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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 72 KB, 500x400, gamen4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39460458 No.39460458 [Reply] [Original]

Thread dedicated to the archival and preservation of Touhou Fangames

Previous Thread: >>39336215

Current organization efforts:



>> No.39460471

Assortment of fangames

Official Games 1-18

>> No.39463005

What game is that a screencap from?

>> No.39463054

I wanted to upload a zip file to Townhouse, but kept getting 413 errors when uploading. What's the max upload size? It's the Switch games.
Really regret not making a Nyaa.si account when I could, might consider putting it on a different site as a torrent.

>> No.39463728

What's a good obscure game you guys found?

>> No.39464298

It looks like that one tower defense game, i'm not certain though.

>> No.39464470

adventures of scarlet curiosity i think?

>> No.39464561
File: 312 KB, 977x744, Moriya_dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking for Komeiji Satori no Jousou Kyouiku (It is likely in the megatorrent from before, but it does not seem to be in the townhouse archive.) and attempted to download it from Moriya.

These are the messages I got using different browsers. It does seem that fangames got the stick too, if indirectly.

>> No.39464565

Support your doujin creators

>> No.39464616
File: 31 KB, 305x180, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do if I like the game.
You're a fool to not pirate something first to try it out.

>> No.39464779

My fault, I was using an old config with 2000MB max body size. Try again now.

>> No.39465725

I have it if you want

>> No.39466474

Not him, but please share.

>> No.39466554

If you want it on nyaa, link it here after uploading it to townhouse or mega, and the john_money_anon guy will reshare it there.

>> No.39466754
File: 16 KB, 631x270, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried on chrome and got fucked as well

>> No.39469358
File: 262 KB, 1672x853, Ekran Alıntısı1681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a small archive of things that catched my eye beforehand ancipitating this
it's mostly music/Japanese stuff

>> No.39469569

An issue with the cert might be different from it being deleted though. You could ask the admin about it.

>> No.39474642

Here's another fangame to throw on nyaa, a MegaMari mod with an overpowered Broly as main character

>> No.39475221

These are some fangame links from 2 threads ago, the links still work.
>Guru Guru Suika!
>Fortune Star Panic!
>Gensou Tansaku Nitroid!
>MariAri 2
>Atelier Patchouli
>Gensou Garden Monogatari
>MoguMogu○Rumia (mirror of >>39216931 ) (thanks again, dude)
>Gensou no Keifu - Hajimari no Miko (mirror of >>39213328 )
I also have these but can't be fucked to upload them.
>Cirno Senki (it's in https://nyaa.si/view/1058859))
>Yabou no Gensoukyou (it's huge)
>East Chemblem
>Touhou Chengokushi

>> No.39475599

do you faggots want flowers or do you already have it?

>> No.39475694

no, i will pirate and enjoy it

>> No.39476130

Thanks mister
townhouse fumofu moe/share/bId1eGK0
Haven't tested all games but I can confirm Skydrift and Sky Arena Matsuri work on console, since I've had them installed for a while.

>> No.39476867
File: 146 KB, 764x679, 1650218879000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'll get on that. nice username
thanks to A.V. for another satori game.
thanks to whoever linked izayaka last thread. love this game

>> No.39477285

what flowers?

>> No.39477331

its a Table talk roleplaying game, it's garbage to play and has very little art, but it's old.

>> No.39477346

sure anon... we don't discriminate

>> No.39477355

Man I forgot about that one, really unlocking ancient memories here
Wouldn't hurt to upload since there wasn't many Touhou TTRPGs around that time, at least ones that the wider fandom was aware of

>> No.39477368
File: 264 KB, 1920x1014, 7f5432d9d10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone want a copy of MegaBuro since it was posted in the /v/ thread?

>> No.39477454

Just throw it up here, might as well
Already posted anon

>> No.39477662

Nevermind, I'm retarded.
Still, question is if it was the admin who terminated the site or if the hosts did.

>> No.39477953

https://an nfiles.com/bcLa46X4x3/_-flowers-_pdf
heres the original nip. theres a translated copy here as well
I was also able to find phantasmal land but it's less interesting to me because it's system heavy and western made. Still, some people where complaining about not being able to find it but it's pretty easy to find with a dead link and wayback.
for flowers yuugi in the original japanese, I couldn't believe I had to rely on a link that old that is somehow working a decade later.

Anon delivers.

>> No.39478632

Anyone has the Touhou Hack and Slash game with an english patch? Or at least just the patch? Thanks in advance for any info.

>> No.39479401

Did anyone upload touhou quest?

>> No.39479555

this one? i haven't seen it uploaded yet, and moriya's certs are still fucked up.

>> No.39479572

Are all of them? Then it must be due to the owner migrating shit elsewhere. Can't be much else.

>> No.39479595

i looked again and found it on OP nyaa and the townhouse link have it as well

>> No.39479617

Thank you anon
I will now proceed to look through the pages and realize I don't have anyone to even play with
Mediafire is pretty odd, they'll delete old files ocassionally without reason but keep even older files...

>> No.39479691

even if you wanted to play, you couldn't. this game was dead on arrival even when it was new on /tg/. remember this was back when the height of touhou hijack and touhou futas where memes there. if it wasn't playable then, don't bother now. its for archiving.

>> No.39480306


>> No.39480399

guess I'm just blind. is it uploaded in jap heiroglyphs?

>> No.39480461

Did anyone manage to save Gensou Shoujo Taisen 1 to 4 prepatched from moriya? Turns out jp patches aren't available anywhere for the non complete versions.

