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2012321 No.2012321 [Reply] [Original]

Umineko Spoilers, etc

So is Lambadelta actually Takano?

>> No.2012331

Not an Umineko spoiler, technically.

>> No.2012338

This is the fabled Higurashi sequel, I cannot wait for it to be animated.

>> No.2012341

Who killed Nanjo and Kumasawa in eps 1?

>> No.2012347


Yes, Lambda plays Takano.


Fuck no, the anime will suck shit.

>> No.2012362

no, the which had already said Kanon was dead in red

>> No.2012356


At the very least, we know that it wasn't Maria, nor was it Nanjo, Kumasawa, or Genji.

Battler, Natsuhi, George and Jessica have their alibi.

Krauss and Shannon are dead, and Rosa, Gohda, Rufolf and Kyrie are confirmed dead as well.

Kinzo was dead from the beginning.

That leaves only Kanon, whose death is unconfirmed.

>> No.2012367


That was for episode 2.

>> No.2012365

i mean, witch

>> No.2012369

No red in the first episode

>> No.2012370

In before twist ending where Ange is the mastermind.

>> No.2012382

So if Eva didn't kill Nanjo in episode three, who did? Was Ange's future due to Beatrice denying witches, or did that even happen?

>> No.2012385

Actually they only identified Kinzo due to his polydactyly, so it might as well have been a fake body.

Here's my crazy pre-ep3/4 predictions/conspirancy theories, if anyone can refute them with info from the later episodes please do so:
1. Maria's father is supernatural. That's why she's naturally talented at magic. Rosa may or may not be aware of this.
2. Virgilia is Kinzo's deceased wife. Only people closely related to the Ushiromiya family bear the one-winged eagle (Bernkastel and Lambdadelta don't for example) and the only family members mentioned but not shown are Rudolf's late wife, Rosa's husband and Kinzo's wife.

>> No.2012399

>Kinzo was dead from the beginning.
I can't wait until eps 4 gets translated, so I can talk about this without feeling guilty

>> No.2012400

Episode 4 red text states that Kinzo is always dead before the family conference.

>> No.2012402

There are servants at Kuwadorian, and the obsession to which they describe his late wife as having sounds like it wouldn't be an act. But it's not unlikely.

>> No.2012404

a lot of anons are thinking that Hideyoshi killed Nanjo. If you kill him in the tips sections it says that he was still alive. its possible that Nanjo was killed by him.

I think the killer is Nanjo atm. He always dies towards the end of the game, and is the onmly one the family can turn to if someone dies. For all we know he is giving a false diagnosis. Also in episode 3 he starts spouting random babble about Beatrice, almost as if he was trying to throw off the idea of a human killer in favor of a supernatural one.

>> No.2012424

Do you remember in eps 2, before the family conference, Krauss said he had Genji and Nanjo on his side?

If we assume Nanjo is guilty, this puts Genji and Krauss on the top of the list of suspects too.

And the n theres Eva and Hideyoshi. Maybe even Rosa.

Surrounded by wolves indeed.

>> No.2012445

Depressing Ep4 ending is depressing ;_;

>> No.2012449

I still can't shake the idea that Kyrie's family is somehow involved in this. Random screens in episode 4 show they play a part in the story. Also in episode 3's ???? Ange explians that after she dies all of the money goes to Kyrie's family. Ange also has people who are after her life. The sickness she had is suspicious as well. It almost feels as if Kyrie's family is using Ange as a quick way to reap the rewards of marrying into the Uroshimiya family.

>> No.2012470

Genji probably committed some of the murders, since it's been shown that he's capable of killing in a quick, silent way.

I can't help but think that Gohda must've been involved with the initial episode 2 killings, considering all the food involved. I can't imagine people going back and forth from the kitchen that much without his knowledge.

>> No.2012466

It's also interesting to note that while George, Jessica, and Maria have the one-winged eagle tattooed on their skin. Battler does not.

>> No.2012473

Kyrie's twin sister is real bitch

>> No.2012478

Ah, this is interesting. I had made a note about Shannon of all people having the tattoo as well.

>> No.2012483

Maybe we've just never seen Battler naked.

>> No.2012498

How old is Shannon/Sayo anyway?

>> No.2012500

No, the reason he's not tattooed is because he's not the original Battler

>> No.2012505

L5 must be involved in some way.

>> No.2012514

In the middle of episode 3 right now. Can you confirm this or is this just a theory?

>> No.2012515

The same age as George

>> No.2012525

It's stated very clearly in Episode 4

>> No.2012593

This is all working under the assumption that the murders are not supernatural, but how about Jessica? Nanjo pronounced her dead in the second episode, but Beatrice's red only said "The corpse JESSICA" (caps here being red) when she listed those in her room. If she faked her death, she could have easily killed Kanon, moved the body, and locked herself in her room. This leaves her with a perfect alibi to move about freely for the rest of the game. Jessica was also one of those asleep in the same room as Maria and had easy access to Beatrice's letter and the key to the chapel. She also has the same hair color as Beatrice and could be masquerading as the witch in helping Shannon grows closer to George. Jessica did encourage Shannon before the witch ever appeared to the two servants. Plus, when Jessica stormed into Beatrice's room after the Halloween party, she was gone, and the two were never onscreen together (I'm counting the magic incident in her room as fake).

