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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.04 MB, 1200x720, ましろ色シンフォニー SANA EDITION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44178665 No.44178665 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>44157672

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels. Discussion of translated visual novels (including MTL) belongs in >>>/vg//vn/

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.44178687

A sanafag actually made a thread? I'm in shock.

>> No.44178734

Sana a shit

>> No.44178770
File: 437 KB, 473x635, 1686108888259316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have got to read more stuff with her VA. She is fucking killing it in the new Hulotte.

>> No.44178783


>> No.44178791

Is she worth reading the VN for? She's the only design I like

>> No.44178793

This sana meme is extremely reddit. I'm going to have to ask you to leave and go to https://www.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/

>> No.44178802

Looks rapeable

>> No.44178829
File: 1.78 MB, 1440x810, F96AEDFA-DB8A-477B-A9E9-4B458EB75EC8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty excited to read blue hair's and black hair's route. Pink+blue is alright and I definitely want more of her H-scenes. In terms of the VN itself, still hard to say. I'm making slow progress because every heroine has a masturbation scene in the common route and I keep fapping to them.

>> No.44178837

It's not so much a meme as one mentally ill schizo ritualposting for months

>> No.44178847

takes one to know one

>> No.44178869

So a typical Hulottege.

>> No.44178872

looking forward to the day the multi colored hair pandemic ends

>> No.44178879

Yeah I don't even know what is the difference between here and /vn/

>> No.44178882

Yeah, it isn't exceptional so far. At least the magic gimmick in this one is being used more appropriately.

>> No.44178888

Sounds like something I'd be super into. I keep hoping for solo masturbation scenes in stuff I read and they never come.

>> No.44178898

Threads have been going pretty fast lately

>> No.44178902

It's in all of their games.

>> No.44178911
File: 656 KB, 704x665, eMDalwZpFLkqSkx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was only one in Atropos.

>> No.44178915

>every heroine has a masturbation scene in the common route
So they're all impure whores I see

>> No.44178933
File: 1.49 MB, 1440x810, pfdwgm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially Koume. Girl is an experienced masturbator.

>> No.44178944

New Lump of Sugar has that too, though not sure yet if it's all the girls. And it's not in the common route.

>> No.44178959 [DELETED] 

She should've been the OP... It's not fair...

>> No.44179293 [DELETED] 

>every heroine has a masturbation scene in the common route
Picked up.

>> No.44179342

That's just hulotte in general.

>> No.44179466
File: 823 KB, 1568x882, 乙女の剣と秘めごとコンチェルトAdvHD_ (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm enjoying the new ensemble game so far - it's pretty much like every other ensemble game, the knight dueling element is ripped pretty much straight from Secret Agent - but one part I find quite odd is that the VN establishes twenty minutes in MC is stronger than every other student at the school by having him easily beat the #1 fighter. Then it spends a lot of time on fight drama despite already clearly establishing nobody else in the school is in MC's league. Except for maybe the one girl who's hiding her powerlevel.. Just a bit of an odd choice to spend so much time on fight scenes when they've clearly established MC's better than everyone right from the start. Maybe the routes will come up with very complicated reasons why he isn't actually the best.

>> No.44179539

Why would you read Secret Agent, I didn't realise anyone cared about their non-josou games

>> No.44179559
File: 1.91 MB, 1600x900, Secret_Agent~騎士学園の忍びなるもの~AdvHD (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was curious what a non-josou ensemble game would be like. It wasn't great. The
>stupid honorable knights, chivalry is dumb, *teleports behind you and stabs you in the back*
MC was pretty fun I guess

>> No.44179624
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, AdvHD_28113741126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new ensemble's game setting is from Otokana, they directly reference it a bunch of times. I was wondering if there were other references to other ensemble games, let me know if you spot any

>> No.44179662

Is Arianrhod a school in one of the other ensemble games? They reference it a bunch of times.
There's a scene early on where they namedrop like six or seven different schools in a row, so I assume they're all other ensemble games.

>> No.44179860

Did anyone read the Hapymaher remake? Is the new scenario any good or can I just play the original? I dislike the new sprites.

>> No.44179864

>all those high class lady knights jockeying for position over Aryan Rod

>> No.44179898

I'll read any game with high class lady knight heroines. It's a dying genre. Odd, since Saber is the most popular heroine of all time.

>> No.44180117

all the good genres are dying these days. only to be replaced by what, chuubas? gyaru-lites? what's all the rage these days, anyway

>> No.44180138

Despite how much people complain about it, there really aren't many vtuber heroines either. Far less than idol heroines in the mid 200s and 2010s.

>> No.44180185

honestly i only threw that in because i'm struggling to think of any new archetypes
then again i don't read a lot of current stuff

>> No.44180204

I can't think of any trend dominating VNs the way medieval fantasy isekai is dominating LNs.

>> No.44180215

That's not a bad thing desu

>> No.44180272
File: 476 KB, 1920x1080, cmvs32_qeOeGzgYGM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fine with the original. The new stuff is just extra endings for each heroine that's only unlocked in the FD and female MC having a voice now.

>> No.44180538

Isn't the heroine on the left one not drawn by koku? Because those are koku eyes. It would explain why the new sprites are so ugly if koku redrew everything and the other artist got dumped.

>> No.44180563
File: 123 KB, 250x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That heroine is uglier drawn by her real artist desu

>> No.44180582

I will not hear slander of Koku. He's the only artist who can draw big meaty pussies just right.

>> No.44180651
File: 1.00 MB, 806x522, 1659336252677345.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All non H-CGs got reworked along with the sprites

>> No.44180671

Which one is the new one? The one with the bigger face is better.

>> No.44180743

Yes that's her. She's drawn by the Tsukimori guy. He used to be good until a few years ago. The redraw still looks like Tsukimori but the CG >>44180272 is drawn by koku. Someone once told me a theory that koku drew all CGs/bodies and Tsukimori only added his faces. The new Hapymaher sprites made me think Tsukimori tried to draw his heroines closer to koku's style but that CG is not Tsukimori at all.

That's worse than I thought.

>> No.44180770

>He's the only artist who can draw big meaty pussies just right
Otherwise known as cocks. So that's why he calls himself koku or COQ.

>> No.44180902 [DELETED] 

>Which one is the new one?
The smaller face

>> No.44180904

kokuface is cancer. But when he is not in charge you get total garbage like criminal border art/designs, you can't win with purple kusoftware.

>> No.44180927

But the smaller face doesn't look like Koku's art at all

>> No.44180932
File: 1.62 MB, 1450x816, クリミナルボーダー_2nd_offencecrbd_2nd (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with CB designs and art?
Is it just that Hina's pleasingly plump?

>> No.44180935

Misread, thought you asked which was the original

>> No.44180950

Far left is okay but middle is too fat too

>> No.44180971

Then that new CG is a massive improvement, she looks retarded in the original

>> No.44180973

It fits the tone of the game but I wouldn't prefer it for any of the others

>> No.44180998

I don't like the Criminal Border art either but it's not complete trash. If the designs got cleaned up a bit with nicer notNTR colors they'd be good.
Purple Software with koku and Tsukimori looked good until Hapymaher (first release). Since then Purple Software turned to shit and koku even reuses his own CGs. Kunado finally brought in someone other than koku but wasn't too good and the colors were muddy.