>> No.39482889

Does anyone have or have anything to say about Mechanical Scrollery?

I've been interested in it for some time but don't know if my machine will run it.

>> No.39482943

I have a copy on iso
if you're ok with waiting until i get off work tomorrow to upload to nyaa and townhouse

>> No.39483021

I wanted to know more if anyone had any experience with it, since I was contemplating buying it. I suppose that is still a good one to put in, at least. No rush.

>> No.39483070

it's no masterpiece by any means. 3D touhou combat, not very good

>> No.39483114

Man i thought I was the only retard that played this game ages ago, never thought it got a translation patch

>> No.39483686

i've figured out how to make mystia's izakaya work.
first go over here: this links directly to a comment on the page:


there are two mega links there. once you have downloaded them both:
1) open steamclient_loader.rar
2) open the folder inside of it
3) unpack everything inside that folder into where the .exe is
4) now go to touhou mystia izakaya_data folder that's within your game folder.
5) now go to plugins folder inside there
6) now go to x86_64 folder inside there
7) delete everything from this folder (do not delete the folder itself)
8) open the other zip you've downloaded (x86_64.zip)
9) put it's contents into the folder you've just cleaned out.
10) it should now run (works on my machine)

>> No.39483695

goddamnit forgot to mention but ONLY run the game through steamclient_loader.exe not through the game exe itself

>> No.39483708

Not even necessary now that it's uploaded onto nyaa

>> No.39483803

it's necessary if you want a newer version

>> No.39484912

stay away from igg

>> No.39485820



>> No.39486295

notable changes for 1.8.0 -> 1.8.2?
I'll reupload the nyaa listing if it's worth the trouble

>> No.39488178

I'll probably start making a spreadsheet of all the games we collectively have and sort them per circle. That way, we can have a clear view of what we are missing.

>> No.39488225


>> No.39488308

I guess that could work, but I feel like an actual spreadsheet would be better to organize stuff.

>> No.39490465

ill make the logo

>> No.39490589

Cant get the game to detect controller, only arrow keys and some other keys were mapped
try if you like, but i dont think i should make a torrent of this unless it's just me that cant get it working.

>> No.39490773

Might play around with it a bit sometime, I don't have a controller myself, however. So I'm not of much use for testing its playability in that regard.

>> No.39490789

if you deem it "playable enough" and not "dogshit broken assfarts" then ill upload it.

>> No.39491243

the entire first dlc for one.
also more ingredients, recipes, and QoL changes.

>> No.39491520

would be nice if these niggers on 1337x didnt post fake seedcounts.

>> No.39492005
File: 210 KB, 622x771, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these prices are insane and steam is missing a bunch of official games too.

>> No.39492077

Bleh, they just merged the updates. They can still be downloaded from sanbondo.

>> No.39492352

MoF came out in 2007 and its the same price as WBaWC which came out in 2019, what a joke.

>> No.39492779

how about me downloading the clean files and creating my own link ? good idea isn't it ?

>> No.39493716

i mean yeah that's what i want you to do

>> No.39493821

All except Tasofraud are reasonably priced.
Netcodelet AoCF for 25 bucks is especially stupd.

>> No.39493852

I'm fidgeting with it a bit now, just wanted to get my computer ready for complete destruction in case you didn't turn out to be the most trustworthy.

I know that newer versions of the game have the ability to bind keys, so this does not seem to be a very playable or a very recent version of the game, I could not find a key bound to "Y" during the intro sequence, nor could I "switch dash" in a way that satisfied the games tutorial sequence, there also seems to be no way to move the camera with the mouse?

I do not think it would be good to upload it in this state, knowing that the current version has proper key bindings, I might just pick it up legally for that patch alone, because it still looks pretty interesting.

>> No.39493893

I'm going to assume this is the version distributed at cons.

>> No.39493910

It's in Chinese.

>> No.39493948
File: 412 KB, 719x380, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played this game a bit after it finally left early access but it's a bit stressful to play. It's not a very comfy experience. The shaky translation makes some stuff pretty difficult to understand too.

>> No.39493984

>It's not a very comfy experience
Lmao once you get 8 tables set up at a location you don't even have a second left to spare as you're constantly in a rush to cook food.

>> No.39494181

>20 for Gouyoku Ibun
You couldn't even get me to play that bugged shit for free, you're really just paying for an album that comes with a shoddy tech showcase.
There's probably some anons here that speak it...

>> No.39494189

>shaky translation
What do you mean? I can read it just fine.

>> No.39494241
File: 411 KB, 1920x1080, 20220330022157_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you get to specific characters they will request for specific stuff that doesnt match up. you will also still get random lines in chinese from time to time. Also I'm not sure what the original chinese script was like but there's a lot of really random western memes injected in the game.

>> No.39494330

But they fixed that a while ago

>> No.39494338

i was playing the game around 2 weeks ago and it still had a lot of iffy translations.

>> No.39494942
File: 86 KB, 287x622, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any fan games I'm sleeping on? The official ones are way too expensive for me to care. Also fuck zun for not even bothering to do proper modern ports for them.

>> No.39495124

how the fuck does the console ports of AoCF get better netcode but the PC version still sucks
I wish I didn't have to use Parsec

>> No.39495174 [DELETED] 

anon,could you please upload the files of your copy of mystia's izakaya ?

