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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 46 KB, 816x624, intro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20575108 No.20575108 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't this what you've always dreamed of?

Release announcement
Unofficial English Patch

>> No.20575141

she seems like she's been through a lot

>> No.20575255
File: 296 KB, 1200x1450, protagonist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wouldn't be like this if she hadn't.

>> No.20575276
File: 278 KB, 836x639, shower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20579827
File: 679 KB, 816x624, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The developer has this link in his Twitter profile. What an edgelord.

>> No.20580247

Author should develop her backstory, instead of letting it be just a school massacre simulator for edgy kids.

>> No.20580344


>> No.20580358

It has some backstory. You can read it if you examine the items in the main character's home. There is over a dozen of them. I think the word "simulator" is out of place. You play for a high score and earn "shooter points" to buy weapons and skills. It's an arcade game at heart (which is why the RPG Maker engine holds it back).

>> No.20580398
File: 612 KB, 818x656, 2019-01-07 Morimiya Middle School Shooting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these things?

>> No.20580404

Dear mod, this thread is not advertiser friendly, it promotes and encourages school shooting.

>> No.20581145

He's literally a guro artist, what did you expect?

>> No.20581223
File: 55 KB, 200x208, nigg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the japanese version of Hatred?

>> No.20581343

This artist infuriates me. He's so, so, SO good at what he does, and there's parts of it I really like, but not enough to make his work not disgusting and just enough to make me wish it wasn't.
And this game is not okay at all.

>> No.20581485

reminder that if you never fantasized about shooting up a school you don't belong on /jp/

>> No.20581517

That doesn't make sense.

>> No.20581615

I think he means you wouldn't have such fantasies because we all here are dropouts that don't know school life. Right?

>> No.20581630

>because we all here are dropouts that don't know school life
That's not even a little true.

>> No.20581643

>And this game is not okay at all.
What is not okay about it?

>> No.20581739

I think "shooting up a school" might be a literal meme (viral idea). I am sure that children have fantasized about shooting their bully, a former friend who betrayed them and suchlike since guns started to appear in the fiction they read. Maybe they even fantasized about doing it at school. But was the revenge fantasy of going to your school and trying to killed as many people as possible common before Columbine? I have my doubts. Then again, maybe it's not that Columbine spread the idea, but that schools in the civilized world have been getting worse.

>> No.20581815

The fantasy of police not busting your virgin ass when trying to build a pipebomb.

>> No.20581833

Don't ask questions you already know the answer too.

>> No.20581988

It was an genuine question. It is the premise itself? The game is not an eroge, so it isn't like it has the wrong fetishes for you to fap to. The graphic violence is mild. It's a kind of Postal with a cute girl protagonist who is sympathetic, but not too sympathetic for her purpose. The music gives it a horror atmosphere that actually makes what happens on the screen feel more acceptable. I think that, as strange as it may sound, for a school shooter game it's pretty inoffensive.

>> No.20583057

wanna know how I know you're a female

>> No.20583719

It's just a game.

>> No.20583737

you don't belong here

>> No.20584454 [DELETED] 

I'm reporting this thread to the FBI.

>> No.20584524

The premise, mostly. I don't think school shootings are something you should make a game out of, not these days.


>> No.20584534

I don't want this thread to devolve into politics, but why is this time special? Games that let you kill civilians have always been controversial.

>> No.20585199

I've never played any vns and this is the first one i have played and i'm not sure why the game sometimes lag when lots of students start running and it's really making me mad. The lags are unbearable and i'm not entirely sure yet where to head when the shooting starts. I don't know the names of the buildings so i don't know where to fucking go when i hear the emergency announcement and the yandere bitch is just too fucking op i can't really move when people start pushing and i can't figure out the objectif. Please bear my stupid questions and help me out.

>> No.20585254

They are called Sasumata
and are pretty effective against an opponent who is belligerent with just their hands or a simple knife or bludgeon. In civilized countries police are expected to use these rather than dumping two full magazines from a Handgun to solve every problem.

>> No.20585270

Thank you for the explanation.

>> No.20585271
File: 59 KB, 500x500, 82C61C9C-80B6-4B8A-984B-4E08796EBDBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20585272

Too many school shootings lately. In the US, at least, I dunno how the rest of the world's doing with that sort of thing.

>Games that let you kill civilians have always been controversial.
Sure, but these are kids. School kids at that. It's a little different.

>> No.20585284

Sorry, I'll pass.
Not fond of R-18G and other guro stuff.
Good for eric and gurofags I guess.

>> No.20585290

It has less guro than Hotline Miami, which it resembles.

>> No.20585416

This looks like an effective weapon, especially against someone like a drunk with a knife.

>> No.20585445

>Isn't this what you've always dreamed of?
No, it's more like this http://abarayagames.com/penny/

>> No.20585951

Not him, but it's just context and sensitivity. I think it'd be odder if it didn't bother you on some level.

That said I wouldn't ban anything like this, I just have no interest in it.

>> No.20586032

>I think it'd be odder if it didn't bother you on some level.
No, it's definitely odder to be bothered by a game, especially on this board about games where cute little girls threaten to devour one another and VNs about raping schoolgirls and possibly still killing them too.

