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41101825 No.41101825 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

Guide to onaholes, dolls, supplements, aural stim, and anything else that makes blowing a load enjoyable:
Update guide: https://controlc.com/e979939a

list/guide of plush doll providers

Minor edits should be made to the wiki to keep information/links up to date.

OtonaJP a shit. Order from them at your own risk.
OtonaJP has rebranded as Naughty-nippon in the EU and should also be avoided. Don't say we didn't warn you.

- - - Notice for Aussies: Only J-list doesn't ship to Australia anymore (it's their own fault for not discretely packaging onas). All the other retailers still do ship to Australia - - -

>Please read the guide, use the warosu archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Please avoid posting any dolls of infants. We don't want you here and it hurts the health of the thread.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

previous thread: >>41022328

>> No.41101873
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apologies if i fucked anything up in the OP, i didn't see any thread up for a while so i just decided to make one on my own
anyway, i'm planning on buying this because i'm basically a torsofag at this point and dolls are a bit too clunky/big to take care of for me personally, but I like the feeling of the weight and playing around with chests. has anyone bought her before? how do the specs look?

>> No.41101882

Lollipop misty nightmare girl
or puni ana SPDX?
Lollipop is a little bigger, but pussy and skeleton looks a little better on the puni ana. I'm gonna pull the trigger on one of them tonight.

>> No.41101895

kek I almost made a thread just to ask my question too

>> No.41101947

>Small breasts instead of delicious flatness.

>> No.41101969

i bought the puni ana sdpx just to try it out, but it feels like you're just fucking a board with a vagina, and not really in a good way. the ribcage and inner skeleton didn't really help the experience, but maybe that's just me personally. i guess i'm just asking if I didn't really enjoy the sdpx then if I'd have have a better experience with the nikaido since there's a bit more breast, and the extra arms and leg stumps

>> No.41101983

How are the holes themselves on the SPDX?

>> No.41102022

speaking honestly, i can't give a very good opinion because i'm on the smaller side. it felt tight enough for me, but because I can't really ever reach the end of a larger torso tunnel with a torso. the stimulation for the vagina was nice for what it's worth, and the tunnel extends upwards to downwards, which for anyone who has a normal length or girth, would probably feel really nice for, but I can barely reach the top of the tunnel as is, so I can't give an opinion there. the anal cavity felt similar in terms of stimulation, but much more straighter in the tunnel, and more tight. since I'm smaller I basically enjoy the experience of simulating weight on my dick and playing around with something (the nipples, ass, etc) over the holes, usually. the one I really enjoyed the most would probably be the Sujiman Kupa Cocolo in that aspect, all things considered, since it was relatively heavier than a normal ona, had great stimulation and sensation, was tight enough even for me and was nice to look at, too.

>> No.41102039

Thank you for the write-up anon

>> No.41102142

why not sex woman instead of onahole

>> No.41102160

I hate women I hope they die

>> No.41102168

woman expensive onahole cost effective

>> No.41102174
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>3d women

>> No.41102353

>found a lump on my ass trying to take pics of my doll holding my balls

>> No.41102793

I can't customize a bitch though.

>> No.41102828

ass cancer, sorry anon...you should start finding a new home for your doll.

>> No.41103049
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I nut to clear my head and I get back to work. Women are a waste of time!

>> No.41103121

>get horny
>get sad, have no woman
>want doll too
>world good again

>> No.41103233

Actually I ended up picking the vividoll Ayaka. It's pretty much the same as the lollipop misty, but looks a little better to me. Couple more beers and I can press the "pay $250 to masturbate" button.

>> No.41103238

Fucking this, all the time.

>> No.41103273

>go to bed
>realize nothing to cuddle with
>get sad again

>> No.41103319

I had a really nice loli onahole while I studied in Japan.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a new one?

>> No.41103357
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I did it. Please tell me you're proud of me /jp/

>> No.41103380

Every time I use my ona I love it, but I have a problem where I'm not cumming as hard as I want to. When I cum it feels like there's still more in my balls but my dick is so sensitive that I have a hard time keeping up the fap to get it out. How can I fix this?
Get a body pillow anon-chama, it's done wonders for me

>> No.41103394

That is the main reason I use open ended onaholes. You can pull them down the head when you're cumming, and that crazy oversensitivity isn't a problem.

>> No.41103428
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Where is sex woman? Show me sex woman and I will sex woman. Till then I will sex doll

>> No.41103430

Just pull out. Like sometimes I feel like I leave big loads in my onas (nowhere near as big as with my hip) but if I take an ona to the shower then I pull out and finish by hand and that shit just explodes a lot more.

>> No.41103449

Anon... It should be cheaper to get it from amazon.co.jp. And I think they should ship that one in a brown box but hey, gigachads don't about if it has a box or not.
But real talk it's only 4kg and I don't see the disclaimer on the page so it should come in a box. Some 8kg+ stuff doesn't have a box.

>> No.41103466


>> No.41103473

Actually yeah, I do have a pillow (not a body pillow but it's a big pillow) and I really like hugging it, honestly biggest selling point for a doll for me is just being able to hug it and sleep with it.

>> No.41103483

Just try to cancel the order since you literally just made it.

>> No.41103509
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I was able to cancel it and order it on amazon. Thank you, you are a great person.

>> No.41103583

it ended up being one of those really deep rooted pimples.

>> No.41103738

Friends, help.
The part under the tongue on my doll is very thin that there's about a ~1cm hole in one of them. I need to pour tpe onto it to fix it, but I don't have a soldering iron. Is there any other method I can use to melt tpe?

I also have to reattach the chin to the base-plate of the head since it peeled off, but I don't know the best approach, and all I have are super glue and a small tube of glue meant for clothes which contains acetone.

>> No.41103785

>get horny
>want to buy 1,500 U.S dollar + doll
>masturbate with 25 dollar onahole
>no longer horny
>no longer want doll
Bros, did I just save 1,500 dollars?

>> No.41103796

You need a soldering iron for pinpoint repairs like that small hole you are talking about. It will also help if you have some extra tpe to use as a medium to help close it

>> No.41103834
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There, her hiding place is all prepped for when my brother comes over to stay, and it looks like he's only going to be here for Sunday so she won't have to stay hidden long
I have this little side area attached to the bedroom that's supposed to be like a home office space but I turned it into extra storage with some shelves and the portable closet so it's fairly innocuous

>> No.41103839

Make sure she has enough food and water

>> No.41103867

no because you will eventually cave and buy the doll unless you get pussy on a fairly regular basis

>> No.41103870

Nice. Is that portable wardrobe that big or is she that tiny? If you don't mind if you have a link to it I've been looking for something like that myself.

>> No.41103895

She's just over 4 foot tall, this is the closet I bought
Super cheap and easy to assemble, I got it to store her clothes in the first place

>> No.41103927

Sweet that is perfect. Hopefully its no issue storing standing or against fabric.

>> No.41103938

She has standing feet so a day in the closet should be fine and I was going to put her soft blanket around her as an extra layer between her and the closet side just to be safe

>> No.41104033

This is what happened to me, after two years of doll lust, I just blew the wad on a $1600 catdoll

>> No.41104038

yeah I spent a year and a half resisting the desire

>> No.41104061
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>resisting the desire
Just give in, get yourself some daughterwives

>> No.41104064

resisting, past tense

>> No.41104068

Ah so its just to tuck her away when you have plans again soon after. Still store her in her box for longer amounts of time?

>> No.41104086

>Still store her in her box for longer amounts of time?
If I know I'm not going to have time to fuck her for a while yeah, I lay her back down in the box, I saved all the padding and wrap her up in her blanket so she's well cushioned, otherwise she just kind of hangs out standing in my room or laying on the bed

>> No.41104118

Cute, which are they?

>> No.41104309

Man I would but I'm a university student. Plus they look like a pain to clean

>> No.41104535

Are dry sticks supposed to be applied after just wash the hole or after wiping with a paper towel from the inside? are these one use only?

>> No.41104566

>wash out inside of hole
>insert stick
>let stick sit for a few minutes and give the hole a few good squeezes so moisture gets forced towards the stick and absorbed
>remove stick, rinse stick, leave stick out to dry for later use
After that just check the inside with your finger to make sure it's dry and you're good to go

>> No.41104585
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Not sure if anyone remembers but I caught some nasty shit from a Tomax almost a year ago. Went to the doctor a week later and they couldnt find anything. I did like 4 fuckin urine tests and no infections come up. Ive even been seeing a urologist and he has no idea what is going on. The pain has gone away but Im having little to moderate spasms all over and still pissing often but not as much as when it first happened. Ive been feeling exhausted and frail lately too but I hope thats just my bad sleeping and eating habits. Kinda worried its irreversible at this point. Anything I can ask them to check before it possibly gets worse?

>> No.41104586

Can you do me a solid and buy me a doll pretty please?

