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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.43 MB, 1200x675, DJT_2231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21874548 No.21874548 [Reply] [Original]


Old Guide:

previous: >>21866297

>> No.21874633

first for McArthur should have forced japs to use whitespace.

>> No.21874684

is yomichan audio fucked for anyone else? test 埋葬

>> No.21874712

word of the day


>> No.21874726

none of my japanese friends even know what the fuck 蛇待 means. useless word.

>> No.21874808

remove audio field for now

>> No.21874930
File: 62 KB, 424x474, notdogmatic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder, according to Matt, AJATT is dogmatic and MIA is highly individualised and customisable

>> No.21874957

Going to do JLPT N4 in the hopes it helps boost my application to higher education and fulfills any foreign language/diversity of interest criteria they might want. Will commit sudoku if I fail. Can easily do all of it except the listening, which is why I'm forced to take such a baby tier. The people that warned you about reading too much and neglecting listening skills were right.

>> No.21874996

Anything below N1 is 100% worthless broseph
Don't waste your okozukai

>> No.21874997

yep. ajatt is a pretty simple algorithm for learning japanese that can take you far. mattjatt is creepy and unnecessarily specific

>> No.21875006

If I bust a load to my anki reps does that count as having read eroge for the day?

>> No.21875020
File: 318 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190814-174321_AnkiDroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's baffling how many common words are at the end of core6k
Too bad I learned them on my own the hard way, but I guess that makes reviewing them on core easier

>> No.21875037

>doing core6k
Why? Serious question. Much better decks exist now and things like Yotsuba decks make starting reading easier.

>> No.21875040

you know anything in the 20,000 frequency usage could probably be considered common

>> No.21875056
File: 345 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190814-174836_AnkiDroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously. What the fuck is this

They didn't exist when I started. Atleast they weren't shilled as much

>> No.21875066

Can you please just go back to /v/?

Why is it so important for you to make the new thread that you have to rush to put one up each time before the old one has even died? Are you that desperate for attention?

>> No.21875067

also btw because core decks are based off newspaper vocabulary you will find stuff like that towards the end before words like house of representatives or whatever. also nuke marine "optimized" those decks so he fucked the frequency up even further

>> No.21875081

>Why is it so important for you to make the new thread that you have to rush to put one up each time before the old one has even died? Are you that desperate for attention?
It was the last thread on page 10. Posting this one literally killed it.

>> No.21875092

Nuke? Regardless, now there are better decks so reviewing core6k is useless. Past the 2k point, you can and should start sentence mining or just reading in general. 2k is at most. Your intervals are very low like you just started a few days ago.

>> No.21875100

>Posting this one literally killed it.
Then why is it still alive, retard?

Last time you were in such a hurry that you didn't even bother to check the archives to see if anyone had already made a new thread and you ended up making a duplicate that the mods has to delete. Why is it so important for you to be the OP, exactly?

>> No.21875118

>Then why is it still alive, retard?
I'm not sure. It seems like it is still the last thread on page 10. My mistake.
>Last time you were in such a hurry that you didn't even bother to check the archives to see if anyone had already made a new thread and you ended up making a duplicate that the mods has to delete. Why is it so important for you to be the OP, exactly?
I'm not the OP. I was just checking the catalog waiting for it to die so my extremely important posts were at the top of a new thread instead of the bottom of a dead thread. God speed, hurryfag.

>> No.21875119
File: 113 KB, 762x756, 1534844606909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What MIA really stands for.

>> No.21875130

My man, I am at 5600 mark on 6k. I'm not going to drop it now when I can finish it in less than a month. The intervals are low because it's a new card.

>> No.21875179
File: 57 KB, 708x456, 1564682775256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

matts immersion approach.... yeah... wait that sounds too egotistic and i told everyone i meditate.... gotta look enlightened... how about

>> No.21875257

What's the source on that? Seems likely

>> No.21875437

how long have you been trying to learn japanese and how much of this do >you understand?

>> No.21875493


>> No.21875504
File: 3 KB, 183x134, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


rise and shine time for another bangin thread

>> No.21875514

heres live footage of me comin to djt


>> No.21875515


>> No.21875528
File: 140 KB, 842x483, 1541920601006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21875547

i dont think theres low self esteem about it its just like theres a nice comfy pile of garbage to go lounge in

>> No.21875566

how fucked in the head do you have to be for this to sound acceptable

>> No.21875574


>> No.21875582

it only works for me cuz i picture dollman as this ironic mastermind just being "based af"

>> No.21875590


>> No.21875594

was reading うなずく as [2] instead of [3]

>> No.21875608

you need to listen to more japanese. i never even checked the pitch accent for that and i was getting it right

>> No.21875611

I just do stuff in Japanese my dude.

>> No.21875617

>study keigo


>> No.21875623

don't tell me what to do

>> No.21875624

here is an epic nihongo test for you
translate this:

>> No.21875630

what do these brackets mean?

>> No.21875634

boring thread. i'm going back to qt3.14 cosplayer gf posting soon

>> No.21875638

彼女は彼に来られました means 彼女は彼に来られました

>> No.21875648

ur a clown

"she went on a him"

>> No.21875662

is this a honorific passive?

>> No.21875670


>> No.21875699




>> No.21875703

i’m confiscating your nihongo license

>> No.21875709

he came to her unwanted

>> No.21875710

i dont think so dude not yet until u explain urself

>> No.21875716

she was approached (i.e. was came towards) by him

>> No.21875724


>> No.21875730

this is correct

>> No.21875734

you don't know japanese if you think this is some kind of epic mystery you can try to pull over djt's eyes it's pretty basic shit with multiple situational uses

>> No.21875735

how so it definitely says 'she was able to come to him'

>> No.21875740

you don't know japanese

>> No.21875749

i dont think its a mystery its just some retarded shit troll honestly cuz he wont explain himself

my nihongo license is right here u can have it just explain urself 1st

>> No.21875759

so when will peeps drop the epic doujins from C96 for me to read?

>> No.21875770

what am I supposed to explain the right answer was already given you just don’t know shit

>> No.21875771

why do suck sfx get transcribed as るるる even though both sound nothing alike.

>> No.21875779

i mean if u know japanese u should be able to explain the reasoning 4 how that works out for us im all ears or i guess eyes dude help a ninja out

>> No.21875785

some annoying guy came up to her

>> No.21875792

you haven't realised that japanese hear sounds differently from other language speakers yet?

>> No.21875797

he made her cum

>> No.21875796


>> No.21875805

when i was in tokyo i would always get 一つ if i asked for 2つ (like ファミーチキ or something) and i made a point of trying to say it super clearly but it didnt work i think it was my pitch accent after all

>> No.21875808

the key is to clearly enunciate the aaaahhhhhh in futahhhhhhtss

>> No.21875809


>> No.21875814

that's you not being able to speak clearly with equal length to each mora and not pitch accent

>> No.21875818

maybe just go full gaijin with the f to make sure they catch it

>> No.21875824

also you know irl you can use your body language and for example hold up two fingers when you say how many you want

>> No.21875831

this but also make sure to hold up ur pinky finger while holding the ring finger down with ur thumb and then make a corkscrew kinda motion if its a guy hell laugh if its a girl u mgiht get some freaky action its a win win

>> No.21875832

futhaaaatsuuuuuuuuuuuu dess

>> No.21875838

what if he says futaaas dess

>> No.21875852


>> No.21875858

im a big cumbrain so i might drop a futanari desu if i were to order stuff

>> No.21875867

just drop it casually like futanari kudasai and when they eithr laugh or become confused follow up with watashi wa gay

>> No.21875876

they prob wont misinterpret as hitotu at least

>> No.21875885

here this is how it sounded when i was in family mart u be the judge


>> No.21875889

beer futanari kudasai lol

>> No.21875894

maybe itll work when ur balls drop

>> No.21875899

can u just blow some fuckin air out of ur lips and say hu or just say like "ooftatsu" thatll work too

>> No.21875900

im 28 so i think theres no hope of that happening anymore

>> No.21875910

whyd u only say tatsu lmfao

>> No.21875912

yeah you aren't speaking japanese properly. practice pronouncing each mora the same length

>> No.21875913

if all else fails u can go the davido numbers approach


>> No.21875920

i dont have a metronome

>> No.21875924

am i going 耄碌 or what? i remember seeing this one in crisp 720p last time

>> No.21875925

nothing wrong with just saying the number for your age. it will be wrong if you say 2 instead of 2つ though and they will probably be more confused than you just pronouncing 2つ as 一つ

>> No.21875927

just sing along to a banger lmfao

>> No.21875935

just use the number and then say the つ dude lol

ichi tsu ni tsu lmfao

>> No.21875936

boku wa ni juu no tosi tikyuu ni de tatta

>> No.21875937

also since you cant say ふたつ properly you can just say もうひとつ and just keep adding up to your desired number

>> No.21875940

every single given answer was correct in some possible context, even the caveman one
you don't know japanese

>> No.21875942

japanese failed hard on this one they could've kept those futanari archaic katakanas and write ダヰド instead

>> No.21875948

just say この店の全部買います and then u dont have to worry abotu sHIt

>> No.21875949

ni toshi ee kumi
fami tiki hitotsu to fami tiki mou hitotsu kudasai
maybe u could just say nihiki lmfao

>> No.21875952

did u guys ever see that porn video of the guy that stuck his bald head up some womans pussy? i just remembered transferring it to my k700i via infra red like 14 years ago.

>> No.21875954
File: 1.22 MB, 1277x719, スクリーンショット (323).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21875960

why were u sharing unbirthing with ur buds at school

>> No.21875971


>> No.21875974

idk was just something to do to pass the time. loads of kids also video taped themselves having sex at like 12-13 and those videos were circled as well. i had nothing to do with that obviously.

>> No.21875977

it was such a bad troll

lol ftw albinoblacksheep fTw

the #1 thing i hated abt summer pockets was how shiroha have big boobs in some cgs and then looks normal in others it really bugged me

>> No.21875984

oh and the koe button but i mentioned that before what the FUck was their problem

>> No.21875998

was there unbirthing on albinoblacksheep lmfao i dont remember that

>> No.21876031

pretty sure i saw it on there or maybe i just downloaded it off kazaa with some wicked amvs like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTuypkWjKIA

>> No.21876042

why though?

>> No.21876077

i cant imagine what i used to watch it was prob like this lmfao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfeVC8899Fg

>> No.21876083

Some people assume being able to understand a second language means translating it to your native language in your head.

This is false.

Knowing a language means you understand it before translation.

