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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 312 KB, 600x1024, __umezu_san_and_murata_san_original_drawn_by_bunbun__c876e438dcc89bcdbfa539e24523da90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43854286 No.43854286 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Previous thread: >>43844003

>> No.43854293
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x2299, 1667635926835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated guide: https://tatsumoto-ren.github.io/

>> No.43856867

Is it possible to browse youtube videos that have Japanese captions only? Not auto gererated ones.

>> No.43858939

Whats a good keyboard app for Samsung? Google doesn't seem to have one

>> No.43859052

oh please, the last thread hadn't even hit 600 replies yet

>> No.43859351
File: 117 KB, 800x800, matto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best thing to immerse in for a starter

>> No.43859800
File: 75 KB, 327x304, 1687908045952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what this says on my shirt?

>> No.43859823

guys after 3 years of 600-1000 cards a day on anki can I pass the N5?

>> No.43859907
File: 35 KB, 1308x719, v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you faggots set up your font config?

As per tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/japanese-fonts , disabling subpixel rendering did greatly improve legibility, but look at picrel (twitch chat on my 1080p monitor) - the kanji are just about identifiable, but incredibly murky.

Disabling antialiasing made everything else look shit and didn't seem to do much, and cranking up font hinting also really hurt legibility.

Do IRL nips who use twitch just get used to having their fonts look like this?

>inb4 buy a better monitor
You think your beloved sarariman bushido-hitos use screens over 1366x768 in the workplace?

>> No.43859972

newfag here. why does everyone call Tatsumoto a shill spammer? This guide looks identical to The moe way and the anime cards site.

>> No.43860043



>> No.43860052

Is there any good websites that exist that review grammar!

>> No.43860220

bros, why does anyone even listen to these retarded ecelebs? none of them have ever reproduced their method and autism isn't something you can get from a guide or patreon
autism and failed mandarin
autism and failed german
can't pass n1

>> No.43860365


>> No.43860521


>> No.43860770


>> No.43861028


>> No.43861066


>> No.43861122

link the new thread mothertruckers

>> No.43861146

because all of them are essentially teaching the same basics with some variations, and as a complete beginner there's something to learn from anyone
as you said though autism can't be taught and all you can do for newcomers is suggest a couple of tools and give a rough guideline so that they're not just stumbling in complete darkness
honestly all the guide you could ever need is just read more, but it's hard to believe or truly understand as a beginner, so you look for more shit

>> No.43861315

whats this meme? I thought I was used to strange nipponese things
songs is vibe tho

>> No.43861377

maybe i just optimized it well but it feels like doing anki has improved my ability to memorize and retain new information

>> No.43861387

what did you do to optimize it?

>> No.43861440
File: 306 KB, 610x903, 1687925835391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it feels like doing anki has improved my ability to memorize and retain new information
i guess that's why it's called 暗記

>> No.43861452

not in that way i meant like a year ago picking up new cards the first time i saw them felt difficult but these days it’s a lot faster

>> No.43861456

also thanks for showing me your booba

>> No.43861468

What yall watching? anything good to recommend for muh merssion

>> No.43861502

there's a lot of "i was kicked out of a high ranking party" stories all of a sudden

>> No.43861517

buy a better monitor
i just got a new 1440p one and its great

>> No.43861559

do you guys consider words that are two or three kanji in a row to be 'compound words'? like english has 'fireman' but this seems to be on a whole new level, i guess it's just a completely different system i need to come to terms with

>> No.43861576


>> No.43861583
File: 254 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20230627-215324_Gboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea what you're talking about. It's right there in gboard settings.

>> No.43861601

Avoid Youtube like the plague

>> No.43861609


>> No.43861610


>> No.43861684
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Genjitsu no Yohane - Sunshine in the Mirror - 01 (720p) [9B763AEB].mkv_snapshot_19.57.420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching first episode of whatever this is. i think its some spinoff of an idol anime i didnt watch. the girl is cute

>> No.43861697
File: 256 KB, 530x535, 1687765006406347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More about lf and nsxiv integration (for reading manga)

Previously, I wrote in the guide that it is possible to tag a certain file in lf after a reading session to mark the last read manga page. Today I’ve added a couple of handy config snippets that make the process even smoother.

1) You can tell lf to follow the image currently opened in nsxiv by sending a remote command from nsxiv to lf whenever a new image is shown.
2) You can tag images right from the nsxiv window with a key binding.


>> No.43861705


>> No.43861732

no one cares about your /g/arbage lmfao

>> No.43861741

you opened the wrong site mate. shittditt is elsewhere. here we use libre software to learn japanese.

>> No.43861750

ive never even heard of libre
good job on investing the time solving your own issues with it i guess? we dont give a fuck

>> No.43861752

bros i accidentally clicked this tatsumoto page an now half of my vocabulary is gone...

>> No.43861755

>why does everyone call Tatsumoto a shill spammer?
only braindead retards do

>> No.43861760
File: 588 KB, 1920x1080, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43861761

>ive never even heard of libre
profound mental retardation
read this or something https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html
>good job on investing the time solving your own issues with it i guess?
tatsumoto's article tells you how to make existing software more convenient. what issues are you talking about?
>we dont give a fuck
i don't care about you. i do give a fuck, and most people in the thread do. i'm grateful to tatsumoto for writing the djt guide.

>> No.43861764

imagine learning coding and using it to reinvent bookmarks for abandonware

id just kms

>> No.43861767

>last release was this month

>> No.43861768

its actually funny how excitedly he shares this useless stuff

>> No.43861771

What's the fastest vinnie mining setup?

>> No.43861774
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>> No.43861784
File: 236 KB, 640x360, 1687842205800644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning

>> No.43861791

>This guide looks identical to The moe way and the anime cards site.
It is not. Tatsumoto is way better than any other shitty guides.
Tatsumoto's advice:
>just use the fucking language!
>use whatever learning method, just keep using the language doing things you like!
>these anki decks are optional
Animetards and themoeway's advice:
>use my anki deck
>watch dolly's videos because I say so
>subscribe to my patreon for more!
>join my Cringecord
The moeway guy doesn't know English or Japanese. He is a scammer who begs for your money. he needs money so he can run away from his country. He also constantly hijacks /djt/ threads and shills his garbage guide.

>> No.43861793


>> No.43861806

Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary

>> No.43861807

>Tatsumoto's advice:
>>just use the fucking language!
so hows your output?

>> No.43861815


>> No.43861878

nta but i output fluidly inside fat obasans all the time

>> No.43861922


>> No.43862022


>> No.43862139



>> No.43862154

>ask about output
>radio silence

>> No.43862163

do any of you study japanese alongside university?
how do you manage it?

