt mahamut one of first girls they released?

>> No.44927956

Just put a 2* gacha koharuko for every element

>> No.44927994

yes but the first batch was added to crystals kinda late, which was around summer event

>> No.44928223

And even then I only have Anima, lightning tower is a fucking nightmare

>> No.44928430

you dont have the girl from first box event? also anima hard carries my lightning tower

>> No.44928483

I do, I mean out of the gacha 3*s. Without the box event girl (Aileen? Irene?) I'd probably be stuck instead of just struggling.

>> No.44929259

I want to roll the cunny so bad but I have no gems and I need to save for the inevitable thunder gacha.

>> No.44929659

Oh so they started showing gacha percentages now
Or maybe I'm just a retard and couldn't find it? I swear I couldn't find it for the life of me before

>> No.44929874

That's the screen for the shards you can use to pull girls from specific elements or races, I believe, The button for it is the little one under the number of shards you have when you click on one in your storage inventory.

>> No.44932874
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God I hate saint/lancer having the best saint equip. Haven't gotten a stupid lancer in like a year, himiko's always dodged me and lets not talk about tutan. Can't auto 130 for shit with these losers.

>> No.44932949
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Was Koharuko supposed to be with Nebula?

>> No.44933345
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fuck off

>> No.44934679

I only just now took a look at the box gacha and it looks like this time we can actually clear them out without dumping excessive amounts of gems. That's nice.

>> No.44935530
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i need more. also after that special event boss, i was expecting the hell difficulty whale to be way harder.

>> No.44935627

Yea, didn't expect it to actually be clearable. Also forgot to check how many medals it dropped, do you remember by any chance?

>> No.44935685

it was 2500

>> No.44935713

I didn't even realize that was the new difficulty, I thought I just forgot to clear one yesterday

>> No.44936469

I'm retarded, I didn't know box events had characters that boosted ticket gain. Wouldn't have noticed if I didn't have Aileen on my party...

>> No.44936562

She does have a stupid looking hat

>> No.44937271

just now realized unison attacks have 1frame aoe knockback. Has this always been there?

>> No.44937503


>> No.44937968

I had no idea either. You wouldn't expect normal missions to have increased event rewards.

>> No.44937998

they only added it this event for Nebula characters

>> No.44938071
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can reliably auto every sanctuary level unless I get terrible RNG with the random enemy spawns. The enemy models were lazily done by the way.

>> No.44938930

wait until you get to 9th floor

>> No.44939396

cleared everything already

>> No.44940143


>> No.44941606

battle system might not be that bad actually, buffing and attacking during movement is a nice twist

>> No.44942786

Wait this is Rondo of Swords

>> No.44944025

That's cool.
I did a run of gear leveling for low rarities and made sure the gear I was using had levels. I don't think that was enough to change anything but party survived charging on wave 2 and I think full party trance made sure nobody missed finishing off the boss' leftover hp.

When might the current banner return to premium gacha? Because desire sensor is real, when luck shows up it's always the opposite of who I wanted to roll.

>> No.44944838

>rolling water stone hoping for S.Fiona, wouldn't mind Hildi since I'm also missing her
>blue drills
Well ok I'm fine with that.
>roll human stone since S.Fiona is also in there and is the only one I'm missing
>get her
Based. Also checked out all of the Luriel clones and S.Ana is the only one that has a 10 note push, that's interesting.

>> No.44945334

>had to activate debug mode to kill the boss

I'm a fan of Fire Emblem and One Way Heroics, and this game looks like those two games smooshed together but with sex scenes, so I'm excited to check it out.
I just hope it doesn't force you to roll 2 gachas to get both artists and art, like Genshin Shitpact's character and weapon gachas. Would prefer if art were obtainable by grinding or something instead.

>> No.44945366
File: 2.40 MB, 1920x1080, GCNAMAHOUSOU1015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pre-release serial code for Girls Creation

>> No.44945388
File: 2.52 MB, 1920x1080, 1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+ 24th October release

>> No.44945679

The workshop in Museum where you spend the generated resource has a chance for artwork girls (imajuus). The rates are probably shit but it's better than nothing. The director in the stream said they rigged the 9h timer one to be an artwork girl but something fucked up and they got another van gogh's artwork instead of the artwork girl.

>> No.44946164

I only open Meshiya from time to time to check if there's new Marinyan but why the hell are they still doing swimsuit gacha on October?

>> No.44946213

>rates so low they won't drop even with the devs rigging it
I'm frustrated already!

>> No.44947796
File: 531 KB, 1280x721, twinklestarknights045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to 3 star the 55th floor of the new moon tower

>> No.44948401

so was healer buff actually significant? my strat is still just not getting hit or using ripple barrier when i have to, but i noticed in dark tower that irene is kinda double dipping because her ex2 also heals so you bet both shield and overheal.

>> No.44948465

I find overhealing to be pretty helpful as long as you don't get stuck in a chain of knock backs and rumbles.

>> No.44948571

for bosses the strat is still not getting hit, but against waves I'm finding overheal pretty useful, especially the 55th and 65th tower floors

>> No.44948619

holy shit tried launching a game and some notice screen spooked me. thought that the region block caught up to me but it was just some terms of service change

>> No.44948933

>if you don't login to a game for over a year they're allowed to delete your progress
was that always there?

>> No.44949094

It is extremely useful for wave floors and make them an absolute breeze. I was easily able to clear floor 55 with my lightning team that has 0 AoE.
No clue. but would they really delete data? Imagine how low aigis' numbers would drop from 7 million if they deleted inactive accounts.

>> No.44949260
File: 1.17 MB, 1269x702, on a roll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the third ticket ten pull in a row to get me someone new.
Now I'm only missing; Ripple, Esmeralda, Sedna, Claudia, Almotahel, Primula, and Kaya.