>> No.21876099
File: 60 KB, 377x480, d5b1h1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this just in water is wet stay tuned for more posts about things every1 knows by urs truly

>> No.21876117

garyben is the best poster in this thread

>> No.21876119

average moe tard post


>> No.21876143

are there any good vocab study apps I don't know about. I'm not fond of anki or wanikani, kanji tree and readthekanji work alright for me but its annoying how they just throw thousands of words into one group without any other way to seperate them. I have a decent grasp of the language from reading and mostly just want to fill out the gaps in my knowledge as quick as i can

>> No.21876147


>> No.21876148

whats wrong with anki

>> No.21876160

you really need to use anki if you want to fill in gaps because all the premade beginner stuff isn't going to help you

>> No.21876164


>> No.21876168

ull never fill in all the gaps the only thing ur attempting to fill with flashcards is the void

>> No.21876178

actually had someone tell me it's impossible to read a foreign language at the same speed as you read your native language because "you don't have time to translate it in your head fast enough"

>> No.21876188

well i guess the problem is if u call it a foreign language it stays foreign and thus it stays at that distance where i guess u might wanna translate everything i guess ? fuck em

>> No.21876197

>Knowing a language means you understand
*cough* ahem *cough* I think what you're referring to is called 'mentalese'

>> No.21876199


>> No.21876202

he is monolingual btw so i guess you can't blame him but that's maybe how most people think

>> No.21876224






>> No.21876227

yah but i mean they are also talking out of their ass cuz they never do end up learning another language to any real capacity

if thye did theyd learn real quick that translating sux and theyd naturally let it go after they get sick of the mental gymnastics

>> No.21876233

yeah i guess you could say that

>> No.21876234

Memrise maybe. If you don't like SRSs then don't use them, just read. But you would have to read more without an SRS than if you used one in order to maintain and keep learning thousands of words. Studying vocab apps is almost useless past the beginner stage

>> No.21876235

Where can I download 日本語能力試験 公式問題集 N1 for free?
I want to prepare myself for N1.

>> No.21876238



>> No.21876243

manga isn't reading

>> No.21876250

It's not a manga.

>> No.21876253

bring out ur 優しい bangers
how long have u been "learning" nihongo and how much of this can u "understand" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DtIj9AJG2E

>> No.21876260

nice bait バカめ

>> No.21876263

I hate the word mentalese now just because Matt keeps pushing it as if it's a brand new concept.

>manga isn't reading
I keep seeing this meme. How?

>> No.21876267

I understood that it was a bait but who gives a shit, can someone help me?

>> No.21876268

you have eyes

>> No.21876270

ignore bait posts

>> No.21876273

if you have to "study" for an optional language test you should probably go to reddit learnjapanese subreddit where everyone roleplays learning japanese to get their jlpt levels

>> No.21876287


this is the best アニソン of all time you can't prove me wrong

>> No.21876288

Reading is reading. You can say manga isn't high quality reading but it's still reading. Saying it isn't makes no sense.

>> No.21876289

redditors are scared of the ui

>> No.21876295

The fuck is wrong with you guys?
I already have N2, what I really want is see how well I could pass N1 and if I need to study more before taking it.

>> No.21876296

wow i never looked at it this way

>> No.21876301

i hope this is bait cause if not i might have to figure out a way to find u and bust ur knees open with a crowbar

the original, perfection of an op is the best of all time

>> No.21876307

just do this practice test its pretty much the same as the real thing


>> No.21876312

i actually prefer the tri version as well
the US op was so fucking shit tho jesus christ

>> No.21876315

have you considered actually learning japanese instead of studying for fake made up tests? because that's what people here like to do while people on reddit are more about taking tests so you're going to get a better answer there

>> No.21876323

djt: "no i don't know japanese but at least im not studying for the jlpt"

>> No.21876330

i'll permit it because koji wada did both versions but im in awe of the retards im surrounded by regardless. even if u remove the nostalgia the original takes a steaming hot shit all over the tri version.

>> No.21876338

your browser
the best way to study vocab is the see them being used in the wild

>> No.21876342

there isnt 1 best its a whole category and that ver is def not in it


lol if u wanna get mad i got some shit for u



u cant blame them but nonetheless monsters rule dude

>> No.21876341

is your goal to pass n1 or learn japanese

>> No.21876350

I'm currently studying 40 minutes every single day, watching an anime episode with English subtitles (so I can understand it) and I am writing sentences from Genki into Anki. I use romanji since it's the best and I know the 3 alphabets plus 20 kanjis/pictures. How long untill I can watch animes without subtitles?

>> No.21876354

The key to watching anime without subtitles someday is watching them without subtitles now

Right up until that "someday" arrives

>> No.21876356

what the fuckkk

>> No.21876357

never studied for jlpt just watched anime and read books and eroge but when i looked at the sample questions on their website for n1 they were so easy it just makes me question what people are doing studying for the tests when they can just have fun reading and watching japanese naturally and being able to pass the test is just a byproduct of that if they wanted to

>> No.21876364

based miaer

>> No.21876365

their goal is to """learn"""" japanese not use to it to consume content and have fun

>> No.21876366

to be fair its acutally kinda sick lol

>> No.21876373

Have you past 10,000 cards yet?

>> No.21876378

heres ur monster farm omake holy shit this vids loud tho fair warning


>> No.21876389

currently sitting at about 400

>> No.21876390

tbf the sample questions on the website are a lot easier than the actual test but i dont disagree that theres no point studying for it

>> No.21876394
File: 126 KB, 879x416, anki_gk0JL8Cgfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people argue about whether to do core6k or whatever when it only takes a couple of months max anyway?

>> No.21876398

why do you keep posting this every day? nobody is impressed

>> No.21876399

what were some of the harder things you encountered then during the test? if you remember

>> No.21876402

i am

>> No.21876405




>> No.21876407

cuz imagine spendig a couple months on idiot cards then not even learning japanese lmfao its like the guy who uninstalled gsen right before the main route came to a head ahaha

>> No.21876409

ure a contrarian shitbird that wouldnt feel that way if i didnt post my reply so it doesnt count

>> No.21876410

im posting about my daily japanese studies in the daily japanese thread, what's so wrong about that?

>> No.21876419

You can also write 5 kanji 500 times a day and make progress but there are better ways that save time and are more effective. Core6k is clearly useless since you won't see a lot of those words outside of newspapers anyway. Just learn 500-1000 at most then sentence mine

>> No.21876425

never gonna regret dropping an eroge

>> No.21876426

just sticking up for my friend while youre being a shit head

>> No.21876431

nothing specific the questions are just generally more difficult than the ones on the site that's all. it's still not very hard if your japanese is half decent

>> No.21876436

so do we call u kimoe or shit head just wanna be clear

>> No.21876493

Why doesn't the DJT liberry have ゴルゴ13?

>> No.21876519

>currently sitting at about 400
So, are you copying your posts from someone then or did you delete 90% of your deck?

>> No.21876523

Why don't you want to be able to read newspapers?

>> No.21876525

I just installed W10 because of some bullshit, how do I disable the cancerous predictive IME and the fucking "あ" "A" popup?

>> No.21876530


>> No.21876550

delete syswow64 insert usb drive with knoppix and reboot

>> No.21876552

yes but i dont understand what you mean why do you ask how many cards i have

>> No.21876555

I don't read newspapers in my own language, why would I do it in Japanese? My goal is to watch and read media like books, anime, movies, youtube, etc. so vocabulary from those sources is much more relevant and useful than newspapers from the 90s

>> No.21876556

why the djt vn library have ジーザス13th
sometimes you dont get what you want
you might try using your brain to figure those out

>> No.21876575

It wasn't a yes/no question, it was x or y. Just seeing if you're impersonating or not

>> No.21876590

next time google the text of the post

>> No.21876599

who do you think im impersonating

>> No.21876613

a even bigger retard than u which is quite the feat

>> No.21876628

I've seen him post the exact same wording from someone within the Japanese learning sphere multiple times. That person had almost 10k Anki cards a few months ago so I asked if they've gone beyond 10k but the poster has 400. That's what makes it suspicious hence why I'm asking

>> No.21876636

postin updates from ecelebs and reddit without labelin them as such is thread tradition
its not impersonation lmfao

>> No.21876651

karbin finished kakegurui live action
fucking based

>> No.21876653 [DELETED] 

karbins also a dead fuckign nigger.

>> No.21876680

wtf is there a mod or janny lurking itt


>> No.21876690

nah it was just a tourettes outburst when i realized what i posted i deleted it cuz it was rude

>> No.21876704
File: 2.20 MB, 3629x2722, 1551803144721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this fried chicken and oven fries i just made? was delicious if i do say so myself. the oven fries were almost too crispy though, they look a bit burnt in the pic but they weren't.

>> No.21876712

looks like fried turds and fried breaded turds dude

>> No.21876721

let me just correct u the potatoes weren't fried, they were baked.

>> No.21876725

looking good dude hope you used a japanese recipe to make them

>> No.21876729

looks good make sure to use chopsticks

>> No.21876734

i respect the heinz in the corner ur gonna need a lot of it to fix those

>> No.21876745

i mean id prolly skeet bbq sauce ropes all over them and eat em nonetheless but just wanted to let u know the food looks like poop haha

>> No.21876748

i dont use recipes just eye ball it cause ive made it a hundred times
i didnt need a lot it was great without it

>> No.21876762
File: 3.21 MB, 4169x3127, 1553413573592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no worries i have received ur message

heres a previous batch that look a bit better

>> No.21876771

those turds look dehydrated

>> No.21876839
File: 1.06 MB, 1026x632, 1547147897273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished my very first VN route and it only took me 2 months. whew
So what's the play here? Do I start a new route right away or play another vn first and come back with fresh mind?

>> No.21876853

ive got THE perfect video for u on this subject. it will alleviate all ur concerns

>> No.21876857

if you feel done with it move on to the next game. i personally dont feel any need to complete different routes if i dont want to

>> No.21876858

u cant post that here theres nipples dude my boss is gonna fire me cuz im looking at hentai at work now thanks a LOt

>> No.21876883
File: 41 KB, 463x311, mmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21876885
File: 6 KB, 230x116, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure yet if the autocorrect suggestions for google ime are useful or crippling

>> No.21876892

wtf didn't you mention you already know a lot of japanese before you started this 100 a day bouken?

>> No.21876902

yeah memorizing readings for 100 words a day is pretty easy when you already have a big vocabulary as opposed to when you have 0 vocabulary

>> No.21876904

oh but there are atleast 3 more routes that I wanna do.
It's okay though I already started the game again.

It's for education purposes so it's okay.

>> No.21876908

memorizing them isnt the issue its the fuckin hours and a half u have to spend on reviews every day. miss me with that shit

>> No.21876911
File: 972 B, 232x19, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats my dude do the other routes if the game is a banger play something different if it's not.

also i hate these arbitrary length values on vndb. i wish we had more specific numbers.

>> No.21876914

can you give some samples of the kinds of words you add? don't purposely select the most difficult-looking ones. just post like a random 10 words from this deck.