>> No.43862169

dont ask in the loser thread

>> No.43862194

Has there ever been a survey of users on /a/ or /jp/ and how much Japanese they know? I'm curious what the numbers really are

>> No.43862198

0 no need for a survey

>> No.43862228

djt fell off

>> No.43862229

ppl in this thread are capable of being normal
I know because I used to browse this thread regularly, but now im normal

>> No.43862232

im sure

>> No.43862287













>> No.43862313

Anything audiovisual with japanese subtitles, so shows and movies with subtitles and YouTubers who do subtitles. Fortunately it's very common in japanese youtube to subtitles everything people say in their videos

>> No.43862754

matt says subtitles cripple your listening comprehension though

>> No.43862755
File: 226 KB, 2560x1440, KxwCxpE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate it

>> No.43862777

one sucker わんさか

>> No.43863100
File: 266 KB, 2560x1440, oRxKX44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this is what im talking about

>> No.43863155

yeah they all lie and say they are n5/n4 while they're not even that because some words from anime sound familliar and they fear the 'i don't know japanese' button after wasting thousands of hours watching and reading trannylations

>> No.43863242
File: 3.12 MB, 3072x4096, IMG20230627091059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play a real game

>> No.43863263

it's been like a year bro, you're still using a beginner resource?

>> No.43863267

What kind of third world ass fabric is that? Jesus christ.

>> No.43863268

unko would be a sonic fan
the absolute state

>> No.43863278

>Was going to study yesterday
>Spend the afternoon drinking heavily, playing Yakuza, jerking off to jpdamsel vids and then falling asleep with no idea I had even made it to bed or had dinner

>> No.43863316

>it's been like a year bro
he has been doing it for 3 years to cripple people on purpose
he even admitted that he never did rtk himself

>> No.43863340

if you can't multiply two 3 digit numbers in your head in a minute you should give up japanese

>> No.43863354

Just multiplied 100x100 in my head. I'll see you all in nippon.

>> No.43863360

lol i thought the same thing

>> No.43863364

crippling beginners is funny
i take it back... keep it up rtkbro

>> No.43863382

its a good game and good immersion too

>> No.43863388

if you're someone who will spend a minute multiplying two 3 digit numbers in his head instead of just using a calculator you should give up japanese because you sound like the kind of person who will spend more time building elaborate anki decks and memory palaces than reading japanese text

>> No.43863396

bet unko cant even do 2 by 2 digit in his head

>> No.43863420

i dont have to usually obasans help me unironically or they just tell me to get the calculator out

>> No.43863438

it's a direct measurement of working memory capacity and is very closely related to verbal memory
verbal memory determines your ability to understand long, complex sentences and learn a new language

>> No.43863457

it's a direct measurement of being someone who tends to waste time on unnecessary shit instead of getting things done

>> No.43863479

if your verbal memory is poor you will objectively have a very hard time learning japanese just because of that

>> No.43863576

this guy doesnt even speak japanese...

>> No.43863621

oof... kinda cringe...

>> No.43863667

it has good diagnostic validity. you can compensate for bad verbal memory to some degree by throwing more time at the task but at some point you have to ask yourself if it's practical trying to go up an 80 degree hill. you don't want to be a square peg in a round hole

>> No.43863685

maybe you should spend less time obsessing over iq and people much smarter than you and actually do something productive...

>> No.43863715

i'm only talking about verbal memory because of how much it affects language learning. iq as a whole isn't that important for japanese

>> No.43863728
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, oh (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eops and their theories about language learning

>> No.43863734

sexy girl

>> No.43863791

dunno bunko knows japanese and iq posters dont

>> No.43863792


>> No.43863808

it's not my theory. it's a part of the most universal and significant statistical correlation among all cognitive tasks that emerges in every data set across every culture. if you cared you could reproduce the effect in a group as small as 30 people and confirm the correlation between slowness and difficulty in japanese learning with verbal memory capacity

>> No.43863866
File: 109 KB, 700x394, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43863870


>> No.43863895

These are both completely correct.

>> No.43863917

time is the most limited and precious resource in life. aspiring learners should know relatively how much more or less time and effort they will have to invest to see the results they want before they decide to commit to japanese

>> No.43863953

i guess people who cant multiply 3 digit numbers shouldnt be able to speak any language, by that logic...

>> No.43863967

now say that in japanese

>> No.43863978


>> No.43863982

if you're someone who tends to waste time on unnecessary shit instead of completing tasks, you will objectively have a very hard time learning japanese just because of that

>> No.43863986

that's not the logic at all, but if making big generalizations seems okay in your head then you won't get it anyways. think what you want

>> No.43863989

link the study or stfu

>> No.43863990

if i have high math iq and low verbal iq can i learn a language

>> No.43863997

find me a nipponese man that can't

>> No.43864023

sure, but it's more of a quick test for short term memory capacity. why do you keep saying a test task is unnecessary shit? you do it once or twice and within a couple of minutes you have your result

>> No.43864024

it's common for N5 dekinais to make bold claims and act like they're authorities on learning japanese, when they can barely speak it themselves

>> No.43864029

true true

>> No.43864037

it's an extremely basic fact about verbal memory and i'm not going to link established science. why don't you learn to google and seethe less at the truth?

>> No.43864038

dont be a dekinai, be a dekitai

>> No.43864046

whether you attempt it or not tests your tendency to self-doubt and derail yourself into inconsequential garbage over pursuing your actual goal

>> No.43864051

as for me, dekichau

>> No.43864062

>it's not my theory
link the study showing that failing the test establishes that you have a practically significant obstacle to learning japanese or stop posting

>> No.43864095


>> No.43864132

that's pure unfounded speculation. knowing the fixed base speed at which you will approach the goal is important information learners should know before making big commitments like learning japanese
it is established science that mental arithmetic is a direct measurement of working memory. it is also established that keeping digits in your head while performing logical manipulations is closely related to verbal memory capacity, which is in turn correlated with language learning ability and the ability to understand complex and difficult sentences.

i summarized every established claim and the internet is full of literature on these basic facts. you can stop arguing against science now

>> No.43864186

Your ability to learn languages is based on your ability to notice things. Simple as. This applies to your own native language too, as the best speakers tend to be the smart kids. Japanese is a good litmus test for intelligence due to its highly logical nature.

