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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44721487 No.44721487 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>44684805

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.44721620
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>> No.44721653


>> No.44721692

What is the context behind this scene?

>> No.44721730

MC is surprised at the Japanese level of a couple of foreigners. I just found the monologue funny.

>> No.44721773

Fucking foreigners

>> No.44722383
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what the fuck am i reading

>> No.44722952

>VN doesn't mention Schrödinger's fucking cat or Maxwell's demon
>instead mentions the plank of Carneades
>otherwise great writing, references and humour
>VN is sub 70 on EGS
Fuck your shit taste.

>> No.44723038

you gonna give a name or what

>> No.44723106

Any eroge that mentions the Sword of Damocles?

>> No.44723146 [SPOILER] 
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These three endings were indeed very epic, I especially enjoyed how different they were as well. It was nice to see Master Therion relax and finally find happiness at the end, especially if you keep in mind that he just wanted to escape from his endless loop of emptiness and despair. Now he's probably happily studying astronomy and smearing his book wife for all eternity, or until he appears again in the next game I guess.
Overall great route, I look forward to reading the next two.

>> No.44723157

Demonbane 2 is the one all the powerlevel memes come from but I don't think anyone has too much positive to say about either of them besides that.

>> No.44723220
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>> No.44723228

I really want a full Maitetsu translation...

>> No.44723246

You know a girl loves you when she gives you a rimjob-paizuri on your wedding day.

>> No.44723252

Does anyone perhaps have update patch for Black Sheep Town and is willing to upload it?

>> No.44723273

Never mind, found it.

>> No.44723275

It can't be funnier than that time they made a game parodying initial d but in reality it was just a fucking mario kart rip-off.

>> No.44723568

Where did you found it?

>> No.44723937

Are there any rpg that aren't about saving the world?
Something like Stardew Valley where you can build relationships with other characters but with some actually decent romance

>> No.44724462

Isn't this what the Harvest Moon series are? I guess games like Recettear and the Atelier series sort of count too. Also it's probably not what you're looking for but I like Kowloon High-School Chronicle.

>> No.44724717


isn't EGS totally shit these days with mostly gachashit getting the majority of the votes?

>> No.44724797

EGSers have shit taste so looking for their high scores is pointless, but on the contrary, if they rate something lower than 70 there are usually some serious issues with it

>> No.44724807
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I'll sayt it one last time: what a doormat. can't wait to play her route too

>> No.44725502

EGSbros don't give a shit about ryuukishit, superior taste there

>> No.44725774

uh... https://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/game.php?game=4136

>> No.44725857

His reputation died with umineko

>> No.44726085

Dont make me post the vndb scores which are way worse or the bot accounts rating every yuzusoft game 10/10 or they definition of "VNs"

>> No.44726408

Post your favorite eroge rooms.

>> No.44726530


>> No.44726802
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>> No.44727771
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just like mine except it's a clown wig instead of a suit of armor

>> No.44727811

>clown wig
Do you wear it every time you look in the mirror?

>> No.44727823

no. only when i have to talk to the food delivery guy

>> No.44728582
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from what site should I buy vns?

>> No.44728667

If you want physical, I usually just buy from amazon.jp

>> No.44728696

If you really want to support them, dont do it, the last thing eroge developers need is thinking they can make money from westoids.

>> No.44728739

If you're looking up your vns through vndb there's almost always a link to a store page on the right in the releases section.
Most games tend to have their own home pages with several storefront links, which can be kinda shocking these days until you realize that everything conglomerating under like 2 or 3 stores sounds crazier
But like anon #2 said, you don't really REALLY need to buy their games. Most VNs explicitly have a warning in the splash screen that those games are to be only played in Japan, and I believe most stores will deny your from buying the games based on region blocking

This doesn't apply so heavily when it comes to peripheral merch though, IE music CDs or other trinkets

>> No.44728744

i want a site to browse new releases and maybe if there is no torrent on nyaa buy it

>> No.44728920

new releases always get uploaded on nyaa or ryuugames so no point in buying them, the only stuff that is worth buying are old djges that aren't anywhere to get some likes from anons for uploading them here

>> No.44728928

Still buying my kamige.

>> No.44729024

I guess so.The only reason I started searching for new sites was because the game was old and there was nothing on nyaa.I found it here https://www.anime-sharing.com/ but there are a lot of dead links already,after a year probably none.

>> No.44729070

amazon is really pricy when it comes to used goods. https://shop.lashinbang.com/products/detail/308559

>> No.44729079

most of the stuff from as is here already https://www.ryuugames.com/ so don't forget to check it
alternatively you can ask for it here so someone can get it for you from ab

>> No.44729089

That's 100% pirate territory. No point in buying something that's out of print. Well I guess if it's something obscure enough to not find any uploads anywhere and you really want it, but I haven't had that happen to me yet.

>> No.44729181
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ときどきパクッちゃお!wasn't there but I'll check it out next time I am searching anyway.thanks

>> No.44729257

When I go to Japan, I will make it my life's mission to hunt down obscure and out of print eroge and upload it to the wider web, no matter how short and shitty they tend to be.

>> No.44729276

https://vndb.org/r1721 Please be my hero

>> No.44729300
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and me I'll be the first to suck your dick when you are back

>> No.44729309


>> No.44729320

I kneel

>> No.44729359
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>> No.44729743
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I don't get why people call this moege, this route was like 100% typical nukige

>> No.44729764

What retards called it a moege?

>> No.44729811

Idk i have seen quite a lot of praising for it through the years everywhere as the best imoutoge ever
Don't really get it since there was literally nothing outside of kisses and h scenes

>> No.44729827

picked up

>> No.44729838

whoever says oniikiss is a moege is a fucking moron. what the fuck. it's the best imoutokige ever. that's true.

