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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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35325046 No.35325046 [Reply] [Original]

Aoi Sakura and Fuuka Rin: Return of the Doomposting

>> No.35326172
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Cute. It looks almost like a figure.

>> No.35326187

I wish Rin would just play different games. Playing Apex and Minecraft over and over is just viewer poison. Even worse they're usually collabs. Just play new games! Or more Horse Gacha that went really well.

>> No.35326280

Rin confined for smash?!?!!

>> No.35326996

release the model Rin!

>> No.35328070
File: 642 KB, 1280x720, E4ThEjCVgAkQiwx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin's New cover song is premiering


>> No.35328139

Not bad. Took me a while to realise it wasn't just Rin though.

>> No.35328970

Not my cup of tea, I like the one before Ai Kotoba the most.

>> No.35329569
File: 38 KB, 174x215, 1609049295065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rinbros... I just got unfollowed. I have just experienced Rin's venom can first hand. You should check too.

>> No.35330386

Cute performance!

Yeah, with that artstyle it took a second glance to notice that it isn't just Rin, but the Banana trio.

>> No.35330684

stop DMing her to take off her socks

>> No.35330959

I'm serious this time... Looks like she unfollowed a whole bunch

>> No.35331089

Well, I've never been followed nor do I care about it, so I don't really know.

>> No.35331193

Looks like Rin also purged her sub account yesterday after the doomposting.

>> No.35331261

Oh shit she did too. We are really entering another dark age of menhera Rin.

>> No.35331380

Nah, she warned us a couple days ago, and she does it to start fresh again with no negative baggage dragging behind her.

>> No.35331544

I get the intention behind it but a woman deleting or changing her social media after something emotionally taxing is like the actual definition of menhera.

>> No.35331869

Well, this is the second time she did it this year, so hopefully she again comes out of it more positive.

>> No.35332053

Aoi is doing あぺペ today.

>> No.35332783

I thought she was complaining about the other direction that people were temporarily blocking her to force her to unfollow them.

>> No.35337923
File: 89 KB, 828x1183, IMG_20210621_162728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahoge is resting after close to eight hours of Apex. I can only imagine how long the next Endurance stream will be when she starts it. Is it going to be 500 or 1000 kills, or maybe it will be another game entirely.

>> No.35340230

Rin is live with RFA.

>> No.35341252

uh oh

>> No.35341691

and its gone

>> No.35342434

I swear she stopped doing this shit at some point

>> No.35344581

Aoi's Gartic Phone collab stream is about to begin.


>> No.35345604

Rin is live again in Minecraft.

>> No.35352599
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Reminder, that there's only four more days to order Rin's Anniversary booth items.

>> No.35352705

Someone is going to have to take one for the team and buy all the remaining stock to dispell her latest depression bout

>> No.35354290

I really wish it was an acrylic stand, instead of a hard brick, as then the bundle would be an instant buy from me. The postcard does tempt me, but I think I'll just get something else to go along the keychain.

>> No.35354816

You WILL buy the Rin cube.
You WILL add it to your Rin shrine.
You WILL worship it as a holy artifact.
And you will be happy

>> No.35355674

I've already spent way too much on Rin

>> No.35358600
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>> No.35360317

Rin is streaming Among Us today.

>> No.35363166

Another Apex stream, and this time with Chicken guy.

Couple days in, and I still haven't been unfollowed. I think this was all in your head, as any removals was because of this >>35332783

>> No.35366793

Do you guys think there's some kinda friction between Ahoge and Rin? I feel like they don't collab anywhere near as much as they should. They don't play fun co-op or vs. games. It seems like an obvious choice to me but they just rarely do it. It's ancient history but Rin and Ahoge played clubhouse 51 and Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes but that's basically it. Everything else is Apex and larger collabs.

>> No.35366901

I don't think so but who knows really.
Aoi is not hard to reach or too big for Rin and she talks about Rin often, so it's not anything on her side at least.

>> No.35367494

Nah, if anything I feel Rin is too shy and hesitates in asking Aoi for a game collab. They still chit-chat between their sub-accounts, and I seen Aoi gush about being Rin's bride at times, so no denying that they are still friends. Also, there's still the AoRin Bar stream to look forward to.

>> No.35369238
File: 996 KB, 1000x1267, EV-LqgqVAAIp48A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin is trying something different today, and will be streaming RFA in Twitcast. Here's a link to her channel, so you can put notifications on.