>> No.39495189

go to options and change it to english then dummy
(i'm serious)

>> No.39495624
File: 121 KB, 357x290, 1650333891836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have endless dream

>> No.39495713
File: 581 KB, 700x1000, __kasodani_kyouko_touhou_drawn_by_yonaga_masa07240__d8a3487973d78aec52e9017701d7cb64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry too much
special/rare guests stay longer before becoming impatient, you can focus on some of the regular patrons first

kyouko k. (my waifu) is set to be drink server, eventually you'll get a second helper, you can set her to assist you with cooking food, making management easier

>> No.39495746

Already posted in >>39495714 , but if you want a VN from the earlier days of the Touhou doujin scene:
>東方淫魔郷 ~はじめてのだんまく~
>Temporary Direct Download
>Torrent file
>Magnet Link

I can totally see you guys not being interested in it of course.

>> No.39495764
File: 11 KB, 262x71, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually do but i forgot to organize it along with some of these other games. Endless dream kept crashing on me so I couldn't put a lot of time into it.

>> No.39495809

Really? I've never had it crash.

>> No.39498175

What are the best games with netplay for playing with your homies?

>> No.39498564
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supposedly a fair bit was in the chinese translation already
I know that the bit where mystia says that tenshi is shrek was in the chinese version, but they changed it after some complaints in the english version
I have a really funny feeling that the bane reference was probably in the chinese version too since they love capeshit

>> No.39502272

Sorry to ask.

Are there switch-exclusive Touhou games? What are they?

>> No.39502335

>Are there switch-exclusive Touhou games?
>What are they?
Touhou Spell Bubble, a game about popping bubbles while Touhou Doujin music plays. Consider popping bubble wrap while playing Stack instead.

>> No.39504236
File: 5 KB, 109x171, 1650390942_chrome_FXgZKvgx5E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

supposedly a lot of japs want these switch games

>> No.39505956

Honestly while I'm glad they scaled a few of those back, I didn't mind the meme stuff too much. Felt less obnoxious (example, any borderlands game) and more just people messing around.

>> No.39506290

/jp/ spergs out over evil zoomer memes as usual

>> No.39513685

but of course, they can't actually host inside their country

>> No.39513958

When we heard it was like fan-submitted translations it was easy for anybody who doesn't understand a damn bit of chinese to assume it was just retards being """localizers"""

>> No.39518245

Ah that's the story

>> No.39518352

Is 17.5 anywhere? I can't find them. For the record I have bought all the touhou games on Steam. I just can't install Steam onto all my computers so I just want a quick download.

>> No.39518745

I've been looking for a bit and I think it's currently the hardest time to download mainline Touhou. I didn't know two sites were all it needed to make Touhou piracy this hard. I remember before MoriyaShrine was releevant it was a lot easier for them to find them on sites. Guess people got complacent? I do believe there will eventually a new site that pops up but right now has to be the hardest time.

>> No.39518980

People who can't even look for a torrent should have no entitlement to being able to pirate stuff.

>> No.39519055

please literally read the OP post it is literally spoonfed to you before replying to the thread HOW TO GET THESE GAMES

>> No.39520281

17.5 isn't located anywhere in OP's resources. It's the one mainline game missing. The others can be quite easily found on other sites too but 17.5 was a bad combination of too recent and obscure to have gotten picked up.

>> No.39520356

Takes less than 10 min to look in the old thread

>> No.39520463
File: 3.87 MB, 4093x2894, 561a41b6dcbc66b9a1a2a00bc5a182a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Suika's game ever get out of early access?

>> No.39520482

>early access
it's just the patreon scam of steam, so never.

>> No.39520533

Oh wow I did see that but I figured since 17.5 came out after 18 it wasn't included. I somehow missed the mention of 17.5 right after. My bad and thank you for correcting me..

>> No.39524110

tea_basira hasn't posted in months, so probably not

>> No.39528847

Since I'm seemingly too retarded to figure out how to make Touhoumon roms, does someone have them prepatched?

>> No.39529846


>> No.39537153

Do we consider things finished or?

>> No.39537265

Do we have a pack for the mainline games backed up, a pack for the OSTs and a pack for the mangas yet?
If we do not I'll try to put it out into the townhouse.

>> No.39538477
File: 75 KB, 616x353, capsule_616x353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dirt cheap right now.

>> No.39541213

all the official games should be on townhouse, as well as the official doujins, not well organized by any means

>> No.39541739

The manga at least aren't in a package right? I think the idea was to keep everything bunched up.

>> No.39541799

the official are in one

>> No.39541852

Then that's done. What about ZUN's official tracks?

>> No.39543598
File: 1.12 MB, 1274x696, 9Y6QEz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm aware that there is a touhou game jam going on.

I'm going to assume the GAP folks are mostly interested in archiving games at risk from perishing from the earth or that are very difficult to access otherwise.

I'm assuming games from the west hosted on Itch.io are not of interest to the GAP.

>> No.39543623

Also of note:
I messaged a Moriya admin about a week ago regarding the certification issues preventing downloads, but he has not replied.
I just checked and Moriya is still effectively down.

>> No.39543643

If there's something that was once on itch but is now deleted and there are no other direct downloads/torrents, then sure.
What's this one though? Art looks really nice.

>> No.39543698
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x696, QRnSbX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know of any such games, no.

The game is "Cross the boundaries" and is a western fangame on itch.io.

>> No.39544243

i saw somebody stream this game and it looked really difficult.

>> No.39544552

Would you yourself say it's good? If so, just upload it to the Townhouse.
It was made by a /v/idyaman so I suppose it was meant to be

>> No.39545017

most of these games could be literally flash games + most of them are meant to spread their transvestite propaganda

>> No.39545103

Given that the hosts for this game jam are the same folks who ran the PrideJam for it, most likely.

I'm not about to go through a bunch of "hacked together in a month" games to find out.

