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42697893 No.42697893 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.42697902

>staff told her she was going to far with the crotch close up last FC
Fuck this shit is retarded, other whores on https://nicochannel.jp/ do the same shit and those are "all ages" not even "R15"
The same shit that was happening on nico is here, on she gets targeted with restrictions.

>> No.42697948

It's funny she specifically got told it was dangerous to show too much cameltoe, it's like there's someone that has to look through every second of the 3+ hours stream and decide if she went too far.
How so I get that job?

>> No.42697981

Cow costume for tomorrow

>> No.42698022
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And no Yamin is doing this shit in her FC, fucking double standards.

>> No.42698286

Has she checked out Fantia live streaming if this is how Dwango is gonna be like

>> No.42698345

She's trapped here with continuous subscription rewards shit.
Hopefully she just keeps challenging them instead of bowing, so far it just seems like "warnings" about potential accidents, instead of threating deleting archives, and it's not like they can suspend the account when it's literarily her site. I think compared to normal nico she has more power here to argue against them.

>> No.42698394

She also does this on nnd

>> No.42698410

I have to do a community stream to show my loser fans that I don't have a boyfriend and I'm here all by myself...

>> No.42698418

I was watching Okayu, what else did she talk about?

>> No.42698440

Just that at the start, deciding the costume, getting sleepy and getting ready for bed, and some chitchat.
Also doesn't feel good
With and the ENshit 3D delaying TP maybe she'll just take tomorrow off on Noel.

>> No.42698582

>maybe she'll just take tomorrow off on Noel.
Doesn't help that she didn't put up Noel's waiting room.

>> No.42698928

Nah I see her watching it tweeting about it for like 20 minutes after it ends then starting her stream and talking about it again for like 10 minutes

>> No.42699031

They didn't.
What she actually said was that it was fine, but got told to be careful because she almost had a pussy slip.
They didn't tell her not to do it, just that it was barely okay which everyone already knew.
No need to act like a pre-teen throwing a tantrum at their parents.

>> No.42699398

It's almost as if she should've put on the R18 label they original proposed. She only has herself to blame, and if they ban her it's her own fault.

>> No.42699707

We've already went over this, an R18 site has more legal regulations to follow, limits payment options to credit card only, and the fact that she'll be compared to people who actually do insertion, show nips and pussy has more downsides for her than maybe just barely going too far sometimes on R15

>> No.42699726

She specifically said they told her the tatesuji was too much, it's likely she won't do that same kind of clothing with that angle, or she'll probably wear padded panties like Macoto.

>> No.42700080

The outline is very noticeable at the end for sure

>> No.42700906

Just look at masquerade, that shit is literally labeled R18 and you don't even get to see a single nipple.
Isn't the biggest problem just paypal not accepting payment? Not like even 2% of her subs use paypal I would guess.

>> No.42701456

It's over...
She's live.

>> No.42701807

Stream delayed?

>> No.42701817

She's depressed and in her self-loathing phase again so she says that she'll probably have to postpone the stream

>> No.42701974

That’s fine rather she not force it

>> No.42702009

It'll just be bummer if she streams as Noel now, we'll knows she's faking and forcing herself.

>> No.42702114

I think you already jumping to this conclusion despite nothing happening yet says more about you than her

>> No.42702119

Well there it is, waiting for the Noel tweet now.
Hopefully the FC gets delayed to a weekend at least.
What does it say? All I'm saying is if she decides to do the Noel stream in her current state it's not going to be very fun.

>> No.42702141

You're really jumping to conclusions. She'll wait and get it together.

>> No.42702161

She really can't win. She sits alone and she's alone with her thoughts and stresses out. So she streams to not be lonely only to come across crazy and has to apologize.

>> No.42702191

There's not enough days left in the month. There's only one weekend left in the month after this one, and she has 1 FC stream and 2 NN streams left. Some of those will have to fall on a weekday, and she still has her Noel work too.

>> No.42702245

Just checked her nnd page and she moved today's stream to tomorrow. So no problem with scheduling conflicts.

>> No.42702260

The tweet still says that's not 確定

>> No.42702303

Says it right on the stream title

>> No.42702334

As long as FC is still on schedule is all I care about. I can live with a delayed nnd

>> No.42702373

Listening to the recording, she was actually fine most of the stream until she got into an argument with chat when they told some guy to fuck off after he complained about her, saying they're not in position to say that.

>> No.42702397

Another reason why she should be doing Noel twitter spaces instead. It will be better for mentally.

>> No.42702406

She said ヘラちゃった from the very beginning of the stream before the fight ever happened. The title also says
> 凸凹の凹になっちゃった( ; ; )

>> No.42702415

Yeah but there was no talk of delay until then.

>> No.42702458

Not the point.
She was playing it by ear and hoping that maybe she'll hopefully feel better by tonight in time for the stream then realized that it's probably not happening.

>> No.42702507

Wtf she got married?

>> No.42702606

Do you know how to read anon?

>> No.42702701

And there it is, Zelda stream postponed too

>> No.42702750

A lot of you are unrepentant trash
t. Ichimi
I hope she takes her meds, I know what it's like

>> No.42703594

One day I'll have enough and drop her. But not after sending her a lengthy donation discussing how disappointed I am and bringing her to tears so she makes another video.

>> No.42703665

Glad she decided to not stream and is delaying FC and NND. It wouldn’t be as enjoyable if she forces herself to do them. The FC would be low in the ranking or she’d have another mess up and we’d be back to how she was after the succubus. Plus it was an awkward day being right in the middle of the week

>> No.42703714

You're as bad as numberfags.

>> No.42703798

wonder if she actually managed to go out like she said she would
normally when she's depressed she stays in her futon all day

>> No.42703820

Doubt it.

