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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 662 KB, 1280x960, 798420a185a815b6bdf9abbd440c8baa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3344597 No.3344597 [Reply] [Original]

Have you posted a shitty thread today? I have.

>> No.3344599

Yes, I already made >>3344582

>> No.3344607

/jp/ is a shithole, it's no better than /a/, /b/, /v/, any of it. I don't know who you think you're kidding when you people say that.

>> No.3344614

/jp/ and /a/ are entertaining shitholes though. Just don't take either board seriously.

>> No.3344647

3 people post every shitty thread on /jp/. They declare the board shitty, despite the fact that they're the only real reason you could say that.

Cognitive disconnect.

>> No.3344666

The hypocrisy is strong in you. Thanks for wasting your time and bumping your own shitty thread in this quality shithole.

>> No.3344692

This isn't his thread it's mine.


>> No.3344697


Jones and zun are two of them, who's the third?

>> No.3344703


The question is, which one is Dawson?

>> No.3344709

I posted in an aidoru thread today, making it shittier than usual.

>> No.3344710


>> No.3344711

ZUN!bar obviously

>> No.3344713

>no better than /a/, /b/, /v/
you havent been to those boards lately, right?

>> No.3344718

ZUN, probably. The other day he was posting Taiko heads.

>> No.3344722

anyone else want to fuck suigin

>> No.3344733

He was also making Dawson threads about /bun/ being shitty and then posting in it agreeing and insulting the site with his tripcode.

ZUN!bar = Dawson

>> No.3344737


>> No.3344739

no, but i wouldn't mind doing the butterflies

>> No.3344752


>> No.3344748 [DELETED] 

i'd like to fuck myself

>> No.3344756

Sion, why are you so gay for Suigin?

>> No.3344764

Furukawa Akio = ZUN!bar = Acrueid Brunestud, same same.

They all have the same trolling pattern, especially about taking tripnames regarding things they don't actually like.

>> No.3344776

>Furukawa Akio

oh god that guy was annoying

>> No.3344779


This is pretty obvious now that I read it.

>> No.3344781

>ZUN!bar = Acrueid Brunestud
thats like saying you are anon2007 or Remilia Scarlet

>> No.3344787

Do you seriously think /jp/ is any better than them? The only difference between all those boards is the subject. You THINK this board is better is because you like weeaboo shit and it doesn't help that you're one of this boards worst posters, but that doesn't really matter when you're just a slightly bigger turd on a mountain of shit.

>> No.3344791

The posting styles of Arc and ZUN!bar are a lot different though, but maybe he switches things up when taking on other troll personas.

>> No.3344805

I like anime
I like videogames

/a/ and /v/ are still shittier than /jp/
there, your logic is broken, let's see how you respond

>> No.3344807

do you like gay sex

>> No.3344811

I think it's pretty obvious to anyone with a brain who I am or who I was.

And it wasn't either of them.


You really think they're that different? I have trouble distinguishing the two just scrolling down the page without checking the tripcode. They're both mind-numbingly stupid. Arcueid just has an overemphasis on it.

>> No.3344813

Some nights I dress up as Remilia Scarlet and cry myself to sleep, does that count?
I'm a tripfag btw

>> No.3344814

Shitty poster, with an even shittier opinion.

/jp/ is dead.

Deal with it.

>> No.3344820


>> No.3344825

This thread makes me feel hidoi.

>> No.3344829

Awesome post, I can see why /jp/ is such a great place now.


>> No.3344831

no, but im a fan of the goatman
i know who you are and you should try re-reading my post to see my point. I wasn't implying you were any of them I was implying ZUN's posting style isn't similar to Arc's at all

>> No.3344839

ITT angry /a/ and /v/ mongrels.

>> No.3344840

Sarcasm tags? Shouldn't you feel more at home on Gaia?

>> No.3344846

anon of alabama

>> No.3344851

Arcueid overuses reaction images and general /v/ behavior, while ZUN!bar likes to accuse everything of being for "normalbros" and "low power level /a/ friends", which is basically anything that is popular.

I think the main difference is that Arcueid doesn't try to hide his stupidity. ZUN tries to cover it up a little, albeit badly.

>> No.3344852

im sure the same could be applied to you, go back to /a/b/v/ if you like them that much

also what I said wasn't an opinion but a fact, enjoy your Taiga and Lanced Jack

>> No.3344855


>> No.3344861

>derp herp
>end yourself
>kill yourself
>i make shitty posts please pay attention to me

>> No.3344868

green text
great post brb screencapping this for the epic lulz

>> No.3344871

Arcueid basically behaves like Akio with the image use, and ZUN!bar adopts Akio's "SUPERIOR POWER LEVEL" persona.

