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44394761 No.44394761 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translations and MTL is highly recommended.

>Finding light novels info:

>Additional resources:
>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/
>WN to e-book downloader:

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v20.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1680465
v20.1: https://nyaa.si/view/1690883
v20.2: https://nyaa.si/view/1703569

Previous: >>44277692

>> No.44395695

I am once again asking if tl/scans for Innocence: After the Long Goodbye exists

>> No.44395925

Buy it

>> No.44396262

commies will fuck me over claiming it contains anti state content. I'm not gonna risk it

>> No.44399169


>> No.44399540


>> No.44399631

apparently someone uploaded 9-12 to dlraw just now

>> No.44400070

Imma check right now!

>> No.44400138

Got it! Thanks for the heads up!

>> No.44400649

Will this >>44281912
method work for this >>44394761?

>> No.44401139

doesn't dlraw usually only have image scans?
how can I search for what they have in epub format instead?

>> No.44401161

>TLDR: learn grammar and learn to look up kanji then go read
wouldn't that work for anything?
it's just the autism way of learning japanese, if you can survive looking up every single thing at the start it's an extremely efficient way to learn

>> No.44401232


>> No.44401340

>this particular book gives me eyestrain after a while for some reason
>staring at the computer screen doesn't
should I be worried?

>> No.44401447

When in doubt assume it's a scan or screenshots (basically scans).
You can thank the bookwalker shilling for that, thankfully people now are starting to realize it's fucking shit even for non-pirate use.
Won't work, I have seen epubs uploaded on files that don't say they are epubs.
Unironically yes, get a lamp or something before you fuck your eyes.

>> No.44401449

Maybe you've just got bad lighting conditions and an uncomfortable reading distance for physicals but not your monitor

>> No.44401778

>Unironically yes, get a lamp or something before you fuck your eyes.
But it's broad daylight with the sun fucking shining and everything. It didn't happen to me until this week out of nowhere.

>> No.44401840

is it just that particular book font or is it with all physical books?
if it's the latter i would go to a doctor

>> No.44401852

Are the pages pure white? Maybe it's too much albedo

>> No.44401898

It started when I happened to start this particular book yes. Maybe the publisher is trying to kill its readers. Or maybe I should just change out my contacts already dunno.

>> No.44403340

wish i knew amazon compressed the shit out of images before buying a bunch of lns

>> No.44403350

Do they actually or did you de-DRM them using Calibre without changing the output profile to Tablet?

>> No.44403406

Yeah, I set the output profile to Tablet and it still looks bad. Not completely illegible but a shame

>> No.44403440

Sucks man. Try Rakuten Kobo, never had a problem with them

>> No.44403479

Well the next time I buy LNs, I'll make sure to give Rakuten a go instead

>> No.44403550

wish they would add a seperate category for lns on nyaa. and epub subcategory be nice too

>> No.44404065

Weird. I don't remember the extension name but there should be another file with a larger size than the azw in each kindle book folder. If that exists then you probably don't have the calibre extension required to merge the higher quality images from that file into the original azw

>> No.44404076

It delivers different file sizes/image qualities to different devices. Eink Kindle devices get worst quality, kindle desktop app and I think high res fire tablets gets best quality. You can dedrm the desktop app files if you install an older version and use the .KFX input plugin. However I believe they have made it so all ebooks bought after a certain date can't be downloaded on older versions of the app.
It's much simpler to use rakuten kobo

>> No.44404087

I have been shilling kobo exactly for this reason, amazon is the default option if that doesn't work but even then it's not THAT bad.
But anything is better than bookwalker honestly.

>> No.44404183

This was actually the ticket thanks a lot anon, managed to find the plug-in in order to combine the images
Only issue now is that I basically bought missing volumes from an already uploaded series and the ones I havent bought still have the lower quality images, so I'll have to stop being cheap and buy those too.
Amazon are seemingly becoming increasingly annoying about DRM for stuff released from 2023 onwards, hopefully they don't rectify the android exploit.

>> No.44404186

>ebooks bought after a certain date can't be downloaded on older versions of the app
You are mixing up the new kindle unlimited download restrictions and the new encryption for books released after this year's jan, which I am yet to see a trace of.
>But anything is better than bookwalker honestly
I hate bookwalker on principle but it's also the cheapest option if you can get hold of someone who can dedrm it for you

>> No.44404195

>android exploit
What exploit?

>> No.44404198


>> No.44404201

Then uphold your principles, the small savings honestly aren't worth it if it means supporting literal cancer.
Those fags would put always online DRM on physical books if they could get away with it.

>> No.44404221

I see, so that's how people
are bypassing the new KU restrictions
Forgive me anon, those small savings are worth more than drm hate for a pseudo-neet third worlder

>> No.44404235

Understandable, wallet soapboxing only really applies to people better off.

>> No.44404888
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Expectations for the Overlap Bunko 10th anniversary?

>> No.44404920

>Arifureta afterstory vol1.
>Oreaku anime announcement.
>TRPG anime announcement.
>Fatal anime announcement.
What will most likely happen.
>Oreaku anime announcement.
>A bunch of new authors will get their first volume on a wave bigger than usual.
>Big LNs like arifureta will probably get special edition reprints.
>Loner isekai will probably get an anime and be just as censored as the manga.

>> No.44404969

saishinbu anime announcement

>> No.44405344

Isn't image quality and maybe the ability to purchase the only reasons to use bookwalker instead of some other source, with kobo being the other high quality option but not always available?

>> No.44405727

the heavy handed DRM kills those upsides and they don't always have high image quality iirc

>> No.44405760

It is very excessive and it still doesn't stop people from taking screenshots, so it's not doing that much good to stop people from copying it at worse quality and only making it worse for people who pay.

>> No.44405921

Why do I feel like there are so many special annivs recently lol. I remember mf, mfj and dengeki bunko having theirs recently

>> No.44405938

What's the name of bottom right and top left?

>> No.44405993

>top left
looks like notorious talker

>> No.44406493

>TRPG anime announcement.
how can TRPG sustain an anime when it can't even sustain a regular monthly pace of manga release

>> No.44406646

>can't even sustain a regular monthly pace of manga release
Good, the manga can go to shit. And the anime adaptation will be shit anyway if it ever gets one. Well, not if it gets the kind of love studio bind put into mushoku s1, but that's not happening.
I worry more about him not uploading a chapter for nearly three months. The WN will probably die if he has to work on the adaptations as well

>> No.44406706

It looks like he didn't update the WN for 3 months because he was busy writing two volumes worth of original material just for the 17 years old arc and Nana.

>> No.44406837

Well yeah, that plus 下準備 and some depression. But even so, 3 months without a single chapter is a bit too much, that too right in the middle of an exciting campaign.
Ironically, if there's onething I want jp authors to learn from their east-asian counterparts, it's their punctual/stable upload frequency.

>> No.44407019

Heh, now that's an old photo.

>> No.44407054
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Anyone know how to fix the -1 page issue on ttsu using Chrome? Can't bookmark, app cannot remember last page position. It remembers bookmarks on FF and I've had it working before on Chrome, but for some reason this bug happens again and again, pretty sure I fixed it somehow but forgot how I did it.

>> No.44407167

expect another 3 months of no updates while he 100%s ACVI

>> No.44407360

Seems not related to data/cloud saving or permission etc,, because when I enable continuous mode shit works.
Fucking infuriating, also it works flawlessly on mobile. Only Chrome on a computer fucks it up, had this issue both on Windows and Linux so it's not that either.