>> No.42704075


Fuck me, i'm glad i'm only FC sub, if i'm ndd and fantia user i'l be mad af.

>> No.42704089

I guess holofes really fucked up her schedule

>> No.42704122

>I'm going to surround myself with other depressed people

>> No.42704141

Dude have you read the thread? It has nothing to do with being busy.

>> No.42704284

Pretty sure FC date hasn't changed, only the nnd stream and its only by a day anyway.

>> No.42704449

Wish she quit the roommate shit when she joined Hololive like everyone else.
She has no issue cancelling Noel but the second she has to reschedule Canan she breaks down and cries. Getting tired of it.

>> No.42704980

>like everyone else
except Demondice, Rica, Guutara, Nozomi, Kson

>> No.42704990

The tweet right before the community stream she said she was fine already, she really needs to drop those again, maybe she thinks she's venting but in the those streams just end up causing more problems.

>> No.42705015

And she is fine, physically.
She was saying she recovered from her fatigue, and then got mentally depressed later.

>> No.42705166

Well, at least the FC stream isn't cancelled or rescheduled. I've given up on the idea of her ever bettering herself but it's nice she'll still provide me with my monthly porn. It's all she's good for at this point.

>> No.42705186
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I’m tired of loving this menhera, I don’t know how anyone else can do it. The constant need for her to take her BPD medicine, the endless accusations, the emotional outburst, it’s all so tiresome.

>> No.42705194

You're late.
Don't even know why we have a spamming ritual poster.

>> No.42705200

Bros, if she ever starts dating men, do you think she'll have unrealistic expectations about dick sizes? (intentional or not). She's only been exposed to her dildos and male JAV actors, all of which have above average length and girth.

>> No.42705211

At least he's been better than /wah's old ritual poster. Bro talked about rubbing his dick on her rib cage and using them like a xylophone

>> No.42705215

No because she has a boyfriend

>> No.42705254


>> No.42705259

She's been sent a lot of dick pics through her career, she's probably seen every size.

>> No.42705261

Yeah she is happy with my dick

>> No.42705304

My god some of the shit posters here are some of the most uninspired people I've ever encountered. It's just the same shit over and over. Good lord if you're gonna shit post be better. You're giving shit posters an even worse name.

>> No.42705311

It's literally just one guy, just ignore him.

>> No.42705404

I still enjoy all her content on both accounts (except for that collab with the wigger).
If you don't enjoy her anymore why do you still follow her?

>> No.42705535

That's not Eric Clapton. Who cares if she's live.

>> No.42706699

Nigger you always with your "pRooF" accept it stupid cunt

>> No.42706714

So you have none?

>> No.42706742

The voices in my head.

>> No.42708399

Didn’t she say it might be delayed if she isn’t mentally there yet and I’d rather she change it to Friday if she does delay it

>> No.42708479

Yes, she's playing it by ear because she doesn't know when she'll recover and her plans will depend on that (and work)

>> No.42709593

can she be saved?

>> No.42709738

Can you?

>> No.42709931

Proof she has none

>> No.42710287

Her words, I believe her without proof but not you.

>> No.42710445

The fact that she is so bitterly lonely.
She is a shitty actor so you can't use the she is only pretending excuse.

>> No.42710447

It's useless. This site believes all girls are lying whores.

>> No.42711562

>Tweeting out shit like this on Noel
She's in a bad spot.

>> No.42711690

She's suing someone and needs the exact minute where the nipple accident happened.

>> No.42711749

It's funny seeing people comment the exact time it happened cuz they either recorded it live or yoinked it online somewhere. Community stream people are supposed to be the "real fans" where they don't engage in that stuff but they're outing themselves that they do those things too lmao.

>> No.42711751

And she doesn't give a fuck, I guess suing people is more important

>> No.42711762

So in like a court they're going to have evidence saying "at 1:47 you can see her nipple and she doesn't allow this to be shared" or some shit? I don't understand why she needs this.

>> No.42711769

She literally just buring money sueing. The nip slip will forever be online no matter what she tries to do.

>> No.42711802

What grounds does she have? It was an accident.

>> No.42711822

The only thing I can see her sueing on is if the person started a malicious rumor along with the nip slip. Pretty sure you can sue people in Japan for some weird shit.

>> No.42711823

She's fine with that as long as you keep it yourself and don't reupload and share it online.

>> No.42711827

Who knows? Maybe she's suing like people related to DWANGO on grounds that they got the original data and shared it or something, would make sense to ask for the timestamps, since that data is "supposed" to no be available anywhere.

>> No.42711840

>video editor is still busy
Come on

>> No.42711843

It's paid content and there are some people who sell it for money. It's not rocket science.
There's a big difference between just downloading it for yourself and hosting it/making money off of it.

>> No.42711907

>Open thread

Fighting piracy lmao.

>> No.42712095

I don't think anyone here would side on her with this. What I can agree on is the changes to Fantia that seem to be working.

>> No.42712111

If anyone understands women here, you'd know why she's doing it
She really needs some guy to hug her when she's depressed about these things

>> No.42712157

well yeah, no one here is a content creator and enforcing against piracy would be bad for everyone here so of course everyone would be against it

>> No.42712177

Yeah, me.

>> No.42712254

not you apparently

>> No.42712276

Not sure if this anon pushing for her to get a boyfriend is trying to help or hurt her. Or if he's the cuck anon from before.

>> No.42712287
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canan is too submissive and insecure to say no, right? If you become her friend and confess your love to her, she'll always say yes because she can't turn people down?

>> No.42712326

Wouldn't that just make her easy?

>> No.42712412

more like too introverted to say yes
if she was that easy she would have already gone out with someone by now

>> No.42712424

Is it weird to think canan is sexy?

