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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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22600448 No.22600448 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Previous thread: >>22594025

>> No.22600450
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>> No.22600455
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>> No.22600520
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>> No.22600523
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>> No.22600581

I haven't studied in months. Is it worth it to even bother trying to go through the ~1k Anki reviews that have piled up

>> No.22600587

just read

>> No.22600589

nah just give up forever you don't have it in you anyway

>> No.22600594

Any good wikis in Japanese worth looking into?

>> No.22600601


>> No.22600603


>> No.22600608


>> No.22600684 [DELETED] 
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仲魔 lmao

>> No.22600688
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仲魔 lmao

>> No.22600694
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>> No.22600720

how many years of textbooks will it take for me be able to get into real content?

>> No.22600721


>> No.22600731

0. using any textbooks other than grammar textbooks means you will never be able to make it.

>> No.22600732


>> No.22600839

they're truly talking the piss after cell games

>> No.22600850 [DELETED] 
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My new wallpaper of my wife.

>> No.22600880

is that trip the real quiz master

>> No.22600887

Yes it is me.

>> No.22600910

only two more bars left of anki to go this year. crazy how time flies.

>> No.22600942

Man why does Forvo keeps acting up. Doesn't let you download anything right now.

>> No.22600987

lmfao he's truly undefeated

>> No.22601034

wtf they just described gokus 道着 as 山吹色 looks more like 橙色 to me though

>> No.22601101

I'm currently sentence mining primarily for grammar but after like 1 or 2 reps of a card I always start feeling like I know the sentences meaning because my brain remembers the translation, not because it's actually deciphering the written grammar. In those situations I'm always afraid that my brain won't actually learn anything from reviewing the sentences... Anyone else have that feeling? After how long do you usually retire your sentence cards?

>> No.22601112

lol do you have a translation on the back of your cards dumbass

>> No.22601116

Sentence cards aren't really suited to Anki and the logic behind them is quite misguided. I recommend you ditch them and do anime cards instead.

>> No.22601120

Ok, I will tell you how to practice.
Get something you want to understand, then translate it.
I enjoy translating song lyrics for example.
Listening practice is good too.
Cards should be for vocab/kanji only imo.

>> No.22601131

Unless you're trying to study formal grammar for academic reasons then aren't you learning what you should be learning anyway? Just don't set a short interval limit and any card will retire itself eventually.

>> No.22601133

this is an awful idea and the best way to cripple your brain forever. stop translating shit

>> No.22601148

Well the thing is when a sentence pops up my Brian immediately goes "ah I remember this sentence and it's meaning" after reading only 1 or 2 words so it doesn't even get the chance to decipher by reading once again

>> No.22601155

No I wont.
Since I started my understanding has become better, and I have become better at understanding spoken japanese as well.
Also knowing the meaning of song lyrics means I have an additional hook with which I can recall things.

>> No.22601161

>No I wont.
Then at least don't recommend your counterproductive and crippling dekinai methods to others

>> No.22601163

Then try the 'Dictionary of Japanese Grammar revised' deck. Copy the format if you really want your own sentences.

>> No.22601171

you think you understand it better cause you've crippled yourself.

>> No.22601172

In simplest terms just make the grammar point the first thing you see. Same thing goes for vocab cards that have context sentences.

>> No.22601174

how many sentences are in your deck

>> No.22601183


>> No.22601187

so far about 400 with 10 new added each day

>> No.22601189

Think I'm going to keep my card count updated like this.
K for thousand and AC for anime cards (or audio cards).

>> No.22601194

>make the grammar point the first thing you see.
not sure how to do that since some grammar points require multiple words beforehand until they become what they are. And at that point my brain has usually already cheat remembered the sentence.

>> No.22601200

What's the difference between an anime card and a sentence card

>> No.22601203


>> No.22601205

Anime cards have audio and the sentence on the back:

From VN:
From audio book:

Of course you can make them from anime and other video games too.
There is a guide for them on the itazura site, https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/anonguides.html at the bottom here.

>> No.22601206


>> No.22601215


>> No.22601226

i hope you mined this from a good nukige

>> No.22601229

I'm tired of this cripple bullshit of how you can't use translations or translating as study method...It's been going on for too long thanks to MIA.
Anyways, It's my 2nd month of studying and I cant wait to see what my 3rd month will bring me. I have been making great progress by just translating my own sentences from English to Japanese. And by reading some children's books I found on Amazon. Yeah you might be jelly because I can do all this while still having fun in life, but not everyone can keep up. So learn from me.

>> No.22601237

Well you can see where it's from right there. It's the SFW version of Demonbane.

>> No.22601239

tfw qm cripples himself by not learning ついばむ through H scenes

>> No.22601246

i feel like people who play nukige and read doujins have extremely crippled japanese cause they associate every word with porn lol

>> No.22601249
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>> No.22601256

d00d i'm on day 5 of nf i'll be needing a few buckets for friday night

>> No.22601369 [DELETED] 

Crazy how it's like 15 degrees C outside and we are already at the end of December. Where did all the snowy Christmases of my childhood go, or was that just a TV illusion all along.

>> No.22601370


read this before you sit through 10 hours of MIA videos or tutorials.

>> No.22601422 [DELETED] 

You know I always understood people not liking Final Fantasy XIII and their arguments but to me when I played it like 9 years ago it was kind of magical and always stayed a great game, I didn't mind that it was a corridor and the gameplay was fun and had the needed amount of complexity to make it good. Not to mention how great the soundtrack was, the environments and the atmosphere ... man...


Considering replaying it in Japanese.

>> No.22601424 [DELETED] 

nice dude try posting it here >>>/a/

>> No.22601431

u should uh show us some of that translating haha

>> No.22601441 [DELETED] 

as usual https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBloMCCt3qU

get a blogger acct and go back to discord plz

>> No.22601460 [DELETED] 

Don't be like that.

>> No.22601463

i think younger people tend to like FF XIII and older people dislike it because it's so different from the old titles. i think it's alright, but i grew up with FF7.
i don't really care for some of the characters, and part of the story is kind of lame, but i think the battle mechanics are pretty interesting and the music is great.

>> No.22601470

thats basically how i feel every time u post my dude

>> No.22601472


>> No.22601473

reddit tier convo incoming

>> No.22601480

yeah, let's not talk japanese media we might like or dislike, let's post "haha ur nihongo is crippled u got btfo'd" for the 500th time when no one in here is good at it at all.

>> No.22601482

idk i never liked girl cloud and all the stupid sounding names for all the shit in xiii but compared to 15 id almost rather go back and play 13-2 and 3 now lmfao

why cant they just make 1 new sick final fantasy game

>> No.22601485

You know I was going to read VN today but I found out it has scary parts in it and I am really bad with horror, but at the same time I think I need to get a pure experience. So I am kind of waiting for myself to cut off all communications and getting the full experience but being scared and it's just a bit of psychological battle. So that's why I'm making these banal posts.