>> No.43864201


>> No.43864202


>> No.43864212

thats why you need to be racist to learn japanese

>> No.43864226

i think everyone mad at me is just seething because their short term memory sucks

if it's going to take you a lot more time and input to reach the same level of proficiency, that's important information and you should know it

>> No.43864235


>> No.43864255

i have a low iq (125) and could own most people here in the quiz

>> No.43864273

pointless in worrying about the growth of others whether they're performing better or worse than you those who will not make it will naturally filter themselves simple as

>> No.43864322




>> No.43864356

thats my tanjoubi

>> No.43864374

the effect appears over and over in even tiny random samples: if you rank order people by their performance on certain tasks, you can reliably predict their performance on almost every kind of different untested seemingly unrelated task. that's kind of the whole point and why it's important to know if you're going to be severely disadvantaged at a certain thing before you start it. japanese and language learning isn't an exception and the claims of an n=1 person appealing to their proficiency aren't worth anything. right now you are not debating me but questioning the most well studied and powerful psychometric indicator humans have ever had. there is nothing with more predictive power on earth and if you're going to argue against it you might as well deny statistics itself

>> No.43864390

i said stfu

>> No.43864439

why should i care what a stupidly aggressive person says? you don't even know what you are arguing about

it's funny you asked me for studies when you can't get simple posts here on 4chan, it's not like you would even get past the abstract without having to read each sentence 20 times because your verbal memory sucks and you're dumb as shit. and of course that's the real reason you're seething at me

>> No.43864440

nutted in a 排卵日 obasan earlier
might play some フォートナイト

>> No.43864453
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

us other anons in the thread

>> No.43864493

acquired 天然ボケ

>> No.43864504


>> No.43864540

three most damning things about iq:
differences in intelligence are real
the differences affect everything
iq cant be changed

most people accept one or two but cant accept all three

>> No.43864547

they dont affect your penis length

>> No.43864586

did you know that the people in school who always finished quizzes first had the largest working memories? the greater the time pressure the stronger the loading on WM. it's a good thing japanese is a marathon

>> No.43864637

wtf japan

>> No.43864659




>> No.43864663

I will get good at japanese,
I will have her…

>> No.43864668

>that's pure unfounded speculation
no it's not, just stop seething and google it bro
>knowing the fixed base speed at which you will approach the goal
except you don't know any "fixed base speed" from some garbage boomer facebook post tier test that tests something else. otherwise you'd be able to post at least one study giving a formula for deriving this "base speed" from that test and proving the empirical validity of that formula for learning a language. but you can't because you're just making this up.
>i summarized every established claim and the internet is full of literature on these basic facts. you can stop arguing against science now
those claims put together don't result in the conclusion "failing the test establishes that you have a practically significant obstacle to learning japanese". you can stop arguing against logic now.
if you have a harder time learning, you might need to dedicate, for example, 5% more time, or be 5% more focused, but that's not nearly enough to prove you can't learn the thing. yet you're basically making the claim that the effect is not 5% or something of similarly little consequence, but that instead it's much more significant, so much so that it means you can't reasonably learn the language and you should give up. except you have 0 arguments and 0 data to support that the impact is actually that significant. you're just making shit up.
the only thing you do have is something that is a good basis for a SCIENTIFIC HYPOTHESIS which is still to be empirically verified. and then, once it is verified and an effect is proven, you'd still have to empirically show that the EFFECT IS SIGNIFICANT ENOUGH to prove a practical obstacle to learning the language such that it seems reasonable to give up on learning it based on the test.
except you're so far from having any of this evidence that no one who genuinely respects science would make the claim you have and then try to defend it by vaguely gesturing at science.
u sir are the real disrespector of science here and if I only could, I would downvote you

>> No.43864669

bet imouto is from southern japan

>> No.43864671

hands off rui nee is mine

>> No.43864683

dare da

>> No.43864685

imouto is literally just jamal

>> No.43864701


>> No.43864708
File: 24 KB, 253x370, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is why they all know Japanese. gaijins are ngmi simply because they don't have 300+ IQ

>> No.43864717


>> No.43864800
File: 68 KB, 679x760, 0092ab237662ccc3550e3b8590b3018e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make me repeat myself.

>> No.43864802

>except you don't know any "fixed base speed" from some garbage boomer facebook post tier test
so you are completely ignorant of all literature on the topic and typed up this shit without doing any research?
>but that's not nearly enough to prove you can't learn the thing
where did i ever claim that? did you read >>43863667? you don't even understand my basic claim and are trying to fight me how fucking retarded are you? and from the beginning you've been making irrelevant comments and missing the main point too. moron

and the spectrum of differences across people is wide, you're just pulling out "5% more time" as some kind of upper bound on the effect out of your ass.

>> No.43864815

The sheer fact that low IQ people tend to suck at their own native language should tell you an awful lot about a potential link between linguistic capability and intelligence.

>> No.43864828

willing to bet my left nut this person can not pass entry quiz

>> No.43864831


>> No.43864841

i'm willing to bet you're low iq.

>> No.43864868

yoo its takane lui

>> No.43864884

scored 134 back in middle school when it wasn't hip yet to hate on it on that shitty mensa one that takes a gorillion hours
you can cope about that being "average", or about yours being higher
or you can post in jp/anki deck/reading something
im not even the guy you're arguing with, i just can smell a dekinai from a mile away

>> No.43864900
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1687581048537525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43864914


>> No.43864947
File: 113 KB, 850x987, 8ff2bcce0660c3976252f1e8df0cadf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how hard is the nihongo in botw?
i was thinking in replaying it after im done with totk

>> No.43864971

yotuba tier

>> No.43864979

You won't have to worry then since my woman is real

>> No.43865012

women are not real, they do not exist

>> No.43865014

i could see someone struggling if they don't know a lot of archaic/fantasy words and slang, but there's furigana for everything

>> No.43865020

if women arent real why can they still hurt me

>> No.43865030

self inflicted

>> No.43865071

how about you start by disproving a single one of the things here >>43864132? you can't. you're just a seething idiot who takes multiple posts to comprehend simple english and keeps going off on irrelevant tangents i can't be bothered to correct. imagine saying a two minute test is "unnecessary shit" even though it is most loaded on working and verbal memory. WAIS IV test, the gold standard for testing all round cognitive ability, literally has digit span sequencing and arithmetic as one of the main subtest tasks for measuring working memory. imagine thinking the spectrum of differences in working and verbal memories can create no more than a 5% increase in the time required to learn a new language.

you're clearly insulated and either have no idea how stupid people can be or how smart people can be and right now i'm leaning toward the latter possibility

>> No.43865082

>so you are completely ignorant of all literature on the topic and typed up this shit without doing any research?
link the literature showing that some dumb test establishes the fixed base speed for learning japanese and providing an empirically validated formula for deriving the speed from the test.
>where did i ever claim that?
>did you read >>43863667
yes, it literally says "at some point you have to ask yourself if it's practical trying to go up an 80 degree hill". so show me the literature establishing a way to determine that point. because if you can't determine, there's nothing to even talk about.
>you're just pulling out "5% more time" as some kind of upper bound on the effect out of your ass.
no, that was not meant to be an upper bound. you're completely missing the point and you don't even know what "for example" means.
I was saying you have 0 evidence on whether it's 5% or 500%, which is important because a 5% effect would be irrelevant to one's decision making. and yet, despite your ignorance of the size of the effect, you've pulled it out of your ass that it's large enough to make it impractical for someone to learn japanese based on the test.
half of the most popular iq test is literally testing language skills, so no shit people with lower iq will have lower language skills. sorry you just failed the circular thinking iq test. this puts you below 115 iq

>> No.43865179
File: 579 KB, 1000x1000, 1680981356864117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy crap this is such a pointless argument

>> No.43865325

didn't read the argument but i know the most japanese out of anyone in this thread and have average iq

>> No.43865351

im not the guy you're arguing with
quite the reading comprehension you have

>> No.43865385


>> No.43865430

wish i could give a huge kiss on the lips to djt with my cocksucking mouth

>> No.43865450

you kiss your mother with that cocksucking mouth?