>> No.44949275

It's honestly pretty good because the limit's pretty high

>> No.44949631

Didn't refresh today but I got the fire chakram and light gauntlet from the new stages. First non event weapons I've gotten. Well there's the dark charge book that I got from a box I guess.

>> No.44949861

also a collab event for all kuma title like what they did on twinks release date

>> No.44951083

>also pink tits for legeclo
that better be story distribution
then again, tenkas is capable of making her a paid prostitute unit

>> No.44951244 [DELETED] 

What are these stuff for?

>> No.44951274

What are these things for in Eden's Ritter?

>> No.44951611
File: 513 KB, 1267x659, 5IbNtGClt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recipe to craft rainbow weapons that come with random stat bonus.

>> No.44951645

Rainbow meaning they have advantage or just neutral to units and enemies? Also damn, random and that cost.

>> No.44951791

Matching character and weapon elements give bonus stats for that character, rainbow weapon simply means it gives those bonuses regardless of characters elements.
Overall it's not really worth it unless you have nothing else to do.

>> No.44952294

Alright thanks anon. Maybe I'll just try it once assuming I don't get anything better than dark Lucifer.

>> No.44953384
File: 789 KB, 1270x711, chrome_o31iYCyeVZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like I said
it's always fucking impressive how I get something decent while rolling my actual rolls (morrigan last week while trying for Taikobo), only to get her again whenever free rolls decide to give me a fucking SSR
couldn't even be the new nightchinge to save my life, shitty ass game

>> No.44953393
File: 653 KB, 800x464, 1691989313039914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can keep 2 imajuus on GC's prereg gacha now

>> No.44953487

They're already mixed in prereg, and there was a way to paint Images with materials, though it's the same rng nonsense as any other game that does similar (shiropro, tenkei).

Also it's really interesting to see how people will despise fodder shitting up their rolls for characters and how some hate when they're segregated. Perfect example was eden's ritter, they eventually removed weapons from character pulls. But the worst part of it was the animations teasing you got a 5-star were similar for both characters and weapons, so you'd finally think you got the new rateup, only for it to be a weapon.

In deep one, a game with already garbage rates, they added 3P-scene jpgs to roll for but they're separate from rolling characters. Except there's so little of anything useful in the R pool and rates are so bad in either that they likely could've combined them, especially since some banners share the same pity drop.

They should've given you some exchange tickets to grab a weapon in the family and element you want it in. Check items from the menu. But sounds like these new weapons are better.

>> No.44953686

imajuu = image (with french pronunciation)

>> No.44954100

I don't think any techcross game has had a paid only unit

>> No.44956456

reminder to do your legeclo dailies if you don't want to risk them pulling an extended maint

>> No.44956848

cashed in my fire gems and got a mahamut dupe.

>> No.44958026
File: 1.34 MB, 1200x675, 1666277837553392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Juno's free
gomen, Jeanne

>> No.44958146
File: 1.59 MB, 1200x630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they're going to keep fucking up their own games for sales ranking, can they at least give team ranking gems. Every time mmtd and mist get 2nd it's because twinkle got 1st

>> No.44958201

I think they're doing it on purpose at this point just so they don't have to pay out in ranking gems every single time.

>> No.44959341

man I'm always asleep when fun gacha related fuckups that lead to emergency indeterminate length maint happen

>> No.44959750
File: 635 KB, 1280x718, limited banners hell already started.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty lewd

also think they automatically gave all the main quest optional rewards via present box because...I dunno

>> No.44959833
File: 1.39 MB, 1548x1080, alot of shit I dont recognize.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being lazy was the right choice

>> No.44960178

I don't understand the new quest map, you can click on the top right corner to move to your current quest location on the map, but you can't click on it and still have to scroll through your entire quest list and click on it there?

>> No.44960300
File: 936 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20231017-204124_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44961452

they never gave her an h scene, did they?

>> No.44962142

Got Lu in 50
Gab is an updated thor
Mansa is strong too
Hopefully I can get them with hail mary rolls

>> No.44963096
File: 926 KB, 690x642, MWA Roster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started playing Aigis a few days ago (to finally get those gems in mmtd). Should I use my great awakening jewels on anyone here? I have 16. I awakened Grimm normally.
I also still have the two black pick tickets.

>> No.44964072

Of those shown, Augusta will help trivialize a lot of content. Unless you want to save them, you can throw one of the tickets at Altair since she's pretty universally usable.

>> No.44964135
File: 73 KB, 1027x429, 120_rolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got all three in 120 rolls. Fucking finally got Hanzou as well. Other SSR was an Artemis dupe. I think I'll be able to swap out my sorc/priest origin team with physical damage dealers with Lu Bu/Hanzou.
Yea, this sucks. Hope they fix it so clicking the top right automatically scrolls your list.
The no load for missions and skip all option for subquests are incredibly nice. Only downside is there isn't a way to trigger invasion missions after spending stamina. You used to be able to spawn 3 missions after spending a certain amount of stamina. I wonder if it was triggered during the loading screen before.

>> No.44964151

I thought about doing this too, but the MMTD steps include Chapter 6, which makes me think the other 2 games' steps will also require completing high difficulty content. Getting 30 bucks worth of gems would be cool, but I'm worried it might take too much time and effort getting good at games that I'm not really interested in playing.

>> No.44964872

I'm at 80, only Lu Bu and a Shiva dupe (lol)
I'll use whatever I'll rack up until the banner's end, though I want the new Mika, but I guess I'll live without her. Not expecting to be able to do more than 40-50 more rolls however.

>> No.44965223

I'm glad LegeClo dancho learned some fashion tips.
Not sure he should've taken said tips from Xenoblade but oh well

>> No.44965854
File: 1.70 MB, 1266x710, chrome_EERiaD5GaK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roll 90
Took the bite because I dropped the event 10-part and got nothing, so I felt the regular gacha luck shifted into halloween banner
Sorry Gab, see you some other time. I got my big boobie WHORES

>> No.44965898

Fuck legeclo, shitty ass rates

>> No.44966175

Rinne is worth it

>> No.44966218

The only thing I need to do for max rewards is finish the tutorials and then login for 3 days on all games during the campaign period, right? Or did I miss some fine print?