My friend used to play FF7 on his PS1 but I never got into it myself. Kind of wish I did because I've never played it until this day. Maybe my first time experiencing it will end up being the remake which I'm not sure will be good or bad.

Man she is great. Really cute.

>> No.22601486

sounds like ur just coping and making up a convenient truth to feel better

>> No.22601496

i was really disappointed in FF15 and it's probably one of the few in the series i'll never replay
even though they built this big world with lots of cool systems it feels empty and boring. the only redeeming part was at the end when you choose which picture to take with you, then they show it at the end was actually really amazing but other than that it was shit.

>> No.22601506

wow truly amazing
but i think you guys should stfu and go to /v/

>> No.22601509

ur nihongo is crippled

that's basically all this thread is
i'd encourage anyone who actually wants to get good to never come back to this shithole again and instead just spend more time getting input

>> No.22601510

i called it

>> No.22601511

it just wasnt a final fantasy game

i mean final fantasy kinda stopped being final fantasy by around ff8 then momentarily was final fantasy again for ff9 but then after that final fantasy became something else and they shoulda stopped callign it final fantasy

like ff10 shoulda just had a generic random rpg title and no one woulda knew the difference

>> No.22601513
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If I study for 6 hours a day, would I be learning three times faster than if I was studying 2 hours a day?

>> No.22601517

>i'd encourage anyone who actually wants to get good to never come back to this shithole again and instead just spend more time getting input

good we see eye to eye on things

>> No.22601518

I'm not sure how you expect anyone to be able to answer that. For all intents and purposes you can assume that is the case though. The more effort and time you put in the faster you'll get there.

>> No.22601519

idk sounds like /sci/ question

>> No.22601523


>> No.22601528

i just saw the definition for 怨霊, which is "受けた仕打ちにうらみを抱いて、たたりをする死霊または生き霊。"
how can a 霊 生きる?

>> No.22601532

the there u got to and the there hell get to are completely different theres tho

time and effort means nothing if u pour them into something ineffective or flawed haha

well it means u become good at being bad haha

>> No.22601535



>> No.22601538

That's not the variable that was discussed though so meaningless point.

>> No.22601540

did you consider checking the definition of 生霊

>> No.22601543

One hour a day of reading, over three years (about 1050 hours of reading) for a reader with a starting English level of TOEIC 250 (Basic Proficiency, “able to satisfy immediate survival needs)and the lowest rate of progress on the confidence interval, .46 pages per hour of reading, would result in a TOEIC score of 733, the Limited Working Proficiency level (“Able to satisfy most social demands and limited work requirements.”).

yeah i know TOEIC is probably bullshit but it's realistically the best we have to go off of, unless you want them to make a 3 year update video and flip through an english book and say "i understand it" like ben.

these were japanese learners learning english from ages 21-78. it lists the materials they read.

>> No.22601544

haha here bro let me google that for u


>> No.22601550

Theoretically yes but practically no. Your ability to focus will go down while the chances of burnout go up the the longer you go without effective breaks. The exact numbers would depend on your own circumstances. Go try it to find out.

>> No.22601553

its not a meaningless point bc im saying u worked and put in a lot of effort but at the end of the day dont understand the difference between 正直 and 素直 and cant read 一番はやい properly

so frankly ur opinion on getting there needs to be given a footnote saying that what he means by "there" is where he ended up which is not where u ever want to be

>> No.22601557

this is the reason why he will never be 素直 because he put too much effort in to admit even to himself that it was all for nought. it's a sorry state of affairs.

>> No.22601562

Of course I can do all those things so you are just being dishonest at best. Everyone makes singular mistakes.

Besides I didn't do much more than consume Japanese media and review new elements in Anki, my Anki time rarely ever exceeding 30 minutes and lately begin around 10 minutes. I doubt you want to argue you consuming Japanese doesn't work.

>> No.22601572

he finally almost admitted that he made a mistake

>> No.22601571

Also funny how in a reply someone makes about putting more time into studying he starts making it about me again.

Really obsessed aren't you?

>> No.22601573
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Thanks for the answers, now excuse me I have some water pumping to do.

>> No.22601576




>> No.22601577


>> No.22601582 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22601581

if u wanna remedy this situation i suggest not posting cuz when u dont post i dont have to keep stomping this mud hole in ur ass day in and day out

>> No.22601583

The time I put in is quite limited. Still less than 3 years passed since I started and if I average my daily time investment it's probably like 2 hours or somewhere around that.

I've always admitted any mistakes I did if I legitimately made them. The conclusions I draw just aren't the same.
When I make a singular reading mistake I think 'oh lol my brain goofed there' ; especially when it's part of a 3+ minute Vocaroo reading in a series of Vocaroo's that probably span over 10 minutes now. The conclusion you want to draw is 'All the time you have put in means nothing because you can't even do this' when that is simply not the case.

>> No.22601590

it's the fact that you think that 素直and 正直 were interchangeable in that sentence that's the mistake than what you said tho and you'll never admit that because you don't believe it's true, because you don't know japanese

>> No.22601595

Isolated vocabulary on the front seems like a bad Idea. It's what the 2k core vocab deck does and I'm sad I'm stuck with it because of sunk cost. Vocabulary in context of a sentence on the front seems more beneficial

>> No.22601598

it is don't listen to this retard. anime cards are why he thinks two different words can be used interchangeably when they can't. if he'd been using sentence cards he wouldn't be confused

>> No.22601600

Interchangeable, not saying they mean the same thing and yes they are interchangeable as in they can both work in certain contexts and are grammatically equivalent.

>> No.22601604

>Vocabulary in context of a sentence
you get plenty of that by reading/listening to anime, manga, vns, lns, etc., not by reading the same lines over and over on anki.

>> No.22601612

>Learned all Katakana and hiragana in a day
Evidently you did not

Oh wait, this is another useless Reddit cooypasta isn't it

>> No.22601673

Okay fuck it I will just read this VN right now and not care about being scared!
It's fine to get over myself and deal with it. Let's go.

>> No.22601674

matt says you'll be learning faster than a factor of 3 because the longer you get input the less you're forgetting/more you're getting reminded of stuff, so the more you're building.

>> No.22601680

there is like 5+ words for something vaguley meaning "conclusion, decision" in the most frequent words and it makes me wanna smash anki.

>> No.22601685

doin core2k i see?

>> No.22601687

are you doing cards with english on the front lol

>> No.22601695

thinking about not using anki anymore after 1 year of use.

>> No.22601710

i've never mined any katakana loanwords.