>> No.44729907

Eh the h scenes were pretty lame, couldn't even get off to any of them
Maybe the other routes are better but kinda doubt
2nd Mai h scene from Riaimo is still the peak of eroge for me and everything else feels just boring after it

>> No.44729943

have you read 桜ひとひら恋もよう? that one's pretty good too. it has one of my favourite imoutos.

>> No.44729980

I don't usually go for busty imoutos, but if it actually has some decent romance i can try

>> No.44729992

it has some light chuu-nish moment too, beware.

>> No.44730021

You say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.44730039

it's not for me but some moebuta here gets upset the moment someone say the word chuuni. hell I'm reading a chuunishit right now as I'm writing this post

>> No.44730045

wait why they get upset?

>> No.44730049

I have no idea. maybe it's an inside joke and I haven't lurked enough idk.

>> No.44730132
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What else should I add to my winter reading list?

>> No.44730204


>> No.44730238
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I did not expect an heel promo to come out of the blue. I'm pleased.

>> No.44730433

Looks interesting

>> No.44730444

Suzakuin genes are too strong, they're hotter than all other heroines

>> No.44730476


>> No.44730528

If you happen to not know anything about it i would recommend going blind without checking its genres or tags for bigger impact

>> No.44730577
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Study Steady

>> No.44731009

Meguri hitohira and fuyukuru if you haven't read them yet.

>> No.44731178

just got done with volume 2 of Avesta. I am actually surprised by how good it is. Masada's writing has vastly improved, the stories are not just edgy power scaling wank-off anymore.

>> No.44731405

I mean Senshinkan varies away from power-scaling with more tricky abilities in the form of the 急段 and the whole 協力強制 thing
Aditya is more of a 戦記 too if you're interested in that, scaled down powerlevels with a fleshed out world + tons of factions.

>> No.44731473

why would i miss out on based pajeet kino

>> No.44731580

was the scene with sulluvan and shinga some kind of callback to DI where he meets mercerius and shot at him in key's route?
I feel like Avesta would've been better if it had routes/was longer, it doesn't really expand as much as DI routes did, and I feel like the fights against demon kings come too fast, there is not much build up to it, and dies to fast with little screen time, like incest and her alter ego, without much dev

>> No.44731751

>was the scene with...
>I feel like the fights against demon kings come too fast...
The fights are fast but i like this fast pacing, it leads to no downtime at all. Also because of the shorter fighting segments there's more development to be found in the other plot segments.
>Zurvan's subplot
>Mashyana/incest stuff
>Quinn/Kid magsarion
All of these in one light novel volume.
Masada doesn't into exaggerated battles anymore, he clearly writes more character drama now. Which makes Avesta alot more enjoyable for me than say DI/kkk.
Tsukihime Remake ruined Ciel true for cause of how long the final battle was.

>> No.44731905

>e fights are fast but i like this fast pacing, it leads to no downtime at all
It's also due to the format I feel, no need for unnecessary padding for VN pay per character or messing around with routes especially with the protagonist not being for romance

>> No.44731982

Quinn is more of a protagonist than Magsarion, you don't get Mag pov until late vol3
is it really padding to want more than 10 pages of a character tho

>> No.44734575

Wouldn't an imoutoge be a subdivison of a moege? Imoutos are moe.

>> No.44735283

I just don't believe Masada's capable of writing creative fights, all he does is throw bigger fireball, he gave his protagonist time stop powers and then proceeded to make every single enemy immune to time stop

>> No.44735496

Would Jun Maeda be able to write better fight scenes?

>> No.44736083
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Which untranslated vn split your life into a pre and post period?

>> No.44736089

Every single one of them. Even posting this reply split my life into a pre and post period

>> No.44736195
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I actually liked senshinkan fights. Especially Ayumi vs Dan. But maybe it was just because Dan was so entertaining.

>> No.44736230

Axanael because it was first i finished

>> No.44736270

Swan Song.
My mind immediately went to what >>44736195 said. Try Senshinkan.

>> No.44736348

why senshinkan fd is so shit

>> No.44736384
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Same, my favorite fights beside mc is atsushi and I also love the "drama" part.

>> No.44736444
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Imagine not liking bansenjin.

>> No.44736537

> no h for yurika

>> No.44736566

Some VB by Atelier Kaguya made me (realise that I'm) a huge anefag
It wasn't Bakuane though, and maybe not even a single VN but several of theirs
I blame choco chip anyway, and INO a bit

>> No.44736641
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Is Basenjin other route worth it ?. I only manage to finish true end, sera, and akira. I'm not really into slice of life.

>> No.44736660

Based Crystalia and their white haired heroine's

>> No.44736803

Her existence and voice were already too h.
>I'm not really into slice of life.
Probably not then. Masada really improved his SoL quality in senshinkan and bansenjin, but if you didn't like it very much then it's probably not worth it.

>> No.44736889

Are chuunifags the equivalent of shonenshitlickers down at /a/?

>> No.44736910

I don't know but maybe you should head back to /a/

>> No.44736921

Okay. Atleast hachimyoujin sol is funny. Maybe when I'm bored I'll read basenjin other routes.

>> No.44736961

What's eroge you read had the most impactful way of revealing a plot twist?
Through voice acting, music, sound effects, visual effects or whatever worked for you.

>> No.44736971

>hachimyoujin sol is funny. Maybe when I'm bored I'll read basenjin other routes
i can relate to this
enjoyed sol in main game, falling asleep during sol scenes in fd

>> No.44737044

Saihate no Ima going through tons of schizo mind battles and wikipedia articles just to realize your wife is a brain tumor

>> No.44737057

For that, I'll squat here. :^)

>> No.44737087

ATLACH=NACHA. Prior to reading it, for years I had times that I'd wonder "why the hell did I waste my time learning Japanese". Apparently the answer was just to read that VN, because I haven't had them since.

>> No.44737140

How come this became forgotten in the eyes of Alicesoft?