>> No.21876920

is it memorizing if u already know most of them
or is it just wasting ur time on inflating ur anki stats

>> No.21876925

it doesnt matter dude dont worry about arbitrary shit like that

>> No.21876926

well there you have your answer if you want to do it then do it. if you dont want to do it quit and find something more interesting to read

>> No.21876934

I agree but it's difficult to put a correct number on it due to different routes and shit.
Don't worry about it much. Also don't take my 2 months at face value. I took a month long break from the vn before I came back.
It's actually shorter that I expected

>> No.21876938
File: 55 KB, 1295x438, 1564025609137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a gun and a gay man tied up in my bathroom.
Follow the guide or Barry gets it.

>> No.21876945

are you in SAW I?

>> No.21876949

really not sure how much that guy knows japanese or what cards are in his deck so i cant say whether he is wasting time or not

>> No.21876956

garry no lol

>> No.21876961
File: 220 KB, 849x1171, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the subjectively superior guide to Japanese

>> No.21876965

i was curious about the vndb stats too. is it based off script size or polls of how long it took people to finish them averaged?

>> No.21876967

great post lol

>> No.21876980

matt has 2 fuckin gay dads and bought a bunch of dumb ass domains what a disaster

>> No.21876988

Which one of his dads is gay?

>> No.21876996

both thats how he was born anally

>> No.21877003
File: 72 KB, 638x926, でも demo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this even possible?

>> No.21877017
File: 484 KB, 579x625, new guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already made this one though

>> No.21877022

Weren't you the dude hacking in my TF2 game the other day?

>> No.21877025

Reduce your new cards per day, retard. Use timeboxing. Make easier cards. Delete cards. It's not difficult to have 50-100 reviews every day and finish them in under 1 hour.

>> No.21877031

ironically you should learn to read you fucking retard lol

>> No.21877037
File: 3 KB, 250x45, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a fan of making a moderate amount of flashcards that dont waste your time

>> No.21877041

its like uppercasers go out of their fucking way to be a dumb as humanly possible.

>> No.21877047

anything below 15min is really passable if you are a noob. drop anki after 2-3 years completely.

>> No.21877055

If a retard wants to use Anki then complain but keep using it then I have to at least try to help. No one uses only Anki, people use Anki and read, retard. Without an SRS, in the beginning and early intermediate stages, you have to read more to keep up when you can just do 30 minutes of Anki then drop it when you're intermediate.

>> No.21877059

no quiz still uses anki after 2 years and he's a god

>> No.21877065

You think some African selling fake Rolex watches in Roppongi uses Anki?
You think some Poojeet working at a Family Mart makes sentence mining flashcards?
You think a Pinoy toilet scrubber drills kanji?
These guys fuck jap women every day and speak passable Nihongo.

>> No.21877067

he was talking about doing 100 new words a day in anki you dipshit

>> No.21877069

no im straight sorry pal

>> No.21877070

who here is a fan of this guy

>> No.21877073

i mean if you believe that

>> No.21877076

>yeah memorizing readings for 100 words a day is pretty easy when you already have a big vocabulary as opposed to when you have 0 vocabulary
>memorizing them isnt the issue its the fuckin hours and a half u have to spend on reviews every day. miss me with that shit
do you get why your replies make 0 sense yet? or are you truly beyond help? yikes

>> No.21877078

imagining hayai guy knowing jack shit thinking hes proven himself the 1bantueee djt guy and then taking a victory lap with his flashcards lol

>> No.21877083

thats it im goin to japan to scrub toilets sayonara my virginity

>> No.21877094

If someone intentionally does 100 words then complains about high reviews, then there's no hope. 100 new cards isn't even that difficult, it's easy to do 500-600 reviews in about an hour if you set Anki up right and just set the cards on a timer. There are addons for that so there's no excuse to spend hours doing only 100 new cards per day.

>> No.21877103

Down Vote

>> No.21877106

i'm a white male and this post offends me, delete it pls

>> No.21877108

>If someone intentionally does 100 words then complains about high reviews
one did this. they said the high reviews is why they won't do it. and an hour is still a long time. your posts are all over the place

>> No.21877109

the 100 new card guy wasnt complaining about anything lmao you incorrectly assumed i was him when im not.

>> No.21877112

honestly if u get pissed and wanna break stuff or w.e u should just break shit meditation is just another exercise in suppressing ur true human nature

should u direct that violence at humans ? well biologically thats what were programmed to do but ppl arent worth nothin when theyre dead so its important to have laws in place to keep as many ppl alive as possible so theres more of their money for the big time businesses to get : )


>> No.21877115

question really comes down to should you make 100 new cards a day. i cant do that without adding literally every new word i come across and even then its pointless because a lot of times you memorize words on the first go and then sometimes you just dont really know the word without seeing it in multiple contexts so why put it in anki if you dont really know it

>> No.21877116
File: 355 KB, 800x1200, 1413151603243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21877119

yummy this yogurt and berries tastes better than ice cream

>> No.21877121

no fuck card tards period


>> No.21877123

certainly not me i don't care for mystic bullshit

>> No.21877124

this is so fuckin disturbing lol

>> No.21877125

no fuck card tards period

>> No.21877131

eziest nope in my entire life

>> No.21877132

russel brand

>> No.21877136

i know who it is?

>> No.21877138

I was referring to >>21876908. 500-600 reviews can be done in more or less 1 hour, I've done it several times when I stopped using Anki for weeks at a time.

>> No.21877141

most religions are cool expect for buddhism
it's the most depessing out of the modern ones

>> No.21877145

I mine all words with new kanjis on the first encounter

>> No.21877150

whats depressing about buddhism..

>> No.21877159

running out of anime

>> No.21877160

how many have you seen?

>> No.21877167

OVER 9000!!!!!!

>> No.21877170

gonna lol when moe guys list is like 200 anime ahahah

if u have less than 1000 series/movies watched dont @ me

>> No.21877172

watch "comic girls"

>> No.21877173


>> No.21877174

Making 100 cards manually can be draining, just automate it with Subs2SRS or something, at least reduce typing and just simplify it to either copy-paste or a keyboard shortcut. If you're reviewing and keep failing a card, when it becomes a leech just delete it. How do people have problems with Anki? Anki is not for learning words. It's for being introduced to words you want to learn and make you more aware of a word's meaning, sound, usage, and appearance so you understand it better when reading. You learn from reading, not Anki.

>> No.21877175

I've got a metric fuckton of shows I know are good on my backlog but I'm not gonna watch any of them until my listening is better. So for now I just listen to shit I don't like.

>> No.21877176

maybe 100

>> No.21877188

why do my broke family members refuse to take care of their dog and take him to a groomer, since his hair got so long and nasty that sores are forming on his body

>> No.21877194

actually anki is for remembering things you learned not "being introduced to words you want to learn" like you just made that up out of nowhere

>> No.21877195

because you are from a trash lineage

>> No.21877197

i don't disagree. it angers me

>> No.21877204

watch stella no mahou

>> No.21877212


>> No.21877218

watch boku no pico

>> No.21877219

i should rewatch digimon adventure in japanese that shit was rad

>> No.21877222


>> No.21877223

this reminds me i've learned japanese with the noise inconveniences that come with having drunktard parents so you can do if your only issue is the dog (pls take care of him tho)

>> No.21877228

the concept of narvana, from my understanding it is the ending of rebirth and existence though i am most likely wrong

>> No.21877232

No. For example, you're reading something and see a sentence with 分裂, you want to learn that word so you add it with a sentence to Anki. Review it in Anki, see it often, know what it is. Then when reading, you see it in and know what it means. If you just read, you would probably forget 分裂 since it might not appear very often.

If you spend all of your time on Anki learning 分裂 then you're wasting time. You can learn many more words or do much more reading instead of spending 2 minutes trying to remember if 分裂 is pronounced ぶれつ or ぶんれつ or remember the pitch accent.

>> No.21877257

if you look up a word and then understand what it means and then put it into anki then that is considered learned material which is ok. if you didnt really understand what it means and you put it in there i think youre wasting time because the flash card will never make it more clear to you. only once you see it enough that you can know what it really means then you put it into anki. again ill just say it because i dont think you read what i said but you put stuff in anki you already know so that you wont forget it

>> No.21877283

hmm these days i think its more about ending your suffering by training your mind to be more aware and joyful, even entering altered states

>> No.21877289
File: 53 KB, 745x417, 1i2k9U7Of4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21877304

>you put stuff in anki you already know so that you wont forget it
I've seen people misuse Anki in many ways but this is a new one. If you know it then why add it? You can just read or listen to Japanese and encounter it instead of forcing flashcards for something you know. That usage is completely wrong, it's wasting so much time reviewing things you know that you know. It's like doing 1+1, 1+2, 1+3, etc every day just so you don't forget it. If you're regularly engaging with Japanese, you will see it.

>> No.21877314

first of all people forget things they learned previously that's literally why srs was invented

>> No.21877315

lol reminds me of


>> No.21877372

>It's like doing 1+1, 1+2, 1+3, etc every day just so you don't forget it.
it's more like asking what's the triple tangent identity, something you might know right now because you studied it but will forget in a few days

>> No.21877379

People probably need anki to remember chemical formulas or legal terminology, not for basic arithmetic or words you encounter every single day.

>> No.21877392

i think he might actually be a troll or just a typical retarded uppercase poster because he has a poor understanding of memory and srs theory but talks with such conviction

we aren't talking about words you encounter every single day now are we little strawman? just talking about the basic defined usage (by the ppl who invented the thing) of anki which is supposed to help you not forget things you learned

>> No.21877399
File: 26 KB, 800x600, VirtualBoxVM_UPgT9Bi8oe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hanachirasu fuckin owned i have to give it a solid 9

>> No.21877416

wow i understood 90% of that video

>> No.21877425

>video made by a JSL (or J3L) can be understood by another JSL
how amazing

>> No.21877497

does anyone know if theres a way to stream japanese tv. This guy seems to have some program? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMcBlK79mV61oGExLOGfn_A/featured

>> No.21877500

Noboru is the only 3 mora verb that has a rising pitch because the verb means to climb

>> No.21877506

>you have to learn english before you learn japanese
Why has no one translated RTK yet?

>> No.21877520


>> No.21877530

heres the 10 most recent additions from hanachirasu
剽悍 似て非なり 隼人 天稟 瞑ぐ 然なきだに 然しもの 天翔ける 指呼の間 能う

>> No.21877531

Nice N2, when are you gonna start manabu nihongo?

>> No.21877550

lmfao at this guy
there are places u can pay to go break shit
i havent heard that song in forever
i bumped it up my backlog when u started it so good to hear

>> No.21877597
File: 731 KB, 841x296, VNcoreV3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly epic my man, gonna mine this for weeks

>> No.21877608

nice cards lol

>> No.21877636

why do people use this deck? core has example sentences with audio even though they arent very good

>> No.21877644

doesnt it have a bunch of example sentences that beginners cant fuckin read anyway

>> No.21877659

because example sentences don't matter. how many times are you going to ask the same thing this week?