>> No.44181000

criminal art is beautiful

>> No.44181013
File: 1.39 MB, 1450x816, クリミナルボーダー_2nd_offencecrbd_2nd (17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but I wouldn't say
>this artstyle fits the game it's in
>but it wouldn't fit a different game!
Is a criticism of the art. If the next purplesoftge has this guy's artstyle, then we'll see, but I think CB seems to be a side project that none of the main staff are working on.
>notNTR colors
What the fuck are NTR colors supposed to be? Please explain, and visual examples would be appreciated.

>> No.44181036
File: 100 KB, 500x152, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those shadows

>> No.44181050

I turned shadow resolution down in the settings when I started the game so it would lock 60

>> No.44181066
File: 342 KB, 1280x720, 1679639688447449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the Kunado artist did pretty good, would definitely make a better secondary artist than Tsukimori

>> No.44181110
File: 72 KB, 1254x949, A6FE7A68-CFDF-4782-B50B-615B0B4CEB0D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hereby declare red to be an NTR color!

>> No.44181112
File: 1.54 MB, 1280x720, クナド国記【DL版】 -_優里本筋08-01_-cmvs32 (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think both Koku and the new artist are good, but it's too obvious who did which characters when they're lined up and it's a bit distracting to see multiple characters on-screen obviously from different artists.

>> No.44181123
File: 224 KB, 800x500, 28665-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NTR colors supposed to be?
Unpleasant colors with ugly contrast. This pic has pleasant colors and is the opposite of NTR colors. CB has colors that make me think there's NTR lurking around the fat girl corner.

>> No.44181139
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, クリミナルボーダー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NTR colors

>> No.44181147

Why can't NTR games be cute like this?

>> No.44181181

Cute NTR is a forbidden fruit like imouto NTR.

She's either a villain, a bitch or she sucks unpleasantly colored koku.

>> No.44181188
File: 1.41 MB, 800x600, opmovie - Copy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unpleasant colors with ugly contrast.
>Why can't NTR games be cute like this?

>> No.44181203

Horrible designs, the morbid fat is the worst easily. Guess Koku is not that bad when compared to those side by side.

>> No.44181204
File: 1.63 MB, 1450x816, クリミナルボーダー_2nd_offencecrbd_2nd (23).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's all three, and if she doesn't get some kind of fandisc, mini-route or at least an h-scene I'll riot.

>> No.44181240

If she doesn't get an a route and h-scenes its only because they ran out of budget and couldn't complete the project properly

>> No.44181280
File: 977 KB, 1077x680, 1675363843319496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's difficult to find an artist close enough to match the same style like the way Yuzusoft artists do.

>> No.44181288
File: 1.47 MB, 1978x1129, 371AA288-FCAD-4E2F-82C1-F5440EF83B5B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love yuzuart!

>> No.44181448

Jibril is not NTR. It's a pure love kamige.

The other pic looked like she had small breasts. I'm disappointed. I loved villainous flatties.

>> No.44181454

Djibril is unironically the only good NTR game, i don't know why the others all suck so much

>> No.44181468
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x720, 戦国天使ジブリールDjibril5 (19).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you count pure love between a pink slut and her freakish mascot buddy.

>> No.44181517
File: 912 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>freakish mascot buddy
The purest form of love.

>> No.44181661

I think CB art -style- is alright
The rendering though
Amateur as fuck
Maybe it can be saved by the magical rendering team in Silky's, for example

>> No.44181748

>Maybe it can be saved by the magical rendering team in Silky's, for example
Unpopular opinion: I don't like their rendering as you call it. I think it's overtuned.

>> No.44181799

What is rendering in this context? I've only heard it applied to actual animation.

>> No.44181905

I'd say colors, shading, filters. I like the Silky's character art except for the ugly small eyed or droopy eyed thick lipped hags. The CGs are hot but they all look like there's too many filters on it to give it depth. I'd tune that down a bit. Akeiro's Velvet has a CG so overtuned it looks like traced and filtered cheese pizza. Even loli nukige don't invoke that level of discomfort in me.

>> No.44182129


>> No.44182145

Filipinos, when can we be in an eroge?

>> No.44182165

For me, it's the frog. Will she relive the Chris from Majikoi experience?

>> No.44182179


>> No.44182189
File: 336 KB, 1600x1124, __azusa_blue_archive__9b50978ec20bc75e7c5ce9b0ce3acea0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it's a bit distracting to see multiple characters on-screen obviously from different artists.
I like this sort of thing, but it's jarring when a heroine is drawn by a different artist during a CG

>> No.44182295
File: 278 KB, 1280x720, 68609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you all think of Tsurumiku's artist?

>> No.44182304


>> No.44182329

Tough crowd.

>> No.44182344

They all look like men dressed as girls

>> No.44182378

I like it. The Osaka game's been on my list for a long time.

>> No.44182381

Okay, fags. Post the objectively best eroge art out there. It better be the ultimate, non-debatable masterpiece to surpass Da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello etc.

>> No.44182425

I don't rank art.

>> No.44182524
File: 297 KB, 1280x720, 145284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Kiriha's melted faces

>> No.44182552

Congrats to Sana for finally making it.

>> No.44182648


>> No.44182659

Needing VNs to have good art is a weakness. Visuals only hold visual novels back.

>> No.44182711

Objective is defined by the majority and we all know this isn't going to point to anything close to the ultimate artstyle. There is no such thing.

I think it's a good example, so look at top AI art. You have soulless NPCs out there regarding it as the best thing they've ever seen, but anyone with a bit of sensibility in them knows it doesn't compare to man-made art. The reason for that is that humans will always further connect with something they regard as imperfect as it makes it possible to truly empathize with it.
You can superpose the same logic with artists who specialize in popular art styles (which these AI are based on speaking of which) and constantly try their hardest at hitting the top Pixiv ranking and whatnot. Sure they look very nice, are objectively popular and liked by many, but they often lack the warmth a lot of lesser known artists have.

By trying to be read by anyone, you inevitably end up losing nuances in the process. By trying to be everyone, you end up being no one.

>> No.44182738

That's a bad analogy because even the best AI art is far from perfect, the models are all riddled with errors.

>> No.44182761

I said top AI art. Plenty of AI artworks out there where you can hardly spot problems, especially if the person behind took 5min to fix them up. Besides you could've just ignored this line and read the one below to get the same point made. If you don't get it, that's on you. Analogy stands.

>> No.44182786

what that ends up boiling down into is
>what artist makes your favorite kind of imperfections
and i rather like that interpretation

>> No.44183068

i like these

>> No.44183175
File: 1.66 MB, 2048x1200, Kajiri.Kamui.Kagura.full.799276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and G-Yuusuke-pilled

>> No.44183544
File: 129 KB, 1280x960, ev_t18_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously though, Chuuou Higashiguchi is the best thing that ever happened in the eroge history
There is simply no one who can make more badass men than him
He is the one who inspired the whole cool dudes fighting genre back in the days

>> No.44183647

What's he up to now?

>> No.44183701

I see him being assistant for Tsukihime so i guess he is still alive at least

>> No.44183763

I prefer the original art for the gynoids. Something about their eyes.

>> No.44183907


>> No.44183946

Dunno about "objective best" but I like Ooyari Ashito's stuff a lot.

>> No.44183974

reading rondo leaflet at the moment, it's really nice

>> No.44184001

I've always been drawn to the art and have had it on my wishlist forever. Is it really as hard to read as its reputation suggests?

>> No.44184019

The hardest part about it is reading dies irae
If you can finish dies you will have no issues with it

>> No.44184048

Is that necessary? vndb only lists it as 'same setting'.