>> No.44737153

I love my chuuniges https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9204157

>> No.44737193

Dunno. They put Hatsune in their gacha along with Akane from TYPE ZERO last year, but that's about it. Additionally, I hear ふみゃ is working on a new game based off one of their official blogs some years ago, but haven't heard much about it since.

>> No.44737198

What good about it? I thought it's just yuri ryona

>> No.44737360

My hands hurt too much to type a 5000 word essay, so I'll try to keep it short for everyone's sake. Frankly, I've asked myself the same question a few times, because I think it's probably not actually that good, it just happened to be subjectively the perfect game for me--something that was exactly what I was looking for at the time I played it. The atmosphere of the game is fantastically gloomy as the MC, Hatsune basically goes around quietly sucking the life out of students at a highschool while the other MC, Kanako, is somewhat aware of the fact but is too enamored with her to really do anything about it. Not that she really can do anything, anyways. Some of the side characters have really fantastic moments depending on your choices that feel like if it was any other game, they could've been MCs themselves, but they had the poor luck of ending up in this one. Also, I grossly misunderstood a plot point like some kind of fucking retard, so it made the ending / last hour and a half or so that much more moving when it was made extremely obvious. So that helped. Anyways, it's not a particularly long game, and it has a bunch of really clear flaws / stuff where they clearly ended up stuck because of one of the systems they tried to make work, but the ideas are really, really nice. So in spite of that, it was a really immersive 16 hours or so. I'd recommend it to anyone who can be bothered getting the CD-DA tracks to work (_inmm.dll) because it really doesn't take that long to play through. And also because I will be chasing after something similar to it for my entire life, so I'd be happy to hear any recommendations. Thanks for reading my long ass blog.

>> No.44737491

Nice anon
If you like vns with gloomy atmospheres you should definitely read kurai heya. To date I can't remember another work that has made me feel so much like killing myself just because of how detailed depressing (and good) the narration of all the events is

>> No.44738749

Btw you need to keep the game image mounted cause the install doesn't install one file of the game to your HDD.

Or you can copy it manually and edit registry to point to it.

>> No.44738766

>install one file
which one?

>> No.44738795

I dunno, it's been years since I had to solve this. I was playing it game without having the disc mounted and the sound wouldn't play or sprites wouldn't show or some obvious issue like that.

IIRC you open the registry and all the files are listed with their paths and just one is different.

This was on the Alice no Yakata 456 version of the game which is uncensored.

>> No.44738821
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Went to recheck.

>> No.44738831


>> No.44738919

Here's a bonus.
The most updated versions of System 3.5, 3.6, 3.8 and 3.9, which is the engine these old Alicesoft games run.

Atlach-Nacha runs on some old ver. of 3.5, but you can update it to the 3.9 one. There's a readme which lists supported games.

Years ago I found this one some Korean site. Dunno if Alicesoft themselves still easy offer it somewhere.

Also included an unofficial patch to fix font issues on 3.8 or 3.9.
>館456のアトラク=ナクアは SYSTEM 35 や36では、ちゃんと明朝体で文字が表示されますが、38や39に替えるとゴシック体になってしまう不具合を修正しています。


>> No.44739068

Sakura no Uta
Dies Irae

>> No.44739888
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Feels like home.

>> No.44739944

Are there any eroge that feature characters falling to pleasure, but instead of turning them evil, ruining them and twisting their morals, it makes them feel better, more confident, powerful, etc.?

I know this probably sounds weird, but I played a nukige which featured something similar and I was wondering if this kind of situation ever happened in a less sex-focused setting.

>> No.44739972


>> No.44739988

>I played a nukige which featured something similar
Which one?

>> No.44740149

New kaguya is not made by bare and bunny

>> No.44740254
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Why didn't you tell me Lucle's making a doujin game?

>> No.44740283

shit yeah, i thought it'd be years before we got more lucle
it better be imouto tragikino

>unmei yohou isn't listed under works done
shame, i really liked that one

>> No.44740286

what is this twitter setup

>> No.44740292

The one where you browse without account?

>> No.44740302

I just hope he keeps trying to claim he doesn't like imoutos.

>> No.44740324
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he can claim whatever he wants as long as he keeps delivering the goods

>> No.44740328

Well given the fate of his imoutos he must fucking hate them with all his heart

>> No.44740329


>> No.44740351

Clannad saved me

>> No.44740360

Have you married and got a daughter?

>> No.44740422

Chiccha Love Apart

>> No.44740435

Not yet.
But i spent last friday afternoon with a 3d girl and it was nice.

>> No.44740466

Im pretty sure it's been mentioned that he's been freelance for a while now, just didn't have anything concrete or any details that he was working on something

>> No.44740492

Does anyone else have a problem with text in Pandora no Yume on Win10? I got mine from RuTracker, and the text is so washed out that strokes are outright missing. The in-game movies are also slideshow-tier.
I think the chapter with Red Tint playing throughout was very well done as regards depicting a normal world falling apart, and it's going to stay with me for quite a while. Even if the BGM does get a bit tiresome.

>> No.44740601

If anything love stories in vns should serve as a reminder to not enter in IRL relationships because how rotten they have became, specially women.

>> No.44740607
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this game was probably my first and hardest "man, i'm so happy i learned moonrunes" moment
it was so far up my 好み you couldn't surgically extract it with anything less than the jaws of life
i always liked groundhog day type loop plots and this was just perfect with the degree of stupid choices leading to silly endings made even better with the big twist reveal, and it having one of the best imoutos i've ever seen sure didn't hurt things either
i feel like i've been chasing that high ever since.

>> No.44740625
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The lore always makes me laugh. It's too based

>> No.44740786
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Yamato banzai

>> No.44740795
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>mysterious girl you met the other day shows up at school
>she's not actually a transfer student; she literally just barged in because why not
lol what a twist

>> No.44740835

okay that's pretty funny

>> No.44741762

they are the second most intelligent posters next to the Scaジーニアス SCHOLARS

>> No.44741823

So I saw that Avesta got posted here. Anyone have Aditya to share?