>> No.43865482
File: 58 KB, 250x500, Toyotomi_Hideyoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43865502

based ciaran

>> No.43865508

you're just a retard shifting the burden of proof. you're also obviously autistic for taking the original post literally as if those numbers are some perfectly calibrated standard.
YOU missed the point *again* so let me make it very simple for you: if someone is really shit at mental math because they keep forgetting the numbers, it's definitely because their working memory and verbal memory is shit. the worse their performance, the lower their w+v memory capacities. and these capacities have direct consequences on language learning

there are studies on the magnitude of differences in performance on learning new words and language concepts, or really any kind of new information since the effect is found every time you learn new things, with respect to the capacities of the above memories (capacities measured using tasks such as digit span sequencing and arithmetic). after all the statistical analysis is done the differences are found to be significant.
if they weren't, nobody would give a shit about studying working memory that's common fucking sense jesus christ. and if you want to be a rick and morty midwit i'll just say all the literature is easily googleable shit and it almost makes me think you're trolling for still arguing. dense retard

>> No.43865528
File: 157 KB, 500x500, 1681149694220467.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lil bro busted out the YOU in all caps

>> No.43865544

if ur iq is so high how come u dont kno joponise

>> No.43865548

If you're someone who will spend a minute reading a post longer than 3 sentences in this thread instead of renshuuing, you should give up japanese.

>> No.43865554
File: 77 KB, 1094x694, 1672354689100688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crazy how your speed on this shit is your speed on everything

>> No.43865567

it's incredible how much time beginners can waste arguing about techniques and set ups without learning a single thing
guess it's a sort of a 5 stage grief process for arriving at "just read more" when there's nothing left to argue but who's epeen is bigger, and who's taste in women is worse

>> No.43865576

yeah just the rtk

>> No.43865626
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>> No.43865627

cant say everyones the same after looking at /learnjapanese tbdesu

>> No.43865639

we here at djt are just built different

>> No.43865643
File: 234 KB, 511x560, birb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proof that vtuber immersion works


>> No.43865646

exactly. rank order people by the time they take to solve these problems and just that alone will start correlating with general performance on everything. it's crazy, but it's simple.

>> No.43865664

going to throw my hat into the pointless argument to say that fast mental arithmetic with large numbers relies on learned tricks and methods and isn't a good measure of intelligence e.g.
measuring innate human intelligence in general is a dubious science.
as hawking said, people who boast about their iq on an anime imageboard are winners

>> No.43865665

apparently it's a common thread that many esl learned english via youtubers and streamers like pewdiepie

>> No.43865671

thinking about becoming obsessed with having beautiful (english) handwriting after i finish my geography deck

>> No.43865672

learning english is a negative thing though, he's going to end up gay and suicidal

>> No.43865677

i learned mine from mmorpgs and being too slow to read anime subs
like a real man

>> No.43865695

i have no proof but i guarantee that if they did a study comparing people that learned english vs those that didn't
the group that did would be statistically more likely to have mental health problems

>> No.43865705

True, but only because it's a fake field and the study will show whatever you want it to.

>> No.43865712

well there is a correlation with intelligence and being neurotic so

>> No.43865735

you usually learn english by being on the net too much
becoming terminally online is nearly guaranteed

>> No.43865738

you'll find in academia most fields start with a preconceived finding and academics search for data to support that finding. imagine thinking in 2023 that most people doing research are doing it in good faith for humanity as opposed to getting as many papers published as possible and striving for funding lmao

>> No.43865757

the age old proverb still holds true today, perhaps more so than ever before

"school is for fags lmao"
-sun tah zoo

>> No.43865793

but yes every japanese person that knows english is mentally ill

>> No.43865801

wow, people who study for a test are...better at it!
practice effects don't invalidate a measure. when a normal person will try mental arithmetic, they will do it without speed tricks and in that case their speed is highly correlated with how well they can maintain numbers in their head while doing manipulations. if it's taking you long, it's because you're having trouble holding it in your head or forgot a number midway and had to restart the calculation or some previous step. some people don't have to restart and just naturally proceed to the answer while others naturally keep forgetting.

what we don't know for certain is why this performance then correlates with a whole family of things. for example, people with higher working memory can read more efficiently and solve puzzles like this >>43865554 faster. the hypothesis is you have to store many subresults as you proceed along a sentence or try different combinations in a puzzle (even unconsciously), so the person who can hold more before their memory overflows and can maintain intermediate data in their head more securely while reasoning with the pieces will connect the dots much faster. MRI scans checking activation in different brain parts has been done and so has neuron analysis etc and there's consistency in what they find

>> No.43865815

didnt read also your gay

>> No.43865820

not reading all this. consolidate all your passive aggressive thoughts into a couple lines if you'd like me to respond

>> No.43865835

you've already been demonstrating your poor verbal memory, no need to state the obvious

>> No.43865859

whats the answer

>> No.43865867

d i think

>> No.43865873

seems like you need to win this internet argument over verbal memory much more than i do, so feel free to take it

>> No.43865922

Why can't you all be more like kabigon? >>43860638

>> No.43865931

i doubt you win much looking at how stupid you are but i don't want to break your L streak so yeah i'll take the win. if reading is hard for you then don't enter an argument next time. good luck with your mental disability

>> No.43865945

i cant see it lol fml

>> No.43865986

if you want people to take you seriously and read your posts, you should consider discussing in better faith and not loading your posts with passive aggressive quips and ad hominems!