>> No.42712457

Pretty sure that is the cuck lover

>> No.42712471

It’d be weird to think she wasn’t

>> No.42712505

Is canan basically just a sexy Chris-chan?

>> No.42712590

She doesn't really have a chance to meet anyone. She's not looking so she's usually at home and when she goes out she's usually with friends and besides Japanese men being pretty passive, you don't really approach a girl with her friends. She's also not on apps or anything else so there is no way to ask and the people that do in chat get ignored or she jokes about it like her saying she doesn't want to chat with members one on one because she might fall in love. She's very naive.

>> No.42712960

Noel's bipolar buddy is back, hopefully she doesn't cause Noel another panic attack.

>> No.42712984

>because she might fall in love
Bullshit. She doesn't want lovestruck orbiters is what it is.

>> No.42713348

get real you fools. she may have big boobs but that's the only thing appealing about her. she's a rich, uggo menhera. no sane man would want to be with her.

>> No.42713601

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Plus she likes a lot of the same things, we have a lot in common. The biggest problems are her mental health and lack of experience.

>> No.42713649


>> No.42713676

Surprised her menhera attacks haven't ended in her graduation like they did with Rushia.

>> No.42713728

Cause she actually listened to her friends. Didn’t go to Japanese Keemstar and speaking on behalf of her character as her Rm using messages between her and her manager there is what caused them to look further into it and I guess found other stuff which warranted termination

>> No.42713807

Because she is actually a good person who wouldn't sell out her friends.
Mikeneko is a horrible person who would sell out her own family to save herself.

>> No.42713903

>Alt Account posts
She has no control of her emotions.

>> No.42713905

>She's suing someone and needs the exact minute where the nipple accident happened.

>> No.42713915

I create content with your mom every night. Now go back to /vt/

>> No.42714642

Looks like I received my 3 month substreak email for the brick house plan
>succubus and cow bikini outfits for the signed pictures

>> No.42714707

physical or digital?

>> No.42714780

Digital, it was an email. Though this felt longer than 3 months since I did brick house back in august so I guess only now they decided to send the streaks.

>> No.42714864

so..... gonna share?

>> No.42714874

Subscribe for 3 months and see for yourself.

>> No.42714903

Is it worth it? Are they just signed fantia-like pics?

>> No.42715028

>Rewards for being in the Brick House plan for at least three months.
>It's just two photos
Goddamn man I wouldn't be able to do that and if I could, I'd be expecting more than some photos. Ill be sticking to treehouse. Good on you though.

>> No.42715047

I'm pretty sure the reward is just the thumbnail photo with her autograph on it lol

>> No.42715231

She sings so much better on Canan, why does she do this as Noel?

>> No.42715278

Wtf it is

>> No.42715292

for content. its funnier if she's really bad instead of just kinda bad, which makes it more clip worthy

>> No.42715302

>cow bikini outfits
Is it the same cow bikini she wore in the past?

>> No.42715408

Can confirm

>> No.42715652

Paypigs in shambles right now

>> No.42715729

Btw, it has already been shared, so you paying gives you nothing.

>> No.42715757

>Felt like my boobs was going to fall off
How fucking lucky you gotta be to see those bouncing around? She barely bounces her boobs during nnd or fc asmr streams and if she does it just a small 1 or 2 bounce

>> No.42715777

The two pictures? Where?

>> No.42715790

Lurk 10 more years and maybe you'll get it.

>> No.42715846

I'm going to assume you're one of
And don't know you're talking about then, the reward pictures are not the same as the thumbnails and they haven't been shared anywhere.

>> No.42716891

>already live again

>> No.42717050

Is she setting up the new FC time or what is she doing

>> No.42717226

Uploading the thumbnail for FC yes.

>> No.42717228

No, they aren't thumbnails. If you have access to her fantia, those would be thumbnails but this doesn't look like that. Plus she never had a succubus pic posed directly in front of the viewer before. Its clearly done for pictures.

Looks like it. Don't recall if its the exact costume.

>> No.42717249

FC thumbnail is up.

>> No.42717274
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She went with cat
Kinda meh, would be nice if the tits are nicely hanging loose when she gets down to the bikini
But this stream she said she feels she's gotten too fat and will be hiding her tummy anyway, all that midnight pasta did it's job.

>> No.42717308

How come she decided against the oni

>> No.42717348

In a way this is supposed to be both, she wants cat because it's 2/22 nyan day. And she wanted Lum for setsubun and to say darling, with this she'll still say darling and the bikini kinda looks like Lum's?
Also, I find it funny that at the same time Pekora will be celebrating Nyan day with cute cat pictures from viewers Noel will be doing this.

>> No.42717391

Lol retard

>> No.42717415

Heh she restarted for that, too bad Canan I have my recording.

>> No.42717464

can I get that recording? I started watching midway through

>> No.42717521

Did she break the keyboard too?

>> No.42717548

She really loves sniffing her hamsters

>> No.42717559

Just got awkward and laughed a bit

>> No.42717740

I'd delete that before the thread gets nuked. Rjwm4

>> No.42717749

No belly, so stingy. l'I be throwing bean at cat oni then. It be cool if she actually suck/eat a maki roll instead of dildo on this stream.

>> No.42717807

Meh, it's on my PC, I've shared community before and they stay

>> No.42717835

>/vt/ thread died again
Sick of that cesspool

>> No.42717927

>Also, I find it funny that at the same time Pekora will be celebrating Nyan day with cute cat pictures from viewers Noel will be doing this.
This is the life she chose.

>> No.42718583

Another example of the FC outfit being far inferior to her NND outfits. Disappointed to say the least.