>> No.39545122
File: 4 KB, 927x55, WecanleavetheseoutIthink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image.

>> No.39545217

>hiifu club horror story
Sounds cool as fuck
Yeah, adding those is just going to bring all types of discource from both here and Those Sites. Even if some people here did like them, I hope they would understand why they're excluded.

>> No.39545307

Quoted the wrong post >>39543698
Anyway why the fuck aren't there new Touhou flash games since the other anon brought it up. I don't care that it's dead, I want to see that ugly flash lineart once more...

>> No.39545409

I noticed some games on Moriya (like CODE R) are missing from the townhouse archive, didn't a few of you grab all the games? or are they in the old archive from 2018 we were going to use as a starter?

>> No.39545449

Could always just make a separate group of actually good jam games. But that'd probably be a small number.

>> No.39545658

A little heads-up for john money anon, there's a new version of the touhou98 pack with minor fixes. The first version is still usable.

>> No.39545767

cdn they are using disabled their account and giving 403 when you ignore the certificate error, that's the root reason.

>> No.39545970


>> No.39546576

i just host the townhouse man, havent seen anyone upload since apr 18th

>> No.39546603

Do you have Three Fairies Hoppin Flappin Great Adventure in there?

>> No.39546903

I just checked the "Comprehensive Touhou (東方) Torrent v1" and It has a lot of the games from Moriya. I think we'll be fine.

I don't see it in the townhouse or on the Comprehensive torrent. However, it is on steam.

>> No.39547767

it's in this 100gb moriya archive, i haven't checked if it's legit though


>> No.39547823

Dead torrent

>> No.39547833

I started seeding it again just now but it would be better to pick and choose what games you want as it would take you a few weeks to download them all from my bandwidth.

>> No.39547908

I wish I still cared about shmup games but with zun being an asshat like this it gives me even more reason to abandon the series. I'll still be on the lookout for good fangames though, I'd rather the money go to some autistic chinese fan circles instead of zun at this point.

>> No.39547947

>it would be better to pick and choose what games you want
I want all of them.

>> No.39548201
File: 37 KB, 2178x96, unqvdz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about it. I'm willing to leave my computer on downloading the torrent for 52 days. I have no time constraint.

If you can seed a bit faster though that would be helpful. No pressure though.

>> No.39548592

I will raise the limit to 100kbs then

>> No.39548757

yes, i saw it. I dont think I got it to work, thats why you see that satori game up on nyaa but not the fairy one :/

>> No.39549542
File: 13 KB, 1036x63, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One at a time please otherwise this will literally take an eternity.

>> No.39549609

Do you want me to look at the Comprehensive touhou torrent and see what you have that's new?

Going by names means I might miss patches or translations, but considering everyone here stands to stay for weeks... it might not hurt. I could probably compare filesizes to see if anything changed.

That would save everyone involved a lot of time, since I don't imagine you want to be short bandwidth uploading for 2 months. The comprehensive touhou has 14 seeders, so it would be much faster to get those.

t. not the one downloading. just want to help this project.

>> No.39549618


>> No.39550546
File: 641 KB, 985x1385, CTTv1 vs Moriya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CTTv1 -> Comprehensive Touhou Torrent version 1.

for some reason, the comprehensive has very few of the marisa lands. Aren't there like, 3?

The version of touhou sky arena seems to be more up to date in the new torrent.

Fantasy maiden wars has the complete collection in the Moriya torrent, but otherwise has Eternal, Mystic, and Scarlet in the CTTv1. I'm not sure what to make of this.

Did someone jack Marisa's Marvelous Magic Shop off of steam? I couldn't get it to run without it. Someone needs to tell me their secrets. I'm curious if it actually works?

Touhou hack and slash is in the CTTv1, but it is directly labeled as English patched in the Moriya.

Touhou mother is in the CTTv1 but its sequel is not.

Didn't we find the CtC translation files somewhere recently? I did not include CtC on the exclusion list for this reason.

When trying to see if translations might be available for some games, I found that Moriya has some downloads that work. I could download "White names Spoiled Past" but still could not download the Satori game.. interesting.

Touhou pocket wars lacks "Evo plus" in the CTTv1. The filesize is identical, however.

I don't know how much Data this saves, but at 50kB/s this would surely save a few days at least.

We do get an interesting look at the value of both of these collections, though.

I do hope these end up in the final torrent. Many of these aren't translated, but we don't care, do we?

>> No.39550557

Sorry for bad formatting.

>> No.39557406

Are the Seihous still downloadable on moriya? I downloaded the first one on an old computer ages ago.

>> No.39557605
File: 92 KB, 595x648, 1650744534952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moriya is kill.

>> No.39557670

Actually, Seihous are downloadable from it.
I just checked, some things are still downloadable from it. but it is a minority. You still can't get Satori's mental education, but you can get "Seihou Project ~ Shuusou Gyoku" without a problem.

>> No.39557716

Oh nice. Well, guess I'll just download it onto my new computer while it's still there. Is GAP archiving this since it technically isn't touhou?

>> No.39557761

I would guess so given that its on Moriya.

>> No.39557786

Oof the other 2 Seihou games aren't downloadable. Could you share the link to which torrent it would be a part of?

>> No.39557826


>> No.39557860

Is there a smaller more specific download? If not, thanks for the help anyway.

>> No.39557895

Probably. Search Nyaa for it.

If you have a decent torrenting client you can pull seihou alone from this one. Just unselect everything else.

>> No.39557989

I'll make torrents of any hu

>> No.39558295

I was thinking about making a fangame but can't into sprites, is there a list of open touhou resources?