>> No.44741849

Just wait until you read Ragnarok, that's the absolute apex as far as Nippon banzai goes.

>> No.44741884

Or maybe just skip it all together, Ragnarok is just such a letdown compared to Vendetta and Trinity

>> No.44741914

Yeah it's a letdown and a big quality drop but it still has its moments. Not completely bad

>> No.44742062

where the fuck is noratoto 3
shit got announced 2 years ago and it's been radio silent

>> No.44742159

Would calling your european child "Tsubame" cringe?

>> No.44742177

Absolutely. At least name her a name you might see in the west like Karen

>> No.44742179

your kid will grow up nursing a searing hatred of her parents for being called "too-baym" by everyone her entire life

>> No.44742181

what's the VN equivalent of Naruto Bleach OP then?

>> No.44742188

If I saw a non JP kid named "Tsubame" I'd report her father to CPS and call in the Feds to search his hard drive before he does any lasting damage to her

>> No.44742230

Danganronpa, Ace Attorney, Persona

>> No.44742231

So long it's not a Number 16 Bus Shelter

>> No.44742233

A shame it's such a cute name whatever.

Ew no karren is ugly.

>> No.44742239

For the love of god, just give your child a normal name in whatever you native language is.

>> No.44742244

Harukaze might as well be dead

>> No.44742280

If you really wanted something like Sakura could still probably fit in a lot of languages since it's a pretty universally known word

>> No.44742300

wasn't there at least one crazy /jp/sy that named his kid reimu? posted the birth certificate and everything

>> No.44742304

>a pretty universally known word
Yes the poor non-Japanese girl will be bullied for having low IQ weebs as parents. Great move.

>> No.44742325

This reminded me of one dutch guy unironically named Yuri because he had some relatives living in Japan
He actually was pretty fine with it

>> No.44742338

Do NOT give weeb names to your children.
At least pick something like Ema or Anna

>> No.44742345

Doesn't matter her name, she's to be my wife anyways.

>> No.44742354

Name her 'Kim' and pretend it's short for 'Kimiko' but don't ever tell anyone about it

>> No.44742355

Nobunaga my son.....

>> No.44742361


>> No.44742368

That depends on where you live, bet most kids these days would consider it to be cool af

>> No.44742373

sock your uh

>> No.44742528

that's depressing, bakage are dead huh

>> No.44742556

When I was a little kid we had a girl named Sakura transfer to our school (apparently she her mom was japanese).
I wasn't even into anime back then, but me and a lot of other kids thought it was cool and unusual.
Nobody bullied her or anything. On the contrary, she was pretty popular and everyone wanted to be friends with her.
So I guess it really depends on the place.

>> No.44742561

We still got asapro

>> No.44742579

I'm going to assume back when anime and japan weren't in the general conscious, things are considerably different now
Unless you live in some odd country

>> No.44742587

>apparently she her mom was japanese
Well obviously she was a halfu and presumably looked like it so it's OK. Anon's hypothetical was about a white kid.

>> No.44742614
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>> No.44742686

Everyone will assume a European named Yuri is Russian.

>> No.44742816

Biggest issue for me was the art, you can really tell it was rushed out of the door.

>> No.44742847
File: 433 KB, 1282x752, real gay station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picked this up because of a review on ima-ero that boiled down to "do you like aggressive/proactive heroines? if yes, play this" and hoo fuckin boy he was not lying
this is *it*, man, this is the holy grail of heroines aggressively trying to get into (You)r heart, mind, and pants
this is the thing i wanted. i am at peace. my needs are quenched, my soul soothed. i feel pandered to and it feels lovely.

things i didn't like:
there's some e-mote jank, weird poses and unnatural flailing around. a couple "hands don't work that way" CGs. a few eldritch horror-looking tongues. too much pee for my liking (wasn't actually a lot but any pee is too much for me). a few too many "it's just like my japanese porn games" lines. matsuri needs a full route. lack of nee-san route is absolutely criminal.

otherwise it's fucking exactly the what i wanted and have been looking for for ages
no h-hazukashii shit here. no sitting quietly in the corner going "gee i hope MC comes and talks to me cause i'll be super duper sad if he doesn't" bullshit. if you want the thing, go get it.

only did ena's route so far and she is a goddamned sexual freight train. i would call her a succubus but succubi do what they do to feed, meaning theoretically they can be full at some point. this girl has no such limitations.
was going to be mad at the plot bullshit that happened at the end but they reversed it quickly and nicely and i even ended up feeling some nice warm squiggly and decidedly non-horny feelings through it.

also for a pretty much nukige with a retarded premise, (You) have some surprisingly grounded and decent friends and i wish there were more scenes with them. your bro giving you a rape whistle "just in case" and then apologizing for his semen demon of an imouto was pretty hilarious.
matsuri best girl, best wingman, and best bro rolled into one. time to do her half-route and get mad how short it is.

tl;dr thank you ima-ero. thank you anon who linked the site a few threads back.

>> No.44742866

What did she do?

>> No.44742902

>prequel has a girl with relatively small chest
Picked up

>> No.44742955

Do you need to read the previous 2 games first?

>> No.44742973

When prequels have ever mattered for nukige?

>> No.44743007

i didn't and it didn't seem to matter much if at all

>> No.44743013

I must know everything that happens in every sex scene.

>> No.44743091

This but unironically.

>> No.44743105

Replace Persona with Steins;Gate. Fans of it are as pseud and insufferable as One Piece or HxH.

>> No.44743116

No. Do it to shove it to the Europoors and their thinly veiled conformism.

>> No.44743131

Only terminally online kids would give her shit which I suppose is getting more and more in each generation.

>> No.44743138

>Only terminally online kids would give her shit
At this point every fetus comes pre-installed with the latest iPhone

>> No.44743559

I don't get why the majority of the games have cutting voices after click option be on by default
I literally can't imagine a single scenario when i would want it to be on, like what the fuck is the point?