>> No.44184059

it's quite literally a sequel, i dont know why they went with same setting

>> No.44184130

>doing dinos
Based, but why tho?

>> No.44184173

Can't really get behind his art. Maybe because his subject matter isn't my style.

>> No.44184514
File: 808 KB, 1920x1080, ガマンができない童貞兄キと、スナオになれない反抗妹_2023-07-31_14-27-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44185044

This. It was G-Yuusuke's peak for sure.

>> No.44185324


>> No.44185405

I can't take it anymore. I need new imouto game. Please somebody...

>> No.44185426

There are two imouto games coming out in October. You'll live.

>> No.44185518

The fake imouto aikotoba? What's the other one?

>> No.44185541


>> No.44185556

Imouto to Kanojo

>> No.44185563 [DELETED] 

Aikotoba and what's the other one?

>> No.44185565
File: 369 KB, 1080x816, Screenshot_20230731_163117_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44185607

I hate surprise NBR

>> No.44185627

That hasn't happened for at least 15 years.

>> No.44185778


>> No.44185807

I actually like surprise incest, which is much more rare

>> No.44185808

The most difficult bits are the Kojiki snippets and I recall those getting modern translations within the intro.
It really is crazy how badly Senshinkan regressed in that regard. Ayumi's H-scenes were the first I got in both Bansenjin and Hachimyoujin, and those were really wonky.

>> No.44185835

I already shamefully deleted my post after I saw the question was asked and answered right before my post, but thanks.

>> No.44186018

Anyone kind enough to share おねショタおね?

>> No.44186061

Anywhere I can get a version of Shizuku that isn't the remake?

>> No.44186094

It's extremely unintuitive but actually what you do is download the 2009 remake of Kizuato. It comes with literally everything including the original version of Shizuku.

>> No.44186172

the kobe pc98 pack has it

>> No.44186197

Thanks. I've been wanting to play that for a while but am against playing remakes on my first read

>> No.44186239

Does it come on the disk or is it a separate program, will this torrent have it?

>> No.44186255

It's a part of the disc. The setup will give you the option to install the other games too.

>> No.44186268

Cool, thanks for the tip anon.

>> No.44186382

>We want the american audience

>> No.44186552

I haven't read a new VN in awhile. Are they still compatible with W7 even if they don't "support" them anymore?

>> No.44186561
File: 8 KB, 411x158, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do i run this game? the crack provided by hsuki doesn't work, and neither does alpharomdie

>> No.44186580

Have you tried doing what that error message tells you?

>> No.44186597

yes i fucking did, multiple times
i even installed it in another folder other than the default one

>> No.44186614

eroge devs rarely use any APIs that aren't supported by W7 so they usually still work.

>> No.44186618

how about the usual just copying stuff from the disk instead of installing it?

>> No.44186633

Any VN's that have?

>> No.44186649

The more recent muv-luv steam releases I believe.

>> No.44186700

Anything western-based (Unity, Javascript, RenPy) will be the first to break on Win7 most definitely.
There's some third-rate kusoengine that imports WinAPI time-related function with high precision that doesn't exist in W7, but a lower precision func does, so you can patch the exe to import the latter and make it work, although this will cost you transitions (like text fading in).

>> No.44186721

oh my god i fucking got it working
looks like the fix was to first crack it, then put it in vista compatibility mode, then use locale emulator to run the exe
i hate siglus engine
i don't know if manually copying everything from disc helped me fix it, but thank you anyway

>> No.44186723

At this point, I would start using a VM for W7. It's getting more untenable to be a main OS as the years go by.

>> No.44186734

Oh, found it. It's this trash
It tries to import GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime and you must patch it to import GetSystemTimeAsFileTime on Win7 instead.

>> No.44186736

Or just take the GNU pill and use wine

>> No.44186745

Eushully, starting from Grasesta iirc

>> No.44186772

Damn, and I was planning on trying out Amayui after I heard they're starting to course correct themselves.

>> No.44186860
File: 70 KB, 1277x270, 1689041894331559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like none of these are correct.

>> No.44186914

Time it yourself and add an accurate one

>> No.44186947

Someone should create a system which extracts audio files from a game, times them, adds some correction value for text without audio, and spits out true game length.
It would be so valuable, no matter if it will be on vndb or some outside page.

>> No.44187007

The most accurate way would be just put game on auto on average speed and let it play in the background
Wish more devs would share auto length data, would make life a million time easier for literally everyone

>> No.44187230

That would get messed up by choices, true routes, and stuff.
Audio or text metric should capture all routes faster and easier than that.

>> No.44187459

Too much work, literally just extract the text and give us text length, otherwise go back to the "short medium long" they had before that joke.

>> No.44187505

Text length + audio length would be good since some people listen to all voices and others don't. You can go by whichever one applies to you then.

>> No.44187539

Isn't that why they can vote how much of a speed reader they think they are? Some people naturally read faster/slower than others

>> No.44187618

>same time as egs
you can instantly tell that the dude is unable to measure his abilities

>> No.44187626

He's just humble

>> No.44187638

I only trust the time ratings that specifically say they were measured with a tool. People are horrible at estimating the time it took them to do something if it's spread over the course of weeks/months.

>> No.44187642

belly punching is so underatted

>> No.44187651


>> No.44187663

Most people are naturally bad at estimating time so you have to actually time yourself. But even among people who use timers I've seen some speedreaders who based on their times must be clicking instantly once a line shows up, never listening to any voices or slowing down to have some water/food/etc. Or maybe they're just skipping H-scenes. Seems like a boring way to read.

>> No.44187690

It really should just be lines and audio time. Maybe have some feature to quickly compare a given novel with those on your read list.

>> No.44187691

Anyone here read Shoin https://vndb.org/v4372?
Japs keep praising it as old kamige to justify the 100k yen they spent on it but after jisatsu101 i'm not buying on this anymore

>> No.44187718

Not worth the high price so pirate it but it's pretty fun, it's one of those multi-route mystery VNs that should be played without a walkthrough. One side of the story is kind of dumb but I enjoyed it overall.

>> No.44187722

It's on sale for 24 and up on the sekrit club

>> No.44187767

I don't think I'm ever gonna time myself, VN is supposed to be an enjoyable experience not a competition. It's not rare for me to sometimes re-read lines and daydream/immerse into what's being said during notable scenes. The idea that I have to hit a timer whenever I'm in and out of it feels constricting.
I'd rather script length and other data become a norm, though I'm grateful for those guys who make believable and thorough breakdowns for each route over vndb.

>> No.44187815

Just download activity watch and forget about it, it will just track all your time on the background without needing to even think about it
Then after finishing you can just check how much it took you to finish, and then you can put in some comments if you spent extra time on rereading lines or daydreaming so people who do the same would get useful info out of that
I always point out which parts i speedread through or which routes i skipped so the people who aim for the same girls as me could see how long it would take for them to do it

>> No.44187835

I understand you so much. I love rereading various lines and even whole scenes. I even often reread considerable parts of common route when I start a new route.
But I also can't help it but feel a kind of inferiority complex for being such a slow reader compared to other people.

>> No.44187844

Where are you getting that information?
https://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/game_support_platform.php?game=26907 ???
>Amayui 2
https://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/game_support_platform.php?game=30359 ????

Just because specs don't mention Windows 7/8.1 or they say requires 10/11 doesn't mean it won't run on 7/8.1. Steam releases for example have default Minimum specs that publishers copy-paste and most of the games will run on older Windows. They just don't want you to use them.