>> No.35369329

That's pretty odd but I guess makes sense for her random like 11 minute RFA streams

>> No.35369717

The winners for the twitter RT raffle have been announced, check DMs if you participated
I won let's gooooo

>> No.35370628

I'm nervous...

>> No.35371516

Should we start a pool?
- Retirement
- Hiatus
- New 2D
- New Single
- Wednesdays Back

>> No.35371542

Im betting on hiatus. Would sort of fit her tone and recent going ons

>> No.35371545

The way her 3D reveal turned out was seriously fucked up. She was super cute and it was a great stream and a complete failure.

>> No.35371597

Failure in what sense? Views were consistently over 100 I recall

>> No.35371612

She basically netted no subscribers from it, and the views on her 3D are less than her horse gacha stream. Yet she spent thousands of dollars on it.

>> No.35371816

Congrats, I wasn't one of the lucky ones to receive that DM, but I'm glad someone here did get it.

Rin is too stubborn to quit so suddenly, plus there's the Sailor Moon cover collab song that still hasn't released. It is most likely a short hiatus, as she has talked about before wanting to take a short break where she can brainstorm new ideas for the channel.

>> No.35371819

What did you actually win? I don't even know what the contest was.

>> No.35371888

It's a header image but it's not ready yet. She just finally did the raffle and let the 10 winners know.
I'm also one of them, so that's 2 from here.

>> No.35371893

but is it a header for her twitter? like with your name on it? or is it a header for you to use of her? I don't ever post vtuber shit on my twitter so I figured I shouldn't enter in case it was the latter.

>> No.35371919

It's an image for you to use that has her signature on it.
I also thought I shouldn't enter because I don't really do anything on twitter but I did so anyways to add to the number. Oh well.

>> No.35378294

Ahoge is streaming Apex again. In twitcast this time , as she has a nasal voice.

>> No.35378547

Sorry Aoi.

>> No.35380367

I doubt anyone else try to archive it, but did any anon here got a full download of her recent Apex stream?

>> No.35380869

Unlikely even though it turned kind of interesting halfway through

>> No.35381026

Bummer, I was only able to get the first fifty and last forty minutes saved up. Twitcast always has a level of uncertainty if the download would hold up or not, but I keep making the same mistake with forgetting to check on it every once in a while.

>> No.35381303

Why are you guys even wanting / archiving an あぺ stream?

>> No.35381475

Archive anon here, so I try to save everything. As for why this stream, halfway through she started to talk a JP fan answering many of his questions talking about Aoi's channel, the potential for an album release, and many more interested stuff that I most likely missed out because of my very limited understanding of Japanese.

>> No.35384597

I'm worried about Rin

>> No.35385086

We all are, but there's not much we can do other than being there to watch her streams.

>> No.35385111

*streams apex and Minecraft*

>> No.35385264

Look at Rin Spin!

>> No.35385391

That's pre animated Rin, I know you can't move like that.

>> No.35387627
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>> No.35388621

More あぺ, also chicken guy is here.

>> No.35391277

And Rin is live with an Among Us stream.

>> No.35398530
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>> No.35402838

ahoge being a jerk on her sub-dirt

>> No.35402866

She's experiencing the true nature of the Chinese

>> No.35403213

Sorry bros but I just linked Aoi to these threads and to some of the archive posts.
It's the only way for me to get her to be my gf.

>> No.35403241

that's ok I already linked these threads and archives to Rin so she would be my gf.

wednesday collab?

>> No.35403354

I would do too if every time I do an utawaku or cover video someone contacts me if they can post it on another site when I repeatedly said before No. Or the illegally reproduction and selling of booth items. I really doubt she's referring to image boards like here or futaba with her comments, only other video sites.

>> No.35404514
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>> No.35404933

Will a dedicated rinbro report back about this?

>> No.35404937

I'm laying in bed about to go to sleep... I was hoping she would schedule it so I could set up an archive script looping to grab it and watch it when I get up. No such luck though.

>> No.35406189

After a long absence, the Splatoon League Battle stream is back. No Rin, but Shiroinu is here to take her place.

>> No.35406916

Isn't it only Saturday... I thought you guys enjoyed Splatoon

>> No.35406990

Kusobane is there though

>> No.35407017

I don't understand Splatoon

>> No.35407600

Rin's members stream is live.

I'm watching, but there's not much I can comment about. Shiroinu is very cute, though.

>> No.35407680

rin's taking a break?

>> No.35407722

wtf Rin is getting married

>> No.35407765

Yeah and I'm pretty sure she mentioned it on twitter before so this is not news.