>> No.21877667

Part of the leak containing Matt's personal cell phone number, showing all the domains registered to his email address. Search "personal cell" in the archive and you'll find the full image.

>> No.21877669

>reading japanese doesn't help
this thread is so 糞 it's not even funny

>> No.21877672

i did half of core2/6k before this, and to be honest i liked it more.
the only issue was that i was ready to trade stocks and not read eroge

>> No.21877675

reading one example sentence doesn't help. try reading a book or something instead you dumb fuck.

>> No.21877677


>> No.21877678

reading one book doesn't help you fucking retard

>> No.21877688

read this one out loud

>> No.21877693


>> No.21877694
File: 705 KB, 1280x720, 1555840483112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna make this tonight lol havent done it in years

>> No.21877696

If you liked it, go for 100% completion. You can always drop it if you get bored.

Anyway, what did you think to this VN? It's on my backlog but I'm busy reading something else right now.

>> No.21877698

fuck off retard

>> No.21877710

>doesnt it have a bunch of example sentences that beginners cant fuckin read anyway
That was my experience with it last year, I got 50 cards into it and gave up to mine Yotsuba instead

>> No.21877715

can someone who knows how to code make yomichan work on manga thank you

>> No.21877718


>> No.21877720

impossible. you can't read manga so yomichan won't work on it

>> No.21877723

will those cripple me if i read them?

>> No.21877724

just use kanjitomo and copy-paste the words into your browser

>> No.21877727

thats what i usually do but its very annoying in the long run

>> No.21877728

I love how retards can spew dumb shit full of pride and self confidence but when someone challenges them to write 1 thing in nihongo they just shrink back
you need to stop giving advice and stop posting

>> No.21877731

an yomichan-like export feature in kanjitomo would be cool

>> No.21877735

Input level =/= output level

>> No.21877738

nothing about singular example sentences not mattering for a beginner is dumb. you don't know japanese. stop posting

>> No.21877744

maybe someone will make an ocr with anki support some day

>> No.21877751

>also i hate these arbitrary length values on vndb. i wish we had more specific numbers.
Look on ErogameScape. When people rate the game, they can say how long it took them to read and even how long it took for the game to start being fun. I think a certain amount of votes have to have been submitted before the data will be displayed at the top of the page along with the score though.

EGS is just way better than VNDB in general due to being able to comment on tags, among other things (especially the fact that ratings come from people who actually played the game). It just sucks that the admin uses some extremely trigger-happy automated tool which bans your entire IP range with no warning if it suspects you of being a bot. I don't know what criteria sets it off, but every time I manage to get a new IP range it gets banned from the site in the space of a week. I even tried making sure to only load one page per minute the most recent time and it still banned me so I have no idea what the fuck I did wrong.

>> No.21877753

When I was a beginner and didn't have the grammar down I looked up the example sentences in Anki when I couldn't understand them and used them to study. When I understood all of them I knew I was somewhat proficient in Japanese so I don't get why you're saying they're useless.

>> No.21877762

this whole album is great but this song in particular is wonderful

>> No.21877766

better frequency list

though it seems to me you could get a better deck out of just re-ordering core rather than creating a whole new deck

>> No.21877769
File: 145 KB, 1044x1566, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21877771

You are beginners
stop giving advice

>> No.21877772

>you dont know japanese
>no you dont know japanese
>no you dont know japanese
>no you

>> No.21877775

if you want to prove yourself come and quiz

>> No.21877778

you can do this without deck-provided sentences. that is why they are "useless" insofar as they're being compared to a deck without sentences.

>> No.21877781


>> No.21877789

avatar the last airbender is better than most anime

>> No.21877793
File: 322 KB, 1478x1108, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm here to chill the mood

>> No.21877794

You can understand a book but still be at a basic level in terms of output ability, that's what I meant. Judging comprehension based on output is absurd.

>> No.21877799
File: 97 KB, 682x1024, 124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>omg i would love to be your cosplayer gf anon!

>> No.21877802

what's the appeal of shounen

>> No.21877803

if u cant output u dont know japanese so he's right regardless

>> No.21877807

they're more fun and exciting than most other shows

>> No.21877812


>> No.21877813

Output is such an autistic way to put "I spent all this time learning a foreign language without realizing I never had anything I wanted to say in the first place"

Just translate shit you normally talk about. Imagine not doing that straight off. Goddamn INTJs.

>> No.21877814
File: 258 KB, 1364x2048, 125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what you dislike the 黒んぼ too anon?

>> No.21877828

talking to nips is pointless though.

>> No.21877840

so is 話すing to you

>> No.21877842

lmao theres no way that feels any good dude i refuse to believe it

>> No.21877843

im a nihilist so everything is pointless

>> No.21877846

maybe but there's a billion other english speakers to talk to.
sounds like depression. see a therapist.

>> No.21877852

why cant u believe it? if you put some lube in that bish its pretty pleasant.
no i have just reached a higher level of enlightenment through the writings of freerick kneechee

>> No.21877856

I thought fma was out of fashion.

>> No.21877871

liked this comeback

>> No.21877881
File: 2.87 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190814-002356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They open up to you more if youre asian. Flipside, they look down on you, or find reasons to affirm that you are "inferior." They dont do this to white or black foreigners, to japs, nonasians are just to be taken "as is." But all east asians are like this to southeast asians as well. Personally, i think its silly. Lowlifes always clutch at straws to make themselves feel better about themselves.

I was raised right in a strict korean family so I never face any real hardships around japs. Was drilled in manners since I could talk. Thats the kind of shit japs look out for, i think. Manners. I was really surprised but I guess its no different from how koreans treat each other. Both peoples have a sharp eye for each others social intelligence. A leap from america, where we pretty much treat each other like zombies.
But one time I let a korean word slip to a japanese war vet, old fuck. Never seen a smile disappear so fast. Actually felt scared from that level of instant hostility. Old habits die hard.

>> No.21877884

This is the reason why I'm learning japanese:

>> No.21877893

gonna quit doing anki today because i'm just learning useless words when all i use my nihongo for is yuru yuri


>> No.21877897

that's awesome and i think you should keep doing what you're doing

>> No.21877904

wtf delete this picture

>> No.21877907

really need anti slut laws immediately

whatever sponge fucker lol

>> No.21877909

Oh what a new idea. As if Nuke's optimized deck didn't already put a shine on the Core turd.

>> No.21877917

read 大室家

>> No.21877925

>he's not using the EZ Core 600

>> No.21877934

That Tango N4 1500 Anki deck that was leaked from Matt's discord only has 900 entries. What's the 1500 stand for?

>> No.21877940
File: 3.22 MB, 4048x3036, IMG_20181127_133408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. But Im posting a replacement. See attached

>> No.21877952

thank you, i still read your post and it was very nice.
but i have no experience of my own about things like that so i'm not commenting on it

>> No.21877960

How many times he heard his dads fucking while making the deck

>> No.21877966

matt cant count he already admitted that in the steve kaufmann interview

>> No.21877970

who the fuck are you. and it was most likely made by yoga while he got sucked off by his wife

>> No.21877980

i mean its no surprise japanese ppl find ways to ostracize even their own depending on where in japan they are from not to mention the usual social status stuff

and it goes a billion times worse cuz of the high schooler gossip mentality shit

the reason its worse for non jp asians is cuz u can sometimes seemingly be incognito in their homogeneity so they really have to put the hammer down and reject u that much harder where with nonasians it doesnt take much effort to see the divide

anyway ppl are fuckin gay and if i owned a big island id let any1 regardless of race on it and create 1 big mutt family and ppl wouldnt have time to fight with each other cuz theyd be too busy loving and admiring me their fearless leader who loves them all equally and ofc id be ready to squash any dissonance with an iron fist to maintain the harmony : )

>> No.21877993

*grabs you by the throat*
b-back the fuck off!??

>> No.21877999

It reads like satire, but with jamal's IQ, I wouldn't be surprised if it weren't.

>> No.21878016


>> No.21878033

>autotune shit
come on

>> No.21878041

every1 uses autotune its the way of the world

>> No.21878055

>all these nerds studying pitch accent
>chads just use auto tune
when will they learn

>> No.21878064

i mean even ppl who can actualyl sing use autotune on the record it just cant be helped anymore

>> No.21878082


>> No.21878097

jamal posts like an idiot, but he's probably got an iq higher than John von Neumann and Chris Langan combined.

>> No.21878101

double wrong ^

>> No.21878110

my iq is 142 not even genius tier

>> No.21878126

What's a J-J dictionary that doesn't suck dick and has decent search options like wildcards and stuff?

>> No.21878136

Maybe tell us which dicks you've sucked before we recommend new ones to you.

>> No.21878137

just use qolibri like everyone else

>> No.21878141

id come live in ur island manor but i aint payin to get there

>> No.21878149

did not read lol

>> No.21878154

>retard thinks the dictionary is the front end

>> No.21878159

u know what he meant retard

>> No.21878170

If you're shit at j-j sanseido.biz, if you're okay sakura-paris.org/dict or weblio.jp or just follow the retard crowd and get qolibri because Matt-dono said so

>> No.21878171

too late i already got my mileage out of it

>> No.21878180

qolibri is good

>> No.21878191

qolibri is nice because it shows multiple dictionaries on one page. because not all dictionaries have the same entries this is useful

>> No.21878194

I put some sort of hydrating gel on my face and it absorbed it right away.

>> No.21878213

what gels do you use when reading vns? I use 先走り汁

>> No.21878219

Are there any Otaku specific terms covered in the VN Deck? I'm asking because I switched to the 2k deck from fear of learning cards with errors but at the end of the day reading VNs is my goal.