>> No.22601714

if you want a short but good game try Carnival

>> No.22601836

懊悩 sounds like oh no!
anybody ever thought of this before?

>> No.22601852

9 fucking episodes of anime in ONE day and my power level didn't increase AT ALL. FUCK this shit.

>> No.22601853 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22601861

it's not about reaching peak highs and then crashing and burning.
it's about being consistent.

>> No.22601862

last time i checked that kid got fucking buried

>> No.22601886

it's impossible to notice actual gains of a particular day
unless it's literally your first day

>> No.22601888

you're already mega fluent so your fluency stands to decrease from watching shonen but when i watch 1 millisecond of a kid show my comprehension should multiply by a factor of 100.

>> No.22601923 [DELETED] 

gt is not that bad it had its moments

>> No.22601924 [DELETED] 

i'm actually kind of torn on gt vs super because i didn't like either of them but super is at least canon and actually feels canon whereas gt feels like a fanfic.

>> No.22601968


>> No.22601984 [DELETED] 
File: 683 KB, 1266x629, umaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this selfish little fucking cunt. her brother should beat the fuck out of her.

>> No.22602110

What are you wondering about?

>> No.22602144
File: 15 KB, 709x240, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i swear to god if my translated VN post gets deleted, im gonna start a full on self defense situation that will be judged as a murder

>> No.22602150 [DELETED] 


>> No.22602151 [DELETED] 

janny is obv a fuckin narutard or something if he keeps deleting my dbz posts which are highly relevant to learning japanese.

>> No.22602154

>if they arent gonna enforce the board rules uniformly
if you want that, report the posts that are in violation of the rules
otherwise those who already report will be getting the eyes of moderation

>> No.22602166 [DELETED] 

this faggot janny should go moderate /g/
its probably getting spammed as we speak just like every single day

>> No.22602168
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>> No.22602174


>> No.22602177 [DELETED] 

based on what kind of posts janny deletes i can conclude that he doesn't know any japanese

>> No.22602184 [DELETED] 

i like what the janny's doing

>> No.22602190 [DELETED] 


>> No.22602193 [DELETED] 

it's just moe reporting all shonen posts because he can't handle seeing epic dbz moments without questioning his entire life philosophy

>> No.22602201

make sure you guys are getting lots of comprehensible and compelling input
otherwise you will never learn japanese

>> No.22602210
File: 72 KB, 638x926, demo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we discuss actually useful things, and things which are related to japanese learning? thanks.

i'm still a little confused on demo after getting thousands of hours of input. please explain. this discussion is gonna be amazing.

>> No.22602230

Well listen dude I literally don't understand what you could possible be confused about so I'm afraid I have little more to say then just have a good time with some quality Japanese content and if something comes up just come back and we'll unpack it together a'ight

>> No.22602231

hey i know that JAPANESE rapper
are you a fellow JAPANASE RAP OTAKU i read in the title that this is an OTAKU CULTURE board

>> No.22602236

That's pretty good. Post the entire stats screen.

>> No.22602247

maybe janny started learning japanese yesterday and is frustrated that were not spoonfeeding him lmao

>> No.22602259

lmfao it would be funny as fuck if he's some all board janny (idk how this shit works) and he came in here to learn japanese and was like da fug is goin on here they don't pay me enough to deal with all this

>> No.22602260
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>> No.22602269

some baseball hall of famers or something

>> No.22602318

except that the information I searched wasn't there you are just making shit up as always

>> No.22602328

don't care to discuss with somebody who is dishonest

>> No.22602340

that's the thing there is nothing to discuss
all your talking points are based on lying and purposeful misinterpretation

>> No.22602359

you are free to read the thread instead of ignoring every post inconvenient to your narrative

>> No.22602397

I just noticed Jamal made the thread about me personally for like the third time now
he really likes talking about me

>> No.22602432

i really feel like quiz might be mentally ill or something

>> No.22602444
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>> No.22602454

idk but to me it would feel weird as fuck infiltrate one of these as a gayjin

>> No.22602464

>I will now actually go enjoy some Japanese shit which I am thankfully perfectly capable of
just look at his posts

>> No.22602499

someone get the shovel
this kid needs to be reborn again

>> No.22602518

qm is based

>> No.22602670
File: 509 KB, 1044x593, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been watching some chinese cartoons and i have a question.
Grammar guides have taught me that し at the end of verbs etc. is used for listing reasons, but sometimes characters seem to just attach it out of the blue. What's the nuance here?

>> No.22602714

i bet qm waited for someone to answer that question before he had the balls to post that link lmfao

>> No.22602724

Yeah I can post on the Discord too

>> No.22602743

I'll read the thread when I want to read it and post in it when I want to post in it
don't expect me to catch up with every post when I went to do something else lol

>> No.22602748

what site
if you are using shitmelon you can turn that off in the settings

>> No.22602750

stfu autist you said you'd disappear and consume some actual japanese for now

>> No.22602759
File: 489 KB, 1033x586, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea animelon
idk where

>> No.22602760

that's what I did though what did you think I did that lead to me posting the video
I read a bit in my VN and watched some funny Youtube videos in Japanese and then saw that and linked it because it'd probably trigger someone like Jamal well I mean if he understood it lmfao

>> No.22602769
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>> No.22602771

should i read axanael if i only know 4k words? i already have it installed and it launches and works.

>> No.22602789

yeah I see you productively engaging with meaningful Japanese posts LMFAO I hope you do all day from now on really cheering you on man

>> No.22602793

i copied this straight from my jojo clip

>> No.22602804

>Manual Highlight Translate (removes word spacing)
I wonder...

>> No.22602808

lmfao stfu

>> No.22602816

oh, based.
that's sad, that setting is inferior
why would they tie it to something like that baka

>> No.22602871


>> No.22602890

>the implications of bed chatter time
idk if it's common enough to be stock but it's a phrase that gets used whenever you're talking to literally anyone who falls asleep while you're talking to them, the actual content of the conversation barely matters

t. veteran of one million sol anime where people fall asleep

>> No.22602942

i checked the source and there really isn't, the anime cuts like three hours forwards to literally that scene with zero context (it's literally scene cut, girl A says the thing to girl B who is sleeping, notice's she's asleep, scene cut)

some very surprising shit happens later on but honestly the show never actually becomes that interesting

save yourself the trouble and just watch girl's last class instead

>> No.22602971

yeah, in all honesty i was surprised by that shit

>> No.22603006

>if I average my daily time investment it's probably like 2 hours or somewhere around that.
uh that’s impossible stop lying so much

>> No.22603048

Who died?