>> No.44966805

someone post new mika please, i'm like 100 chapters behind

>> No.44967433

She's not in yet, only new story character for this batch is Juno

>> No.44969297
File: 697 KB, 1282x722, legendclover324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the one off challenges in Main Story 1 are a complete joke as usual, I guess thats why they had to force the player to use only 2 class types in the actual Challenge stages

>> No.44969537

Does Waffle go through this much banners normally or are they speeding through content to catch up to their delayed release? The elf was just last week right?

>> No.44972092

Reviewing some of Eden's Ritter's recent lineup
>Previous two week event started with a lone banner, then added another halfway
>The new halloween banner for the two week event has two units in it
They are also constantly running rereleases for units they buffed or for events they're rerunning.
I forget the last time they did a top rarity with the next rarity below it, but they also like releasing new event during those with their own limited unit. So yeah, about once a week.

>> No.44972720

>Get Halloween Asaka from free roll
>Get a Rise I was missing after that
>Get Halloween Patricia today
What the hell is going on. I've been very lucky in a number of games the past few days but the luck happening in Deep One is especially alarming.

>> No.44972858

Still can't get over how shit the mission UI update in Aigis is, goddamn

>> No.44973456

>Get to keep a 2nd imajuu now
>Can't roll another 5* imajuu
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fuck you Kumasan.

>> No.44974771

I've rolled 7 of the circle type five stars and 0 of the diamond ones.

>> No.44975297
File: 289 KB, 1440x1440, Himariko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I caught a glimpse of this yesterday before the actual roll art loaded but had enough time to screenshot it today.
Also I swear the bombs that show up from 4-matches keep messing up combos.

>> No.44975463

So they really are going at it at this pace. Guess I'll have to properly pace gem usage then, got a bit too used to some of the more generous games.

>> No.44975988

make that 8. fuck kms.

>> No.44976609

i cant believe that the supreme pink titties are free in legeclo

>> No.44976739

she's gonna be stuck at 4* for at least half a year, though

>> No.44976871

true, but that doesnt make her any less hot.

>> No.44976889

Item drops have been good for me in TKS the last few days.
Got two of the nova rod, one yesterday and the day before. And today I got three of the archbishop's hat, which is really nice as I can now +4 it since I got a drop a while back and got one from one of the 3* item boxes.

>> No.44976935
File: 230 KB, 1280x720, 1686042315076301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

giant mecha girls

>> No.44976946
File: 265 KB, 1920x1080, 1673081941598939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad it's not R18

>> No.44977055

meanwhile i didnt get anything past 2 box events. i will keep going for nova rod until it drops purely beacause of how ridiculous it is to get literally nothing for so long, im even doing at least 2 refreshes every day. pain.

>> No.44977277

I miss Ragnastrike Angels.

>> No.44977635
File: 1.53 MB, 416x442, ライサ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44978383

New tower in KF only goes up to 35 floors, has some team limits like requiring 1-3 attack or magic unit or the 3 positions.
Majority of the tower only requires 2 of whatever limit, except the last floor requires 3 physical units. Was easy enough that summer Teresia just and Shamsiel just mowed down everything, granted I have both of them at level 90 and grade 10.

>> No.44979195

Aigis app crashes on startup after update for anyone else?

>> No.44979987

Is Angelic Link Gaijin blocking people now? I try to play on browser and I get is a broken image.

>> No.44980915

I guess what saves Edens Ritter is how a lot of them are easy to skip for being uggo and they seem to avoid certain popular story characters a lot. Granted, I generally have pretty decent luck there unless I absolutely want someone.
I really wouldn't expect to comp in any game unless you were whaling hard. I rolled a bit on current banner for the SR only for them to give SR apology tickets that gave me a bunch of her, but generally common banners should be an easy skip. This new hoe is in another semi-limited set, but now for these tower events instead of unlimited battle events. There seems to be some tickets as event floor rewards if you want to rely on those first.

Yes. Their setting on Amazon servers is what's doing it, not DMM. VPN gets around it easily enough.

>> No.44982524
File: 205 KB, 256x396, ertlinde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>added flame absorb enemies specifically to fuck her over
>downgraded her summer ssr to sr+ right before the banner dropped
>fucked up most of her memory drives with unusable stats like gold recovery and bronze attack
Shangri devs must really hate this hag.

>> No.44985794

>silver circle
>silver circle
>silver circle
>rainbow diamond!
>it's a dupe
>silver circle
Been rolling this prereg since day 1 and got pretty much everyone once except who I wanted, fuck this

>> No.44985955

Finally got an im a jew five star. let's see if I can get one more before launch.

>> No.44986275
File: 521 KB, 1613x911, image_2023-10-19_212719137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, shit.

>> No.44987238

Are they not going to boost the pre-reg rates before release?

>> No.44987301

they claim they did

>> No.44987411

>1.5x Image 5-star rates
I've gotten more 5-star Styles instead.

Did they ever say when the end of prereg is?

>> No.44987493

The rockets or the lines? The rockets are pretty gross.
I also hate how all the leftover specials don't do anything when the stage ends.

>> No.44987502
File: 19 KB, 391x174, garukuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should be 1 day before release

and yes, images are rarer by nature for me as well

>> No.44988682

>fell for the temptation of Thunder Luriel Nezemine
>180 for Nezemine
>decide to finish spark for Saran, but get her in 190 just to rub it in
Well I made some very bad decisions. Let's hope 30k will be enough for the collab.

>> No.44988767

No joke, Nezemine and Saran were my first 3-star and 2-star, and Senally was the only attacker I could rely on until I got more powerful characters eventually
This is a weird feeling for me

>> No.44988839

Halloween Saran is Thunder Ixillion by the way. Slightly less huge EX2 though.