Split personality, same stupidity?

I don't know who that is.

>> No.3344872

>/a/b/v/ if you like them that much
But I don't and I don't like /jp/ either, you dumb shit.

>> No.3344877

i've seen suigin in /a/ like 500 times

>> No.3344880

u mad?

>> No.3344883

Epic post, would read again! I can see why you're so well regarded here!

>> No.3344890

then get the fuck back to pooshlmer, /bun/, gaia or wherever you came from, we don't need another retarded troll wannabe ruining the board

>> No.3344893

>u mad?
...And another quality /jp/ post is made!

>> No.3344900

Wow, someone using it effectively.

You can't meta troll the way you're doing it, you know. You keep trying, but it doesn't work.

>> No.3344906
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>> No.3344907

uh? i'm not meta trolling, i'm dead serious

>> No.3344908
File: 33 KB, 600x450, baww-full3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so tsundere for /b/un, suigin? I see you idling in the IRC.

>> No.3344912


sup ZUN!bar

>> No.3344915

suigin is ~suigin@DFF299D4.1A7B9518.2E6881E4.IP * suigin
suigin on #bunbunmaru

>> No.3344916

So you're one of those "lol i troll all the boards of 4chan because they suck shit" kids? I'm sorry son, but the joke has been on you for quite some time.

>> No.3344917

>troll wannabe ruining the board
Damn, I wish I could be a real troll like you. What do I have to do to level up that high? Do I have to reach some kind of shitty post quota to be that good?

>> No.3344920
File: 29 KB, 300x400, tshirt-m-gtfo-Green-400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like /jp/ either
WTF are you doing here?

>> No.3344923

ZUN, you're the best furfag ever.

>> No.3344926

better than all yours

>> No.3344932

no, if you needed a shitposting quota to do that you'd have super passed me long ago

>> No.3344933
File: 56 KB, 600x315, funeral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R.I.P. janitor.

>> No.3344936

How can I become a retarded tripfag like ZUN!bar, Arc, or Sion? There must be a way to lower my IQ by 50 points.

>> No.3344942

smoke weed every day

>> No.3344944

Nice well thought out post there Anon, so many good points! I don't even know where to start typing up my own response to that!

>> No.3344947

zun has split personality
he probably sockpuppets too

>> No.3344949

Follow American political "discourse" for a bit, you'll be outright retarded in no time.

>> No.3344952

Negative IQ doesn't exist, retard.

>> No.3344955

What? I wasn't even quoting you. What happened? Did you forget you took off your tripcode?

Funny guy, I can see why the kids love you here.

>> No.3344959

Why so mean, anon?

>> No.3344962

To be ZUN, use lots of really different technical terms in an incorrect context and call everyone a low-power fag. To be Arc, post an insane, rambling diatribe on stupid subjects, or post really crazy fanfiction. To be Sion, never properly use capitalization or punctuation, and make sure you use lots of shitty /a/-level reaction images.

>> No.3344968

Sion's path consists of listening hip hop and rap until you consider said genres of music mankind's greatest achievements.

>> No.3344972

I'm just stating a little fact, i hope you don't mind if I do.
I don't want to make you mad or anything.

>> No.3344978

To be White Ren post like a pissed hick!

>> No.3344979

Oh, and ZUN is probably Taiko, too. Unless that's Sion when he's taking his meds.

>> No.3344981

What is it like to be a furfag, ZUN!bar?

>> No.3344982
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>> No.3344986

Does playing Graze Dat Margatroid on loop count?

>> No.3344987

Look at all of these quality posts.



>> No.3344994

You've yet to disprove me. /jp/ is just as "good" as /a/, /b/, and /v/. Why do you keep changing the subject?

>> No.3345008

white ren, what was your previous trip?

>> No.3345009

probably better than all yours
prove me they are better than us and I will disprove you

>> No.3345013

He actually listens to that stuff?
I thought he was just trying to troll or something. Silly me, I should have known that his terrible taste in anime and women would translate to a terrible taste in everything else.

Is Sion a nigger or a wigger? Inquiring minds must know.

>> No.3345018

No. You also have to lose your virginity to a negress or a chimp.