>> No.43866018

>you're just a retard shifting the burden of proof
you've made the claim that some 1 minute test can determine it's practically impossible for you to learn a language. it's on you to prove that, especially when you keep repeating the "science" and the "literature" is on your side.
>you're also obviously autistic for taking the original post literally
lol nice backpedalling. if you don't literally mean what you said about the test being able to tell you you should give up learning japanese, then just reply with "I didn't mean what I said there" and the conversation is over.
>if someone is really shit at mental math because they keep forgetting the numbers, it's definitely because their working memory and verbal memory is shit
sure, but you can be shit at mental math for other reasons. your test doesn't tell us the reason.
>and these capacities have direct consequences on language learning
I never disputed that. that's why I'm specifically asking about the effect size. I'm only asking for the evidence that whether your capacities are at the level making it practically impossible to learn japanese can be ascertained from your shitty mental math test. just proving that there's _some_ correlation between the test and language ability is not nearly enough for this, as I explained in earlier posts.
>there are studies on the magnitude of differences in performance on learning new words and language concepts
so where's the study showing that your test determines that the magnitude of the difference in performance is such that if you don't pass the test, it means it's practically impossible for you to learn japanese?
>after all the statistical analysis is done the differences are found to be significant.
statistically significant, which, as I already said, can just as well mean a 5% effect, which, as I already said, would make it insignificant practically. and that's why I'm asking specifically for proof that the effect is large enough to be practically significant to such a degree that it makes you practically unable to acquire the secondary language.
>if they weren't, nobody would give a shit about studying working memory that's common fucking sense jesus christ.
yeah you can pretend I'm disputing common sense knowledge and "jesus christ" that all you want, but be aware that you're actually just wasting time listing things I agree with.
>and if you want to be a rick and morty midwit i'll just say all the literature is easily googleable shit
you're a rick and morty midwit because you try to pass made up shit you can't prove by dressing it up as scientific and referring to some supposed easily accessible literature that for some mysterious reason you can't link a single piece of. people who aren't just midwits using the aesthetics of science but actually respect science don't behave like this and don't make claims appealing to science that they can't back with evidence.
next time take your own advice and google the literature before making such claims so that you don't have to backpedal so hard later.

>> No.43866023

honestly you've been grandstanding a topic that's tangential at best, and really doesn't carry much weight coming from you
not to mention that your whole point is that
some people are smarter
smart people have an easier time learning stuff
stuff including language
which honestly is an extremely lukewarm take and on 4chan you're really just preaching to the choir
unironically touch grass, you cant get this twisted out of shape over a couple of guys who might have a different opinion than you
not that they'd give enough of a fuck to read anything you wrote, or agree or disagree with any of your tired takes and regurgitated opinions

>> No.43866024


>> No.43866029

i'm not sure what you should do so i don't get annoyed at you since that would require you to stop being retarded and unfortunately that's not possible. it's ok being dull in today's world though

>> No.43866032


>> No.43866034
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>> No.43866043


got them all correct, too easy

>> No.43866047

*closes this tab*

>> No.43866077
File: 17 KB, 707x88, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

season finale
lets fucking goooo

>> No.43866079

>not to mention that your whole point is that
my point is the things you list there have a much bigger impact on language learning (and other things too) than people realize. and because it is, by definition, the unchangeable part of our cognition, it is that much more important for learners to know where they stand and carefully make a decision before diving into japanese.

remember that intelligence tests were initially made for identifying mentally deficient children so that they could receive special education. the purpose has always been to give helpful information so one can plan for the future and make better education/career decisions

>> No.43866110
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>> No.43866111

japanese takes like 1500 hours for nolifing seamonkeys
i think we're past the point of "maybe i shouldn't learn japanese, it might take too long" for even the fastest confirmed learners
your point is that you have a fetish for cum in every orifice

>> No.43866123


>> No.43866128

>it is that much more important for learners to know where they stand and carefully make a decision before diving into japanese
bro you provided no validated measure of how to translate those test results ("where you stand") into a concrete decision regarding diving into japanese. so it's actually not important at all because there's no way to even put what you're saying into practice. you're doing nothing but just jerking off about how smart you are. and you're free to do that but just don't pretend that you're giving actionable advice to people for their good.

>> No.43866129
File: 58 KB, 728x596, Screenshot_20230628_135016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys change the default settings for Anki decks?
what do these specifically do, and tips to fine tune them?

>> No.43866169

read da guides

>> No.43866170
File: 1.31 MB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Oshi no Ko - 11 (1080p) [39FB01CD]-[02.41.453-02.48.584].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43866185

my iq is 1 million

>> No.43866190

chugging the monogatari audiobooks

>> No.43866193

which guides?

>> No.43866194

woah you must have a huge head...

>> No.43866208

real luxury is my cat being able to sleep on a heated pad while being in my air conditioned room

>> No.43866224

da guides

>> No.43866269

the same % increase in time comes out to hundreds of more hours of grinding, then. not to mention those hours will be more painful for someone with low verbal memory. in fact you're the one being unempathetic and oblivious to the japanese learning struggles of some people that are stemming from something that is forever out of their control. you're just explaining why i'm right >>43863917
there are hundreds of reliable and free tests you could follow up with after taking your preliminary mental arithmetic test for a more detailed and precisely normed percentile with subscore interpretations if you wanted refined results. i don't know why or how you conclude from there that "it's actually not important at all"...nor am i particularly interested in finding out.

i obviously have good intentions but i get why my advice makes people combative. hopefully the message sticks and someday the ones who suspect from their life experiences that they are below average in certain measures which they feel could be negatively affecting their japanese learning decide to test. pretending a problem doesn't exist won't make it disappear, and the sooner the diagnosis, the sooner you can realign your life to its optimal trajectory

>> No.43866290
File: 835 KB, 717x397, 1606792001114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43866350
File: 819 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Oshi no Ko - 11 (1080p) [39FB01CD]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43866359
File: 918 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Oshi no Ko - 11 (1080p) [39FB01CD]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43866362

can't believe djt didn't like my post and get here >>43862777

>> No.43866364

tfw when they finds your iq report

>> No.43866378

推しの子 more like おしっこ amirite lmao

>> No.43866386

thing is that to truly make it in japanese you need to enjoy the language and the content
that is absolutely a requirement, there's no getting around it, as i said it takes 1500+ hours of reading, and you're simply not getting there neither by motivation nor discipline nor high iq
and if you're enjoying what you're doing then it doesn't matter
you'll cover the amount you need eventually anyway if you were to ever make it, and you won't if you weren't
so your point is literally worthless
you simply don't, and can't understand because you haven't read shit, which is why nobody here is willing to take you seriously
simply a skill issue

>> No.43866394


>> No.43866403

qm didnt like japanese content and passed kanken 2 though

>> No.43866405

i see you're too stupid to understand that having an estimate of your relative ability is useful information to know before starting japanese regardless. that's okay not everyone is a thinker

>> No.43866411

and forgot all of japanese and never uses it again

>> No.43866422


>> No.43866423

more like passed on taking it because he's a little bitch

>> No.43866434

>there are hundreds of reliable and free tests you could follow up with after taking your preliminary mental arithmetic test for a more detailed and precisely normed percentile with subscore interpretations if you wanted refined results
I'm not talking about "refined" results but about any results that can, in a validated way, be translated into a decision about learning a language.
>i don't know why or how you conclude from there that "it's actually not important at all"
from the fact that you can't provide a validated procedure for taking the test results and translating them into the answer to "can you learn japanese or not". which makes the test unimportant with relation to the decision, because it can't inform that decision.
>i obviously have good intentions but i get why my advice makes people combative
you gave 0 advice. it would be advice if it were something like "here's test X, and here's a replicated study presenting the empirical evidence that if you get a score below Y on this test, it'll take you about 2x the time to learn japanese than it takes the average learner, so keep that in mind when deciding".
but this isn't the kind of thing you've provided. first you gave an actionable test but you weren't able to give any evidence showing it establishes what you claim it does. and then you backpedalled into saying obvious stuff that however isn't actionable at all for someone who's deciding whether to learn japanese.
>decide to test
and then what? which test should they take and what's the empirically verified way of translating the test results into concrete action? taking tests is pointless until one has this information.
>pretending a problem doesn't exist won't make it disappear
neither will pretending that you're giving a solution
>and the sooner the diagnosis, the sooner you can realign your life to its optimal trajectory
except you've provided no validated diagnostic criteria and no validated method of using the diagnosis to determine the necessary realignment, so what you're saying is completely worthless to that end.