>> No.41104626

>leave stick out to dry for later use
can I use a hair dryer on the stick after use? where should I store it after? inside the bag?

>> No.41104627

Where can you get good drying sticks from?
Amazon has a bajillion but I trust nothing that doesn't have some human component actually saying if its shit or not, and there are no ratings for any of them.

>> No.41104689

Brother I just bought three mini figure onaholes and I'm still paying off other stuff, I can't even buy myself another doll right now
I don't know about a hair dryer, for storage I just wrap them back up in a wash cloth and put them under the bathroom sink

>> No.41104818

Fuck me. I didn't feel like cleaning my ona so I tried to just use my hand and it was rough. I've only had my ona for about a week but I still felt like my hand was doing a lot less than it used to. I didn't even get soft after cumming.

>> No.41104866

Does any anon here have experience with the Dohna Dohna Onaholes?

>> No.41104959

>Dohna Dohna Onahole
never was a fan of those types of onas because it feels like you're paying premium for the boxart over the actual ona

>> No.41104961

For the most part they're all the same cheap Chinese shit on Amazon so just get whatever is cheapest, other than that if you wanna DIY it go grab some microfiber towels and plastic chopsticks from Walmart or your local variant and use that chance to learn/get good at sewing.

>> No.41104992

>get PP hard
>gf is not in the mood
>throw gf in the dumpster
why not sex onahole instead of woman?

>> No.41105006

Tbh you probably do but I'm a big fan of the game so I'm considering getting one if they're not complete trash
Sadly I couldn't find any reviews of them

>> No.41105057

I think the only English language reviews of them are on toy demon, otherwise amazon jp probably has japanes language reviews if they have them.

>> No.41105082
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Do these werks in combination with an ona, assuming the diameter is right?

>> No.41105558

tpe is so much better than silicone for sex dolls
silicone is way easier to damage and it’s way more obvious when you do
it just isn’t there yet
it’s better for photorealism but for actual sexing there’s just no contest

>> No.41105580
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i’ve bought like $400 worth of panties since i started dolling
i might have a problem

>> No.41105606

I find silicone extremely durable, what the fuck are you doing to damage it?
TPE on the other hand wears and tears like no one's business.

>> No.41105630

i mean the hard as fuck silicone is durable yeah but the soft silicone like piper dolls is super delicate
it’ll even get impressions if you put too much pressure on it when carrying

>> No.41105713

piperdolls just have durability issues, try a better brand like sanhui

>> No.41105851

I'd like to review some toys, though I do wonder, if I show the toys naked, will there be bans even if they're hidden behind a spoiler?

>> No.41107245

my wife doesn't exist

>> No.41107276

is it safe to put tight clothes on dolls? especially for extended periods of time?

>> No.41107529
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Dressing your dolls looks so fun.

>> No.41107540

It'll prob indent the skin if it's too tight, which will go back to normal after awhile but you wouldn't want to do it for a long period

>> No.41107562

I bought a TPE piper Phoebe about 2 weeks ago. Can't wait for it to get here and dress it up and post pics.

Should I clean her as soon as I get her?

And what is a good maintenance routine? It seems there is a lot of mixed info online. TPE sounds delicate and I want this doll to last me a few good years.

I think I bought everything I need already, cleaning wise.

(I resisted the urge to buy a doll for a little over a year.)

>> No.41107623

For me the problem is a bit more complex as I need to move out first, thing is, I can move out whenever I want but living with parents is comfy. So while I give up on the doll for sex after fapping, I still want one even when I'm not horny because it looks fun to have one and when I'm horny I really crave one.

>> No.41107646

Just spray with water+anti bacteria soap, dry and powder when you get her. Make sure to clean the vag b4 you jam it in.

>> No.41107693

And you keep posting the same one! Unless you bought 100 of the same pair, then yeah, maybe stop.

>> No.41107705

People post naked dolls here all the time behind spoilers.

>> No.41107893

dame bros i want one. might have to stop being a neet for a month or two..

>> No.41107919

do you have a source on this?

>> No.41108239

Do both like our anons here, live with parents and hide a doll at home

>> No.41108523

I know it's okay to stretch an onahole but is it okay to compress it? Big lolinco is a bitch to dry

>> No.41108657 [DELETED] 
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I've amassed a collection of toys and I'll do a review for each of them, as I think some are ones that Anon's have expressed interest in, and at the very least some on the fence about getting any might be assisted, might take a few posts though.

Pic for size reference, the J-Cup tiddies threw me off with the box shape but it's an interesting one.

>> No.41108679 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.55 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20220904_105256295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've amassed a collection of toys and I'll do a review for each of them, as I think some are ones that Anon's have expressed interest in, and at the very least some on the fence about getting any might be assisted, might take a few posts though.

Pic for size reference, the J-Cup tiddies threw me off with the box shape but it's an interesting one.

>> No.41108806
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god i want all the monster tiddies

>> No.41109052

Not that anon, but the seam between the softer top material and tougher bottom material of J-cups can get REALLY distracting once you're running your hands all over them.
The cleavage isn't very deep either, but it's at least soft

>> No.41109234

Just FYI, I recommend looking for these holes on Amazon JP or another cheaper site, I just used these sites as easy referencing. As always, OtonaJP is shit. Periods removed because apparently spam. Be aware that your results with these items may vary if you are circumcised.

Top Left:
https://www otonajp com/puni-ana-roid-2
Puni Ana has some cool stuff I want to try, but the ROID 2 is awful unless you're the average Jap with a small knob. It's not very big and the motor system struggles if you push your dick into it too far, it's also not a very strong motor so relaxing you don't get much sensation with the hole that it comes with.
It's also pretty flimsy, as the second time using it something broke inside, though everything still works and the piece seemed mostly superficial I think it contributed to the small amount of pressure that was originally felt.
I really don't recommend it, I wouldn't buy anymore of the ROID series, personally.

Bottom Left:
https://www motsutoys com/sujiman-kupa-extra-virgin-lolinco.html
Probably a favourite go-to, though its let down on the uterus gimmick. While it feels excellent it's not as realistic as it boasts, it doesn't feel like the real thing but it DOES feel excellent, and even with having good stamina I don't last long.
The uterus isn't deep or wide enough to actually push your dick into, and while it feels good, your dick gets into the little divots surrounding the uterus opening. With a lot of hand-usage and stretching you CAN get your dick into the uterus but it's far too tight to be pleasurable. The gimmick doesn't work well with this hole, but overall it does feel excellent.
Probably best to go with the normal Lolinco Virgo rather than this one.

Bottom Left Along 1:
https://www otonajp com/yokoso-sukebe-elf-no-mori-delva
I picked this up as a extra throw-in for the Uterus Edge purchase, and it's honestly not bad. Cheap and effective, it's a good little stroker if you want a quick wank but fancy a bit more than your hand, it's also very easy to clean and dry. It's tight and has a decent texture as well. Recommend.

Middle Left:
https://www otonajp com/uterus-edge
Like the Sujiman Kupa it's not the most realistic take on a vagina, and its rather intense, but the fact you can see your dick pushing into it is pretty fucking awesome and adds to the experience. It's quite tight and then creates good suction, and feels excellent. Only downside I would say is that QC may vary, my one slightly veers off to the right rather than have the chamber central, so my dick pushes out to one side at the top, but that's a small issue and I highly recommend this one.

https://www kanojotoys com/meandering-vagina-wall-crank-karizeme-belial-onahole-p-6864.html
Another I picked up as an extra during my purchase of the Roses onahole, the 666 Succubus is pretty good. It's a high texture stimulation hole, no realism, but it's for quick pleasure wanks and dick bullying, it does that well. Easy cleanup same as the dark elf onahole, and a great deal more intense. Recommend.

Bottom Left Along 2:
https://www otonajp com/the-mouth-of-truth-la-bocca-della-verita
The infamous Mouth of Truth. It's not bad. The blowjob gimmick works well with its tightness and how it's structured, but the teeth gazing is far too much, which I was a little annoyed by because I like a little nibbling being done. It can't dry out easily unless you use a stick or powder. It could be a lot better, though I do recommend it for those that like their dick being gently bullied, however that leads me to...

Bottom Left Along 3:
https://www otonajp com/the-mouth-of-truth-perorin-la-bocca-della-verita
Mouth of Truth 2: Electric Boogaloo. This is the Mouth of Truth's sequel and far superior. If you have to get one, I'd go for this one. The tongue adds a buffer between the teeth grazing and the passage has been improved, this one actually does feel like a blowjob, and the teeth on one side only is actually pleasurably stimulating rather than distracting. Has the same drying issues, but it's not a dealbreaker. Highly recommend.