>> No.22603049

you're on 4chan, why act surprised that internet randoms aren't going to be the picture of empathy

>> No.22603050

i use shit anime for listening practice
well not here

>> No.22603060

why? can't you just remember the ambiguous meaning and then figure out the nuances when you see or hear them

>> No.22603097

a 日本人

>> No.22603119

So does Tae Kim not cover all grammar or what?
This seems as though it would be essential grammar?

>> No.22603202

btw tae kim covers both>>22603171

>> No.22603229

oops, i'm retarded.
the try something out grammar was ingrained in my brain as Te form + Mitai, but apparently it's just Miru.
I hate my life

>> No.22603266

i've been here on and off for over a year

>> No.22603378


>> No.22603411

completely made up bullshit

>> No.22603412

That's nothing. I've been learning jap and coming here on and off for almost 3 years.

>> No.22603426

I'd like to be able to read Naruto without a dictionary

>> No.22603461

Dictionary definitely helps. I read sentences I know all the words in I try to just feel the meaning rather than translating it... There's no real way to check I understood the meaning of a sentence so yeah when the grammar is a little whack sometimes I feel like I'm inventing what's being said with no way to know if I'm right or not

>> No.22603492

I totally get you on the "feel" part, obviously my feeling is gonna be wrong/different without more experience and exposure to the language. But come on man, I'd know zero words if I didn't use a dictionary ever

>> No.22603500

pretty sure no textbook for schoolchildren attempts to teach them all the kanji at once

>> No.22603534

this person is so fucking weird.
there must be some mental illness in there

>> No.22603540

if you have probelms learning japanese rest assured its not cuz of heisig's keywords

>> No.22603551

thanks for answering a question that literally nobody ever asked

>> No.22603564 [DELETED] 

wondering if jamal will post here on christmas or if he will disappear like on thanksgiving?

>> No.22603595 [DELETED] 

is babylon difficult for you (to understand)?

>> No.22603598 [DELETED] 


>> No.22603599 [DELETED] 

i read that as babylonian
just for a second i had a positive opinion of moe

>> No.22603605

if you've ever read the wikipedia article on hanzi, you should know that many kanji have one component that bears meaning and another one that points to its pronunciation in ancient chinese (or the japanese 音読み). desu with you mate, chinese characters have existed for so long that any possible "etymology" you could get out of wiktionary or any paper on historical linguistics will probably just be mere speculation. japanese people use made-up mnemonics for kanji, so why shouldn't you use them too? after all, what matters is not knowing kanji's "true" etymology, but rather the true meaning of words that use them.

>> No.22603606

>the problem is the interpretation is still largely left up to ur ability which leads to still kinda having to make shit up or getting the main point but not really getting how they got there
how is this a problem when every human who has ever learned a language has gone through this process

>> No.22603610 [DELETED] 

i'm sure polyglotmoe knows sumerian and assyrian too, and can probably write cuneiform from memory.

>> No.22603615
File: 2.20 MB, 540x304, 1569977563829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22603625

does janny realize that asking moe about how difficult babylon is to comprehend relates to japanese???

>> No.22603638

i was trying to write "to be (素/正)直"

>> No.22603640

no that guy is a fucking idiot
i already hit that フィードバック button yesterday

>> No.22603646


>> No.22603648

How do people like this actually exist?

>> No.22603649

wondering whats imoutos favorite JAPANESE meme

>> No.22603659

I'm lacking motivation right now,

I want to be able to speak Japanese, but I don't wanna go through the process of learning it.

I often only learn Japanese in the evening right before bed, so I don't have much time. I try to remember to do it earlier in the afternoon, but I find more excitement in spending (or wasting) my time on video games and stuff.

Also, I pay like $10 a month for LingoDeer, so I feel like I have to use it or I'm wasting my money. The thing is, since I do my Japanese late at night, I often don't have time to do anything useful with LingoDeer.

How do you guys get motivation?

>> No.22603662

wtf wheres the mods
go post that shit in /a/

>> No.22603665

you imagine all the shitposting you'll be able to do by waving around your massive japanese-speaking penis in this thread

this is what motivates the posters behind about 90% of the posts in these threads

>> No.22603670

i get motivation from wanting to know what these ギャルs are saying

>> No.22603677

this but unironically

>> No.22603678

by watching videos of a guy who makes reworded versions of khatz' blog posts and is still not native-level fluent in korean after 9 years of study (but is at least not a dogmatic asshole like matt is) https://youtu.be/Zukv8wZ1BkQ

>> No.22603688

that guy's pretty chill. too bad there's nobody like him on the nihongo learning side

>> No.22603690

this but ironically

>> No.22603692

dont call them bitches

>> No.22603693

well i gotta say that im little demotivated too after this janny showed up
i mean thanks to him my new goal of 100 (you)s didnt come true last thread, and its not going to happen in this one either i think

>> No.22603719

people who are reasonably humble will assume they don’t know everything from the get go
and only use the dictionary to help glean whatever meaning they can in that instance
like kids do

>> No.22603814

has anybody read 帝都物語?

>> No.22603872

I have about 60 Japanese manga (I bought them in bulk) it became a goal to read one page a day. Its cool to take a break from it for a few weeks and come back and be able to understand some of it.

>> No.22603884


>> No.22603910


>> No.22603929


>> No.22603931

I just read 危険 as きかい despite learning for 16 months. I am never gonna fucking learn this language.

>> No.22603946

yeah do it, your subconscious is trying to tell you it's time

>> No.22603947

with air soft lol
either way i am subbing

>> No.22603955

watch half that amount and spend the rest of the time reading, do that for a few months and you'll notice something

>> No.22603970
File: 58 KB, 1197x109, lmfao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok last one

>> No.22603991

god no, it covers most basic grammar and a pinch of intermediate. The basic volume alone of the dojg covers more than tae kims entire grammar guide and in 10 times as much details.

>> No.22604030

it'll become incomprehensible at that point but simply cutting out the white noise? now that's just friggin epic.

>> No.22604033

the entire dojg deck has rougly as many entries as vncore, many of which are normal words or expressions that have an entry in regular dictionaries.
i wouldn't say it's recommendable to go through all of the dojg the way people usually do with tae kim or core decks.

>> No.22604040 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 439x290, lingo deer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22604041 [DELETED] 

pretty much every single post in this thread is a shitpost

>> No.22604061

forgot the time marker thing

>> No.22604063


>> No.22604091

kenichi was sorta kind of a little bit entertaining https://streamable.com/oqfk4

and i watched OPM a couple months ago but since then it's been sol (all trash, which is inherent to their subject matter) and bad shonen like dr. stone.

>> No.22604116

wodt - 中東

>> No.22604211

every time i hear this word i think of this fucking thread now. (or the other word.)