>> No.39559944

thats not how it works...
even if one person downloaded from you at 99% of your max upload, that one would just upload to the next guy.

>> No.39559987

Though if you're going to release them I'd be wary since obviously the game jam finished.
Alternatively you can do the ghetto route and just use the fighters sprites, but that probably depends on what sort of game you want to make.

>> No.39560895

Aren't you forbidden from using official assets in fangames?

>> No.39561242

Nothing here seems official. The music is remixes and the rest is fanart.

>> No.39561421

There's a reason I said ghetto method.
Yes, they were made for this game jam. You could probanly contact the original artists if you're unsure about usage terms.

>> No.39568323
File: 125 KB, 512x512, 靈夢_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About Yabou no Gensokyo, the version you guys probably archived is almost certainly one of the really old ones, that is pre 1.05 where it was a buggy mess and with patches locked behind a cd-key some anon made an attempt to inject a unity translation on it 2 years ago, it was also the most recent version you can find it by searching Yabou no Gensokyo in the archives, I think the mega link was in /v/ but I recall posting it here in /jp/ sometime last year.

>> No.39568772

Try to remember some thread titles or posts then and search it up in the archive.

>> No.39568786

Just looking up Yabou no Gensokyo should be enough, the game barely got any mention overall.

I just can't do it now.

>> No.39568798



>> No.39568814

Should it go into the townhouse or are we gonna wait until we have a definitive list of fangames for a collection?

>> No.39569026

The townhouse hasn't been updated in nearly a week

>> No.39569052

I'd upload other content I have, but right now I'm going through PC trouble...

>> No.39569555

nobody uploads except one or two guys.
i see a lot of new users but all empty home dir.

>> No.39570525

>i see a lot of new users but all empty home dir
Maybe they forgot to share?

>> No.39570723

I'm done uploading.

>> No.39570976

I ran out of games to upload and seed

>> No.39571035

as the admin can access anything uploaded. their folders are empty so they just made an account and never used it.

>> No.39573025
File: 27 KB, 416x415, 1552794848921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day i wanted i was gonna download Koumajou Densetsu I & II from moriyashrine was the day went it goes down. I just wanted to play some touhou castlevania game

>> No.39573081

Looking forward to the sumi game

>> No.39573252

check here under folder EN translated

>> No.39578636
File: 1.41 MB, 1598x891, WkPdRJybLg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the entire first dlc for one.
Does it? How do I enable it?

>> No.39578861

He's a lying fuckwad lol

>> No.39580469

i know that if you have the dlc it enables at the same time you get the human village permit. i assume if you got the dlc after you already did that, you'll have to beat the final boss before it unlocks, but don't quote me on that. i'm personally about an in-game week away from beating the final boss so i'll report back. 1.8.2p is the first hotfix that came after the dlc update so the dlc should be there.

>> No.39581118

it literally says on the main menu DLC 1.0.1

>> No.39585202

probably a question for /g/, but saw it mentioned in a previous thread - what would be the best storage media for long term storage? I'm already aware of "3-2-1" rule, as well as replacing drives every 5-10 years (dependent on the media used), but mostly curious to what you guys suggest.

>> No.39585264

SSDs will work if you don't have a huge amount of data and you regularly access the drive.
HDDs if you want to cold store large volumes, just take usual electronic care of dry storage spaces that aren't subject to frequent temperature changes.

>> No.39585277
File: 172 KB, 850x850, FPoPsD2VEAIBJ5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not worth worrying about. Is made overcomplicated. Any drive that you can buy right now basically.

Better experience with WD than Seagate.

>> No.39585287

What's the 3-2-1 rule?

Personally, I use 3.5" hard disk drives since 2.5" HDDs keep failing on me or just stop working with windows. But that's my experience based on a few HDDs, mostly external, I've had over the years.

>> No.39585457

3 Copies of Data, 2 different storage media, 1 offsite.
good to know. In this particular case, like someone mentioned as well, multiple people having multiple copies would ensure we're able to keep as much available as possible.

>> No.39585676

i host townhouse and i use this method:
Localized redundancy between drives (raid or zfs)
local copies (not raid), copied to, left unplugged and stored separately from the main drives
scheduled offsite replication to another server (with another set of redundant drives)
more offsite replication depending the importance.

>> No.39587565

My typical rule is to have an SSD dedicated to my OS and then use another one for games that run slow on a HDD and then use HDD for literally everything else.

>> No.39588764

ok so i've beaten the main game final boss and then did a few days of izakaya after that and the DLC has not unlocked. I've looked around and found this post:
>So I've bought the DLC1 roughly in the middle of my playthrough which unlocked the two new areas right away.
this implies that we should've gotten it, and i haven't seen anyone on the steam forums complaining they didn't get it, meaning it's a piracy exclusive issue. if anyone figures it out please post.

>> No.39595910
File: 930 KB, 960x540, Fup169lPtK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After watching some gameplays, I come to the conclusion:
The text in the lower right corner always contains the current dlc version whether you have the dlc or not.
The label beside Rumia's head is the real deal. If you don't see that on you menu, that means you don't have the dlc.

>> No.39595993


>> No.39596015

How do I enable DLC for cracked versions then?

>> No.39596034

And yet despite the fact that it shows up on the lower left corner the game doesn't have the DLC active, or else the "DLC" tag would show up next to Rumia's head like >>39595910 said. You lied. Admit it and apologize.

>> No.39597247

I only upload what I get, and I don't exactly own a copy of the game to know what the DLC "working" should look like.