>> No.44988969
File: 1.28 MB, 2340x1080, 1697792781258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised I got Lubu, I thought it was going to be Mansa.

>> No.44989042

need to spark for nezemine here. hope the h-scene worth it

>> No.44989262
File: 351 KB, 1280x715, twinklestarknights048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thankfully still got at least 60k gems

>> No.44989416

got off bannered 7 times and had to spark
even when you win you lose

>> No.44990083

Damn it, I don't really want to roll for Saran. Hope I don't regret skipping.

>> No.44992354

Fuck here's the thunder Luriel and I don't have enough to spark.

>> No.44993660

Better luck than mine at least. I only got 2 3 stars in 200 rolls.

>> No.44993728

I'm sure she's going to be the event unit and if not, I'm going to reroll my account anyways. Hopefully the GP version is out by that point.

>> No.44993801
File: 178 KB, 794x449, nezemine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolled because Nezemine is cute. Don't care about Saran since I already have Tamaki and Lillia. Hopefully I can pull Anima or Saran with my lightning crystal after they get put into the pool.

>> No.44993852

Also got enough Tamaki fragments to get her to 3 stars from rolling. No Luriels though, unfortunately.

>> No.44994516

Aigis has become literally unplayable.
As in, game refuses to start up.

>> No.44994523

wanted to get nezemine and got saran. didnt think much of her, but when i saw her transform scene my disappointment quickly turned into excitement. guess now ill hold and maybe get nezemine from crystals later because im surprisingly pleased with the outcome.

>> No.44994546

oh and the event weapon is actually meant for saran, sick.

>> No.44995178

Try to get it done on PC because they are actually trying with the logbos, with 10 crystals per day
App is indeed unplayable

>> No.44995239

Venus and Fiona can also use it.

>> No.44995359

yeah im actually considering leveling all copies of the event weapon. then i would move my sole nova rod from venus to magdalena and finally stop trying to get a second copy of the rod...

>> No.44995734

That's the thing, too, I tried the PC client and it's been stuck on the loading screen for FOUR HOURS
needless to say I missed one of the logins by now

>> No.44995843

I missed one too because I'm busy, but I think there's some leeway because the logbo runs until the 11/1 reset

>> No.44996077

They're not limited right? Didn't see it on the banner. Should have a pretty good chance with thunder gacha crystals

>> No.44996105

they are not, thunder stones will be real good in a month or so.

>> No.44996188

Haven't touched legeclo in awhile, is the new Jeanne/Mika a new character or an upgrade?

>> No.44996328


>> No.44996551

She has a nerfed ex1

>> No.44996693

Character, almost 99%. Because Mika is gonna be a Main.

>> No.44997161

>Slightly less huge EX2
>nerfed ex1
Well then she's not exactly Ixy material is she

>> No.44997317

She has the same EX2 modifier, I just remembered Ix's wrong. Though yeah seems they're 100% putting the skill reuse nerf on every single one of these quick skills going forward.

>> No.44997418

Koharuko will just have to be every element's CT buffer

>> No.44997540

I'd look forward to it but I got 2*s on every thunder stone so far. In fact I've had more luck with blue stones than with elemental stones in general.

>> No.44998367

help. nezemine voice keeps making me hard

>> No.44998823

>only had 140 rolls
>Ixy, TRIPLE Saran, Anima
Mother fucking shit aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

>> No.44998921

i like mine and rolled for her initially but holy shit new saran is hot as fuck

>> No.44998959

very cool that girls creation gave me six three stars and they are stopping prereg rolls two days before launch.

>> No.44999033

There's some other maintenance getting ready for launch on the 24th, which is weird if they're already ending pre-reg with today's one. So there should still be another chance.

>> No.44999107

dont forget to collect halloween voice lines in twinkle if anyone is autistic about that

>> No.44999478

who needs buffers when saran can just on her own ex1 into ex2 1mil crit against weak element without stun lmao

>> No.44999548

alright, im retarded and misread the notice. the BIG chance is opening 3 hours from this post.

>> No.45000654
File: 57 KB, 1012x101, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy they are actually going to fix this

>> No.45000964

>got enough for another 10x

>> No.45001021

you know that you like it

>> No.45003237
File: 2.81 MB, 1920x1080, image_2023-10-21_072442959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rank #1 jewels


>> No.45003478

>no paizuri

>> No.45005537

I'd kill KMS if they wasted their one scene on paizuri

>> No.45010122

i actually started to use venus ex2 to instantly stun something so saran can blow it up lol

>> No.45010998
File: 253 KB, 1280x720, 1683667188066848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, rolled literally, as in actually literally, every single possible character during prereg except the one I wanted. Amazing really.

>> No.45011149
File: 134 KB, 1602x890, nn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take one of mine.

>> No.45011270 [DELETED] 

>meanwhile tasuku win another regional.... using ignister

>> No.45011414

now you kinda make me feel bad because i just rolled over her...

>> No.45011507

Still haven't gotten long titties across like 3 accounts.

>> No.45011525

Played Jewel Princess Reincarnation for a bit and they really overload you with information, don't they
That's an insane amount of things to do in the game

>> No.45011621
File: 485 KB, 1296x736, GirlsCreation_Dupes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see I'm not the only one having similar problems.

>> No.45011663

I got these two today

>> No.45011774

Rolled two circle SSRs on the BIG chance. thanks for nothing I guess.

>> No.45011803

wait there was some big chance boost? entire prereg i got like 4 ssr total

>> No.45011826
File: 91 KB, 380x549, StartingWishList.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty much nonstop bullshit and maximum struggle no matter what stage of progression you're in. Your goal is basically rolling a million dupes and an infinite amount of SRs as fodder.