>> No.44187863

You shouldn't, you're probably absorbing and comprehending a lot more of the story compared to speedreaders

>> No.44187890

>auto on average speed
Default auto speed is often slow as fuck and they're not standardized. That's a bad measure of time. Length of all voice files is better but only to get a minimum. Anyone who has times lower than voice length times 1.35 skips voices and should be shadow banned.

>> No.44187891

Same, my reading speed itself seems to be decently fast but I always reread scenes I like or stop and think about or imagine things. I do use a time tracker just for my own reference though (mostly to avoid spending too much time on stuff like 4chan).

>> No.44187941

>activity watch
I'll try that out for my next VN, thanks.

>> No.44187950

Is the new Hulotte the only one other than With Ribbon that doesn't have a sister route, not even NTR one?

>> No.44187956

NBR. I meant NBR.

>> No.44187965


>> No.44187970

Imouto NTR is probably one of the nastiest things you could have in a VN

>> No.44187979

Imouto netorase is worse.

>> No.44187981

Yeah, the new Hulotte has no sister route at all.

>> No.44187987

Every vn with imouto without route is ntr

>> No.44188001

Imoutos without routes will stay eternal virgins for you always

>> No.44188010

>imouto is full BR
>wants oniichan's dick
>oniichan is a moralfag and resists despite wanting her as well
>imouto films herself fucking other men for oniichan to use as jerk off material
And they all lived happily ever after.

>> No.44188023

Onii-chan's a faggot
I'd read that though

>> No.44188039
File: 454 KB, 677x842, 1652339014285925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she made the featureless NTR guys wear a paper bag with onii-chan's face on it, it'd actually be hilarious.

>> No.44188060

Any games where you get to kill the imouto that ntr'd you?

>> No.44188068

An oniichan is walking by a river with his NBR deredere imouto and she falls in.
The Goddess of River appears before him and presents him with two girls.
One is a full BR tsundere imouto, the other a full BR kuudere imouto.
When asked which one he dropped oniichan states "neither".
Impressed with his honesty the Goddess returns his NBR imouto and gifts him the two BR imoutos.
And they all lived happily ever after.

>> No.44188080

what if i pick the Goddess?

>> No.44188088

Sorry, the studio had to cut the Goddess route due to budget constraints. You'll be pleased to know she'll be featured in their upcoming gacha game though.

>> No.44188098

NBR is basically NTR because they rob us of the incest route.

>> No.44188145

I know that doujin

>> No.44188168

What actually good loli routes have you read recently? (only real flat counts)

>> No.44188197

>then at least the last one you read
I can't remember it's been too long

>> No.44188225
File: 312 KB, 612x716, fragezeichentoifel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it count when every route is a loli route?

>> No.44188236

kys hata

>> No.44188270

Those are almost never good
Source: have read all of them

>> No.44188280

What are the good exceptions

>> No.44188283
File: 1.83 MB, 320x240, 1687742765019.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44188300
File: 164 KB, 965x118, 耳コキ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44188312

Onikiss is probably the closest to the moege you can find that doesn't feel like straight up cheap nukige
And Gusha no Kyouben i guess as an exception with some actual story

>> No.44188329
File: 84 KB, 439x596, 14545687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44188511

Did anyone use the patch for Noshoujo?
It tells me to download it each time i open the game but when i try to install the patch it says successfully installed and nothing happens, still 1.00 version

>> No.44188545

Mine is 1.02. I don't remember the patching process.

>> No.44188572

Nvm the answer was as always on vndb, it doesn't work if you change the name of the game folder (which is named k02files for ??? reason)

>> No.44188624
File: 28 KB, 258x291, Tanuki Kaeru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's something like an internal product code. ネムれる園の少女たち's files are in the sub folder k01files. 小女ラムネ's files are in t07files. Most of them don't have sub folders but they use the codes for the scripts.

>> No.44188654

Btw do you use guide for it? It says that the first route is locked to bad (is it common bad or heroine's bad?)
Since it says to do Aoi first 2 times but i want to start from Kotori

>> No.44188778

I don't remember route locks. If you reject your desires you get the bad end. Seiya Saiga says the bad end is forced but I don't see anything about forced route order. It's just how they and I too went through. Follow until ◆セーブ01 then use the 愛宮 琴莉 guide.

>> No.44188832

Onikiss doesn't have NBR, NTR, or all loli. I don't know what you were smoking when you replied to that.

>> No.44188861

Common bad, then free choice.

>> No.44188899

Maybe he thought they're half siblings because of the different hair colors and the absentee father? My own theory though physically impossible is that MC is their brother and dad.

>> No.44189036

He's only a year or two older than Asahi, so that's a good fanfic.

>> No.44189132

The mom's a semen demon of eternal youth. She conceived MC with her previous hubby who left to buy cigarettes. When MC enters puberty she drains his semen and makes Asahi. The drain process erases MC's recent memory and slows his growth process. She repeated this 3 more times to make the other sisters. Every draining is less effective to stunt MC's growth and he ends up looking just a year older than Asahi. On the mom route he gets drained a fifth time making another daughtersister. The daughters being 3/4 semen demons inherited the lust which once awakened makes them unstoppable nymphos but they don't have the same powers as their mother. 1 year after the FD's harem end they're all ready to give birth, MC's dad returns with a carton of JPS and asks if his son is winning. He said yes.

>> No.44189156

It was shown she only drains short term memory, but nice try.

>> No.44189186

That's why I said recent memory. All other abilities are obviously not revealed in her route.

>> No.44189274
File: 2.64 MB, 1600x900, 1500692354418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nor is it all that good. SSS and hamham is where it's at

>> No.44189298

Hamham are oppai traitors.

>> No.44189365

Hey this isn't reddit, post your cringe 3DPD reaction images elsewhere thanks.

>> No.44189386

I feel like a race traitor every time loli comes up because I just can't into it.
Breaks my heart every time someone disparages hags with big asses too.

>> No.44189463

I still refuse to believe that someone can actually get hard on fat hags asses, it breaks my whole worldview

>> No.44189620

Relax, you're normal.

>> No.44189638

Are you lost?

>> No.44189724

T-thanks bro...

>> No.44189747

Why chuuni girls are so rare? It's so hot when they are trying their best to act even during h scenes

>> No.44189828
File: 655 KB, 585x694, 1664659640914069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new hulotte has one?

>> No.44189854

Ham Ham's last good game was in 2018.

>> No.44189859

she looks autistic

>> No.44189865

she is chuuni, yes

>> No.44189889

I'm a lolicon.

>> No.44189921

sex eyes

>> No.44190006

This hairstyle is cuter than the one in her uniform sprite.

>> No.44190024
File: 602 KB, 595x738, 1616247384499238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. I don't like her ribbons.

>> No.44190033

meant for >>44190006

>> No.44190161
File: 868 KB, 1920x1080, ガマンができない童貞兄キと、スナオになれない反抗妹_2023-08-01_02-24-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44190186

But how are you supposed to know the heart mark is there if you're just hearing the line and not seeing it?

>> No.44190211
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (68).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44190241

wow I didn't know I was featured in a game

>> No.44190249


>> No.44190294

This girl is just my type. THE imouto

>> No.44190325

Is there any script like vndb cover preview for egs that would show posters with mousehold? It's so much annoying having to open all the stuff in th new tab to check what is it

>> No.44190425

my brothers please give me recomendation for a nukige or even an eroge for someone who has 2k vocabulary?