>> No.20586198

Listen, many people are products of their culture. If you're American and have been fed media since Columbine, you are probably, and I do mean it is probable, that you will be put off by school shootings. They bother people because people have been conditioned to fear them and anything that could suggest them.

Frankly I'd rather it never have been sensationalized if only because I think at this point it's memetic; it's given people ideas. In regards to that, I don't care to see any sort of media depicting it. I don't think seeing rape or most sorts of murder will prompt people to get ideas to do the same, but I'm a simple man: I somewhat believe school or public shootings are a special case.

After all in America, all it really will take is the idea, a certain degree of derangement (probably) and a weapon. All simple enough to come across in the Land of the Free.

>> No.20586280

by the way if you want to know "what makes it different" it's maybe because the crime is so public

Rapes are often done in privacy or in bad places that already put you on edge.
Similarly murders tend to be like that, and are typically premeditated and specific to a target.

Then there's the oh-so-spooky public shooting that can technically happen anywhere, anytime, and fuck you. Young or old, innocent or guilty, man or woman: poor luck today. And of course ever since Columbine we have more, and News just looooves it. So much to cover, so much fear to spread. And the idea persists, whereas in the past was this really ever a problem? But yeah it's so public and seemingly random it puts people on edge. It's a lot easier to think "that would never happen to me or someone I know" when it comes to most other crimes, I guess. But most people will probably be at least a little afraid that a shooting could just erupt while they're shopping or while their kids are at school. So, a little touchy about it

>> No.20586687

I'm not some dope from a gated suburb that thinks smoking weed is going to melt my brain, masturbating is a crime, and that pedos are lurking down every street waiting to kidnap kids. Also stop watching the electronic /pol/. News is a sham.

>> No.20586720

Oh, you poor, poor north american (scum)!

>> No.20586763

Congratulations, cool dude. I don't think those things either. It is true that you can be quite randomly killed in America, though. People make fun of this nation for it.

I'm just stating the facts. Hell, learning about Columbine was mandated by school. As I grew up we even got stupid increased security measures until I'm pretty sure after I graduated they straight up had metal detectors at the doors. What I'm saying is, it's perfectly natural to be indoctrinated to ideas and find them hard to shake when this kind of thing is shoved down your throat. It's just facts.

Claiming to be "woke" doesn't really impress me. Anyway there's a reason I don't watch the news anymore but ingrained ideas are ingrained ideas. For the same reason I wouldn't walk through a low income black neighborhood, I am wont to be suspicious of anybody in any place that looks to be suspicious. And for what it's worth, these shootings *do* happen. Even if the media overblows it every time, it's still a distinct possibility. Not as possible as a drunk driver killing you, but that's not near as widely reported. This is how culture and memes work.

>> No.20586902

its a japanese game meant to be played by japanese people. the best americans can do is shut up

>> No.20586996

It's rare to see educated and reasonable people around this shithole nowadays. I might not agree with some of the stuff you say but reading it un the way you wrote is enough for me.

>> No.20588945

Holy shit, you have to go back.
School children are many times more likely to die from car crashes, lightning strikes, plane crashes, or MURDER BY A FAMILY MEMBER than in a school shooting. And yet here you are, expressing your wish for certain forms of expression to just go away because you think speech is dangerous.
Kindly fuck off.

>> No.20589002

what's with all the moralfags coming out of the woodwork

- don't shoot up any schools
- don't convince anyone to shoot up any schools

if nobody is doing either of these things then either enjoy it if it's your thing or ignore it if it's not your thing, this isn't fucking rockets science here

>> No.20589338

Anyone else find these type of games boring?

>> No.20589480

RPG Maker action/horror games?

>> No.20589734

unfortunately this japanese game for japanese people has a unique interpretation when viewed from a purely american perspective and so the rest of jp has to read this moralfag burger malarkey as if it has anything to do with them or japan

>> No.20589960


Baizuo gonna baizuo.

>> No.20589990

Does Japan have a word like "baizuo"? It's a very amusing term but I'd prefer to use the Japanese version if possible.

>> No.20590216

Which file do I copy the English patch into?

>> No.20590240

Read the patch's readme.

>> No.20590515

Calm down, nigga.

While I don't like them I straight up said >>20585951
>I wouldn't ban anything like this, I just have no interest in it.
I think that highlighting it has demonstrably done no good at all since the 90s, but I wouldn't ever push for outright censorship. Seriously, actually read my posts rather than pretending I said something I didn't simply because I don't like thing.

>> No.20590553 [DELETED] 

one more thing though: I acknowledged that the likelihood is low to be caught in a school shooting compared to things like drunk drivers and my entire point was that fear is irrational, but expected given American cultural context.

I was saying that that's the kind of view that's common as a response to someone suggesting that it would be uncommon or strange to feel that way on this English language imageboard with largely an American userbase. I mean, that's what this guy was asking about >>20585951. And then here there's Anon claiming it's odd to be bothered >>20586032 . I explained why it's not odd at all.

>> No.20590568

one more thing though: I acknowledged that the likelihood is low to be caught in a school shooting compared to things like drunk drivers and my entire point was that fear is irrational, but expected given American cultural context.