>> No.44409668

what should I start between High School Dxd, Shinmai Testament and Rakudai Cavalry ?
all three look the same to me and I want to read some long battle battle ecchi (if you have other similar titles to recommend then please do so)

>> No.44409673

rakudai kishi is the best one out of those

>> No.44409823

of the three, shinmai first then coinflip between the other two. battle echii wise, shinmai delivers without overstaying it's welcome
Disagree. the battles stop making any sense after v9, and echii wise it has a similar problem to dxd where it takes a hard backseat to the shonen, accept the shonen is even worse in rakudai to begin with.

>> No.44410222

Yeah no, it peaks around volumes 2-3, then it's a steady decline to rock bottom all the way down to being one of the worst series I have seen, and even then that peak is not that high either.
The author wrote themselves into a corner way too hard.

>> No.44410621
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>> No.44410647

wouldn't surprise me if kadokawa took advantage of the kagejitsu delays to put out the vol 6 audiobook out quickly, or even a simultaneous release with the actual volume

>> No.44410935

Anyone have the LNs for 貞操逆転世界の童貞辺境領主騎士?
The WN is great by the way, great mix of comedy and some generally moving moments.
It's pretty refreshing that the isekaied MC isn't the smartest guy in the room even with his modern knowledge.

>> No.44411007

>unlike other...
oh no, two of the recommendation big red flags
all you need is "it's mature" and "subversion/deconstruction" to complete the set

>> No.44411107

speaking of DxD, has True ever been uploaded? scan or epub
i remember there being nothing a few years back

>> No.44411131

>Woe is me, I'm now in a world with landwhale strong wahman and the only males are literal femboys and traps.
>Woe is me, I have a gigachad body with a massive cock, and the latter is a literal plot point.
>Woe is me, I have to go through baby's first senki and take the happy tour of "war is le bad" atrocities while these sluts sexually harass me and try fuck me.

>> No.44411924

When is the MC ever that negative about his situation? If anything he's proud of his body and he likes the women there.
I don't know what you're on about with the third point either.

Seems like a big overreaction to the word "refreshing". Just to clarify, I enjoy how the author explores other characters' motivations and reasonings and gives them weight; it never feels like they're just mobs.

>> No.44411929

it's human nature to find novelty refreshing you sperg

>> No.44412000

When your first and biggest selling point is fresh farts it doesn't bode well for whatever you're trying to shill to be honest.

>> No.44412009

His first selling point was "great mix of comedy and some generally moving moments". Read the post again slowly.

>> No.44412014

>I enjoy how the author explores other characters' motivations and reasonings and gives them weight; it never feels like they're just mobs.
that's the baseline for anything decent
is this the first LN you have enjoyed or something?

>> No.44412024


>> No.44412046

I've never read the LN and I don't know if it's shit or not and don't really care. It's just really annoying when some weirdo decides to sperg out against an anon for liking something for literally no reason. At least make some semblance of an argument like >>44411131 if you think his taste is garbage.

>> No.44412098

I mean, I like how it's done in that WN.
There's a lot of works I like that don't follow that either, like COTE for example, everyone else exists to show how superior Ayanokouji is there, but that's still fun.
In bookworm, everyone else felt like mobs, still liked it enough.

>> No.44412217

sure, let's rip the bandaid off
there's multiple red flags that assure a recommendation is not worth considering
>doesn't have tropes
>MC isn't a betacuck like all other anime
>"moeshit" or any other newfag phrases
all signs pointing to someone not familiar with a medium at all to consider the first thing they grabbed that happened to have those things to be the best thing ever
in order, bragging about perceived maturity in something (usually with sex and gore) is paradoxically juvenile, this would apply anywhere but it goes double for a medium already ridiculed for being anime books for kids and perverts (not like it happens only to LNs) which just reeks of insecurity of the worst kind, the "i want to show this to my normalfag parents or friends without feeling ashamed" kind
the second one is a shallow way of thinking "trope bad, if something has trope then it's bad, therefore if it doesn't have it, it must be good!" which shows an extremely undeveloped taste
thinking the MC not being a doormat pushover is somehow worth mentioning just shows how new someone is, at best they are used to manga adaptations which dumb down the writing, at worst they are actually just new, this hasn't been a novelty since arifureta got popular and these days you need a complete unfettered sociopath to make something along this lines be a good selling point, MCs taking the initiative or outright being assholes just isn't new anymore to be inherently interesting and hasn't been for a long time, if something with this kind of MC is good it's because it's one of the parts that make it work, that single thing alone doesn't make something interesting
"refreshing" is a more complex one, because you have to "know" to see why this being a selling point is a problem, but basically if you're new to media in general to think originality exists then you shouldn't be giving your opinion on anything, period
complaining about "moeshit" and other similar phrases is just showing you're one of those people that got into the anymays through curated lists of "classics" like bebop that feel like old western TV shows and you're chasing a ghost you will never find in japanese media outside what you already consumed

>> No.44412413


>> No.44412541

That's a big blockpost, but all I'm reading is a ton of putting words in others' mouths, projection, and seven levels of irony attempting to mask what is very probably a deep seated insecurity. I don't have the time or motivation to make a full response, but I will say that the core of your argument is the strawman position that anyone is arguing those properties are somehow unique to a work.

>> No.44412547

>no u

>> No.44412707

I haven't even read or heard of that work, I just think your entire post is retarded.

>> No.44412768

you guys are too autistic

>> No.44413053

I would be worried if there was no autism.
It's basically a necessity to learn japanese up to N2-1 and find stuff nobody would otherwise, especially if there's some good old 00s coolness involved.

>> No.44413160

In your greentext of trigger words, the only thing the original poster actually said was "refreshing". If you think that word is somehow a red flag when used as a descriptor, you're just too far gone.

>> No.44413527

There is a fine line between focused, productive and functioning autism versus repetitive incomprehensible screeching special needs autism.

>> No.44413916

I know this is a forbidden question to ask about a series based on misunderstandings, but does the Parry MC ever realize how strong he actually is?
Because I dropped that over the dragon fight in volume 2. He recognizes that he's up against a dragon, unlike how in volume 1 where he only fought a "cow" and a "toad". He recognizes that that dragon is strong since he was thankful to a tamer showing up at the end of the fight, thinking that was the reason it stopped attacking. And yet he completely fails to recognize the significance of him surviving the dragon's attacks, brushing them off like it was nothing. It's not like the concept of a tank doesn't exist in that world, so even if he thinks he's weak because he wasn't able to kill the dragon, handling all of the attacks as easily as he did should still count for something.

>> No.44413926

>Call autistic stuff like to aru or vanadis trash.
>At best get called a faggot and people move on, most likely the bait gets ignored, half because oldfags ignore bait in slow threads, half because newfags don't know those.

>Call normalfag trash out for what it is.
>Normalfags have a meltdown with "UM AKSHUALLY..." from their desperation for approval while projecting that on those calling them out.

This is why nobody likes fresh fart fags.

>> No.44413944

in my opinion how misunderstanding series handle the big reveal or lack of it is the real breaking point
you have stuff like matty where MC realizes, but they understand
you have kagejitsu where the MC doesn't realize, but the author can keep buying time
stuff like evil lord has the MC half-realize, they know they are strong, but still think there's someone even stronger
all of these work
the spoiler you posted doesn't seem like the author handled it well at all nor he wants to let the MC realize how strong they are, sadly haven't read that one

>> No.44414049

Speak to your doctor about clozapine.

>> No.44414081

repost this when you actually called something trash instead of just having a melty

>> No.44414104

I have 3 chapters left in Rebuild World 8.1. Really glad Carol got most of the volume to shine. Togami not being the new Katsuya is welcome as well. Reina on the other hand might be someone to watch

>> No.44414120

He's great, he also got a cute ojousama gf

>> No.44414171

It was about time we got a bro who can hang with Akira, with his own ojou to boot!