>> No.42718649

She's weirdly obsessed with the idea that FC outfits have to be something she can dress down from, like she thinks that's what gives FC value.
Or maybe she can't figure out a way to make the streams 3 hours unless it's an outfit she can take pieces off midway through.

>> No.42718677

After looking at past FC thumbnails, this has got to be one of the worst, if not the worst, thumbnail. It's either this one or the Santa NTR thumbnail, and let me say, it's looking like this one is taking the cake. It's very uninspired, almost to the point where it looks like it belongs to an NND stream.

>> No.42718684
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Black Hanekawa could’ve been a great choice for cat day. Start off either in the pajamas or regular clothes before going to the lingerie

>> No.42718747

Yeah she felt the same during the stream today, wished she had shown the toy.
Basically it was just a hasty taken picture since FC is so soon already, for previous FC she actually had the toy and practiced the stuff she would do.
Doesn't bode well for the actual stream, specially if she's still depressed but just pushing through it.

>> No.42718803

I just can't believe she's scheduled three lewd streams this week: one FC and two NND. One of those streams are gonna be somewhere from meh to bad, not only because she's pushing herself but also because it might get tiring for the viewer. Like, chocolate cake tastes great but you're gonna get sick of it if you have it too often. Wish she'd just cancel some of these streams if she's too busy (I mean she does it for Noel) but we all know she'll never do that.

>> No.42718816

She never watched the series and Monogatari's time in the spotlight has long past

>> No.42718817

One of the Nico streams this week is cooking.

>> No.42718861

There's only one week left in February and 1 FC stream/ 4 NN streams are one of the few things she does promise that people here aren't putting in her mouth.
Meanwhile Noel is paid a salary by Cover and the number of streams was never publicly promised for any talent.

>> No.42718864

Ah you're right. I thought it was gonna be lewd since she used her generic lewd thumbnail on it (the one she usually uses when she hasn't made the thumbnail yet). Point still stands though.

>> No.42718894

I will take a shorter stream if that means a better outfit. Hell I'd be okay if she doesn't dress down all the time as long as the stream is exciting. I'll always point to the Calvin Klein stream as one of her best and she didn't take anything off that stream.

>> No.42718963

She had a cardigan on to cover her arms that she took off

>> No.42718998

Rip. Was sleeping when she did the streams. Was it just mostly FC stuff or she talk about anything else interesting? (Other than the Danchou slip up)

>> No.42719010

Nah just quietly working on the FC

>> No.42719084

>Cardigan to cover her arms
Oh come on anon you know that isn't what she means when she says dress down. Besides, she sweating a lot that stream. Wouldn't be surprised if she had to take it off because it was hot in the room.

>> No.42719155

Ok thanks for the reply. Did she talk about what she will be doing in the FC at least? Or was it just setting up the FC page?

>> No.42719180
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>> No.42719508
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has anyone gotten their merch yet?

>> No.42719679

For Canan or noel

>> No.42719692

noel. its her anniversary stuff.

>> No.42719868


>> No.42719898

The two community streams from today, with her saying danchou at the of the first one
Just posting to see how long it takes for these ones to get taken down

>> No.42721517

She rather sweat like a pig then show her arms

>> No.42721537

Where was Canan when Jun and Pekora got married?

>> No.42722354

why does this matter, she's not that close to Pekora
it's like with Rushia how they got along but don't collab that often or hang out outside of work either, aside from the bigger 3rd gen collabs
We know she talks to Marine and Flare sometimes outside of work, that doesn't apply to Pekora or Rushia

>> No.42722457

At home playing Elden Ring

>> No.42722615

The upcoming stream looks too heavy on roleplay for something that hasn't been prepared well, and considering she's just right out of a depression state, or maybe even still in it.
Not expecting much.

>> No.42722641

She's also been told to keep it down by management.

>> No.42722682

Fuck the management, why are they so hard on her for when others do the same thing? Probably because she is the one that racks in the most money

>> No.42722699

I'm going to fuck the managements ass, if she does another community stream saying "Management said I was going to far" I'm unsubbing.

>> No.42722704

They take all her money though, she complains about their fees and charges.

>> No.42722705

"Rakes! I uh, totally meant she rakes in the most money... :) "

>> No.42722727

She said that her capture card isn't working, so she can't adjust the lighting and judge how good it looks as well as she normally would.
Normally she uses her capture card to display the picture on her monitor, but this time all she had to go on was her camera's miniscreen.

>> No.42722747

When you unsubscribe, don't forget to donate because you will be pirating her FC streams, yes?

>> No.42722757

Good idea, fuck giving money to the management I rather donate directly to her.

>> No.42722765

Pekora is out of Jun's league.

Noel hates Marine and loves Pekora you fucking retard. She is actually friends with Pekora.

>> No.42722770

yeah right, she doesn't even complain about her own taxes

>> No.42722774

heh, I still have the tab up from before it was removed and can still watch it fine

>> No.42722789

Noel becoming more Canan? I won't be surprised of her giving him selfies for "inspiration"

>> No.42722804

>she doesn't even complain about her own taxes
She has in the past, I don't know recently.

>> No.42722814
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Canan's mental state.

>> No.42722864

you sure that's not the state of this and the /t/ thread

>> No.42722896

Is she okay?

>> No.42723140

She thinks she's a fat whore.

>> No.42723345

Big tiddy

>> No.42723811

in Noel stream yesterday did she mention if she's gonna stream today?

>> No.42723824

No, today is break for roommate activity

>> No.42723903

there's no asmr stream today, what other stuff does she have to do?

>> No.42724022

Prepare for tomorrow.

>> No.42724206

No way she's spending the whole day prepping for tomorrow. She either has Holo work or just went out.

>> No.42724968


>> No.42724971

Nothing wrong being a fat cat whore

>> No.42725045

Guess he's talking about the hair and rrat that's she's fucking her artist.