I was saying that that's the kind of view that's common as a response to someone suggesting that it would be uncommon or strange to feel that way on this English language imageboard with largely an American userbase. I mean, that's what this guy was asking about >>20584534. And then there's Anon claiming it's odd to be bothered >>20586032 . I explained why it's not odd at all.

>> No.20590655

the world isnt the us, dont force other countries to comply to your culture

>> No.20590712

Don't be so triggered by things I didn't do or say, anon.

>> No.20590753

Fair enough.

>> No.20590840

Sigh, wrangling a big tittied aggressive Japanese girl looks like fun sport.

>> No.20591170


Imagine a fictional setting where that's a combination coming of age and mating ritual. The big tittied Japanese girl, upon reaching the age of maturity, dons a tactical vest and the weapon(s) of her choosing. The man who finally wrangles her under control becomes her husband. You could get a whole manga and/or anime out of exploring the rationale behind such a practice and its consequences.

>> No.20591253

It's better to say that the userbase is largely Western than to say that it is specifically American (even if half of it probably is American). There are lots of Europeans on 4chan, myself included, in addition to people from such countries as England, Australia and New Zealand.

>> No.20591314

So it's a RAR file and I use Rar extractor pro because they just refuse to open. But I opened it with notepad and it's just random symbols. What do?

Yes I'm dumb with tech, I just want to understand

>> No.20591332

>Rar extractor pro
What the hell is that? Install a proper archiver, like https://www.7-zip.org/download.html.. With a proper archiver open the archive and extract the patch to the game folder.

>> No.20591440

He's allowed to dislike it without
>wishing certain forms of expression to go away because you think speech is dangerous
Not all statements of dislike are arguments against something being allowed to exist. I see this bullshit way too often on the internet. He's exercising his freedom of speech by criticizing something. That's why it exists. So people can be critical.

>> No.20591590

I think the reason some posters thought he didn't want games like this to exist was the following sentence from >>20584524.
>I don't think school shootings are something you should make a game out of, not these days.
Until he followed up with an explanation you could interpret it this way.

>> No.20591679

Less politics, more Erikku.

>> No.20591787

Yes. Most of them aren't very special with their gameplay.

>> No.20592091

Now this sounds like a way more wholesome game already.

>> No.20592146

Not me tho. I said so, different poster.

>> No.20592195

Anyone managed to get a 5 star rating somehow?
My highscore was 50 and the police caught me for a 3 star rating only.

>> No.20592362

So at what point does this stop being harmless fantasy and start being something you and those around you should be concerned about?

>> No.20592949

This is an 18+ site, so no one here is in danger of shooting up a school, as they've all graduated already.

>> No.20593005

I like dark fiction, but I can't handle rape, or violence against children/adolescents. Personally, I think those elements are a crutch.

>> No.20593036

>I can't handle rape, or violence against children/adolescents.
Why do you think rape against adults is more acceptable?

>> No.20593880

Is there an ending beyond getting arrested/killed by a yandere?

>> No.20595740
File: 187 KB, 600x1730, I'm a creap I'm a wierd dought, I doughnut belong here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you doughnut belong here

>> No.20595795

That's not the point.

>> No.20595836

What's the point? It's like having a fantasy of being a shota with an oneeesan harem when you're 50.

>> No.20596375

the controls are clunky for an action game

>> No.20596611
File: 24 KB, 249x222, MERELY PRETENDING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always knew .22 would be effective againt the Japanese
Artist has a nice pixiv tho

>> No.20596628

At no point, just fuck off and stop bringing reality to fantasy.

What's wrong with these new users? Do you also want to complain and pointlessly discuss about rape and lolicon eroge being "not okay"? How did you even ended up on this board?

>> No.20596633

>not even any synthwave or pumped up kicks
It's like he can't even meme properly. Also wtf is with the 10/22? What a shitty rifle to try to shoot up anything with.

>> No.20596661

That’s what this picture’s from? Lmao

>> No.20596924

A lot of the blame for mass shootings, particularly school shootings, can be put on the media. Becauee they've sensationalized every shooting incident, it's become ingrained in the cultural psyche of Americans and has made it much more likely for an angry, frustrated, mentally unstable individual to copy those crimes that have become so popular.

>> No.20597053

feelio when you're third worlder and middle schoolers murdering each other is no biggie

(someone should release a mod where she gets warped into a brazilian school with her pea shooters)

>> No.20597120

Does this game have a leaderboard?

>> No.20597247

Remember the days when you could play a school shooting simulator on Newgrounds, released *months* after Columbine, and no one online would give a shit?

>> No.20597260
File: 104 KB, 768x569, 4862e28f738102efaac30720ac804571595c359febfbe73b94e760e590712391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember....
Those were the fucking days

>> No.20598421

>not using based winrar
Is this a zoomer board?

>> No.20598434

Do you remember Billy Cosby Fun Game or Chocolate Rambo? Both got pulled. Luckily I saved the .swf of Chocolate Rambo but for some reason flash player won't run it. Sucks, it's a fun game.

>> No.20598473

What you use and what you recommend are separate matters.