>> No.44414202

>with his own ojou to boot!
i think this may be the author's fetish

>> No.44414216
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>> No.44414227


>> No.44414241

Based Author! Not at all a bad fetish, nor does it feel out of place given the setting

>> No.44414258
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>> No.44414487

i agree

>> No.44414844
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>> No.44415068

How about you tell us what you think is good.

>> No.44415120

you sound personally offended and desperate to pull a "no u" after being called out
this isn't /v/

>> No.44415419

I honestly don't know any of the LNs in this thread apart from pictured in the OP.
But I am considering buying some new LNs, because OnC is a bit of a slog to get through.

>> No.44415449

How do you even know that but not literally anything else posted so far?

>> No.44415506

Because I got interested in Kawakami through the Horizon anime, not through reading LNs.
Haven't read all that much outside them.

>> No.44417303
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>last fight of (the first half of) Tri-flags, best boy finally in after 2 years of absence, gonna be a real superior killer now
>update will be postponed next week
>because Kaidou had to write next volume's SS
I've got mixed feelings now. We're in September already?
First time I see (then stole) the pic in the OP was from the ~2016ish Kawakami thread where WN is not as mainstream as it is now aside from MT, Shield Hero, plus Arifureta and especially so for anything not in the top10 Narou ranking. LNs had some traction due to js06 and BT so it's not impossible for a long-time /jp/ dweller to at least know of the thread and series, though in the case of Horizon itself, it had a good production value, unique plot, high standards, and the author is at the same or perhaps even more of an autist than Kamachi.
>you will now remember how Kawakami danced and sung Kimi's part to the animators and producers during a meeting just to show how it's supposed to be done.
What's your main focus? The battle part or the ecchi/harem part? Long time DxD readers knows that the harem/ecchi part doesn't even matter past vol 13, we're just in for the bromance and hot-blooded chuuni fights (Juggernaut Drive anyone?). Just be reminded that S3 practically drove the author's motivation down to zero and Shin DxD is quite shite due to, as others said, (the editor's) insistence on maintaining the status quo.
Shinmai Maou has quite explicit scenes, battle is honestly shite though, had the usual problem of "actually strong BUT" of 2014's battle harem series. Might be (really) biased but I'm pretty sure it'll be treated as dime a dozen smut LNs like harem kingdom/pirate at worst and Road to Kingdom at best if not because of the artist. And if you're looking for smut series instead, Shinsuki na Adam is still the king, heh.
Rakudai Kishi, at the time, had some subversions that made the story quite refreshing for a battle "harem," but it has no real direction from vol 6 above. There's much better series nowadays if you want to have what Rakudai Kishi offers.
I personally would recommend Bahamut due to the sole existence of best girl Krulcifer though Campione! should fit your requirements better. There's also nothing wrong in going with the more mainstream Danmachi or Mondaiji though the former is not really Battleharem/ecchi while the latter is cancelled.

>> No.44417474

>First time I see (then stole) the pic in the OP was from the ~2016ish Kawakami thread
Apparently I took that photo in 2013.

>> No.44419623

I'll start Rakudai Kishi and I'll check out Bahamut and Campione later, thanks anons
I've only started learning jp recently so I want some spicy action-focused series to motivate myself to immerse

>> No.44419635

Any ojou recs?

>> No.44419944

Dont say you weren't warned...
Aside from Evil Lord and rebuild world?

>> No.44419968

Is an ojou the main heroine of those works?

>> No.44420016

in former, technically yes depending on if robo wife counts
in latter, MC has a harem of ojous

>> No.44420250

Have you got anything a bit less scifi-y?

>> No.44421527

But why? That's part of the appeal.
But if you want fantasy there's plenty of options, off the top of my head I can think of:

>> No.44421644

there's 創成魔法の再現者 but not sure if it counts, the girl is not even blonde, so is that really an oujo?

>> No.44421773
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shame there wasn't much on mitsuha's restaurant on the 新大陸, i really liked those girls in the previous two vols
at least there was lots of rephilia, her voice is really well done
also i don't know why but the "sorority" being formed as a rival org to mitsuha's "society" was funny as shit to me
looking forward to the next one

>> No.44421803

Would anyone happen to have epubs of 新約とある魔術の禁書目録?

>> No.44422027

I know this may be a dumb question,but does anyone here use warosu a lot? I posted an excerpt from an SAOAGGO volume a while ago,showing things left out of the anime;about how the pro players use amuspheres inside a float tank,and some anon complimented it and it lead to a nice discussion of SAO. Now,I cant find it in the archive for shit,and it was less than 2 years ago.

If you could help me find it, I'd be very grateful.

>> No.44423654

>this general has been a thing for 2 years now
time flies

>> No.44424082

NTA but there's any other series with the same type of setting as evil lord or rebuild world?
Really like that space fantasy aesthetic, I don't know what would you call it or if it has a name.

>> No.44424207

warosu sometimes just skips posts if you can't find it it's probably not there

>> No.44424231

Very similar to evil lord, albeit fantasy with a space coat of paint
Similar post apocalyptic setting and trauma themes with rebuild world, albeit with more politics

>> No.44424296

what do you even call that aesthetic, do jp readers have a name for it? xenoblade chronicles 1-3 and star ocean come to mind, but those aren't LNs
seems common enough to have a name, and both soft and hard sci-fi don't fit the bill, star wars and star trek respectively are too different

>> No.44424386

Rebuild world is basically cyberpunk. Space Opera is the one space specific sci genre but int the case of LNs i'm not sure it fits

>> No.44424737

Thanks, I had already started reading 86 and the first one was already in my backlog, I don't know how I missed it.

>> No.44424745

Is there another better archive?

Also,SAO is getting 2 new spinoffs.

>> No.44425111
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>Also,SAO is getting 2 new spinoffs.
three actually
and the cooking one is written by the author of hachinan for some reason

>> No.44427553

>otonari tenshi vol 5
Why the fuck is this more entertaining after they became a couple but so mediocre until then lol. Like inverse to how most romances go.

>> No.44430322

Most romances are doing it wrong, obviously.
That sort of blueball tease is entertaining the first time but it wears thin pretty fast.

>> No.44430570

i for one i'm thankful otonari tenshi caused people to copy it and for that to take over normal blueball romcoms
it didn't affect hardcore doramas either so it's a win-win

>> No.44430859

>Cooking spinoff.
>Written by the author of hachinan.
What is going on?

>> No.44430974

hachinan is an exhausting read for me
might be more enjoyable in the audiobook version

>> No.44431563

Not really, somehow every other archive that isn't warosu is even worse or is already gone.

>> No.44432030

After 3 months of learning Japanese through very slow reading, today for the first time I read a line without needing to check a dictionary or conjugation table.
It was a very basic line (そんな時だ) but it still felt great.
Thanks for reading my blogpost.

>> No.44432040

what does it mean

>> No.44432082

That's the thing, I understood it in Japanese without translation, it feels mind-blowing.
It means "(It was) about that time/moment." doesn't it? Not sure how it would get translated.

>> No.44432386

congrats anon
I pity the anglos who go through their lives never learning another language and for whom merely directly grasping the meaning of a foreign word is brain exploding

>> No.44432891

makes me curious over the ratio of people that have known enough japanese since forever (BT oldfags and VN/eroge oldfags) and those that are just now learning

>> No.44432923

>(BT oldfags and VN/eroge oldfags) and those that are just now learning
I'm both...

>> No.44432991

>Been reading in Japanese for a while, but only now learning Japanese.
How does that work?

>> No.44433007

I meant i'm a BToldfag but only because of the translations

>> No.44433061

d e k i r u

>> No.44433064
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Would you recommend getting the Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon LN's? I'd like to use them to immersion learn more Japanese.

