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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 54 KB, 800x1000, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2443 No.2443 [Reply] [Original]

It's not looking good...

>> No.2521
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>> No.4098
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>> No.4139
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This was OP's pic.

Note worksafeness.

>> No.4150
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>> No.4157
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>> No.4161
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>> No.4174
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>> No.4210
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This is great! We get to have 2D AND 3D women now. We can eat our delicious cake and have it too!

>> No.4350
File: 134 KB, 426x590, 1193131767328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been to the dentist several times so I know the drill.

This board is going to be great.

>> No.2463

I browse /v/ /a/ and now /jp/ at the same time.

>> No.2477

/a/ seems kind slow right now

but i'll wait till tomorrow to judge...

i really hope /a/ doesnt die...

>> No.2486

I don't understand the 9 part.

>> No.2514

Well, we're all over here now. Late night /a/ is now slow /a/.

>> No.2518


everyone wants cirno i guess

Also that thing is very true

>> No.2519


Pfft. I spend time on /jp, /a/(though less time there), and /cm/(most of it there).

>> No.2534

/a/'s users = /jp/'s users
We might get a few random people from /b/ over the next few days because of OOOH TRIAL BOARD but it's basically the exact same people, exact same Anonymous, exact same tripfags, etc. The only difference is where we post our threads because some of us are anal and were reporting threads over the most insignificant shit.

>> No.2539

Should be slow, much of the attention of /a/nons have been diverted to here for now.

>> No.2574

But now you can have pure, unadulterated, concentrated Touhou in one place.

>> No.2580

so what if /a/ is slow.


>> No.2588

I hate /jp/ already

You fucks have kept me up when I'm tired as hell.

>> No.2590

I came here with the same thoughts - but that kigurumi thread really threw me, it was - well - real lol - never see that on /a/

I await the future with baited breath.

>> No.2630

You do (well, did) see those on /a/, although they are usually quickly taken down.

>> No.2633

I just don't understand the rationale behind it all. Why split a good community? And don't say "just have two tabs open" because I tend to have about fifty tabs open (seriously), and keeping track of TWO boards' worth is going to be torture.

>> No.2675

An actually serious discussion. Just as planned.

>> No.2692

The way I see it: I will be hopping over to /a/ to discuss shows I'm currently watching, and that's it.

/a/ isn't a community any more. /jp/ is the community. I like it, the more that I think about it. We're basically cutting off the users who feel the need to shit all over threads about shows they don't like.

>> No.2782

I think I'm leaning towards staying mostly on /jp/ myself.... But I LIKE the random animu crap - most of the actually good stuff I wouldn't have ever known about without /a/non's rambling. Stuff like Princess Tutu or ARIA.

>> No.2794

You have a point.

I'm taking a wait-and-see approach myself.

Either way, we need a name for this event, as the shitstorm around the /a/-/jp/ split is shaping up to be memorable enough to be on a par with /b/day.

>> No.2827


im gonna agree with cirno on this.

/jp/ is pretty much now /a/ but not only do we get to discuss anime & manga (even though we technically don't it is gonna happen and is happening) but now the things like visual novels and touhou and stuff get their own place.

tl;dr it's like /a/ but more freedom

>> No.2861

This is, of course, assuming moot doesn't pull the plug on us.

>> No.2862

if i find myself bitching about anime manga/subs scanlations on /a/ alaone - the world is good.

here I dunno - its easier to say what truly belongs in /a/ than what really belongs here - 'everything that used to be in /a/' is kind vague.

>> No.2868

>/jp/ is the community.

yeah I think that's a good summary

>> No.2876

With any luck, once the shitstorm dies down, the shitty posters and crapflooders will get bored with /a/ and we will be able to fill it up with "random animu crap" again. It's just that "random weeaboo crap" "random animu/manga crap" will now be segregated.

>> No.2938

We are the same.

And I bet that you use Opera, right?

>> No.2944


If he does, then everything goes back to /a/ and this merits nothing more than a footnote on the level of a /b/ hack.

Speaking of which, we need more HACKS. Maybe an inaugural /jp/ hack with some Miku song on endless loop or something.

>> No.2947


I think /j/ fags should feel welcome to post about animoo and mangos, especially the new, little-known ones they want to advertise.

>> No.3005

Regardless of what board, 4chan remains 4chan.