>> No.20598488

>school shooting simulator
Don't you mean that game where you were caught in a school shooting and fought back? I think it was one of the first on the site, made before proper games were even possible in Flash. Is it still up?

>> No.20598515

Yeah if I was picked as the designated school shooter and all I had was a 10/22 I would be really worried about it jamming up on me or a FTF like most .22s I've used do and look like a total dork in front of all the remaining kids. I bet some some jock would probably bodyslam and T-bag me.

>> No.20598599

how long is this game, hows the structure and is it good, just wondering before downloading

>> No.20598847

It ends until the police arrive, character movement is up down left and right only. No diagonals.

>> No.20598944

It's both not very long and objectively a better game than Hatred. Not something I'd call amazing, but a fun time waster with some neat mechanics. I wish there was something like an actual planning phase, but alas, it was probably beyond what the guy wanted to accomplish. Not like the school shooting sim market is large though.

>> No.20598965

I've got to say, I fucking hate how imprecisely this controls.

>> No.20601977

as you can see, /jp/ has fallen so far that everyone posts here including concerned soccer moms. It's a joke how much the whole site changed.

>> No.20602340

not only do you shit up /k/, now you're jumping boards?

>> No.20603200


>> No.20603294

What do you think are soccer moms' favorite /jp/ threads? Do they come here for 2hu, otoge, male idols?

>> No.20603366

/blog/, mahjong threads, and 4chan cup threads, like >>20590294

>> No.20603428

>Hell, learning about Columbine was mandated by school.
And you don't think there's anything odd about this?

>> No.20603476

>How did you even ended up on this board?
This thread was on the front page.

>> No.20603628
File: 18 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh feeluns
>muh monies
>wait, privileged men have feelings too? Impossible!
What did you expect, you fucking coward.

>> No.20603640

Woops, wrong anon. Sorry

>> No.20604087
File: 409 KB, 944x4013, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you were caught in a school shooting and fought back?
You are also given the option to execute combatants who surrender and your fellow non-combatant classmates
>Is it still up?
I don't have flash on my computer anymore so I haven't played it myself in years
The reddit invasion of two years ago is partly to blame, but it was inevitable - the original cohort of 4chan users came from a much different, nihilistic and honestly meaner internet. Ten years ago if you waltzed into a thread here and started genuinely arguing for whatever dumb conspiracy theory about jews/etc. is in vogue on the NSFW boards these days you'd be rightly trolled out of existence

>> No.20604101
File: 406 KB, 707x1000, 1537882431084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*and before anyone jumps down my throat, we could have EASILY become the next tumblr instead and should be thankful that didn't come to pass.

I just want the old days back when no one gave a shit about the real world.

>> No.20604114

Is 4chan confusing? I have literally no idea how Reddit functions to this day. Possibly because I've never attempted to use it but I have no idea how the basic layout, thread searching or anything is supposed to work from the times I've ended up there from google searching the answer to something. 4chan has always been a straightforward message board with images allowed on the side of posts. None of those weird cascading out of order comments.

>I don't have flash on my computer anymore
What's with dorks like you? Do you hear "x is obolete soon" and then just bandwagon on whatever the latest thing is or are you one of those noscript no java no flash no torrents paranoid types?

>> No.20604158

That screenshot gave me cancer, holy shit.

>> No.20604187

People who only have experience with reddit's tree-style comment structure can find the sequential ordering of posts tedious to navigate
The more I think about it though, she's probably referring to the difficulty of understanding chan culture and all of its injokes, slang, cultural references
>noscript no java no flash no torrents paranoid types?

>> No.20604373

Oh yes, Pico's School! Thanks for the link. It works.

>> No.20604406
File: 96 KB, 1064x731, 1546810047862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The reddit invasion of two years ago is partly to blame
Pic related.

>> No.20604957

Why does /v/ talk about reddit so much anyway? You used to never hear of it, then it's all reddit this and tumblr that. It's like a /v/tard calling card when they start whining about reddit. Especially when they think it's wordfiltered or something. Does saying reddit get you banned on /v/ or what? Why do they say leddit and stuff sometimes?

With the increase on them on /jp/ I have to hear about it more than /pol/ boogeymen whining about Jews and cucks. It's all "SJW reddit tumblr" and that nonsense phrase about tofumen that gets filtered and makes them complain about it.

"Normie" is almost certainly 4chan /r9k/'s fault. They're the ones flooding all the boards with frogposting bullshit and /pol/ topics. At least you can't blame any other site than 4chan for normie usage.

>> No.20605014

You can't say "hello (r/l)eddit" because of the spam filter. The leddit term was probably used to avoid the first spam filter and probably used for mockery.

>> No.20605015

It is possible that 'normie' spread from /r9k/ to social media like reddit and then back to the rest of 4chan. /r9k/ leaks its memes all over the Internet.

>> No.20606297
File: 47 KB, 299x250, superthumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, this game really brings back memories

>> No.20606416

That's why it's set in Japan and all the guys are bottom little shotas!

>> No.20606580

That's why you get a sidearm.

Also you probably are getting F2F because the magazines suck ass.