>> No.21878220

>forgot the rendaku
I'm not making it

>> No.21878226

>I switched to the 2k deck from fear of learning cards with errors

>> No.21878234

i sometimes laugh at posts even though I don't understand them

>> No.21878246

if you have a fear of learning cards with errors then don't use premade decks. they are almost always made by nukemarines

>> No.21878257

matt was so much better at japanese than kaufmann it's not even funny

>> No.21878264

Nukemarine has his shilled a lot so it's clear what is his, like his LLJ/SGJL, Trimsleur, and Meme2k Optimized

>> No.21878267

watch the steve bois come out and defend the old man

>> No.21878274

Interview with an AJATTer/MIAer

Interviewer: Hello. We are gathering data on Japanese learners worldwide. Could you answer some questions for us?
Cultist: Yes.
Interviewer: Why are you learning Japanese?
Cultist: To brag about it and make money off Patreon.
Interviewer: What is your current occupation?
Cultist: I'm a NEE— I run a YouTube channel.
Interviewer: What are your hobbies?
Cultist::Learning Japanese
Interviewer: Do you like Japanese media? If so what kind?
Cultist: No— I mean anime and J-drama.
Interviewer: Can you try speaking Japanese?
Cultist: Of course.ちょっとまああいいさじゃなんかそうっ

>> No.21878276
File: 94 KB, 870x647, 1549751974162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21878277

only this language attracts enough retards for a guy who literally does not know japanese to be able to make 500 bucks a month from teaching other people whatever the fuck he's teaching them

>> No.21878279

steves not a virgin

checkmate mattards

>> No.21878281

i mean people like nukemarine who dont know japanese yet make learning materials for other people. the dojg anki deck popular here is a good example full of errors not made by nukemarine as far as i know

>> No.21878291

classic glad you have that saved

>> No.21878295

Matt and Steve have completely different goals in Japanese. Matt wanted to be like a native, Steve wanted to do business and communicate. Comparing them doesn't really make sense. No one even cares besides sycophants of either one. You can compare people all day, there's no point if that's the end goal in itself.

I'm not a fan of Steve, he talks about his bad site too much, but you can easily argue Steve is more accomplished in languages than Matt.

>> No.21878300

I guess I should just read and mine with a dictionary then

>> No.21878301

>anime and J-drama.
Come on, be consistent. It's either j-cartoons and j-drama or anime and dorama.

>> No.21878307

how many hanzi do u need to know to be good at chink?

>> No.21878308

*thumbs up* like this post

>> No.21878316

Should I learn Korean to understand this kind of stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPC9erC5WqU

>> No.21878321

answer is no

>> No.21878329

koreans are really getting into porn recently so there might be value in doing so

>> No.21878332
File: 605 KB, 512x588, get.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21878336

1000 hanzi make up roughly 90% of chink-speak. The trick is choosing to start with simplified or traditional.

>> No.21878340

they learn 3800 in school

>> No.21878353

Is it true that Nukemarine made the optimized core6k?

>> No.21878354

ill still never get over that dude completely tearing lingual steves dry cracked and crusted gomer anus completely inside out in just a couple of lines

>> No.21878370

Nuke doesn't really make shit. He takes existing material and combines them in a spreadsheet then shits that out onto Anki. People pay him cause they're too lazy to figure out how to make their own Anki decks.

What I can't figure out is why people like Matt "My Two Dads" Bonder and George "I like sexualizing my daughter on YouTube" Trombley who are fluent in Japanese listen to him.

>> No.21878372

>successful business man who learned as much japanese as he needed for his own purposes while also speaking another 10 or whatever the fuck languages
>autistic balding bug eyed manlet who pisses in bottles and learned japanese because he wants a japanese gf or to become japanese or some stupid shit shit and still lives at home with his 2 gay dads while shilling a knockoff AJATT with a bunch of useless fluff attached

>> No.21878374
File: 201 KB, 640x1138, Dkj6JgyVsAAI7m4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 nukes wasnt enough

>> No.21878375

qolibri is actually decent (not perfect though) at searching so this is the one time the retard crowd was actually right on something. I don't know why nobody can support some simple fucking regex, but I'll just settle for this I guess.

>> No.21878377


>> No.21878379

ah yes, the stereotypical ironic nerd.

>> No.21878384

im just jealous im not the girl honestly

>> No.21878385

idk how you can call someone a retard when you need to be told what dictionary program to use

>> No.21878388

I know he did Core2k, I haven't seen him mention doing it for Core6k

Nuke tries to blend MIA and traditional study. Specifically, he targets people with limited time and focuses on getting past the beginning 2000 words and 1000 or so kanji. He usually advocates after that point to do "structured reading" or use sub2srs. Matt and George don't really listen to him, at most he was in a discord group with George and Matt, and Matt reviewed his course.

>> No.21878393

we get it youre a nuke patreon lol

>> No.21878399

>temee nihonjinjaneenoka
hit me right in the feels.

>> No.21878405

when george said he liked nuke and the only positive thing he could think of was something like "he showed me some stuff about srs i didnt know" lol

>> No.21878414

>he targets people with limited time
ironic, because that 叔父さん is gonna drop dead before learning japanese himself

>> No.21878416

i'd easily ko these clowns in no time if they ever threatened me in this way

>> No.21878417

i shoulda dmed calvin when i had the chance and saved that boy

thinking about how completely utterly unsavable nuke chan is i realized calvin is gonna be in his 40s still deleting his social media every week lol

>> No.21878430

he said hell be back when will he be back the wait is unbearable
oh no he dropped sumika sumire

>> No.21878435

even tho its a joke vid id think twice before fuckin with any1 in japan if u aint got a entourage cuz u could end up in a concrete drum or just get bladed in the middle of the street while every1 watches and records on their phone lol quite frankly no better than the degenerate cosplayer low anglers

>> No.21878443

>better frequency list
It's from a small selection of meme eroge.
Autistics shouldn't make language related resources.

>> No.21878447

oh shit someones getting knifed i can post this on twitter

>> No.21878448

only in saitama.

>> No.21878449

they can try taking me out but i will fight until the very end

>> No.21878459

maybe ur 気合 will reach them lol

>> No.21878460

maybe if i get just the right frequency list this time ill get past beginner level and start reading!!

>> No.21878467

just be one of the superior whites or blacks from african descent and you should win

>> No.21878470

its not funny when u think about all the people really doin this right now

>> No.21878475

im glad i did 1500 words from core before i started reading. i was able to recognize the words in context right away and if i'd started with no vocab id have been pulling my hair out.

>> No.21878476

i get this reference and getting reminded of it makes me sad

>> No.21878480

here's a list for you to mine
1. わたし

>> No.21878485

there were two references

>> No.21878488

what's the fuckin difference between ha and ga

>> No.21878495

can u provide definitions particularly for # 2
watasi ga gei would sound fuckin stupid so u use ha instead and it flows better

>> No.21878496


>> No.21878498

we are still looking for answer, ask again in next thread

>> No.21878503


>> No.21878512

Matt is inconsistent yet again. He recently shilled the retirement addon that Yoga made which deleted cards after a certain interval. This obviously in a direct contrast to the 10,000 sentences idea but still on the MIA site, the 10,000 sentence approach is given.

Matt gave reasons why the retirement addon is better than not using it thereby implying 10,000 sentences is no longer relevant. What is he even doing? At least Khatz said "10,000 Sentences is Dead. Let the MCD Revolution Begin!" but still kept his posts up about it.

It's like Matt doesn't even think about the inherent contradiction and not even addressing it.

>> No.21878514

the girls use ha when anouncing they ochiru due to chinpo and declare themselves as mesu butas.

>> No.21878522

yoshi another fake problem solved by the miapproach

>> No.21878525

it only contradicts it if you're retarded. 10k sentences made is the goal, not 10k sentences currently active in anki.

>> No.21878529

u still do itiman sentences u just dont collect them anymore
but u got the master notepad file with all of em or an excel spreadsheet if ur karbin bringin in the next wave of technological modernization so u know exactly how many sentences u have mined

>> No.21878535

And Core is from a small selection of decades old newspaper articles.

Which is more relevant to most Japanese learners today? Which is more representative of modern, spoken Japanese?

>> No.21878539

this is the level of stupid you have to be to follow e-celeb bullshit

>> No.21878543

u dont have to try to engage the dudes so fucked they dont even play eroge

>> No.21878545

the true answer is neither.
Anybody who comes here to djt probably likes anime & visual novels, not real Japanese people.

>> No.21878551

thats an a or b question and the answer is clear

>> No.21878557


Nuke might be dekinai, but he seems to be killing it singing Japanese songs.

>> No.21878559

i will never forgive djt for 'recommending' me core2k6 back in january 2017. i'd be miles ahead by now if you'd just tell me to mine and read right away instead.

>> No.21878561

he really needed those furiganas

>> No.21878562

i should blog about my japanese experience
it all started in july 2017 when i read the djt guide and it said to do genki and core 6k or something like that

>> No.21878565

lmfao no way

>> No.21878569

its nobodies fault but ur own if you either werent able to knock out 2k words in 3 months (an amount of time which wouldnt have made much of a difference) or if you actually did all 6000 words. in any case fuck u lol

>> No.21878571

i just hope nuke is happy with his life

>> No.21878577

lmao nice nuke

I finished the deck in august of that year so 6k words in 8 months.

>> No.21878579

i think japanese occupies a big enough portion of his life for the complete and utter failure he is at it to have at least some impact on his overall mind state

>> No.21878582

>tfw dropped it little after 2k
give me the praise i deserve for my high iq

>> No.21878585

i hope nuke can find joy in anime despite being permanently crippled

>> No.21878588

i sure hope you didnt just drone for 8 months straight without reading

>> No.21878589

you are smarter than me(>>21878559), good job!

>> No.21878596

how would u feel if uve been trying to learn the language ur wife and kids speak for 10 years and they still refuse to speak to u in it cuz they dont have the patience to speak slowly and use only the first 1000 words in core6k further optimized

>> No.21878600

I dropped it around the 1.4k word mark because somebody else on this thread encouraged me to start mining instead.
If you arrived upon that conclusion on your own, then you might be less of an obedient lapdog than me.

>> No.21878606

idk prolly like the lazy sack of shit i am in this hypothetical

btw are there any pics of his wife

>> No.21878609

But I did drone exclusively for 8 months straight
The sentiment back then was to "get yourself a decent enough vocab size before getting your feet wet". I mean I see my mistake but this is what I did.

>> No.21878615

u arent a lazy sack of shit in reality ? one up on the rest of us lmfao
i dont remember seein any
reading becomes comfortable around the 3000 mark : )

>> No.21878619

what happened to 3k guy
i bet hes qm

>> No.21878623

you are an uppercase poster after all. i dont think ive seen a drone of ur standing admit to it in quite a while. im curious now how what your experience was when you started reading

>> No.21878626
File: 364 KB, 1364x2048, 000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you.
hope your new cosplayer gf can ease your pain

>> No.21878631

i admitted to almost as bad but luckily everyone thinks im jamal

>> No.21878638
File: 10 KB, 334x111, anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drones of the world unite.

>> No.21878639

Imagine being able to read 子宮 but being unable to read .博物館.

>> No.21878641
File: 381 KB, 1080x2169, Screenshot_20190815-020129_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck me off

>> No.21878649

i think you're the king of the drones dude holy fuck. how many total words u got?
i take it it wasnt very fun then. i guess id be mad too if i wasted 8 months like u did.

>> No.21878650

wtf bro i'm telling jamal about your impostor shit

>> No.21878651

it doesnt matter what you know or dont know until you pwn anyways so who cares

>> No.21878654

I just realized a large portion of this thread is in lowercase. No wonder it's just stupid posts.