>> No.42725215

which artist nii? and which art he's talking abt, sorry for questioning so much

>> No.42725792

Her papa, and her new hair, it's just some dumb shit.

>> No.42726489

What the fuck is this rrat and what started it?

>> No.42726529

It started on nyfrco

>> No.42726912

That's nice.

>> No.42727148

When she tweeted she had fallen asleep and was up I was expecting a Canan community right after so it’s a nice surprise she is doing one for Noel instead

>> No.42727444

someone named mirea fraise and nyfco takes the proofs from this jp thread https://itest.bbspink.com/phoebe/test/read.cgi/pinknanmin/1581164891/

>> No.42727755

Without reading it I’m going to assume the events go something like Canan wants to try a new hairstyle it is time for her to get a new hairstyle for her avatar, suggest what she is thinking of getting. Artist does the design and she likes it so she goes through with it as Canan. Fans notice they are similar so the rrat starts and spreads

>> No.42728179

The rrats already think Watao is her boyfriend. Which makes no sense.
But same thing with Irys. Her rigger is on her friends list and they think they're fucking. It's stupid that the immediate jump is to sex with this place.

>> No.42728547

I'm starting to dislike the new hair, she looks kinda dumb.

>> No.42728557

Earbuds almost dead, forgot to charge the case and of course of all days she streams early today rip. Would appreciate if someone can post updates on what she's talking about

>> No.42728850

tomorrow's a holiday in Japan so she's planning on streaming Zelda at the usual time
taking about the HoloMatch event now

>> No.42728892

I've been saving up a huge nut the past 2 weeks for tomorrow, but as an EOP and after having read this thread it seems like I'll be dissapointed....

>> No.42728989

>Tears of the Kingdom weekends and weekday
Yes please, go back to the Elden Rings day where she played games during the week.

>> No.42729176

Did she say if she has any Holo work to do today? Or should we expect a community stream

>> No.42729232

I didn't hear say if she was going out, just some stuff to do home so yeah it could happen

>> No.42729301

She had a meeting but I think those are online. There's going to be a lot as we get closer to HoloFest.

>> No.42729588

It could go either way, she seems to have gotten past her depression looking at these Noel streams.
The fact that she hasn't prepared much beforehand is worrisome but who knows? It could lead to some more natural stream instead of being to heavily structured like the christmas one.

>> No.42729623

>more "I'm so lonely" appeal on Noel

>> No.42729696

She said she's not going out today, but she has a meeting, submissions and wants to clean her place before her errand at night.
She was also yawning and sleepy by the end of the stream but denied that she'll be taking a nap.

>> No.42729807

>after having read this thread it seems like I'll be dissapointed....
There no hype, full menhera month and she doesn't seem to care.

>> No.42729910

sounds like what the /t/ thread says every month

>> No.42729968

Someone post the nip slip.

>> No.42730058

Great way to get banned and thread nuked. She's suing people now over it.

>> No.42730066

Oh shit, ok. Nevermind.

>> No.42730171

When was the last time she was actually good? Must be months ago

>> No.42730185

Good content? Good mentally? I thought the no bra FC was good.

>> No.42730456

>denied that she'll be taking a nap.
She's taking a nap.

>> No.42730927

>When was she last good mentally?
Before the FC stream was an idea in her mind but during the NND streams where she started upping the lewdness again. So probably very early 2022. Granted, that was right after she got over a menhera spell during late 2021. She might have never been mentally good to begin with.

>When was she last good content wise?
I thought the last two FC streams were "meh", only had a few good moments. Her last FC stream that was all around good was the Bunny Girl Prostitute one. I do think some of her NND outfits have been great though.

>> No.42731051

Noel should collab with Mito.
It would probably improve her mentao health.
She should also avoid Marine

>> No.42731070

Mito hates big tits.

>> No.42731076

Go back to /vt/

>> No.42731126

Like clockwork. Fuck off ichimi.
Her oshi is Mito and Marine is a horrid bitch. So I am right

>> No.42731139

Proof next thread?

>> No.42731207

You would know how much she loves Mito if you watced her before she joined Hololive.
Cover won't let her talk about Mito anymore, the only Nijisanji liver they are allowed to mention is Claire. Even Pekora can't mention Himawari anymore and Korone and Ayame can't collab with Sasaki anymore.
(Of course Marine and Suisei get to do what they want because they are in management)
If you watch Hololive you know that Marine is evil.

>> No.42731211

I too like to make up facts no one can confirm or deny.
Or simply dig through her twitter that goes back years.

>> No.42731335

Canan's twitter also doesn't mention Hololive.
She was forced to hide all mentions of vtubers on that account.

>> No.42731361

She should get pasties like these. Or are her areolas too big?

>> No.42731461

Why Mito?

>> No.42731491

marine anti schizo has evolved to include being a mito fan and suisei anti

>> No.42731493

He's always been like that. He did this all the time on /vt/

>> No.42731613

I bet that something is gonna go wrong with the stream which will make the VOD that comes out immediately after the stream ends be extremely short (my guess is that it'll be 45 mins long) and she'll have to take down the VOD and wait until someone at Dwango fixes it. I mean, it's happened for the past two streams and we all know Dwango refuses to fix their shitty service.

>> No.42731897

That's like predicting the sun will rise. It happens every stream, the site sucks.

>> No.42732103

I wonder what goes through her head when she's getting ready for a stream like this? Getting dressed, doing hair and makeup, setting up the lighting and cameras. I wonder if she ever rethinks what she's doing with her life.

>> No.42732221

I don't think she does it for money and I don't think she has an exhibitionism fetish taking into account what happened after the nip slip. She probably just has a parasocial relationship with her viewers.
I also have no fucking idea what I'm talking about.

