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44226429 No.44226429 [Reply] [Original]

I get the sense that some people are disappointed in me. Marisa's been a bit slow to answer me, and whenever Miss Hakurei patrols the village and spots me, she stares at me like she's looking at walking garbage. She still scares me. I think Doctor Yagokoro is starting to look at me like a test subject, and I think my favourite waitress decided to head out as soon as I passed by the other day.
My last date was...strange. Marisa said that perhaps I needed to aim for someone with responsibility, so she set me up with a messenger of the Dragon Palace. Miss Iku was stunning, a true beauty, to the point that I wondered how the hell Marisa had convinced her to meet me. Well, I learnt my lesson from last time, so I let Miss Iku decide where we would go. She suggested a walk around the outskirts of the village, out in the sunshine. That sounded good to me, and I even knew some nice secluded spots with lovely rivers and views, so I thought nothing could go wrong this time.
And honestly, it was going really well. We seemed to get along, and her work sounded really fascinating, even if she seemed to keep having to interrupt it to deal with the whims of the Celestials. I guess even Celestial Maidens have it rough sometimes. Anyway, around sunset, we were walking back when I tripped. I looked down and at my feet was some sort of cloth. I picked it up, and that's when Miss Iku became...bizarre. She got really worked up, and started grabbing onto my arm and saying that it was her veil provided by the Lord of Heaven. Apparently, by losing it, it meant I had to marry her.
Now, I don't mind forward girls, but marriage on the first date? Isn't that a little much? At this point, I started to wonder if I'd made a mistake, but Miss Iku had been really nice before this so I went along with it a little longer in the hopes I could talk her down. Which I thought wouldn't be that bad until she decided to take me above the clouds to her home.
I don't know how many girls rooms most of you have been in, but Miss Iku clearly didn't have much spare time. Her room was a bit of a mess and I tried my hardest to avoid some of the more...unsavoury items on the floor. While she rattled off wedding plans, I decided to try and clean the room a little. This turned into a lot, because I actually got surprisingly into it, and finally after I was finished, I realised I would have to let the girl down gently because I could already see my future as a live-in maid.
In the end, I told her that my heart belonged to someone else and I couldn't marry her. I thought this was a nice, gentle response.
When I woke up in Eientei, I found out that she had taken back her veil and chucked me off the clouds, and it was only the lucky appearance of a passing blue-haired girl with peaches on her hat who happened to be floating past and redirected me away from crashing headfirst into the Forest of Magic and instead had me crash headfirst into Eientei's gardens. Doctor Yagokoro fixed my traumatic brain injuries (She said that the fragment of peach that I'd apparently hit when I collided with the blue-haired girl and she had taken during surgery was payment enough), I was released.
Personally, I think this one wasn't my fault. Still, I'd like to meet the girl who threw me at Eientei again. Just to say thanks.

>> No.44226466

hololive spam tactic: copying posts from threads and making a thread with them


>> No.44226659

What's strange is that the pic is unique, so whoever is responsible has at least enough knowledge of touhou to know the character/read the post.

>> No.44226707

If they took their time to browse archive and copy-paste a thread, they could also reverse-image the OP to search the booru and the character tag.
It's still baffling they'd go through much effort.

>> No.44226723

yes, the same thing happened when they made a zombie thread of Takane's thread: they used a different pic to the original.
Dunno if someone would go to this extent to "disguise" the zombie thread, or if it isn't just someone who used to like Touhou and then transitioned to tumors.

>> No.44228467

this is unacceptable at this point. this summer thread quality sucks balls. i hope the release of th19 saves us

>> No.44228509

New Touhou game activity is actually pretty contained (usually for the better), I don't think it'll bring much changes.
Unless you want several /v/-tier hype and complaint threads about the new game to flood the board.

>> No.44228568

last summer was fun with everyone talking about 100th market.
i want /v/ and /vt/ to stay far away from here. i can't even recognize the board anymore thanks to them

>> No.44228637

the worst part about this thread is that there's not even a report option for it
it's perfect spamming, honestly

>> No.44228644

what? there is one. go to catalog if you can't find it

>> No.44228650

copy-pasted thread should be considered low-quality

>> No.44228663

would it not come under spamming/flooding?

>> No.44228699

It's low quality but I doubt that they'd look into context to recognize why it's low quality
the same for above. Unlike the porn spam or clearly offtopic spam, this isn't easy to prove as spam if you are not paying attention to the board's condition

>> No.44228720

Part of me feels that it's too much to be real. Like, have you seen the catalog today? What the hell are >>44226784, >>44228447, >>44228538? It's ludicrous. I don't put it past spammers, but I also wouldn't be surprised if it was someone trying to bring things to a head.

>> No.44228775

What do you mean, exactly?
Someone trying to falseflag?

>> No.44228776

The porn spam was at least on-topic

I don't even like Kanako that much

>> No.44228784

it was horrible and too many, it killed too many slow threads.
The only good thing is that it was easier to report

>> No.44228835

Yeah, I guess. Like, I usually subscribe to the 'hololive spam to flush their thread faster' theory, but surely this is a little too conspicuous for them? Maybe they're just bold due to not getting any substantial punishment in the past, but the rise in recent shit threads feels too sharp. Falseflag in this sense I guess is just someone who wants hololive out, I don't think they could be a true jpsie if they're willing to degrade the quality so much. I just wish the mods would say/do anything.

>> No.44228853

I feel you. This place still has great Touhou discussion, but the garbage has just been ramping up.

>> No.44228858

It's a Hammer art porn spam, the Kanako one is just one of them
There were bunch of them the other day

>> No.44228871

Where? I can't find them on Warosu.

>> No.44228874

I get what you're saying, and I do think it's a possibility. And it could also be a third party; not all of the posts because I think most of the zombie threads were hololiver-made, but the recent spam feels somewhat unrelated to the current state of hololive threads on the board. It's hard, there is no evidence either way so the only thing we can do is report these threads.

>> No.44228876

Mods are holoshitter themselves. Never got banned for criticising their precious e-celebs?

>> No.44228881

This one I could find linked in the Alice thread

>> No.44228909

There are more of different vtuber and 3DPD schizos you can suspect, you know. It's not just the people who want to bump out the holo thread.
Sallyfag and tourists who hate /jp/'s guts in general, or like you said it might be a 2hu schizo who hate certain kind of posts.

>> No.44228940

At this point I'm starting to believe that someone (might still be a hololiver) is taking advantage of the hostility in /jp/. Honestly with the way barely anyone cares about this place I don't see much hope of this getting solved until the spammer(s) get bored. It's fine for bigger boards where threads come and go in a day, but here it's more of a bother

>> No.44229001

I like Hammer's art. Don't tell me you dislike it for the same reason people dislike Fusu; because his art isn't "wholesome" anymore or that his art has OOC or self-insert dialogue. What a dumb complaint.

>> No.44229020

no I said it was horrible because it was horrible spam that killed threads for nothing
there should be appropriate boards for you to enjoy his art shouldn't there be?

>> No.44229042

Please keep that inane argument to one thread and let it die. Last thing we need is a shitfit being thrown every time that artist is even mentioned.

>> No.44229437

I would that to a /jp/ anon

>> No.44229478

hello spammerfriend

>> No.44229730

What the hell is your problem?