>> No.39597650

the guy you quoted is not this guy who i assume you want to apologize
this is all of my posts in this thread. i will not apologize for lying as i did not intentionally lie, but i will apologize for being wrong. sorry. also stop being so fucking confrontational, not everyone is malicious.

>> No.39597666
File: 16 KB, 1309x241, asdasfasfda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39603951

Have you tried applying goldberg emu on the game? That's usually way to unlock DLCs.

By default the emulator will try to unlock all DLCs (by returning true when the game calls the BIsDlcInstalled function). If the game uses the other function you will need to
provide a list of DLCs to my emulator. To do this first create a steam_settings folder right beside where you put my emulator.
In this folder, put a DLC.txt file. (path will be <path where my emu lib is>\steam_settings\DLC.txt)
If the DLC file is present, the emulator will only unlock the DLCs in that file. If the file is empty all DLCs will be locked.
The contents of this file are: appid=DLC name
See the steam_settings.EXAMPLE folder for an example.

>> No.39604353

this is why steam version of games suck
lots of hoops to jump through...i really hate how it's the only option sometimes too

>> No.39605518

I know it's not game related but unlucky morpheus striking down all their old touhou content really reminds me how the japanese artist is the biggest danger to themselves

>> No.39607693
File: 334 KB, 1280x720, 1627432700195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys got Genso Wanderer yet?

>> No.39607904

we have it on switch and it's found for PC pretty easily on any tracker or torrent site

>> No.39609167

Unlucky morpheus?

>> No.39612927

they have weird beliefs towards preservation in general, like they're so embarassed by older works that they'd rather erase it all.
even though it's how they got to where they are now, each work a stepping stone to wherever they wish to be in life. it's sad.

>> No.39615045

Not just japanese but all asians really

>> No.39618964

does anybody else remember the Chibitami.Net site? if it's not already in the archive, we should try and find what we can from there to add in, one of the most popular games on there was Marippy (iirc). Hopefully we can find something from there to add.

>> No.39622405


>> No.39623259
File: 5 KB, 357x140, 4xXbzw0Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It failed launching the game.

>> No.39626618

Genso Wanderer is on Moriya, and it is one of the few games that download. Go grab it.

>> No.39634255


>> No.39634289


>> No.39636483

Do we plan on archiving Touhou flash games as well?

>> No.39636523

why most of the times shit doesn't work on linux???

>> No.39639832

That's just how Linux is

>> No.39639975

did you configure wine properly? try a new, clean profile? what game are you having trouble with?

>> No.39640072

They definetly deserved to be archived
There's a few on Internet Archive but otherwise I'm not sure where to start looking for them. Most flash sites have been dead for the past few years

>> No.39640563

That'd be neat.

BlueMaxima's Flashpoint is a good start. It's not perfect though; the games from 3-me.net are missing tags indicating they're part of Touhou Project. Undoubtedly there's more untagged games floating around there.

There's also swfchan and dagobah off the top of my head. Aside from those, we're probably going to have to look into open directories and other places where Flash enthusiasts and preservationists decided to hold the files after Flash was ruled to be defunct.

>> No.39641425

Chinese people are pretty open to piracy

>> No.39641501
File: 491 KB, 1920x1080, 20220430120739_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the current version, also dlc2 is coming out soon although the translation of it may be a bit later from its actual release date.


>> No.39641517

They're pretty open to sudden bouts of autism too

>> No.39644567

depends on the chinese

>> No.39650664

looks like this one is lost to the ages

>> No.39654594

I managed to find the trial version on webarchive here web.archive.org/web/20170217011833/http://d-vertex.com/archive/genmuzero_trial.zip but I can't find anything else

Maybe try emailing the creator and seeing if he replies back, it's worth a shot

>> No.39654761

only when it's not their stuff being pirated
they're the epitome of it being okay as long as it isn't happening to them

>> No.39654818

Well that's understandable

>> No.39654912

Literally just change the Izayaka size then

>> No.39655737

actually I found a download but it's on some chink forum and it requires 50 comments to access the link

>> No.39659098

>requires 50 comments
guess you better get to work

>> No.39661696

I uploaded it again. Did it still not work? What was the problem? Did it give you a black screen or did your antivirus give you a false positive alert?

>> No.39662480

I'll give it a try tomorrow, been swamped with work

>> No.39668439

pm'd you the fix :)

>> No.39669172
File: 98 KB, 768x432, Touhou-Empires_05-02-22-768x432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The store page is finally here.


>> No.39670022

late reply but expect crybabies about discriminating their scratch.mit.edu type of project
I remember only the first gamejam and there was a cool Rumia game that had about 15 levels and it was related to sphere puzzles. This was the only game from first gamejam I found interesting anyhow. I'll try to look around them however and see if there's anything decent beyond first gamejam.

>> No.39670836

Released today on steam

>> No.39676538

>forum isn't saved on webarchive
>cheese pizza is written on the bottom of the page in english while everything else is Chinese
not gonna risk it for kusoge

>> No.39676600

unity was a mistake

>> No.39676880

was shown on the touhou station with zun and his lackeys

>> No.39677187

Learn to use steamdb. Here is the file list for dlc1:
Steam emulators may be able to call the game to activate the dlc you have, but they can't generate the dlc files out of thin air.
Unless someone uploads to dlc or you buy it yourself, there's no way you can play the dlc.

>> No.39677782

is the DLC in the folder, but not activated?
or activated and not actually present?

>> No.39678073

All I can say is that it's not in the igg 1.8.2p crack. If you play other versions, you have to check it yourself.