>> No.22604222

because of this thread i can not read できた normally anymore

>> No.22604231

i have no memory of this

>> No.22604236


>> No.22604278


>> No.22604279

kill la kill

>> No.22604302

>slightly over a year and 8 months ago

>> No.22604323 [DELETED] 

when was the last time you felt happy?

>> No.22604328 [DELETED] 

when the janny really wasnt here

>> No.22604346 [DELETED] 

3 months ago when i was reading AIR

>> No.22604350 [DELETED] 

the overall feeling of joy and the transient feeling of happiness are two different things
that being said, today 2 hours ago
my sister cooked a good chicken she got from the butcher

>> No.22604352 [DELETED] 

when I masturbated around 3 hours ago

>> No.22604364 [DELETED] 

i'm an addict and the best fap sessions are where i happen to find something that really really hits the spot but that's pretty rare

>> No.22604388 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22604389


>> No.22604403



>> No.22604404


>> No.22604407

real amazing N5 shitposts in this thread

>> No.22604410


>> No.22604467

what do you guys do with your family during the holidays?

>> No.22604470
File: 116 KB, 475x347, 1408254659464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing my new cards for the day
>at one point it said I had 22 cards in learning
>a few cards later I look again and it says I only have 4 left
>finish those, anki says I'm all done
>open it up today
>it says I have 16 cards in learning before I've even started
What the fuck?

>> No.22604475

i just tried reading teito monogatari and got impressed by how many real historical figures' names are namedropped.
i've spent more time during the last hour reading wikipedia articles instead of reading this novel because of everything i've had to look up

>> No.22604557

yo wtf bros, this is fake right

>> No.22604578

30 new card limit.
Hit around 50 before anki says I'm done.
Next day only let's me see 27 even though there's more left. It happens I guess.

>> No.22604582

Though in your case it might be because at that time those 16 cards were not due yet. Like in 5 minutes or so you would have seen them.

>> No.22604599

lol funny vid

>> No.22604731

is anki a must for learning jaypee?

>> No.22604741

look at this and suffer

>> No.22604758

based. thanks

>> No.22604760

noticed after posting its that new shit quake
but that looks horrible is exactly what i meant dude was basically camping

>> No.22604766

most likely isnt but the guys still shit
the whole point was controllers being shit

>> No.22604942

what are good drama cds or audio hosted on itazuraneko to listen to while i play minecraft

>> No.22604984

imagine reading 礎 as いそ

>> No.22604989
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>> No.22604992


>> No.22604993

u are a god i think i'll never misread the kanji again

>> No.22605061



>> No.22605079

Is there any point to learning the kanji for shit like どう (如何) and ここ (此処)? Do they ever come up?

>> No.22605091

depending on the media and genre, yes it does come up. but you'll eventually just get used to it as you come across it

>> No.22605115

yeah does pop up depending on the author and what you are reading 此処 as ここ is fine but 如何 is pretty much never どう but but some form of 如何に (いかに) or 如何にも (いかにも) or even something like 如何せん
that's the usual reading for it

>> No.22605123

you might also argue about if 何故 should be read as なぜ or なにゆえ as both works and both is said , and there is really no way to decide it beyond just having a feel for the text
Japanese is kind of fucked up like that

>> No.22605141

this is cool and all but keep that same energy when u read a kanji wrong on a quiz

>> No.22605244

almost cried watching arrow of orion

>> No.22605258

about what

>> No.22605267


>> No.22605322
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>> No.22605336


>> No.22605359

>being able to do the n1 quiz is the standard set before you are allowed to say you can read kanji at all lol
reasons why people don’t like you number nine hundred ninety nine

>> No.22605361

well I'm sorry you are still lagging behind on your Japanese learning but your own progress feelings matter quite little to what constitutes as functional kanji reading ability

>> No.22605378

just mined 湘南

>> No.22605385

hes right

>> No.22605407

wait, is that wrong?

>> No.22605433

yes unless it's 1日間 then it would be いちにちかん

>> No.22605483



>> No.22605534

I'm still pretty early into Tae Kim's guide, and until now I thought I understand は and が pretty well. I've stumbled upon this sentence, and I just can't make sense of it. I know it's suppsed to be "I don't like expensive restaurants very much.", but I just don't see how it fits together.. Can somebody explain 値段が高いレストランはあまり好きじゃない。 to me?

>> No.22605544

watch cure dolly, she has the best explanation on basic japanese grammar.

>> No.22605560

Its your choice.
I would personally just watch cure-dolly.
Tae Kim was a good resource when her youtube series didnt exist yet.

>> No.22605563


How would you interpret this sentence?
A: Can't you do me the favour of buying expensive thing?
B: Can you do me the favour of not buying expensive thing?

I feel as though both meanings could be correct just from seeing this sentence. Am I wrong?

>> No.22605575

Nevermind で behind negative verb makes the meaning 100% "Do me the favour of not buying expensive thing."

>> No.22605602

You can't learn a language by having someone explain it or talk about it for you. Once you have the basics down you are better off going out there consuming interesting shit and learning from what you see. Just use a dictionary when you are confused.

>> No.22605616 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 750x986, A1B89F35-4BE8-42B8-A667-43CD72C1B3ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh my n*gga steve just dropped a giant red pill on the reddit textbook troopers

>> No.22605643

>He chose every means he could to achieve his goals

How the fuck do you untangle the grammar in this sentence? I asked my Japanese friend why 選ばなかったわね。is in negative and he couldn't explain it to me. It's been like a year and I still don't understand this sentence. Please someone help me untangle this piece of shit

>> No.22605649

Ditch the literally wrong translation. The japanese already makes sense by itself.

>> No.22605651

手段を選ばない is a set phrase that means that so idk why you're so confused about it but it probably literally means "used any method that was available" ie they did not choose one but used them all

>> No.22605655

oh i didn't even read the english translation you posted this is why using translations to understand shit is retarded. most translations aren't literal because that's not how languages work.

>> No.22605662

literally didn't understand what you could possible be confused by until I read the reply comments lmfao >>22605643

>> No.22605669 [DELETED] 

it’s funny you call urself reborn but then i remember ur a racist ...

>> No.22605674 [DELETED] 

I'm not a racist

>> No.22605688

Crazy how the Final Fantasy 13 Steam version doesn't have Japanese text...

>> No.22605708

Fuck this game's overworld map FUCK IT

>> No.22605709

>want to try outputting some japanese
>gotta take care about correct usage of formal, casual or humble speak
>gotta take care to not sound girly
and if that wasn't enough
>gotta make sure you choose one dialect and stick with it, without mixing up words and grammars from other dialects like a retard

>> No.22605715
File: 330 KB, 533x224, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22605719 [DELETED] 

who you fooling

>> No.22605720

You are a foreigner so nobody cares that you speak like a retard.
They are glad that they can speak to you at all.