>> No.44190457


>> No.44190462


>> No.44190470


>> No.44190477


>> No.44190475

>tried 5 times
>each time got some english gay furi
the state of vndb

>> No.44190489 [DELETED] 

plase bros i need good vn i tried reading some but they were so hard i couldnt read it so then i got sad and i gave up but now im watching naruto and i realize "i must not do that!!!!!" and then i said to my mom "momma im not giving up" and she was like "uwu" and then she was like here bud heres ur fuckin eroge gawd damn and thats the story of my life.

nukige reccs pls?

>> No.44190490

I think random still takes into account your default filter, so just set it to jap only.

>> No.44190495

This actually looks moderately interesting.

>> No.44190500
File: 2 KB, 184x41, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44190530


>> No.44190534 [DELETED] 

arrigatto gozayemus arrigato uwu arrigato uwu shikashi senpai this is 64 hours. i think i would not be able to complete this uwu would you happen to know anyhing thats suitable for a first read uwu senpai arrigato

senpai sumimasen keredo i cannot read a vn if it does not give me boner

>> No.44190537

yah dude here you go no kanji no effort needed https://exhentai.org/?f_cats=1007

>> No.44190561

Done. I am happy I waited a full year between reading the base game and the appends. I have to say, the ending of append 5, which is the end of the overall game, is one of the greatest points in imoutoge history. I loved every single moment of this last piece of the story. When Onii-chan was ニヤニヤing and thinking this imouto is the cutest, so was I. It is my game and my imouto.

>> No.44190566 [DELETED] 

arigato senpai arigato gozeaymeus uwu demo this eroge contains futanari. senpai i am a cultured man demo i have standards

arrigatto senpai arrigato gozeayemus i will need to unlock exhentai again and thne i can read this senpai arrigato gozaeuyms

>> No.44190634

I think I understand what was the point of the game. You make seemingly random choices at the start, and it spits out an imouto whose appearance and personality may vary from what's your personal preference, because why the fuck should you have any meaningul say about how she grows up. She's her own person and no matter how she grew up, she's your little sister and you will inevitably grow to love her regardless of how she looks and acts. Sure, there are ideal imoutos in the 2D world, but they are not really YOUR imoutos. The one who was born into your family is. So treasure her.
I picked the gifts at the start of the game without knowing what impact they have. I know people who manipulated the system, faking the birth of their chosen sister. Who went back in time because they were unhappy with the result. But that's not me. That's not how life works. When life gives you imouto, praise the Lord and do everything in your power to make her and in turn yourself happy.

>> No.44190661

I don't like brown haired Chie
So I reroll
Simple as

>> No.44190676

What does change besides her hair and personality? Are the H-scenes any different?

>> No.44190677

So this is like pokemon mystery dungeon where they give you a personality test at the start and then tell you this is the pokemon you're playing for the rest of the game and if it sucks you look up a guide and get the pokemon you want to play as, but with an imouto instead?

>> No.44190689

Yes but she doesn't change that much. Unless you get brown chie.

>> No.44190701

Nekopara is among the easiest. You'll hardly find anything easier.

>> No.44190703

Anyone play this? I added it to my wishlist sometime back but haven't gotten around to it.

>> No.44190710

This game trolls you. You have to choose gifts for her 12 or so birthdays. You can give her mahou shoujo toys, games, dolls etc. trying to mold a cute otaku imouto. But the game says FUCK YOU and makes her into the opposite of your gift choices and creates an imouto who doesn't like you.

>> No.44190723

>creates an imouto who doesn't like you.
Boy, do I have a surprise for you. See, tsundere consists of two phases.

>> No.44190733

Just like real life
Sounds like kamige

>> No.44190745

No shit, but she's not what I tried to raise. That's the point. Gift choices are a trap to make something you don't want. It's best to give her gifts you don't want her to have to get a better Chie.

>> No.44190752

>better Chie
Didn't you fucking read what I just posted

>> No.44190762

>onii-chan tries to mold his sister into the perfect imouto
>it backfires and she grows to hate his guts
Kino and you deserve it. Should just have given her something she'd like

>> No.44190770 [DELETED] 

ARRIGATO GOZAYEMUS ARRIGATO GOZAYRUMS HORY FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK HORY FUCKK BRO THER I CANNOT EXPRESS how hpppy i am now that i have a proper recommendation i mgonna read nekopara uwu uwu arrigato senpai arrigato gozeayrms i will share my progress with you over the next days and i will fuck all the nekos and iut will be excelllent uwu

>> No.44190930
File: 1.77 MB, 1568x882, 乙女の剣と秘めごとコンチェルトAdvHD_ (19).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not an ensemble expert, I've only read like four games they've made, but have any of the other ones had an extended solo male masturbation h-scene scene where MC's cock and ass take up 30% of the screen real estate and not a single woman appears? It feels like something from a trapge.

>> No.44190941

>It feels like something from a trapge.

>> No.44190952

I presume he meant like variety that has gay sex.

>> No.44190957

Does Tachibana Mao moan a lot and talk about her chinpo?

>> No.44190959
File: 91 KB, 697x882, 乙女の剣と秘めごとコンチェルトAdvHD_ (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what I mean, like a no~strike / nounai kanojo trapge that's about fucking boys up the boyass, not a straight trapge.

>> No.44190967
File: 1.49 MB, 1280x720, AdvHD_30000022375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a kami scene, I love ensemble now

>> No.44190973
File: 93 KB, 1071x216, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is this good or just another single heroine nukige?

>> No.44190993

I accidently looked at the H-CGs to see if the sensei had any h-scenes (she doesn't) and I think I got spoiled on a few things. It looks like there's more to it.

>> No.44191054

ensemble games are gay

>> No.44191056

You know what single heroine VN I'm looking forward to? Ginka. That looks good.

>> No.44191073

The story seems to be good. I don't like K子's non-loli art so I won't read it.

>> No.44191084
File: 1.93 MB, 1568x882, 乙女の剣と秘めごとコンチェルトAdvHD_ (18).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's Riri's route? I finished Iyo's last night, and I'm moving on to Claire's, but I'm not too interested in Riri or Akane. Riri does have good faces, though.
What's gay about extended scenes of making MC (male) wear pretty dresses?

>> No.44191166

Boys don't look this this

>> No.44191201
File: 1.68 MB, 1280x720, AdvHD_31131957393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you meant to reply to me, Riri route is great I love her relationship with Mimi. It also adds a lot of context to the Mimi/Riri scenes in other routes, if you pay attention to how Riri acts around Iyo and everyone, I definitely think it's worth doing.

>> No.44191208

I'll admit, most of the reason I'm worried about Riri's route is because I really like Mimi and it'll probably just taunt me with the fact she's a routelet.

>> No.44191238
File: 41 KB, 673x377, propeller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which will they release first? I'd rather they resurrect はるはろ! from the dead

>> No.44191264

If you read VNs for pleasure your reading speed is going to be faster than 99% of non-natives. You should be proud if anything.

>> No.44191306
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x720, AdvHD_31232749244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Mimi too, apart from the lack of H scenes she's just as important and gets as much screentime as all the heroines desu, I'm pretty happy with how she's treated.
I really like these kind of friend charas who gets along with everyone and is just there to support us

>> No.44191335

Story seems fun, I'm going to read it after I finish some other stuff.

>> No.44191459

Would I enjoy ensemble games if I don’t like traps? I always feel tempted because the heroines are so cute but the trap MCs make me hesitate.

>> No.44191475

Otome Domain

>> No.44191479

Do you like reading games about MC cross-dressing to infiltrate an all-girl's school?