>> No.39682571

The game is a decade old, anons here used to love it. Please don't run your mouth about things you don't know, it wasn't made with Unity.

>> No.39686252

I replied to the wrong comment, grandpa

>> No.39688830

He probably meant Lotus Labyrinth R, not Reloaded

>> No.39698824


>> No.39698907

nice, didn't think it'd ever show up
at first i was shocked but then i remembered they tend to highlight some of these

>> No.39707801

Do we have a pack that includes all the Moriya stuff we could get yet? And the extras? If we don't, I at least hope we could compile it into one torrent and be done with that for now. I don't think the threads will last that much longer without something like that being put together.

>> No.39708087
File: 26 KB, 312x534, This complicates things.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was one earlier but I'd ask him about it, he doesn't seem too hot on leaving his machine running for too long or giving it a whole lot of bandwidth.

The Comprehensive Touhou torrent has a lot of the same stuff, and you can still pick up some of the bigger stuff off of Moriya itself. (Like Genso Wanderer)

Its also of note, when I checked Moriya to see what was downloadable, some new stuff is still being added to the fangames section. Picrel.

>> No.39708574

I'm still downloading that guy's torrent at 50kb/s. it will hopefully be merged with the existing stuff we have on townhouse and then all thrown into one zip to be seeded forever on nyaa.
Also... i seem to have made the mistake of making a ton of redundant torrents for a bunch of games that were already in the 100+GB touhou torrent. I feel so stupid.

>> No.39711075

Has ZUN ever talked about his thoughts on yukkuri in particular? I just find the idea of creating an IP and then seeing a fanbase crop up around a runaway gag you had no real hand in to be funny.

>> No.39711161

you can ask him you know

>> No.39715394

Thank you, friend

>> No.39715942

After digging up a controller, trying again, and reading some (abundant) posts about controller problems, it seems it NEEDS steam controller api to work, I could not even get it to respond by emulating other controllers. The people who commented on it on moriyashrine also noted this.

It is indeed "dogshit broken assfarts."

>> No.39716358

Probably can't say anything for legalities. Remember even Beatmario couldn't get him to speak about Cookie.

>> No.39717653

i have a steam controller, would that work? or maybe launching it thru steam to get the overlay and controller api?

>> No.39718006
File: 317 KB, 2515x1045, Holoshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You filthy crossie! I should kick your fucking ass, you thought we wouldn't notice?

>> No.39718210

Let's just hope he is one of those few sensible ones who actually moved to the new board.

>> No.39718370
File: 165 KB, 900x900, 1651866263329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only found the exploit and uploaded the content. i am innocent

>> No.39718454


>> No.39718540

Maybe, but I wouldn't think so. The controller I have is, layout wise, identical to the one depicted by the game. A steam controller doesn't seem to have a second joystick which is needed to move the camera.

Perhaps using steam to launch it would allow it to work, I might try that next time I can.

I've sunk more money into trying to get the pirated version distributed thru CD to work than I would just buying the version with a keyboard patch lmao.

This gets funnier when you realize the game is just veritable dogshit anyway.

Weeb on Weeb violence

>> No.39718573

what the fuck!

>> No.39718664

I don't know how to feel about you anymore. I feel betrayed.

>> No.39718675
File: 93 KB, 600x600, 1651868813696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont have to waste your time and money on this specific unity shit.
im solly.

>> No.39718722

I am willing to look past this mountain sized twist due to your efforts anon
still gonna call you filthy in public

>> No.39718802
File: 79 KB, 569x415, 1651863600931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39718929
File: 153 KB, 1200x900, 1651870678663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys want me to get out of jp?
I will keep seeding what I have but I wont come back if you're serious.

>> No.39719020
File: 90 KB, 567x629, 1643712001507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh noooo how horrible

holonigs are a sore spot but it doesn't really matter when we're talking about 2hu and the only people bringing up holoshits are people not participating in trying to save doujin games

>> No.39719588
File: 43 KB, 277x291, 2499434164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda unrelated question: Where i can find those 2hu PV in hd? Always on Nyaa or somewhere else?

>> No.39719606

What kind of PVs, from which group?

>> No.39719800

I genuinely do not care what your other interests are regardless of the fandom war. You help keep Touhou doujin games alive and that's what I care about.

>> No.39724625

Which PV?

>> No.39724839

it's mostly just funposting
please, keep uploading fangames

>> No.39727623

Anyone in general since i decided to make some gifs (if my computer can handle it). I did some gifs many years ago but the quality were not that great.
The last video I liked is Sutema Girls/ステマの女.

>> No.39728487

Nah it's just bants lol. Keep up the good work chief.

>> No.39732894

That's not very clear.
Most PVs (old) might be found as Flash files on Niconico, or videos on Niconico. But that's just readily available stuff.

>> No.39733338

Yeah, i did remember to have downloaded some of those on Ninco. I kinda also remember that there was a mega link with some of them but maybe i'm wrong.
Guess, i will check those. Thanks for the reply.

>> No.39734651

Self-flagellation will suffice.

>> No.39734670

i know games and doujin books are a priority but what about other stuff such as PV's or events on dvd such as flowering night? My immediate assumption would be that they'll get their own torrent in the future, but mostly wondering for now. In case it ever does come up, i do have all the flowering night dvd's (missing some of the additional promo materials like the CD's, but im sure those are on the TLMC).

>> No.39735181

I'll take anything you can upload

>> No.39735202


>> No.39745124


>> No.39748536

and this is what i feared.....
anon just let him upload whatever he wants,he is helping us so no problem

>> No.39749406

Even with the controller configured and the game run (as a non steam product) through steam it still would not respond to any input. The CD version of the game requires patching to work and will presumably not work unless run directly through steam.