>> No.44433095

I got decent at Japanese around 2018 or so. Not sure what category that puts me in.

>> No.44433108

from what i remember that one was harder to read than average, even at the time
in both length and complexity, they were like double the normal volume or more but also the 役割語 can get pretty heavy
it doesn't reach ultra-autism shit, but get ready anyway, just don't get discouraged by it

>> No.44433145

Had it gone for even slightly longer it would have joined the hall of legends of the ultra autistic.
But honestly it ended at just the perfect spot before spiraling out of control and lasting an eternity like monogataru, to aru or roku but just at the point it's long enough to feel almost nothing was left without wrapping up.

>> No.44433249
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Does Laurentius ever score or is she cursed to forever be merely a wannabe 泥棒猫 for Lauren?

>> No.44433882

Not really. I have them all but it is a MOUNTAIN of text.

>> No.44434114

Not yet in WN where he is 21 now. I don't think any of the heroines or main characters will get to score except margitt anyway. Well, there's the henderson scales for that. But the side characters can, like themottenheim's moth girl if margitt's netorase roll crits. And if margitt's words in the latest arc are not a mistake on author's part, it frequently does.

>> No.44435035

Completed it. It is still mostly mediocre, even though it was slightly better after they became a couple. Probably due to author's lack of writing skills (the narrative parts are obnoxiously repetitive and boring) and personally I like the characters a bit more flavorful. That said, it still managed to cause me some serious mental damage, so, yeah.... should probably desist from reading pure romances hereafter.

>> No.44435103

asking the usual out of curiosity
JP or TL?

>> No.44435124


>> No.44435197

I keep seeing people warn about reading pure romances or drama romances.
I also keep seeing the emotional damage from those that do read them.
Weird POV to have.

>> No.44436181

I have been curious about the mecha issue ever since the evil lord author mentioned mecha doesn't sell but refused to elaborate.
What was he talking about?

>> No.44436254

>main girls won't score
>side characters can
what is this kamidori

>> No.44436397

Nah, really, that was definitely not good for mental health. I am actually fine with drama romances but this is the first time reading a pure one. I didn't really like it very much because the main chars are very bland and are only defined/characterized by their relation with each other. But that single-minded characterization is also the reason that makes it too, too sweet, especially after vol 4. Definitely not for me

>> No.44437525

Has the Oregairu guy writen a new LN since that series ended?

>> No.44437581

Sir this is 4chan not google

>> No.44437722

So he wrote one stand-alone-novel after Oregairu (Get Up! Get Live!)? Doesn't seem like much. Maybe it's like with J. K. Rowling after HP, it's basically over.

>> No.44437738

I thought you said Hachiman hehe

>> No.44439693

going through the sanctuary arc of Re:zero and god damn, how can the author write Subaru amazingly with the "I've lived through hell" section, yet flounder so poorly with the witches communal tea party with Subaru It genuinely threw me for a loop when Minerva started chastising him for sacrificing himself for others. I know she's all for saving people, but even she has to realize the only thing subaru is good for is returning by death, even if it means he's changed as a whole in consequence of this lifestyle. It's just jarring going from determination ludo to Subaru now needing to be affirmed that the people who have most certainly already expressed to him that they care, do in fact care about him.

>> No.44440566

>you have kagejitsu where the MC doesn't realize, but the author can keep buying time
There's also the possibility that he knows, but intentionally deludes himself because it keeps him motivated.
Willful ignorance seems more in line with Cid

>> No.44440621
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>in 2013
Yeah, that sounds about right. I remember visiting just in time for Turenne scene TL shortly after getting to know Elona. Why did the thread die anyway? Was it because Vtubers as expected?
>I took
Oh shit, you're the original poster? I guess I gotta give you my sincere thanks then, Horizon and Regios shoved me down the Nipponese literature hellhole which I didn't expect to fall in love so much.
>The "bad" ending with crimenelf leads to Erich being an unfaithful husband ONCE, but then never again after that after he got purified by the power of evil lady mating press, fatherhood, and reconciliation.
>The canon main story has Erich slaying monster and bitches left and right. Ends up being much more unfaithful than the bad ending even though he's officially in a relationship. Spider even actively flaunts how tasty Erich is to an underage vampire nun.
What was it again that Agrippina said before? Their conclusion was for the best? I agree, heh.

>> No.44441144

>rereading aisha's 蛇足偏
>tears up again
Really, however much stuff I read, MT remains special

マルギットや... that aside I wonder what's the present situation with the mottenheim girl. That didn't feel like a one-off thing (story-wise not sex wise)

>> No.44441175

unless moth girls mature even quicker than spiders I doubt we'll see any payoff to that without the story somehow carrying on into his 30s

>> No.44441232


>> No.44441520

40's, huh.... frankly I think there's going to be only one more arc or at most two before the series ends. 弄月の魔宮 is already about the most difficult adventure in that world and I don't see how much more schuld can step it up. And Elise is about the only member left to join the party, if she even joins. Going by 1 arc = +1 party member tradition, it's one more arc that integrates her and a final world threat level campaign with a completely experienced party. Can't see the adventure part going beyond erich's early 30's.
Only limited to WN btw, the author can stuff in however many arcs he want in the timeskips. They were entertaining until vol 8 but after finding the latest vol a bit meh, I feel a bit uneasy about the LN. And I find the author's depiction of timeskips neat, so that was an unfortunate loss

>> No.44441541

Went a bit off on a tangent there, but I think there should at least be a hint if he managed to get her pregnant lol

>> No.44443146

Aaaaaagh, I want to read something fun and exciting without negative emotions or vexing positive ones. Something like shangrila frontier or trpg. Suggestions please anons!

>> No.44443457

NHK's doing a program on narou and isekai-kei with authors of tensura, MT and tateyuusha as guests. More like an overview of the genre than an interview, see it if anyone's interested

>> No.44443478

good morning i hate:
cuckold explorer
cuckold dungeon master
reborn as a space cuckold
zero believer goddess- weakest cuckold
moonlight cuckold journey

>> No.44443504

I want to fuck Seras

>> No.44443640


>> No.44444817

Look out for slow life stuff, that's literally their purpose.

>> No.44444842

he said exciting
nonbiri nouka is a sleeping pill in book form

>> No.44444935

>fun and exciting
>without negative emotions
>or vexing positive ones
does that leave anything?
no suffershit or painful drama i understand, not being slow is understandable, plenty of stuff covers these two
the last point is what basically kills any rec

>> No.44444944

yeah it was a stupid request

>> No.44445058

what the fuck are vexing positive emotions
anyway read black summoner

>> No.44446357

the closet thing i can think of is being jealous of a couple or something
i don't know

>> No.44446558

Too sweet romances and stuff with too much blue-balling. And stories that invite warm but melancholic emotions

>> No.44446602

It's fine as long they don't take those emotions to the extreme. Basically stories that are exciting and entertaining but doesn't leave too heavy of an aftertaste after reading them

>> No.44446775

Slightly Older Girlfriend has positive emotions because I like cakes and sweet age gap romance but they're vexing because I'm the same age as the cake

>> No.44447281

>some popular novels finally got updated on dlraw, including otome mob and cunny tutor

>> No.44448491

so like any story that could be considered relatively average?

>> No.44449291
File: 30 KB, 321x240, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm already reading the 4th vol of fremd torturchen, and was wondering why is she calling herself a whore even though there's no detail implying that she's a slut
is it a translation issue or something?