>> No.35407787
File: 1.30 MB, 1253x695, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute butt

>> No.35407890

she's just doomposting right now, isn't she

>> No.35407905

>tfw u drink suicide potion

>> No.35407974

it's more of an indefinite hiatus tho? didn't she say she's stopping the fanbox, or was I retarded?

>> No.35408033

She has some collabs planned so she should be back for those.
I made the mistake of refreshing the page after my membership ran out so I don't know what else she said.

>> No.35408059

Your membership ran out during the middle of the stream of all times?

>> No.35408085

she's turning off membership?

>> No.35408115

I membered around this time last month and it seems to be exact down to the minute on where it gets cut off.


>> No.35408197

We still on for that utawaku tomorrow though, right?

>> No.35408239

Should we make Rin a card or something? Like a collage

>> No.35408253 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 1327x198, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me

>> No.35408620

Her old tweet said that it could go up to three weeks, as she tries to brainstorm ideas on ways to bring back momentum to her channel.

Yes, that along with Chigusa's 3D talk stream are still planned to happen.

>> No.35413118
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>> No.35416920

If we do, I think it would be simpler to send it by twitter under her art tag welcoming her back, as I feel it would take too long physically.

>> No.35417194

It only takes a few days to send a letter to Japan.

>> No.35417231

Yeah, but we have to send it by Fansfer, and I don't know how that will work internationally.

>> No.35417285

I wish she'd release the pmx of her 3D. I could do some things with it that would cheer her up.

>> No.35418612
File: 484 KB, 1000x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin Utawaku now!

>> No.35418756

>kpop sounding trash
fuck this song

>> No.35418790

Fuck, she disabled Superchat...

>> No.35418829

Yeah I thought YouTube was bugging out because I was trying to send one and it just kept closing and reopening. Then I refreshed and it was gone.

>> No.35418900

This is some emperor's new clothes shit. 40 people enjoying terrible singing and having a good time cheering along. Not saying its a bad thing but it is pretty funny.

Also 40 people is pretty good for a Rin stream. I hope she feels a little better after this.

>> No.35419007

I'm not going to pretend to be a big Rin fan for a reason.

>> No.35419049

>Terrible singing
You have been banned from the Rin card

>> No.35419063

But I love Rin's terrible singing!

>> No.35421641

Aoi's chit-chat stream is live.

>> No.35421868

New cover song is premiering!!


>> No.35421950

Shiroinu's drawing is so good

>> No.35422807

Rin is live in Chigusa's channel, and I'm surprise there's full movement. It is not a simple talk stream.


>> No.35423001
File: 65 KB, 551x1023, IMG_20210622_103040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahoge's members stream is live!

>> No.35424459

And Another amazing cover from Aoi. I can't wait to listen to it multiple times throughout the day.

Yep, the cute pup is really talented with her hands, and quick with how fast some her sketches come out in twitter.

>> No.35424977
File: 156 KB, 2048x1152, E45Cyp1VgAcDXEd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a fun 3D stream.

>> No.35427445

Late Night Surrprise Utawaku.

>> No.35427826

Nice. I was really needing this.

>> No.35430314

I fucking missed this fuck.

>> No.35434288

There it is...

>> No.35434309

Ok it definitely sounds like she's coming back then

>> No.35434325

Yeah just like fat ass was going to come back too...

>> No.35434484

And she just posted a fanbox update pouring her heart out. The OP was extremely accurate.

>> No.35434598

Can you give is a quick rindown

>> No.35434610

Yeah I'll write something up give me a few minutes.

>> No.35434861
File: 74 KB, 700x648, 1616630790427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's taking a break from today.

She feels like she isn't growing. Views decreasing, looking around at other vtubers and they're all growing. She didn't say it directly but she mentioned old vtubers retiring and that almost feels to me like she has seen vtubers start after her, get huge and then retire before she even found any success. Rins been doing this for 2 years.

She isn't sure what to do to succeed and feels like she's tried a lot of things. I question her saying she's played tons of games though. She still primarily just plays Apex and Minecraft. Every once in a while she's done a random game and I think some of those actually went pretty well but she doesn't seem to want to do it often.

Some of the saddest stuff talks about collabs and how she gets next to no views on collabs and so feels bad asking people for collabs because she's like a dead weight.

She claims her break wont be long so theoretically she will be back. She did have a weird bit near the end though where she said she might actually disappear and if she does we should hate her and erase her from the world.