>> No.43866439

eternal dekinai like nuke are kinda pathetic tho, sometimes you got to hang up your boots

>> No.43866446

who the fuck gives a fuck
i probably got over 10k hours in english before the age of 12, and i never thought for a second about how hard or boring it is, or how other kids my age are doing
i just liked what i was doing so i kept doing it
if you can't come at jp with that mindset you will not make it

>> No.43866474

>I'm not talking about "refined" results but about any results that can, in a validated way, be translated into a decision about learning a language.
no one can take a decision for you. does that make diagnostic information worthless? lol your argument is such bs.
>"here's test X, and here's a replicated study presenting the empirical evidence that if you get a score below Y on this test, it'll take you about 2x the time to learn japanese than it takes the average learner, so keep that in mind when deciding".
we already have a million studies describing the relation between working memory and performance on learning new things including language. just take a professional test and look them up, wtf. you sound seriously deranged and mentally crippled, sorry the subject triggered you like this

>> No.43866498

nuke would be fluent already if he were into vbijin

>> No.43866505

i don't know and i don't care!

>> No.43866515

that's cool but you're projecting your attitude onto others. people don't like investing 10k hours into something before discovering they are condemned to being mediocre forever and always being be one step behind others. everyone would be mentally affected by that at some point. i don't know why you keep bringing up specific japanese mindset advice when the issue at hand is far more general and simple

>> No.43866516


>> No.43866532

im too lazy to read the autistic argument in this thread, summary?

>> No.43866547
File: 1011 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Iseleve - 13 (1080p) [CAFC6188]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43866553

does anybody have the morphs video?

>> No.43866569

because you can either do it indefinitely or you cant do it at all
where you rank in terms of intelligence does not matter unless youre some freak of nature, in which case i wouldnt stop you since that shit is hilarious
ever see a nuke stream?

>> No.43866579

"You're dekinai."

>> No.43866627

even among natives the cognitively deficient are always at a much lower level in the language. and when you consider that even the sharpest and most dedicated second language learners are never really able to reach the level of an average native, you will see realize how bad it is for a dumb second language learner. they will probably never good. it's cruel to keep that fact from them

>> No.43866636

N5 thinks he's an expert on language learning

>> No.43866655

surely you meant "n6 is insecure from the cognitive limit talk"? to refer to yourself, yes?

>> No.43866658

Am I the only person who comes across ESL speakers at my jobs who speak perfectly fine English?

>> No.43866666

you're the only one here who has a job

>> No.43866678

i have a job

>> No.43866689

>you will see realize how bad it is for a dumb second language learner
no, but be sure to tell me once you figure it out buddy

>> No.43866694

most ESLs are not able to reach native level proficiency. and the ones who are closer tend to be better at recognizing patterns, and you know what that means. i don't know why you find it surprising that people who can get more out of their time with the language will get further and vice versa

>> No.43866703

So it's scientifically proven that racists are better at learning language?

>> No.43866724

language learners come from all across the board, i'm not implying anything of that sort

>> No.43866727
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>> No.43866745

If I have an IQ of 130 can I become better at Japanese than an 85 IQ native?

>> No.43866751

what kind of patterns should i notice in order to learn japanese better?
i'm pretty good at seeing images in stuff like knots in wood and clouds

>> No.43866783

can you recognize any patterns in this image?

potentially yes but they don't exist
any jap with an iq lower than 110 is fed to the zainichis
notable exception are the blacks at roppongi, but i dont really consider them to be native at any language at all

>> No.43866784

you just wasted 4 hours arguing instead of emmersing
over for the likes of you

>> No.43866795


>> No.43866799

>dont understand anything
ok lol

>> No.43866806

>being exposed to a loss meme from /v/ is now an iq test

>> No.43866814

you can't force it. people who are better at patterns tend to intuitively spot them because their brain is better organized at the neuron level, quite literally. they have longer, thicker neurones in denser clusters and the neurons metabolize glucose more efficiently while somehow using less overall energy. it results in improved stimuli encoding subsystems, meaning their brain automatically stores what they see and hear more efficiently and logically. i'm not making this up and you can look it up if you don't believe me

>> No.43866817

yes if you pass it's over for you

>don't understand anything
just feel it out bro

>> No.43866821

>dont understand anything

she live translates for you!

>> No.43866833

emmerse instead

>> No.43866847

something something dunning kruger

>> No.43866854

>no one can take a decision for you
but sometimes one can determine what the correct decision is. for example, if there was a test that could tell you that you're unable to learn japanese, then that would mean sometimes it could determine that the correct decision is to not study japanese.
>does that make diagnostic information worthless?
if there's no validated procedure for translating the information into action, then yes, it's worthless.
let's say you've got 1328 points on the FCBIYERK-65-B7 test. what can you do with this information? nothing, it's worthless, because you don't know how that score figures into any of the decisions you're making in your life.
and it's the same with your shit, because you can't even cite a single test and a single study that gives useful information on how to derive actionable information about your learning ability from the test results, and not just "the better the result, the better you're at learning", which in itself is completely worthless.
>we already have a million studies describing the relation between working memory and performance on learning new things including language
I'm starting to suspect you're retarded. showing that there is _a_ correlation isn't enough to provide actionable advice. just knowing that results of some test correlate positively with language learning ability doesn't tell me what exactly a certain result means about how feasible it will be for me to learn a language.
>just take a professional test and look them up, wtf
just cite a single test that can verifiably tell you that you won't be able to learn a secondary language, or specifically japanese, or at least that it will take you significantly more time/effort, wtf
>sorry the subject triggered you like this
lol if you weren't full of shit, you would just cite a single piece of empirical evidence linking a particular test result to a concrete conclusion regarding whether it's feasible to learn japanese instead of deflecting into "ur mad" shit

>> No.43866856

i wanted to post about this more so i don't regret it.