>> No.44449777

in some subculture corners the meaning of bitch and slut/whore is swapped for no discernible reason, if written in katakana, kanji versions are never swapped
so if that ever gets confusing it's because when they call someone a whore/slut they are actually calling them a huge bitch
same the reverse, if someone gets called a bitch they are calling them a whore/slut
this is not consistent across authors and the split between the ones that swap that and the ones that don't are like 50-50 but it's extremely obvious in context anyway

>> No.44449891

>why is she calling herself a whore even though there's no detail implying that she's a slut
Whore and slut are not even the same thing.

>> No.44449926

I don't consider the examples I used, trpg and shangrila frontier, average, so that's subjective

>> No.44450115

i see
but storywise it's just for chuuni reasons?

>> No.44450622

I'm thinking about writing your standard romcom, but the premise is that the MC is a white english teacher at a japanese high school who is terrified of scandals because back in the states he was accused of violating a student, but one of his students in Japan now, an idol girl, wants him to coach her in english pronunciation. Literally the last person he ever wants to be alone in a room with.

>> No.44452263

I would read it.
>he was accused of violating a student
But it's better to tone this down a bit storywise. At least make it a private accusation used for something like a blackmail rather than a public accusation. Someone with something like that on record won't be teaching in japan after that, lol. And even if he manages to, the story would end with an immediate rejection of the idol's request, normally speaking

>> No.44452291

yeah it would be a bit more subdued. It would mainly be the girl's motivation. She wants to figure out why he's so freaked out by her and learns she's basically trauma fuel for him.

>> No.44452343

Cool, post it here when you get around to uploading it. I too am planning to write something but decided to go through standard jap lit taught in their high schools first to build a good foundation. Hope your writing goes well, for my future reference :)

>> No.44453961

Japan would never have given him a working visa

>> No.44454054

pretty much yeah

>> No.44454691

Then you're asking for any action or action-ish series pretty much.
Even if you limit it to those that are at least "kind of autistic" minimum (you mentioned TRPG after all) you still have a fairly long list, primarily those that get praised here all the time like dendro, but without that pretty much almost all the recommendations so far are like that.
I will mention some random stuff that hasn't been mentioned yet this thread, stuff that is far from doom and gloom, is exciting and entertaining but no painful emotional damage afterwards, yes?

To this day still the bar to clear for LNs, the definition of a jack of all trades in story form, it will not have any stellar parts out of the ordinary, but what it has is a lack of crippling flaws.
It is also very easy to read in Japanese (compared to more autistic stuff) making it a good LN to learn with, while still having good prose.
I have seen this get called comfort food at times, which isn't really wrong to be honest.

From the author of 精霊使いの剣舞 and it shows at times, and it may be new but it still feels like something from the early 10s.
This is another one of those examples with no real crippling flaws, if you can get over the odd premise by volume 1, you're good to go.
Slightly harder to read in Japanese but blame it on fights being a bit more complex and character interactions relying a bit more on context, still good as learning material.

Already mentioned it, may as well say it as a recommendation too.
Compared to the other more recent series from that author you will see a bit of rough writing on the earlier volumes, but the core soul of it remains the same.

This is newer and it feels from the current era too.
The setup is unorthodox, and it will feel novel if you're against "generic isekai/native isekai" or whatever term is used these days, but it's not trying to intentionally subvert anything you don't have to worry about it spiraling down due to that.
The MC is also more about using his brains than about simply powering through, so it's a good starting point to enter the autism club.
That said if any of these would get over your "no negative emotions" part, it will most likely be this one, it's no suffering porn but it can be heavier than most, I don't know where you draw the line so I found it worth mentioning.

This is similar to smartphone, so anything I said for that applies to this one, what's the difference? Well let's just say the MC is quite the guy, he really is something.
But it is a traditional adventure series like arifureta or black summoner, what sets it apart from the others is that the story itself is a good entry point to autism, because the MC is quite the guy, he's a minmaxer and delivers.
It also has more worldbuilding than you would see on anything with similar pacing, and those are part of the plot or the infodumps are quick and easy to digest, so it doesn't hurt the pacing.

All have more than 3 volumes, are relatively easy to read in Japanese, are fast paced rather than slow life ones, and are not suffering porn, but some drama from conflict is inevitable.

>> No.44454710

does the girl want to fuck him? what's the plot here?
is it dramashit? misunderstandings comedy?

>> No.44454793

isekai smartphone gets brought up all the time though, actually weird it wasn't the first rec anyone threw at him
same with kuma bear or cunny tutor

>> No.44455070


>> No.44456228
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Is this hard

>> No.44456255
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SAO came out in 2011 and then everyone wanted a piece of the isekai pie.

>> No.44456258

retard newfag

>> No.44456435

6453 unique vocab and 1500 kanji in a 4000 sentence volume is kinda nuts, compared to anything I've read I think

>> No.44456463

it's average for a senki
it also cheats by dragging on for far too long with purple prose, the first 4 volumes could have been resolved in 4 without all the filler

>> No.44456777

on a whim, i tried reading horizontally instead of vertically and it's surprisingly more comfy

>> No.44456803

But why?

>> No.44456834

i like to sometimes lay down in my bed on my side whilst reading

>> No.44458220

I still don't know what that heavy aftertaste is supposed to feel like.
I have felt that after the emotional damage of a drama-romance but not from positive emotions.

>> No.44458461

Why didn't nanodesu finish irya no sora UFO no natsu?

>> No.44458506

didn't it get axed
i remember people complaining about that way back in the day

>> No.44459077

A little lore question for anons who read trpg. Are the 3 imperial houses part of the 7 elector houses or are they counted separate?

>> No.44459090

that makes no sense

>> No.44460912

The three imperial houses are included in the total of 7 but in practice the imperial and elector houses are so intermarried that it's mostly just musical chairs

>> No.44461208

actually on second checking I think the seven electorate houses are separate, since the approval of more than half the electorate is mentioned as a separate requirement to the approval of all three imperials for giving the criminelf her fief

>> No.44461421

Yeah I checked the history of the empire in volume 4.1 again, it says there were three original founding houses, an additional three minor kings were given the vote, then four more electorate houses were added later for a total of seven.

>> No.44461666

Thanks, thought so.

>> No.44462332

See, I like this because it provides a reasonable excuse for why he's being herbivorous.
>he's traumatized
>it's a horrible idea for his job and social position
>it's a horrible idea for her job and social position
>but she's really cute and if he stops kidding himself she's the ideal woman

>> No.44462782

Any way to see if a ln is done, axed or the author just slow? like for notorious talker I see 4 volumes but idk, and it's one out of many

>> No.44462902

>check 5chan for discussion thread on the WN I'm reading
>country is banned from accessing the board
What the fuck bros...

>> No.44462974

What, haven't been drafted yet?

>> No.44463129

Banned from posting or does it not even load? Any vpn works for just browsing but if you want to post try the lesser known ones. Also what wn?

>> No.44463198

Doesn't even load.
Have any VPN reccomendations?
The WN is ゴルダナ帝国衰亡記 by the way, it's nearing the climax of the chapter and I wanted to see some discussion about it.

>> No.44463828

As I said any vpn works for browsing. I used freedome vpn to post but not anymore because my new provider somehow slipped through their blocklist.
Lucky guy, seems like it got a somewhat active thread

>> No.44464949

Man Danmachi 18 was a long read, the second half of Argonaut gets released tomorrow so I can finally get started on that

>> No.44465019

in talker's case it's not over it left IN A FUCKING CLIFFHANGER
if it were to get axed then the manga adaptation would also evaporate, though for a LN 10+ volumes deep this doesn't apply, because the manga can still make money if it can continue for that long
once they get past 3-5 volumes authors get a heads up before getting axed so you would see it on the afterwords
no axe announcement on overlap's blog either
so i have to guess the author is just slow

>> No.44466019
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volume 2 when

>> No.44466149

So, I announced that SAO is getting a spinoff called what-if in this thread or the previous one, Who thinks it might be the scenario where Sugou/Oberon the fairy king can finally get his mind control device to work and brainwashes Asuna,but she can't leave the game for whatever reason.?