>> No.44743605

that site, panapanapana and bugbug.news are incredibly good, many thanks to all the anons who shared them.

>> No.44743737

Why there are like 5 h scenes before she even appears, literally had to press skip button for 10 min...

>> No.44743743

Agreed and all games should have the option but I see some modern games that don't. Don't know why they wouldn't but then again some people actually turn voices off even.

>> No.44743759

i never turn off voices, even ones i hate, so i use that to cut off characters with terrible voices
it makes me feel like i'm actively cutting them off in conversation for that extra little bit of vindictive shittiness

>> No.44743774
File: 861 KB, 1665x937, Reaero2_25-09-2023 02-48-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok i like it already

>> No.44743882

Will Bishop ever go back to making small to flat girls?

>> No.44743978
File: 91 KB, 1202x328, kiss numbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about the H to non-H ratio. A triggered autist (not me) once tallied it after an EOP kept calling Oniikiss a pure nukige with H scenes in the first 10 minutes. Oniichan autist found that there's not enough H to make it a nukige and with everything else being moe moe he concluded it's a moege. He posted this chart and BTFO'd the other retard who turned out to have downloaded the MottoH FD.

>> No.44744000

What does 32.47% mean? Is that the percentage of lines? Characters? Time?
If over 30% of a game is H-scenes that seems like a nukige to me. Plot games are surely lower

>> No.44744048

It's about what there is else outside of h scenes
When the only point of the non-h text is to create a situation that leads to h or when it's just repeated kiss text 10th time in a row, then this text is completely worthless

>> No.44744058

it's a kissge
there, problem solved

>> No.44744188

Looks like a nukige to me.

>> No.44744294

jesus christ, get a job dude

>> No.44744541

I only read plotge so 32% of hscenes seems like a lot to me, plus I also think skipping text is heresy so I would literally go crazy if I had to read the same fucking text for 1/3 of the game. It's definitely nukige, insecure moebutas need to stop coping.

>> No.44744697
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x720, 1623005206347601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good context menu.

>> No.44744777

I can't tell you how sad it makes me that flip phones are fucking dead

>> No.44744881

No way

>> No.44744908

Does someone know the VN that has a CG with a blonde hugging her pillow while two black men stare at her? It's not NTR, I think they are just side characters.

>> No.44745036

Sounds like Muramasa

>> No.44745072

the quintessential american post

>> No.44745525

Nice i hope more misters will give it a try it's a fun ride.
Enjoy the Monster hunter shilling.

>> No.44745562

>matsuri best girl
>time to do her half-route and get mad how short it is
reeeeeeeee it really was every bit as short as i feared
god dammit why you gotta do me like this

>> No.44745572

I notice that short side routes tend to be relegated to shortstacks or loli types, rarely mega milkers. Coincidence?

>> No.44745573
File: 1.91 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wdym, maitetsu best girl have full-size route

>> No.44745594

she's a festival, not a train

>ha ha we made this heroine with small tits and since we know no one likes small tits we also gave her a super charming and fun personality and great chemistry with the MC
>but since we know no one likes small tits we'll just shove her off into the can't have/side route pen
>ha ha whew, crisis averted, almost took some attention away from the other girls who have the personality of boobs
all of my hatred

>> No.44745628
File: 375 KB, 1920x1080, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best train also have full-size route, no idea what are you talking about

>> No.44745651

i'm not talking about maitetsu, i'm talking about this game >>44742847
at no point did i bring up maitetsu

>> No.44745801

whoops, embarrassing brainfart, but i won't gonna delete it now
i have to accept this shame

>> No.44745809
File: 600 KB, 3840x2160, 2023_09_03_490_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being confident in your opinion even when it's wrong is a good virtue that will bring you far in life, nothing to be ashamed of

>> No.44745817


>> No.44745823

You're a hero, thanks.

>> No.44745917

We need Filipinas in eroge.

>> No.44746030
File: 510 KB, 1280x720, 1248384739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no no we need white-haired russian girls!

>> No.44746052

Who is this красивая женщина? Don't hate on me, Slavs. I just google translated.

>> No.44746072


>> No.44746080

I choose to believe that the average poster in this thread has an accent that strong.

>> No.44746084

The Slav ones especially.

>> No.44746093

Her accent is the best part, it's hecking adorable.

>> No.44746114

SEA monkey here. I have never met a Russian woman in my life. Do they all talk like that?

>> No.44746635

Why the black dudes aren't even counter as characters

>> No.44746677

As a slav, my Japanese accent is miles times better than my English one
Somehow my tongue still breaks from pronouncing a lot of English words, but there are barely any Japanese words that i would have any troubles to pronounce at all

>> No.44746747

>SEA monkey here. I have never met a Russian woman in my life. Do they all talk like that?

>> No.44746865

Japanese has less phonemes and English has a fuckload shared from several languages so there's that.

>> No.44746909

This is true, but many Americans still manage to have a terrible accent. Not as simple as pronouncing the phonemes correctly.

>> No.44746939

They were indoctrinated to have accents and inflections every time they say a sentence hence why they sound so stupid when speaking any non-Anglo language.

>> No.44748180

Not only that, but:

>> No.44748255
File: 2.54 MB, 1678x944, Reaero2_25-09-2023 03-24-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is fucking wild, i didn't play that much yet but despite the mc having 2 cowtits gfs that he slept with she still just goes ahead and btfos them like it's nothing, this is the most aggressive flatty i have ever seen

>> No.44748283

Picked the fuck up.

>> No.44748566

Nasu writes battle scenes for the plot, masada writes a plot for the battle scenes

>> No.44748887
File: 50 KB, 600x900, 1695295078338003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me wrong but I feel like that makes Masada sound like he puts no thought in his scenarios which isn't really the case. There's a lot of 'meta-history' going on in his works that's often connected to some sort of larger point about common sense, tradition, and how having a different point of view or coming from a different context changes the implications of a situation. It's cool. That school part in Hachimyoujin is not something you see often.