>> No.42732305

80% is money
20% is her being a horny virgin

>> No.42732397

Considering she has "bad health" and enters depression state when we get closer to the streams she must not love it much anymore but does it out of duty.

>> No.42732487

Mito is the queen.

>> No.42733762

How many times is she going to say nya during this fc? Guess now

>> No.42733833

At least once every 10 minutes

>> No.42734309

What did she say? Something being too revealing? Is she talking about the upcoming stream or the last one?

>> No.42734384

Says she's wearing only string panties down theire so her vagina is clearly visible and she has to do something about it
someone in chat said it's fine if they can see everything and she retorted no, it's against the law and she'll get arrested

>> No.42734413

Just wear something else that isn't see through done

>> No.42734425


>> No.42734445

>it's against the law and she'll get arrested
God I hate Japan sometimes

>> No.42734452


>> No.42734454

Broken site, stream canceled.

>> No.42734496

I can only watch the stream on 720p. If I set it to 1080p it's just a black screen with no audio. Is this happening to anyone else?

>> No.42734504

Lol, the actual player is broken but my live download and watching from MPV is perfect

>> No.42734509

Everyone, she's restarting

>> No.42734516

Damn that’s a new record Dwango right at the start

>> No.42734528

Huh. It's like she could have tried the outfit on before the stream started to see if there's any issues. I know it's a radical idea but I totally think it's doable since she made the thumbnail a few fucking days ago.

>> No.42734535

This site gets worse every fucking stream.

>> No.42734539

I'm a smoothbrain retard, does stuff like that really ends up with you arrested? Wouldn't you just pay a fine or something?

>> No.42734551

I'm the anon that posted >>42731613 and I thought the stream would go smoothly until at least an hour. We're not even 10 minutes in!

>> No.42734569

As soon as it went live the 401 started I’m actually impressed at how bad DWANGO is

>> No.42734576

Stop it anon you're gonna get my hopes up for a wardrobe malfunction

>> No.42734603

She blamed herself and said it's because she changed OBS settings.

>> No.42734626

Goddamn that's some great background art of her. Isn't this the same artist that made the drawings for the Homenobi vid?

>> No.42734643

It's not the site. She said that OBS broke when she updated it and her settings reset.

>> No.42734662

She doesn't sound horny today.

>> No.42734676

Ok this outfit is lame

>> No.42734678

I don't know about you guys, but I don't really wanna fuck my cat...

>> No.42734697

Eh she can still get fired up if the chat is responsive.
She's gonna change into something else based on how the thumbnail looks. Save your judgement till then.

>> No.42734711

>She called herself "Canyan"
Oh God the cat references are about to be uncontrollable huh?

>> No.42734729

Expect nyanstop puns

>> No.42734759

These fucking pasties always kill my mood because they remind me of wounds and blood. She could fucking get something better.

>> No.42734765

>She's still using the massive bandaids
Smaller pasties please...

>> No.42734780

Isn't the audio fucked?

>> No.42734792

I think so or she was too far

>> No.42734799

She's never gonna take another chance with a nip slip anon.

>> No.42734821

Wearing two pantsu like macoto? Noooooooo

>> No.42734836

So long as she doesn't mess with them after putting them on, pasties shouldn't be a risk

>> No.42734932

>Double panties
It's unironically over for FC streams.

>> No.42734935

Oh my God she's doing blowjob sounds. It's been like three streams since she's done them

>> No.42734970

She's stalking us, well thank you Canan love you.

>> No.42735001

This close up of the tits is pretty great. She needs to unleash the other one from the bra.

>> No.42735008

we eating good today

>> No.42735016


>> No.42735025


>> No.42735034

Now we can blame DWANGO

>> No.42735047

We back?

>> No.42735058

Your wish was granted

>> No.42735087

She needs to do this kind of full titty grab more often. I wish she had done this last week.

>> No.42735092

The only thing that would be better right now would be smaller pasties.

>> No.42735123

Bros... we finally got a prolonged titty fondling segment...two handed AND with her tits out PLUS it's during blowjob noises...I've...I've been asking for titty fondling since FC started...we got that and more...we did it bros....

>> No.42735149

Didn't she say she'd use smaller ones months ago? Or did she back down on that?

>> No.42735163

I hope it was a result of feedback from the viewers and will be a more regular thing. That was phenomenal.

>> No.42735187

I guess I will say it, who was holding the dildo?

>> No.42735201


>> No.42735206

Nah that was me

>> No.42735213

Maybe some kind of attachment above the camera she could suction it to.

>> No.42735220

I think the first outfit being braless from the beginning would’ve been great

>> No.42735222

Bro you couldn't get through the stream before asking that? You know the schizos will come out now.

She probably stuck the dildo on her KU100. It does have suction

>> No.42735235

Probably also could’ve just had it in her mouth doing slurping noises

>> No.42735247

I don't know about y'all but that titty fondling x blowjob segment just catapulted this stream into her top 4 best FC streams. She's only an hour in so there's still more time for this stream to climb higher.

>> No.42735260

Dat lower half

>> No.42735262


>> No.42735268

Huh, from the thumbnail it looked like she'd change into a cat-print negligee. I didn't think it'd be a bikini. Not complaining though

>> No.42735275

She got fat again

>> No.42735283

What a fucking landwhale lmao, no shit she's single.

>> No.42735284

Wtf was she wearing

>> No.42735288


>> No.42735290

Yuuuup. The comically large cat glove covering her waist is proof enough.

>> No.42735300

She's a milk cow I would be thrilled to plow

>> No.42735301

Looks like a corset

>> No.42735304

She hiding it

>> No.42735308

you can see the imprints on her belly

>> No.42735309

I don't mind her being punipuni but the lines bro...