Centre Right:
https://www motsutoys com/la-vie-en-roses.html
I really like this hole. For most here I imagine the labia will elicit cries of HAG or something, but I find it great to see the labia cling to your cock as you thrust in and out. The passage is also extremely pleasurable, and actually somewhat closer than other holes to how a vagina feels, even if again, it's not as realistic as it could be. Drying isn't too much of a pain, and I haven't mentioned it on other holes, but this one has some lovely detailing, labia included.
There's an anal passage too, but it's more a tack-on as it connects to the main chamber, though it's quite nice as a change of pace as the hole is extremely small and quite tight on the push in.
Highly recommend, especially if meatier labia is your thing.


>> No.41109288

Top tier box art

>> No.41109361

>Be aware that your results with these items may vary if you are circumcised
Could you elaborate?

>> No.41109392 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.70 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20220831_120557524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top Right:
I love this hip even with its downsides. It's got just about everything I want in one. It's nicely hefty, excellently detailed (navel, labia, longus muscles), and its passages are by far the most realistic, the anal passage more so than the vaginal passage, oddly enough.
Which brings me to one of the downsides; it's not a closed hole hip, it has an air hole for easy cleaning, and it does help but anyone that knows a hefty hip knows how to clean them anyway, this simply makes it slightly noisy and distracting, and stops a good amount of suction unless you press down on the hole or plug the hole. Not too much of a dealbreaker as it's very fun to fuck.
Recommend, especially if you're big on details and like your hips to actually have some weight to them.

Bottom Right:
Cow tits! But not really... The J-Cup Oppai Breasts are more cow-like than the Puff-Puffs, but they're still very nice, and they have good weight to them. Because of the material they don't feel like actual skin, but their heft is pleasant and full.
I have learned the best way to make use of breast toys is to go easy on the lube, otherwise you can't trap your dick between them even if you're keeping the tits atop you while laying down.
They feel good, and they're fun to fuck, recommend. HOWEVER...

These tits are double the size of the Puff Puff, the J-Cups are just SO fucking fun to play with, even with the small downside of the breasts having something of a pocket inside they're soft and bounce nicely. I find when they're out that every time I'm getting up for a cup of tea I'm fondling or motorboating them or tweaking the nipples.
While the skin material isn't of course like actual skin, these are almost perfect for how actual big tits are, as they have quite a heft to good amount of smush to them despite the harder base material to keep them in shape, and the massive cherry-nips are a lovely addition as a guy that likes big nips and areola.
Highly recommend.

One more thing to review.

If you're circumcised then you may not get the best experience with the more realistic holes, and the crazier ones may work better to make up for the issue.

>> No.41109400

I mean isn't it self explanatory?

>> No.41109446

Last is this.
https://www kanojotoys com/maga-kore-7zu7-watashi-no-oshiri-ni-sain-o-kudasai-sign-my-butt-p-8112.html
I couldn't fit it in the shot.
It's got some nice holes, the vaginal passage is very good if a tad unrealistic, though it features a metal wire inside for structural integrity that really wasn't needed as it's not super massive or all that hefty.
On top of that it has full legs, which at its small size make them almost baby-like, not even loli-like, when this is meant to be an older teenage girl's hip.
If you want to pretend you're fucking a small fairy or smaller loli then sure, but I wouldn't recommend it personally as the Meiki Wet outclasses it completely in my opinion.

>> No.41110382

Baby oil and petroleum jelly every 3 months. Put the jelly on high stress areas and baby oil everywhere else and leave her for a day to absorb the oils. Wipe down and powder then have fun. How frequent you actually reapply oil depends on the quality of the TPE and brand, but 4 times a year seems like a good standard. Too much too often will melt your doll, however.

>> No.41110469

whats the best website to order from as someone living in austria/germany?
every site i have to pay 30€ or more for shipping alone and on amazon the ona itself is 70+€

>> No.41110578

>Should I clean her as soon as I get her?

Yes you should give her a good clean when you get her. I wouldn't put it past them to be using industrial grade talc instead of cosmetic grade at the factory as its far cheaper. Also just for general hygiene as there have been a bunch of dirty hands touching her at the factory. I wouldn't use any kind of soap as it'll strip the oil from the surface immediately. Warm water on a microfibre cloth is fine.

>And what is a good maintenance routine? It seems there is a lot of mixed info online. TPE sounds delicate and I want this doll to last me a few good years.

Most of the info online comes from a very old thread on the doll forum and its been regurgitated ever since. Even the guy that started that thread no longer subscribes to his earlier advice. TPE formulations have changed a lot over the years and no longer needs constant oiling. Mizuwali said Piperdoll need no oiling at all. I know a few owners that have sparingly oiled theirs and a few that haven't oiled at all and all of them are doing fine, so its totally up to you. Just make sure you don't overdo it.

Congrats on your doll!

>> No.41110812

I oil my doll for cleaning, huge amounts of gunk come out onto the towel. What happens to all the dirt your doll absorbs if you never oil it?

>> No.41111182
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>> No.41111516

>pay the price of an escort once, but hump it daily for months or years with full control. no stds, disappointment, scams nor blackmail
>cheaper than a girlfriend, no strings attached and no arguments
>you will not be with a girl solely for the sex but rather for a genuine connection, becausenyou are already sexually relieved. kind of like a Chad but you have outsourced sexual pleasure to a Japanese company
>there are hips and boob toys that are hotter and bigger than most women's
>some onaholes feel better than the real thing
>do you want a quick nut and go? or a long fapping session? do you want to fondle some huge boobs several times a day? all are possible. you are the one who decides.
>women have less power thanks to onaholes. you are no longer desperate to fuck, you are sexually relieved so simping is much less likely.

I could go on.

>> No.41111561

Yup, lads please never buy when horny. Bust a nut, then take advantage of post-fap clarity and go shopping.

>> No.41111600

These look insane but too real for me

>> No.41111772

Maybe really small kidney stones or gall bladder. Adjust your diet and exercise.

>> No.41111782

Thanks for the info. I'll just use the warm water and clean out the holes.

I can't wait until she gets here. Feels like forever.

>> No.41111796

The one on the left, she knows

>> No.41111801

I feel like my sex drive has shot up since getting my ona. Is this placebo or is it real?
Oh fuck that doll on the left really activated something in me. I-I'm not ready for the dollpill yet

>> No.41111816

>open ended onaholes
Like the ones we see sometimes in doujins, with a hole on both sides? Do they even exist? I legit never have seen one. Do you have any references?

>> No.41111929
File: 20 KB, 382x382, 18598-baseks-pleasure-stroker-onani-sleeve-q100-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but I used to have one, I can't remember the name of the fucking thing since amazon delisted it and it's not in my order history anymore but it western and pretty similar to this only clear

>> No.41112297

I'm starting to feel like a shill, but I love the ride japan heavenly breakthrough penetration. There's also a handful of blowjob toys that have a mouth on one side and pussy on the other, like ondo nupu. But I've never tried these. Toydemon has an open or closed hole filter, but almost all of the results are for hips or western stuff. The other websites like kanojo don't make it very easy to look for but it's doable. The sniper mell looks really interesting to me, I wanna try it eventually.
Was it the doc johnson tube? It was my first hole of any kind and it's honestly not bad especially for $10 and free shipping.

>> No.41112306
File: 611 KB, 1331x1775, IMG_20220904_172627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order new doll head
>its shade is off a little
oh well, time for sold off elven princess time

>> No.41112517

Brother left, he mostly just wanted a place to sleep after work that wasn't far away since he does a double on Saturday and he will be staying elsewhere til he moves into his new place
My doll remained undetected

>> No.41112569

I want an elf doll and don't want to do this. Or even buy other heads from the same manufacturer later on. In case they change the blend. They need to figure out how to easily add elf ears to heads. This and learn how to make simple adjustments to the face mold. That would be a huge leap in customization.

>> No.41112583

You've got a great spot for it now. I really like how you set that up it looks good for long term storage too. Maybe get memory foam for the feet if you can't hang her (I think the feet are fucked long term anyways). Have you thought of a way to lock it yet? If you do that then next time there's a worry you can easily keep her from being found. Unless your friend/family/maid is a locksmith and a thief.

>> No.41112604

I'd be so afraid to dress mine if I ever got one after the horror stories of stained tpe I've seen.

>> No.41112631
File: 2.69 MB, 4080x3060, 20220904_163358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>way to lock it
If I need to I could pick up a small padlock and fit it through the holes on the zippers, they line up fairly easily
Look into cosplay elf ears anon

>> No.41112698

>It's quite tight and then creates good suction
Uterus Edge is tight for you? Jesus how big are you.
I haven't used mine in a while but I thought it was pretty far from tight honestly.

>> No.41112742

Actually for me it's was the complete opposite. I used to fap every day without fail, sometimes 2 times per day, when I got my first ona I used it 2 times a day for a week and after that I stopped fapping with my hand for like 2 months and would only use the ona every 2~3 days and would never feel like I had to fap (but when I decided I wanted to use my ona I'd always get excited until I go to actually use it).
Couple years later it's still the same but I do use my hand sometimes now but it's still like 2~3 days between faps and there's no urges in between.