>> No.44466190

Wasn't this one of those that adapted the WN to manga directly with no LN?

>> No.44466285

didn't he already get over his NTR rapebait fetish by now?

>> No.44466369

Crim-chan segs.

>> No.44466430

I honestly can't predict what the new spinoffs would be, especially after the Aincrad remake being already a thing.
Can you really predict anything after the cooking one?

>> No.44466810

i know this is off tangent but anyway
i remember back then scoffing at SAO when the anime aired and joining the hate bandwagon
now a decade and years of studying japanese later to the level of only rarely needing to look up kanji i have been reading it in japanese and i understand why it was such a big deal
is it rough around the edges? yeah, more so than the LNs i'm used to (reading in release order so i will only see progressive much later) but that is easily forgiven when both the autism and emotional weight is really impactful
this is one of those series that has a certain "that" which just makes it resonate if you're a certain kind of person, and i hate i suck at trying to put it into words

>> No.44466884

Dendo wouldn't exist without the alicization arc paving the way for it, and i'll die on that hill

>> No.44466918

What is this even about? I'm serious.
Series get shilled here all the time, then elaborated on.
Not this one.
Aside from dropping this cover and those wanting to fuck who I presume is either the MC or the main heroine, nobody ever talks about this one.
Nobody even complains about it.
I have my doubts it's even a real novel.

>> No.44466990

Wanted to disagree but don't have an argument, and funnily enough I think VRMMO stuff before the alicization arc just tended to draw inspiration from the newest SAO arc anyway, because the genre was far less developed then.

>> No.44467439
File: 1.34 MB, 1450x863, basedd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read the LN but is the manga farther than it at this point? Vol 5 of the manga just dropped and I'm looking forward to reading it
It's a VRMMO isekai where the main character beta tests a game his dad is developing. Due to some bug his gender gets set to female so he becomes a girl and has to beat the game to get out. It's not the generic ORETUEEEE cheat skill harem stuff so MC actually does face some hardships and whatnot. Not a slow life either. Good fight scenes, great characters, and Crim is adorable. The manga's artist is the same person that does the illustrations for the novel.

>> No.44467633

>It's a VRMMO isekai where the main character beta tests a game his dad is developing.
pretty sure he basically gets in during release day, other people are running around by the time the plot actually starts
>Due to some bug his gender gets set to female so he becomes a girl
akshually the dad gaslight him into picking the super speshul exclusive vampire class which just so happens to be female only
akshually akshually the MC was a girl all along turned boy, so this is mental training to make the guy her original sex again, making it the most convoluted anti-trannyshit ever due to MC getting buckbroken by her vampire mom into becoming a girl like she should have been
>and has to beat the game to get out.
yeah no

>It's not the generic ORETUEEEE cheat skill harem stuff
don't overdose on buzzwords bro
> so MC actually does face some hardships and whatnot
kinda average for an action series to be honest
mostly from doing the usual thing of the MC punching far above their weight and having to improvise

>> No.44467734

Who asked?

>> No.44468416

no one because it was explained what it's going to be about on kadokawas website that someone else posted

>> No.44468458

to be fair i don't blame anyone for not seeing it yet, kadokawa's website is a pain in the ass to navigate, if you don't know japanese and are MTLing it may be actually impossible to do so

>> No.44468587

How people find anything like the kagejitsu volume the day they pop up on the site is a mystery to me.

>> No.44468591

just stalk the author on twitter and webnovel site :^)

>> No.44468659
File: 232 KB, 716x1000, 最強魔法師の隠遁計画 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

新刊情報 / New Publication News

魔王スローライフを満喫する~勇者から「攻略無理」と言われたけど、そこはダンジョンじゃない。トマト畑だ~ 2
はじまりの町の育て屋さん~追放された万能育成師はポンコツ冒険者を覚醒させて最強スローライフを目指します~ 3
賢者の弟子を名乗る賢者 19

魔王学院の不適合者14〈上〉 ~史上最強の魔王の始祖、転生して子孫たちの学校へ通う~
はたらく魔王さま! ES!!
ウィザーズ・ブレインX 光の空 20
飯楽園―メシトピア― 崩食ソサイエティ

最強無名の剣聖王 1
天才女優の幼馴染と、キスシーンを演じることになった 1
この日、『偽りの勇者』である俺は『真の勇者』である彼をパーティから追放した 2
ガリ勉くんと裏アカさん 2
英雄と賢者の転生婚 4
英雄王、武を極めるため転生す ~そして、世界最強の見習い騎士~ 10
最強魔法師の隠遁計画 17

異世界刀匠の魔剣製作ぐらし 2
宇宙船が遭難したけど、目の前に地球型惑星があったから、今までの人生を捨ててイージーに生きたい 2
後宮の花結師 1
最強の鑑定士って誰のこと? 19
魔王になったので、ダンジョン造って人外娘とほのぼのする 16
役立たずと言われたので、わたしの家は独立します! 7

魔王令嬢の執行者 ~魔王国に追放された無能勇者、隠された天与スキルで無双する~
ひげを剃る。そして女子高生を拾う。 Another side story 後藤愛依梨 下

>> No.44468673
File: 176 KB, 750x1054, ティアムーン帝国物語14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


悪役令嬢は溺愛ルートに入りました!? 6
忘却聖女 Ⅳ
世界最強の魔女、始めました ~私だけ『攻略サイト』を見れる世界で自由に生きます~ 3
お飾りの皇妃? なにそれ天職です!

悪役令嬢に転生した私と悪役王子に転生した俺 1
魔物喰らい ランキング最下位の冒険者は魔物の力で最強へ 2

後宮の獣使い ~獣をモフモフしたいだけなので、皇太子の溺愛は困ります~

家族に役立たずと言われ続けたわたしが、魔性の公爵騎士様の最愛になるまで : 4

コミュ障は異世界でもやっぱり生きづらい ~砂漠の魔女はイケメンがこわい~

ポンコツ王太子のモブ姉王女らしいけど、悪役令嬢が可哀想なので助けようと思います 王女ルートがない!?なら作ればいいのよ! 2
二拠点修行生活 異世界転移したと思ったら日本と往復できるらしい。異世界で最弱、日本では全身麻痺だが、魔法が無限に使えるので修行し続ける
捨てられ勇者は帰宅中 隠しスキルで異世界を駆け抜ける 3
魔獣狩りの令嬢~夢見がちな姉と大型わんこ系婚約者に振り回される日々~ 1
婚約破棄した傷物令嬢は、治癒術師に弟子入りします! 1

>> No.44468677

be warned, half these authors are literal spergs/schizos so have fun sorting through their autism

>> No.44468680

I say this as respectfully as I can, because I like what they write, but
>Only half.

>> No.44468692

Kek, your right and same!

>> No.44468704

can you really call yourself a hardcore LN reader if you don't delve deep into and agree with some of their schizo rants?

>> No.44468720

Not everyone starts out Hardcore anon

>> No.44468726

It can get funny like maruyama blowing a gasket over fan translations and how he misses being a salaryman, again.

>> No.44468786

there was a semi decent isek/a/i thread the other day that had people going down the ln author wormhole. The shit these authors go on about is wild!

>> No.44468867

Why doesn't 目覚めたら最強装備と宇宙船 have an audiobook damn

>> No.44468883

does it have to be published directly from kadokawa for a LN to get an audiobook?

>> No.44468929

What's fucked up is I found an audio book for the English version on nyaa, so hopefully I'm just too retarded to find it

>> No.44469146

Thanks anon
Didn't you miss 爵位を剥奪された追放令嬢は知っている2 for ダッシュエックス文庫?