>> No.21878656

i hear they uppercase post a lot over on redidt

>> No.21878658

Thanks but I've already claimed >>21871570 in the last スレ.

>im curious now how what your experience was when you started reading
I was so bad at it that I had to give up on reading the 2nd chapter of yotsubato even thought I was equipped with the reading pack. I instead played through some nostalgia games from my childhood until I could read eroge at a not-headache-inducing pace. Don't drone and you'll be good. The end.

>> No.21878663


>> No.21878673

can u at least get rid of the punctuation so its easier on the eyes

>> No.21878679

does anyone know a way of turning those html pages from the library into an ebook format with vertical text?

>> No.21878680

>can u at least get rid of the punctuation

>> No.21878682
File: 128 KB, 767x343, review time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i think you're the king of the drones dude holy fuck. how many total words u got?
only 25k or so, i basically neglected proper japanese studies and just droned to keep some knowledge for years before i started taking it more seriously a few yrs ago

>> No.21878685

lowercase is freedom
u dont think about anything
u just let it flow

>> No.21878688

damn, you can still have both

>> No.21878689

I have watched all Tae Kim youtube videos so now i am Nihongo no Master!

>> No.21878691


>> No.21878695

so uve been at it for like 6-7 years surely you're completely fluent now right? right?

>> No.21878698

My wording was bad. What I meant was something like: don't drone exclusively for months

>> No.21878700

thanks, but the ones in the new library don't have zip files, just the html page

>> No.21878701

i was talking about the cosplayer gf

>> No.21878705


>> No.21878709


>> No.21878710

i think by most normal peoples definitions i'd be considered fluent, but i hold myself to too high standards to claim that label

>> No.21878718


>> No.21878731

no, lookup on kindle is a pain in the ass
read on a pc with yomichan until you're good enough so you don't have to look up every second word

>> No.21878732

furigana is good for beginners. eventually stuff you want to read wont have furigana so you will learn to read without it. furigana takes a lot of difficulty away from having to figure out how something is read if a kanji has multiple readings or a phrase isnt in a dictionary etc

>> No.21878744

nevermind, it turns out you can just ctrl+a and throw the text into a txt file and convert with aozoraepub
kinda jank but it works

>> No.21878770

This >>21878731
Kindle is also very bad at recognizing declensions and sometimes won't even let you select the shit you want to look up
It's a great reading experience if you read something at your level though

>> No.21878781

is there any ereader for the language learner or should me and him give up on that idea until we get good

>> No.21878796

I only have a Kindle but I doubt others have much better lookup features, at least I've never head of it

>> No.21878804

Install the Jisho app on your phone/tablet, and then switch back and forth between the epub viewer app and Jisho

>> No.21878810

wow didn't except 気概 to mean what it means

>> No.21878811

karbins twitter is gone
he lied about comin back

>> No.21878821


>> No.21878823

Can I abandon core 6k now. I've still got like 1k new cards left but I know 90% of the new cards I see and I'd rather spend the time on my N1 deck and mining decks.

>> No.21878824

What is this Matt two dads meme

>> No.21878825

that fucking traitor. i trusted him

>> No.21878826

hes got 2 dads

>> No.21878827


>> No.21878830

Would reaching 2k cards in Core2k/6k be around a good time to start reading or should I study the dictionary of japanese grammar anki deck some more before then?

>> No.21878832

you should have abandoned it 2000 cards ago

>> No.21878837

but who make baby

>> No.21878844

i wanna know what goes through his head when he starts up back again like ok time to make a new mia twitter and tell everyone im back for the 5th time and this time im really serious

>> No.21878846


>> No.21878855

Start reading after you memorize this list

>> No.21878861

agreed beginners shouldnt start reading before memorizing 虱

>> No.21878876
File: 2.66 MB, 852x480, 1490435193589.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete your anki decks and read

>> No.21878884

can you delete this webm please

>> No.21878892

nice book_

>> No.21878894

Why not read and also do Anki?

>> No.21878902


How do I get this good?

>> No.21878913

By growing up in Japan

>> No.21878914

study like normal? he is pretty average

>> No.21878921

He grew up in Japan so try that also get banned from Poland

>> No.21878933

interesting, so all i have to do is just fly to japan and get banned from my own country

>> No.21878938

what do you think average means? less than 0.1% of foreigners who ever tried to learn japanese ever became as good as him (because he learned as a kid while living in japan)

>> No.21878943

Nazeka bug report for Wareya-chan.

The new Reader functions don't work when
>Reader insert at bottom
is enabled.

Rather than the newest line being highlighted, the
>Strings grabbed: [number]
line is, and clicking
>Delete Newest
does nothing.

>> No.21878951

i think average means not very bad and not very good
>less than 0.1% of foreigners who ever tried to learn japanese ever became as good as him
do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.21878959
File: 8 KB, 209x250, 1565764674237s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about making a blog, noting my progress and interesting things I learn. Might be a good way to keep myself motivated.
Good idea or waste of time?

>> No.21878967

good idea link it here when you make it

>> No.21878973

it's plain to see that most foreign learners of japanese cant string two words together even after years of studying (which is why anyone who demonstrates a tiny bit of capability like matt are treated like gods)

what do you think is wrong with his japanese besides his slight accent?

>> No.21878980

he's doesn't want to admit that a guy he disagrees with is good at Japanese

>> No.21878981

Waste of time. You'll do shit literally just so you can blog about it . Huge abuse of "motivation"

>> No.21878985

wtf how can you disagree with taylor and browse 4chan

>> No.21878992

race science is all bullshit propaganda lol

>> No.21878995

but most of it is true

>> No.21878998

Have you ever listened to him though? Even if you think humans are all equal with no racial differences biologically, clearly groups act certain ways.

>> No.21879001

actually i agree with him 100% but still think you can reach that level of communication just by studying normally. i did lol at the slight accent comment though

>> No.21879002

If all Japanese were replaced with Mexicans would Japan be better or worse?
If all Mexicans were replaced with Japanese would Mexico be better or worse?

>> No.21879008

Wasn't Japan the aggressor in WW2? Why is 太平 there.

>> No.21879011

go back to /pol/

>> No.21879014

stop being mean

>> No.21879020

uh oh here come the papercraft and origami boogyman

>> No.21879028

太平洋 is pacific ocean, not 太平, 洋 and 戦争. Parsing

>> No.21879033

Oh wow, thanks.

>> No.21879036

stop derailing the thread when we are trying to talk about japanese study and ability

>> No.21879039

i didn't start it though asshole

>> No.21879054

Then, one day, the Japanese Navy decided to attack Pearl Harbor for no reason at all. Now turn your textbooks to chapter 7, "LGBT and POC Heroes in WW2" for the start of our next lesson.

>> No.21879103

You've got to read more porn, you must have faith and believe.
You've got to give of yourself 'fore you're worthy to receive.
Eat all the manga you can hold, watch anime, plays VNs.
Post "read more" here for others, thank you kindly, DJT.


>> No.21879113

cure your depression

>> No.21879117

>adaptation spared the brain

Okay retard

>> No.21879134

you got named dude

>> No.21879144

you got the wrong guy

>> No.21879153

Just do the EZ Core 600 :^)


>> No.21879166

Virus. Norton went crazy when I followed that link.

>> No.21879169

How does one estimate their vocab size if they don't use Anki?

>> No.21879180


>> No.21879188

vndb length categories are arbitrary and set by random people

>> No.21879194

why would you

>> No.21879196

random people who cant read the vn lol

>> No.21879199

that's really fucked up but also good to know

>> No.21879203

the best way to check how long something is is on erogamescape.

>> No.21879214

wtf good point im free

>> No.21879236

Are learners of any other languages as obsessed with statistics and metrics as Japanese learners?
"I know exactly 1157 kanji"

>> No.21879240
File: 11 KB, 311x280, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21879253
File: 57 KB, 293x413, Big think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the kanji for circle the exact same as the kanji for yen? It looks like it to me.

>> No.21879254

>Is the kanji for circle the exact same as the kanji for yen? It looks like it to me.
丸? doesnt look like it to me..

>> No.21879265

why do u think they call it that

>> No.21879268

Idk if you were fucking with me but I was talking about 円 and yeah apparently so.

>> No.21879271

Several years if you don't give up.

>> No.21879272
File: 130 KB, 846x99, 1535181017643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got my first mature anki card in my mining deck today. Also found a fuck ton of new anime that's simple enough for a beginner.

>> No.21879274

for some reason i thought you was talking about 〇

>> No.21879276

it's better to read relife than to watch it if you care about those kind of things

>> No.21879282

most of it will probably go over my head anyway, just watching these to learn

>> No.21879303

I'd heard 'cause the coins were round? But obvi a jap illiterate like myself wouldn't know whether to expect the same symbol or not. Pounds and Pounds are written the same but they have different symbols and whatnot. But yeah, hey, 2nd day of anki kanji. Kinda hard.

>> No.21879307

hope you're doing the VN Core deck at least

>> No.21879322

is quiz right that if you just watch anime with jp subs and mine words for a couple years you'll be able to read well afterwards?

>> No.21879328
File: 233 KB, 522x700, Oh you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anki jewish propaganda?

>> No.21879334

Wait until you see the card for 'Orange'

>> No.21879340

conversely is it true that if you watch with japanese subs that your listening won't improve and you're doomed forever?

>> No.21879344

Hey, Calvin, in the unlikely chance that you ever visit djt know this: it isn't your fault. You acquired one language, you can acquire another. You have to give up on doing it Matt's way. Matt is no expert in either languages or teaching, he's just some guy your age living in a basement who got good at Japanese by spending his life doing Anki reps in a toilet stall. Calvin, YOU ARE A BETTER PERSON THAN HE IS.

Watch some of Krashen's talks, look up some of his papers, learn how language acquisition really works. You don't need to force yourself to watch incomprehensible material you don't understand and don't enjoy. You don't need to commit grammar guides to memory. You don't need to do flashcards at all.

Matt would say that not doing it his way is slower, or won't take you as far. He has to say this in order to make people believe he has some wisdom to offer so they'll keep giving him patreon money. He doesn't have any wisdom. He sounds smart and convincing but he's just making shit up and has ZERO evidence to back up his claims.

Enjoyable, comprehensible input. That's it. That's all you need.

Come back soon, Calvin!

>> No.21879352

months ago on twitter i suggested he try something like kaufmann recommends. meaning he quit forcing himself to do a bunch of shit he hates doing every day that burns him out after a few weeks. instead he could lower his input threshold to like an hour of reading and an hour of listening a day until he improves such that it's easier to read and listen longer.

he told me "nah i'm doing MIA but thanks anyway." his loss i guess.

>> No.21879354

hayai guy cant read

>> No.21879361

yes very true

>> No.21879386

karbin doesnt even like any japanese media he just likes the cute girls
and not even 2d
can u really make it like that ?