>> No.20607452

>/pol/acks are colonizing new territory but still check in with the homeland now and again
I once again curse moot for caving and recreating /new/

>> No.20608951
File: 25 KB, 211x289, Eric_Harris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Created by Eric

>> No.20609881

4chan is straightforward as fuck but used to perhaps be more difficult to follow prior to 4chan X and the native extension.

Good luck keeping track of who replied to you here without good ol backwash, quote links, and (you)s. I've always been fine with 4chan, but vanilla 4chan is a bitch.

>> No.20609901

Yeah it's almost like it's been an age, many more shootings, and values have shifted as a result or something.

Once upon a time, Columbine was an event that was probably unthinkable to replicate. Now we get a tragedy every four months.

>> No.20609916

Actually I should say "here" as in "the whole site". /jp/ takes it easy

>> No.20610298

It was never really a problem for me. I use the extension nowadays but I can live without it. But then I can tell when I see one of my posts from back in 2009 in Warosu's archive so keeping track isn't really difficult.

In fact, I tend to close most threads I reply to and only revisit them like days later in my history or searching for what I wrote in a post to see if someone replied to it. I also don't keep up with that many threads either. To top it off, the (you) thing is cookie based and I tend to use private mode or multiple browsers a lot.

In the end, before 4chan existed and there were just forums, it wasn't hard to just read a thread and see who quoted your post or seemed like they were replying to you. It seems like backlinks and (you)s just lets you skim a thread without reading anything and focus on getting replies or carrying on some private argument. Only really useful if you're shitposting in multiple fast moving threads.

Really? I've only heard of like 3 school shootings ever.

>> No.20611023

Not only school shootings.

>> No.20612345

I used to browse 4chan all day everyday without all of that and without the catalog, now I can't imagine doing it at least without the catalog...

>> No.20612958

>we could have EASILY become the next tumblr instead
What does this mean? Tumblr and 4chan are both used to share images, and many images on 4chan were downloaded from Tumblr.

>> No.20613427

Tumblr's politics of social and cultural radicalism could have easily made the jump to here. It's a pure fluke of history that tumblr was chosen as the hub for adherents of those ideologies back in 2011-2012.

>> No.20613937

To a degree, it has. You can find seemingly unironic appeals to it on many boards; due to its subject matter and insular nature /jp/ is one of the least affected. But I don't think the Tumblr mindset ever had a chance to fully occupy 4chan. Anonymous posting kepts it out through political incorrectness (I mean casual violation of taboos, not /pol/), ephemeral threads and lack of lasting identities. Without an identity you can't harass someone for months for saying "nigger". Ephemeral threads still work despite there being archives. You can reply to an old post on warosu, but few will see it and the original poster most probably won't.

>> No.20614317

>Why does /v/ talk about reddit so much anyway?
It's been here a while and present on all the high-traffic boards. Complaining about Reddit in many forms has been a thing well before the election, when SRS was the big bad for a lot of posters on /pol/. In retrospect, at least half the people obsessing over the site were probably people who not only used it regularly, but came from there in the first place.
There's a certain type of poster who browses both forums. The relationship this type of person has with Reddit can be easily summed up as an angsty young kid who has mommy issues. They hate Reddit's cringiness, politics and heavy moderation, so they go to a site where they can say anything they want. But instead of just enjoying it and leaving Reddit, they feel a huge compulsion to constantly bitch about it instead. They also don't see they share many qualities with where they come from; they are very gullible and tend to be trolled easily, base the worth of all their posts and comments on how much attention it garners, and care very heavily about what other posters think of them. They also can't quite seem to stop using Reddit either. Apparently even with extensions and a catalog, a board with pictures and text in chronological order is somehow too fucking complicated to navigate. I think this comes from them being so used to what they see being filtered, so when raw discussion is shown they find it unsatisfying and want to skip to the good content. So as a result, they simply have to spend their time alternating between acting out on Reddit and then coming here and dramatizing it.
These people are very monkey see-monkey do types, so when they flooded the site during the elections they propagated all the garbage they liked everywhere else, and forced them so hard it made various boards straight up unusable. But they've been here long before the election, even if they weren't here in as high amounts. It's especially true nowadays though, most people complaining about Reddit are people who came from there and predominantly use it. That's why you see so much of it everywhere.

>> No.20614535

It's very much in the minority and has to contend with it's ideological rivals, which dominate or hold sway over most of the boards.
In many cases, it's resurfaced less through standalone support for the ideology and more as part of larger backlash against the fallout from the 2014-2016 era

>> No.20614697

Oh, not like it matters considering the internet is nothing but 4chan, Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube, Reddit and Google recycling one another posts and shitposting one another because they're the "enemy" without realizing everyone browses those same sites because of how overly-centralized the entire internet has become. It's all the same shit no matter where you go now and the core of the internet a repost of a repost of a repost.