>> No.44469173

I can't find it anywhere I usually check for releases.
Is it set to release anywhere past september?

>> No.44469191
File: 497 KB, 1926x714, releasedash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like it, I saw another one too, it was on dash ex website

>> No.44469219

I did miss them then, wouldn't be the first time a few aren't on kimirano when I double check.

>> No.44469249

to be fair, I only noticed bc I read 追放令嬢, there is so much releases each month it's hard to keep track of them

>> No.44469917

looking forward to honobo 16 and arya-san

>> No.44472859

Eagerly awaiting for the new 幼女戦記 to arrive.

>> No.44473134

Does anybody have an epub of the first Argonaut spinoff of Danmachi?

>> No.44473856

What app to use for OCR-ing to extract text from scanned LN from dlraw? I want to convert it to epub because reading from image gallery sucks plus it'd nice to be able to ctrl+f the text

>> No.44474169

for whatever reason OCR isn't really reliable now, even google will have more fuck ups than you would expect
the best you can get is kanjitomo but even that's on a per-kanji scan and i can't imagine trying to convert an entire LN when just reading with it is so awful you're better off learning some radicals to write them in google's kanji recognition to get the text

>> No.44474202

even fucking sao only has an english audiobook

>> No.44474246

Currently I managed by with making pdf of 10 images then opening it with Google docs. Unfortunately furigana and Japanese punctuation oftentimes fucking that up.
Funny thing is the OCR is actually worked better on horizontal text

>> No.44474701

OCR is made for corporate use, the kind of thing you need for extremely clean and easy to MTL language, and it works for that almost flawlessly.
Depending on the LN you will see anything from just kansaiben faggotry and casual speech (and it's odd abbreviations that fuck up with MTL), to the entire tour of dialects, to actually using ancient japanese just to cuck N2s and below, and the author straight up making his own mini-dialect because they felt like it (usually by mixing multiple ones, but still).

>> No.44474934

You can try Manabu, it only fucks up ruby so far

>> No.44475069

Why would SAO of all ones have an EN audiobook but not a JP one? What the fuck kadokawa.

>> No.44475208


>> No.44475227

You dropped the ball when you decided not to learn Japanese

>> No.44475251

I thought about reading this but got filtered by the fact that it's a 20+ volume series. One day I'll get to it maybe.

>> No.44475292

this, a recent translation hate thread on /v/ redpilled me how bad have things gotten, it's people actually sabotaging it now when i thought you guys were just being elitist, translations being fanfics isn't just a meme it's actually how things are
decided to start learning after getting advice there to use cure dolly's stuff, it's just ridiculous
please don't hate me for being /v/ermin guys, i mostly lurk, i will hide in the shadows again now

>> No.44475581
File: 39 KB, 315x441, 1684438928928395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of making a gift to myself and buy some novels, any good recommendations that also have jp audiobooks? I'm not looking for any particular genre so I would appreciate personal recs.

>> No.44475626

Just grab your grammar guides, sakubi for entry level, cure dolly for daily reps, ixrec for the autistic.
Then you can just use kotobank for any vocab or kanji you find, MTL the definition at first if you have to, but reading definitions of japanese words in japanese does wonders for immersion and really start to "think" in japanese.
Then just do anki, and instead of using random anki decks with tons of filler words make your own with vocab you will actually use because you have seen it, if you really want the "filler" then throw in the joyo kanji for a good starting point.
Learning the language has been made easier than ever, no reason to not learn it at this point.

>> No.44475635

and when I say novels, I mean light novels, I'm retarded and forgot to type it.

>> No.44475655

i would help but i dunno how to check which have audiobooks

>> No.44475687

You can search on Amazon, there is also a huge compilation of audiobooks in nyaa called "Japanese Audiobook Collection" which is what I plan to use. Maybe that can serve as a reference

>> No.44475855

didn't it came out literally today?
not even the most popular stuff gets put up for piratefags that fast

>> No.44475882

They're mostly self contained

>> No.44475964

>i will hide in the shadows again
Sasuga Shadow Sama!

>> No.44476054

The second part did, the first was out a few months ago
I was just trying to see if I could save a few shillings instead of buying both

>> No.44476161

Funny that gets brought up now when the translation for that is hilariously awful, even by shitpress standards.
Yes it's harder to read than average but not by much, that "translation" is inexcusable.

>> No.44476691

i thought 7S just dropped it altogether

>> No.44477296

Just for reference are there any personal data attached to the ebooks you get off amazon? Just in case if I wanted to share some stuff

>> No.44477330

if you're using calibre disable keeping copies of bookmarks/pages on the ebooks in preferences > miscellaneous options, also uncheck "update metadata in saved books" in "saving books to disc" if applicable
anything other than that should get wiped by the de-drm process, and if you don't have to de-drm then there shouldn't be any personal data in the first place iirc

>> No.44477334

To be honest feel like these questions just invite people to ask for their own wishlists as piratefags rather than giving recs.
Unless that's exactly the idea.

>> No.44477389

I'm taking the risk to ask, but QRD?
As an EOP it seemed fine.

>> No.44477415

>ixrec for the autistic
please do not take advice on Japanese from Amaterasu "Lazaford Fields" Ixwreck

>> No.44477464

first LN? new to shitpress? because oh boy that wording will make someone blow a gasket
eh it's still not terrible, the more complex conjugations like -te or -i forms don't have anyone else explaining them with comparable depth from what i remember 2-3 years ago when i was learning
while far from perfect and some shit is just weirdly explained (like ね better explained as just ", right?") you will just "get it" in context once you go full immersion in media
honestly the entire table for -te and -i forms is just retarded in english but it's surprisingly intuitive if you swap your brain to jp mode

>> No.44477467

see >>41638063

>> No.44477475

>doesn't work
Read this then

>> No.44478111
File: 47 KB, 918x298, misc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but where do you find that anon?

>> No.44478179
File: 980 KB, 4159x1808, Translation vs Localization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone beat me to it and posted the big QRD from a while back.
I was working on a QRD before the kagejitsu threads on /a/ died but this YP translation in particular is an infinite pile of shit, trying to explain why part of it is wrong requires explaining 10 different things first.
And honestly the attention spans on /a/ are not long enough for a complex explanation like this anyway, there you are better off posting pic related and calling it a day.

The original heavily relies on 空気, and that's hard to explain to someone learning, let alone an EOP.
And trust me I do mean heavily, most of the jokes rely on playing around with what I can only describe as "The feel and atmosphere people project", for most characters these are very high-stakes situations, but for cid it's like a game, not because he's flippant about it, but because he became the kind of strong person that get away with treating fights like a game, then actually treats it like his personal theater, and then what results from that dynamic is the comedy.
After all, when rescuing akane he did take the fight more seriously, he didn't have the power then, that scene also serves to ground his personality more.
The epsilon boobs scene is a good example, but going back to the very start of the series illustrates it better, made as an image for your convenience.

Would it really kill translators to be serious when translating? Why does everyone have the exact same internet dudebro personality in translations these days? Someone could drop the most majestic and imposing line imaginable and they would manage to find a way to turn it into a shitty quip or a sarcastic shitpost.
Remember what I said about atmosphere? The narration is serious, the context makes it absurd, yet it's not comedy that relies on jabs at anything or anyone (though it does some of that sometimes).
Cid is being cool even within his monologue, he elevates the fact he's a schizo looking for the occult on earth into something you could hear a JRPG secret boss say in the ruins of a church while piano plays in the cutscene before the fight.
The joke is not that he's insane, being self aware for a parody, or pointing at the cringe chuuni characters with no self awareness and laughing.
Cid is aware he's being chuuni, to the point of it being a sensitive spot for him later.