It's only in the 5$ tier on her Fanbox, so if you can fanbox her to help support her. She clearly isn't doing well. Also this is all paraphrased and interpreted but I think it's the general idea of what she's saying. There's one part I couldn't really follow about how she's going to be doing videos instead. I don't know if that means she's going to do prerecorded content on her channel or if she's talking about her video work for other people editing and producing.

>> No.35435078

Rin needs to understand that there are people in this world who just can't be extremely popular. Not everyone can be Aoi, even if we all want to. There's nothing wrong with Rin, but there are a type of person like Aoi who just effortlessly exudes charisma and draws people towards them. Rin isn't like that. I'm not like that. Most of us aren't like that. But we love Rin anyway. Just be happy with the fans that adore you and friends you've made Rin. If you're in this to be a star, you're never gonna be happy.

In terms of practical advice she just needs to play different games, do themed streams, something other than ape and Minecraft.

>> No.35435110

How do we save Rin from herself?

>> No.35435125

Her other gaming streams actually do better, and I always tune in to them. I fell for her that one time she played Little Nightmare after all. I admit, I'm one of the few who would rather not watch Apex and Minecraft.
I suppose there will be some "operating cost" if she wants to play a variety of games, as she needs to buy them first. But if she can have something like a wishlist or better yet, gifting system in place for game recommendations that you can buy for her, I wouldn't mind chipping in.
Other than that, I don't really know how I can help. I have zero audience to shill her to, and it's kinda hard to shill her because of her game choices. Apex/Minecraft is a very saturated market.

I get what she's thinking of with collabs though. But then again, her collabs are so cookie cutters games, so again, oversaturated.

>> No.35435157

I hope Rin realized that the 3d model has opened up a whole new path to popularity for her. She just needs to use it

>> No.35435195

I don't get the idea she wants to be huge, but she's not happy with the little to zero growth. Like we've talked about earlier in the thread her 3D reveal was pretty devastating.

I don't think we can really do much but just support her and wait for her to come back.

Little Nightmares were some of my favorite Rin streams. She was super cute and her personality was really coming out.

For some reason she wont let people buy her games. I've asked her to put games on her wishlist and offered to buy her games she was unsure if she should pick up. I even went as far as Spacha'ing her the cost of one of the games after she bought it herself.

I am totally fine with investing in Rincoin. She just has to let us.

>> No.35435914

That's depressing to hear, and I hope her new ideas will be enough to raise more awareness to her channel. Even if not much I'll try to comment more in her chat when she streams again. Maybe, also do some cute sketches of her whenever I can buy a good tablet.

Well, when she said she was disappointed in lower viewers in a tweet, she followed it up by saying there were less people participating with her in Apex streams. She thinks it is getting to a point that she may need to decrease or stop doing them, but feels depressed, as she loves doing Apex streams. Maybe, we should try joining her games, to boost her positivity.

>Her other gaming streams actually do better, and I always tune in to them
Well, this depends, her Pokemon Snap stream didn't really do much for her channel, but she did find great success with Musume and Ark. Shame, she took too long to do a follow up stream so she lost most of her momentum from them.

>I don't get the idea she wants to be huge, but she's not happy with the little to zero growth.
Yep, no growth means that her income from vtubing will only decrease which would result in less fun projects (cover songs,.costumes, and etc) being push.

>In terms of practical advice she just needs to play different games, do themed streams, something other than ape and Minecraft.
Another thing is turn on her Likes, because that is a simple way for fans to show appreciation to her channel. Hopefully, youtube stops being lazy, and finally adds in the feature to only disable dislikes to all users.

>> No.35440197
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>> No.35445936


>> No.35447753

If you missed the notice, yesterday's utawaku is unprivated for a limited time.


>> No.35448674


>> No.35451325
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Which will she choose

>> No.35453016

Rinbros.... she isn't tweeting...
It's looks like...after all... our Wednesday....is just getting started...

>> No.35453171

I think she said she wont be responding to anyone or tweeting during the break. I'd have to go reread it.

>> No.35453265

Oh hey Aoi answered my maro about playing some games with Rin. Though her response isn't what I expected.

"I told him to go fuck himself."

poor Rin...

>> No.35453437

Are you just pretending or?

>> No.35455355

From her last tweet, it read like she's also taking a break from twitter, and will only tweet when there's a new fanbox post.

Anon, don't be fool that easily...

>> No.35455457

I saw the response myself so I had to ask if this guy is pretending to be retarded or not.

>> No.35456135

Aoi is streaming あぺ with Hiyori today


>> No.35458602

Aoi and Hiyori are going play Dead by Daylight.