>> No.20614869
File: 248 KB, 1372x1952, 1518353464382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it heartening that you didn't mention Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or Pinterest - at least there is enough siloing of content still present that we aren't yet at the stage where literally every piece of content gets regurgitated through the human centipede of meme accounts and reaction channels in the span of 6 hours

I mean it's going to happen, we're going to hit the Content Singularity. I will then grab my SKS and SSD full of classic /jp/ kopipe and head for the hills; you're free to join me and start up the /jp/ mansion in an abandoned cold war bunker when that happens. I mean I could always learn Japanese instead but we all know that will NEVER happen wwww

>> No.20614874

>There's a certain type of poster who browses both forums. The relationship this type of person has with Reddit can be easily summed up as an angsty young kid who has mommy issues. They hate Reddit's cringiness, politics and heavy moderation, so they go to a site where they can say anything they want. But instead of just enjoying it and leaving Reddit, they feel a huge compulsion to constantly bitch about it instead. They also don't see they share many qualities with where they come from; they are very gullible and tend to be trolled easily, base the worth of all their posts and comments on how much attention it garners, and care very heavily about what other posters think of them.
Quoting to highlight a good observation. It may go unnoticed because you didn't put enough 'reddit spacing' between the paragraphs.

>> No.20614883

>I find it heartening that you didn't mention Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or Pinterest
You are right, it simply slipped my mind. Special mention to Interest for completely ruining any and all image search engine.

>> No.20615030

I've seen something like "self-righteous Westerner" when I went to read Futaba once, but I can't remember what the Japanese words were at all.

>> No.20615392

if you get 60 kills you get 5-star and it unlocks the bump stock

>> No.20615634

>Content Singularity
Good one, anon.

While the mostly-automated artificially intelligent cringe compilation pipeline that sucks in the entire Internet and shits out terrible YouTube videos that destroy whatever fandoms they touch may happen, I think it is less probable than it seemed even a few years ago. More importantly, even if it does happen it will do less damage than you would have expected at the time. The reason is that we're finally seeing a trend towards Internet decentralization. A bunch of individual people and companies are creating competition to existing social media whose smaller size is compensated by the ability to communicate with each other.

This has several consequences. It makes it easier to leave if your community starts going to shit, while still following whoever you want to follow from there. (Try this with your favorite artists on Twitter. Japan is actually leading the way here with pawoo.net and several other Mastodon servers.) It allows users to preemptively distance themselves from content they don't like. Most importantly, it keeps idiotic clickbait from spreading because "trending"-based recommendations don't leave their host community.

Once you have these limitations in place, I think the likelihood of a global Content Singularity falls considerably. It becomes harder to produce and harder to spread cheap viral content, reducing revenue. It still may gain enough power to kill 4chan, though.

>> No.20616728
File: 437 KB, 816x624, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So close.

>> No.20616899

This is a japanese game. Don't deny what you've said, anon.

>> No.20616962

I have to admit, I've shitposted about reddit on /jp/ before, nothing to big, just a few posts on existing threads, and none of the anons have taken the bait, I'm impressed that anons on /jp/ are more mature than those on other boards.

>> No.20619102

dont implicate this sort of moralfaggotry on the rest of us

>> No.20619112

if you press Z on the wall left to the safe 10 times, you get 1 million and can buy out everything

>> No.20619527

I tend to always read the entire thread, but comment tracking keeps me aware of who's replying to who and such. Even something like no backlinks used to make keeping track more than a bit annoying, not only with your own conversations

>> No.20620677

How many endings does this game have? Is there a suicide ending? Can you kill the knife chick?

>> No.20621145

1. get caught by teachers
2. run out of time
3. stand on pipebomb
4. get knifed by yandere, yeah you can kill her for a significant bonus

>> No.20621983

What >>20621145 said.
That said, I do hope there'll be more endings soon. The game's received an update once already, it'd be nice to have more endings, more things to do, more playmodes, who knows.
I for one would like to have an option to try to fight the police after they arrive.

>> No.20622056
File: 10 KB, 228x267, postal 2 suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like a suicide and an escape ending. Without these your options seem incomplete.

>> No.20622894

what happens if a school boy beats you up? Is that the same as getting captured by teachers?

>> No.20622924
File: 458 KB, 804x613, High Score.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20622952

No shit dude,have you played the game?
Schoolboys are cancer

>> No.20622956

Teach me your school shooting ways.

>> No.20622964

Get the tec 9, it's the best gun before the unlocked automatic AR 15 you can get after you score 60 kills.

>> No.20622983

>Too many school shootings lately.
You meant to say 'too much bloated over-dramatized media coverage of school shootings to frighten or guilt-shame sheep into obeying a political agenda.'

>> No.20623180

I'm pretty sure I didn't. Don't bring that bullshit into this.

That's got nothing to do with "forcing other countries to comply to your culture."

>> No.20623330

whats your routine school shooter anons? Personally, I chase down the people playing soccer, then shoot up the gymnasium, then the pool, then the cafeteria. after that I kinda lose my sense of direction and aimlessly wander around blasting for the last minute or so

>> No.20623459 [SPOILER] 
File: 804 KB, 850x2200, 1547335200284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20623560

I don't think anyone has to worry about someone thinking that this game reflects reality. A girl that cute would fuck away the depression with all of those soccer team boys

>> No.20623675

Gym, pool, cafeteria, library. The soccer players are a waste of time. Suggestions where to go from the library are welcome.