>> No.42735319

this outfit is pure sex

>> No.42735328

Like >>42735301 said she was wearing a corset for the first outfit

>> No.42735340

If she shows ass and has a tail even if it’s not an insert type I agree

>> No.42735346

If I wanted to pay to watch an hippo I would've gone to the zoo, lmao

>> No.42735358

So does she wear that tight as fuck corset for every stream that doesn't show tummy?

>> No.42735363

Yeah the lines are bad. They're making her look like she has multiple flabs. Maybe not the greatest idea to go from tight corset to exposing your belly.

>> No.42735372

Yep but the gagging

>> No.42735388

no, it was a part of the first outfit

>> No.42735397

Mood is dead

>> No.42735410

her tits def got bigger

>> No.42735419

Probably just for the ones where she has to look like a maid. At least she doesn't make it so tight that it's obvious she's wearing one, unlike Macoto.

>> No.42735421

>Her giant belly is resting on the table
Holy fuck lol

>> No.42735428

Because she got fatter. It's how that works.

>> No.42735429

Did she cut the initial earlicking part with the new outfit short because she was conscious about her tummy?

>> No.42735437

rip waist bros

>> No.42735450

She doesn't look that bad. Who let the fat shamers in from /t/? Go back.

>> No.42735453


>> No.42735455

What about bellymanko?

>> No.42735456

C'mon bros give her a break, it's not that bad. There are other cam whores with worse waists.

>> No.42735461

Maybe you need a pair of glasses.

>> No.42735467

Goddamn this off-angled shot of paizuri is pretty fucking good. Might be her best looking paizuri scene yet.

>> No.42735469

i like her this thicc actually

>> No.42735472

Nobody shaming her, i just said she got fat which is true. I love her belly meat.

>> No.42735474

>Nooo, my girl has to look like a skeleton
Shut the fuck up retards

>> No.42735482

Give the navel fans a simulated cumshot on there it’ll be amazing to see

>> No.42735487

boobmanko, mouthmanko, handmanko, thighmanko, armpitmanko,

>> No.42735510

Knowing this place the anons calling her fat are either malnourished skeletons or far as fuck land whales. No in between.

>> No.42735512

if she ever do that arms raised armit showing pose for with bare tits hanging ill die

>> No.42735520

Welp there goes the archive.

>> No.42735525

Her body type reminds me of Marina Yuzuki and she's like my favorite AV actress

>> No.42735542


>> No.42735551

spreading fake cum all over her belly kino

>> No.42735553


>> No.42735559

My wish came true right away

>> No.42735562

The mood for this stream feels off...

>> No.42735563

How can you compare Marina Yuzuki's huge not so good looking bolt ons to Canan's perfect naturals? Blasphemy

>> No.42735568

Lots of tech difficulties at the start

>> No.42735572

the super padded pasties are a tragedy

>> No.42735592

The squirrel returns

>> No.42735593


>> No.42735594

Risu time

>> No.42735601

Full view yes yes yes

>> No.42735607

She looks like Punitan with bigger tits

>> No.42735611

Seeing how far up the leopard one goes I don’t blame her for using 2

>> No.42735659

>This is idol behavior

>> No.42735673

kys ichimi

>> No.42735707

There is a tail

>> No.42735748

Ngl, I remembered that this was Noel and this is an idol for a sec when she was doing the titty fondling. But then I remember the nip slip and then everything becomes fine.

>> No.42735782

Fake sex is still the worst section.

>> No.42735793

>no ass section

>> No.42735803

Eh it's hit or miss.

>> No.42735816

More titty groping and fondling, please

>> No.42735835

The first part where she was holding against the wall was good the last part not that much would’ve been better with the ass slapping out of sight

>> No.42735844

it was a good life

>> No.42735845

did she let the tiddies hang or were they held by clothes all the time again?

>> No.42735860

There was some hanging

>> No.42735896

What a day

>> No.42735898


>> No.42735905

what a lovely day indeed

>> No.42735922

vibrator continues to be my favorite part

>> No.42735938

Only thing that could’ve made it better was a short armpit job and a bit more ass

>> No.42735943


>> No.42735946

what's with that 4 she talked about?

>> No.42735948

Well right away I get my ass wish

>> No.42735951

Thank you canan

>> No.42735966

Either scenes or how many times she wants you to nut

>> No.42735967

Canan is 54kg right now thats why she said 4

>> No.42735972

That’s not bad at all

>> No.42735974

So I was counting and it come out to 117 times

>> No.42735984

About once every minute

>> No.42736022

She keeps saying all the problems were her fault and not DWANGO

>> No.42736037

it's 54kg. She held a 4 at the end.

>> No.42736060

More "porn research" for what? All that "research" the fc didn't improve, it was more of the same.

>> No.42736063

That's not what she said.
She said that the scuff at the beginning where no one could watch or get in was her fault having OBS issues.
The 401s that happened midway through was on the site's side from high traffic.

>> No.42736075

She got way better at blowjob sounds and paizuri. You just clearly don't care

>> No.42736082

She should look at Cosplay for fantia for picture ideas
For FC as long as it’s solo I don’t mind anything she tries out

>> No.42736108
File: 7 KB, 492x248, 117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42736120

Fuck she said more at the end

>> No.42736143
File: 293 KB, 965x282, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone get a good recording? Something was really fucky today and mine kept stopping and restarting.

>> No.42736150

for pictures she should copy mugi

>> No.42736172

I kept mine down to five parts, but I would hardly call that good.

>> No.42736174


>> No.42736184

That was probably due to Dwango side. I had the stream stop fully multiple times and would have to refresh
That’s not bad, the photo set she did is really making me look forward to more in the future

>> No.42736193

I don't even know what happened to mine, watching on the browser was fine but this happened to Minyami, and it straight up deleted my whole fist hour or so.