>> No.3345026

>negress or a chimp

same thing

>> No.3345030

Nah bro, I post more than "wwwww", "suiging", "posting in bird thread", and other posts including two to five words.

>> No.3345036

I want to take a moment and mention the tripfags that are good. Such nice people as niipah, KYON, etc.

Where would we be without them?

>> No.3345037

that doesnt mean they are any better

>> No.3345045

>prove me they are better than us and I will disprove you
I said they were all shitty dumbass, do you even read posts before you reply to them?

>> No.3345048

do you consider yourself a good tripfag

>> No.3345055
File: 43 KB, 900x800, tripfriend tier list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3345059

A negress is more gorilla-like when compared to a chimp.

>> No.3345062
File: 86 KB, 400x400, 1231263231371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there are good tripfags

>> No.3345066

yes I do, you said we are no better than them, please prove it or explain why
oh and something like "shitty tripfags as yourself" doesn't count since all of the boards you mentioned have shittier tripfags

>> No.3345067

That is insulting to be put lower than ZUN!bar.

>> No.3345071

Lanced Jack and Taiga are still better than you.

>> No.3345073
File: 66 KB, 432x324, richard_stallman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

>> No.3345078

why is nipah so good

all he does is bump rika threads

>> No.3345079

literal facts, please no trolling

>> No.3345080

Internet white knights are amusing.
I'm glad I managed to make her drop the trip.

>> No.3345083

What? No. I'm terrible.

I believe I've pointed that out before, too.

>> No.3345089
File: 106 KB, 800x600, rabu rabu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3345091


Whatever happened to this faggot?

>> No.3345094

he moved to /a/

>> No.3345095

ZUN would be Shinji. Jones would be Issei.

>> No.3345102

Hohoho ah waw

>> No.3345105

Left for /r9k/.

>> No.3345111

You mean ZUN doesn't have large finnish breasts?
That was the only thing keeping me going when I would read her awful posts, and now..!

>> No.3345118

I like to imagine each tripfriend as a little girl, it makes their posts more readable.

>> No.3345119

I'll go ahead and state the obvious since I'm apparently replying to a fucking retard:

You're on 4chan.

If there's one thing consistent throughout all boards, it's that they're all consistently fucking terrible. If you really think one board is better than another in ANY way you're only lying to yourself, because no one with the intelligence of a fucking dog would believe that.

>> No.3345123

I've actually seen photographic evidence. No, I'm not posting it. Yes, this discussion is now over.

>> No.3345129

Remember the whole "gods lurk here" mentality?

>> No.3345131

Excuse me sir, what the fuck are you doing on this website?

>> No.3345132

Think about it, ZUN thinks he's better than everyone at everything and acts like a total douche. Shinji is the same.

Jones is like... well, I might have to think about that.

>> No.3345135

ZUN and Jones are actually french mutts engaged in a barking contest that has lasted fro a hundred years.

>> No.3345139
File: 205 KB, 700x493, jp-pantheon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was true, too. /jp/ was fucking awesome.

>> No.3345142

Kicking ass and taking names.

>> No.3345143

Didn't ZUN have like an XXXL t-shirt or some shit in a pic of crap he got at a con? I'm sure he does have large breasts.

>> No.3345146

No, Tatari, you are the french mutts.

>> No.3345147

Tripfag threads are the best threads on /jp/.

>> No.3345151

Leave me out of this.

>> No.3345156

And then Anonymous was a ZUN!bar.

>> No.3345157

Knew it.

>> No.3345161

I like Tatari, too, for some inexplicable reason. You were always cool before. So it's sort of stuck.

>> No.3345164

These kinds of threads make my visit to /jp/ worthwhile.

>> No.3345166

Jonesy, not so good.

ZUN!bar, so good.

>> No.3345167

Yeah he's got manboobs. There's a picture of him wearing cat ears in the metro.

>> No.3345172

When your postcount tops 4,000, you can be featured in these threads, too!
Do your best, Arihiko-kun!

>> No.3345173


>> No.3345174

So nanoka~

>> No.3345176

sup ZUN

>> No.3345178

Post said pic.

>> No.3345188

Well, as of right now I'm pretty much part of the "doesn't post" crowd.