>> No.43866860

didnt read lol

>> No.43866912
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>> No.43866914

i'm not reading this post because i already answered your question. methods of measuring working memory are well-studied, and so is the relationship between working memory and learning alongside the robustness of the measure. all of this information is actionable and readily available online, and if you're too mentally handicapped to put it together you could consult a psychologist specializing in psychometrics to do it for you. your stupidity is on you

>> No.43866919

lol i have to go back to work and start programming some javascript now

>> No.43866922

easy reading for you

>> No.43866931

>i actually know goldfish thanks to wanicunny
ty based kouichi

>> No.43866945

>read a book dumbass
>ok what book should I read
>figure it out yourself retard im not gonna hold your hand dumb retard why are you so retarded
now this is a pattern i recognize well

>> No.43866961


>> No.43866973

mate there are like 5 different difficulty lists constantly being posted in these threads if you can't help yourself no one can
just pick something that looks interesting

>> No.43866976
File: 383 KB, 520x668, book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43866995

sorry bros i wasn't asking for reading material, i was just poking fun at the other guy. but i appreciate it
also will read that AV book because it sounds important

>> No.43867008


>> No.43867022
File: 307 KB, 495x421, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also will read that AV book because it sounds important
it is life changing

>> No.43867030

not clicking that link lmfao

>> No.43867128

>i'm not reading this post because i already answered your question
no, you've read enough of it to see that I laid out how you didn't answer the basic question: cite a single test along with a single study that gives verified information on how to derive actionable information about your learning ability from the results of the test.
and because you know you can't answer it, you've decided to weasel out with "I'm totally not reading this bro".
>all of this information is actionable and readily available online
then you should be able link a single test along with empirically validated information about how to factor the results of the test into one's decision regarding language learning.
>and if you're too mentally handicapped to put it together you could consult a psychologist specializing in psychometrics to do it for you
no, I'm not mentally handicapped enough to waste time on worthless shit, so I won't do that

>> No.43867146

your loss

>> No.43867189

lil bro >>43866914 decided after 4 hours of reading and typing novels to the other guy that he's not gonna read anymore lmfao that's how you know he's the bigger of the two losers

>> No.43867200

"lil bro"

>> No.43867213

lil buddy

>> No.43867223


>> No.43867287

lil bro and lil buddy sounds more predatorial than patronizing

>> No.43867295

just went outside

>> No.43867310

i cum deeply within all my soft internet lil bros and lil buddies :^)
no homo

>> No.43867315


>> No.43867332

They're the settings that affect how often you see cards, don't don't need to adjust them really since it'll work itself out. Raise maximum interval though to something like 3650+.

>> No.43867412

i have to go to bed, but your desperation to get me to respond is amusing enough that i'll leave you a reply later despite knowing now that you're trolling.

>> No.43867432
File: 778 KB, 1920x1080, Sabusuku.Kanojo.EP08.1080p.DMM-TV.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43867486

did u know that arguing for hours on end on 4channel about intelligence is a sign of high verbal memory and is needed to learn japanese?

>> No.43867513

wish runescape was in japanese so i could do my quests in japanese
maybe then i'd read em

>> No.43867535
File: 858 KB, 1920x1080, [MagicStar] Ashita, Watashi wa Dareka no Kanojo Season2 EP06 [WEBDL] [1080p]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43867539

stop posting please

>> No.43867542

keep posting thank you

>> No.43867581

>i have to go to bed
yeah run away bitch

>> No.43867602
File: 1.45 MB, 960x540, [MagicStar] Ashita, Watashi wa Dareka no Kanojo Season2 EP06 [WEBDL] [1080p]-[13.50.430-14.02.442].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43867603

over 700 reviews after taking a 'break'
strongly considering deleting and just making a new mining deck

>> No.43867610

that wasn't me. I don't need you to respond, because by this point I know that you'll just keep dodging the central issue and just write some tangential common sense stuff while pretending it addresses my point.

>> No.43867613
File: 795 KB, 1920x1080, [MagicStar] Ashita, Watashi wa Dareka no Kanojo Season2 EP06 [WEBDL] [1080p]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43867627


>> No.43867636
File: 408 KB, 1396x2105, 1687985150586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did my reps

>> No.43867646
File: 726 KB, 1920x1080, [MagicStar] Ashita, Watashi wa Dareka no Kanojo Season2 EP06 [WEBDL] [1080p]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true

>> No.43867701

she is kawaii

>> No.43867710

dame old japanese ladies are savage

>> No.43867855
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexy girls in the background

>> No.43867873


>> No.43867922

There's no problem that can't be solved by setting new cards to 0 and waiting for reviews to taper off.

>> No.43867934

reset every forgotten card

>> No.43867953 [DELETED] 

>how hard is the nihongo in botw?
very. there are like 20 new pronouns i never heard of that aren't even on lists of japanese pronouns. and also made up words.

i think maybe metal gear solid was harder though, lot's of military-type words

i'm most familiar with daily life japanese.

>> No.43867960

Studied 1048 cards in 1.26 hours today (4.33s/ card)

>> No.43867963

"Daily life japanese" or "daily japanese life as portrayed in fictional cartoons for children"?

>> No.43867969

the former

>> No.43867973
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what are these things i see them all over the place.

>> No.43868006

what's the difference?

>> No.43868025

daily life = work, taxes, money, news, gossip, whatever

>> No.43868031

Wow another day and more fucking cards

>> No.43868032

not my daily life
my daily life is huntin monsters and falling face first into huge breasts

>> No.43868046

i did not mean work, taxes, news. news language especially is different from daily life language. you know, normal talking between people. or if you have a better term

>> No.43868053
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>> No.43868069


>> No.43868077

are you for real. that's so widespread? does it flow into heaters by tubes or what

>> No.43868080

baby japanese

>> No.43868086

umm yes i studied your language because i like kid's cartoons

>> No.43868093

babies don't talk

>> No.43868099

>implying I'd ever talk to a jap

>> No.43868105

speaking baby japanese opened the door for me to eat manko
meanwhile you cant speak literally any japanese

>> No.43868132

>google 女幹部
>get AV results
damn i simply don't understand what this could mean in the context of the media i am consuming, looks like i gotta study further on this subject

>> No.43868137

post the context

>> No.43868255
File: 177 KB, 900x900, IMG_5093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch some anime with English subs
>they translate「俺は信じている」as ‘I believe you’ when it’s obvious they meant ‘I believe in you’
>completely ruins the scene if you didn’t know any better
Can’t wait until I don’t have to deal with these retards.

>> No.43868262

>watch some anime
sounds gay

>> No.43868273

>work, taxes, money, news, gossip
I literally never talk about those things with anyone.

>> No.43868293

>I believe you
>I believe in you
is that really what triggers you?
are you EOP by any chance?

>> No.43868313

What don’t you understand about the difference between believing someone and believing in them?

>> No.43868327

but you could figure it out and you dont even know japanese

>> No.43868331




>> No.43868333


>> No.43868367

I believe.

>> No.43868390

Something you've already watched, that you like.

>> No.43868392

I figured it out because I know enough Japanese to figure it out.

>> No.43868414

Turn them off

>> No.43868561

Jay leno subbed when I was a preteen. Guess it's same shit different generation.