Recently a lot of people conflate two different concepts: Someone powerful being cool, and a normal person acting like they have supernatural powers and looking cringe because of it.
The difference between Leouch in-universe, and someone with a fedora and a toy katana acting like they have a Geass, basically.
If half the comedy is playing with the atmosphere, the other is cid having a "on stage" and "backstage" mental divide with both his mob and shadow persona being "on stage", and he himself doing the backstage preparations without anyone else aware he's even trying to do that.
Except this is not happening on earth with special effects, but it's played out for real, with real supernatural abilities and with people actually dying, and he knows it, because that was his greatest dream made reality, but it's funny he himself is also the one putting up the lights and opening the curtains in this metaphorical theater.
He puts as much effort into looking cool as he does actually training, and in this double-layered meta-comedy is from where a lot of confusion comes from.
It's not like he can't separate fiction from reality and is trying to do what fictional characters are doing, he can separate fiction from reality all too well, but that's EXACTLY why he wants the powers fictional characters have.
And the third layer is he thinks he's just training for when he does this FOR REAL, but either not realizing or being willfully ignorant he's already doing it for real with flying colors.
I don't blame anyone for getting confused.

So what is the joke?
Being self aware of the gap between coolness and cringe, and simply giving it all and walking forward anyway, and this process creates inspirational coolness and comedy as a byproduct.
In the story this is what every non-antagonist character is doing, whoever they may be they still continue onward within the darkness in their own way, none of them are perfect, yet they still try, mistakes, flaws and all, laugh at them if you want, that will not stop them.
In the meta sense this is what the story is doing, it's an absurd premise nobody would take seriously, but the story takes itself seriously anyway, writing flaws and all, it presents itself as the coolest thing ever, and the joke is that it works if you embrace it.

And in the YP version all of this is:
>Isn't it cringe how everyone is taking this so seriously? Lmao.

>> No.44478249
File: 150 KB, 1561x748, 1693472379555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically and firmly believe the fault for the Whedonization of the text must lie with the editor, not the translator, because there is no way even a semicompetent translator who actually speaks Japanese and passed some kind of TL test that would be part of any job application would fail to recognize the importance of word choice and stylistic flair.
I posted this in another thread but a QA failure in a volume of Strike the Blood gives us a rare sneak peak into the editing process at Yen Press, you can see both the edited and the unedited forms of a certain passage in the script and the way the editing tries to inject more "personality" into the character voicing.
Which isn't an inherently bad thing, because personality in voicing is less formalised and harder to get right in English than in Japanese, but it's a recipe for disaster if your editor neither knows any Japanese nor actually talks to your translator, which is the norm in for yen and shitseas.

>> No.44478287

This is something I have been hearing for a while now too, and also something I see people sucking Steiner's dick for because JNC does it right, apparently.
And while it makes it a bit more comprehensible, in the sense of shining a light on how a disaster like that can even happen, it certainly doesn't excuse it.
Why is that pipeline even a thing? It makes no sense for translations.

>> No.44478302

That's just historically how the workflow has worked at the traditional publishers, same reason why shitseas MT translators were surprised to find out their scripts got censored. Don't ask me why, I don't have an answer.

>> No.44480344

Hyouka novels (Kotenbu series)
It's quite short and 90% easy to follow 10% some more complicated things.

Honzuki no Gekokujou
I like the pace and female narrator voice is nice. Series is not finished but there are over 19 volumes with each 10h+ and

サキュバスアイドルの契約者 ボクっ娘サキュバスと秘密のルームシェア
Ridiculous but fun. One standalone volume. (Same author as ゼロから始める魔法の書)

>> No.44480365

>Honzuki no Gekokujou
19 volumes as audiobooks, a few more as just novels

>> No.44482502

Thanks for the recs, I'm going to buy a couple of volumes of the Kotenbu Series, because I remember really liking Hyouka when I saw it, and I'll also buy サキュバスアイドルの契約者, mainly because it's perfect that it's a standalone since I don't have that much money to spend. I don't know the author so this will be the first work I'll read from him (the only authors I know are the ones who write VNs) but judging by your opinion plus that random guy's review on Amazon it seems to be a pretty good rom-com so I'll give it a try.

>> No.44483802

this is the kind of autism i come to this general for

>> No.44484035

Honzuki is pretty bad though.

>> No.44484257

That's just, like, your opinion, man.

>> No.44484642

Another vote for honzuki, I read vol 1 last year and stopped at that since it wasn't very exciting, but for the past month or so I've very much enjoyed listening to the audiobooks while driving.

>> No.44484705

Thanks, I will keep it in mind when I finish the lns I still have to read. I'll probably read the first few volumes first before buying it physical though.

>> No.44486234

>Hyouka novels (Kotenbu series)
>It's quite short and 90% easy to follow 10% some more complicated things.
are they good material to start learning japanese as a newfag?

>> No.44486460

i will never understand why even do these changes at all
the entire spice and wolf fiasco proved the average western normalfag is not going to be interested in any LN enough for it to become mainstream, so the changes don't do anything beneficial
but what it does is piss off the people that would have purchased a translation and are interested already
so why even do this shit?

>> No.44486577

Might be a bit complicated fro a complete beginner, but if you've seen the anime I think you could power through the more complicated parts.
Reading while listening to the audiobook makes it easier, but only if you are at a certain listening level already i guess.

>> No.44486650

If done properly and in consultation with an actual Japanese speaker (the translator) a good editor can really help bring through aspects of the original script in terms of tone, voicing and style that the translator's writing skill alone couldn't. A translator whose primary skill is in knowing Japanese rather than writing English might only be able to throw in a few fake sounding old timey words and gozarus somewhere for a samurai girl but pair them with someone who has read all of Jane Austen's works 9002 times and they can really make something of it. Compare how Nanao is written in the Yen translation with the monotone TL of the Crunchy speedsubs to see what I mean.

>> No.44486674

even fan TLs have editors
takajun's scripts were infamously basically unusable without editing

>> No.44486802

This unironically reads like a shill defending english editors.

>> No.44486815

Editing can be done well or badly just like the first pass of translation. It's just a question of how the different skillsets are used.

>> No.44487857

>new trpg chapter, after 3 months

>> No.44489942

Finished the second volume of SAO progressive. I'm starting to like it even more but I can't see how the author can end the series before dying or being axxed.

>> No.44491161 [DELETED] 

First of all, you're going to start hating it soon.
Second, People are pretty sure the story ends with whatever happens on floor 25 that causes so much change, IIRC a boss massacres people

>> No.44491258

this is a terrible post

>> No.44491271

Yeah probably I'm sick and drunk and sad

>> No.44491612

it's out!

>> No.44492009

i really doubt something on the level of SAO can actually get axed

>> No.44492707

it's pretty funny the spanish fan TL is better than both the english fan TL and the YP version

>> No.44493288

what's the recommended move for working with scanned images? compiling them into a cbz?

>> No.44493320


>> No.44493328

Wait people actually use a reader for that? I just use the default windows image viewer.

>> No.44493350

same, if i read scans on PC. usually i do it on my fire tablet though

>> No.44493357

thanks, seems like that's the move
I prefer to read stuff on my tablet rather than my pc at my desk

>> No.44493370

just make sure to look up the explanation on making folders called 'ch1' in order to make tachiyomi read your own scans first.

>> No.44493374

install gentoo

>> No.44494692

what if i want to be a contrarian and install arch instead

>> No.44494841

I was one of the guys that would seethe over the anime not being haha funny enough, but looks like the anime is very close to the LN in tone.
My only regret is not starting to learn sooner, I only started with the announcement of volume 5.

>> No.44495597