>> No.3345195

wow I can destroy that statement single handed
more than 80% of the boards here are better than /b/
for example: this board
why? because we are not full of camwhores, bots or retarded shit like that
we are better than /a/ because at least most of the /jp/ related threads get more replies than off topic threads, we don't have threads like camwhore threads or Omegle trolling threads and even though some people dislike touhou/vns they dont spam their threads with gore or other stuff to make them die earlier
and we are better than /v/ because we don't fall for trolls like Lanced Jack or Namimi

>> No.3345198

And the OP's prophecy was fulfilled.

>> No.3345203

But we fall for trolls like ZUN, Sion, Arcueid, and the Bawson faggot.

Face it, /jp/ is shit too.

>> No.3345204

brainfart, ignore this word

>> No.3345213

ZUN and Arc aren't trolls
sion only ruins Rika threads
Dawson isn't even a troll, just an annoyance

>> No.3345221

There, your argument lies in ruins.

/jp/ might not be inherently shitty, but a whole hell of a lot of undesirables have made it their home (myself included, but at least I'm not a fucking camwhore slut or a drooling idiot).

>> No.3345233 [DELETED] 


>> No.3345228

we don't have them as regularly as /a/ or /b/

>> No.3345236
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1252597212541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZUN and Arc aren't trolls

>> No.3345239

ZUN and Arc are bad trolls. Sion ruins everything by existing in the first place. Dawson is the same faggot using proxies.

You should post more. You're a cool guy and all.

>> No.3345241

they are just elitist, prideful bastards in their own way

>> No.3345248

All bullshit. All of it. I'll tell you right now I just typed out a whole paragraph explaining IN DETAIL the difference between the boards and what's to be expected because of this difference, but there's no point.

Every board on 4chan gets camwhores. /jp/ gets camwhores.

Every board on 4chan gets bots. /jp/ gets bots.

Every board on 4chan gets more replies in offtopic threads. /jp/ gets more replies in off topic threads.

I can go on and on and on, but I'm not. /jp/ has experienced all of that shit you named at one point or another at a higher than acceptable frequency than it should have and it's no better than those other boards. Get over it.

>> No.3345250

Speaking of proxies, Dawson has killed off like 30 of them. I can't even find one that works anymore.

>> No.3345257

All the result of 3 people that abuse proxies.

Proof of nothing, except that /jp/ attracts faggots from other boards that try to troll it, and when we're too fucking lazy and bored to care, they start samefagging their RAAAAAGEEEE posts to make it seem like everything is going to hell.

/jp/ is too slow, so it's easy to make it seem like sockpuppets are real.

>> No.3345260

Small fry, call me when he matches Investment Banker.

>> No.3345264

I love Dawson in so many ways.

>> No.3345267

The only camwhore thread I remember is that sukumizu trap.

>> No.3345269

it has experienced it but not as frequently as the boards you mentioned
therefore /jp/ is better, get over it

>> No.3345270

Sheesh people sure do think highly of themselves around here.

>> No.3345271

What are you guys doing with cgi proxies, anyway?

>> No.3345276

It's just Invisible Sky Magician. He was an old-hat troll when he was on /n/.

Nobody should even care about him.

>> No.3345277

>All the result of 3 people that abuse proxies.
You didn't even read past the first line.

>> No.3345283

>it has experienced it
So you've finally admitted /jp/ is just as shitty as the rest of them.

>> No.3345286

Nobody cares about camwhores in the first place, and it doesn't change the truth of my post, anyway.

>> No.3345288

/jp/ doesn't have post number games or GET obsession.

>> No.3345290


If you're not getting banned then you're not having enough fun on 4chan.

>> No.3345293

Of course, that's why we didn't get EPIC RAIDED ^_^ by /b/ yesterday and there wasn't a KoG thread an hour ago.

>> No.3345300

/jp/ is too slow or "taking it easy" to do those kinds of shit.

>> No.3345303

I have fun on 4chan without shitposting, trolling, and spamming (see: Dawson).

>> No.3345311

The important part is that it was done by faggots from /b/ and King of Faggots, who dwells on /a/.

The lesson you take from this is that /b/ should be locked away from the rest of 4chan and that King of Faggots should be banned on sight.

It's not /jp/'s fault, in the least.

>> No.3345319

Please learn to read or learn reading comprehension.
And even if it has the frequency plays an important role, the margatroid camwhore thread was the only camwhore thread in months, when in /a/ they get at least one every week.
bots: we only get jbcs and one or other silly porn bot every now and then, /a/ gets like 2 every 10 minutes
and an off topic thread getting 200+replies in /jp/ is highly unlikely, while in /a/ it's common

>> No.3345327

>King of Faggots
You know, when you say this it really makes you look like more of a faggot than him.