>> No.35458617


>> No.35458709

It has been quite a while since the last DbD stream, like more than half a year ago. At least they are playing as the victims this time, so it would be a more entertaining stream today.

>> No.35464755
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>> No.35466739

It was just the funny way DeepL decided to translate it. I think it read it as "obakayaru".

>> No.35468803

You all know that both Rin and Aoi would get 100 times more visibility if you guys made your threads on /vt/ but you'll rather have them die than that. It *should* be the best thing to do, but it'll never happen. So yeah, their blood is in your hands.

>> No.35468816

You see all the "ironic" shitposting here? On /vt/ it would all be taken seriously and they would immediately leak outside.

>> No.35469778

あぺぺ again, but today is all about gacha.

>> No.35469895

Well, that was Fast! Took her less than ten minutes to get her wished scythe and now she's gonna smacked people around with it online.

>> No.35473911

You know we can just check the japanese indies thread on /vt/ to see how much of a "buff" it is posting there, right?

>> No.35474673

Rin is coming back on July 11.


>> No.35475377

I'm okay with this.

>> No.35475629


>> No.35476132

So she was just being melodramatic. That's barely a "suspension of activities".

>> No.35476491

She saw my DM blackmailing her to stream or I'll lick her acrylic in public.

>> No.35476540

please tell down

>> No.35480988

Apex gacha only takes a long time with normal packs.

>> No.35485126
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>> No.35486711

Aoi tweeted a bit about her activities on her sub account. She's almost like the polar opposite of Rin.

>> No.35486771

>Shes almost like the polar opposite of Rin.
Yes, Rin and Aoi are like yin and yang in many aspects

>> No.35489882

More あぺ, this time with Chiken guy.

>> No.35498034

DbD with Foghorn Leghorn's son

>> No.35498039

Follow up DbD stream, fan participation edition.


>> No.35499238

Participation Mahjong!

>> No.35499268 [DELETED] 

I don't understand the game, but I get much more watching Mahjong than DbD, so this is a good change.

>> No.35499296

I don't understand the game, but I get much more enjoyment watching Mahjong than DbD, so this is a good change.

>> No.35505768


>> No.35507175

Well, it wasn't surprising as she always said it was going to be one to three weeks. I think some here blew it to be more serious than it really was.

>> No.35510960

Dramatic cow.

>> No.35511291

You thought she was taking the day off but suddenly there's a singing stream!

>> No.35511442 [DELETED] 

I'm up!! Thankfully, I got a notification for this, so that woke me up.

>> No.35511456

I'm up!! Thankfully, I got a notification for this waking me up when I was asleep.

>> No.35511733

Aoi's 踊 is so cute

>> No.35512131

Ahoge-dono was wonderful. Love her utawakus.

>> No.35512444

Rin Update! Summer is coming and she got her mama to draw new art for her. Full swimsuit art reveal in the near future.


>> No.35512521

Summer Rin is super cute

>> No.35512526

Meanwhile Aoi is not getting swimsuit art because she wants to pay for other things.

>> No.35513920

Time for some APEX LEGENDS!

>> No.35513962

While drunk!
I guess she got a bit excited about all the future stuff.

>> No.35514480

Loks like she is doing Participation streams now.

>> No.35520333
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>> No.35522787

I wonder how many more days till Hamster does her human debut. The final art should be about ready with how back Aoi talked about in fanbox.

>> No.35527425
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>> No.35536228

Need more Rin 3D.

>> No.35536437
File: 643 KB, 1280x720, 【#Vtuber】りんちゃんと3Dコラボ!【風花りん_葉柳ちぐさ】 23-24 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35539846
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>> No.35540411

are Aoi's utawaku archived anywhere?

>> No.35541307

It's up to you to keep local copies. Some anons have posted links to recordings that often become obsolote when she opens up the archive for a limited time, so they're probably not up anymore.

>> No.35544404
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>> No.35545776

Ahoge's members stream is live!

>> No.35546166

I don't see that Chiro dude in chat. D-did he leave her?

>> No.35546218

No. I'm only aware of one person I can name that left her for a while.

>> No.35546719

Team Daisangen Earth Defence Force on Tuesday!

>> No.35548915


>> No.35548963

I saw a guy on /vt/ with COP currency that dropped her and I think I know who that is.

>> No.35549361

full summertime rin is posted on fanbox and it is very good

>> No.35550805
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>> No.35553202

Neat, that is a good game choice for a collab. Looking forward to it.