>> No.44748945

Every fucking time. One day I'm actually going to play this game just laugh at her stupid voice.

>> No.44748967
File: 621 KB, 1600x1800, one year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger Nasu writes his whole game just to have giantess or and vore scenes

>> No.44749020

Apologize to Elektrichka right now.

>> No.44749084

kek that jacket

>> No.44749124

I've been watching a Jap play the 癸生川凌介事件譚 games. Do they count as VNs? I guess they don't count as eroge, anyways. Anyway, the series has its ups and downs, but some of the chapters/stories are really, really good. Makes the whole thing worth sitting through and in some cases trying to figure out what the hell is going on because the presentation is trying to trick you into thinking things are happening one way when the reality is significantly different.

>> No.44749152

You wont, i wanted to try it because of her almost a decade ago and the voice made me not want to touch her route, and i refuse to mute characters.

>> No.44749411

I mean I'm approaching it as a comedy basically: so bad that it's good. Unless you are saying that her voice is so irritating and bad that I won't be able to stand it which is possible.

>> No.44749494

Russians should talk like her, especially when they're coughing up blood while being riddled with shrapnel.

>> No.44749572

all her lines should have used katakana instead of hiragana as well

>> No.44749581

t. nato

>> No.44749639

I don't get it. her accent coupled with her japanophilia is super cute.
I can't stand when a "foreigner" speak in perfect japanese. I'm surprised you guys don't like it.

>> No.44749646

She sounds mentally disabled

>> No.44749801

So like a typical Russian. I see no issue.

>> No.44750698

Does anyone play VNs on macOS (via Wine or VM)? Seems like the Live Text feature might be pretty useful for untranslated VNs, the Japanese OCR works great in my experience.

>> No.44750708

Why would anyone need ocr? Moreover, why would anyone have a mac?

>> No.44750709

I'll blogpost it again,you need to see how adorable she is.

>> No.44750710


>> No.44750856

what did anon mean by this

>> No.44750861

In this day and age? What the fuck?

>> No.44750990

I can't understand why non-normalfags would use Apple products, especially if they're in a hobby like this.

>> No.44751001


>> No.44751024

lasers make superior weapons

>> No.44751210

In my case, mostly for security and hardware quality. I have a Windows PC for gaming but I use macOS for everything else. It's the only desktop OS with proper verified boot (Windows only verifies the kernel and a couple libraries, Linux doesn't support it although the Fedora folks are working on it with Unified Kernel Images), decent hardening and UX (e.g. not having a ton of insecure legacy cruft, zero application sandboxing, and OS-level ads like in Windows; using better libraries like LibreSSL rather than OpenSSL or BSD libc rather than glibc, modern exploit mitigations like CFI and PAC supported by compilers like LLVM instead of gcc, not having a kernel with giant attack surface like Linux) and application sandboxing (no, Flatpak on Linux is not comparable, even with Flatseal, application integrity is not checked and the seccomp rules are far too permissive). Not to mention the hardware receives firmware support for almost a decade, while most PC motherboard manufacturers offer little support, shoddy firmware quality and their own security leaves a lot to be desired (e.g. MSI had their keys leaked, Gigabyte served firmware updates over unencrypted HTTP).

I wouldn't do shopping or banking on my Windows system.

When I'm not on my room, though, I do use my Mac for otaku stuff, that's why I asked if anyone else had experience with it.

>> No.44751214

How many old eroge work on MAC OS? Genuinely curious.

>> No.44751267

>using better libraries like LibreSSL rather than OpenSSL
Oh my god where did you cargocult this garbage from. There's many other funny things in this post but this one stands out. Everyone smart dropped libressl years ago after it became clear it was just a useless fork that lacks features. Apparently, several OSes/distros still actually use it.

>> No.44751272
File: 916 KB, 1127x661, 154848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm missing some context. Suzakuin lives and die by the sword. they do everything by themselves from blacksmithing to swordfight. ok. but why doesn't she want Touki around at all? that part doesn't make sense. ok, he can't make a sword for you. but he can still support you in gathering materials or just as a moral support. she's clearly into him from the start, she should be at least happy to have him around her. Do I just have to read more?

>> No.44751305

Suzakuin people aren't even allowed to have seconds during matches. She's rejecting his offer to be her second because of her family's reputation. Also, yeah, read some more.

>> No.44751307

Okay chatGPT. All of that shit is bloat

>> No.44751333

>Suzakuin people aren't even allowed to have seconds during matches
yes I caught that one too. it just feels so assbackward. I get why Miyako decided to fuck off as soon as she could

>> No.44751334

OpenSSL is hot garbage, and they didn't learn anything after Heartbleed: https://twitter.com/hanno/status/1587775675397726209

LibreSSL might not be perfect but it provides enough functionality to support everything the BSDs and macOS needs. It's still miles better than OpenSSL in terms of code quality and security. There's a reason why Google made a fork called BoringSSL that prevents 40% of OpenSSL vulnerabilities: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2107.04940.pdf

(Sorry for the off-topic post, I won't reply anymore)

>> No.44751343

Schizo geeks just can't stop creating problems for themselves just so they can act smart for attempting to fix shit that just works

>> No.44751706

Maybe this video will bring you back to your senses.

>> No.44751731

Anon that's a nonfree operating system! I recommend GNU/Linux instead.

>> No.44751742

I built my PC in 2010...

>> No.44751758

??? why they are acting as if you can't put win 7 on modern hardware?

>> No.44751764

someone post that nip picture about freedom

>> No.44751786
File: 140 KB, 1145x700, 1686480969845771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44751797

Proving the fuckers in this picture wrong is what motivates me to keep playing eroge on linux

>> No.44751801


>> No.44751806

Install gentoo

>> No.44751828

Has some autist figured out how to make the light engine work yet?