Your gacha wish list should probably start with at least these girls in it, though zephyr tends to have more utility girls (like tempest stone and hydrangea) instead of many I'd consider absolutely necessary, like Fluorite. There's some other anon that's more into the game that can tell you who else to focus on. Or try to glean info off of >>44909040 and >>44913978
The rest of your wish list can be more utility or healers or just dick picks if you want.
Eventually story progression becomes a fight over whose Watermelon can go first, and it's the dev's favorite enemy to use. And all the game modes end up being fighting seemingly the same set of enemies.

>> No.45011837

Was this only for one day? I didn't get shit then

>> No.45011869
File: 1.86 MB, 1496x1264, 1672283781239761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4x the normal rate for 5* from yesterday until the end of prereg.
I have no idea what the normal rate for 5* is supposed to be.

>> No.45011892

Oh, presumably one more day then, they usually cut off prereg stuff the day before I think.

>> No.45011897

God, what kind of game did I get myself into

>> No.45012134

They're just really salty about running the original into the ground, pretty much from the first new set after release back then.

Did I mention you need a dupe to unlock the second scene?
Or how they have a few paid jewels (Enigmas) that you were able to exchange various grinding tokens for? They stopped releasing new ones and started releasing limited characters instead. You just missed the navigator girl, so you have to wait for her to become available again.
If you got baited by the tits, be aware there's very few paizuri scenes, but they always try to emphasize how lewd someone's outfit is.

>> No.45012445
File: 449 KB, 911x707, wishlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my recommended starting wishlist.

Make sure you do your bi-daily Forest run once you've unlocked it and work towards buying Pyrite over 4 months.
Join a guild and do the daily tree jewels, guild boss and the bi-daily guild raid once you've unlocked them.
Make sure you do a least one fight in the Normal League and Princess League per season (2 weeks) when you unlock them and visit the princess league daily to collect your coins. Save the coins to 250K to buy Drei and then again for Garnet.
Unlock Artefacts when you can (bottom right of the field) Twin blades (4th map) are the best on most units you care about putting artefacts on.
A special monthly event is unlocked once you beat Chapter 17-40, if you sweat or whale you might just make this months.

From a gameplay standpoint right now you should use every single gem you get on the anniversary gacha for Fear, Wavellite and Emerald Cats Eye.
If you manage to get Agnitite, Helidor, Phantom Amethys, Drei and Noin they can be put into a team and beat most Tower floors all the way up to 700 assuming they're a high enough level to not insta-die.
Save all your 2-24hrs of gold, exp and stars until you're stuck on a chapter since it scales off of your chapter position. Then only use what you need to level up and progress.
You might just have enough time to get Zecks and Eye Agate from the Keep Gacha if you're lucky. You've got 700 rolls to get 21 2.6% chances twice.
If you're a big spender until the end of the month you can buy Not-Yukikaze from SenPri for 12K DMM Pts who can be stupidly OP.

That's probably most of what you need to know.

>> No.45012471

idk why I said bi-daily when I should have said and meant every other day every time I used it.

>> No.45013565

>Finally have enough arena and tower currency in KF, but also managed to luckshit MP weapons for most of the grils I use
Shop update when.
Also does speed affect how fast characters buff or heal in Eden's Ritter? I have heaven weapon but all that does is speed up EP regen right?

>> No.45014007
File: 666 KB, 1283x719, twinklestarknights049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like Ruriel and Ixilion clones are the only banners worth rolling for, apart for Ripple and her shield I suppose.

>> No.45014875

for me, summer sasha > ixilion clones

>> No.45017150

Thanks for the surprisingly detailed info. I was thinking of dropping it because the battle system was like a confusing version of Princess Connect and I couldn't really tell what's good or not, and all of the H-scenes I've seen so far were disappointingly short, but this somehow got me interested. Good lord that's a lot of shit to keep track of, though.
What's so special about the current anniversary gacha?

>> No.45017363
File: 214 KB, 1280x720, NovaRodDrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, the impossible happened.
What do I spam now?

>> No.45017463

Fuck you

>> No.45017679

>I couldn't really tell what's good or not
You pick up a feel for which girls are good and which aren't quite quickly even without having to read the novel-length skill descriptions. Although I have been playing from the start and still couldn't tell you why exactly some girls are good, I just know that if I put them in my team I have a better chance of winning. Like for PvP I have a Blazer team where 2-4 of them just become invincible a lot of the time and I have no idea why even after reading the skill descriptions.

>What's so special about the current anniversary gacha?
You can get Fear, Wavellite and Emerald Cats Eye from it who are all limited. IIRC there were only 2 gem rolls for Emerald Cats Eye before you had to use DMM points and Wavellite was DMM point rolls only. The only other way they've been available is in the Horoscope gacha (unlocked at the start of Chapter 16) for a limited time, 500 gems per roll, 2% chance for the unit you pick.
Just having Wavellite in a team can be the difference between insta-death and winning. Fear completely stops an enemy and lowers their HP to 1 by 6-8% of their max HP per second. At low rarity she's just a shittier single target version of Phantom Amethys but you'll end up wanting/needing her eventually.
Emerald Cats Eye seems to only be good at higher rarities because mine's fucking shit but you can still get her. I do see a lot of people doing stuff I can't with her on their team.

>> No.45018055

probably want 2-3 of them no? EX up is way better than EX if you're running iron swords on the rest of your supports. or you could farm the nova rod equivalent for a different element.

>> No.45020523

>I couldn't really tell what's good or not
Same sentiment as the other anon.
>Enemy Jewel: Clobbers your team
>"I should work on her!"
>Your Jewel: Dies in an instant
Or the enemy team seems to be full of shitters but they manage to prevent your team from doing anything. Eventually you'll notice certain ones doing something useful but usually you'll prefer fast/consistent damage.