>> No.22605729

I don't want to be called a dqn gaijin when shitposting in 5ch

>> No.22605749

musics pretty neat tho

>> No.22605763

「値段が高い」 is basically functioning as an adjective, should be a section that explains that

>> No.22605820

Thanks you, kind anons.

>> No.22605826

>手段を選ばない is a set phrase
I didn't know this.
How am I supposed to find out about these things?

>> No.22605839

I wasn't using the translation to understand it per se, i was just using it to communicate about the sentence.

>> No.22605861

Pop-up dic
Read more

>> No.22605903

>Guessing Japanese expressions
Unironically impossible unless you have a sino brain

>> No.22605918

if something doesn't make sense to you then you should probably try using a dictionary instead of spending a year thinking about it and coming up with absolutely nothing lol. any dictionary including mouse over ones have that expression so next time try moving your mouse to the left

>> No.22605940 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 768x1024, CZztGECUcAEV5uR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nukige wins again

>> No.22605947

that expression isn't even hard to guess. "not choosing a (specific) method" = "using every method" isn't a massive logical leap

>> No.22606365

how much do japs hate gaijin on their imageboards

>> No.22606384

oh look half of the thread is gone again, and most of the post were related to japanese
well cant comment on the lingo steve img now because the picture fucking 404d

>> No.22606439

i recently noticed that my german has gotten so bad that i felt less uncomfortable reading a japanese translation of goethes faust than the original work.

>> No.22606461

Germans themselves aren't exactly comfortable reading the original themselves, sure they can but not easily
wager a translation is more modern

>> No.22606538

now i can say i do.

>> No.22606620

no he’s not and you can’t read n1 kanji

>> No.22606644

>You can't learn a language by having someone explain it or talk about it for you.
but you could have benefitted from an explanation on 素直 vs 正直

>> No.22606645

>I can read this
Does this mean I reached the level of understanding a 6 year old?

>> No.22606648

> >>22605940
what was here?

>> No.22606649

how does it feel to be able to read less than the guy you constantly want to talk shit to lol stay in your play pen forever bro I'm consuming some compelling content with 100% comprehension

>> No.22606650

no because reading and understanding are two different things

>> No.22606677

>ecchi harem manga enjoying life
this anon knows whats up and will be beyond N1

>> No.22606679


>> No.22606691

slap it on this lmfao

>> No.22606693
File: 4 KB, 250x176, 1571013333059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm consuming some compelling content with 100% comprehension
nigga stop lying

>> No.22606704

qms accent sounds so much stronger than matt's accent.
jamal's accent sounds american af too, but that's a separate issue.

>> No.22606710

>never having a single meaningful thing to say about Japanese or learning it
idk jamal is pretty consistent on helping others with their questions
and thats actually helping unlike posting your daily anki stats

>> No.22606723
File: 167 KB, 1366x738, 1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22606726

sure lol but it's pretty close and a good approximation basically I can enjoy everything without a dictionary sure there is words I don't know or whatever just as there are in English or German but it usually doesn't even impact understanding it's the same as when you see some rare shit in English and you just go whatever lol because you still get it
but I still choose to mine occasionally
my Anki time has gone to below 10 minutes by now though because despite consuming every day I don't really see the need to mine anything

I don't train my accent and don't talk to Japanese people already said that before
besides in that vocaroo I wasn't trying to speak cleanly but just run down a LN page so I just didn't really worry about accent there

:) helped someone in this very thread myself suggest you scroll up and check out my very helpful posts

>> No.22606740

just because you've made an anki card for a word doesn't mean you know it

>> No.22606749

it's funny how jamal keeps posting the LN page I read minutes after it was posted flawlessly making fun of my accent when he not only said he didn't care about that but his own accent is 10 times worse in a vocaroo he needed to train a week for lmfao what goes on in his mind is so weird

>> No.22606758

yeah I actually know a lot more words than I make anki cards for because I rarely make words from unvoiced text yet read a whole lot of it so I just end up learning a ton of shit I never mined :)
wager my Japanese vocab is like at 20-25k

>> No.22606764

quick hearing check
can you tell these phonemes apart?

>> No.22606769

as a neutral observer jamals joke vocaroos display much more proficiency with the language than qms serious ones which are almost unlistenable. once he learns more japanese he'll be able to pick up on stuff like that

>> No.22606778

damn you can tell when someones fuming as soon as they drop the smiley emoji in 2019 like walk away from your computer nigga its bad for your mental health

>> No.22606809

reminder that bangers make you sound better

>> No.22606836

it's because his brain can't comprehend that there's a difference between words in anki and words you know so it's bluescreened reading the comment

>> No.22606846

seems like not a single poster here has ever escaped the whole lowering your voice to a mumble when speaking to cover your shit pronunciation trap guess dekinaichan was right kimitachi wa benkyou ga dekinai

>> No.22606851

yeah after 1 week of practice you delivered this performance sorry but this is too silly to continue I'm out
nobody here knows Japanese and it's pure Jamal cult shit fuck you


>> No.22606867

glad qm found some more emotionally impacting stuff to read

>> No.22606871

idk i think theres quite a few people who know some nihongo here
but some of them know it only in their anki

>> No.22606874

why doesn't it? does warosu omit tripcodes for some reason? don't tell me the maintainer is deliberately blacklisting certain users.

>> No.22606877

thats like saying you know nihongo because you have access to google translate lol

>> No.22606911

planning on going to japan and taking my anki deck with me to the toilets

>> No.22606935

fuck no wonder they hate gayjins

>> No.22606938

where are matts leaked decks for jlpt tango n5 and n4?

>> No.22606947

just use core2klol

>> No.22606952

guys the obsession with those tango decks has never made sense. just do vncore and then see where you wanna go from there

>> No.22606955


b-b-but i need the jlpt tango decks

>> No.22606959

there's a reason why Matt recommends the tango decks and not core2k or vncore.

>> No.22606960

u dont

>> No.22606966

b-b-but i WANT it them

>> No.22606970

tango has the same kind of miatard appeal as sentence mining tae kim or using subs2srs+mormphman does

>> No.22606971

why is it dumb? it makes for a spectacle. the alternative is turning this place into /int/'s djt which as you can clearly see is soulless and pointless.

>> No.22606972

go back to lereddit bro no1 gives a fuck about what you think. im only here because i already know japanese and like to make fun of noobs like quizmaster

>> No.22606979

you’re one of the insecure little shits i see

>> No.22606984

so no one has matts tango decks no wonder no one knows japanese here baka

>> No.22606985

the problem with wanting some "serious nihongo discussion" is that anyone who "needs advice" is retarded. there's literally nothing you cant just google related to this language and find out easily. that's why no1 here who isn't a massive retard is ever gonna be happy with dumb questions or sincere posting about japanese shit. it just means you're low iq if you can't find the answer elsewhere to any question you may have

>> No.22606986

i have them but i don't wanna share them because i hate it when beginners think they need a certain resource and feel more comfortable with it only to realize months later how meaningless it was.