>> No.44751839

No, I gave up and used a virtual machine for Malie unfortunately

>> No.44751883

>/g/ ass sweat ITT

>> No.44751909

If you regularly play VNs in this day in age, you basically have to be at least partially /g/ considering how many of them are just broken. Hell anything that uses CDDA audio for music (basically all old games) automatically requires patching or at least some VM.

>> No.44752129

how do pre windows-7 VNs hold up in Windows 10? I'm really scared that many old ones won't work.

>> No.44752187

The only one so far that i didn't manage to make work is Phantom integration
There was anon that attempted to fix it through replacing the gun choices with normal choices in the engine and even got success with it, but then he refused to upload it for some schizo reason

>> No.44752214

after performing the same step I did for playing japanese games on windows 7, which is just japanese setting for non-unicode programs, I had no issues
I was surprised that dinosaurs like tns just work

>> No.44752215
File: 974 KB, 1920x1080, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44752260

how do you do it

>> No.44752267

based, true and a classic.

>> No.44752313

daemon tools is the only cd mounter that can properly mount audio cds.
just get some cracked version from rutracker, I got one from some chupacabra guy I think years ago and it still works to this day.
also look up how to enable directplay on windows. a lot of pre directx9 stuff won't work without it.

>> No.44752366

Idk Ultraiso haven't failed me to this day, never used anything else

>> No.44752427

>I'm really scared that many old ones won't work.
Virtual Machine

>> No.44752466

Btw which vm is the best one for vns?
I remember trying to set up it before by downloading the latest version of oracle, but there were some endless directx troubles with it so i gave up

>> No.44752798
File: 3.69 MB, 1280x720, 1694404393132.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google it

>> No.44752859

Literally wrong. Alcohol 120% mounts audio and mixed mode (data+audio) CDs perfectly. Why would anyone mount a pure audio CD is beyond me though.

VMware with Japanese Windows XP guest.

>> No.44752872

do you mean changing locale to jp by this? i think it's pretty much a common sense to do at this point if you mean it

>> No.44752873

>Literally wrong. Alcohol 120% mounts audio and mixed mode (data+audio) CDs perfectly
Not him but I've had it break on certain formats. Daemon tools is the only software that works flawlessly on all images

>> No.44752892

Could've been an outdated version. DT has been pure bloat for last 10 years and has reached borderline malware status by now.

>> No.44752907

feels good to have bought a second hand notebook and install xp on it for old shit. I don't have to worry about anything you all said above

>> No.44752956

nah the latest version you can easily make it so only runs when you want to mount.

>> No.44753026
File: 21 KB, 412x266, alpharom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not him but I've had it break on certain formats.
Which formats? Better yet, got a working download link?

I can only think of picrel shit which works only with exactly DT v3.47 and requires a crack otherwise. Anything imaginable for a disc with audio tracks (typically bin+cue) mounts perfectly.

>> No.44753048

ccd/img/sub files specifically. See Tsukihime
I haven't tried every single software available though.

>> No.44753062
File: 259 KB, 800x600, 2023-09-25-174437_800x600_scrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer heroines uncorrupted by the evils of technology.

>> No.44753180

This one? I have it. That's standard CloneCD format, mount the .ccd file out of these three. Alcohol 120% does refuse to mount that .sub and while it "mounts" that .img it shows up as unreadable. So mount the .ccd file instead. Sure, the implementation should be better, but it works.

>> No.44753205

>Alcohol 120% does refuse to mount that .sub and while it "mounts" that .img it shows up as unreadable. So mount the .ccd file instead
I'm not an idiot, I only try to mount the ccd files.
I think that's the one. To be fair, I never tried Alcohol 120%. But poweriso didn't work and neither did Virtual CloneDrive, despite Virtual CloneDrive being developed by the inventors of the format.

>> No.44753347

Jesus Christ, San's route really did get worse. Cool chuunishit aside, the fuck is going on?

>> No.44753413

You really need to write a little review or something when you finish a route, I've had this game in my backlog for years and at this point I'm just looking for any excuse to read it.

>> No.44753465

Why not just burn it into a CD with a portable drive? You do have those lying around don't you?

>> No.44753477

a shii...dee? what's that? i feel like i remember my grandparents talking about those

>> No.44753510

I think you forgot how slow CD drives are. I've actually tried this out once with a game and gave up because anytime the BGM changed or looped, I had to wait like a second for the CD spin up first. Ended up just playing the whole damn thing without looping BGM (the usual methods of patching didn't work) because it was less annoying than that.

>> No.44753526
File: 177 KB, 800x600, 2023-09-25-184755_800x600_scrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure I'll blogpost for you anon when I get farther along. All I can say is that I find the SOL pretty funny and the chuuni moments are cool so it's looking good so far.

>> No.44753693
File: 290 KB, 401x373, 1665004379133252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sure I'll blogpost for you anon

>> No.44754082

Seems like you’re a very high power level character in a chuunige

>> No.44754168
File: 587 KB, 612x500, slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what the scale is for, but let's crank it all the way to Red and see what happens.
My guess is that more red = more submission to Ami, based on the answers that move it redward.

>> No.44754460
File: 7 KB, 648x91, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen websites disappear like
and its gone

>> No.44755073
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x720, Ryujinx_1.0.7017_-_月姫_-A_piece_of_blue_glass_moon-Ryujinx (79).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Nasu saw EoE sometime in the last 2000s and it broke something in his brain, everything he's written since has a giant woman at some point.

>> No.44755322

i made a patch a bit of time ago
its not perfect because i did not want to bother with the confirmation popups and name selection dialogs, so they are skipped and the names should be default
the load from menu now works, so u dont have to use shortcuts for it (it uses a different load dialog creation routine)
im sure there is a more fundamental fix that doesnt need this invasive stuff but i dont know enough and im lazy
pass is G2Y4Q3 or in the comment

the crc32 of the system.dll before patching should be C221E733 but you probably have that version unless u get the oldest release

>> No.44755357

Is this Semiramis? I've had it on my computer for years and always meant to get around to it but never got more than 10 lines in. Let me know how it goes, apparently there's some kind of gameplay elements?