>Anniversary Gacha
The previous one with the Navigator seemed mandatory for running the VH guild boss event thing. I only got one copy so I'm not sure if I'll find a use for her after this.
Don't know about the current one. Seemed like she did mostly nothing when I tried her out but I'm sure she has a niche.

>H-scene duration
80% of the first scenes are copy pasted from the dead original. This applies to outfit scenes too but those were given an animation.

>> No.45021567
File: 933 KB, 711x646, MWA Roster2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took that advice and used one ticket to get Altair and used the jewels I had to awaken her and Rinne. Then I rushed to complete "Baptism of Makai" to get the black draw ticket which gave me Koharu. After that I rushed through M3, M7, and M8 to get the titles and 10 draw tickets and one of them gave me Reflet.
How often to the hero banners happen? I did one 10 on the Koihime banner and got Toutaku which seems to be useless for me with what I have. I figure it's better if I save up to try for another hero or new unit.

>> No.45021837
File: 53 KB, 453x775, 42814921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going off previous ones, they tend to come twice a year in Mar/April and around anniversary (Nov). However, this time around the second one was in August so we aren't sure what the plans are for anni. I'd try saving at least one pity for next month and see what happens.

>> No.45021924

>I only got one copy so I'm not sure if I'll find a use for her after this.
Ria trivialises the Full Bright tower and is very useful for progressing through chapters even at SSR.

>Don't know about the current one.
Right now Fear's main uses are pushing beyond Floor 700 of the normal tower and trivilaising the Simulant tower.
I've had a bit of luck using her as a cunt stopper in the arena too by placing Dendrite opposite the cunt and Fear next to her. Probably works well in the story too.

From my testing her EX times are
Drei = 3-4s
2 Simulant bonus = 4-5s
Twin Blades = 5s
Nothing = 7s
So she can probably even stop a Watermelon if luck's on your side.

>> No.45022130

There's only one really OP unit in the Koihime banners which is Zhuge Liang/Shokatsuryou Koumei(Blonde loli with beret and feather fan) who is the only unit in the game that tokenizes all units(makes them not count as defeated and lets them be redeployed) on a perma-skill. Frankly speaking, this is only super relevant in high level Majins, but is nice quality of life against accidental 2-stars everywhere else. You have your bases decently covered with Altair, Rinne, Augusta, Sanara, and Reflet. NY Matsuri is fantastic for quality of life and will be a mainstay if you ever get the Ephtra+Risley combo. Thinking about specific limiteds you should save for outside of heroes, it's mainly 4 units.
Onsen Risley (60% skill cooldown reduction for anybody in range)
Swimsuit Tytto (Map annihilation)
Easter Neve (For fucking ToC, but large DoT aura is also nice)
Idols EthEith (massive range true damage attacker/buffer that is essentially a non-hero hero unit)

Out of Hero banners, you're mainly looking for these 3
Ephtra (Map+Boss Annihilation)
Imlau (Best Healer in game, deployable 10k barriers which cheese a ton of stuff)
Vidya (Altair on steroids)

Also great.
Sanmoto Gozaemon (mapwide stealth during skill, does not take deploy limit)
Morfessa (PermaStealth debuffer)
Horteus (All units buff+short cooldown skill that combos well with Risley)

Most other heroes fall in the range of nice to have, but mainly just DPS or niche Tower of Heroes usage.

>> No.45022343

She's fast but I don't remember her first throw of her special being much faster than anyone else. But it was also during a boss fight too.
>beyond Floor 700
Damn it goes that high? I don't even think I've bothered past 200. Actually, I didn't even know they added Simulant and Fulbright towers.

Next you'll tell me they made the forest dungeon not awful tedium. If you can't tell, I've long stopped paying attention to anything outside of where new scenes are located.

Also how much do you want to bet that Diamond's outfit can't be obtained from just mission rewards and need IAP?

>> No.45022618
File: 1.41 MB, 1560x870, Screenshot at 2023-10-22 22-08-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god

>> No.45022644

>Damn it goes that high?
All the way to 900 but beyond 700 is 2 waves per floor. Phantom Amethys still works for one wave but the other you need to rely on Fluorite and Fear for a decent chance. Fear can be replaced with Dragon Agate or Eclipse but those fight are literally down to the wire, I only just managed to do one of them with 1 second remaining using Dragon Agate.

>Next you'll tell me they made the forest dungeon not awful tedium
What, you don't enjoy 15 minutes of clicking the same 5 UI elements every 30 seconds every other day?

>how much do you want to bet that Diamond's outfit can't be obtained from just mission rewards
To be fair to them haven't all of the dress mission events always given enough for F2P to get them? The only one I don't have is Morion's swimsuit and I'm not sure if that's because I fucked up and missed a day.
I'm just holding out hope for an Anniversary discount making it only cost 1 so I can get some T3 scrolls.

>> No.45022914

Riven is also insane. Given the right space, she's unstoppable and self sufficient

>> No.45023128
File: 386 KB, 1200x1600, 1683886604327049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

release tomorrow

>> No.45023182

that's a pretty sick roll, grats

>> No.45023686
File: 18 KB, 308x297, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45023690

holy shit

>> No.45023753

>10/150 left on box 5
>5/150 left on box 6
holy shit indeed

>> No.45023978

Fuck you aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i want Neze since she's hot and she's really good aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

>> No.45024336

there's more gems from new mission. good luck

>> No.45024600

if you really want her you probably should be close to exchanging star pieces for her thanks to fragments from the boss.

>> No.45027558

>Sanmoto Gozaemon (mapwide stealth during skill, does not take deploy limit)
also costs $30, worth pointing out

>> No.45032623
File: 11 KB, 336x118, twinkle_starknightsX_2023-10-24_05-33-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not crazy about the halloween alts but still really tempted to roll right now

>> No.45032700

just buy it with star pieces
only cost 10 in total for that

>> No.45032758
File: 587 KB, 1280x746, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this prereg

>> No.45032844

shit seems so scarce I actually forgot it existed
how does that shop even work? is it a 25 monthly limit kind of deal or do pieces get permanently more expensive as you buy after the first 25?