>> No.3345334

What's up, King of Faggots?

>> No.3345335

Anyone who hates Kings of Get is just jealous that he's a better troll then they are.

>> No.3345346

I made a shitty troll thread in /a/ today (or was it yesterday?) saying "You were 5 years old in 1999" and it got like 100 posts in 20 minutes.

I was surprised.

>> No.3345353

It's sort of sad that you come to defend yourself, you know.

>> No.3345355

Is the shuffle thread a bot?

>> No.3345356

I made four consecutive aikido trollpasta threads and all of them ended in autosage with zero spam
and I only posted like twice in each of them

>> No.3345357

The best troll is the one who is not identified as a troll.

>> No.3345360

that's because everyone on /a/ is 14-16 years old

>> No.3345363

OP here, the Shuffle thread is me.

>> No.3345364

>Please learn to read or learn reading comprehension.
You have no clue what this actually means.

There are more people on /a/, I thought that much was obvious, but again you prove yourself to be an idiot. More people = more replies and more bots and you are the last fucking person I want to see complaining about JBCS threads "LOL SUGINING XD"

>> No.3345373

Also, you can get like 100 posts in /a/ if you make a greentext/implication thread.

There was also a Dawson thread in /a/ that got like 150 posts.

>> No.3345382
File: 176 KB, 500x473, 1251708666386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you dumb or just bad at recognizing people?

>> No.3345383

>Have you posted a shitty thread today? I have.
>170 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Never change, /jp/.

>> No.3345385

I have to work up on my trolling skills, my current maximum reply is like 30 posts or something.

>> No.3345389

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it look sorta "Fuck. I have to live here."Turns out this the new Daily Touhou?First Yuka, now you? It's help any. Alright, thanks /jp/, we've tried to come

>> No.3345393

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it retarded, maladjusted, hermetic, one of my universal. was the best. I thought originally it was mystery. Watermelon is so

>> No.3345395

The best way to boost up replies is to sockpuppet and argue with yourself to start up a fire. Chances are people will catch on and it'll just go from there. You can derail normal threads this way too. Even if you have no luck in derailing, your sockpuppeting will ruin it itself.

>> No.3345397

/jp/ is crap.
Just look at this thread.

>> No.3345398

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it now. a good picture really good HUGE HAIR or something...For the most part it's

>> No.3345401

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it

>> No.3345404

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it HUGE HAIR brings nacchi back, she'd be in danger, >Neither remain I'll try getting him in another game.Thanks and family members

>> No.3345411

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it about every theory possible.In the end

>> No.3345407

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it about, but I'm >Neither remain I'll boost up replies is to sockpuppet and argue

>> No.3345409

>You have no clue what this actually means.
You clearly don't either because you are implying that I am complaining about bots in your post when I just stated they make a board shittier, I don't really mind them.
>There are more people on /a/
It's not like all of /a/'s user base posts in a single thread, it's usually 6 or less people speaking.
also /jp/ doesn't have threads like meme spam or waifu roulette, that's a plus
and if somebody posts them, we don't really pay attention to them

>> No.3345418

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it 3 people post all shitty threads of /jp/. As for them in spite even in the shitty board they' It declares; It can say that in regard to the only real intention.

>> No.3345419

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it over 40 attempts, so there may playing with a puppy at the pet shop, and about to start a new life in a world to the only real intention.

>> No.3345415

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it playing with a puppy at the pet >Neither remain I'll boost up don't really mind them.>There are more people on /a/It's

>> No.3345423

This thread would have been way worse in /a/

>> No.3345421

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it sticky ground a link) of Auferstanden

>> No.3345429

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it we don't/can't know about, but I'm not gonna SourcE? 妹陵辱 who will inherit their prestigious music

>> No.3345424

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it so hopefully you can get BTW, Ligh Attack by warriors

>> No.3345428

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it I one, Saki, and hands out some other people ... all tired and Mahjong, what charming animation seen as not doing recently.

>> No.3345438

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it take it out you have just enough of East Germany.Bricks? You enjoyed were playing with a puppy at the pet

>> No.3345433

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it Typical son that had an amazing talent for in a

>> No.3345446

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it see.>juicy AbeIt's easily one of Too lazy to look night. Perhaps you need other Tokugawa

>> No.3345441

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it Even though she is blind, we don't/can't was brought up in an orphanage.