>> No.20623911

I-I wish I could have saved her from her path of destruction. then take her as my bride

>> No.20624672

Why are girls worth more points than boys?

>> No.20624767


>> No.20625294

I'm guessing she suffered more bullying from her fellow whores

>> No.20625367

She is a lesbian.

>> No.20625460

So what about this appeals to /jp/? Is this a fetish thing? Honest question, not judging.

>> No.20625525

it's worryingly easy for many of us to empathize with her

>> No.20625776

Same reason why the protag is a girl.

>> No.20625811

Before backlinks I used to be rather efficient at reading post numbers and keeping them in my short term memory (unconsciously, I think). I remember always being aware of how many posts a board had had. Nowadays I have no idea what the number is for any board, even /jp/ right now because I don't passively read the number string anymore. Maybe this is why the GET tradition died: post numbers have left everyone's attention forever.

>> No.20625984
File: 811 KB, 1200x900, 1461925564268-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the girl is cute and i enjoy guns that's about it

>> No.20626020

no, he is right. if anything, there are too few school shootings.

>> No.20626041
File: 2.72 MB, 1116x964, 09932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a cartoon game made by a guro artist in RPG maker.
it's edgy sure, but the boundaries of what is and isn't edgy are always being pushed, and being a mass shooter/terrorist is definitely "in-vogue" these days. i might be rambling,
I usually don't consider things like this art but i'll make an exception here, the disgust your feeling is good. Take some time to reflect on why you're feeling this disgust, I don't particularly think of this game as anything more than a cute edgy spectacle but if it can make you really think about this bizarre 21st century phenomena of mass alienation among the youth then we have then it's done some good.
polite semi-off topic sage

>> No.20626046

ignore the shoddy grammar i am actually drunk

>> No.20626128



>> No.20626178

amazingly enough, I did indeed see the post I replied to. Yes, the very same low effort visual drivel that you have linked AGAIN. Get the fuck off the internet if you can't handle this discussion, you fucking child.

>> No.20626189

One of my favorite things about the game is that the protagonist is not, as far as we know from her own thoughts, a victim of bullying. Her family life is fucked up, and as a result she is lonely and "broken" (her word), so she wants to share her pain. No attempt is made to justify her actions as some kind of a vigilante act of revenge against bullies or any such cliche. It's refreshing.

>> No.20626211
File: 983 KB, 1500x1062, __mizuhashi_parsee_touhou_drawn_by_gaoo_frpjx283__b71274eb465b9cfadde50574c231f039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20626427

It's a kind of fun game where the enemies happen to be annoying bitches with whistles instead of mutant aliens.

>> No.20626429

It died because mods stopped stickying them and also because of dubs bullshit, and probably also because of get raiding other boards.

>> No.20626698

as been said before, the girl being cute.
But also the violence. Personally I like it when cheerful music plays.

>> No.20627962

This game gives me an idea for a VN about the aftermath

>> No.20628280

Between the time I posted this and now I lost interest in writing it. Someone make a doujin where she gets fucked back to normal by the baseball team

>> No.20628300
File: 99 KB, 566x943, play the pol card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20628343



>> No.20628422



>> No.20628554
File: 157 KB, 565x541, 1547272045857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meta discussion is /jp/ heritage

>> No.20628797

It sure is, Akane-chan.

>> No.20629560

Please don't go to school today, Akane-chan.

>> No.20629638

>she gets fucked back to normal

>> No.20629935

This thread has made me realize that years of H doujinshi have turned me into a boring man with vanilla tastes. Don't judge

>> No.20630134

I wish I could get off to vanilla dojinshi. There are so many more of them.

>> No.20630212
File: 108 KB, 849x619, wack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recursion is wack

>> No.20630303

Pretend that I own him with superior /bant/ maymays for infinity

>> No.20630407

Don't bemoan being boring. Try to think of a less boring plot. For example, if you want a straight doujin with rape like >>20628280 suggests but still pretty vanilla, the next paragraph is what I can come up with off the top of my head. Do judge me. For yuri you can work off https://danbooru.donmai.us/pools/12044..

A sad angry perverted military otaku boy with a secret crush on the main character notices her staking out the school (cue pantyshot through binoculars). He follows her home, peeps in and sees her training with the food cans (cue sexy gun poses), sees the pipe bombs on the kitchen counter and figures out what's up. He charges in to stop her. They fight, then wrestle and end up on the floor (easy to have lewd wrestling panels here). They damage each other's clothes, he gets excited and the whole thing leads into a rape scene on the floor of her house. During the rape she orgasms and feels like her tension has been relieved. She stops fighting him and they talk. After a short time he confesses to her. They fuck but this time consensually. He suggests they go co-op. She agrees. Thanks to her relived tension and his knowledge of tactics (this is naive but makes him more useful) they don't actually kill the guard at the entrance giving them more time. They start clearing the classrooms stealthily, then openly, then fight the yandere bitch and one or both of them get injured. Bloodied and dirty, they fuck again in full tactical gear inside the school. The doujin ends on a kiss as they prepare for a last stand against an incoming wave of SWAT. 32 pages, half of them sex.