>> No.21879395

I think I saw that exchange. We can show him the way out but ultimately he has to be the one to take the steps. If he's more interested in being part of Matt's little clique than learning Japanese, well, that's his choice. I hope he makes a better one.

>> No.21879418
File: 29 KB, 756x294, wisdom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought of it this way.

>> No.21879423

what's this mean? "shit difficulty", an expression meaning "really hard"?

>> No.21879425

has he learned japanese or how to "program" yet

>> No.21879426

its not that he wants to be a part
its that he wants to have a wild success story so that he can be an influential eceleb with a patreon too

>> No.21879432

which one do you think makes more sense

>> No.21879433
File: 259 KB, 343x430, sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21879440

well one is literal and one is my attempt at interpreting it so they both make sense in a way.

>> No.21879451

nvm i triple checked jisho and finally noticed クソ can also mean "very/extremely". well at least i had an idea because of the magical power of context

>> No.21879536

I've given Matt 20 bucks for every dad he has.
Am I in a cult?

>> No.21879563

I'm doing the 2k/6k recommended in the guide. I have no real intention of playing VN's so I thought I'd skip that one.

>> No.21879569

well shit this threads fuckin ripparoni already

>> No.21879571

ikr half the posts are me arguing with myself

>> No.21879581

>60 ips
>629 posts

>> No.21879588

i dare say its time to just make the next thread so i can post the dollman intro

>> No.21879673

It seems that clearing away personal psychological issues is very helpful for preparing the mind for gaining the deeper transformative insights into the impersonal nature of reality.

>> No.21879676

yah u can do all that while i do actual things

>> No.21879714
File: 8 KB, 355x319, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come the stroke like in pic related has disappeared from some kanjis?

>> No.21879785

What's your go to for reading untranslated manga?
lhscan.net is missing a lot of chapters

>> No.21879814
File: 6 KB, 340x61, 1548008239230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was quick. Thanks.

Have you released this fix as an update or are you waiting until you've made some more changes first before releasing a new version?

In the latter case, I do have one feature suggestion for you, assuming it's possible...
>>Bilingual lookups in monolingual definitions
>Nazeka supports the workflow of reading with only J-J definitions, then using both a J-E and J-J dictionary when looking up words in the J-J definitions, seamlessly. Set "Where to look for definitions" to "From json dictionary only" and enable "Force "From jmdict then json" definitions mode when mining UI is open". Now when you mouse over J-J definitions in the mining UI, J-E definitions will appear even if they're normally disabled outside of the mining UI.
^ It would be nice to have an option here to disable J-J look-ups altogether when hovering over words in the Mining UI and force J-E look-ups only.

>> No.21879848
File: 49 KB, 651x604, 190510222604919041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm found what I was looking for at
get yours too

>> No.21879854 [DELETED] 

religious affiliation is culturally transmitted but degree of religiosity, both how strongly you hold beliefs and how regularly you observe religious practice, are heritable.

>> No.21879979




>> No.21880014
File: 4 KB, 77x111, IMG_20190815_142007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this?

>> No.21880020

fuck off

>> No.21880141

$40 gone. Also yes. MIA is dogmatic, AJATT is not.

>> No.21880180

I wonder what Nuke does for that $40/month patron he has. My guess is drinking piss from a cup.

>> No.21880250

You know I want to like you guys but the attitude that people that are absolute shitters have on here really pisses me off
the shitty advice that is given by people puffed up with pride that can’t say 1 thing in nihongo is rampant and the same people then also talk shit about me as if they even know half of what I do
you know all the shitposting would be fun if I knew we all knew nihongo and were just pretending to post retarded shit
but the vast majority of people actually don’t know shit and that leaves a bad aftertaste
to me you are no different from reddit in terms of inability to learn

>> No.21880255

sou desu ne

>> No.21880275

If you aren't happy just leave faggot

>> No.21880303

I get frustrated too sometimes by the attitude here.

The moment you bring up anything which contradicts the established dogma of the thread, everyone suddenly turns on you and becomes really hostile. A lot of the time it doesn't even matter what arguments you make to defend your position. Even if you thoroughly stump all the people arguing against you and they can't come up with any rebuttal to what you've said, they still won't accept that they're wrong and will either just ignore your post or resort to name-calling.

At the same time though, this is the only thing preventing this place from turning into r/LearnJapanese and other cesspools like it full of textbook drones, so I'd say its a necessary evil that we're better off for in the end.

>> No.21880315

>actually coming to /djt/ to learn
Just click the link to the guide and leave immediately.

>> No.21880324

>they still won't accept that they're wrong and will either just ignore your post or resort to name-calling.
Oh yeah, and another common tactic you see is the sort of cop-out "yeah, well it doesn't matter anyway" response where they basically admit you're right but dismiss everything you said anyway because it doesn't align with the mainstream view of the thread.

And one has to wonder, if it doesn't matter, then why did they just bother getting into an argument with you over it and why were they so emotionally invested that they had to drop insults like "retard" and tell you to "fuck off", etc. in every post?

>> No.21880343

>established dogma
I see everyone agreeing on everything except Anki and RTK. As if those even matter. If it helps you and it doesn't take years then do it.

>> No.21880428


>> No.21880449

if u cant comprehend the nature and purpose of djt (fun shitposting), you're low iq

>> No.21880499

i love 80s phil collins music videos

>> No.21880505

word of the day: 実入り

>> No.21880510

It gets easy when your internal voice reads it out automatically

>> No.21880613

why does 娼婦 and 主婦 sound so similar?

>> No.21880645

Because they used your mom as a basis

>> No.21880655
File: 31 KB, 979x594, 2019-08-15 06_12_00-ATOKイミクル.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use ATOK's dictionary function. Though it's limited in the search options you're looking for.

>> No.21880731

Peter Gabriel-era Genesis > Phil Collins-era Genesis

>> No.21880766

t. >>21878126

>> No.21880823

I just learnt that 礻can sometimes be a variant for 示. Am I ignorant for not learning this till right now?

>> No.21880829

because why the fuck does it even matter?

>> No.21880830

ignorant : (adj) Unaware or uninformed. So, yes.

>> No.21880834

it’s called しめすへん

>> No.21880857


>> No.21880861

How long until I am as good as Laoshu in this video? The woman complimented his Japanese, ergo he must be not only fluent but near native.


>> No.21880876
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>a nip girl will never look at you like that
why live?

>> No.21880888
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Ah, after downloading the 0.4.1 update and trying the Reader page out, I've noticed another issue with "Reader insert at bottom".

The "Pause" and "Delete Newest" buttons partially obstruct the most recent line of text.

(so you'll hopfully see this post: wareya nazeka)

>> No.21880915

Oh god, his accent is awful.

"Vetted by a native" really means nothing, does it?

>> No.21880916


>> No.21880924

about 3 weeks

your typical polyglot never gets past lower intermediate level before starting to "learn" a different language

>> No.21880927

Think I may learn Chinese
what’s the equivalent to Core2k with voiced sentences and all that?

>> No.21880933


>> No.21880934

Just use anime cards you animal.

>> No.21880942

go for it

hopefully you'll stop posting here

>> No.21880951

Core TrevorJames 2k
You'll be able to describe how fragrant and spicy the hotpots are in MINUTES

>> No.21880978

lol worst post in the thread and thats saying something. collins takes a big fat dook down gabriels throat

>> No.21880979

you have to grow up in japan like jared taylor to get that good

>> No.21880982

for what possible reason?

>> No.21881003

just think kanji is cool
and I‘m interested in ancient Chinese writing and the various overlaps with Japan
suppose it’s mainly just an academic interest
also think it could be useful for a lot of things, lots of shit has been coming out of China and that’ll probably only increase

>> No.21881010

chinese is cool but i will always take getting better at japanese than starting a new language

>> No.21881013

chinks are egotistical subhumans so quizlet will feel right at home

>> No.21881021

mandarin sounds atrocious though, i tried watching a few of their anime or whatever the fuck its called and i had to turn it off cause of the ear rape

>> No.21881032

>Mandarin sounds bad

Nigga you heard Vietnamese before?

>> No.21881036

the fact that there is a language that sounds worse doesnt make mandarin not sound bad, dumbo

>> No.21881039
File: 44 KB, 397x412, genki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I proceed after finishing Genki II?
What should I be able to read at this point? Should I be able to read shonen manga yet?

>> No.21881045

u should proceed to jump off a cliff. youre already crippled so should be fine

>> No.21881049



>> No.21881053


>> No.21881056

try to read something you want to read and bust your balls doing that until it gets less painful

>> No.21881060

you just need to hear it spoken by women with beautiful voices like any language really

>> No.21881066

>What should I be able to read at this point?
pretty much nothing

>> No.21881081

fuck u

>> No.21881082

So Chinese porn. Got it.

>> No.21881085

anything you want to try. i suggest furigana manga because everything you want to read will have so many words you dont know and furigana will make it easier to look things up more accurately

>> No.21881113


shoe soreしょーそー?

>> No.21881119

bros. i dont know if i should choose jlpt4 or 3...

>> No.21881143

What's the current recommended frequency list?
Up until now I've been using innocent corpus. I avoid words with <1k frequency for now since I still don't know many 3-5k words as they were not part of core6k

>> No.21881150


>> No.21881152

i use innocent corpus and the nazeka vn frequency list someone posted. btw how many words you have already? I have ~4000 in anki and have been avoiding stuff under 3000 in innocent corpus
thanks for saving me the trouble

>> No.21881159
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I'm so fucking sick of my baby reading speed in kana.
I know it goes away the more you do it but by god is it annoying

>> No.21881174

~5700 from core and around 700 from my own. but there are some repeating words that I mined before I reach them on core.
I've been keeping myself from mining a lot until I finish off core

Quick tips on how to use it? I guess I'll find out myself as I start using it

>> No.21881178

actually think listening to japanese is what helps you in the beginning. its easy to read phrases and stuff incorrectly if you've never heard them before and reading slow is also a result of that

>> No.21881203

incase anyone is wondering what you're talking about i found this https://nyaa.si/view/1094628

>> No.21881241

>You know I want to like you guys but the attitude that people that are absolute shitters have
thats how i feel about u
>you know all the shitposting would be fun if I knew we all knew nihongo
u dont have to know nihongo to be aight if u dont act like u know nihongo
lmfao u are runnin out of reasons to be able to look down on matt

>> No.21881277

>the shitty advice that is given by people puffed up with pride
can you cite some examples of this in this thread?

>> No.21881350

I'm having legitimate trouble learning the days of the week haha. I think I did a bit too much studying today.

>> No.21881355

if you put them off like a year then learn them they're super duper easy

>> No.21881357

really dont need to know them that well unless you live in japan or tlak to japanese people about specific days. over time youll just get used to it like oh moon day or oh its on dirt day etc

>> No.21881361

what's so hard about remembering that thursday is the wood day?