>> No.35556353

Rinlocaust soon. Deleting all her archives. Seemingly moving games that aren't Minecraft to Twitch? I don't know what the fuck she is doing anymore.

>> No.35556492

Why is Rin so retarded?

>> No.35556521

It's weird but it doesn't really matter, no one is going to watch those old archives anyways. I have seen some vtubers who privated all of their old archives and got decently popular afterwards.

>> No.35556542
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I've gone back and watched a few of them in the past but I'm also taking additional steps.

>> No.35557134

Singing Stream happening in eight minutes.

>> No.35557148

Never expected her to put english in the title.

>> No.35557266

Just the perfect thing to save my Monday

>> No.35557289

Its live! Also no superchat, as there will be a lot of vocaloid songs today.

>> No.35557862

Vocaloid isn't covered by Jasrac?

>> No.35558126

>odo trash

>> No.35558212

Aoi makes it decent enough with the interjections

>> No.35558426

Certain ones yes, and certain ones no. It depends on which company license the song, like Odds&Ends would be a big no as Sony Japan has the rights.

>> No.35558808

Hiyori and Ahoge are playing あぺ today.

>> No.35560897
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Rin planning new ways to fail even harder

>> No.35564197 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.35564234

More Vtubers should have Ahoge's hair color. It looks like a delicious apple.

>> No.35566911
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>> No.35566996

I have seen more and more JP vtubers use Twitch, but I still don't know if you can get much success there. I guess there's not much competition there for JPs vtubers, so that's a positive.

>> No.35568351

She unprivates them in special occasions, so you can hear them again / or for the first time when she hits the next subscriber milestone.

>> No.35568742

Damn, Aoi streams sitting in seiza.

>> No.35570355

Aoi and Rin EDF
and >kurobane I guess

>> No.35571949


>> No.35571980

>Cure Ahoge
>Cure Fuurin
>Cure Kageko
Also this game is damn perfect to play with Rin present.

>> No.35572099


>> No.35573985


>> No.35574158

Aoi is correct

>> No.35577664

So what's Aoi/Rin stance on clipping gameplay streams? I know clipping songs might get them in trouble.

>> No.35577674

I'm sure Rin would love stream clipping since it might actually help her grow.

>> No.35577732

Aoi said the only thing you can't clip/repost is her singing. I have made some really lazy gameplay clips.

>> No.35577759

Game clipping is absolutely fine for both girls, they even encourage it with their being hashtags for it.

>> No.35581895
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>> No.35583475

rin swimsuit calendar

>> No.35585382


>> No.35585863


>> No.35591096

Late Night Apex with Sakura Aoi.

>> No.35594180

why is she so cute bros?

>> No.35595595
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>> No.35597027

If you missed the notice, Aoi had too much difficulties cutting songs from the 100 song endurance utawaku, so instead she will have the whole thing up for a limited time.


>> No.35598395

we don't use the r-word

>> No.35598532

I do

>> No.35599972

Aoi and Chicken Boy are playing Apex.

>> No.35602561

Guerilla utawaku to help you deal with potential Ahoge deficiency in the upcoming days

>> No.35602563


Get in!

>> No.35602749

Ah! just when I was about to leave to work. I hope to god my internet doesn't crap out while I'm gone.

>> No.35602927

I love late night Aoi-chan gorilla slow song karaoke.

>> No.35604585

I think i've given this half of its total plays

>> No.35607770
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Only two more days to go...

>> No.35609532

It's a great cover.

>> No.35612959

Yesterday's utawaku is back up again for the next four days.

>> No.35615229

Rin posted a 50$ tier fanbox post anyone know what it is?

>> No.35620715

Looks like Rin added two more membership tiers to her channel: A 2$ tier that just gives her emojis, and a 24$ tier for her superfans. Content provided on the latter is unclear, but something is promised.

Putting the title on DeepL, and it is just to see her channel statistics.

>> No.35620725
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I kinda want to see those...


>> No.35623336
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>> No.35626090
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>> No.35629959

Today is the day Rin comes back right

>> No.35634503

Yep, she's part of a Project Winter collaboration, but idk if she will stream her perspective of it.

>> No.35639119
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>> No.35639138

If your birthday is one or two months away, I recommend subscribing then as you get a voice birthday message from Rin.

>> No.35642057

Reminder, that you have two more days to listen to these singing streams.

>> No.35642726

There's a cool new horse song Aoi will sing for sure

>> No.35647493
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>> No.35650573

So... Rin gave up huh?