>> No.3345450

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it it may work.I almost forgot, how it we don't/can't know about, but I'm not be certain your

>> No.3345457

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it chinese buns = (wikipedia has a link)

>> No.3345461

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it prime number You're chinese buns = that. ...fuck knives.I use

>> No.3345467

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it Typical /jp/ poster.Note how AbeIt's easily almost forgot, before I go... all l 弋 ̄ヽ/ ̄´               入/   }   ! ヽ[/aa] has a link) Typical /jp/

>> No.3345471

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it someone called me in one thread.

>> No.3345473

Bullshit, you're just a troll. I was at least replying seriously here, unlike you, but forget it. I'm done. I knew you were stupid, but then I read this:

>I made four consecutive aikido trollpasta threads and all of them ended in autosage with zero spam
and I only posted like twice in each of them

Go fuck yourself, you're a shitty poster and that's why you belong here, in shitty /jp/. You're filtered so don't bother replying to this post.

>> No.3345474

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it aikido trollpasta threads and all oranges. No you number suiging seat at the

>> No.3345477

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it was at least replying seriously

>> No.3345483

What's my suiging seat #, and where do I go to sit in it?

>> No.3345484

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it first time I heard it. Oh wow, I didn't you belong here, in shitty /jp/. You're filtered takes around an hour, and I can't really

>> No.3345485

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it try that later, it may work.I box of garbage sitting here?

>> No.3345487

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it all you Rance fans, student studying some obscure variable we end it didn't work even after over 40

>> No.3345495

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it it try that later, it about, but me in one thread. I night. Perhaps you need

>> No.3345491

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it Lie down and variable we end it didn't work ...fuck bar, puts on sunglasses* Can't we do

>> No.3345496

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how it it first time I heard it. Oh wow, I

>> No.3345496,1 [INTERNAL] 

it's all useless, i know you will read this post sooner or later

I'm not a troll, I have been serious all this time, not my fault if

/jp/ is better than /a/.
I also post in /a/ in case you didn't notice therefore if /jp/ is

shitty because of me /a/ is way shittier.

Oh and "one board is faster/has more people that the other" doesn't

work as an excuse for it's shittines.

Also another plus for /jp/, /jp/ knows how to use sage properly.
And /jp/ can discuss things in a proper manner.

congratulations, you lost an argument against somebody you consider

stupid, I bet that hurts.

yeah i ghostbumped this, sue me, I won't let him run away from me that easily

>> No.3345496,2 [INTERNAL] 

There's a potetntial irony in you right now....

>> No.3345496,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.3345496,4 [INTERNAL] 



I was being guess'd with you

I can't think of any word about your post right now!

so for now there's nothing to explain, Im sorry man!

>> No.3345496,5 [INTERNAL] 

also bump

>> No.3345496,6 [INTERNAL] 

Super cool thread bros. Discovering threads like these only makes me wonder what goes on in the heads of some people here.

>> No.3345496,7 [INTERNAL] 

This is /jp/ after all. Insanity is sort of a pre-requisite.

>> No.3345496,8 [INTERNAL] 

You don't make any sense today, Suigin, you have this thread autosaged and then you ghostbump it?
At least ZUN is here to provide some comedy, acting all innocent.

>> No.3345496,9 [INTERNAL] 

I wasn't even here for this thread. White Ren seems to be genuinely frustrated at something and it sort of bothers me when something like that happens. Even I did a double take from your response in that Marimite thread the other day.

I don't mind when it's all fun and games though. Apparently I'm Dawson Anon now; that's hilarious. I know it's probably Dawson Anon himself saying that too ITT, which makes it even more funny.

>> No.3345496,10 [INTERNAL] 

Shut up, Dawson.

>> No.3345496,11 [INTERNAL] 

I just read your post in the voice of Niles from Frasier and it was marvelously entertaining.

>> No.3345496,12 [INTERNAL] 

French mutts barking at each other on russian ghostboard.

>> No.3345496,13 [INTERNAL] 

the only time I make a long realpost with almost proper grammar and capitalization and the thread 404s before i post it

>> No.3345496,14 [INTERNAL] 

why did that post end up all broken though, I wonder...

>> No.3345496,15 [INTERNAL] 

why is sion so sexy

>> No.3345496,16 [INTERNAL] 

Because of that delicious white pantsu and being nuded!


>> No.3345496,17 [INTERNAL] 


I agree!

Well said, Anony!

>> No.3345496,18 [INTERNAL] 

The good old days.......