>> No.41112756

She called her friends over to meet her really funny uncle, he has the best tickles, he's so good that's it's best they stay for the night to rest.

>> No.41112774

Lot of it comes down to quality clothing too. If you wanna cheap out you gotta put work to fix the clothes so they are usable.

>> No.41113138

>cosplay ears
the best ones use a sealant and I don't really understand how that works or if it is safe for the doll. That's if the colors match. :-/ But that's the plan. What else can an elf lover do? They should standardize certain colors and then do their own.

>> No.41113166

These look deepfake

>> No.41113548

Wash the fuck out of the clothes your buy your doll before putting them on to bleed out any excess dye.

>> No.41114040

>tfw want a catdoll
>live in Canada

>> No.41114304

>change in brothers plans
>now he's asking to stay til friday
It's a good thing I fucked my elf this afternoon when he left

>> No.41114316

>the Italian Court of Cassation extended the concept of child pornography even to comics and hentai anime, the so-called “totally virtual pornography”. According to the Court, the possession of child pornography is a crime of concrete danger
>the danger is represented by the evocation of real situations in which “children are reduced to mere sexual objects
will this somehow affect my recent purchase? my very first lolinco

>> No.41114553

good photo setting and maybe some photoshop, they are real catdoll heads

>> No.41114563

Anyone know how long it normally takes to hear back from .club? I sent a message but it was later on a friday so I guess they aren't in.

>> No.41115812

Can you imagine going to be the beach and it's just empty because there was a kid there and everyone close by got arrested because the parent let them take their shirt off?
But no one is ever gonna defend you for looking at loli hentai so let's just wait until they ban porn.

>> No.41116223

Lolincos broke. I haven't browsed this general in a while. Is it still the best <$50? I can maybe go up to $100 if it's worth it. I also bought the virgo version some time ago but it was too big so I went back to the original. Thanks

>> No.41116917

Mine broke too a few months ago and I still havent replaced it since everythings so much more expensive these days

>> No.41117204

Would it be dumb to buy a doll head solely for oral or would it be better to just get a dedicated oral toy?

>> No.41117212

Buying just a head will run you around $500, I would go with a regular ona if all you want is oral

>> No.41117436

I feel you but I order on Amazon JP and the price has only gone up a few hundred yen ($2-3) in the last two years. I did look on local stores and yeah the markup is crazy

>> No.41118069

if a seller sent me the wrong doll but i was open to keeping this one and reordering the intended doll, what kind of discount should i expect

>> No.41118171

If you get a doll head for oral you have to realize that the tunnel would go up towards the eyes. The only good oral dolls are AiOs where the head is built in so they can use the neck to make the oral tunnel

>> No.41118187
File: 1.71 MB, 960x1279, View recent photos 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there’s an elf in my apartment
what could it want

>> No.41118912

i think we all read enough doujins where human male semen is basically a nutrient rich paste to know where this is going

>> No.41119520

Do the other apartment tenants know about the big box with a sex doll when it arrived?

>> No.41119559

Just tell them it's some furniture.

>> No.41119605

Yes, obviously. By default the sex doll comes in a large pink box with blue polka dots with neon letters on the side reading "sex doll" so everybody in the apartment complex knows that it's a sex doll. It even has a mechanic where it starts blasting loud music when it's delivered so it can draw the attention of everybody.

>> No.41119630

nah i was sitting next to the door waiting for it to arrive

>> No.41119694

oh wow, she looks really good. what is she?

>> No.41119754

It does vary a lot by manufacturer, though. Mine didn't have anything special on the box, it was just a brown box, but instead it was delivered by a barbershop quarter who serenaded me upon opening the door to receive my delivery.
>Sex doll!
>Sex doll!
>Yoooouuuuu ordered a sex doll!

>> No.41119756

piper doll phoebe
affordable tpe version

>> No.41119769
File: 196 KB, 1218x985, legoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got this idea.
lego onahole.

>> No.41120026
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>> No.41120224
File: 883 KB, 2604x4624, 0hrgq9qna2m91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she's cold, get her a skirt.

>> No.41120262

the black abyss under a skirt does NOT have to be that hot.

>> No.41120412


>> No.41120466


>> No.41120711 [SPOILER] 
File: 540 KB, 2560x1440, wise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the dolls in the world man... something about Phoebe. Congrats, anon. Seeing her from another lens is murder as I've definitely had a lot of fun with mine and she is not in factory fresh condition. Remember what I said (I think that was you asking): take care of that TPE. Give her a mineral oil bath within the first 30 days, powder her religiously, and keep her in a cool dry space. Most fragile doll I own and at the same time the best I've ever owned. Even in factory default her TPE is degrading. Hopefully your blend is better but even my Piper Akira is having similar issues (the blend is stronger though).

To get the ear to pop out make sideburns, if that doesn't work it's the wrong wig. :)

>> No.41121392
File: 770 KB, 800x517, look that jaypeg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very Nice!
I hope you guys keep posting something more lewd.

>> No.41121633

Phoebe is objectively the best doll. She has everything you could want in a doll. Shes big enough to cosplay without much trouble but not too big that you can't move her during sex.
Shes got a great face good curves while being petite. One of the best asses in the doll world and perky big tits while not being disgusting cow utters.
Shes objectively perfect.

>> No.41121657

her pussy is sculpted like two incredibly soft rose petals

>> No.41121672

thanks anon I'm happy to see another Phoebe anon posting and I get so many compliments I might just get her silicone version for photos. Although I'm still holding out for a 140cm silicone elf version in case Mizuwali is thinking about it ...

>> No.41122094

pls respond

>> No.41122124

sexdollscanada dot com
I haven't used them but they get very good reviews and they're based in Toronto so no border problems.

>> No.41122126

She the 130cm tpe?

Honestly that is about the only thing that puts me off Piper is the fixed looking entrance over something that flexes and looks more natural. I get they do it for durability which may be needed for the extra soft legendary TPE I guess.

>> No.41122171

My problem is that ever since I found out that YL Dolls Leslie is a perfect copy of Emma Watson's face I can't look at another doll.

>> No.41122351

She has an ugly downs face and silly ears.

>> No.41122641
File: 1.48 MB, 3264x2448, 20220905_202442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do both. sometimes sex with a doll is fun, sometimes it's fun watching her ride a dildo.

>> No.41122712

my puniana dx is arriving tmr
couple of questions
>can i sleep with it if i clean everyday
>can i use wet wipes and coconut oil to dry clean? cant imagine hogging that thing into the bath everyday
>whats a good maintenance routine in general
>any cautions on clothing? should i worry about oil bleed?

>> No.41122739

Agreed. Elf Phoebe has a tiny lipped puffy sculpt though.

>> No.41122867

what happens if you step on it?

>> No.41122977

sleep with it like
sleeping with yourself in it??

>> No.41123117

like a body pilow

>> No.41123123

kinda weird to sleep with a torso
seems too small to properly cuddle
just get a doll or daki

>> No.41123149

All piperdoll faces are ugly, phoebe is probably the least ugly one tho

>> No.41123172


>> No.41123442
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, 1616690194574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got pressured into buying expensive soap, I am never going to a sex shop again

>> No.41123477

?? does the soap smell like sweaty vaginas?

>> No.41123567

it smells like mint. It's expensive because it is "ideal for toys", I have no idea of whats the difference. The guy and the two girls that worked in the shop kept talking as if I was not going to clean the onahole I bought there. The onahole was on sale and they had another discount if you paid with cash instead of a credit card so the expensive soap didn't hurt that much in the grand scheme of things. I hope their money laudering goes well
They also wanted me to buy cum textured lube.

>> No.41123618

toys can really absorb smells around them over time so maybe it will help keep it from getting funky. Though I find something with a good scent where you store things to be more important.

>> No.41123637

>They also wanted me to buy cum textured lube.
Ha, they thought you were going to fuck your ass while you jacked off with the hole

>> No.41123814

how can i make j-lube look like cum

>> No.41123827

The one on the left is MLW Rena

>> No.41123925

Add BD cumlube

>> No.41124182

Huh, I guess a couple of those photos do look similar.

>> No.41125105

I can't imagine buying stuff irl.
Your bolder than I would ever be, thanks for proving my concerns I guess.

>> No.41125136

When I got onaholes in Japan even the cash register has a banner in the way so you can't see each others faces. Can't imagine having some faggot following you around giving you advice on onahole soaps.

>> No.41125430

Are there any anime-style sex dolls with male features yet, anons? It seems like a niche within a niche, but I hold out hope.

>> No.41125992

Well I landed my new job! Should I celebrate by buying my waifu, or just a predetermined model so I can learn what I like in a doll?

>> No.41126050

You could buy a flat doll and give it a penis insert, but besides that, none that I've heard.
Waifus all the way

>> No.41126519

>a small tribe of niggas following you around and giving you masturbation recommendations
holy fuck anon you were getting pranked

>> No.41127146

So which Japanese forwarders protect my privacy the most? Do you guys use Tenso, buyee or the like for overseas shipping from japan?