>> No.43868593
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So I've been learning for a couple months now, but I still struggle with reading anything. Hopefully someone can help me figure out what I'm missing.
Here's a sample N1 question. Now, I know what a lot of the kanji here mean - that first one is "he", the second one is "this", then "new", "drug", "research", and so on. But I have trouble 'connecting' them, because I'm reading it just like that; the sentence to me is "he ha this, new drug no research open (don't know this one) ni (don't know) n de i ru". Which is obviously complete gibberish. So what have I failed to learn that is leaving my comprehension like this?

>> No.43868655

sounds like a problem with grammar sentence structure
have you read a grammar guide at all?

>> No.43868711

No, I haven't. I wasn't sure when the best time to would be, but I guess it's clearly now.
But would just simple grammar really fix my comprehension issues? For example, I can't read the answer choices either, even though they're all in hiragana. I still just see "hagende", "nozonde", "karande", and "idonde" and can't understand it even though I understand all the characters. Or is that just expected to be picked up as I keep studying new words?

>> No.43868733

how is this an N1 question? isn't it just testing if you can read 挑む?
you just don't know the word. now you know it.
you really need to read. pick up some grader readers or japanese the manga way.

>> No.43868734

you need to know those words and how they conjugate of course

>> No.43868741

lol you meant n5 right

>> No.43868769

I got it from here just from googling, I also thought it was weird I could understand any kanji in a n1

>> No.43868772

挑 is a JLPT 1 kanji.

>> No.43868782
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>> No.43868783

First of all 今 doesn't mean "this".
Second of all you need grammar and vocabulary to make things comprehensible. The sentence is extremely easy grammatically and is really just testing if you know the reading for 挑んでいる.
>He is currently working on the research and development of new drugs.

>> No.43868787

grammar alone won't fix your comprehension issue, but it'll allow you to comprehend and connect the words you already know, and allow you to understand sentences
> I can't read the answer choices either, even though they're all in hiragana
you can't read what you don't know, but at least you know what they sound like.
you come to know them by looking them up and seeing them when you read, but first comes grammar
seconding japanese the manga way, fun book

>> No.43868821

>working on

>> No.43868827

That's the most natural way to phrase that in English.

>> No.43868830

Thanks everyone. I'll give that book a look to get started on grammar. Appreciate the help.

>> No.43868857
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>> No.43868868

Because that's where they put most middle school kanji.
JLPT just has a big gap between grammar, where n3 is basically good enough, and kanji/vocab, where n1 is still mediocre. At least that's the impression I've got from glancing at the jlpt prep stuff versus what i've had to use to reading mangos and such.

>> No.43868903
File: 401 KB, 1445x2048, Lilia Pregnant the World End Raw - Chapter 1 - 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this is compelling content

>> No.43868928

is this h

>> No.43868993
File: 414 KB, 1156x1600, Ano3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i found a site that streams anime with english, japanese and romaji subtitles and by accident found it has Ano Natsu de matteru, which has had my curiosity for a while, and I was wondering if it's a decent beginners anime for watching with japanese subtitles. I remember a guy from the previous thread posting a small collection, and I was wondering whether this also qualifies.

>> No.43869000


>> No.43869011

I'm watching an anime, but I can't figure out what's about to be said before the character gets interrupted.
He's about to launch an attack and yells to his opponent:
before he slips and stops his dialogue. Does anyone have any idea what he could have been about to say?

>> No.43869025

pikmin 4 looks sooo good

>> No.43869032

japs will 呼び捨てる your foreign last name like its nothing

>> No.43869033

Shouldn't that be こんばんわ or am I retarded?

>> No.43869070

he's saying that tonight is !!

>> No.43869088


>> No.43869102

but will they 飛び捨てる you out of an airplane

>> No.43869114

は as in particle is read as わ
don't question it

>> No.43869140

common misspelling

>> No.43869186

don't playing fighting games but i watch fighting game videos like a sports guy would watch sports commentary and stuff even if they don't play the game

>> No.43869199


>> No.43869260

Are there any korone streams with JP subtitles? I wanted to watch her play FF9 but the lack of subs is kinda filtering me

>> No.43869286

Nobody subs an entire stream, you just have to do some raw practice or watch kirinukis

>> No.43869309

They don't have guns, so obviously they can't.

>> No.43869389

yes, it's very easy, see https://anacreondjt.gitlab.io/docs/easiest_to_hardest_japanese_anime/ (71.)

>> No.43869407

another live action DIYドラマ teaser

>> No.43869408

all that matters in life are your muscles and how sexy you are uwu

>> No.43869440



>> No.43869473

さすが lotgh

>> No.43869483
File: 413 KB, 1115x1600, Bakemonogatari - Raw - Chapter 90 - 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should be able to understand this in its entirety

>> No.43869549

all i need to know is めがねがすき

>> No.43869608
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where do i download babby linnies
do i have no choice but to buy them

>> No.43869609

If I read Yotsuba can I pass N5? N4?

>> No.43869615

Hello just would like to ask what resources would you recommend to review for JLPT N3?

>> No.43869679




>> No.43869696

just read lns on syosetu like a sane person

>> No.43869706

there are no babby linnies there

>> No.43869710

just made a bank account in japan

>> No.43869722


>> No.43869730

can guess some kanji i don't know by going off context and the hiragana

>> No.43869738
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>> No.43869744


>> No.43869749


>> No.43869845

hmm, this IS pretty 簡単。Arigatou

>> No.43869875

salsa kudasai

>> No.43869884


>> No.43869985


>> No.43869990

your question is dumb and pointless so i sidestepped it. wtf is verified information supposed to mean? you're fixated on "validated" procedures when we already know very well how differences in working memory translate to differences in ability across various cognitive domains, as well as how those differences affect success in various areas of life such as language learning.

you're a rick and morty smoothbrain who doesn't understand that all statistical rules of thumb are arbitrary. p values are arbitrary, confidence intervals are arbitrary, use of the empirical rule is arbitrary, etc. any procedure that tries to answer with a yes/no will use an arbitrary cutoff at the end. you already have correlation data, what more do you expect a study to determine? you can't get something better. besides, the issue is sensitive enough that no one will bother with it, not to mention the study would be fucking useless and another meta-analysis because there is nothing useful that could be measured that hasn't already been investigated.

"muh SCIENTIFIC HYPOTHESIS" lmao why don't you learn a thing or two about statistics you drooling retard. if you talked to a professional psychometrist they would give you a sad look while shaking their head and then burst out laughing after you leave the room in tears.

>> No.43870086




>> No.43870098




>> No.43870329
File: 959 KB, 1115x1600, Futari Switch - Chapter 12 - 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43870386

Is there a more tragic fate
Learning Japanese only to realize Japanese media doesn't have an answer to Shrek, just as video games doesn't have a Mozart or a Shakespeare