>> No.35653334

She will be coming back any minute now. She just went out to buy some milk.

>> No.35653438

I didn't even realize Rin was gone...

>> No.35654030

She was part of a collab stream last night. I was asleep by then, so I couldn't post a link to it.

>> No.35654215

yeah but she didnt stream her viewpoint and then her update for this week was that she wasn't streaming.

>> No.35654233

There were no viewpoints to stream because they did TRPG werewolf instead of project winter since the organizer collected too many people for the collab.

>> No.35654268

Ahoge has a new 100$ post... I wonder what it is. I feel bad going up and down in her tiers but last time I stayed in the 100$ for a few months at least.

>> No.35658287
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>> No.35659823

Aoi is back with an あぺ stream!

>> No.35659833

oh joy... more apex...

>> No.35660902

I don't think there's anything wrong with that if there's no content for the higher tiers.

>> No.35660945

Twitcasting for a little while

>> No.35661038

oh fuck almost missed it

>> No.35663018

Looks like Aoi is more open to an idea for a 3D model, but its gonna take a while for her to have enough money to fund it. Also...

>It took Rin over a year to raise the money.
Going by DeepL. Poor Rin, her 3D should have done a bigger splash.

>> No.35663290

Are you just reading the chat or did you record it?
Whatever it is, I thought it was interesting that Aoi is trying to install a DAW.

>> No.35663390

That was a comment that caught my interest, as I deepL her twitcast chat when streaming. I do have a partial download of the stream, but I'm still a beginner, so my JP isn't at a level where I can follow chit-chat.

>> No.35665238

what the fuck is wrong with rin...

>> No.35665254

Aoi is back, so it is only a matter of time before these streams are privated again.

>> No.35666712

>She did have a weird bit near the end though where she said she might actually disappear and if she does we should hate her and erase her from the world.
I really hope she isn't doing the collabs just because she had them scheduled previous to the break.

>> No.35668589
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>> No.35670358


It's zatsudan time!

>> No.35672972

Ah, I missed an Ahoge stream. Shame, that's going to be more common for me this week. Too much appointments.

>> No.35676893
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>> No.35679316

More EDF today.

>> No.35680960

Utawaku happening this Thursday (Daytime), so send her any marshmallows of any songs you want her to sing.

>> No.35682459

Looking forward to it.

>> No.35684351

EDF stream is live! Rin is also here.

>> No.35688387
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>> No.35690312
File: 131 KB, 1169x997, E6PrgYsVEAYCmQh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a new clip fearure in Youtube that you can use to share songs from Ahoge's utawaku. Aoi really encourages the use of it.


>> No.35690489

Can this feature finally be used without having to make a secondary google account so I don't dox myself?

>> No.35691907

Looks interesting.

>> No.35693018

I honestly don't know how they can fix this trash feature. At first I thought it was just the progress bar that was the problem but then I realized this thing only lets you "clip" up to 60 seconds only so there's no need for a proper progress bar. It's just so useless as it is right now.


>> No.35694184

I know it would annoy her but I still kinda want to get an Ahoge daki made and tweet it at her.

Not all of her. Just the ahoge.

>> No.35694289

might as well make an ahoge plushie, just the ahoge.

>> No.35696912
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>> No.35699324

It Takes Two with Aoi and everyone's second favorite chicken.

>> No.35701044

why the fuck didnt she play this with rin...

>> No.35703126
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>> No.35706683

How easy is it to use?

>> No.35707184

It's pretty easy actually, even on mobile, but the the problem is that you would reveal your yt account should you post any links here. Best to create an account specifically for that.

>> No.35707198

30 minutes

>> No.35707292

This looks like it's going to be unarchived, in case someone wants to save it.

>> No.35707434

I expected it, as today she will she try to sing many of the requests send to her. I will try to do my part for this stream.

>> No.35707656

>now singing: Pohayo

>> No.35707821

>kaibutsu again
You're lucky I like this song.

>> No.35707966

every time she sings, I want to spoil her

>> No.35707986

>hana ni bourei
How many times is it now? Already 30?

>> No.35708007

The chinese guy will make sure there will be 100 more.

>> No.35708520

I've not watched ahoge in a long time.
Have she ever talked about joining a company? Or maybe if she wants to stay as an indie forever?

>> No.35708612

Yes, she has talked about not wanting anyone to tell her what to do because she values her own freedom. This is also a hobby to her and not a means for profit.