>> No.41127347

I just order everything through Amazon JP.

>> No.41127426
File: 248 KB, 970x600, c5d967be-e752-4089-aa2e-0869ea4d7928.__CR0,0,970,600_PT0_SX970_V1___.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will this work for onas, bros?

>> No.41127538

Don't see why not, as long as it isn't too hot. Keep in mind that the wet part of the ona is on the inside, so you might want some sort of material or object to help facilitate drying.

>> No.41127556

Probably, but I don't think it's worth $300+ just to keep your onas dry

>> No.41127591
File: 260 KB, 598x539, Hiro doll owner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41127602


>> No.41127609

official doll board soon?

>> No.41127852

whos that? japanese shaggy doo?

>> No.41127908
File: 720 KB, 459x687, opera_wmpoobeG1j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be vrfag
>erp with other vrfags
>see some using holes, some using hips
>finally break and order pic rel
>didn't see size was too small
>still make it work
>don't feel shitty afterwards like I normally do

I'm considering https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B087MCMKKZ , hoping I'm not just falling for monstergirl art again

>> No.41127946

he's the guy that runs reddit

>> No.41128229
File: 21 KB, 320x427, xr7shoeeiuf91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41128301

Doesn't look too bad for a first, I'd go bigger personally.

>> No.41128309

Bros need help, kinda stuck between picking the original La Bocca della Verita or the new perorin version or maybe even the tight hard throat perorin. I've read conflicting reviews saying that the original is better and in some saying the perorin is better. Can somebody suggest which one is the better pick?




>> No.41128338

Ohh also is the La Bocca Saliva lube better than onatsuyu? I've used onatsuyu before but I feel like it dries a little too quick sometimes but it does have more lube though.

>> No.41128415

See my reviews! >>41109234

>> No.41128445

>bought from ebay again
>this time someone with numerous positive reviews

>> No.41128666

Is there a document of neck adapters and doll compatibilities? I was thinking of DIYing one from an Aotume head.

>> No.41128682

the neck bolts are standard parts

>> No.41128686

>another purchase from ebay
you're gonna get dick cancer, ebay anon.

>> No.41128688

sweet, good to know. i'll pass that information along-- i've been genuinely asking for a friend.

>> No.41128694

you'll have to figure out what standard part it is exactly but you can buy the bolts somewhere i forgot and they wouldn't be hard to fabricate

>> No.41128939

now it makes sense why we get to post nsfw pics in here without the jannies bothering us

>> No.41128941

Turns out you were right. Somehow it was making my dick bleed even tho I felt no pain whatsoever while using it.
Few days of nofap and it just doesnt happen anymore.

>> No.41129175
File: 968 KB, 498x280, eyejuice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hip/torso supposed to arrive Thursday
>DHL updated to today
>I've already masturbated twice today

>> No.41129261
File: 130 KB, 800x800, EAF82388-C3BF-4AC5-817D-1A31E031B021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you are important enough to worry about blackmail then why worry about this?

I found new provider of anime dolls with incredible face options on AliExpress.

>> No.41129277


>> No.41129297

>700 dollars cheaper than the comparable dollter offering
>dollter is literally a chinese company
sussy ngl
they look like they have better proportions and nicer faces though

>> No.41130204
File: 14 KB, 239x245, head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks cool but pvc heads so no kissing. still worth it for the pretty face but you're giving up a lot.

>> No.41130285

All anime heads besides maybe Elsababe dont have mouths for that function so its not that much of an issue

>> No.41130352

>amazon jp package finally shipped
>shipped via ECMS instead of DHL
fuck, in the past my shit was shipped my DHL. How does ECMS compare to DHL? Im from commiefornia if that helps.

>> No.41130369

>corn starch
>petroleum jelly
>aquarium pump
Nice, another item to add to the list of autistic memes.

>> No.41130391

Just get a box and a bunch of those silica packets

>> No.41130416
File: 239 KB, 756x1008, IMG_20180802_024849178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of my dolls is getting up there in years
>pressing down on its breasts for balance
>hear hissing coming out of the neck

>> No.41130493

oh shit you let the enslaved woman spirit out

>> No.41130500 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 612x1586, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have either of these?
Is the extra effort needed to clean and maintain the bakunyu worth the extra money or is the hip with tits on it nice enough? The bakunyu comes out to like $800 and the HPDoll is like half that.

>> No.41130538 [DELETED] 
File: 1.19 MB, 612x1586, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41130568

>no vagina/anus depth stat
>500 dollars
are we sure these are even sex dolls
like what's the catch here, they are more than half as cheap as the competing aotume doll model

>> No.41130591

Any tips for lasting longer with an ona?
I never feel like setting it up and getting prepared for the cleaning if I can last less than a minute with it, my penis is uncut and I've always masturbated rubbing my shaft skin up and down, my head is too sensitive

>> No.41130607

go slower

>> No.41130612 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.06 MB, 612x1586, 1662498213264154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have either of these?
Is the extra effort needed to clean and maintain the bakunyu worth the extra money or is the hip with tits on it nice enough? The bakunyu comes out to like $800 and the HPDoll is like half that.

>> No.41130626

をボディは非常に精巧なアニメーションと比較して他の企業体。 を皮膚は非常にソフトではない粘着性である。 性交用の穴もあり、それが外観はとても簡単です異なる場合がありている。 ヘッドは、ソフトビニールは非常にライトの。 がそれに敏感である熱、人ほどライブホット夏などの分野で日本する必要が注意してください。 しかし、それは今まで変形場合、それは簡単にヘアドライヤーで固定。 他のアニメ型人形だろう他の企業から同じちょうど身体と頭、をしかし、この製品、しかし、付属下着、制服 (非常にしっかりとした生地) 、猫耳と尾、と。 これは非常に手頃な価格セット購入することができとすぐに楽しむ。 があったリトルトラブルについて製品にこの順序、がguavadoll柄非常に迅速にそれと親切に最後まで。

>The body is very elaborate compared to other corporate bodies with animation. The skin is very soft and not sticky. There is also a hole for intercourse and it's appearance can be different so it is very simple. The head is soft vinyl very light. Note that it is sensitive to heat, who need to live as much as Japan in areas such as hot summer. But if it ever deforms, it easily fixed with a hair dryer. This product, however, comes with underwear, uniform (very firm fabric), cat ears and tail, and the same just body and head, however, from other companies that would be other anime-type dolls. This is a very affordable set that can be purchased and enjoyed immediately. There was little trouble in ordering this product, but the guavadoll pattern it very quickly and kindly until the end.

Looks like they cut costs by making the head out of vinyl like a bjd, and the rest of the doll is made of TPE.
Considering my aotume doll's head had issues with the makeup rubbing off from basic maintenance, I don't think I would miss the tpe head anyway. I might go for one of these when my girl's body finally gives out from all the pipe I lay in her. Especially since the description and reviews are in japanese not chinese.

>> No.41130639

Looks like dolls are being further innovated on, and costs cut further. At this rate in 2025 we could have high end silicone dolls just around 1k. These products are very high margin, they are made super cheaply and sold at a premium because the market is so small. But it is growing.

>> No.41130672

numbing cream. either some cheap stuff from amazon or some overpriced junk from those "men's health" websites. i couldn't tell you which is a better value, i haven't used either enough to get a good idea. but it helps me last up to five minutes or so which is a lot more than my usual 0. i use benzocaine, but there should be another type i forget the name of

>> No.41130688

I have the same issue. Though as said, going slower helps. But even going at the same slow speed as if I was doing it with my hand, I still come too fast, while I can easily edge for quite a long time with my hand.
Maybe I could try less stimulating/softer ona? Though I have another issue with onas, the ejaculation moment per se is less satisfying that with my hand. Insertion and stroking are good, but the final moment kinda sours it down.

>> No.41130721

Use thicker/more lube and a softer ona. Take breaks and pull out if you feel you are getting close to calm down. Your other option would just be power through but you might be too sensitive for that

>> No.41130726

get a softer ona so you build up to a stronger orgasm
thats why i always recommend soft or very soft onas

>> No.41130791

1. Pau Yuen Tong
2. Desensitizing spray
3. Condom
4. Plenty of lube. Yes, this is completely unintuitive, but a chick losing interest/not being interested actually makes you cum faster. Probably because we all used to fuck in orgies in the relatively recent past.
5. Keep a consistent rhythm in control along with your breathing. If you are having to slow down because you're out of breath, you're going too fast.
6. Crank one out literally as fast as possible first. Like, so fast you gain no pleasure from it.
7. You should already be doing both of these prerequisites, but make sure you absolutely positively do not need to go number one or number two before attempting this advanced technique. Even then, I still make no guarantees there won't end in disaster. Keep your legs spread as far apart as comfortable, pigeon-toe your feet, spread your toes, and move your ass muscles like you're trying to take in a massive dildo. This will at least slow you down. Not sure if you can train at this hard enough to actually stop yourself from cumming.
8. Be in working positions. Man on bottom are the hardest to last in.
As a side note, SSRI's, whilst they work, are not recommended for a whole mess of reasons. Just Yandex "SSRI side effects".