>> No.3036

same for me.

私の本当愛、/a/、私をexiled ので、意志は何に私なったか。

>> No.3042



>> No.3063

Actually I used Firefox. I used to use Opera (it is good) but switched to Firefox because of the extensions. I have twenty-seven extensions running. Some of these duplicate Opera functionality, but most are stuff that you simply can't do with Opera.

>> No.3093

So what are we going to call /jp/ posters, anyway? We're not /a/ssholes while we're here (well we ARE, but you know what I mean). /jp/ is particularly hard to find a title for.

>> No.3103



I must get around to making that 'Happy TripFriends' shop I was planning....

>> No.3114


Vaj P

>> No.3115


>> No.3132


...I can't think of anything good.

>Search for: *jp*

>No words found in this wordlist when searching for *jp*.

>> No.3135

i DO agree - that is what I would love to see - but a community needs those willing to uphold it - and the truth is, we dont know is 'that not 100% anime/manga related bit of /a/' is enough to maintain a community (I'm sure moot was thinking the same thing) - ach time will tell, but I'll do my part!

Heck I even decided to be a tripfag just for /jp/ !!! lol

>> No.3150


>> No.3156

We're tripfriends here, sir!

>> No.3159

We'll put that in the "maybe" pile.

How about n/jp/s (since "j" is really just a form of "i")?

>> No.3161

we're just awesome people.
also we can be called the essence of humanity.

>> No.3168



>> No.3186

I thought that too, and it's somehow fitting, given our newfound expatriate status.

>> No.3188


Fuck your shit, tripfag.

>> No.3201

Heck I even decided to be a tripfag just for /jp/ !!! lol
> lol

this will stick to you forever.
not that anyone cares, I have to get rid of my h/a/bits now.

>> No.3206

Tripfriend is nicer.

>> No.3210

I just noticed, it's the night crew for America... but normal time in EU so... Is this proof that other countries truly are more "civilized"? Curse you tripfag!

>> No.3219

Cirno is most ASSUREDLY a tripfriend.

>> No.3222


>Fuck your shit, tripfriend.

Fix'd that for ya.

>> No.3225

also, fucked my quote, that sucks.

>> No.3232

Maybe with this now /a/ will be less filled with the MOE faction and the GAR faction wars.

I couldn't pass a day without raging like a bitch when posting on /a/ lately, anything you posted there's always someone who will sage with SHITSUX FAGET and baseless bashing.

Now that everything got divided people will feel lonely and maybe they will notice that living with people with different tastes around makes the place more lively.

>> No.3249

whoever is on between an hour ago and like 5 hours from now is considered "night crew" no matter if it's noon where you live, since it's night where the majority of posters are, and it's an easy way to group the best timeframe of /a/.

>> No.3261

I loved /a/, I really did.
what I liked was the mix of everything.

>> No.3266


>> No.3268


There are no real trolls on /jp/, yet. It's typical for a Shonen thread to get saged first post and Clannad threads to turn into everyone hates Nagisa/Fuko, but we haven't seen any of that shit and I hope it remains that way.

Hopefully all the faggot trolls stay on /a/.

>> No.3286

I always thought nighttime /a/ was pretty much midnight North American Eastern Time until about 9-10 A.M. in the same time zone.

>> No.3289


Oh wait, it's fucking 2 am on the east coast in America.

Fuck. /jp/ might be ruined, after all.

>> No.3295

probably, but my siblings - heck even my mother - cam ID my anon posts thu language use alone.

>> No.3308

/a/ had basically become the new old /b/.

>> No.3309


>> No.3322

>Clannad threads to turn into everyone hates Nagisa/Fuko

Trolling them became a hivemind on /a/. That's really sad.

>> No.3323

if you knew the number of people who think that, yet don't have any particular figures of speech.

>> No.3324

Everybody knows Rorydia is superior

>> No.3327

ya, basically its that weird time when only neets and the like are here, beyond a decent bedtime for those in the US that need to be up for work/school etc. and still in the realm of up-all-night britfags.

>> No.3338

You mean, like /v/?

I see... I guess I noticed it.

>> No.3346

my thought.
/b/ was a shitfest where discussion was impossible.
it should be renamed /b/ -shitheads
/a/ had everything I liked.

>> No.3353

you mean there's something weird with being awake at that time?