Jessica has no control over her life outside school and even created a different persona for herself there (possible hint she's Beatrice?). Her husband will inherit the island and all assets, and even Eva teased her about what a pathetic life she has.

>> No.2012636

I believe the red only works when the full sentence is in red, so this theory really is possible.

As for the Battler tattoo thing. Without looking at the spoilers some anon posted, isn't it possible to not have the tattoo. Battler was absent from the family for about 6 years, and as a results never got the one winged eagle put on his body.

>> No.2012655

You get the tattoo when you're at least 9 yrs old as Maria has it.
Battler left when he was 12

>> No.2012678

well shit. . . so maybe Battler isn't related to the Urroshimiya family (adopted?).

>> No.2012681

This is amazingly possible, actually, but the flaw here is that I love both Jessica and Beatrice, so I don't want my two waifus to have a Bad End ;_;

>> No.2012695

What I'm more curious about is why Shannon would have the tattoo and Kanon wouldn't, since they supposedly have come from the same orphanage.

>> No.2012704

Not possible, as he has to be related to the family to be able to participate in his Game with Beato

>> No.2012703

Shannon is Kinzo's favourite furniture that he made, isn't that right? Could be something like that.

>> No.2012708

He's disqualified from the game in Ep 4 for that reason, right?

>> No.2012713

Just to be clear, Battler does have a "tattoo"... it's just not the one-winged eagle

>> No.2012714

His dad is Rudolf and he is related to the family

>> No.2012723

Kannon is also Kinzo's furniture and has similar status. But aren't those two homunculi? Homunculi in alchemy are made mainly with one's sperm, so indeed they are a part of the Ushiromiya line in a way. But given how elitist the family is with the tattoo, it's still weird Shannon would get it.

>> No.2012724

Wait what

>> No.2012728

If the point of Umineko is to argue that all this supernatural business can't exist, it's possible that they're more closely related. Shannon could be Kinzo's lover's child that was sent to the orphanage where Kanon was staying for all we know.

>> No.2012738

Battler has a mark on his body that's related to his sin

>> No.2012740

Or, if the tattooing is something done a short time after birth, Shannon could be the actual daughter of Eva and Hideyoshi, who swapped her with a male child (George) to assert their dominance in the family. Kinzo seems to regard most kinds of bacteria higher than his children, and discovering such a trick may have had an effect on it.

>> No.2012744


What the hell are you talking about?

They never said this.

>> No.2012751

Devil's proof

>> No.2012761

I would like a George x Shannon twincest end.

>> No.2012773

Why are you guys even discussing tattoos?

Tattoos aren't even mentioned in the story.

>> No.2012774

That would explain why both or either of them would suddenly go on a killing spree.

>> No.2012784

I just went along with it

>> No.2012789

Because even if it's a part that hasn't been mentioned, it's both fun and interesting to read into. You silly goose.

>> No.2012810

Tattoo lovers in this thread have no reason.
It isn't a theory but just a daydream, so isn't interesting at all.
Crappy and boring.

>> No.2012825

I took this Anonymous' words as Ep3/4 information. Shannon has the one winged eagle tattoo as indicated by her portrait, unless that's a part of her uniform and looks like a tattoo due to deceptive Ryukishi07 art.

>> No.2012829

1) Forget Higurashi.
2) Deny ALL magical things if you are on the side of anti-fantasy.

These are probably necessary to reach the truth.

>> No.2012830

Maybe, but I always thought it was interesting that the whole family wore the eagle on the clothes/bodies on the left-hand side, whereas Battler was the only one who wore it on the right.

>> No.2012841


RyuKishi is using memes from Higurashi to trick you.


>> No.2012875

In before Bern is Rika with L5.

>> No.2012895
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Pic related. It's what he should have done from the start.

>> No.2012989

But he made my wife cry

>> No.2015669

Weren't there two kinds of tatoos?
Two kind of tatoos... two Battlers
also bump

>> No.2015745

Krauss has a right-sided eagle too.

>> No.2015800

Bernkastel is the one behind it all.Beatrice wants to help Battler, but in order to regain her true power she needs him to believe in her. Virgilia is Battler's mother.

>> No.2015896

Any info on next episode?

>> No.2015932
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Nope, it's on his left.

>> No.2015943

It points to the right.Same as Jessica's... Or did you mean it's on the right side? It's interesting anyway.

>> No.2015952

right side

>> No.2015970


>> No.2015975

Yeah, the cool dude from the Scooby Doo chapter.

>> No.2016040

>and even Eva teased her about what a pathetic life she has.
That reminds me of e3 tea party (Lambda's speech). Jessica's alter ego could have been supported by Lambdadelta and become the entity known as "Beatrice".That would explain why she's so fond of Battler - her mental age is 18.(Battler only dies when Eva gets the powers...)
I want to play ep4...