>> No.41130806

>want loli doll
>not horny
>want big busty doll

>> No.41130856

clearly small + busty is your strike zone then

>> No.41130974

Get a mom & daughter pair

>> No.41131362

ok doll bros, what's a good workout routine to specifically get better at manhandling a 60 lbs. doll?
I would like to be able to full carry and fuck like they do in the "suspended congress" position

>> No.41131405

Tried this in a pe5 inhibitor cocktail from India can confirm works and can see why ppl become insane or unstable. Do not do this. Not woththe weeks lomg mentsl fuckery at all.

>> No.41131413

Why is it all gay porn when I search for that anon... normal people call it standing carry.
Anyway, probably just focus on biceps and general arm workouts and legs, depends on what your weak point is.

>> No.41131422

This is my issue man. I'm gonna get a doll that's like my perfect ideal but then it's like, ok, but now I want 3 different dolls to play out various fantasies and not just missionary sex for the purpose of expanding the human race.

>> No.41131449

Always full body and always cardio always stretching always eating nutrient dense. Emphasize heavy lifting for the "honeymoon carry".

Squats, curls, overhead press, farmer walks. Add those to your split or full body. Obviously ones are squats. Not obvious are farmer walks. Dumbbells are great for all of this as they will strengthen you stabilizers. Bars is good for raw power.

Pushups for holding yourself up for a long time. I do archer and preacher pushups like a beast. Then an work for pumping I use an ab wheel and love leg lift variations. Can fuck for hours.

>> No.41131493

Not seeing the problem here? Maintenance for more than one doll is a royal pain. Be worried about that. In hindsight I would have built a little workshop area where I could also store the dolls. This way maintenance was at least easy to start on.

>> No.41131754

do a normal split of full body lifts

>> No.41132135

Shoulder and back workouts for sure.

>> No.41132179

I ran a photo of Watson and a photo of Leslie through an AI face matching site. 98% match. They had to have based the sculpt on her.

>> No.41132208

>gone through a handful on onas over the years
>considering a hip for my next one
Is this how it starts? Is it already too late for me?
Should I just start looking at the doll market already?

>> No.41132213


>> No.41132260
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>> No.41132741
File: 65 KB, 461x320, 687-6874530_transparent-kono-dio-da-png-png-download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>estimated delivery September 6th
>It's 9:00pm now
>still says Sept 6

>> No.41132779
File: 161 KB, 720x969, Screenshot_20220831-182350_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delivery update
The Yukiko and Ling arrived today, mail room guy dropped them off at my office this afternoon, I was not expecting them so soon, it hasnt even been a week since I placed the order and there was the holiday weekend to consider
Will take your suggestions on which one to try first and will probably post a review late tonight
Still waiting on the Lanlan, they gave me a 4px tracking number for that one and it says it's still being transported while these two came in with fedex, the fedex tracking number never worked though which was weird

>> No.41132866
File: 962 KB, 1512x2016, 1661034075562286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Losing a Doll GF is so terrible.

>> No.41132913

What happened?

>> No.41132946

Your cat is not a doll anon

>> No.41133021

A cat is fine too...

>> No.41133154

I don't know how people deal with the delivery times, I just sent an email and the wait for a response feels like an eternity.

>> No.41133323

Anyone know of a good ona that is easy to conceal and hide under $60? Something that wont give me an infection like the pastebin mentioned for not being super thorough. In the US also.

>> No.41133349


>> No.41133401

Post yourself carrying your doll.

>> No.41133938
File: 1.34 MB, 5436x1960, akira wig comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ona/, help me out with picking out my Akira's wig?

Basically, I've been going for something like a white gyaru look for her, but I'm still not sure which of Piper's wigs I want to go with. Ideally, I'd want blonde hair (something like the first pic here) but also as long as the 2nd and 3rd pics, but it seems like none of Piper's standard wigs fit the bill exactly. I mean, I do like the blonde color of the 1st wig, but I also want the hair to be long enough to tie it into pigtails for instance, or other hairstyles without it maybe looking weird.

btw, for reference, these wig #'s are 19, 29, and 36 iirc

The colors of the 2nd and 3rd wigs do turn me off a bit. The 2nd was described to me as being like greenish-gray and the 3rd is apparently supposed to be platinum blonde, but it looks silvery/white here (for that matter, I wonder if the pics' lighting is kinda misrepresenting the colors). I might like the platinum blonde wig more if it actually looks closer to a typical blonde color irl, but these factory pics are giving me doubts, and I'm not a huge fan of silvery/white hair. Or maybe I just really don't have any idea what platinum blonde or different shades of blonde hair is supposed to look like.

Otherwise, do you guys have better suggestions for which wig I should try out? Or are there alternatives to Piper wigs?

>> No.41133952

look up pixie cut dirty blonde
maybe even the word gradient somewhere

>> No.41134066

Get two wigs anon. Piper wigs are pretty good. Plenty of other wigs to try and they are cheap. Get two pairs of eyes too. There won't be a point where you're not glad they're there for that day you want to play with them.

>> No.41134078

Also check aliexpress, shein, and the "MapofBeauty" store on amazon - a billion wigs, all super cheap, many really great choices. Then watch a tutorial on fastening wigs. Sometimes a wig is just too big on the capside anyways. When that happens find another one. Won't happen w/ the Piper wigs though.

>> No.41134085

On wigs, anyone know somewhere that has a good selection for child sized ones? Amazon didn't have much, but the one I did find works great for my doll's small head.

>> No.41134088

sorry I am retarded right now. last thing - get hair ties. I especially like furry ones they double as anklets or bracelets. being able to tie a long wig back - you will thank me for this tip, that's a fucking promise. get a collection of shorter wigs too for when you really don't want to deal with wig hair. furry ears are fun and can change color schemes with all that fast.

>> No.41134150

Thanks for the advice here

>> No.41134461

It's clickbait. It's a 2017 thing and it's not written anywhere it's talking about manga/anime. I've read the sentence, It was about a guy caught with 90k plus pics of supposed cp. He pleaded not guilty because "it's not real people", win the second trial but went onward to a third one because the court said that not being real wasn't an excuse, but it's not specified what the material actually was. It could've been photorealistic 3d models of real children for what we know. And every cunny enjoyer knows that stuff Is dangerous. Just media scare.

>> No.41134485


you can also get wig holders that widen the head.

>> No.41134577

First time potential buyer here, I read over the guide and looked at a few onaholes and settled on either the lolinco or the lolinco virgo. As someone who's basically as average as it gets (5"x5"), is the virgo going to be a good fit? Will the regular one be too small?
Also anything I should know about vendors here in the US? I'm probably going to order domestic to avoid overseas shipping and all that nonsense. Any pitfalls I should avoid or anything like that?

>> No.41134589

The mega-breasts apparently feel too firm according to numerous Jap reviews, but I dunno, it's magic eyes and their shit is always super soft so..

>> No.41134669
File: 159 KB, 750x953, 18C5F66E-5CE1-4164-93DA-28DC6F66CF3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe google knows your gay before you do. Kinda like how Amazon knows women are pregnant before they know.

>> No.41134827

Non-burger here, what's the meaning of the pic?

>> No.41134952

Puta is a swear in Spanish.

>> No.41135094

ask /fit/ and post results

>> No.41135142
File: 2.45 MB, 4080x3060, 20220907_025158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, decided to use the MRL Ling first
>tight, stomach bulged out with my dick inside
>good texture on the inside, very stimulating
>outside molding has good definition and good visual appeal with big tits that feel nice to squeeze and nipples that are softer than the rest of the body, also has a fairly nice ass for what it is
>well formed hips and thighs to hold on to, can almost fuck it instead of just using it to jack off
>almost to tight, had to use a lot of lube and stretch its legs fairly wide to fit my dick in, and it kept nearly squeezing itself off my dick
>body is really floppy
>details on the body extend cleaning time by a few minutes as you wipe water out of every extra nook and cranny after rinsing it, not a huge deal but still a con
>couldn't thrust my dick in all the way and when I tried it caused the upper chest and neck area to bulge out
Overall still very satisfied and most of the drawbacks seem due to my size, I'm a little over 6 inches long and pass the toilet paper roll test so a little above average in
length and girth so if you are average size it should fit you almost perfectly
Just having some hips to hold on to make a huge mental and reverse cowgirl felt the best while fucking it

>> No.41135145

I see. That's a bit of a stretch for an argument in favor of diversity though. My understanding is that Spanish already is in the curriculum in the burgeristan.