>> No.44755572

like 30 seconds into reaimo and i can already tell this is going to be the good stuff

>> No.44756216
File: 14 KB, 1432x142, firefox_26-09-2023 11-59-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this one false positive?

>> No.44756347

its a patcher i grabbed off github because the one i use normally is even worse with av
if u dont trust it just patch it manually with a hex editor, all the values are in the .1337 file

>> No.44756474
File: 736 KB, 1200x900, phantom_26-09-2023 12-51-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so i tried it out and i guess this was that bugged gun choice?
Can't believe the endless Phantom dilemma is finally over, thank you a lot

>> No.44756536
File: 1.62 MB, 1496x865, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>44751828 (You)
Turns out that autist was me.
Works with dxvk off and lutris-ge-6.16

>> No.44756610

the gun choice is further up, with 3d models
but its not really bugged its really just the confirmation message box that shows up after you click on a gun, the patch bypasses them (yes theres more in other places) since they arent important anyways

>> No.44756647

How did they manage to make a confirmation box incompatible with new versions of Windows?

>> No.44756654
File: 370 KB, 1200x900, phantom_26-09-2023 13-15-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right it was after that, so what you did here is just remove the confirmation box?
Was it really that hard to do that literally no one bothered with it through all these years?

>> No.44756664

new orthroge soon https://twitter.com/Orthrossoft/status/1706610078579827082

>> No.44756892

they use their gay multithreading so its very annoying to debug and find the cause (of course the dialogs and message boxes are the obvious culprit)
it was easy to skip them, harder was the load dialog in the menu

the broken message/dialog boxes are created in another (non-main) thread, which probably already broke them on its own, but they also have a lot of other multi threading that could have borked them
i just do quick and dirty patches (though this took a while to debug for me)

>> No.44757213

The scale represent Reiji's alignement and will change the endings he migh get for the heroines.

>> No.44757556

More info about the setup you used?

>> No.44757676
File: 20 KB, 883x213, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just a fresh wineprefix with these Lutris settings.
I found some posts about Dies irae not working with new wine/proton or non-GE versions so I tried the 6.16 starter

>> No.44757759

Thanks, will keep it in mind for the future.

>> No.44757939

Speaking of Dies, anyone also noticed the Acta est Fabula HD version won't run if you're running Mactype?

>> No.44757947

Btw if anyone else is afraid to run exe file here is the patched system.dll https://mega.nz/file/050XxYQJ#HiPgOvoRDPb1UqeM8wiue2iTpd-M1of9DARac5gHbr8
All you need is to move it to the game folder

>> No.44758165
File: 853 KB, 622x698, 1685574771374145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's Semiramis. I haven't hit any gameplay elements yet; it just has the gauge on the screen at all times. It's been pretty fun watching this complete bitch manipulate everyone.

>> No.44758460

She's not a bitch she's a woman with a plan.

>> No.44758582

Interesting, I'll try to test it out in the future sometime with just vanilla wine.

>> No.44758935
File: 1.52 MB, 1630x1223, malie_26-09-2023 17-23-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is literally me

>> No.44758952
File: 2.27 MB, 800x450, latux.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but just wanted to say, also using latux to play eroge, have been done so for ages

>> No.44758980

literally me

>> No.44759012

Well, it didn't work with the vanilla wine in the Debian repos. Maybe older versions work

>> No.44759021


>> No.44759070

I got sick of updooting all the time

>> No.44759592
File: 2.14 MB, 1673x941, Reaero2_26-09-2023 18-17-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44759983

she showed up briefly in DT! in a pretty funny scene
>mc is trying to learn to be slightly more assertive so his new nee-chang type gf doesn't spoil him into oblivion, so nukige logic dictates they go to an adult toy shop so he can give her the classic 'walk around with a vibe inserted' treatment
>pink hair is working at the counter and her and mc's gf strike up a conversation
>except it becomes apparent halfway through that she's ALSO got a vibe up in there thanks to the previous game's mc
>they are both, as the kids these days might say, just vibin'
>neither of them can pretend to hide it anymore, finish
>part with an "ahh, i see you are a kindred spirit, we should hang out sometime"
yup, definitely going to play 2 for pink

>> No.44761107

This is a really fun gif. I can't stop watching it.

>> No.44761753

What are some of the peak "magical academy" eroge?
Preferably the ones that actually make good use of it instead of being a slice of life moege in magical disguise.

>> No.44761872
File: 16 KB, 786x119, peak high school.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, a slice of isekai nukige in RPG disguise.

>> No.44762086
File: 2.41 MB, 1642x923, Reaero2_26-09-2023 23-08-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really gets it

>> No.44762105

But Paizuri is better...
Also the gyaru is cute.

>> No.44762254


>> No.44762285

I've only read Mahiru route, but there's more to the VN besides sex.
There was a whole plotline where Onii-chan is accused of being a fraud in his career (he's an antiquarian) which leads to a sequence of events that threatens to separate him from his family.
It isn't high literature, and I can understand why the introduction would make you think that the book has very little to it, but it is attempting to tell a legitimate story between the hot imouto dickings.

>> No.44762289

You earn extra affection points from flatties when you tell them you like them as they are.

>> No.44762300

That depends on how nice her oshiri is

>> No.44762312

Too bad the cost common eroge trope is when they don't believe that and consider it as a 同情

>> No.44762343

Sexing, impregnating, marrying, and eternally loving a flattie out of 道場

>> No.44762355

that's not the word you are looking for

>> No.44762366


>> No.44762373
File: 1.63 MB, 360x270, laughing puppet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good one

>> No.44763217

that's honestly impressive.

>> No.44764424