>> No.20630808

You do not belong here. Leave and never return.

>> No.20630825

Nah that sounds dumb
Pages 1-2 Shooter-chan is caught by wild baseball team, loses her nerve and begs to be turned over to police
Pages 3-7 Team agrees to stay silent in return for her weapons and sex, first gangbang
Pages 8-9 Montage of day after
Pages 10-15 Further sexual coercion, public sex, losing to the dick
Page 16 Time skip to super genki Shooter-chan as head of cheerleading team with barely concealed remote control egg vibrator

>> No.20630969

Are there any other Japanese school shooting games besides this and the Gal Gun series?

>> No.20631051


>> No.20631066

Because you're not like us and you are not being cool or special or funny by trying to stand out. Get a trip so me and others can filter you and never see your posts again.

>> No.20631079

It's fine to stand out in a good way. It's bad to stand out as a moralfag.

>> No.20631088

Stand out as a content provider, not some tumblr faggot complaining about something being problematic. Why are they even here? Is it the J-pop threads?

>> No.20631126

If there's one thing /jp/ isn't about, it's conformity.

If there's one thing /jp/ IS about, it's bitching about things you don't like.

This is how it's always been, anon. I think you're the one who doesn't belong.
For discussion's sake, though, which part of that post set you off?

>> No.20631154

What the fuck happened to this place? Even Suigin abandoned you for being turboniggers.
How long has it been like this? /jp/ was apathetic asshole floorshitter NEET central. Now it's full of feely shitters straight out of r/anime.

>> No.20631196

You seem upset

>> No.20631213

Oldfags left due to suicide, boredom, and if we're being honest, growing up. Namefags left because they stopped getting attention without their oldfag buddies. It happens.
You'll always have discount, yearish after the split oldfags like me, though.

>How long has it been like this?
Define "like this." Autistic arguments about nothing? Single against-the-grain posts getting people riled up over similar nothings? People immediately blaming outsiders and shit for things they don't like? Since forever. Shouldn't you know that?

>> No.20631275
File: 1.43 MB, 1008x1426, seija.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like all imageboards, /jp/ has pressure to conform, but often to the opposite of outsider standards.

>> No.20631853

Damn, if only that series was translated.

>> No.20632497

What is it about this game that's making me so attracted, I wonder? I keep thinking about it and I'm starting to have an interest in guns, they're kinda cool.

>> No.20632519

Is this a meme game like katawa shoujo? It seems too cringe, edgy, and probably made by a gaijin. Maybe I'm just growing old but I don't see any appeal in this, but its posted all over this site

>> No.20632589

>meme game
>too cringe
>growing old
You've hit 20, anon? Instead of assuming the game is made by a gaijin you could do a little research and find out. For example, you could read the OP and see that it includes an English patch link. With this in mind, you could read the release announcement linked in the OP to determine the game's original language.

>> No.20633759
File: 67 KB, 602x709, 54930364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your healthy mindset is ruining my mongolian claymation echochamber's culture of cynicism
>shitposting here is serious business
Take a glass of water and calm down.

>> No.20633863

So after playing this I still don't understand why after massacring her fellow classmates and teachers she doesn't try to merc a cop or two. I mean she's never going to come out of jail except in a body bag.

>> No.20633872

I'm both happy and sad that the sense of tragedy and despair this artist puts into his pictures isn't really present in this game.

>> No.20634040

who are you quoting? get out of /jp/

>> No.20634079

I think you think you're on /a/.

>> No.20634228
File: 113 KB, 971x1057, OL 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a few days in this thread, I'm kinda glad that I suffer from extreme anxiety and obsessive tendencies instead of just pure terminal depression

>> No.20634272

>Listen, many people are products of their culture.
School Shootings are an American problem despite them not being exposed to Japanese RPG maker school shooting games.
Not sure why you think this is going to be what causes the issue considering it's rampant in a country where this isn't a thing.

>> No.20637566

Your thoughts.

I call out bullshit no matter what board it may be.

>> No.20638376
File: 957 KB, 800x2340, 71692437_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is kinda boring. Also, I couldn't find the senpai protector girl with the knife.

I wish this author would focus more on his 4koma series. I like how he's developing Aya's slow drift into deadlier and deadlier improvised devices.

>> No.20638543
File: 913 KB, 800x2340, 71692437_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also funny how her friend has basically resigned herself to the fact that Aya is now making mustard gas in her bedroom

>> No.20638614

Whomst've quotient?

>> No.20638622

By misusing the quoting feature?

>> No.20638794

autism sticks

>> No.20638835

I say they can eat a bullet too

>> No.20639009

Don't get mad when other people hate otakus when you post edge like this.

>> No.20639876

Everything sticks until it goes away
And the truth is, we don't know anything

>> No.20639876,2 [INTERNAL] 

corona got me to stay home from my middle school for 4 months straight, gotta thank the virus that i was able to find this game.

>> No.20639876,3 [INTERNAL] 

im a gamer i game

>> No.20639876,4 [INTERNAL] 

dont do it turt

>> No.20639876,5 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.20639876,6 [INTERNAL] 

>middle school

>> No.20639876,7 [INTERNAL] 