>> No.42736199

>That’s not bad, the photo set she did is really making me look forward to more in the future
Which one?

>> No.42736200


>> No.42736214

I could be wrong, but today it felt like she really wasn't into it.

>> No.42736219

mugi hires someone to professionally photograph her so she can do any pose she wants.
Canan takes her own pictures.

>> No.42736246

I like the non professional look that Canan has but maybe we could get professional photo shoots sometimes

>> No.42736256

Would she even do pro photo shoots these days?

>> No.42736259

>Have your half-naked oshi in the same room as a male
Ok cuck

>> No.42736265

>only men know how to take pictures

>> No.42736266

>female photographers don't exist

>> No.42736281

>Implying she would have any problem with a male when her editor is a male

>> No.42736294

Is her editor male tho

>> No.42736314

Thread kinda shit today, huh...

>> No.42736318

>her editor male tho
Is he her boyfriend?

>> No.42736327

She talked about the editor having the unedited nipple video, no way it's a male.

>> No.42736339

Yeah, I'm sure there's a lot of female video editors working on this kind of content... Not like this bros...

>> No.42736342

Fuck I hope next month is during the weekend, this shit is killing me.

>> No.42736351

Speaking of which, any word on when that video is coming out?

>> No.42736355

The editor is a Holo, they're so busy because of holofes

>> No.42736365

The only one I can think of is matsuri. Mostly since she's the only one who went on record to watch canan's streams. It wouldn't be too farfetched.

>> No.42736427

So going by what she said during the YouTube stream, she was wearing the bikini bottom without the black panties under during it?

>> No.42736468

lmao thinking matsuri knows how to edit videos

>> No.42736534

Imagine being this level of retard in a daily basis, this attention whores are really something here

>> No.42736577

Noticed she still doesn't have the Zelda stream for tomorrow set up so I imagine she's still up right now working on uploading the archive, taking a shower to get all that gel off her chest, and working on getting the Zelda stream ready

>> No.42736584

Did you see the titty fondling session? She was definitely into that part.

>> No.42736597

The bunny one it’s a start in a better direction when it comes to pictures they can lead to more variety

>> No.42736606

I don't think she deals with the archives personally when it gets a 401 error, it's something DWANGO has to handle.
But yeah I imagine she's still not going to bed for a while.

>> No.42736611

kys ichitranny

>> No.42736618

She doesn’t need to get a professional even photos done by one of her close friends that knows about Canan would bring a breath of fresh air

>> No.42736968

She should be more selfish with the stuff she does. I like seeing her feel good.

>> No.42737036

When she is pleasuring herself first and foremost are the best scenes

>> No.42737534

It's been up since before she stream on Canan.

>> No.42737680

To the anons that rank, where would you place this one?

>> No.42737855

The stream shitting the bed aside, its a pretty 8/10 stream. Granted I'm more biased towards more areola peaking, nipple play and masturbation, but it did have the titty grabbing so its fine with that. Other than that, I would have to think about it. Cuz Succubus and Santa are my top 2

>> No.42737894

Paizuri was the best part imo. The outfit was good but she kinda lacked energy for today, she didn't seem that horny compared to other streams. But yeah still good though.

>> No.42737910

>better at blowjobs and paizuri
>not horny anymore
>all those Saturdays ending streams early without saying what she's doing at nights
Yep, it's obvious now

>> No.42737933

Really? That part felt the most of her going through the motions. Or she was really focused on doing it right because she's still learning. She didn't seem that into it.

>> No.42738005

1) Succubus
2) Bunny Girl Prostitute
3) One Piece Swimsuit
4) Today's Stream
5) Calvin Klein
6) Santa NTR
7) Braless Casual
8) Maid
9) Test

>> No.42738019

Tbh the only reason I liked the paizuri part the most was because there were some shots of her just letting her tits hang lol. Been waiting for her to do that.

>> No.42738050

Test that low? I get she was learning and trying new things and didn't know how far to go but it was fun.

>> No.42738142

I mostly watch archives so I'm judging it as a softcore porn vid. Yeah, it was fun but it's bad softcore porn. If you were talking about ranking these as streams then I can see your point.

>> No.42738160

Makes sense.

>> No.42738178

Also, if anyone is wondering why I have One Piece Swimsuit over today's stream it'a solely because of the outfit. In terms of lewd acts, today's stream is better. However, the One Piece Swimsuit looked amazing on her. It fit her better than either of the outfits she used today. The One Piece Swimsuit gets bonus points for a better scenario.

>> No.42738755

I rank this stream the lowest simply because of the mood. She just didn't feel like she wanted to be there most of the time.

>> No.42738759

She might have still been in her depression state

>> No.42738937

sure is a lot of armchair psychiatrists coming out of the woodwork lately

>> No.42739077

You don't have to be a experto to notice how different this stream was from the rest.
She was in the middle, or right out, of a depression episode, and the corset marks clearly killed the mood further.

>> No.42739162

>You don't have to be a experto to notice
literal definition of an armchair doctor

>> No.42739211

As expected, no hype and she look kinda bored. Double pasties and underwear lol.

>> No.42739215

I'm not making assumptions or diagnosis about her mental health, she's the one that said she was depressed.
The stream just had a worse mood than usual.

>> No.42739255

Because last stream she was told it's dangerous because they were riding up and she doesn't want another wardrobe malfunction.

>> No.42739688


>> No.42740073


>> No.42740238

she said that she was depressed a week ago.
You're one saying she's still in the middle or right of a depression episode.

>> No.42740256

Yeah me

>> No.42740472

Flare what are you doing here