>> No.41135506

New. Have read the guide.
Any tips on cleaning? I'd really rather not get an embarrassing infection to tell the doctor about when asking for anti-biotics.

Just some kind of rod or what have you? What do you guys use?

>> No.41135933

Normal lolinco or premium soft?

>> No.41136208

pics of the hole and size comparison?

>> No.41136369

Does anyone know the name of these inflatable sleeves that let you pump air in to squeeze and make a hole tighter?
I remember seeing a product like that once but I lost the name of it.

There's a person attached.

>> No.41136974

Depends on the hole. If it's loose enough then just turn it inside out or just use a microfiber cloth to clean it.
If it's tight then a sponge stick is the best method and finish with a dry stick.

>> No.41137805

What are the benefits of a microfiber cloth?

Just a generic stick? How does the sponge/drying cloth adhere to it? Or is it designed with one fixed? Too: would the cloth be removable so as not to be too tainted with semen? Could I just buy them online?

What do you use personally? Sorry for the questions; I'm retarded. Thanks for answering.

>> No.41137945

You first wash everything out with water, use soap too if it's dirty, especially the outside. If the outside gets sticky then you powder it too (https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B001GZCZKG).).
You use a microfiber cloth because normal towels will just leave lint on the hole and while not necessarily harmful it's gross.
Sponge sticks: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07L8T8LL8
Dry sticks: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B08T6QRWKP
You probably find those cheaper in other places.
Dry stick is just to sit there absorbing leftover moisture after you have removed all the water with the cloth/sponge stick.

>> No.41138112

So you'd recommend a microfiber cloth? Is it worth trying to DIY the sponge stick or better just to buy it? Is the dry stick a necessity?

Anything else you'd like to tell me/warn me of? Thank you again; you're being very kind and helpful.

>> No.41138186

Again it depends on the hole, you want a microfiber cloth anyway to at least dry the outside, as I said, normal towels will get it dirty, depending on the hole you don't need the sponges or the dry stick if the cloth can do the job but they are good to have.
You can try to make your own sponge stick, sure, I just buy mine.
Anyway, just make sure the thing is dry however you can when you're storing it away and you won't have an issue.

>> No.41138279

Thanks for the help! Sorry to have bothered you.

>> No.41138829

I want to buy something that works as lubricant, but it isn't obvious it could be used for onaholes.
Got tired of using spit.

>> No.41138885

I've jerked off with petroleum jelly, but I don't know if it's safe for onas.

>> No.41138904

It's a cheap one I got via mail as a joke from coworker(at least I think so) and I don't use it much because how much bother it is usually.

>> No.41138953

you will see it's easy after you do it for the first time

>> No.41138976

you can buy lube and then put it in a hand sanitizer bottle or something

>> No.41138997

Too lazy to shop through internet and I'm not going to buy it physically.

>> No.41139094

buy jlube and label it as flour

>> No.41139324

I ordered some ona/lube/warm stick/toybag/dry stick and got a message from DHL asking for order confirmation, description of goods and receipt for payment for customs clearance. I ordered onas before with no problem, I think it's because the lube. They asking for description and function, any help?

>> No.41139622

You're lazy to shop from online and won't get it through your local store? Do you have a lube dealer in your backyard?
Health care items.

>> No.41139718

So... you're going to order it how? mail order? are there TV shopping channels that sell lube?

>> No.41139734

i guess it should be "put a spell on you"
but looks like puta, which is bitch or whore.
so whore spell on you.

>> No.41139792

does anyone know where I can buy used onaholes? don't ask why

>> No.41139821

I will probably just save for the Bakunyu or just get the regular version of it somewhere down the line.

>> No.41139934

>Finally narrow down brand
>find customer photos for good comparisons
>start figuring out features
>have to pic a head
I've looked at so many at this point it all runs together and looks the same.

nta but I read it that way too

>> No.41140402

My onahole arrived a week earlier than expected. Should I wait another week to use it for maximum boner?
I ordered it August 28th and that's when I started nofap.

>> No.41140443

Lookee at the glands on this fella.

>> No.41140454
File: 3.71 MB, 4080x3060, 20220907_122320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is next to my carnivorous mermaid for a size comparison

>> No.41140462

Nofap is a retarded meme and you are a retard for doing it

>> No.41140466

How much did the left cost?

>> No.41140485

Does the mermaid make you cum in 10 seconds?

>> No.41140486

>How much did the left cost?
Technically it was free though, they were doing a buy 2 get 1 sale and since it was the lowest priced it was free

>> No.41140496

Where'd you get your mermaid?

>> No.41140525

No, my dick is strong
In all seriousness though I've just gotten used to it, it does have some of the same issues as the figure though, it bulges way out when I use it and will try to pop off my dick
My ZXY and doll will just take it, I think its because of how much softer those are

>> No.41140529

Was it actually worth it? To me it seems it wouldn't be overly titillating to actually ogle/fuck it.

>> No.41140537


>> No.41140560

Where'd you get them, I want them to feel like I'm fucking fairies.

>> No.41140584

If you can get it on sale yeah, especially if you like the size difference and seeing the stomach bulge, the tits are fun to play with and the extra stimulation on your hand does help, the big thing is being able to put your hands on some hips though since it fires up a certain part of your monkey brain
If I had paid full price for these I would say it's a 3/5 experience but right now I'm giving it a 4/5

>> No.41140602

It looks like the sale is over though

>> No.41140619


>> No.41140684

>check site
>brags about its "perfect detials"
Lel. Hope you enjoy it. Generally good quality? How often have you used it?

>> No.41140698

I guess nofap was the wrong choice of terms. The OP guide said not to fap until the onahole arrives for an "adventure". It came early but I planned to wait another week. I'm just asking if it matters or not.

>> No.41140788

Not fapping builds up your semen and abstaining makes your libido higher so you can get a better orgasm. It's literally scientifically supported.

>> No.41140789

Solid quality, it's silicone and the details on the body and face are clear, it's not like you're getting something all smeared
Only got it yesterday and have only used it once so far, tonight I'll be using the other one and giving another run down

>> No.41140809

bump, this was a serious question

>> No.41140818

>matters or not.
No fap lowers your test levels below their baseline after a week, which means a weaker erection, not cumming for that long also means you're going to nut right away after only a little bit of stimulation which is going to make your first use of the ona fucking terrible
You have to understand the guys that came up with nofap are chronic masturbators with porn addictions and damn near everything they claim it does is either placebo or actually because they stopped watching porn, you can look up the effects excessive porn consumption has on the brain

>> No.41140939
File: 36 KB, 986x263, 070922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well fuck, I have to return the whole package thanks to onatsuyu lube. How do I contact amazon jp, so they autorize the return?

>> No.41141137
File: 1.83 MB, 760x1365, Screenshot_20220907-160238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wanna throw the box away desu

>> No.41141150

Then don't.

>> No.41141242

>waiting for toydemon to either restock the Tong-GGO 2 or finally admit that they've discontinued it like they've already discontinued 3/4 of their KOKOSTOYS products

>> No.41141254
File: 186 KB, 1200x810, 1_OsSczGWXY-OPVbBaQ5Nd4w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captcha ate my image.

>> No.41141298

Alright it's pretty good, way better than the cheap hips I tried before.
But now I want the full size vividoll akari or Rikako (similar products but twice as big). I'm officially on the doll slippery slope aren't I?

>> No.41141361
File: 48 KB, 720x540, 1662561235325906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just accept it anon, everyone should have a doll

>> No.41141377

You can buy powdered lube and put it into many 1/8 ounce bags. Also will be great for portioning.

>> No.41141443

If you live alone just go for it, skip the middle shit that you'll stop using when the doll arrives because it's not like they are gonna be easier to clean for a quick use.

>> No.41141729

women don't want me because I'm ugly and short

>> No.41141829

you're gonna blow your load in 30 seconds anyway who cares

>> No.41141892

>Mom found my Tenga
>get all embarrassed
>"Anon, I didn't know they make these for boys now"

>> No.41141973

My own mother has the double standard of 'It's weird for boys to have fake vaginas and whole fake women' while also being an owner of dildos and saying 'Well that's normal though'.

>> No.41141982

a case can be made for whole fake women. but just the hole is justifiable.

>> No.41141997

Peak woman logic

>> No.41142142
File: 5 KB, 145x145, 1567104945542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls respond

>> No.41142228

The solution is clear, buy, use, and let her find a vibrator.

I get the logic weirdly enough though. Its the idea that men have to earn it as part of the sexual selection process. And I would honestly want too, but I feel like I would need to move country to do so. Too many western women are too hard to want, but still want that chase and sexual power dynamic. And I know how incel that sounds, but I'm not that bad off I just need to find an alternative to online dating because its all bridge trolls. The average girl can't be that bad today I would hope.

>> No.41142263

Nah, it's just a straight up double standard.
Men having to 'earn' anything when a woman commonly does not is already a societal double standard widely accepted because of our biology.
Just because men are able to thwart that and be happier doesn't mean women get to dictate it as 'weird and creepy' as most of them do.