>> No.3360

At least half of what was ruining /a/ was janitor/mod faggotry (or rule-enforcement, I guess, from moot's perspective - but the users seemed to have a different concept of what the rules were than the mods/janitors). Hopefully, with this board's purpose more clearly stated, that won't be a problem here.

>> No.3371

And for Ausfags and Kiwifags like myself, primetime. It's only 8:23pm here atm.

>> No.3378

so, does this mean that Caramelldansen is banned in /a/ as well?

I enjoy that meme, and its a damn shame that /a/ is losing that as well.

on that note i guess all moontube threads shouldnt be there eather.

>> No.3381

fail for showing your mom threads on /a/ and having her know which anon you were.

>> No.3385

maybe, for me i know its the use of fairly archaic english, 'thru' 'tho' 'methinks' 'mayhap' and gratuitous use of - ' @ ( '...' that give me away- far to much dd + mmorpgs,that's the truth.

oh and what amounts to old, yet obscure sountry-localised phrases.

>> No.3389

what I really hated on /a/ were the people who said
> reported, not anime and manga related.
I mean, how fucking shitty is that ?

>> No.3405

/jp/ is the community now. Simple.

We are the overboard!

>> No.3409

>Hopefully, with this board's purpose more clearly stated, that won't be a problem here.

>This is for general Japanese things/images and discussion. This [unfortunately] includes figurines, visual novels, Touhou, etc.

just saying

>> No.3413

also, every post will be a get for a month.

>> No.3418


Cirno, I like you.

>> No.3448

is why there a board dedicated to us ?

>> No.3459

'anti-snitch-mode' says fuck 'em - 'step-back-and-look-mode' says, well, they had a point - but untill now there was no other suitible board was there? I fo rone hope that /a/'s rules now get enforced structly - it will make for a better /a/ and /jp/ methinks.

>> No.3471

You never saw the old /b/ did you?

A couple of years ago, before there was nighttime /a/, there was nighttime /b/. Nighttime /b/ was essentially the same thing. Real discussions happened among the standard memes like scary threads and guro threads. Very much the same as our very nice discussion in among the ronery and mai wafu threads. That was before /b/ became filled with raids and what came after raids.

>> No.3500

I was talking about the actual /b/.
thanks for wanting to help, though.

>> No.3525

I'll never be able to stand the people who report threads, unless these threads are like zoophilia.

>> No.3532

Because we're good enough, we're smart enough, and doggone it, people like us. ^_^

>> No.3537

I was talking about the actual /b/.
thanks for wanting to help, though.

>> No.3539

I remember 'HALP ME' threads in /b/ that had long serious helpful discussions with nary a meme in sight.

>> No.3546

but I liked America.

>> No.3560

and I fondly remember the serious threads of /a/.
I believe /a/ actually made me think seriously.

>> No.3593

>>ScottshWeeaboo !!/juPGBIi2/H

If you're going to be a tripfag, at least learn proper English.

>> No.3598

Slowpoke here, just entered the thread. I like /jp/anophiles, actually.

>> No.3615

If this is true, I'm fucking staying.

>> No.3646

Still happens on occasion but it is somewhat rare. The most recent I can recall was the 'Expanded Nanohaverse' multi-thread thread just before StrikerS aired. Looooooong, convoluted, and totally semi-serious.

>> No.3648

this is gonna be hell.

>> No.3665

Well, my point was that /a/ was what /b/ used to be. This was a GOOD thing, IMO. My suspicion is that, of late, new /b/ was spilling into /a/ (which is why nighttime /a/ had sucked lately). Now /jp/ will become what /b/ used to be, which is also fine. Just don't tell the current /b/tards about it, they'll come fag it up and we'll have to move again.

>> No.3674

we had a serious college thread yesterday.
I loved every minute of it.

>> No.3680

seconded, I already saw a few.
I had lost the habit of seeing these things.

>> No.3689


>> No.3696

I can see why it might be for you, especially. Though doesn't the 4chan Firefox extension let you save a name/tripcode setting for each board?

>> No.3698

Stop talking about /b/. /a/ was never /b/, and /jp/ will never be /b/. Shut the fuck up before this place starts overflowing with retards.