>> No.21881372

didnt read but lol

>> No.21881375




>> No.21881377

i just left them in anki without caring how long it took to remember them and it didnt take long

>> No.21881399

is it me or do they days of the week in japanese just somehow make sense?

idk i feel like i've always known that tuesday is a firey day and wednesday is a watery day and so

>> No.21881402

nah tuesday is the faggot ass watery day

>> No.21881403

What the fuck are you talking about you looney

>> No.21881418

It's almost as if they weren't named randomly.

>> No.21881419



>> No.21881422

no tuesday is defintely an alpha weekday

wednesday and monday are very effeminate though

>> No.21881426
File: 147 KB, 640x535, 1425214639580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This days of the week thing made me realise... the 2k/6k anki deck is not going to teach me kunyomi and onyomi is it? Because it just told me 金 by itself is kane but in the day of the week it's kinyomi and I was just kinda expected to know that.

>> No.21881456
File: 97 KB, 1439x1005, fFKv9XRuG9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for real i agree

>> No.21881464
File: 749 KB, 702x786, 1564331820567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are vowels (a, e, i, o, u) silent? よし = "yosh" instead of "yoshi" and 愛し sounds a lot like "ice" instead of "ai su."

Also, is ai supposed to be pronounced together or separately? I hear 世界 pronounced both "se kai" and "se ka i."

>> No.21881470

>the 2k/6k anki deck is not going to teach me kunyomi and onyomi is it?
it is, by showing you that 金 is かね and 金曜日 is きんようび
that's all you need to know, there is no reason to memorize the on and kunyomi reading of every kanji in isolation, it'll sort itself out as your vocabulary grows

>> No.21881476
File: 93 KB, 1024x1024, 1546301107968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>愛し sounds a lot like "ice"

>> No.21881480


アニソンなら https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93jR2rUWeXY#t=14 これがいい

>> No.21881489

not seein the problem here maybe the "fuck off retard" guy is a bit excessive but hes not wrong

>> No.21881505

imagine not having a fat fuckin japanese sweetheart eating a literal hole in ur wallet like pakkuman lol

>> No.21881513

Do you have any argument to make? If it's just a vague argument from authority about "knowing more japanese" then I'll just do fucking sentence cards since matt is a much higher level than you

>> No.21881524

think quiz admitted to almost never needing the example sentences on his cards anyways so not sure what he's trying to argue

>> No.21881535

Yeah it usually goes like this:
QM: make anime cards, increase your learning by 1000%!
Anon: No thx, takes too long to make and rep.
QM: Fool! You don't ever actually listen to or read the example sentence. I finished 600 cards today in 10 minutes.
Anon: then what's the point?
QM: stfu, you're literally worse than reddit! REEEEEE

>> No.21881540
File: 12 KB, 719x71, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk what a guy who knows jack shit could even argue honestly

>> No.21881559

what about that "advice" was shitty? because i don't think we actually disagree on much so i think you misunderstood me.

>> No.21881561

Oh. Yeah I guess I should be reading those huh

>> No.21881604

Being good at something is a choice

Being good at something means being bad at other things

Having no shortcomings means having no strengths

Choosing one happiness means rejecting another

Those who do not choose something gain no happiness

>> No.21881615

so where does that leave u who chose to be a retard eh ky guy lmao

>> No.21881627

>I was just kinda expected to know that
if you had no chance of being wrong it would be a useless card
if you knew all the readings of all the kanji in 金曜日 but had never seen or heard the word before you would have no way of being sure what the reading is without checking
learning words is the only thing you need to do and your success rate in guessing readings of new words will climb naturally without overthinking it
>When are vowels (a, e, i, o, u) silent
its only i and u and they are when they are and they arent when they arent
>Also, is ai supposed to be pronounced together or separately?
they blend together but its still two mora
listen more

>> No.21881640

in short you need to sacrifice your friends to become good at nihongo thanks matt

>> No.21881651
File: 43 KB, 1253x169, not a cult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21881657

i wonder if matt has anything to add to this now that hes realized there will never be a time when you are good lmfao

>> No.21881680

what an insufferable faggot

>> No.21881682

I know what you mean. But as someone who is finally become good at the 5 different skills he tried to pick up in high school idk man, I think it was kind of worth it (I do feel sorry for the years I was shit at everything and had no time for anything though)

>> No.21881687

>they are when they are and they arent when they arent
>just remember the exceptions

>> No.21881694

>its only i and u
watashi wa matto desu

>> No.21881696

I wouldn't stress too much about it. No jap is going to be confused if you go SHIkashi instead of Shkashi. And you're never not going to be anything else other than "the foreigner who's good at jap" at best. So just try to remember, some you'll pick up, some you won't, but you'll be understood either way.

>> No.21881823

that unmatched quote is bugging me

>> No.21881828

watch anime

>> No.21881842

the calvin <3 image on it god fUckin DAngit

>> No.21881859

they make remembering new cards easier. listening/reading the example sentence also helps re-remembering the reviews you missed each day.

>> No.21881866

When Japanese people "read" Kanji, do they read it "in Japanese" as in how the word would sound in Kana or do they read it the way those specific Kanji sound?
Posted byu/JustForToday333
58 minutes ago

>> No.21881874

nice addition to the thread

>> No.21881875


>> No.21881876
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>> No.21881879

ok that one made me laugh

>> No.21881882


>> No.21881884

holy sHIT i know what that means
lets GOOOO

>> No.21881932

I don't see why you gotta make fun of the guy, it's a good question.

>> No.21881939

i looked up the post and i couldnt understand what he was askin

>> No.21881985

Nibbana doesn't actually end anything. A more accurate way to look at it is that it dispels the illusions of your consciousness.

>> No.21881989

English is my 3rd language,
What the fuck is he trying to say please help

>> No.21882003

i thought he was askin if u just stream together on readings in ur head or somethin but the rest of his post sounded kind of like askin if u should not subvocalize anything at all and just look at the pictograms

>> No.21882012

his question does not make sense because he doesnt understand kanji

>> No.21882027

i think HE thinks that Kana is some sort of "fake" sounds where was the sounds he's used to, whatever they are, are just "sounds". So he's asking if Japs read kanji "like it actually supposedly sounds" or "in kana" because I think he doesn't understand that kana is just the sounds of Japanese. But I'm not super sure

>> No.21882041

ok thx

>> No.21882060



>> No.21882068


>> No.21882111

every time i finish my reps the first thought i have is "that was fucking miserable". i must really want to learn japanese if im willing to endure this shit

>> No.21882120

Then why don't you start?

>> No.21882126

i spend 7 times more time per day consuming content than doing anki so you can blow it out your ass

>> No.21882131

you can spend 8 times more.

>> No.21882156

>tfw basically only use anki when i feel like it
Dunno how good/bad it will be long term but honestly just don't feel like making new cards or repping every day. Some days i just remember "oh Anki, that's a thing on my computer" then i do my reps and make some new cards and go back to watching anime

>> No.21882160

only 7 ? how much time do u waste on anki lol

>> No.21882167

name one good thing that came from chuugoku

>> No.21882170

20 minutes

>> No.21882176

漢字 : )
then ur anki is fine but read more

>> No.21882183

i have other shit i want/need to do in life since im not a worthless neet

>> No.21882197

u dont sound like u user ur time to wisely if u think u need to be a neet to do better than that

>> No.21882207

i'll never understand why you would switch to chinese after finishing the japanese. i mean you have all the nukige at your finger tips. i'd rather overdose on dopamine playing eroge all day than learn an optional language that offers nothing other than a slightly longer e penor. 以上

>> No.21882209

not sure what universe you live in where 3 hours a day dedicated to a singular hobby isnt already a fuckton. i do not have any more time to allocate to it nor would i want to if i did.

>> No.21882215

you will never make it and those neets are laughing at your progress while playing rori moege

>> No.21882222


>> No.21882229

Some people like languages. Also what kinda loser plays eroge instead of just fapping to the CGs on sad panda

>> No.21882231

dood those neets are banging virtual 2ds left and right while reading all materials at 99.95%+ reading comprehension they are literally 翔んでいる while you are still 飛んでいる

>> No.21882233

has the meaning of the word projection been lost lol

>> No.21882244


>> No.21882247

you seem to be wasting your already "precious" time.

>> No.21882253

How do RTK friends read 獅子吼?

>> No.21882255

i read the post again and figured it out
hes askin if a native sees 電車 and subvocalizes いなずまくるま

>> No.21882260

Is an hour a good time to spend reading everyday, or should I shoot for more?

>> No.21882262


>> No.21882270

more is better but if you can only tolerate reading an hour then just read an hour. when you get better you might be able to bear reading longer. it was like that for me.

>> No.21882276

you want to aim for at least 8 hours

>> No.21882280

do more if you can but you should really be reading as long as you enjoy it, if you force yourself to read for too long you'll just burn out

>> No.21882281

Why don't you just do as much as you feel like? You're not gonna do more or less than that anyway no matter what people here tell you to do

>> No.21882282

Teacher child yell
Meaning; Scolding a student.
Reading; probably kyoukoguchi

>> No.21882288

>You're not gonna do more or less than that anyway no matter what people here tell you to do
people actually believe this? i only got as much input as i did when i started out because i was told it was a reasonable minimum. i hated it but i pushed through it.

>> No.21882298

Yeah burn outs been my problem so far so I've been just trying to keep a steady pace. I'll definitely try to go for longer as I improve

>> No.21882304

imagine hating reading lmfao

>> No.21882312

not everyone is a child like blaze who has amazing fun staring at meaningless scribbles

>> No.21882313

Yeah and you still don't understand japanese

>> No.21882315

hate reading love manga

>> No.21882317

yea but i'm a lot better than when i first started so anyone claiming you'll only do as much as you want is full of shit

>> No.21882319



>> No.21882324

well u wont learn nihongo if theyre meaningless now will u lmfao
when i say read u should interpret it as any form of media u want : )

>> No.21882327


>> No.21882329

word of the day : 操舵

>> No.21882336

word of the gay : 後天性免疫不全症候群

>> No.21882351

word of the lay : 坊主憎けりゃ袈裟まで憎い

>> No.21882357

Why is friday money day

>> No.21882366

in my country people used to get paid for work on fridays
so who knows

>> No.21882379

it's the golden day my tomotati

>> No.21882392

Friday is pizza day, the best day of the week

>> No.21882410
File: 6 KB, 240x240, 240px-Galileo_Venus_global_view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21882443


>> No.21882444

real word of the day is ちなむ

>> No.21882487

I also read the wikipedia page about the etymology of 金曜日

>> No.21882566

It is very cute

>> No.21882620

>tfw no friends to sacrifice
maybe that's why i'm not fluent