>> No.45032878


>> No.45032910

cost increases by 1 for every 25 pieces, up to max cost of 5 per piece.
it's counted separately for each character.

>> No.45033205

dunno why but KMS gacha garbage attracts more useless posting in this thread for some reason, Twinkle Star Knights was especially bad

>> No.45033234
File: 17 KB, 169x201, 30_tickets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been rolling so much in Midnight Girls R recently. Rolled for this idiot because she has an incredibly strong skill and they sometimes restrict you to SR characters only for challenge levels.

>> No.45033248
File: 21 KB, 193x205, 17500_gems_108_tickets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also didn't realize this character was standard banner because her kit was so good. Ended up draining my resources for a huge boost to my arena team.

>> No.45033265
File: 23 KB, 188x201, 10500_gems_6_tickets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last post, rolled Halloween Angelos before I hit the guaranteed SSR at 50 rolls. Her kit gets stronger if you pair her with any of the three main characters. Hoping to roll Halloween Uriel later, hope they put her on a solo banner.

>> No.45033365

it only means that more people play kms gacha garbage than other gacha garbage, especially twinkle star knights seems to be very popular.

>> No.45033752
File: 599 KB, 1861x892, 1698102831105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good strategy to clear these missions? Also I would like to know if there's a tier list up to date, most stuff I see on wiki is mostly outdated.

>> No.45033801

Post your units, but hit and run is generally the go to, so you eventually 5v1 the master. Keep in mind last time people had to run those missions before skips, there were nowhere nearly as OP units or equips as now
If you need to settle for lower difficulties, just clear the best you can then skip on it, until you can master rank the stronger classes like soldier or assassin, that will be valuable for stronger enemies

>> No.45033914

Legeclo's unfortunately just kind of been languishing. The JP wiki is still the most resources you'll find about stuff. Legeclo powercreeps frequently. The master missions are relatively easy content nowadays assuming master levels and mostly finished books, but since you're asking you're probably nowhere close to that.

You basically just want a general mix of your best units and some good single target units to handle the master at the end. The major issue is the AI sucking and all the masters being given a giant AoE that disables healing. Due to ranged damage reduction, nuking all the mobs isn't viable unless you've got multiple such nukers who can do it piecemeal. You basically want units with double action and good enough movement to kill 2 enemies a turn. Most Soldiers are held back by their low movement.

In regards to who is good. Generally newer and limited is better. For mains, you're looking for units with double action. A lot of newer units get some form of it while all soldiers have it as their master passive. Particularly useful is ranged counters which help melee units kill 2-range enemies. After that you just have to judge from their skills. There's three main things, single target potency, AoE, and debuffing. Generally you want single target. A very good AoE unit is mainly for convenience and quicker autos. Until Star Force in which they become mandatory and you want the whole lot of them. Debuffing is for high end stuff, but generally it's baked into passives and what makes good units great.
Supports are more simple. The super top tier ones are basically any that lower enemy damage resistance. However usually that is on their actives and mainly for guild EX damage optimization which is probably completely irrelevant to you. After that you mainly wants supports with passive boosts good for the main. The +1 movement ones being particularly notable.

>> No.45034078
File: 1.13 MB, 2340x1080, 1698106117009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I have right now, I mainly use Caesar and Lubu for killing most mobs along with Marie Antoinette and Master Lilia and I also use Master Soldier, Arthur and Elizabeth on a lesser extent.

>> No.45034181

That comp seems plenty strong enough. If you're having issues, it's either because you're low level or undergeared.

>> No.45034255

JK Caesar is being rerun? I thought she was tied to the DC collab

>> No.45034270

Don't have her myself so don't know if this'll actually work, but I think her cooldown reduction might let you have 2 units alternate their stuns to keep the masters locked down? If you do this then you'll be putting all the work on the last 2 units so they'll need double action.

>> No.45034292

>60 tokens per day
>Should be 480 for the week
So enough for the outfit
>They added T3 weapon upgrades
>150 each AFTER getting the outfit

>> No.45034377

What else are you going to talk about here though?

>> No.45034657


>> No.45034801

A few anons here were wondering why anyone would subject themselves to a techcross game when legeclo was still popular here.

>> No.45034893

I still play Legeclo daily and Kamipro semi-regularly.
Bailed out on Ayarabu shortly after they introduced tablets for gear, not dealing with that shit.

But then again, years later I'd be playing Star Rail and dealing with the same kind of substat lottery bullshit so I'm actually not that smart. At least in Ayarabu you could just max a character immediately after rolling them, I guess.

>> No.45034989

You also need 3 of the scrolls per upgrade and they don't seem to increase stats by much either.
Also FUCK special league, I got cucked out of hitting 10k pts for over an hour.

>> No.45035475
File: 375 KB, 1080x2205, Screenshot_20231023-201617_StarLusts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw optimized a strat to beat the second to last level at level 44 and severe fuck you DoT and the same strat works for the last level since the DoT can't get any worse
This kusoge would be way more enjoyable without the death gas though I must admit beating it has its own satisfaction.

>> No.45035490
File: 295 KB, 1280x720, 1678118936601674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's up

>> No.45035659
File: 130 KB, 1292x724, TutorialRoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck.

>> No.45035689

what's the twitter for girlscreation

>> No.45035699

Are the dialog boxes and characters fading in and out supposed to take a long ass time or is something broken on my end?
Great, now I'm gonna spend hours trying to replicate this, thanks.

>> No.45035724

It was literally my first roll and I was stuck wondering if the tutorial roll was better or if I just had explode luck and needed to confirm as soon as possible.

>> No.45035739

yeah my dialogue boxes are acting that way too

>> No.45035772

Did that KMS collab thing start yet?