>> No.44191490
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1080, 機神咆吼デモンベイン.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of hearing about this fucking cat.

>> No.44191510

Why do Japanese love talking about this cat?

>> No.44191573

I forgot demonbane had this too kek

>> No.44191598

picked up

>> No.44191600

because cats are cute

>> No.44191636

Because parallel world is the main mechanic of most eroge.

>> No.44191663

Cats are literally me.

>> No.44191698

I have over a 100 VNDB tabs of eroge that I may or may not play in the future.

>> No.44191703

Because of chuunism. It just sounds cool.

>> No.44191711

Unless you actively like generic faceless males more than traps I don't see why you wouldn't like ensemble

>> No.44191717

can you link that CG?

>> No.44191735

You are not macho.

>> No.44191736


>> No.44191758

Arigatou. I like what I see. Would be even better if he had a small chinpo. Just imagine that. A crossdressing MC cuter than any heroine, all who want him but his dick is small but they still love him.

>> No.44191763

do people really jerk off like that?

>> No.44191769

Is brown the gyaru type? I actually thought she was fun.

>> No.44191786

Wait, you can make her a gyaru?

>> No.44191816

Not in the stereotypical hypercaricature sense. She's more like a faux bimbo.

>> No.44191821


>> No.44191822

Does he cum over himself there after rubbing against her ass without her noticing? And he's voiced by Tachibana Mao. I want to read this for him. The heroines don't look too interesting though.

>> No.44191823

Ask your local black man.

>> No.44191841

Just make a wishlist on the site.

>> No.44191846

Is it just me or are newer games requiring cracks more and more?

>> No.44191863

Isn't it just softdenchi removal? Not like they have Denuvo. Eroge always needed cracks.

>> No.44191907

I genuinely have no idea what this is suggesting.
Do black people jerk off like that?

>> No.44191930


>> No.44191938

Feels like the usual amount to me. Some old companies still use their old frameworks. Some studios don't even care about cracking. None of the new games seem have new types of authentication.

>> No.44191953


>> No.44191955
File: 108 KB, 611x586, non-erotic is erotic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yandex reverse search is always fun. I guessed right it was ExE. The CGs are so good I should download it.

>> No.44192026

They have big dicks on average.

>> No.44192034

Akshually that's fake news by the porn industry. They have the same size as everyone not Asian.
Dick size has nothing to do with that fap position though.

>> No.44192043

Yandex image search is very good. It always finds the source for VN screenshots.

>> No.44192046

>same size as everyone not Asian
Sounds like Cuckasian cope.

>> No.44192141

>kinetic single heroine -ge
>Extras in main menu but not clickable
>finish first H-scene
>Extras still locked
I hate devs who do this so much. Just let me look at my spoils. I shouldn't have to finish the whole game to look at a CG I already saw.

>> No.44192151

She's adorable, best part of that game is her route. Worst part is when you can cheat on her. And yeah Yuzu artists have always been great.
>lolicon test do not react

>> No.44192171

I knew it's chuunige but I didn't expect that in Yuzuge.

>> No.44192191

It's just a short mini-route for a side character who I did like but it felt so horrible. They both deserved better.

>> No.44192200

that's kind of hot but it seems like the wrong place/game to do it
...is there a tag for this?

>> No.44192283

play game
get into the first h scene
start a new game

>> No.44192300

maybe you're like me and you like the chase better than what comes after the catch, in which case all i have to say is, shit sucks

>> No.44192311

Can't even take responsability with a 2D girl? Is commitment that scary?
There's surely something to dig from that behavior, else you'll just stay blocked into that vicious circle without truly experience what's beyond that.

>> No.44192326

i would like to believe this is said in jest and you're not being sanctimonious over porn powerpoint heroines

>> No.44192329

Not them but I understand their and your side. I like starting new games more than finishing one but as a completionist I see them through anyway. A common route is fun because everything is fresh, the chase is fun because there's a goal. But once a route starts many eroge become H marathons and that bores and tires me out. The goal then is getting past the marathon and a dumb drama the writer concocted. The end will be nice but it was tiring. I want routes to be more like common route extensions with some H every other hour. Maybe that's why I like Late Sexual Content eroge.

>> No.44192408

>muh porn powerpoint
Half-jest and half me wanting to see what anons have to say for themselves.

Yeah I do join you on "H marathons" being straining if there's not a counterweight to it. I like to feel like I need "to fight and deserve" the H, as opposed to it coming up right away for free. With that said I feel like the discussion seems to apply moreso to nukige or moege than VNs in generalーor so I hope, because the idea of dropping a story/drama-focused VN after the first scene seems pretty sad to say the least.

>> No.44192473

if we're doing actual discussion then i'd probably have to echo >>44192329 except that i'm not a completionist and if i find myself no longer enjoying a route due to the aforementioned h scene onslaught, i just drop it
the other case is that i prefer genki, assertive, namaiki, etc. types of girls and their routes have a nasty tendency to assassinate that particular character trait, and i've dropped several routes/games purely because i didn't want to see them ruin the girl i like with shitty drama or by flattening her personality

i simply find myself getting bored if it's too easy, which is difficult to type with a straight face considering we're talking eroge that rarely even have more than one choice these days
the easier the girl falls in love and the blander she gets afterwards, the more i find myself completely losing interest, with the only thing left to entice me to keep going is that maybe the porn's good (it usually isn't)
so i pick up something else and tell myself "this time will be different" (it usually isn't)

obviously yes like you said this does not apply to story/drama focused games since there's more keeping me interested

>> No.44192585

Admittedly I haven't read that many moege (despite my backlog being filled with them) because I'd probably end up burning out if I were read those back to back, so I kinda understand where you're coming from.
I consider myself a completionist but the truth is I did drop a few VNs in the past (Nekopara and some loli VN). It's rare though because I think I tend to not pick VNs based on specific girls but based on what the VN is like as a whole. So in the end even my least liked heorine still ends up being an enjoyable experience.

Not sure I explained that well since I'm getting tired. I appreciate you replying.

>> No.44192772

>their routes have a nasty tendency to assassinate that particular character trait
Reminds me of Nagomi from Tsuyokiss, she has cool/cold personality and she has sharp tongue but in her route she leans way too hard on the dere and becomes way too cutesy and dependent. Some people might like the shift but it quite literally killed what attracted me to her in the first place.

>> No.44192979

My life has become so much more enjoyable when i dropped completionism and started reading only flat girls routes
No need to force myself doing anything and it always feels fresh since you don't need to read literally the same thing but with different girl again and again
The worst case scenario is when the ending gets ruined by the huge tits after the time skip, but most of the time i had at least enjoyable experience with the majority of them

>> No.44193280

total gyaru love

>> No.44193290

It's funny how it's rigged more and more every year with companies leaving the awards, leading to even more companies leaving.

>> No.44193338

so what's the most unbiased vn awards?

>> No.44193360

Number of sales.

>> No.44193640

getchu probably

>> No.44193845

>250+ new replies
You guys went through an entire thread in a day and a half
Are we getting raided by /v/ again?

>> No.44194100

The threads seem pretty on topic to me so if this is a raid then I don't mind it. I don't think so though because the amount of posters isn't that high, so I think everyone has just been more active, and it creates a kind of cycle of positive reinforcement, if there are more posts then you are more likely to refresh/check the threads more often.

>> No.44194600

Having a few new releases to talk about helps, too.