>> No.41142364

it's because women are the bourgeoisie class, they control the means of reproduction. Of course, it takes two to tango. Any sexual crimes is given the highest punishment because they threaten the matriarchal systems in place to ensure women are the top of the sexual hierarchy. Porn is evil (unless it's my only fans!!!), Onaholes and sex dolls are also evil (threatens the value of sexual currency). Anything that doesn't have women at the top, controlling the pussy is against our matriarchal society's values.

>> No.41142367

Agreed. I get their reasoning, but they can fuck right off with their reasons as well. I'll gladly not use things if I find a girl that is worth dating and can keep up but I think a good one would understand as well as I would understand their use of toys too. Maybe they think having no good wank would suddenly make more guys desperate enough to go for the 70-200+ extra lb mother of 3 covered in prison quality tattoos, but at this point I would rather just not even have a dick if that was the option.

>> No.41142422 [DELETED] 

>bought my one sometime last week with a 370mL bottle of onatsuyu
>nearly 75% out of lube
A-am I doing something wrong? I fap 1-3 times a day

>> No.41142435

Lolno, if you're fapping that much then it's no wonder it's running out.
Invest in J-Lube, you can make a ton of lube from barely any of its powder.

>> No.41142451

>bought my ona sometime last week with a 370mL bottle of onatsuyu
>nearly 75% out of lube
A-am I doing something wrong? I fap 1-3 times a day
typo, sorry

>> No.41142964

Last week? 10-30 uses (pretty big range)? You're probably using too much, yeah. But whatever is good for you personally though.

>> No.41143252

lube goes on the pp or on the hole?

>> No.41143277

little bit of both

>> No.41143308

>squirt some lube on fingers
>finger my dolls holes and rub the lube around inside
>squirt some more lube on my palm
>jack my dick a bit and get lube spread all over it

>> No.41143320

What are your times for cleaning you onahole?

>10 minutes to wash and dry lolinco + 10 minutes to clean tools and myself

>> No.41143356

I only lube the hole. pp has precum so no need for lube.

>> No.41143359


>> No.41143378

I clean myself before my hip/hole.

>> No.41143561
File: 499 KB, 750x980, 735116B5-A5A9-40B2-A663-C92E68F70566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foreign language is typically an optional course in public schools in burgerstan. And not everyone picks Spanish.

Also burgerstan education is a joke we all generally take foreign language class and forget everything.

The kind of decoration in the image is designed by whites made in china and sold by and to whites. It’s hilarious that it made it all the way through that process without encountering a single Spanish speaking person who had the ability to point it out and possibly change it. Maybe one did see it but they just laughed about it.

It’s a funny image. Perhaps the store gets embarrassed and they lose money on the product or maybe they shrug and keep selling it. It doesn’t really matter.

Either way I’m going to see if this 40$ 7 pound torso I bought from Amazon USA fits any of my plush dolls.

>> No.41143593

>we all generally take foreign language class and forget everything.
This is the case in any country that forces foreign language classes other than English.
t. Finngol

>> No.41143606

Damn it! I forgot about nsfw and can’t delete the file.

>> No.41143610

I cant stop shopping for clothes for my doll. It has more outfits than I do

>> No.41143661
File: 534 KB, 750x980, 56DFF5F9-77F9-42F3-ACF1-E830AE03627F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It finally let me delete it. Here is the edited image of the torso

>> No.41143956

Phoebe owners you should dress your doll as illya

>> No.41144082

Well I lost my onahole virginity. I think I used way too much lube and it hurt my hand from holding that hefty thing but I came 4 separate times during the same session. You were right /ona/ everyone should have one of these things.

I have one of the lolinco holes too.
You wouldn't happen to have any specific tips on drying it would you? I still hear gushy noises from the uterus area but when I insert my fingers all the way in they come out dry. I'm paranoid.

>> No.41144094

So will this one 404 too or will someone make a new thread and link it?

>> No.41144142

>You wouldn't happen to have any specific tips on drying it would you?
I haven't used it much yet, but after washing the insides I slip a microfiber towel inside and squeeze from the outside, then do the same thing with some sponges on a stick, then put the toy on another microfiber towel near a window, insert a drying stick all the way in and leave it for like an hour.
Pretty sure I learned of these from the OP.

>> No.41144214

Being too lazy to clean up after we finish is part of our culture

>> No.41144248

Thanks, never even heard of a drying stick before.
I made sure to read the guide as well but I wanted to be sure.

>> No.41144309

>when I insert my fingers all the way in they come out dry. I'm paranoid.
The finger test has no equal. Rest easy anon. If you get your fingers all the way down and it comes out dry, it's dry

>> No.41144327
File: 2.28 MB, 2538x2792, B48EFA96-BABD-4AAB-AC31-402003A9609E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my ona torso is a perfect fit for the laying down hug plush. It was only 16 bucks on Amazon

>> No.41144343
File: 427 KB, 1012x1280, 3BC1EDBE-9A13-4804-A1A0-76748484A7F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here she is without her dress.

>> No.41144348
File: 1.47 MB, 476x356, NO_THANKS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41144353

Sometimes I wonder if it has gone too far

>> No.41144370

What a female-starved group of men looks like.
Anything will suffice for a connection, a feeling of love.

>> No.41144385

how big is the plush?

>> No.41144428
File: 602 KB, 680x972, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we obviously haven't gone far enough

>> No.41144477
File: 328 KB, 1280x958, 112BE120-1BE9-420C-AC1C-7190BB47069D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a common plush type typically used as prizes in crane games
I won mine on toreba but they are typically available from eBay cheaper then most people can win them for.


Advertised as 40cm long

The ona torso is the two pound “joylane” it’s the softest thing I own other then the the tenga egg and dents super easy. I don’t expect it to last long at all.


>> No.41144744

Thank goodness. I think it took me a good hour to thoroughly maintain it.

>> No.41145081

Well this thing looks and feels great but quality control is shit for shit. Damn holes are off center and connected. Really disappointed with it. Also the skeleton image does not match what is actually in the thing. It’s just a wire. I didn’t expect it to have the real thing but they could just be honest about it.

>> No.41146057

is there one from asean? where do you usually buy for cheap shipping?

>> No.41146368
File: 2.56 MB, 4160x2311, IMG_20220908_1250432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41146386

want more ?

>> No.41146402
File: 2.25 MB, 3309x2558, IMG_20220908_1250522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im retarded

>> No.41146486

Why does she look drugged up

>> No.41146535

so my irokebijin doll has been locked up unable to ship for like ~14 days due to covid lock down in china. kinda insensitive but i never paid attention to their extreme lockdown nonsense, but how long have their lockdowns lasted on average or ow long would i expect to wait for a break in lockdowns to get the doll shipped? is there a way to get updates? (dunno where irokebijin's factory is even located)

>> No.41146585
File: 3.02 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20220908_125852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking 1 liter of semen per day

>> No.41146591
File: 299 KB, 1280x958, F250D8C4-7884-4018-90E8-D44237E8DB04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to do this as a kid. I turned out not great.

>> No.41146671

Show the other doll

>> No.41146673


>> No.41146681
File: 2.45 MB, 3057x3593, IMG_20220908_1308282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41146717

what are they doing ?
They look cute together but something funny is missing.

>> No.41146830

Drop a bit inside and squeeze, drop a bit on the entrance and rub your pp on it until pp is lubed too. Don't like getting my hands with lube.

>> No.41147445
File: 2.90 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20220908_1508242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having sex with me

>> No.41147465

btw for those Interested
left gynoid tech model n°9 elina
right ta yu 163cm head n°5

>> No.41147896
File: 185 KB, 1080x1620, DSC02109_bc16c06d-abf0-4681-a8e3-a0ce65da1c12_1080x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the name of this doll?

>> No.41147966

piper doll akira 150cm
made of tpe, small boob version, cost aprox 1600$ on any decent seller

>> No.41148079

You cum instantly

>> No.41148312

which one is this ?

>> No.41148601

>a good hour
Jesus man, I just put a paper towel down mine, and not even 10 minutes later it's dry. I have a Venus Real Regular. It's a tight squeeze, but you quickly figure out how to get it down quickly

>> No.41148643

Never bought an onahole but I've finally decided to do it today.
I love blowjobs, but are blowjob sex toys a meme or are there some actually great ones that feel like getting sucked ?
I'll take recommendations too if that's fine.

>> No.41148687

Mouth of truth is the best one currently. Usually gimmick onahole (such as anime parody ones) are usually made cheaply.

>> No.41149457

I probably didn't need to take that long but I just wanted to be really, really sure.

>> No.41149620
File: 784 KB, 1440x1524, 1567428096330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll figure it out anon

>> No.41150313


>> No.41150575
File: 1.99 MB, 321x207, 1350799194632.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