>> No.45035793
File: 473 KB, 1289x1459, 1500roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do both 1500 rolls
>get another 5 star each
What the fuck again. There isn't even any overlap with my prereg picks either.

>> No.45035802
File: 1.62 MB, 1280x720, reroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to go for the prereg I was aiming for and never got, but I'll have to take what I can get.

>> No.45035888

>Game allows dupe characters instead of auto converting them into fragments or whatever.
Well it's pretty rare to see this nowadays.

>> No.45036024

Happy that the OST is just Atelier, better than ryza 3 and sophie 2 ost

>> No.45036075

I find that problem using brave then switched to firefox and its working fine

>> No.45036086

I'm getting it on the DMM player version

>> No.45036090

Was there no h-scene at the start or did I skip it?

>> No.45036094

tutorial h-scene came before the tutorial gacha

>> No.45036100

Guess I skipped it then

>> No.45036125

Maybe is one of those games that uses cpu instead of gpu look at the task manager

>> No.45036348

>Three 5-star Styles on very first roll
>"But this isn't who I wanted..."
I've doomed myself, but 5-star images seem rather rare. What is the rate split outside of tutorial roll?

You skipped it. It's with the Image girl with the kemonomimi and giant umbrella in black lacy dress.
>They animate insertion
Rest seemed fairly standard for most animated scenes now, but they seem to be prerecorded.

>> No.45036408

you skipped right past fucking the autistic girl asking you what love is

>> No.45036599

>Skip button in gacha doesn't skip the whole 10 rolls.
>No x2 speed.
>No battle animations skip.
Is this a 2010 game?

>> No.45036810

Am I blind or there isn't any form of spark or guaranteed rate up system? Rolling on the rate up banners only give you stuff to upgrade the characters, and then there's a whole landmine with the potential systems.
What the fuck KMS ?

>> No.45036903

Don't you only get 20 each?

>> No.45036985

Is the first sex scene after the tutorial battle Grande Jatte (グランマシュ) for anyone else?

>> No.45036994

nevermind that confirms it.

>> No.45037239
File: 3.68 MB, 1920x2160, girlscreation004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good enough, didnt get that fucking 'ho Gogh but ah well

>> No.45037327
File: 191 KB, 1296x736, TutorialFinal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where I stopped, with Gogh and two of the black winged angel from prereg. Not really the Images I wanted but was running out of steam.
Naturally I rolled a dupe of the nekomimi nun with the discounted 10-rolls.

Gacha skip sends you to the next New in your rolls. That's why it always seems to stop on 3-star images.
>Automatically locks first new image and any 5-stars
That will help deal with the eventual mess somewhat.

>> No.45037381

KMS collab up

>> No.45037388
File: 3.22 MB, 1902x1080, Myako Sansovino playable in 5 years.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45037450

also noticed this shit doesnt have 3x speed from the get-go

>> No.45037468

this. and the falling+emerging floor each turn make the battle pace even slower

>> No.45037613

kinda funny how you can tell which roll is 5star before any animation even plays out

>> No.45037853

Where do you get EXP books to level your artists?

>> No.45037955

As far as I can tell they don't even exist yet.

>> No.45037979

What the fuck, so I can't even try out different girls in later stages for element weakness because I can't even level them up to speed.

>> No.45038102

For the passing through ally buff, don't use Images that gives MAX HP buffs. They add onto your max hp but your current hp does not change and it gets even worse if you have characters that takes a portion of their max hp on skill use like 4* Rembrandt.

>> No.45038210

did KMS intend to give very little stamina potions during launch because im already bored of this garbage

>> No.45038272

I just noticed it takes over 5 minutes to recover one AP at 12/120, what the hell

>> No.45038300

im not feeling this game, think ill just stick with twinkle.

>> No.45038395

>Didn't managed to clear the reward ladder
>Haven't gotten a single 5* Artist since the prereg start
>Only 1 5* Image
>Final two rolls give 1 5* Artist and 1 5* Image
Too bad the Artist was just some loli. Guess I'll reroll for Gogh or something.

>> No.45039476

dont forget to claim

>> No.45039646

Biggest downer for me so far with GirlsCreation is how much bullshit gate they put on the main story. Why do I have to do X amount of stages, then claim Keys to unlock more story stages? And I have to finish the whole mileage before I can reset it rather than resetting once I've gotten the keys. In Ch2, you even need to do 2 stages for 1 key instead of 1 for 1 up to 4 in Ch1.

>> No.45039834

You should've bought your keys instead.

>> No.45039850

The game design feels archaic as hell, no spark, crappy potential inheritance system, no way to feed exp for you artists aside from grinding stages, lack of a lot QoL overall. I would believe if this game was made 5 years ago and they only have a chance to release it now.

>> No.45040003

That first Girls Creation scene was basically rape, that's some funny shit
>"love is so illogical, I can't comprehend"
>ever felt your heart race when you think about someone or talk to someone? that's love
>"that can't be love, because that's exactly what I'm feeling right now!"
>alright she just said it time to push her down and jam it in before she pulls herself together
I know it's probably a scene you're supposed to get a bit later after some episodes with her or something but that's such a strange scene to start with

>> No.45040217

Holy fuck. I didn't know they were in the Shop for in-game Silver currency.

Does anyone have 5* アングル? She has a skill that applies the Suigetsu effect on herself, but nowhere in the game can I find out what does that effect even do. I tried checking in-battle when the buff is applied but it just shows me how many turns left. Did I miss out on a "more details" button or does it just not exist?

>> No.45040364

my ingres doesn't have any suigetsu skill. probably skills come from equiped image

>> No.45040535
File: 197 KB, 531x492, Suigetsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suigetsu isn't the skill name if that's what you're misunderstood on, it's the effect given by a skill. The skill is on her 5* Style.

>> No.45040777

Huh? The BP quest changes appropriately at midnight, it also resets the reward track except it'll also reset again at the proper reset time?