>> No.35708658

People have asked her, and repeatedly she has responded that she wants to stay independent. Indie Forever! were her words in one tweet.

>> No.35708913

why is the difference in viewers so huge between her singing and non-singing streams?

>> No.35709042

Oh wow ok so the scythefaggot was a spic. That explains all the others coming in today.

Why wouldn't it be? She's sometimes barely talking in gaming streams and in some collabs she might as well not be there. Zatsudan streams actually get decent viewers.

>> No.35709078

That's a common problem with most vsingers, and not just Aoi. It is a sad fact that most fans only care about their singing, and much else. Also, her utawakus are very friendly for foreign fsns.

>> No.35709093

Help, spics are invading again

>> No.35709119

Vsingers typically only sing so it's not a problem for them and even then it's expected with the branding.

>> No.35709145

Oh, okay. I was really hoping for her singing to be more popular.
I, like most people only watch her utawaku/zatsudan. Not really into her video game streams.

>> No.35709168

Just ignore them, from personal experience it is better than to try talking to them. Most often than not, it only makes it worst.

>> No.35709245

One of the joys of vtubing for Aoi is being able to do it with her friends, and being corporate means that she may need to cut them out. Heck, she wants to play with them so much that she even convinced one of them to buy a whole new computer, and bought a model sheet for her sister for when they play together.

>> No.35709269

>14 years old

>> No.35709281


>> No.35709295

oh god no...

>> No.35709302


>> No.35709314

how the fuck is she so cute

>> No.35709319


Anon, look at when Lucky Star first aired on TV....

>> No.35709328


>> No.35709333

2007 what about it?

>> No.35709337

Just share her covers or whatever. I think she'll get more popular over time and more opportunities will come up for her.

>> No.35709346

I wonder if she's wearing glasses or something that she doesn't normally, her rig is really struggling and glitching all over the place.

>> No.35709359

Just that we are getting old...

>> No.35709375

Yeah I've been wondering about it too. it's not looking too great today. The avatar also keeps backing away so I wonder if she's standing or something.

>> No.35709399

ahoge needs a cough drop or something

>> No.35709443

w-what is she doing

>> No.35709468


>> No.35709532

redditscythe I know you're here. why is your profile picture an eyelash? every aoi stream I see it

>> No.35709572

Rin... stream...

>> No.35709574

I wish I have an ahoge friend.

>> No.35709595

It's a generic picture of a scythe from google images so it doesn't fit the circle crop on youtube. Also I really doubt he's ever been to /jp/.

>> No.35709621


>> No.35709624

>membered to polka, luna, nene, coco
Yeah, can't tell. At least he just use emotes on holos' streams, have manners at least.

>> No.35709632

Shit, you fags made me paranoid about chatting.

>> No.35709643

Ahoge is too small to show up on vtdata so you can go nuts

>> No.35709651


>> No.35709656

I recognize that Fir guy.

>> No.35709664

ridgebro is based, fuck off

>> No.35709679

I'm sure people can figure me out and I don't care. Be more like Ridgeline bro.

It's the opposite effect of posting in her chat and being looked up for holo chats and the like. It's not a problem if you're not a sperg though.

>> No.35709684

At least the Ahoge utawakus provide a crowd to hide in. If you follow Rin... you're wide open.

>> No.35709708

Yeah he kinda is.
If he membered Luna then he is based in my eyes.

>> No.35709732

This songs are making me feel old...

>> No.35709744

What happened to Ryuuseigun autist?

>> No.35709753

He was pretty bad early on with reddit tier holo meme posting but he's not too bad now besides bringing the spics in today.

>> No.35709754

Wherever he is, he should be happy right now

>> No.35709762

~15 years ago is old now...

>> No.35709765

And I recall Lamy being unable to speak his name correctly at least twice during superchat readings, so he gets a pass this time.

>> No.35709767

Kumikyoku... home...

>> No.35709779

Hey you, you're finally awake.

>> No.35709843

and now it goes quiet again...

>> No.35709872

To those who were late, or missed it, the utawaku will stay up for a limited time.

>> No.35709901

nice I'll grab it. I missed the first like 2 hours

>> No.35710173

Fuck I saw the thread had 50+ posts suddenly and thought that Rin retired or something. Scared the shit out of me

>> No.35710202

If Rin retired there'd be like 3 posts... :/

>> No.35710483

Lies, half the thread would be crying to see her leave, while the other half would be worrying in how Aoi is handling it.

>> No.35710487

well most of the time this thread only has like 8 unique IPs so we're both right