>> No.3720


I remember around late 2004 and early 2005 where /b/ was basically just a place to hang out and talk about stuff. Then the first thing that happened was that morons kept responding to shitty trolls threads about "Circumsized vs Uncircumsized Penises" or "America vs Europe" and it was all downhill from there

>> No.3730

Perhaps you are right: let us never speak of /b/ again.

>> No.3759


fag is compliment, Cirno.

We're all fags.

>> No.3776

you must not have lurked nighttime /a/ enough. There have been really good threads more recently than that. Granted the better ones that come to mind are from a month or more back, but there was the college one yesterday, and a thread discussing the PLOT of an h-manga that went on for hours with hundreds of posts 2 days ago.

>> No.3809

/a/ and /b/ used to be one board called /a/ - Anime & Random, you fags.

>> No.3852

It was /b/, not /a/. /a/ was created as a worksafe alternative to /b/ (like the older /v/ but for animu).

>> No.3867

thats perfectly proper english! ok it isnt, soo I could blame my screen res, or I could blame the vodka - fuck it lets blame it on a typo, fix, it, hang my head in shame for the rest of eternity that sound ok?

>> No.3889

anyway, let's hope this is for the best

>> No.3948

Hey, with the fact that we can apparently post real live Japanese lolis here (as long as they are clothed) things are very much looking up already.

>> No.3961

3d IS pig disgusting.

>> No.4023

That's /a/ talking. One change we will have to accept is that /jp/ is BOUND to attract pictures of non-nude, 3D, Japanese women.

>> No.4075

oh come on, we can't do that.

>> No.4100




>> No.4112


>> No.4130


>> No.4138

We can, indeed we must. It's inevitable. I for one welcome our new 3D Japanese-female overlords.

>> No.4165

btw if you look up moe.imouto.org a bit further you'll notice there's a scan of that pic in much higher res. tried to post it at some point but it was too big :(

>> No.4190

Since when did /a/nons ever have girlfriends? I was never issued one!

Also, what are we calling ourselves here on /jp/? I've not seen a clever name yet.

>> No.4207

we'll have to go with being called "the best of humanity".

>> No.4216

Are you really asking that? Read the thread anon.

>> No.4228

I don't read threads, no time. I post by instinct, I go with my gut.

>> No.4239

Did you mean "The best of hum/a/nity"?

>> No.4243

I thought /jp/sies was the best suggestion made. We are, after all, sort of like refugees.

>> No.4245

actually, I did, good job on seeing what I did there.

>> No.4248

3D is pig disgusting, but as long as the 3D people stay out of the 2D threads and the 2D people stay out of the 3D threads, we'll be good.

>> No.4262

later we'll refer to the creation of /jp/ as the sho/a/h.

>> No.4267

Did you mean "The best of hum/a/nity"?

>> No.4271


>> No.4286

this has got to be a bug.

>> No.4372

>later we'll refer to the creation of /jp/ as the sho/a/h.

>> No.4409

I don't get the 9 with a circle around it joke.

>> No.4428

Can do! After all, now we control the banks.

>> No.4431

it's a touhou reference.
Cirno is a ➈

>> No.4440

normal, we're 4chan's jews.

>> No.4443

What, have you become /jp/'s Ultros?

... If so, then welcome aboard, Punmaster.

>> No.4447

One minor annoyance is going to be FINDING /jp/ in the links at the top and bottom of the page. /a/ was conveniently at the far left, now I'm re-sizing my browser window so /jp/ will be the last one on the right. This will work alright as long as my window size doesn't get altered.

>> No.4448

Not that deeply into touhou I guess. Thanks for the reply.

>> No.4462

I'm pissed because the extension doesn't work for /jp/ yet.
I still spam alt +c +a on instinct.

>> No.4470

IIRC, moot actually said "4chan's Israelites," but "4chan's Jews" does have a nicer ring to it.

>> No.4471

sage for touhou

>> No.4489


Touhou finally has a home, damnit.

>> No.4585

I don't recall moot saying that, was it in the sticky ?

>> No.4598

Moot posted that 2 days ago around this time, I believe.

>> No.4605

aww crap, I always miss the fun stuff.

>> No.4717

It's in the archive, still the first thread under /a/.

>> No.4773

Found the exact quote:
>moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/17/08(Sun)03:55 No.9654459
> >>9654422
> touhou might be the israelites of 4chan

>> No.4773,1 [INTERNAL] 

you were dead wrong