>> No.44194681

Not gonna lie, the animated sprites in Noshoujo have the best quality i have ever seen so far
Any other games with some really good animations? (ouside of obvious maitetsu)

>> No.44194790

Imagine actually thinking accepting the people that shat up their board is a good thing, you know the quality of posting has gone down when people are trolling outside of /b/ saying they want african heroines in their eroge.

>> No.44194865

i want to hear how japs would try to imitate the african langs

>> No.44194903

I'm saying I don't think it's a raid, if you think one guy (maybe) trolling in the PREVIOUS thread by saying he wants a heroine is such a dramatic drop in quality, then that's a (you) problem. Or you obviously haven't been around the last couple of years with the constant schizo meltdowns over non-issues.

>> No.44194947

Oniichan Daisuki? Basically same company, scenario isn't as good though

>> No.44194948

From my apparently faulty memory. The first Eushully game that broke on Win7 was Conquista, not Grasesta.
> I tried to run demo on Win7 and unfortunately indeed it fails with "The procedure entry point MFCreateDXGIDeviceManager could not be located in the dynamic link library MFPlat.DLL" error.

Also, that "third-rate kusoengine" of Calcite isn't actually Unity itself, it's some plugin on top of it (sakanagl.dll; and it's the file which import table must be patched, not the .exe)

>You guys
/vg/ tourists unable to form two sentences in a row you mean?

>> No.44195364

kistune edition

>> No.44195406

Is there some trick to texthooking Unity games, I can't get it to work with the Geminism trial

>> No.44195435

Learn Japanese

>> No.44195475

I struggle with memorizing words and I find that Anki helps a lot.

>> No.44195546


>> No.44195558

Amakano 2 plus

>> No.44195586

Do it

>> No.44195588

Textractor with updated hooking module

>> No.44195621

maitetsu? good animation? lol

>> No.44195713

I get so annoyed when I see people post this shit. You could already read Japanese fluently before reading your first VN? because if so you're fucking stupid for not taking advantage of how good they are as a learning tool. Hooking can be an amazing tool if you use it right, when I started reading VNs 2 years ago I probably wouldn't have been able to pass N5, now I read everything without hooking maybe looking up a word every 5-10 minutes depending on what I'm reading. I get that this isn't textractor tech support general, but this response is so beyond stupid that it just boggles my mind, how did you even learn Japanese if you didn't use these kinds of tools? Did you pay for university classes like some retard or something?

>> No.44195720

You know hasshaku has some really good animations...

>> No.44195783

this is why I only play all ages, nukige or action/RPGs

>> No.44195799

wait for english translation
their dicks are just so small they only can overcompensate with their japanese skill (7th grade jap middle schooler at best)

>> No.44195804

That's just usual boomers who consider themselves superior because they learned through ajatt drawing shit by hand while being silent when you ask them how many years they wasted on that shit

>> No.44195809

Waiting for garbage localization isn't any better than the other responses.

>> No.44195817

no one learns by just drawing, what are you talking about

>> No.44195833

There are a lot of people over there who think they are learning better by drawing kanjis in google translate instead or looking up for radicals

>> No.44195887

>how did you even learn Japanese if you didn't use these kinds of tools?
Just look up a word in the dictionary? All hookcucking is just a shortcut to the dictionary. It's not that amazing.

>> No.44195916

I suspect most people here did learn through VNs or other media (much better method than grinding words in Anki), it's just that it's off-topic and most people using hookers use MTL so they don't want to encourage that kind of discussion.

>> No.44195920

Seriously, if you recognize the kanji it takes 10 seconds to look something up. And if there are any you don't know, you just use radical/stroke order lookup

>> No.44195924

I looked up radical dictionary but can't find anything.

>> No.44195929

>boomers actually use radical lookup
Lol, lmao even.

>> No.44195941

I consider it part of the learning process. Looking things up by hand and manually creating cards for them is free reps. I retain words so much better doing that than I did when I was a hookoid.

>> No.44195943

Or you just hold mouse over the word, create anki card in 1 click and move on without a need to interfere to your immersion

>> No.44196005

when i'm actually immersed while reading some emotional scene there is no fucking way i would just stop to look up some shitty words because it would kill all the mood so i just would pretend instead that i 'know' that word and move on without learning anything out of it as a result

>> No.44196018

Looking up with radicals is good when you're an intermediate who's already done individual kanji studying, but if you're a beginner it just takes too much time you could be spending on reading.

>> No.44196024

The real benefit of not using text hook has nothing to do with lookup time. It's putting yourself in a situation where seeing the definition of the word you're struggling with isn't literally a mouse hover away. You're more likely to use context clues and actually think about what kanji make up the word when that temptation isn't there, which is better for you in the long run.

>> No.44196025

could be avoided if you used proper dictionary tool

>> No.44196032

see >>44196018 I copy pasted words from textractor to jisho, this is at least 10 times faster than radical searching.

>> No.44196044

Kids don't understand this. It's all about instant gratification for them.

>> No.44196048

Again it's a good tool if you use it right as long as you actively try to rely on it less and less.

>> No.44196049

You get free reps just by reading, no need to make or use cards. And it makes no difference in retention whether you look up words slowly or with a mouseover if you actually have a functioning memory.

>> No.44196052

using yomichan is 10 times faster than copypasting to jisho and you can also check multiple dictionaries simultaneously

>> No.44196064

I'm sorry everyone I didn't mean to start all this arguing over texthooking vs manual lookups

>> No.44196066

i don't use mtl because i'm too stupid to set it up

>> No.44196076

update dll, use hook search, apply regex filter to remove garbage

>> No.44196085

What annoyed me is not manual look-ups vs texthooking, it's retards always replying with 'learn Japanese' when someone is new and still learning and dissuading them from reading VNs. It's literally being elitist about learning inefficiently.

>> No.44196089

Do I hook search for the specific words on screen or just "Start hook search"?

>> No.44196097

Isn't that one of those browser addons? I never bothered with those because I find them annoying and prefer to just copy paste.

>> No.44196113

not sure which one did the trick for me, but also try this
Geminism.exe , HQ14+-24@F60C60:GameAssembly.dll , |140711267833011:0:HQ14+-24@F60C60:GameAssembly.dll

>> No.44196114

But how much does it really matter in practice?
I learned by relying on texthooker only and never looked up any radicals and stuff. When I moved to playing normal gamers you can't texthook I had zero issues figuring out anything from context or shit

>> No.44196126

How hard is Geminism for someone who rarely reads chuuni?

>> No.44196141

i'll forgive you but only if you read hasshaku.

>> No.44196151

learn japanese

>> No.44196160

You should be trying to make sense of things before looking them up whether you hook or not.

>> No.44196167

I'm still not sure if hasshaku shill anon was kidding or if there really is something deeper there

>> No.44196190

You can add multiple monolingual dictionaries to it and there are *tons* of words that have proper meanings only in one certain dictionary
I literally can't imagine my life without 実用日本語表現辞典, it has like 90% of the slang words and phrases that you won't find anywhere else

>> No.44196215

>don't do this
>don't do that
MTLers and Dunning Krugers ITT
Pretty sure none of you know Japanese and just pretend you do lmao

>> No.44196221

>djt hour

>> No.44196249
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Just feel it out

>> No.44196267

It's almost as if learning Japanese is not a binary but a long process, it's only natural for these kinds of threads that these discussions arise from time to time. It's good to keep have a little push-back against these kinds >>44195435 of excessively gatekeeping dicks, unless you want these threads to die off eventually of course.

>> No.44196274

I already think like that before hovering away regardless.

>> No.44196275

I'd read it but the proportions and tongues are too weird for me.