The main reason I was so intent on cracking this was that while I knew the game was dogshit, I was also curious about how it handled 3d bullet hells. I cannot test the different version from Moriya as its link is dead. I suppose this is where I should draw the line and leave it be.

Flowering night DVDs? What was this event?

>> No.39749772

Yeah the game is rated pretty badly on steam for a reason. Good concept, bad product.

>> No.39750833

You're awesome anon, thanks.

>> No.39754460
File: 472 KB, 1278x717, 1639762349337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The version from >>39490589 seems very old
I've just downloaded one from July 2020 and it has this menu
by the way, it looks like the steam version has no DRM

>> No.39756784

this is probably why i'd make my game open source after a while if i could make one, because people that like the assets and concept can pick up the rest of the slack
- todd howard

>> No.39757705

so someone's gonna sacrifice some money to buy this shitty game and upload it right?

>> No.39761170

I just bought it while it was on sale. Don't say I didn't do anything for this project. (I was going to anyway.)
I'll figure out the last time it was patched and attempt an upload tomorrow.

>> No.39767148

bump from page 10, no contribution
is there a comprehensive list of all the archived games yet?

>> No.39771210

Flowering night DVDs? What was this event?
Annual concert event that ran from 2006-2013.

>> No.39772513

This new version has keyboard controls, but still does not work with my controller, however, you could feasibly (I have not tested this) use Joy2Key to emulate keyboard inputs with your gamepad of choice.

It is still 'playable' without steam.
I will upload it somehow before the thread ends, probably Anonfiles or Mega. My internet speed will make this take some time, even with good compression.

Interesting, Thanks.

>> No.39772734

Looking at steam, it seems the July version is the final version.
The Moriya version was uploaded August 2020, so it is likely the version I have here, and the version you have there, and the version in the Moriya torrent.

I'm not sure there is an upside to my purchase.

>> No.39772789

You can always refund it anon, I doubt you've needed more than 2 hours of playtime to assess what version it is or not. Also some games don't have steam drm so you can just pirate them straight from the steam store, like koikatsu; buy, copy, refund, keep.

>> No.39773069

Moriya tends to reupload outdated stuff, other games, like Touhou Pocket Wars 2nd and Touhou Monster HD are also outdated

>> No.39777533
File: 739 KB, 2672x1645, Music CDs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about ZUN's music CDs and other music? Does anyone have that?

>> No.39782705

I was reminded yesterday that Dagobah still exists and still hosts a ton of old flash content including iosys videos. Might be time to start saving some just in case.

>> No.39782810
File: 37 KB, 121x110, 1412532156255.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny enough, I knew I had something extra I forgot to upload...
townhouse fumofu moe / share / -z0NGqNX
Never played these files, think I got them from Nyaa and it was a miracle they even downloaded considering the lack of seeders.
Hopefully they work fine.
It's very easy to find his works all over sites. Don't worry about those.

>> No.39783010

Thanks for the link.
Now i really wonder how people did convert swf file into mp4 to upload on YT back in the days, tried with two online convert sites but all the videos were blank white/black.

>> No.39783032

iirc it was usually desktop recording (FREE BANDICAM) or people just exported it to .mov from Flash itself.
Did you try something like this?
newgrounds com/wiki/creator-resources/flash-resources/swivel

>> No.39783110

Wow, thanks. I was about to say that it didn't work because doing a auto convert, the video is stuck on the "select quality+start" screen but after trying to do a manual/recording session, it actually works.
Now, i just need to figure out myself the size of the video.
Thanks again.

>> No.39785443

I just record the screen myself

>> No.39788769
File: 153 KB, 640x480, 1643696645844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just dump what i have, but it needs to be sorted better

>> No.39789057

Very nice.
Aren't there a few more flashes? Like that one about Mokou's stage theme.

>> No.39789250

Theres hundreds of niche touhou flashes, it'd be impressive if anybody actually had all of them.

>> No.39793919

https://mega nz/file/jqhBDR6I#yh7ZS9gXN2o3Fk-smCi5YAAE9z4EfUOkfQ3B6lYyN5Q

Here's a rip of the steam mechanical scrollery, as promised.

I don't know if this version will be any different than the ones you guys already have.

I will take this file down after a little while.

>> No.39799356

Is moriya back? the pages are back.

>> No.39800377

It seems the downloads for fangames work again, I just tried mechanical scrollery and Satori's mental education, which were previously broken. If there's something you want, get to it immediately.

>> No.39802044
File: 88 KB, 1666x724, moriya back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39803338


>> No.39809272

Well, it's bump limit anyway.

>> No.39809519

Cool. Hopefully people aren't too comfortable with this though, gotta keep one eye open.

>> No.39809763

Do we make a new thread where we try to compile more stuff?

>> No.39811031

Might as well, personally I'm not fond of the idea of making a Discord (or any other instant messaging really) server because it gets out of hand fairly fast and becomes a drama pit.
Not like there aren't other generals either

>> No.39811716

I hate drama, makes me feel terrible.

>> No.39813275

Besides, if someone really wants a discord, moriya has one on their front page. There's no reason to bring unnecessary drama and cancer to the thread by making one, it's just not worth the pain.

>> No.39817036

Consistent archival threads should be enough. One or two threads a season should cover everything. If you want to wait, make one in fall or summer since it's around the corner.

>> No.39818458

Seconded. We shouldn't turn these threads into a general

>> No.39819087

May as well bookmark it in warosu