>> No.22606992

people who claim to learn by speaking with japanese people are usually bugmen normalfags with shitty accents and a very poor vocabulary

>> No.22607003

So they are the same as you?

>> No.22607008

Dude, why do you need some fags deck?
Just make you own from shit you read aylmao.

>> No.22607009

The absolute best way to learn Japanese is to spend weeks or even months not actually learning Japanese but fretting over which way is optimal because the vast swathes of information and MIA youtubers you have easy access to on the internet have left your mind anxious about doing anything any way other than what the hivemind tells you is the 'best way'.
True Nihongo masters can go years without ever learning a single Kanji reading. Honestly, you're best to just keep downloading dozens upon dozens of beginner Anki decks, never starting them, while doing RTK, and continually posting on /jp/ and reddit to find out which is the best way because you DO NOT under any circumstances want to spend even 10 minutes doing anything in a way which is anything less than the best way. It is better to spend months doing nothing instead.

>> No.22607018

too soon bro

>> No.22607056

its actually for a lazy friend and when those decks leaked, i really wish i had them when i first started
so yeah, still looking for those jlpt tango decks. the matts version

>> No.22607061

>a lazy friend
not gonna make it

>> No.22607069

tell him to use core2k and then mine some sol anime
tango is useless & excessively expensive

>> No.22607071

imagine spending years learning a language only to end up on an english speaking message board trying to convince a bunch of random english speakers of your supposed abilities
all while claiming you're not insecure

>> No.22607077

but i really think the first two decks that leaked were a very fine starting point. beyond that point, some other shit

>> No.22607085

just make a subs2srs deck out of yuru yuri, kiniro mosaic, gochiusa, & you'll be ii

>> No.22607090

yea because everyone's ultimate goal is to spend time talking to japanese ppl lol i think you accidentally wandered off reddit where that might be true? japs are the most dishonest people around so why would i want to talk to them lol. at least people here are very 素直 except hayai guy

>> No.22607099

FUCK mining. i wanna have matt's deck so i can snitch to matt's discord and report it to mega for ToS violation
then he'll praise me for being a good obedient MIA follower

>> No.22607101

why do normies who wanna learn to speak with japs get irritated or offended when people here say they don't really care about speaking with japs

>> No.22607108

they think we're just lying because normies can't believe that anyone could possibly not give a fuck about something like that

>> No.22607109

we want the same thing. at least the first half of it lol

>> No.22607111

because language = tool of communication and communication = two-sided exchange of ideas in the minds of normalfags
blame communication classes people take in high school for this misconception

>> No.22607113
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>> No.22607140

>if u cant communicate with others then u cant understand whats being communicated to u
other way around.
you can't communicate with others unless you understand what others are talking about

>> No.22607142

it was implied by the fact that you said "i spent years just to end up here" as if this isn't a fine place to be. the implication is obviously that i should be talking to japs on 2ch or something don't play dumb

>> No.22607149

can't wait to get home and watch some epic nihongo media
and not use anki

>> No.22607159

heres some bullshit i pulled straight out from my ass
since language is meant for communication, id think that your brain would accept a new language more easily, if you actually used it in real communication like jamal said
like it would "fool" your brain into thinking that fuck we need to acquire this new language to survive, so we better learn wtf these autistic island people are saying

>> No.22607163

the fact matt learned to output just by getting 8+ hours of input a day for 3 years proves you don't need to output to get decent at output

>> No.22607173

highly doubt anyone is getting 8+ hours of input per day.

>> No.22607174
File: 10 KB, 341x342, autis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as if this isn't a fine place to be

>> No.22607175


>> No.22607188

do you think in terms of words or in terms of pictures?
i think in terms of pictures.

>> No.22607190

part of the survival bro
but im really not sure if the manga cuts it because it aint even reading

>> No.22607191

none of this really makes any sense. it would be impossible for someone to communicate in a language at all if they couldn't already understand some of it in order to mimic what they understand, or to know what it is they are replying to in a conversation. which by extension obviously means it's possible to learn to understand the language without going through the actual communicative act yourself

>> No.22607192


>> No.22607203

isn't this the clip where the guys gf says that if she didn't know he was a gaijin she'd think it was a japanese guy on the phone

>> No.22607210

yeah i heard yoga say that

>> No.22607226

or you can just watch other people's interactions for thousands of hours and get the exact same thing. there's nothing special about your own experience here i think you're just going off your own limited experience here

>> No.22607256

ok but no1 is claiming anything like that, the claim is basically the same as saying that studying that individual persons playing you could hear what notes they were playing which is obviously true. the skill of speaking (playing) is not required for the skill of comprehension, although the opposite is obviously true

>> No.22607261

epic gendo reference in umaru chan

>> No.22607307

what you're saying is basically the same as saying that someone can't appreciate music if they can't play an instrument. you don't have to understand everything in depth to have a level of comprehension that's pretty reasonable. most of the shit you're implying about the meta/emotional aspect of language can be gained through seeing it used repeatedly. ive never personally called anyone a ばか in my life nor will i ever but im pretty sure i know what it means or what it would feel like from seeing it a million times. what you're saying doesn't even make sense from that perspective because realistically you haven't actually used language to the extent that it's used in media yourself, like ive never said any of the weird shit they talk about in sci-fi movies in english but i still have an understanding of it through exposure to media

>> No.22607309

some of you have nothing better going on in your lives and it really shows desu
if you havent taken a few months voluntary break from djt before you might be addicted
go get some sun my ネット弁慶

>> No.22607320

nice self own since you're the one in here replying to people ever day extremely emotionally with shit like "stop lying omg" lol

>> No.22607325

yep you pretty much rekt jammie here

>> No.22607343

you're not wrong but way to be a jerk about it.

>> No.22607364

answer the question i wanna know what hes going to say

>> No.22607369

daily eigo thread

>> No.22607370

i think he's just trying to make a point about unspoken rules that we learn through a process similar to photosynthesis but he can't connect it to actual output practice cuz he's a gay idiot

>> No.22607381

haha you're a little gay idiot just spewing shit as usual

>> No.22607392

how many languages do you "know"

>> No.22607398

none but i don't base fact off anecdotes you gay dummy lol

>> No.22607414

>why did u say "a ばか" and not just ”ばか" ?
probably because i consider ばか to be a noun and that would be correct grammar in english. i don't really see your point and you just avoided mine completely. whether or not my brain considers ばか a noun in english terms or not doesn't have anything to do with whether or not i can understand what it means or the emotional force it has and you can't really argue otherwise (which is why you avoided my actual point)

>> No.22607426

i think jamal was trying to say something along the lines of the difference between "saying 'nigga'" and "calling somebody a 'nigga'", but couldn't tell that the difference lies in "saying" vs "calling", rather than article vs no article.