>> No.44196288

What's the kamige of eroge jrpgs?
Is there anything on the Xenogears level?

>> No.44196341

Would be better for you to go to /hgg2d/ and ask there instead.

>> No.44196382

It's full of cheap rpgmaker nukiges

>> No.44196390

This is a dumb distinction.

>> No.44196398
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>> No.44196418
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>> No.44196427

what is that font

>> No.44196435


>> No.44196547

For me, it's eating a Japanese person to absorb their knowledge in the runes.

>> No.44196582

Real /hololive/jav/ energy itt.

>> No.44196674

Same. Going through schools, I kept thinking if only I could eat my teachers for their knowledge

>> No.44196682

How can we save eroge bros?

>> No.44196696

HARUKAZE died? What happened to all their announcements?

>> No.44196700

There are more eroge already than you can ever consume, it has been saved long time ago

>> No.44196707

You would need to have all his memories and experience for those knowledge to work and at that point you won't be yourself anymore, anon.

>> No.44196773

I want more

>> No.44196813

Donate to their kickstarters then, it's pretty much the only way left to get something good these days

>> No.44196819

Man, I still can't believe it. I started reading VNs when they released Hotch Kiss and I looked forward to a new Kiss every year. I looked away for a moment and they fucking died.

>> No.44196831 [DELETED] 

There is only one way: decouple the global economy from China and revive Japan as a new consumer electronics manufacturing hub. That's the capital which was used to fund eroge development last time around.
Also get the Japanese government to adopt MMT officially and cut the consumption tax to 0%.

>> No.44196842
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picked up

>> No.44196847

I still can't believe Shinki killed Giga. Hope Team Baldrhead at least goes indie.
But the smaller brands seem to be doing relatively well. And with the Visual Arts acquisition Chinese investment might just help the market.

>> No.44196864

When has chinese investment ever helped anything?

>> No.44196877

It's literally the only thing keeping Japan away from a recession right now.

>> No.44196882

>I looked forward to a new Kiss every year
Were you still doing that once they started doing "sequels" and FD of ai kiss every year? Never liked art of those and I stopped giving a fuck

>> No.44196886

I thought Japan's economy has been stagnant for the past 30 years. who cares

>> No.44196896

How do those fix their demographics issue?

>> No.44196907

Yeah, and Chinese would still rather immigrate there than stay in "economically vibrant" China.

>> No.44196911

They didn't. Their website went down for one day like a week ago and everyone started doomposting. It was up again within hours.

>> No.44196914

It has taken a turn for the worse in recent months, especially with the Japanese government getting small businesses into the consumption tax system with the tax receipt law, and with the yen taking a nosedive on FX markets.
Stagnant economy is the reason why eroge companies are going out of business anyway.

>> No.44196944 [DELETED] 

Their demographic issue is overrated, it's literally the same in every developed country out there
Everyone will inevitably be desecrated by the african and indian arbaitos whether you want it or not

>> No.44196949

This sounds like the solution is for the government to stop being retarded, but that's like asking a dog to stop wagging its tail.

>> No.44196956

I'm a basic bitch consoomer, so yeah.

>> No.44196973

Speaking of HARUKAZE, the patches on their server (official website) are dead AND not archived. One/Google/Amazon Drive links still work, but they can't be archived, only saved manually.

>> No.44196996

Demographic issues are directly connected to the economy. Japan was pretty much a pioneer in lean manufacturing designed to cut costs aka "pay people less". To solve demographic issues Japan would have to pay people more, reduce work hours, etc.
Cuts on consumer tax will at least somewhat improve situation with household finances, not much though.
MMT might help depending on how the government invests.

But all those policies will probably meet some labor constraints anyway.
And political challenges in going there are pretty much insurmountable anyway.

>> No.44197037

I wish they actually bothered to add some functionality to preserve the patches on vndb
As of now you have to manually check every game for the patch availability and then getting though archives and shit to actually get them
And this issue will only be getting worse as more sites will be getting down

>> No.44197154 [DELETED] 

>Everyone will inevitably be desecrated by the african and indian arbaitos whether you want it or not
They're going to experience the same demographic crisis and it's worse for them because they have no stable society to fall back to.

>> No.44197157

this zoomer mentality that there has to be endless contentslop to consoom needs to die. we already have enough eroge to last us for the rest of our lives. and it's not like there aren't good games coming out consistently every year.

>> No.44197188

The old stuff'd better be preserved even decades from now so we can play them then. Or will we just have to download everything now?

>> No.44197226


>> No.44197230
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>> No.44197236

Who are you quoting?

>> No.44197250

For them to experience demographic crisis they'll have to go through transition to industrial and post-industrial societies. Which means they'll have stable societies or they will not experience demographic crisis (transition).
The whole point is that demographic transition is the consequence of stable industrial societies. Before industrial societies populations pretty much always were limited only by famines and food availability. In the modern world with products of the Haber-Bosch process available everywhere that mechanism no longer works to limit pre-industrial societies in their reproduction.

>> No.44197253

I like eroge as a medium and would like to see it change and evolve over time and see what new people can breathe into it. Even if we have enough to last forever it'll just become a time capsule of the last several decades

>> No.44197329 [DELETED] 

Demographic crisis is directly correlated with population's intellectual abilities so they are more than safe

>> No.44197352



>> No.44197448 [DELETED] 

Are you implying because of their collective subhuman IQ that they'll be able to preserve themselves?

>> No.44197494

Meant to type superhuman iq, my bad.

>> No.44197564

Keep off-topic discussion here for now please.

>> No.44197585 [DELETED] 

As long as industrially developed world in one way or another provides them with minimal technological necessities to maintain life (medicine, fertilizer, agricultural equipment, food, energy), they'll be more than fine.
And the developed world has not much options anyway. Forcing demographic transition there will require a lot of military interventions, colonizations, and trade thus not likely politically. Forcing famine there will make migration crisis to developed economies even worse. There are no good options thus the status quo continues.

>> No.44197621

>Keep off-topic discussion here for now please.
Just woke up and saw the MTLcuck posts. I thought they died to DeepL's 1500 char limit. Guess not.

>> No.44197735 [DELETED] 

Nothing stays the same, but still we'll face heat death first before the nigs and pajeets become the rulers of the Earth.

>> No.44197751

I'd honestly rather have people talking about african heroines then djtfags shitting up these threads talking about texthookers and shit

>> No.44198182


>> No.44198216

Nuclear war in which China, Russia, Europe, the US destroy each other populations thus leaving the Earth to Indians and Africans is much more likely and plausible than heat death.

>> No.44198217
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>> No.44198252

You are very rude to cockroaches.

>> No.44198765

There are no longer enough powerful nuclear weapons in stockpiles to destroy so much to get to only cockroaches surviving. Those arms control based stockpile cuts after the end of the Cold War have really left a mark. There are only just enough deployed and stockpiled weapons to destroy population centers in the Northern Hemisphere. The Southern Hemisphere won't get affected much beyond some famine and disease.

>> No.44198965

You make it sound like famine and disease aren't population killers.

>> No.44199028

They are but they won't be anywhere near close to necessary level of devastation to prevent the Southern Hemisphere from becoming dominant in a couple decades after that war.
It will be just inevitable that people from there will fill evolutionary niches which will be left by civilizational collapse in the North.

>> No.44199064

The rate of replenishment won't be able to keep up with the death toll. Plus, the loss of labor and knowhow will severely hamper development. A "soft" reset is unlikely.