>> No.22607436

idk im not a linguistic nerd so i dont really care either
long as you get the point a cross the way you want to, youre ok with me

>> No.22607443

didnt read

>> No.22607444

Yeah I'm not reading all this, 4 decides what I read next

>> No.22607453

idk read this i guess >>22607440

>> No.22607465

it sounds weird and there's no possibility of me being able to explain why because im not a linguist lol
>so imagine if u had that million times with everything what a different world it would be haha
im glad we agree that more input would solve everything

>> No.22607466

>in fact its what makes talking about music with ppl so terrible
true, now heres a banger

>> No.22607501

I'm still a pretty big noob with only a few hundred words mined, so I looked at Matt's N4 Tango deck and it's a massive waste of time. Watch like 20 episodes of anime and read a few volumes of manga and you'll learn all that stuff.

>> No.22607516

yea just 20 episodes of anime and you'll learn thousands of words

>> No.22607517

because it requires much much less exposure than a million times per word to actually acquire it in most cases.
language isn't a monolithic entity anyway. no 2 individuals have the same emotional understanding of any given word or w/e and ultimately your understanding of any aspect of language is limited by your exposure to it. actively using language isn't some trick to unlock the "hidden meaning" because there aren't really any, they're just an accumulation of experiences which you can have either by communication or by witnessing the same form of communication.
im not even sure, and you haven't explained, what specifically is gained by actually using it yourself. ultimately if you use some phrase you're not gaining anything that couldn't be gained by witnessing someone else have the same experience. imagine a scenario where a ESL, having heard the phrase fuck off randomly, tells someone to fuck off and they get beat up. sure, they learned something about that phrase but they could also just watch someone else get beat up after using it and learn the exact same thing, so ultimately what's the difference?

>> No.22607521

lol imagine if the most coolie looking person came up to you and started speaking with the thickest southern drawl in the world
i want to be like him but in japanese
i look like your typical island spic, give me the best ben for me

>> No.22607531

how many episodes of anime have you watched and how many words do you know?

>> No.22607532
File: 163 KB, 906x853, 1574040019633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uhm... Yeah, you will
yea just a mere 20 episodes. thousands of words memorized just like that. got it.

>> No.22607545

?? do you know how many words are in 20 episodes of anime?

No idea, I don't need to mine most words to know them.

>> No.22607547

you have it? i mean, both n5 and n4. please share

>> No.22607549

never claimed that anyone "knows japanese" or not, only that it's possible to comprehend japanese without ever using it

>> No.22607554

>No idea, I don't need to mine most words to know them
you can surely guess my friend :)

>> No.22607555
File: 27 KB, 300x300, Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmoa you two idiots have been talking english your entire lives and still cant even communicate your ideas properly and now the wigger wants to talk about how you need to output to know input lol

>> No.22607562

also i made it pretty clear that id like you to explain what you actually tangibly gain in terms of comprehension of language from physically communicating something yourself that you don't by simply witnessing the same communicative act take place in the third person

>> No.22607565

yeah but just literally go consume some manga and anime instead, these soulless tango decks will cripple you. If you want an efficient premade deck do VNCore 1200

>> No.22607582
File: 165 KB, 750x986, F78B71B4-B579-43A3-9F42-20036B3F753E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steve went in

>> No.22607584

finally some honesty here

>> No.22607590

im not going to but i appreciate your search for absolute wisdom!

>> No.22607595

just don't really think these bike or instrument analogies work because they're pretty clearly incomparable with language because the comprehension of a language is ultimately not something you can learn "just by doing it" because there's nothing to "do". you can't sit in a room and make sounds and teach yourself a language, and therefore ultimately at least *some* of it has to be an externally driven process, and the question is how far that "some" can actually take you. whereas with a bike or instrument you could just come across it with absolutely 0 prior knowledge and learn how to ride or play eventually.

>> No.22607597

to know the signified of a signifier

>> No.22607600

you would be an expert in philosophy of language if you had ... read everything in that field (which includes what wittgenstein has written)

>> No.22607604

things that i agree with = honesty
lol who is really being dishonest here?

>> No.22607607

nice language game you've got there

>> No.22607611

It's a tweet, moron

>> No.22607617

>who is really being dishonest here?
a person is dishonest if they claim somebody who is saying they disagree with is being honest.

>> No.22607621

>why do u think imoto posts how they do
because they wanna fuck with people who use kanji as a crutch?

>> No.22607625

jamal is cute does any1 agree

>> No.22607660

maybe consider that learning a new language might not be the same for everyone, just like with the subjects in school
some cant learn shit by sitting in the class while watching their teacher swinging his hands, so these people need more hands on experience to learn
while others dont even need to study for tests to pass them, thanks to their teacher babbling shit

but when it comes to actually acquiring a language you definitely need both imo, so fuck (you)

>> No.22607663

hey go do something in japanese instead of typing walls of english text in this worthless thread

>> No.22607676

are there any regulars here that are not learning any language?

>> No.22607677

waiting for the janny to set off an atomic missile on this language philosophy discussion

>> No.22607682

i think its these guys who keep talking about anki

>> No.22607689


>> No.22607691

sorry i was doing stupid school stuff, so i had to cool off with some language philosophy

>> No.22607692

i don't learn languages. i just *puts earbuds on* acquire them

>> No.22607702
File: 143 KB, 774x438, 1565979322599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22607703

im not learning /acquiring right now im actually listening to english language music

>> No.22607706

i haven't listened to english language music in half-a-decade.

>> No.22607724

>but u dont know why ppl say what they say and thats the key thing here u dont understand phrasing u dont understand how and why things are put
im not sure this works. from the perspective of the observer in my scenario he's hearing everything except what other people are thinking; the speaking learner's only additional information is his own personal thoughts about the language. in this case it's just as likely that the speaking learner cripples himself because he associates things that don't exist -- assuming he is not telling people his own intentions in speaking and then being corrected (in which case the non speaker would also gain this information)

>> No.22607742

>defines knowing japanese as speaking it like a native
>uses that as circular reasoning to make statements like this

>> No.22607758

ppl listen to english language music everywhere in the world ur just depriving yourself of good vibes at this point. i listen to swedish artist who sing in english just cause its superior

>> No.22607762

i feel like this kind of thing really does come from exposure as much as it would from your own personal activity in the language though. you just come to realise wtf they mean because you've heard the same kind of shit a bunch of times. idk man i think we'll have to agree to disagree at this point
